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Ebook Project management maturity model: Providing a proven path to project management excellence Part 2

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Ebook Project Management maturity model: Providing a proven path to project management excellence Part 2 includes contents: Chapter 6 project cost management, chapter 7 project quality management, chapter 8 project human resource management, chapter 9 project communications management, chapter 10 project risk management, chapter 11 project procurement management. Đề tài Hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tại Công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên được nghiên cứu nhằm giúp công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên làm rõ được thực trạng công tác quản trị nhân sự trong công ty như thế nào từ đó đề ra các giải pháp giúp công ty hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tốt hơn trong thời gian tới.

5ư zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 98 ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp eh 9q oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 CHAPTER qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 Project CostManagement 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n cost management is to determine the total costs of the project, manage to those costs, and ensure the project completeswithin the approved budget Cost management involves identifying required resources, estimating the cost of those resources, developing a project baseline, comparing progress against the baseline, and controlling costs T” OVERALL PURPOSE of sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 Components e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 Resource Planning q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 yr im 2ib m o cg l73 22 4z v1 llo a9 p3 lxh f yp 1q hb 4x x3 o3 uư z5 71 o fk yfp za 6p ưc et ls n8 gư 9n 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d ita tg 2f ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs Resource planning includes identifying what resources and quantities are needed for the project Resources include labor category,hours, material, and equipment The outcome of this component is a listing of the project resource requirements 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y pm xe jg 9h m xf q ip 2c ư6 uv qh bc ig sv ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 7a 3m tjb p3 0f yi bs lz 2r 3f fh 8jm m gy wk 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 0ja 4v 0w k4 dc oq ư8 xq v xr bư m zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r a qg 8iu j7 hm o7 ae z4 Cost Estimating Cost estimating isan analytical processusing factors, equations, relationships,and expert knowledge to develop the cost of a product, service, or process If detailed resourcesare identified, costestimating applies rates and factors todetermine the cost The d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 76 4u vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 01 5a pu 3z dn z5 4l qe 0m m hj Project Management Maturity Model zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 main outcome isa project cost estimateand acost management plan u7 98 ba x0 m bm 94 ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp 9q eh oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl Cost Budgeting Cost budgeting involves developing a project cost baseline by allocatingthe cost estimate to individual elements in the work breakdown structure Cost budgeting includes timephasing the cost estimate to develop the baseline The main product of this component is a project costbaseline 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n o oh l8e vl Performance Measurement oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 Earned value involves measuring the project performance to determine whether work has been accomplished in accordance with plans Earned value uses the cost baseline and compares actual performance against the baseline plan The main products are a comparison of actuals to the baseline and earnedvalue metrics di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r Cost Control zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr Cost control involves managing the cost baseline to ensure the project completeswithin the approved budget Managing the cost baseline involves implementing a cost control system, publishing cost status reports, analyzing cost performance metrics, determining changes to the cost baseline, managing the authorized changes, informing stakeholders, and taking corrective action The main products from this component include cost reports, cost performance analyses, revised project costbaseline, and lessons learned 2ib m 22 o cg l73 4z v1 llo a9 p3 1q f yp lxh hb 4x x3 o3 z5 uư yfp 71 o fk 6p za et ưc ls n8 9n gư 4g 8l ưq t3 ez n2 6d oo tg 2f ita ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 m f jzs cfd 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm jg 9h q m xf ip 2c ư6 uv bc qh ig sv 4g ex 1p lx zv g1 p3 0f 7a 3m tjb yi bs lz 2r fh 3f m 8jm wk gy 8y or rb jk pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh 4la xs a 3y 5e ig 0w 0ja 4v k4 dc oq ư8 m xq v xr bư zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ciw ib i ws 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r j7 a qg 8iu hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 jz im d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 26 vo 1i s gm jkr m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc 42 qy wư xc b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe m hj Project Cost Management 5ư zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 98 ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx Level xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m Initial Process k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp eh 9q oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e There is recognition of accepted processes,but there are no established practices or standards Individual teams or parts of the organization may have their own way of doing things in an adhoc, informal fashion Documentation of the processes is looseand makes it difficult to repeat the activities elsewhere Management is aware of the importance of cost management and hasperiodically asked for costmetrics oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 Resource Planning Project managers have developed their own way of identifying resources and quantities needed (labor category, hours, equipment, material) Functional support areas are sometimes overlooked The way things are done is not documented and varies by project 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw Cost Estimating 4s zs n lr6 yr im 2ib m o cg l73 22 4z v1 llo a9 p3 lxh f yp 1q hb 4x x3 o3 uư z5 71 o fk yfp za 6p ưc et ls n8 gư 9n 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d ita tg 2f ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y pm xe jg 9h m xf q ip 2c ư6 uv qh bc ig sv ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 7a 3m tjb p3 0f yi bs lz 2r 3f fh 8jm m wk gy 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 4v 0w 0ja k4 dc oq ư8 m xq v xr bư zu n8 Estimates are developed on an adhoc basis and may or may not capture all costs Generally,the project manager will have a scope statement and a schedule that consists of a basic set of milestones, and occasionally deliverables, to determine what to estimate The documentation for the estimates is incomplete, limited, and not required by the organization Individual project teams may have access tosome tools and techniques, but they are not standardized throughoutthe organization b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r j7 a qg 8iu hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 jz im d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 k3 9z 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe 0m m hj Project Management Maturity Model 5ư 9p zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 ba x0 m bm ew 8a 96 98 kư aw m sx Cost Budgeting - xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp eh 9q oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr Project teams and segments of the organization may have adopted ways of developing a cost baseline (allocating and timephasing the cost estimate) There is no established practice, and documentation of the processes is incomplete h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 Performance Measurement kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd Project performance analysis is calculated on an ad hoc basis and doneinformally Periodicallysimple performance metrics are developed (e.g., planned budget and major milestones) There isno established practice or procedure; individuals follow their own methods The validity and consistency of the information is suspect since standards are not in place vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 yr im 2ib m o cg l73 22 4z v1 llo a9 p3 lxh f yp 1q hb 4x x3 o3 uư z5 71 o fk yfp za 6p ưc et ls n8 gư 9n 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d ita tg 2f ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 Cost Control Individual project teams and segments of the organization are applying their own approach to managing and controlling costs Costchanges are unequally managed and, in many cases, not monitored Ad hoc costreports are provided on a by-request basis When cost performance is tracked, it is by the use of nonstandard practices xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y pm xe jg 9h m xf q ip 2c ư6 uv qh bc ig sv ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 7a 3m tjb p3 0f yi bs lz 2r fh 3f 8jm m gy wk 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 0ja 4v 0w k4 dc oq ư8 xq v xr bư m zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r a qg 8iu j7 hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 wư xc b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe 0m m hj Project Cost Management 5ư zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs Level yy hk y0 u7 98 ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v Structured Processand Standards t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp eh 9q oy fy vs uo There are documented processes in place foridentifying generic keyresources (labor categories, hours, equipment, and material), generating and documenting project cost estimates, publishing and distributing reports, and monitoring basic cost metrics.Although the processes are in place, they are not considered an organizational standard Management supports the efforts and is involved on large, highly visible projects.A basic cost-estimating template exists Metrics exist for basic cost information (planned budget,percent complete) although they may be collected and correlated manually Additional processes are likely to exist for resource cost planning, historical cost database development, earned value techniques, cost reporting, and cost performance analysis Summary and detailed information is developed and collected Project management processes are considered standard practice for large, visible projects.All documented processes are repeatable dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 yr im 2ib m o cg l73 22 v1 llo 4z Resource Planning A complete resource listing is defined for all labor categories, equipment, and material Everyone is encouraged to utilize the listing as achecklist for identifying resources (it is standard practice for large, highly visible projects).A planning process is developed and documented to include the resource listing and methodologies for determining quantities The organization has industry standard tools, techniques, and/or factors for the project teams to approximate quantities The planning process issupported by management and is a9 p3 lxh f yp 1q hb 4x x3 o3 uư z5 71 o fk yfp za 6p ưc et ls n8 gư 9n 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d ita tg 2f ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y pm xe jg 9h m xf q ip 2c ư6 uv qh bc ig sv ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 7a 3m tjb p3 0f yi bs lz 2r 3f fh 8jm m gy wk 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 0ja 4v 0w k4 dc oq ư8 xq v xr bư m zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r a qg 8iu j7 hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 76 4u vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 01 5a pu 3z dn z5 4l qe 0m m hj Project Management MaturityModel iy - p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 becoming accepted throughout the organization The genericresource listing is incorporated into the project office’sresource repository and projectspecific requirements are manually inserted into the repository u7 98 98 ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp 9q eh oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c Cost Estimating uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 The organization has adocumented process for generating and documenting project cost estimates Generally, a scope statement is prepared, a top-level WBS template (levels one and two showing the organization’s preferred primary project work breakdown structure)exists, and a summary schedule is normally in place Theseitems support the development of summary-level estimates for the upper levels of the WBS A basic cost-estimating template is established (may include things such as description of item, WBS element, work hours estimate, number of resources, equipment, material, travel, risk factors,source of estimate, and key assumptions) Average resource billing rates are developed for genericresources A cost-estimating historical database exists todevelop cost standards and factors A cost management plan and process is developed, documented, and is standard practice on large, visible projects Theorganization has access to tools, techniques, commercial databases, and industry cost standards andfactors, and organization-specific coststandards andfactors are in the early formulation stages Scope statements are prepared as standard practice on large, visible projects It isthe norm to have a project schedule at least to levelthree in the WBS The capability exists 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr 2ib m 22 o cg l73 4z v1 llo a9 p3 1q f yp lxh hb 4x x3 o3 z5 uư yfp 71 o fk 6p za et ưc ls n8 9n gư 4g 8l ưq t3 ez n2 6d oo tg 2f ita ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 m f jzs cfd 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm jg 9h q m xf ip 2c ư6 uv bc qh ig sv 4g ex 1p lx zv g1 p3 0f 7a 3m tjb yi bs lz 2r 3f fh 8jm m gy wk 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh 4la xs a 3y 5e ig 0w 0ja 4v k4 dc oq ư8 m bư xq v xr n8 zu b1 d3 np ab ciw ib i ws 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r j7 a qg 8iu hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v yq tn g fj8 jz im d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 1i s gm jkr q c8 m 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc 42 qy wư xc b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe h Project Cost Management 5ư 9p - zn xj iy wt p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 98 ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp eh 9q oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm to estimate most levels of the WBS (using the scope statement and WBS template) resulting in detailed project costestimates, as appropriate Project risks are considered A system is in place to record project estimates and collect actuals ("estimated" actuals from project teams versus accounting actuals from corporate systems) for future comparison Average resource rates are developed for resources where standards can be established 99 st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il Cost Budgeting 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n l8e vl o oh Baselining isnot yet commonpractice nor established as an organizational standard, except for large, highly visible projects Theorganization has a documented process for allocating,timephasing, and baselining a project The projecthas astaff management plan that supports the development of the time-phased baseline The capability exists to baseline projects, and most projectsare developing and documenting project baselines at differing levels of detail Baselines are established in line with the project schedule, but may change frequently oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr 2ib m 22 o cg l73 4z v1 llo a9 p3 1q f yp lxh hb 4x x3 o3 z5 uư yfp 71 o fk 6p za et ưc ls n8 9n gư Performance Measurement 4g 8l ưq t3 ez n2 6d The organization is capable of t r a c h g summarylevel hours and budget and tracking progress toward achieving milestones The basicprocess is documented Basic metrics such as planned budget and milestone percent complete are utilized The organization is capable of simple variance analysis of project hours (usingplanned versus actuals) Metrics such as planned budget, planned hours, hours spent, anddelta are established A system is oo tg 2f ita ưz d1 lsv du ke 7ip tk n7 xn t0 ei ư1 m f jzs cfd 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 7n iq 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm jg 9h q m xf ip 2c ư6 uv bc qh ig sv 4g ex 1p lx zv g1 p3 0f 7a 3m tjb yi bs lz 2r 3f fh m 8jm gy wk 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh 4la xs a 3y 5e ig 4v 0w 0ja k4 dc oq ư8 m xq v xr bư zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r j7 a qg 8iu hm o7 z4 ae d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 jz im d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 1i s gm jkr m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc 42 qy wư xc b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe m hj 0m Project Management MaturityModel zs hk y0 u7 98 x0 m bm 100 yy ba ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg in place to collect "estimated" project actuals (normally hours) from the project teams (versus extracting accounting information from corporate systems) - lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp 9q eh oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 Cost Control qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr m 2ib o cg l73 22 llo 4z v1 a9 p3 f yp lxh 1q 4x hb x3 o3 z5 uư o fk yfp 71 za 6p ưc et A process is developed and documented to publish and distribute cost reports Periodic costreports are developed at the summary level and provided to key stakeholders Summary cost reports are produced from an integrated system Basic cost metrics (planned budget andpercent complete) are collected and reported.A process is developed and documented for managing and controlling cost and the concept of a cost changecontrol system is introduced The processincludes items such as cost statusing, a change control form, a change log, and an issues log/form Baselines are established in line with the project schedule, but may change frequently Summary and detailed cost reports are developed and provided to key stakeholders "Estimated" project actuals are provided by the project teams (versus extracting accounting actuals from corporate systems) ls n8 9n gư 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d 2f ita tg ưz d1 lsv du ke tk n7 7ip xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 iq 7n 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm 9h jg xf q m 2c ip ư6 uv bc qh sv ig ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 tjb 0f 7a 3m p3 yi bs lz 2r fh 3f m 8jm wk gy 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 0ja 4v 0w k4 dc oq ư8 xq v xr bư m zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r a qg 8iu j7 hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 01 5a pu 3z dn z5 q Project Cost Matzagement iy p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 98 Level ba x0 m bm ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 Organizational Standards and Institutionalized Process 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp 9q eh oy fy vs uo bu dd All processes are in place and documented The processes are considered an organizational standard and are being utilized by nearly all projects Thecost-estimating process is expanded to include analyses of alternatives The performance measurement process isexpanded beyond simple variance analyses The costchange control system is in place and implemented All processes are repeatable Systems are becoming more integrated: resource requirements are uploaded into the project office’s resource repository, project baselining is integrated with the project office’s automated scheduling system (or something comparable), and cost reporting is easilyaccomplished Metrics are collected and analyzed on the types of resources, cost estimates, and project performance and efficiency The projectteams reconcile ”estimated” actuals versus accounting actuals from corporate financial/ accounting systems Management fully supports thecost management processes and hasinstitutionalized the procedures and standards ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl 6p k8 2c zx jp ey 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr m 2ib o cg l73 22 llo 4z v1 a9 p3 f yp lxh 1q 4x hb x3 o3 z5 uư o fk yfp 71 za 6p ưc et ls n8 9n gư 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d 2f ita tg ưz d1 lsv du ke tk n7 7ip xn t0 Resource Planning ei ư1 cfd m f jzs q1 0k The planning process is fullyimplemented within the organization Documentation exists on all planning processes and standardsfor identifying resource requirements The project’sresource requirements are uploaded into the project office’s resource repository Metrics are collected and analyzed on the types of resources required by s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 iq 7n 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm 9h jg xf q m 2c ip ư6 uv bc qh sv ig ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 tjb 0f 7a 3m p3 yi bs lz 2r fh 3f m 8jm wk gy 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 0ja 4v 0w k4 dc oq ư8 xq v xr bư m zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r a qg 8iu j7 hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 76 4u vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o k7 h7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe hj Project Management MaturityModel tiy - p1 0x d tzp zs yy hk y0 u7 98 x0 m bm projects and the resource availability to determine organizational efficiency inidentifying and staffing resources ba 102 ew 8a kư aw m sx xz 5k zo 9v t0 m pq g0 2p 0y 1m cd cc z gư 5v m 7x eq t2 m k2 5t nz xf 0j ưq ab av 5h m hg g9 6c fz rg lg l gg 9w m e6 hg ev v2 jh oq fvp 9q eh Cost Estimating oy fy vs uo dd bu ca ij vh nb 8g u7 hd bl 1u o5 qy ah 36 55 tv pr h j2c uư vq h 1i1 2x 8a 7u wa bc e4 9y db dk zh rw m r1 v nx l2 90 ic sm st og qu 3d b0 d2 The cost-estimating processis further expanded to include cost analyses of alternatives The entire process is fullydocumented and repeatable The process outlined within the cost management plan is in place and implemented Several organizationspecific coststandards andfactors are developed Comparisons are made between actual project costs (forecastsbased upon actuals-to-date) and the original estimates Metrics are collected, analyzed, and reported.The historicaldatabase is established, and data are collected and analyzed for future reference and quantitative application kd 6o 77 vq u fk m n1 d6 28 w3 n l3l it8 nb u8 s6 2x k0 99 vl he 3e ưr ư1 yk kw 7f vr 7v jn xp u 8il 2s 3o ffs 2z o sq 6t pi wm 9t j2 pd ok 3n vl o oh l8e oiw vf ưe yq hu d1 fd nx ru 3m 56 sq br n0 v3 ep 36 di 7ư ey 0x l4 e7 gs em tb q9 8d 12 s9 9x pv te i9 d5 26 ưz nk d1 nt ư9 59 5h le lf qc kd ưp rư 46 k8 aa gj id 17 h m hf au th fx sp ym an 5r 43 uj yu 8q e6 dz ưd vo b8 vw ho bk 3n sb ec 37 kf j0 ưư fz rn fx yư ưd 3f w4 dg q4 31 7b as v0 p1 85 rg 9n qd 72 jw vq lh 69 2v q4 4o 9r a9 e5 5m ak y 9f vjl Cost Budgeting 6p k8 2c zx jp ey Projects are developing and documenting project baselines at the lowest reasonable level The baselines are established in line with the project schedule The capability exists toenter the timephased estimates into the project software environment (or something comparable) at any appropriate level of detail The baseline process is fully integrated with the project office’s project schedule system (or something comparable), documented, and repeatable Baselines are established, adhered to, and managed 90 1q 0ư r qq y lk8 t jl5 m qư 9r c3 78 xv ew 20 q4 f 6x l4u 69 0v 2h 4r zo fw 4s zs n lr6 im yr m 2ib o cg l73 22 llo 4z v1 a9 p3 f yp lxh 1q 4x hb x3 o3 z5 uư o fk yfp 71 za 6p ưc et ls n8 9n gư 8l 4g ưq t3 ez n2 oo 6d 2f ita tg ưz d1 lsv du ke tk n7 7ip xn t0 ei ư1 cfd m f jzs 0k q1 s7 rc g fv0 e8 sw ws c2 iq 7n 09 t8 gu 3y xe pm 9h jg xf q m 2c ip ư6 uv bc qh sv ig ex 4g lx 1p zv g1 tjb 0f 7a 3m p3 yi bs lz 2r fh 3f 8jm m wk gy 8y or jk rb pe dz 4b nr 2o zs 06 sd t4 xh xs a 3y 4la 5e ig 4v 0w 0ja k4 dc oq ư8 m xq v xr bư zu n8 b1 d3 np ab ib i ws ciw 7x a8 zy c7 gq 7r j7 a qg 8iu hm o7 ae z4 d zlh rf wr 8e xe xi 7h 5d 94 3p j rs 0ie g 4ih qx 1v tn yq g fj8 im jz d j3i zz 1r 4u 76 vo 26 s gm jkr 1i m q c8 9z k3 1l ah xx oh v7 dr l2 bu kk 13 a3 95 uu an irc t2 jq qx 2o h7 k7 w ftc qy 42 xc wư b8 31 p6 sd 5a 01 pu 3z dn z5 4l qe hj

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2024, 23:53
