Trang 1
Trang 2Second, I would like to thank the students, English teachers, vice principals, and principals of the school boards in TRINH HOAI DUC high school for their encouragement, financial support, and permission to conduct this thesis there
Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family for their unwavering support, love, and understanding, especially to my parents and husband
I certify my authorship of the Master’s Thesis submitted today entitled:
In terms of the statement of requirements for Theses in Master’s programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee of Faculty of English Language, THU DAU MOT University
Binh Duong, Octorber 2023
I hereby state that I, VÕ THỊ XUÂN MAI, being a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts (English Language) accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the Library
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my Master’s Thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Librarian for the care, loan, and reproduction for theses
Binh Duong, Octorber 2023
This study aimed to explore the teachers' and students' attitude toward the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English for Grade 10 at Trinh Hoai Duc high school This study used a mixed-methods approach, meaning that questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to gather both quantitative and qualitative data There were 7 teachers of English and 200 students from Trinh Hoai Duc high schools in Binh Duong Province who participated in the survey, and 7 teachers, 20 students of them were selected purposively for the individual interviews In terms of data analysis, qualitative data were analysed through content analysis, while quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics (such as mean and standard deviation) Drawing from the data analysis results, it can be concluded that Kahoot! is a useful tool for simultaneously learning writing, speaking, reviewing English, learning pronunciation, testing vocabulary, giving an exam, and improving grammar, reading, and vocabulary skills Also, the attitudes of both teachers and students are largely expressed as positive The majority of the students are engaged, motivated, better understanding, enthusiastic, engaging, joyful, feeling good, entertained, more engaged in class, paying attention, favouring Kahoot!, and prepared to use it in the upcoming lesson In summary, readers need to be aware of common issues like internet and technical problems As a result, the teachers are able to maintain the positive attitudes of the students
1.1 Background of the research 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Research purpose 2
1.4 Research questions 3
1.5 Significance of the study 3
1.6 Organization of the study 5
2.1 Definition of language learning attitude 7
2.2 Components of attitude 7
2.3 Game-based learning 8
2.3.1 Some key characteristics of game-based learning include: 9
2.3.2 Potential benefits of game-based learning: 9
2.3.3 Potential challenges of game-based learning: 10
2.3.4 Overview of the Kahoot! platform 12
2.3.5 Kahoot! as an educational technology tool for language teaching 13
2.3.6 Strategies for Integrating Kahoot! into Language Learning 14
2.3.7 Different approaches to using Kahoot! in language instruction: 15
Trang 72.3.8 Challenges and Opportunities of Utilizing Kahoot! as a Language
Teaching Tool 16
2.4 Previous Studies Related to the Effectiveness of Using Kahoot! in Teaching and Learning English 18
2.5 Conceptual framework 20
3.1 Research setting and participants 21
3.1.1 Research setting 21
3.1.2 Research participants 21
3.2 Research design 22
3.3 Sampling method 22
3.4 Data collection instrument 23
3.4.1 Teacher questionnaire 23
3.4.2 Student questionnaire 26
3.4.3 Design of teachers' interview: 29
3.4.4 Design of students' interview: 30
3.5 Research procedure 31
3.6 Data analysis 32
3.7 Reliability and validity 33
4.1 Results 35
4.1.1 Questionnaire results 35 Questionnaire to the teachers 35 Questionnaire to the students 44
Trang 84.1.2 Interview results 49
4.2 Discussion of the results 60
5.1 Summary of the main findings of the thesis 65
5.2 Pedagogical implications 66
5.3 Limitations 69
5.4 Recommendations for the further research 69
The first chapter of study presents information of background of the research, statement of problem, research purpose, research questions, and significance of the study and organization of the study
1.1 Background of the research
English language teaching and learning is rapidly evolving, and new advancements in educational technology offer opportunities to improve instructional methods for educators and enhance student learning experiences Kahoot! is a popular educational technology platform that provides an interactive and engaging way for students to learn, with a focus on competition and gamification The platform can be used in various contexts, including language teaching and learning, where it allows educators to create quizzes, games and other interactive materials to enhance learners' engagement and motivation
Trinh Hoai Duc High School is one of many institutions that have adopted Kahoot! as part of their English language teaching and learning strategies in Vietnam However, there is limited research on the effectiveness and impact of Kahoot! on English language learners at the high school level Additionally, while there has been some research on student attitudes towards Kahoot, there is a dearth of information on the attitudes of teachers who use the platform in their instruction
Therefore, this study aims to investigate teachers' and students' attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School The study will provide insights into how Kahoot! is being used in the classroom, identify the benefits and challenges of using Kahoot!, and highlight the attitudes of both teachers and students towards the platform The findings from this study will be valuable to educators, researchers and policymakers looking to improve instructional
Trang 10methods and enhance student learning experiences in English language teaching and learning contexts
1.2 Statement of the problem
While the use of educational technology, such as Kahoot!, is becoming increasingly popular in language teaching and learning, there is a lack of research examining its implementation and impact at the high school level Specifically, at Trinh Hoai Duc high school in Vietnam, there has yet to be a study conducted examining the attitudes of teachers and students toward the use of Kahoot! in English language instruction Thus, it is essential to explore the effectiveness of using Kahoot! as a supplemental tool in improving Grade
10 students' performance in learning English
Moreover, as the adoption of Kahoot! increases in schools, it is crucial
to evaluate the effectiveness of the platform in enhancing language learning outcomes With the changing landscape of education caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions have had to accelerate the use of digital tools to overcome the limitations posed by traditional classroom settings Identifying whether or not Kahoot! supports English language learning in such contexts is essential in order for educators to adapt to the new normal and continue to facilitate their students' education effectively
In this vein, the current study aims to investigate the attitudes of both teachers and students towards using Kahoot! as a supplemental tool in English language instruction at the high school level
1.3 Research purpose
This study identified how teachers and students are adopting Kahoot! In their teaching and learning; the attitudes of both teachers and students towards the platform; the comparison between teachers’ and students’ attitude; the benefits and challenges of using the platform in the classroom as a means of enhancing students' learning outcomes; and provide recommendations for optimizing the use of the platform in English language instruction The findings
Trang 11from this study will be of interest to educators, policymakers, and researchers alike, as they seek to utilize technology in ways that optimize learning outcomes for students in the new normal brought about by the global pandemic
1.4 Research questions
To achieve the aim of investigating the effectiveness of Kahoot! as a supplemental tool in English language instruction for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School and to address the gap in knowledge surrounding the attitudes of both teachers and students toward using Kahoot! in the classroom, the following research questions are proposed:
1 How is Kahoot! being used in the English language classroom for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School?
2 What are the attitudes of Grade 10 teachers towards using Kahoot! as
a supplemental tool in English language instruction at Trinh Hoai Duc High School?
3 What are the attitudes of Grade 10 students towards using Kahoot! as
a supplemental tool in English language instruction at Trinh Hoai Duc High School?
4 Are there any significant differences in attitudes towards using Kahoot! as a supplemental tool for English language instruction between Grade
10 teachers and students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School? If so, what are they?
1.5 Significance of the study
This study is significant because it sheds light on the potential impact of using Kahoot! as a supplemental tool in English language instruction for Grade
10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School By examining the attitudes of both teachers and students towards using Kahoot! in the classroom, this study can offer important insights into the English teaching and learning process Specifically, the following contributions can be made:
Trang 12Firstly, the findings of this study can show that Vietnamese students are increasingly interested in interactive and gamified learning environments, as demonstrated by their interest in playing competitive games Given this trend, the use of Kahoot! in English language instruction can be an effective way to engage students in the learning process and improve their language skills in a way that traditional methods may not By providing a competitive atmosphere and incentives for learning, such as winning and earning bonuses, Kahoot! can essentially transform the English language classroom into a more fun and stimulating environment
Secondly, the results of this study can provide valuable insights for English teachers at Trinh Hoai Duc High School, as well as for other English language educators in Vietnam and beyond, into how to effectively utilize Kahoot! in the classroom By identifying the potential benefits and challenges
of using the platform, educators can make informed decisions about how best
to integrate Kahoot! into their teaching practice Furthermore, the findings of this study may be used to develop curriculum and teaching materials that incorporate Kahoot! in order to better engage students and improve their learning outcomes
Thirdly, this study can help students understand the critical role that Kahoot! can play in their English language learning process By highlighting the potential benefits of the platform and demonstrating its effectiveness as a supplemental tool, students may become more motivated and invested in achieving their learning goals By increasing their awareness of Kahoot! as a valuable educational resource, students may also develop more positive attitudes towards English language learning and become more proactive learners
Lastly, the findings of this study have the potential to be generalized and replicated across other teaching contexts in Vietnam and other countries As the use of educational technology continues to grow in popularity in language
Trang 13teaching and learning, the lessons learned from this study could be applied to other contexts to improve pedagogical practices and enhance students' learning experiences
1.6 Organization of the study
The study consists of five chapters that follow a clear and concise structure In Chapter 1, the introduction provides the necessary background information regarding the research, problem statement, aims, and research questions It also highlights the significance of the study in addressing the gap
in knowledge concerning the attitudes of teachers and students towards the use
of Kahoot! in English language instruction for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School
Chapter 2 provides a thorough theoretical framework It defines language learning attitude, game-based learning, and introduces the Kahoot! platform Furthermore, it reviews previous studies related to the topic, providing a comprehensive understanding of the existing literature
Chapter 3 details the research methodology employed in the study It describes the research site, participants, course description, research design, research instruments, research procedure, data analysis, as well as the validity and reliability measures chosen to ensure accurate and trustworthy findings
In Chapter 4, the findings of the study and their implications are presented and discussed The tests and questionnaires are thoroughly analyzed and interpreted, leading to insightful understandings of the effectiveness of Kahoot! in English language instruction for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School The discussion also highlights the impact of Kahoot! on teaching and learning outcomes, adding new perspectives to this field of research
The final chapter, Chapter 5, provides a summary of the research questions and reflects on the implications of the findings Furthermore, it identifies the limitations of the study and offers recommendations for future
Trang 14research, providing valuable insights to guide future research endeavours in this field Overall, this study provides a solid contribution to the literature on gamified learning in language education, with a particular focus on the use of Kahoot! as a supplemental tool for improving English language instruction for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School
This chapter aims to provide definitions of language learning attitude and game-based learning, as well as an introduction to the Kahoot! platform The chapter also examines prior studies to identify the research gap
2.1 Definition of language learning attitude
Language learning attitude refers to an individual's overall predisposition towards learning a second or foreign language Positive language learning attitudes are associated with motivation and engagement with language learning activities, while negative attitudes may lead to disengagement and a lack of interest in language learning (Mercer & Ryan, 2010)
2.2 Components of attitude
Attitude is a complex construct that is often classified into three interrelated components: affective attitude, cognitive attitudes, and behavioral attitude (McGroarty, 1996)
The first component, affective attitude, is often regarded as emotional attitude and refers to an individual's feelings or emotions towards other people
or objects (Wenden, 1991) Positive affective attitudes can promote engagement and motivation, while negative affective attitudes can lead to disengagement and apathy In the context of the study, positive affective attitude is demonstrated when students express their interest and motivation in their participation in Kahoot! games/quizzes
The second component, cognitive attitude, is related to learners' beliefs and knowledge about teaching and learning methods, classroom activities, and other aspects of language learning (Abidin, Mohammadi, & Alzwari, 2012) Cognitive attitudes can impact an individual's approach to language learning and their willingness to engage in various activities
Trang 16The final component, behavioral attitude, refers to learners' actions or behaviors towards somebody or something (Wenden, 1991) Positive behavioral attitudes can manifest as active participation and engagement in language learning activities, while negative behavioral attitudes can lead to disengagement and lack of participation In the study, positive behavioral attitudes are reflected in students' active participation and enjoyment of Kahoot! activities in class
In foreign language learning context, there are various factors that influence the learning process such as motivation, attitudes, anxiety, learning achievements, aptitudes, intelligence, age, personalities, etc (Shams, 2008) The matter of learner’s attitude is acknowledged as one of the most important factors that impact on learning a language (Fakeye, 2010)
Language learning attitude is considered as an essential factor influencing language performance and received considerable attention from both first and second language researchers Weinburgh (1998) believe that attitudes toward learning influence behaviors such as selecting and reading books, speaking in a foreign language Generally, it is believed that learners’ attitudes dictate whether or not they will be able to absorb the details of language In other words, achievement in a target language relies not only on intellectual capacity but also on the learner’s attitudes toward language learning This means that learning language should be approached primarily
as a social and psychological phenomenon rather than as a purely academic one As Tella, Indoshi, and Othuon (2010) investigated, negative attitude toward English is the most affective and psychological factor that results in the students’ poor performance in English
2.3 Game-based learning
Game-based learning is an instructional approach that uses play and games as a means to teach or reinforce a variety of skills or knowledge Game-based learning is distinct from gamification, which involves the use of game-like elements or mechanics to motivate learners (Dicheva et al., 2015)
Trang 172.3.1 Some key characteristics of game-based learning include:
Interactive and engaging: Games are a useful technique for teaching difficult or complex concepts in an interactive and pleasant fashion since they often ask for active participation and engagement (Connolly et al., 2012)
Aligned with learning goals: Effective game-based learning is designed with clear learning objectives in mind and is aligned with specific educational goals or outcomes (Dicheva et al., 2015)
Adaptable and customizable: It is possible to modify or customise game-based learning to suit the requirements of various learners or learning settings (Connolly et al., 2012)
Feedback and assessment: Games can be used for formative or summative assessment, giving students the chance to get feedback on their work and progress (Dicheva et al., 2015)
Collaborative: Games can be developed to encourage teamwork and social learning, enabling players to cooperate to achieve a common objective (Sung et al., 2016)
According to recent studies (Connolly et al., 2012; Hwang & Wu, 2012), game-based learning can be a useful tool for teaching a range of disciplines and concepts, from fundamental maths and literacy abilities to more difficult subjects like science and engineering Additionally, it has been demonstrated that game-based learning improves motivation, engagement, and memory among students of all ages (Dicheva et al., 2015; Sung et al., 2016)
2.3.2 Potential benefits of game-based learning:
Enhanced motivation and engagement: By making learning interesting and fun, games have the ability to boost learners' motivation and engagement (Plass, Homer, & Kinzer, 2015)
Trang 18Enhanced learning outcomes: Games' interactive and immersive features can help students memorise information and use it in new contexts (Pivec, 2014)
Customizable and adaptive: Games can be tailored to match the demands of many learners and can adjust to each learner's skill level (Kiili, 2016)
Real-time feedback: Playing games can give students immediate feedback on how they are doing This lets them keep track of their progress and change their strategies as necessary (Shute & Ke, 2012)
Collaboration and social learning: Games may be created to encourage social learning and teamwork, enabling players to cooperate to achieve a common goal (Lindgren & McDaniel, 2018)
2.3.3 Potential challenges of game-based learning:
Cost and accessibility: Game-based learning may not be suitable for all students and might be expensive to develop and administer (Lindgren & McDaniel, 2018)
Technical issues: Some learners may find it difficult to access or play games since they may require specialized equipment or software (Kiili, 2016)
Limited transferability: Games may be useful for teaching particular abilities, but they might not always correspond to real-world contexts (Pivec, 2014)
Overemphasis on rewards: According to some detractors, games may place too much focus on prizes, which could detract from players' natural desire to learn (Shute & Ke, 2012)
Lack of alignment with educational goals: According to Plass, Homer, and Kinzer (2015), games must be carefully created to correspond with certain educational objectives or standards, or they may not effectively support learning outcomes
Trang 19Recent studies have shown that, when games are thoughtfully created with learning outcomes in mind, the advantages of game-based learning can exceed the disadvantages (Kiili, 2016; Lindgren & McDaniel, 2018; Plass, Homer, & Kinzer, 2015) To fully comprehend the potential advantages and constraints of game-based learning methods, however, more investigation and evaluation are required
Using play and games to teach or reinforce a variety of skills or information is known as game-based learning As a fun and engaging way for students to practise and apply language abilities, game-based learning has proven to be a successful instrument for language teaching (Bektas & Kocakoyun, 2017) Here are some instances of how game-based learning might be applied to the teaching of languages:
Vocabulary acquisition: Crossword puzzles and vocabulary matching games are two examples of games that might assist students in learning and memorising new vocabulary words (Gonzalez-Laboy, 2014)
Speaking and listening skills: Role-playing or dialogue-based games can provide students practise speaking and listening in a realistic and practical way (Bektas & Kocakoyun, 2017)
Grammar: Games, such as sentence construction games, can be a pleasant and engaging way for students to practise and remember grammar rules (Fuertes-Olivera & Tormo, 2018)
Cultural understanding: According to Kukulska-Hulme (2012), learners can better grasp a language and culture by playing games that highlight cultural features of the target language
Recent studies have shown that game-based learning can be successful for learning a language For instance, Kukulska-Hulme (2012) discovered that using mobile games to encourage vocabulary acquisition among language learners was successful Similar findings were made by Fuertes-Olivera and
Trang 20Tormo (2018), who discovered that a game-based learning strategy helped Spanish language learners improve their grammatical knowledge
However, there are still difficulties in putting game-based learning into practise in language learning For instance, creating successful language learning games necessitates a thorough comprehension of language learning processes (Bektas & Kocakoyun, 2017) Furthermore, games must be thoughtfully created to guarantee that they support particular language learning objectives or outcomes (Gonzalez-Laboy, 2014)
All things considered, game-based learning shows potential as a useful instrument for language education, especially for boosting one's vocabulary, speaking and listening skills, and grammar To ensure that game-based learning is successfully incorporated into the teaching of languages, more research and development is required in this field
2.3.4 Overview of the Kahoot! platform
A well-known educational technology platform called Kahoot! enables instructors to design and distribute gamified tests, surveys, and discussions to their students (Aslan & Zhu, 2018) The interactive, entertaining, and exciting Kahoot! games can be used in classrooms or remotely Students use their mobile devices to participate in a Kahoot! game and respond to questions in real time while being timed (Aslan & Zhu, 2018)
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as an educational Web 3.0 application in schools and universities It encompasses quiz, true/false, type answer, and puzzle used to test knowledge as well as poll, word cloud, open ended, and brain storm used to collect opinion Kahoot! can be used to review learners’ knowledge and track their responses and scores for formative assessment (Aktekin, Çelebi, & Aktekin, 2018) Kahoot! also includes trivia questions, and it is intended for interactive learning, with participants brought together around a shared screen such as an interactive whiteboard, projector,
a computer monitor, or a smart TV Kahoot! can also be used through sharing tools such as Kahoot, Skype, WhatsApp, or Google Hangouts The
Trang 21screen-game design is such that the players are required to frequently look up from their devices The gameplay is simple; all players connect using a generated game PIN shown on the common screen, and use a device to answer questions created by a teacher, business leader, or other person These questions can be changed to award points Points then show up on the leader board after each question Kahoot! also enables users to prepare surveys and offers a platform for discussions
Kahoots are best played in a group setting, for example, a classroom Players answer the questions on their own devices, while games are displayed
on a shared screen to unite the lesson It creates a ‘campfire moment’ encouraging players to look up and celebrate together Besides creating your own Kahoots, you can search among millions of existing games
Due to its user-friendly interface, adaptability, and capacity to engage students in learning, Kahoot! has grown in popularity among educators (Aslan
& Zhu, 2018) In addition, Kahoot! provides a wealth of free teaching resources, including the option to design unique quizzes and ready-made quizzes
2.3.5 Kahoot! as a supplemental tool for language teaching
Since Kahoot! offers exciting and dynamic opportunities for students
to practise their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, it can be a useful tool for language teaching (Kukulska-Hulme, 2016) Here are some instances of how Kahoot! can be applied to language learning:
Vocabulary games: In order to give students the opportunity to practise and solidify their knowledge of vocabulary, teachers can design Kahoot! games that highlight specific words or phrases (Richter & McPherson, 2017)
Grammar games: In order to give students the opportunity to practise and solidify their mastery of grammar, teachers can design Kahoot! games that concentrate on particular grammatical rules, such as verb tenses or sentence structure (Lai & Lin, 2017)
Trang 22Speaking and listening activities: Teachers can design Kahoot! games that ask students to watch a video or listen to a recording before answering questions about what they heard or saw Group discussions in the target language can also be facilitated using Kahoot! (Kukulska-Hulme, 2016)
Culture games: Teachers can make Kahoot! games that highlight cultural facets of the target language, such as occasions, customs, or festivals, enabling students to comprehend the language and culture better (Kukulska-Hulme, 2016)
Kahoot! has proven to be an effective tool for teaching languages in recent studies For instance, a research by Lai and Lin (2017) discovered that Kahoot! helped students become more proficient in Mandarin grammar Similar to this, a 2017 study by Richter and McPherson discovered that Kahoot! helped students learn more German vocabulary
Kahoot! is a language teaching tool that offers benefits such as improved classroom atmosphere, better student motivation, increased engagement, and a fun environment However, it presents challenges such as internet connectivity, student distraction, unequal access to technology, and limited student participation Teachers and students need planning and training to use Kahoot! effectively
Kahoot! is a multi-purpose educational technology application that could potentially be used to teach a range of language concepts and skills To ensure that Kahoot! is successfully incorporated into language teaching, further study and development in this field are required
2.3.6 Strategies for Integrating Kahoot! into Language Learning
Kahoot! helps instructors to create online quizzes made from a series
of quiz, true/false, type answer, and puzzle and allows adding multimedia instruments (videos, pictures, diagrams, etc.) to the questions to strengthen engagement
Trang 23Pre-game activities: Kahoot! games can be utilised as part of activities before the game, such as teaching vocabulary, grammatical rules, or the fundamentals of conversational discourse needed during playtime (Liew & Sidhu, 2019)
Content review: Kahoot! is a useful tool for going over language ideas and things that have already been studied This feedback game, when used at the conclusion of the lesson, provides a number of positive learning consequences (Letellier, 2020)
Mixed content: Create Kahoot! games that integrate multiple language skills and concepts, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as culture and background content
Post-game activities: Kahoot! games can be followed by further tasks that reinforce the topic and allow students to reflect on what they learned Results from Kahoot! can be used for summative and formative evaluations (Kravetz, 2019)
2.3.7 Different approaches to using Kahoot! in language instruction:
Individual game-based learning: Students use Kahoot! games on their own to review previously learned material or enhance new skills
Collaborative game-based learning: The utilisation of collaborative learning in groups or pairs encourages peer learning and provides for positive interaction between student participants
Flipped classroom: Kahoot! games can be used as a flipped classroom where students take the time to learn and review the material in advance and then actively interact and test themselves during class time through Kahoot! participation
Interclass communication and competition: With Kahoot!, students can compete and challenge classmates with whom they might not otherwise interact, which increases their motivation to learn and fosters interaction
Trang 24between year levels, class groups, and other institutions (Berg-Kelly & Englund, 2021)
Recent studies have shown the value of various Kahoot! language education implementation strategies For instance, using Kahoot! in group work resulted in high motivation and learning accomplishments, according to
a study by Liew and Sidhu (2019) Similar to this, Kravetz's 2019 research discovered that Kahoot! significantly improves the cognitive, social, and emotional elements of learning
Overall, Kahoot! is a flexible and useful tool that may be applied in a number of ways to integrate game-based learning in language instruction To ensure a satisfying learning experience, the strategies used should be in line with the course's learning objectives and content
2.3.8 Challenges and Opportunities of Utilizing Kahoot! as a Language Teaching Tool
Using Kahoot! as a language education tool presents both obstacles and potential Issues with internet connectivity, student distraction, unequal access to technology across various socioeconomic backgrounds, and limited student participation are some of the challenges of the difficulties (Adedoyin Preparation and training needs for teachers and students:
It takes planning and training for teachers and students to use Kahoot!
as a language teaching tool The use of Kahoot! as a component of a larger language teaching framework, as well as how to customise the platform to meet the needs of specific learners, all need that teachers receive training (Ayub et al., 2020)
Trang 25Additionally, it's important to teach students how to utilise Kahoot! and how to interact with the platform in a way that promotes learning To ensure that students are properly oriented to the platform, it is essential to identify situations where Kahoot! can be employed as a component of the language learning curriculum (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020) Maintaining student motivation and engagement with Kahoot!
It's crucial to keep students interested in Kahoot! and engaged if you want them to learn languages effectively Teachers can accomplish this by developing Kahoot! games that include various competitive gaming components, such as rankings, points, and incentives (Ayub et al., 2020)
Incorporating storytelling, reflection, and problem solving into Kahoot! game designers will keep players motivated (Mokhtar & Hegazi, 2020) It is possible to keep improving the game and keeping students motivated and engaged by paying attention to their feedback and preferences (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020) Overcoming potential drawbacks of game-based learning in language education
Over-reliance on the platform, a lack of interaction, and the possibility
of distractions or cheating during gameplay are some potential downsides of game-based learning in language teaching (Aslan & Zhu, 2018) Kahoot! games can be created by teachers to support or accommodate all four learning skills Although introducing new content with Kahoot! is fun, the curriculum
as a whole shouldn't be replaced by it
Utilising Kahoot! as a component of a bigger language learning framework that also uses conventional teaching techniques and other language learning resources is one way to get over any potential limitations This reduces reliance on the platform and promotes a variety of active learning strategies (Aslan & Zhu, 2018)
Trang 26Recent studies have shown the advantages and disadvantages, the requirements for training and preparation, how to maintain of motivation and engagement, and how to get around potential difficulties when using Kahoot!
as a language teaching tool For instance, a study by Ayub et al (2020) discovered that training in relevant pedagogical aspects and a thorough understanding of the platform are both necessary for preparing teachers to use Kahoot! effectively Similar to this, a research by Mokhtar and Hegazi (2020) discovered that utilising various game design elements helps keep students motivated and interested in Kahoot! gameplay
Overall, even though using Kahoot! as a language teaching tool has some drawbacks, it can be a useful tool for improving language learning and stimulating students towards language proficiency by incorporating aspects
of gamification, developing engagement strategies, and properly preparing both teachers and students
2.4 Previous Studies Related to the Effectiveness of Using Kahoot!
in Teaching and Learning English
This section reviews several studies that look into the effectiveness of Kahoot! as a teaching and learning tool for English
Bashir et al (2021) found that Kahoot! enhanced learners’ motivation, engagement, and their performance in learning English compared to traditional methods This study looked into how Kahoot! affected English language learners' ability to learn and motivation In comparison to conventional modalities of education, the results demonstrated that adopting Kahoot! as a gamified learning tool increased learners' willingness to study and improved their learning performance
Chen et al (2019) reported that Kahoot! increased students’ satisfaction, participation, and language outcomes.In this study, the usefulness of Kahoot!
as a gamified learning platform for teaching languages was investigated According to the study, Kahoot! games increased students' engagement and satisfaction in the learning process as well as their language learning outcomes
Trang 27Fairweather (2019) concluded that Kahoot! was a beneficial tool for improving learners’ motivation and involvement This study looked into the efficiency of Kahoot! in Scotland's modern language classrooms According to the research, Kahoot! is a useful tool for increasing language learners' motivation and engagement, but how well it is incorporated into the broader teaching and learning environment may affect how effective it is
Refai (2020) showed that Kahoot! games significantly improved students’ language vocabulary skills.This study looked at how playing Kahoot! games affected Jordanian university students' vocabulary growth in the English language According to the study, Kahoot! games significantly increased students' language vocabulary skills in English language learners, especially those with low and intermediate proficiency
Wang et al (2021) revealed that the gamified approach using Kahoot! enhanced students’ interest and engagement in learning English In this study, Taiwanese senior high school students' responses to a gamified English listening strategy utilising Kahoot! were examined The outcomes showed that the gamified strategy using Kahoot! increased students' interest and engagement in learning English as well as their English listening comprehension
In conclusion, these studies point to Kahoot! as a useful gamified learning tool for improving English language learning results Though general benefits include increased motivation, enhanced engagement, and improved language learning performance, its effectiveness may depend on how well it is integrated into the overall teaching and learning environment
Trang 28Teachers' and Students' Attitudes
toward Kahoot!
Cognitive Component ComponentAffective ComponentBehavioral
The purpose of this chapter aims to describe in details the methodology
of the study that the researcher carried out This chapter consists of seven main parts: (1) research setting and participants, (2) course description, (3) research design, (4) research instruments, (5) research procedure, (6) data analysis, (7) validity and reliability and (8) chapter summary
3.1 Research setting and participants
The English department comprises eight Vietnamese teachers who are competent, enthusiastic, and experienced in teaching English to students In grade 10, students are expected to use English as a tool to communicate in daily situations, share and discuss information on common topics such as health, entertainment, environment, career, and more They are also encouraged to build their linguistic proficiency in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, and to expand their knowledge of Vietnamese and other cultures Furthermore, students are expected to possess the capability to utilize their English language skills for employment or further education opportunities upon graduating from high school
3.1.2 Research participants
The study surveyed a total of 200 grade 10 students and 7 teachers (researcher is the 8th teacher at school) who had experience with English
Trang 30classes They willingly participated in the study and completed a set of surveys related to their motivation to learn English and their feedback on the use of Kahoot! in the classroom
3.2 Research design
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Kahoot! as
a supplemental tool in English language instruction for Grade 10 students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School and to address the gap in knowledge surrounding the attitudes of both teachers and students toward using Kahoot! in the classroom
To achieve these objectives, a mixed-methods research design was employed The researcher collected data through first-hand observation, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, participant-observation, recordings in natural settings, and documents and artefacts A questionnaire served as the primary measuring instrument, with participants asked to answer all questions honestly and provide their perceptions of their attitudes towards English
teaching and learning
3.3 Sampling method
This study utilizes simple random sampling, which involves each individual being chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population having an equal opportunity of being selected Simple random sampling, like all probability sampling methods, enables the calculation of sampling error and reduces selection bias Additionally, it is the most straightforward probability sampling method However, it may be challenging to select enough individuals with rare characteristics of interest, and defining a complete sampling frame may be complex Moreover, it could be inconvenient to contact sample units scattered over a wide area via various communication means (email, phone or post)
Trang 31Considering that there are about 500 students in Grade 10, randomly selecting 200 students would increase the reliability and reduce bias in this research
3.4 Data collection instrument
The purpose of the questionnaire is to gauge the instructors' opinions about using Kahoot! for English instruction and learning With the game-based learning platform Kahoot!, educators can design surveys, discussions, and quizzes that students can participate in on their own devices The following categories can be used to group the questionnaire items:
(1) Cognitive attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English With the help of these questions, the teachers' opinions about how Kahoot! helps improve their students' cognitive abilities- which include speaking fluency, self-regulated learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and students' language proficiency in areas like vocabulary, spelling, writing, grammar, listening, and language comprehension will be evaluated The items also gauge the teachers' perceptions of how Kahoot! has affected their students' capacity to evaluate their own learning outcomes and processes These questions are predicated on the idea that Kahoot! can encourage student feedback, engagement, and active learning The following aspects of attitudes are covered by the items:
Trang 32• Self-regulated learning performance: Items 1 and 7 measure how teachers think Kahoot! can help their students to enhance their ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning process
• Decision-making skills: Item 2 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to make choices and judgments based on information and criteria
• Critical thinking skills: Item 3 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information and arguments
• Problem-solving skills: Item 4 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to find solutions to challenges and difficulties
• Communicative skills: Items 5 and 6 measure how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to express and exchange ideas and opinions in English, both orally and in writing
• Vocabulary: Items 9 and 10 measure how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to learn new words and spell them correctly
• Writing skills: Item 12 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to produce coherent and accurate texts in English
• Listening skills: Item 13 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to comprehend and interpret spoken English
• Grammatical competence: Item 14 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their knowledge and use of the rules and structures of English
Trang 33• English language understanding: Item 15 measures h how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to reinforce their overall comprehension of the English language
• Learning outcomes: Item 16 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their academic performance and achievement
in English
• Collaboration: Item 11 measures how teachers think Kahoot! can help the students to improve their ability to work together and cooperate with other learners
(2) Affective attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English These questions are designed to gauge how teachers feel about the emotional benefits of Kahoot! for their students, including enjoyment, incentive to study and socialise with classmates, accountability for teamwork, and support in problem-solving These resources are predicated on the idea that Kahoot! can create a supportive and stimulating learning environment The following aspects of attitudes are covered by the items:
Enjoyment and pleasure: Item 1 measures how fun the teachers think that the students experience when using Kahoot! in the classroom
Social engagement and collaboration: Item 2 measures how motivated the teachers think that using Kahoot! keeps their students to interact with others when using Kahoot! with their peers
Academic motivation and interest: Item 3 measures how motivated the teachers think that using Kahoot! keeps their students when using Kahoot! for assessment purposes
Teamwork and accountability: Item 4 measures how teachers think the students can develop when using Kahoot! for group projects
Trang 34Problem-solving and cooperation skills: Item 5 measures teachers’ attitude toward skills that the students join hands to solve the problems in groups when using Kahoot! for learning challenges
(3) Behavioral attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English These questions are designed to gauge teachers' perceptions
of how Kahoot! has affected their students' behaviour, including how much time they spend on assignments and self-study, how simple it is to use, how focused they are, whether they prefer game-based learning, and how well-prepared they are for tests and exams These questions are predicated on the idea that Kahoot! can encourage study habits and active learning behaviours The following aspects of attitudes are covered by the items:
• Self-regulation and autonomy: Item 1 measures the self-regulation and
autonomy that the teachers think the students practice when using Kahoot! for independent learning
• Usability and accessibility: Item 2 measures the ease of use of Kahoot!
as a teaching and learning tool
• Time management and effort: Item 3 measures the time that the
teachers think their students invest when using Kahoot! for learning activities
• Attention and focus: Item 4 measures the concentration that the
teachers think the students can maintain when using Kahoot! in the classroom
• Preference: Item 5 measures the teachers’ attitude toward the students’
favour and attitude towards game-based learning versus traditional learning methods
• Confidence and readiness for test: Item 6 measures how ready the
teachers think that their students are for academic performance after using Kahoot! for revision and practice
3.4.2 Student questionnaire
The purpose of the questionnaire is to gauge students' opinions about using Kahoot! to teach and learn English Users of the game-based learning
Trang 35platform Kahoot! can create and participate in surveys, discussions, and quizzes Students must select their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement on the Likert scale that underpins the items The following aspects of attitudes are covered by the items:
(1) Cognitive attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English
• Self-regulated learning performance: Items 1 and 7 measure how Kahoot! helps the students to enhance their ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning process
• Decision-making skills: Item 2 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to make choices and judgments based on information and criteria
• Critical thinking skills: Item 3 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information and arguments
• Problem-solving skills: Item 4 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to find solutions to challenges and difficulties
• Communicative skills: Items 5 and 6 measure how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to express and exchange ideas and opinions in English, both orally and in writing
• Vocabulary: Items 9 and 10 measure how Kahoot! helps the students
to learn new words and spell them correctly
• Writing skills: Item 12 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to produce coherent and accurate texts in English
• Listening skills: Item 13 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to comprehend and interpret spoken English
Trang 36• Grammatical competence: Item 14 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their knowledge and use of the rules and structures of English
• English language understanding: Item 15 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to reinforce their overall comprehension of the English language
• Learning outcomes: Item 16 measures how Kahoot! helps the students
to improve their academic performance and achievement in English
• Collaboration: Item 11 measures how Kahoot! helps the students to improve their ability to work together and cooperate with other learners
(2) Affective attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English
1 I find using Kahoot! fun This item measures the enjoyment and
pleasure that the students experience when using Kahoot! in the classroom
2 Using Kahoot! keeps me motivated to interact with other students
This item measures the social engagement and collaboration that the students feel when using Kahoot! with their peers
3 Using Kahoot! keeps me motivated to do tests This item measures the
academic motivation and interest that the students have when using Kahoot! for assessment purposes
4 I become more responsible to work in teams while implementing hands-on activities This item measures the teamwork and accountability that
the students develop when using Kahoot! for group projects
5 I find it helpful to join hands to solve the problems with my friends
This item measures the problem-solving and cooperation skills that the students acquire when using Kahoot! for learning challenges
(3) Behavioral attitudes towards the use of Kahoot! in teaching and learning English
Trang 371 I spend more time for self-study when doing Kahoot! This item measures the self-regulation and autonomy that the students practice when using Kahoot! for independent learning
2 It was easy to use Kahoot! This item measures the usability and accessibility of Kahoot! as a learning tool
3 I spend more time do tasks when using Kahoot! This item measures the time management and effort that the students invest when using Kahoot! for learning activities
4 Kahoot! encouraged me to concentrate This item measures the attention and focus that the students maintain when using Kahoot! in the classroom
5 I prefer the use of game in learning instead of paper and pen alone This item measures the preference and attitude of the students towards game-based learning versus traditional learning methods
6 I feel more prepared for tests and exams after using Kahoot! This item measures the confidence and readiness of the students for academic performance after using Kahoot! for revision and practice
3.4.3 Design of teachers' interview:
Another method for the collection of qualitative data was face-to-face interview The responses obtained from a semi-structured interview were confirmed to be easier to analyse because of its flexible characteristic The interview of this thesis consisted of two main versions One for the teachers, and the other for students The questions were expanded into details with similar content in order to make personal opinions or experience clearer and more diverse All seven teachers were invited to take part in the interview individually with sample forms of interview below This semi-structured interview purposely found out the intensive insight to the question if there are any significant differences in attitudes towards using Kahoot! as a supplemental tool for English language instruction between Grade 10 teachers
Trang 38and students at Trinh Hoai Duc High School The interview sheet includes 6 questions related to represented 4 research questions of the thesis The interview questions cover the following aspects about using Kahoot! in an English language classroom:
1 Experience using Kahoot!: With this open-ended inquiry, teachers can share their own experiences and gain insight into how Kahoot! is implemented
in actual classrooms
2 Benefits of Kahoot!: Answering this question will help you comprehend the benefits of incorporating Kahoot! into English language training Its goal is to comprehend how the platform supports the objectives of the teachers
3 Challenges with Kahoot!: By inquiring about difficulties, you're admitting that there may be roadblocks when putting a tool to use This can give Kahoot! and other educators insightful feedback
4 Potential limitations of Kahoot!: This question is crucial because it pushes the instructor to consider Kahoot!'s drawbacks in the context of teaching English language skills and offer potential solutions
5 Adoption of Kahoot!: This question asks teachers about their thoughts
on incorporating Kahoot! into the curriculum on a regular basis The results can be helpful in making decisions at the school level
6 Influence of teacher attitudes on students: This is a great question because it explores the psychological side of education It acknowledges that attitudes towards learning resources and student engagement can be greatly impacted by a teacher's attitude
Overall, these questions are designed to gather detailed feedback on the use of Kahoot! in English language instruction
3.4.4 Design of students' interview:
Similarity, to get the insight and more detail from learners, some students are chosen randomly to attend the interview The following five
Trang 39questions are asked to make clear the 4 research questions These interview questions focused on understanding the use of Kahoot! in English language classes
1 Experience using Kahoot!: The purpose of this question is to determine the interviewee's level of familiarity with Kahoot! and how they have personally used it in an English language classroom It's a good place to start because it gives the interviewee a chance to talk about their initial thoughts and experiences
2 Benefits of Kahoot!: The purpose of this question is to ascertain the advantages that people believe come from using Kahoot! for learning English Finding the benefits and features of this tool from the viewpoint of the user is helpful
3 Challenges with Kahoot!: This question is crucial because it aims to identify any obstacles or restrictions that might arise when utilising Kahoot! in English classes The answers can offer insightful information that can be used
to enhance the tool's usefulness and efficacy
4 Compariosn with other tools: You're attempting to ascertain how Kahoot! differs from other resources for teaching English This can assist in determining its distinguishing qualities and relative position to other tools
5 Students’ attitude toward adoption of Kahoot!: The purpose of this question is to get feedback regarding Trinh Hoai Duc High School's adoption
of Kahoot! as a regular supplemental tool for English language instruction It's
a great way to determine whether such an implementation will be accepted and what kind of impact it might have
Overall, these questions cover various aspects of using Kahoot! in English language instruction
3.5 Research procedure
The data collection was conducted at the end of April or at the beginning
of May in the academic school year 2021-2022 This was the end of the second semester and students almost finished their curriculum at school, therefore they
Trang 40had an overview of their attitude toward Kahoot! As for data collection, the study was based on analysis of a questionnaire consisting of 27 items showing cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of attitude toward English learning
200 male and female students who experienced Kahoot! were selected randomly and asked to answer to the questionnaire Then, the items were analyzed and compared qualitatively with respect to the participants’ attitudes The questionnaire was delivered for students who studied the new English textbooks Before conducting the questionnaire, students were explained if necessary Each student spent at least five minutes to complete the questionnaire The questionnaire was analyzed for qualitative value Then, all teachers and 20 random students are invited to interview Teachers are questions in English whereas students’ interviews are in Vietnamese to make sure that the students understand the questions thoroughly and can answer their questions in the most reliable way
3.6 Data analysis
The researcher employed the questionnaire instruments and SPSS, which ‘can handle quantitative and qualitative questionnaire data in an
integrated manner’ (Dörnyei, 2003) (p.118) to analyze the qualitative and
quantitative data to explore the results Mixed methods were used to analyze the collected data as Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2012) cite in their book that the utilization of the mixed-methods research: qualitative and quantitative brings three major benefits Firstly, when using this kind of methods, we can examine a clear and explanatory relationship of different variables Secondly,
we can profoundly investigate the relationships between variables Thirdly, the confirmation and the cross-validation of the relationships between variables are explored
Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2007) affirmed that the quantitative data could be quickly analyzed in many different ways after being scored with the help of statistical products for the social services (SPSS) software 20.0 SPSS helped provide the percentages and frequencies of teachers’ responses to teach