Trang 2 Content1.Brief history of computer graphics2.Categorising computer graphics applications Trang 3 1.History of Trang 4 1960The concept of Computer Graphics was introduced by Wi
Trang 1Lesson 1
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Trinh Thanh Trung School of ICT, HUST
Trang 21 Brief history of computer graphics
2 Categorising computer graphics applications
3 Basic concepts of computer
Trang 3History of
computer graphics
Trang 4The concept of Computer
Graphics was introduced by
William Fetter 1963
Ivan Sutherland brought the idea of
Human Computer Interaction
MIT introduced the Sketchpad project
Ralph Baer created first commercial
▪ Odyssey Pinball
Trang 5GE created first fly simulation
system for NASA
Trang 6The Academy Award introduced new
Best Visual Effect category
Nintendo Entertainment System
(NES), also known as Nintendo
Family Computer (Famicom) in Japan was released
First 3D graphics commercial was created by
Pixar was founded
Trang 7New hardware graphics capabilities
were implemented Graphics cards became widely used 1991
idSoftware was founded
Pixar created Toy Story, first full 3D
animation motion picture
Microsoft introduced XBox
Trang 8The rise of Virtual Reality
2015 Occulus Rift was developed (later
bought by Facebook)
Google provided Google Cardboard
HTC created HTC Vive (in
association with Valve)
Sony introduced PlayStation VR Samsung introduced Samsung
Gear VR
Trang 9Computer graphics applications
Trang 10Categorised by field of applications
Trang 12Examples of computer graphics
Trang 15Square: Final Fantasy
Trang 19Basic concepts of computer graphics
Trang 20■ Computer graphics is the
methods and technologies for converting data to and from graphics devices via computers
Trang 21Definition of computer graphics
■ Computer graphics is a sub-field of
computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content
■ Interactive Computer Graphics: user controls contents, structure, and appearance of objects and their displayed images via rapid visual
Trang 22Graphics object modelling
■ Sample-based graphics
□ The image of object is represented via pixels,
which are discrete samples
□ Specification of sample-based graphics
▫ Fixed size
▫ Easy to replicate from existing scene
▫ Hard to manipulate or scale
Trang 23Graphics object modelling
■ Vector-based graphics
□ Represent graphics using object’s
specifications or features
□ Specification of vector-based graphics
▫ Hard to replicate real world objects
▫ Inconsistent size
▫ Can be easily manipulated or scaled
▫ Vector-based graphics object still needs to
be rasterized (i.e converted to
sample-based) to be displayed on the screen
Trang 24Any questions?
Trang 25Lecture notes provided by School of Information and
Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and
Composed by Huynh Quyet Thang, Le Tan Hung, Trinh Thanh
Trung and others
Edited by Trinh Thanh Trung
Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free:
■ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
■ Photographs by Death to the Stock Photo ( license )
■ Diverse device hand photos by Facebook Design Resources