In this graduation paper investigates the real situation and provides solutions to improve the service quality of the Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel. This case study is conducted on the basis of theory and practical data. In order to get results, I have gathered all the main relevant information about resorts, tourists, etc... from primary and secondary sources, such as textbooks, the Internet, as well as receptionist data and customer reviews of the resorts through my surveys, findings and observations. Based on this information, I will outline some of the characteristics of the staff, the service, the organizational structure and then propose some suggestions to improve the service quality of Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel.
Major: English for Tourism
STUDENT CODE : 25203207738
DA NANG – May 2023
Trang 4In fact, there is no success without support and help In the process ofcompleting this graduation paper, I have received a lot of help, guidance andencouragement from teachers, colleagues, friends and family
Firstly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my guidance advisorfrom the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Duy Tan University, Ms Doan ThiDieu Lan, for her guidance and encouragement in doing this research I am trulygrateful for his advice and suggestions right from the first step
Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers who gave
me useful knowledge and materials Not only that, they also inspired andfacilitated me during my study and practice at Duy Tan University That is theimportant foundation for me to complete this paper in the best way
Finally but not least, I would like to thank my friends and family forsupporting, helping, giving me the best motivation and the favorable conditions
to do this case study
I declare that this graduation paper has been composed myself, and described
my own work, unless otherwise acknowledged in the text Except wherereference is made in the text of the graduation paper, this graduation papercontains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in partfrom the graduation paper by which have qualified for or been awarded anotherdegree or diploma No other person’s work has been used without dueacknowledgement in the graduation paper This graduation paper has not beensubmitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution
Danang, May 4th, 2023
Trang 6In this graduation paper investigates the real situation and provides solutions
to improve the service quality of the Reception Department at SaigontouraneHotel This case study is conducted on the basis of theory and practical data Inorder to get results, I have gathered all the main relevant information aboutresorts, tourists, etc from primary and secondary sources, such as textbooks,the Internet, as well as receptionist data and customer reviews of the resortsthrough my surveys, findings and observations Based on this information, I willoutline some of the characteristics of the staff, the service, the organizationalstructure and then propose some suggestions to improve the service quality ofReception Department at Saigontourane Hotel
Table 1: Reception department facilities
Table 2: Saigontourane Hotel Reception Staff
Table 3: Changes of the guest resource by nationality at Saigontourane Hotel
Table 4: Structure of survey participants at Saigontourane Hotel
Table 5: Evaluate the Modern Level of Hotel Facilities
Table 6: Evaluate the uniform of the receptionist
Table 7: Evaluation about the reception solve guest’s complaints
Table 8: Evaluation about attitude of the receptionist
Table 9: Evaluation about Professional of the receptionist
Table 10: Evaluation about Foreign Language of the receptionist
Table 11: Evaluation about Waiting time
Table 12: Evaluation about service of the receptionist
Table 13: Evaluation about Procedures of registering rooms
Table 14: Evaluation about the Payment procedures for guests
Figure 1: FO Department Organization Chart
Figure 2: Organization Diagram at Saigontourane Hotel
Figure 1: Organization Chart of FO Department at Saigontourane Hotel
Figure 4: Service process at the Saigontourane Hotel
Chart 1: An assessment chart of the modern level of facilities
Chart 2: Evaluation of the Receptionist's uniform
Trang 8Chart 3: Evaluation about the reception solve guest’s complaints
Chart 4: Evaluation about Service Quality of the Receptionist
Chart 5: Evaluation about procedures of registering rooms
Chart 6: Evaluation about Payment procedures for guests
1.1 Rationale 1
1.2 Aims and Objectives 2
1.2.1 Aims 2
1.2.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope of the Study 3
1.4 Method of the Study 3
1.5 Organization of the Study 4
2.1 An Overview of the Hospitality Industry 5
2.1.1 Tourism 5
2.1.2 Tourist 5 Domestic tourists 5 International tourists 6
2.1.3 Hotel 6 Definition of Hotel 6 Classification of Hotel 7
Trang 112.1.4 Hotel Business 9
2.1.5 Hotel Business Activitives 9
2.1.6 Quality of Service in Hotel 10 Definition 10 Criteria for Evaluating Service Quality 10
2.2 General Introduction about the Front Office Department 11
2.2.1 Definitions about the Front Office Department 11
2.2.2 Mission of the Front Office Department 11
2.2.3 The Role of the Front Office Department Staff 12
2.2.4 The Front Office Department Organization Chart 12
3.1 An Overview of Saigontourane Hotel 14
3.1.1 Location 14
3.1.2 Accommodation of Saigontourane Hotel 16
3.1.3 Organization and Human Resource of Saigontourane Hotel 22
3.1.4 Functions and Responsibilities of Saigontourane Hotel 24 Functions 24 Responsibilities 24
3.2 Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel 25
3.2.1 Organizational Structure and Duties of the Front Desk Department .25 3.2.2 Customer Service Process of Reception Department 27
3.2.3 Facilities of Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel 30
3.2.4 Reception Staffs at Saigontourane Hotel 31
Trang 124.1 Analysis about the Real Situation of Guest’s Arrival at Saigontourane
Hotel (2020-2022) 32
4.2 Analysis about the Real Situation of the Service Quality of Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel 34
4.3 Evaluation of the Quality of the Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel 35
4.3.1 Evaluation of Facilities 35
4.3.2 Evaluation of the Uniform of Receptionist 37
4.3.3 Evaluation of the Reception Solve Guest’s Complaints 39
4.3.4 Evaluation of the Service Quality of the Receptionist 41
4.3.5 Evaluation of the Procedures of Registering Rooms 47
4.3.6 Evaluation of the Payment Procedures for Guests 49
5.1 Difficulties 51
5.2 Solutions for Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel 52
5.2.1 Receptionists need to grasp some Requirements when Dealing with Guest Complaints 52
5.2.2 Improve Receptionist Mental Life 53
6.1 Conclusion 55
6.2 Suggestions 56
6.2.1 Upgrading Technical Facilities 56
6.2.2 Improving Performance of Reception Staffs 57 Improving Foreign Language Skills 57 Cultivate Qualities, Ethics and Behavior with Customers 58
Trang 14CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale
Recently, the speed of development of science and technology together withthe developed economy has helped improve people's material life Besides,tourism has made great development steps in Vietnam Tourism is widelypromoted, because it offers potential and employment opportunities, createsrevenue for the country, and becomes a source of revenue for the government.This requires all businesses to give high priority to the provision of high-qualityservices to meet growing demand
The growth of Vietnam's tourism industry in recent years has contributedsignificantly to the hospitality industry With the increasing number of hotelstoday, the hotel must take measures to attract and thereby assert its competitiveposition in the market Vietnam has a stable economy, rich culture, beautifulnatural landscapes, and world cultural heritages capable of attracting hightourists In addition, Vietnam also has many opportunities to attract investorsfrom around the world, creating favorable conditions for the hotel business -developing tourism in the future
In the hotel business, reception and other services are important factors tocreate the image of the hotel in the minds of customers Customer care is adifficult and complex task, but it is very important and can affect productquality
The reception department provides all information about hotel services and sales
of products and services to guests This is the first and last part to interact withguests, making a first and last impression on the quality of the hotel This is alsothe place where businesses can receive and resolve customer complaints and
Trang 15questions From there, it is possible to explore the different needs of customersand meet their maximum needs.
Therefore, improving the service quality of the reception is very necessary.Moreover, the hotel and tourism business is becoming increasingly fierce Thisfact requires businesses to implement measures to improve service quality toturn it into a competitive advantage
Recognizing the importance of receiving, as well as improving the quality ofservice at the reception, with the guidance of dedicated teachers, I decided to
choose the topic “An Investigation into the Real Situation and Some Solutions to Improving the Service Quality of Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel”.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.2.1 Aims
Finding out the function, duties and the importance of the receptiondepartment at Saigontourane Hotel, and from that to propose somesolutions in order to improve this department
Assessing the hotel business situation and the strengths, weaknesses in theservice at the reception, thereby offering solutions to improve servicequality
Trang 16 Propose some solutions to improve the service quality of the receptiondepartment at Saigontourane Hotel.
1.3 Scope of the Study
This study would pay attention to three main sectors as follows:
Firstly, the researcher will focus on finding out information about the Hotelbusiness from 2020 to 2022 and the real situation of the quality of the receptionservice at hotel
Secondly, this study exploits the potentials to improve the quality ofreception service at Saigontourane Hotel and find out the strong and weak points
in the reception service at hotel
Finally, the researcher also offers some solutions which are suitable for thatreality to improve the quality of reception service and attracting tourists coming
to the Saigontourane hotel
1.4 Method of the Study
In my research, I used some methods to support my work:
Method of Collection: data from the reception department were collectedfrom books, websites of the hotel, and my hotel's managers department
Method of Description: I administered a survey to guests, then I checkedthe information obtained to give a detailed description of the receptionservice activities
Method of Analysis: From the data collected, I analyzed the real situation
of the Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel
Method of Observation: directly observe the operation of the receptionistdepartment This is the most important method because when you work,collide with daily work, you will have a lot of work experience, many
Trang 17multidimensional perspectives That helps to grasp the advantages anddisadvantages, thereby finding the best solution for the hotel.
Method of Survey: Survey customers with questionnaires and randomlyselect 120 people to find out the level of customer satisfaction with thehotel's service quality
1.5 Organization of the Study
The study is presented six main chapters:
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the graduation paper covering the rationale,
goals and objectives, scope of the study, research methodology and researchorganization
Chapter 2 is the theoretical basis of the hotel industry, reception department and
service quality in the hotel
Chapter 3 is a description of the general of Saigontourane Hotel, Reception and
Organizational Department at this hotel
Chapter 4 is analyzing and evaluating the problem
Chapter 5 is difficulties and suggested solutions
Chapter 6 is a solution to improve the service quality of the Reception
department at Saigontourane Hotel
Trang 18CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 An Overview of the Hospitality Industry
2.1.1 Tourism
When it comes to tourism it almost varies by each person and each source.There is no consensus Nearly every organization defines "Travel" differently.But when it comes to explaining it, we refer to the following definitions:
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) 1995 introduced the term: "Tourism
is human activities related to the temporary movement of people to a certaindestination outside where they live and work regularly for entertainmentpurposes, and other purposes
Tourism Law of Vietnam (2005) defines: "Tourism is activities related tohuman travel outside of their regular residence to meet the needs of sightseeing,study and entertainment, vacation for a certain period of time”
2.1.2 Tourist
In Article 4, chapter I, the Vietnam Tourism Law (2005) stipulates: "Touristsare people who travel or combine with travel, except those who go to school,work or practice to receive income in destination'' (issued on June 14, 2005) Domestic tourists
Domestic tourists: are Vietnamese citizens and foreigners permanentlyresiding in Vietnam traveling within the territory of Vietnam
Trang International tourists
International tourists: are foreigners, overseas Vietnamese entering Vietnam
to travel and Vietnamese citizens and foreigners residing in Vietnam to travelabroad Thus, the group of international tourists is divided into 2 specificcategories as follows:
- Inbound tourist: Foreigners and Vietnamese residing overseas to travel toVietnam
- Outbound tourist: Vietnamese and foreigners residing in Vietnam travelabroad
2.1.3 Hotel Definition of Hotel
When talking about hotels, people often understand that this is the basis forrenting houses The hotel is a business base providing accommodation, mealsand other guest services According to Vietnam Standard TCVN 4391: 2009 ontourist hotels: "The hotel is a tourist accommodation with at least 10 rooms, andensures the quality of facilities, equipment and services needed set for travelers
Morcel Gotie, a travel and hotel researcher, defined: "The hotel is atemporary accommodation for visitors Along with the bedrooms, there arerestaurants with many different categories
In general, hotel can be understood clearly with meaning: A hotel is a placethat trades in residence and other services Its purpose is to meet the demands ofcustomers who want to stay overnight or take a vacation (it can last for a shorttime or a long time and depends on guest's needs) This place can providecatering service, entertainment, recreation or other necessary services
Trang Classification of Hotel
Hotels can be divided into many different criteria depending on the scale,location and travel form of the guest
Size- Or number of rooms
Based on size, the hotel is divided into the following three categories:
- Small hotel: scale from 10 to 49 bedrooms, most only provideaccommodation for guests, and other services are not available This type ofhotel has a low stay rate
- Medium Hotels: scale from 50 rooms to 100 rooms, providing most of theservices for guests such as accommodation, dining, some auxiliary services Thistype of hotel is usually built in tourist destinations, in towns and townships, andsome are built in resorts This type of hotel usually has an average price
- Large hotels: usually with 100 bedrooms or more, providing a full range ofservices for guests, often equipped with civilized and modern equipment andoften high-rise construction, this type usually has a price for Rent a highchamber
Based on geographical location, the following categories are classified:
City center hotel:
This type of hotel is built in the heart of big cities, densely populated urbanareas The object of this hotel is for business travelers, attending conferences,seminars, businessmen , still active and sports fans, visitors to relatives Thesehotels are often large-scale and high-rise, equipped with synchronous equipment,luxury and modern, often ranked high
Trang 21 Resort hotels:
Types of resort hotels are often built in places of natural resources such asislands, forests and mountains Architecture for construction of low-rise villas.The object of the hotel guests to relax, scientists study the ecologicalenvironment These hotels are well-equipped with luxurious amenities, providing
a comprehensive range of services
Suburban hotel:
Perimeter hotels are built on the outskirts of the city or in urban centers.The object of this type of guests usually weekend guests, business travelers,relatives visit These types of guests are able to pay average spending Therefore,the level of facilities and amenities of this hotel are adequate and luxurious ataverage level, providing the services also at average level of quality
High way hotel - Motel:
This type of hotel is built along roads, highways, and highways to servepassengers traveling on national highways using motor vehicles such as motels.accommodation, food service and transportation services such as repair, fuelsupply
Hotel in transit:
This hotel is built at the airport, the harbor, the border gate area The object
of this hotel is the businessmen, passengers of international airlines andinternational ships stopping in transit at airports and seaports due to mandatoryschedules or for unexpected reasons
Trang 22 Service level
Hotels with high-class services (according to international standards)
These hotels focus on the target market are traders, politicians, diplomats,and high-income guests Therefore, the service is diversified, plentiful,guaranteed high quality; luxurious facilities and equipment; Highly qualifiedservice staff
The hotel has an average service
This type of hotel is aimed at pure tourists It means serves basic services,common services needed by tourists in general This is usually medium-sized.The hotel has limited service
This type of hotel mainly focuses on attracting groups of guests such asfamilies with children, groups of young guests, holiday visitors, and associations
These customers only need to meet basic needs.
2.1.4 Hotel Business
Hotel business is a business based on the provision of accommodation,catering and other complementary services for guests to meet their needs foraccommodation, accommodation and entertainment at tourist destinations aims
to be profitable
2.1.5 Hotel Business Activitives
Hotel business includes: accommodation business and catering business
- Accommodation business is the business activity outside the field ofmaterial production, providing bedroom rental services and other additionalservices to guests during the temporary stay at tourist destinations for thepurpose of profitable
Trang 23- Hotel catering business includes food processing activities, selling andserving the consumption of food and beverages and providing other services tosatisfy the needs of eating and entertainment at the hotel restaurants for guestswith a view to making profits.
2.1.6 Quality of Service in Hotel Definition
The quality of hotel service is an assessment drawn from a comparisonbetween the expected quality and the quality of customer service From theperspective of service consumers, the quality of hotel services is the level ofcustomer satisfaction
The quality of service of the hotel must be well expressed at any time,anywhere and with every customer However, the high consistency in the quality
of hotel services does not mean immutability Depending on the changingmarket, the quality of hotel services also needs to be modified and adjusted tosuit the actual requirements
In short, we can understand the quality of services: the appropriate level ofservice of tourism suppliers that meet the requirements of the market tourist’starget Criteria for Evaluating Service Quality
There are 5 criteria to evaluate service quality, listed as follows:
Reliability: is the ability of the service as promised reliably andaccurately
Responsibility: willing to help customers positively and provide servicesenthusiastically If the wrong service must recover quickly to create apositive feeling
Trang 24 Assurance: is to perform service politely and respect customers, reallycare and keep their secrets.
Empathy: demonstrates attentive care, attention to individual customers
It includes accessibility and effort to understand customer needs
Tangables: the presence of working conditions, equipment, people andthe media
2.2 General Introduction about the Front Office Department
2.2.1 Definitions about the Front Office Department
The Front Office department is the hotel representative, providing hotelinformation for guests It is the first and last area guests see and interact TheFront Office department is the place to receive and resolve all complaints andcomplaints of customers and is the department that understands all tastes ofcustomers In addition, this department also has the task of collectinginformation and transferring information to other parts of the hotel
2.2.2 Mission of the Front Office Department
Greeting guests as soon as they arrive
Encouraging guests to upgrade rooms in order to maximize roomrevenue
Controlling and distributing rooms for guests
Providing, introducing information about services inside and outsidethe hotel for guests
Selling rooms and providing hotel services
Checking-in, receiving information about checking out, checking outearly or late
Registrating of temporary residence and temporary absence for guests
Trang 25 Making and maintaining records for guests.
Administering telephone service
Receiving and resolving complaints from guests
Tracking, updating and synthesising the cost of guests
Making payments and billing
Checking out guests
2.2.3 The Role of the Front Office Department Staff
In any business, there is a need for a receptionist In particular, inbusinesses specializing in the service sector, reception plays an even moreimportant role Customers, partners or any other object arriving at the hotel willfirst approach the front desk, not anyone else And the first impression is veryimportant in evaluating the service: They are the people who know morethoroughly about the work, the company processes are always on hand to answerthe customer's questions Always pay attention to the smallest details, listen tofeedback, stories of customers or partners They gain experience to improvisequickly, communicate well, work with multiple departments and arrangescientific work Most especially, they also retain customers and partners bygiving others a feeling of sympathy when listening to the voice or meeting inperson
2.2.4 The Front Office Department Organization Chart
The structure of the Section of the Lobby Division depends on the size ofthe hotel business, the physical scale of the hotel, and the hotel managementpolicy There is an appropriate personnel structure to ensure the best service forthe guests The following is a brief overview of the FO department for 3-starhotels and above
Trang 27Figure 2: FO Department Organization Chart
Assistant Telephone Supervisor
Telephone Supervisor
Reservations Manager
Reservations Clerk Senior Reception
Assistant Chief Concierge
Reception Supervisor
Chief Concierge Guest Relations Officer
Assistant Front Office Manager
Secretary Front Office Manager
Telephone Operator
Parking Attendant
Trang 28CHAPTER 3 CASE DESCRIPTION 3.1 An Overview of Saigontourane Hotel
3.1.1 Location
Trang 29General information:
Official name: Saigontourane Hotel
Address: 05 Dong Da, Hai Chau, Da Nang
Saigontourane Hotel is located in the center of Da Nang city It will onlytake you 7 minutes by car from the international airport or train station toSaigontourane Hotel - an ideal stopover to help you easily reach theadministrative and commercial centers; At the same time, it is the gateway tobring you to visit the World Cultural Heritages in the Central region Moreover,Saigontourane is adjacent to the city center, so visitors staying here can easily go
to many famous places of the city such as Cham Museum, train station, Da NangInternational Airport, Marble Mountain, Son Tra peninsula, Bana Hills , Hoi Anancient Town, My Son Holy Land, Con Ga church It was also convenient forthe guests to go shopping, or go to the markets nearby Thanks to that, this hotelaccidentally becomes an ideal stopover for both domestic and foreign tourists
Trang 30The hotel’s services include airport transfers, a 24-hour front desk,Wi-Fi inpublic areas, a parked car, laundry service, housekeeping, cars for rent
3.1.2 Accommodation of Saigontourane Hotel
Saigontourane Hotel consists of 82 international standard bedrooms with 5types of rooms with spacious areas ranging from 28 to 62 m2 well furnishedrooms and modern designed
Trang 31 Premium Suite Room ( 62m 2 )
- The room is delicately designed and luxurious according to internationalstandards, the floors are lined with high-class carpets, mellow, privateliving room with bedroom, with 2 large windows
- Bed type: 01 double bed
- Extra bed: 02
- View: Garden
- All rooms are fully equipped with amenities: Air conditioning, wifi,international Phone, tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer, wardrobe,fridge, television with cable, personal hygiene items, free mineral water
- Prices per night: 1.600.000 VND
Trang 32 Royal Deluxe Room ( 35m 2 )
- The room is exquisite design according to international standards, woodenfloor, with windows
- Bed type: 01 double bed
- Extra bed: 01
- View: City
- All rooms are fully equipped with amenities: Air conditioning, wifi,international Phone, tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer, wardrobe,fridge, television with cable, personal hygiene items, free mineral water
- Prices per night: 1.100.000 VND
Trang 33 Super Deluxe Room ( 32 m 2 )
- The room is exquisite design according to international standards,wooden floor, with windows
- Bed type: 01 double bed or 02 single beds or 03 single beds
- Extra bed: 01
- View: Garden and city
- All rooms are fully equipped with amenities: Air conditioning, wifi,international Phone, tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer,wardrobe, fridge, television with cable, personal hygiene items, freemineral water
- Prices per night: 1.000.000 VND
Trang 34- Prices per night: 900.000 VND
Trang 35- View: Garden or city
- All rooms are fully equipped with amenities: Air conditioning, wifi,international Phone, tea and coffee making facilities, hairdryer,wardrobe, fridge, television with cable, personal hygiene items, freemineral water
- Prices per night: 800.000 VND
Trang 363.1.3 Organization and Human Resource of Saigontourane Hotel
The organization structure of the hotel can be depicted in the chart below:
Figure 2: Organization Diagram at Saigontourane Hotel
General Manager: is outlining business standards, development direction of the
hotel, system planning, strictly organizing the business management activities ofthe hotel, get service center and international quality as economic qualitystandard business The manager to issue the rules and regulations of the hotel tobuild for the global worker has the same quality, lift high business performance
of the hotel, application in charge, check promotions, rewards and punishmentsfor other managers
Department of Management: run the day-to-day operations of a restaurant or
hotel, including overseeing personnel, ensuring that the facilities are properlymaintained, taking steps to ensure customer satisfaction and overseeing the
General Manager
Department of
HR Manager AccountingManager
Department of Operating
Front Office Manager
Receptionist Bell men
F&B Sale &Marketing Housekeeping
Trang 37upkeep of administrative and financial records.
Human Resources: is engaged in anticipation, acquisition, selection, and
development of the present and future employee needs of the hotel It alsoincludes the processes of job evaluation, recruitment, selection, and orientation
Accounting: charge of receiving all the information about travel contracts,
number of tourists, estimated budget from the ministry tour operator to make alist of tourists and also to plan the business
Department of Operating: cooperate with heads of departments to form a team
of senior leaders Responsible for the management and operation of the entirehotel operation, ensuring the effectiveness committed to the investor or thegroup
FO: The main function of this department is Reservation, Guest service,
Check-in, Check-out, Telephone, Finance & Cashiering, Foreign Exchange, RoomAssignment, Inquiry etc The Front Office is also called the nerve centre of ahotel
Receptionist: is a department that functions as a bridge between guests and
services in the hotel The front desk is the head office in the hotel, receivinginformation from many departments such as Room, Restaurant, Engineering and is the department that must understand the customer reception process
Bell men: carrying guests’ suitcases, opening doors for guests, giving guests
suggestion for places to visit, or to come for where to eat…
F&B: is responsible for serving the food they get from the food production
department They manage the time on which they would serve the food
Sale &Marketing: is to bring in business and also to increase the sales of the
hotel’s products and services
Trang 383.1.4 Functions and Responsibilities of Saigontourane Hotel Functions
All accommodation establishments have the same roles in tourism industryand so does Saigontourane Hotel Main function of this hotel is supplying 3-starhotel quality services such as accommodation, catering and additional servicesincluding spa, restaurant & coffee and so on All rooms are designed in a modernand luxurious style The rooms with modern equipment make customers feelcomfortable when staying at the hotel With spacious room space from 28m2 to62m2, airy, beautiful view and parking area is about 500m2 SaigontouraneHotel is proud to be the ideal, romantic and dynamic destination for visitors
Being aware of its role, Saigontourane Hotel constantly strives to become ahotel of choice by actively offering suitable business projects and strategies toeach typical guest for each time of period Responsibilities
Saigontourane Hotel provides the best services for tourists staying at thehotel such as staying, food, entertainment in order to bring the comfortablefeeling and satisfied to them Beside, Saigontourane Hotel also trains staff toincrease labor productivity and the quality of service, improves the employee'sstandard of life, comprehensive job for the staff, performs as right labor law Forthe local authorities, the hotel has to carry out all payment budget of nation,ensure the social security, and protect the environment The hotel makes sure tocomplete business plans, control closely the finance, human resource of hotel inorder to advance economic effectiveness in business activities as well ascontribute to the development of local economy
Trang 393.2 Reception Department at Saigontourane Hotel
3.2.1 Organizational Structure and Duties of the Front Desk Department
Organizational Structure of the Front Desk Department
Figure 3: Organization Chart of FO Department at Saigontourane Hotel.
Duties of the Front Desk Department
- Coordinate with housekeeping and make sure the room is always cleanwhen guests arrive
- Introducing advice to guests using all hotel services
- Receive feedback, requests from customers and solve quickly with otherdepartments
- Answer all questions of customers, if, outside their scope, they mustimmediately contact the relevant departments
- Payment, do the check out procedures for customers
Front Office Manager
Reception Supervisor