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C21 english for the 21st century 3 teachers book

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Tiêu đề English for the 21st Century Level 3 Teacher's Book
Tác giả Bill Mascull
Trường học Garnet Education
Chuyên ngành English
Thể loại teacher's book
Năm xuất bản 2nd Edition
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Walk around the class to monitor and assist where necessary.. Explain the task teach impolite if necessary and get students to work on it in simultaneous pairs.. ~., Arrangements Vocabul

nd Edition ENGLISHFOR THE 21st CENTURY Level3 Teacher's Book Bill Mascull GARNET EDUCATION Level3 Teacher'sBook Contents Introduction Unit Communication 10 Unit Arrangements 18 Unit Travel experiences 24 Unit Faraway places 30 Unit Changing times 36 Unit Technology 42 Unit Teamwork 47 Unit Groups & communities 53 Unit Healthy lifestyle 59 Unit 10 Health & safety 65 Unit 11 Preparing for work 71 Unit 12 Future plans 78 C21 skills Progress test answers Workbook answers Notes 82 91 95 111 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// English for the 21 'Century• Contents - - ntroduction The course Coursecomponents C21Englishfor che2111Centuryis a coursethat combines a general Englishsyllabuswith a focuson (21 skills.C21skills are a combination of academicskills,study skillsand 21"century skillssuch ascritical thinking, creativethinking and collaboration.The aim of the course is to encourage learnersto develop their overallcommunicativeability and become independent, autonomous learners Eachlevel of the coursecomprises: • a course book in print and interactivedigital formats • a workbook in print and interactive digital formats • a teacher'sbook in print and digital formats • a website at www.garneteducatlon.com/c21with resourcesincluding audio and slideshows Learnersare askedto takea more active role in the learning process.They are given help and guidance in achieving this aim, both through specific notes and activities,and asan approach running through the course.For many activities, giving simple yes/noanswersIs discouragedand learners are often askedto explain or support their answers.They are also askedto bring their own experiencesand ideasinto the classroom Unit structure Learnersare introduced to a wide range of skillsthat will be usefulto them in both their future studies and when they enter the world of work Learnersare encouragedto think about ways in which they can think and act more effectively They alsofocus on how to be more creativeand areoften required to produce creativesolutionsto problems similar to those that they are likely to face themselvesin the future Researchplaysan important part in this process;learnerswill be required to work between classesand not treat the courseas simply something they in the classroom At the same time, learnersare introduced to the various aspectsof collaboration - how to work effectively with other people, respecting their opinions and cultures,whether they be similaror different to their own Communicatingin groups and teams1schallenging and learnersare given opportunities throughout the course to develop awarenessof themselves and the people they work and study with, and to adapt and develop strategiesthat allow them to work creativelyand productively whilst avoiding misunderstandingand conflict Eachcoursebook contains 12units Eachunit has three sections,A to C.covering a combination of vocabulary, grammar and the four skills- listening,speaking,reading and writing It also integratesthe 21"century skills(more on these below) throughout the unit There is one general topic per unit, which is divided into sub-topics in each section Sections A unit section is usuallytwo or three pages.A unit section focuseson one particular area,e.g.,vocabulary,grammar,skills or a combination of skillssuch as listening and speaking.The unit as a whole bullds a complete stage of development by providing a balanceof theseareas.Foreasyreference,the main skillsin each section are indicated by the following icons: • peaking Activitiesand flow of the material Activities are designed to be engaging and effective.The activities that require the students to think and prepareare carefullybalancedwith activities that requirethem to use their Englishactively and interact with each other With the aim of developing core (21 skillsof communication, collaborationand critical thinking, each section features activities that encouragestudents to personalizethe target skills,sharetheir experiencesand opinions and/or think critically about the themes in the units Theseactivities are indicated by a light bulb icon: Q English for the 21 Century• Introduction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~ /////////////#/////////U////////////U////////////U///////,W/#//////////////////////U///U///////U/////////////////U/////////////////////////4 Navigation Pageheadingsare clear and easyto understand,making navigation through each unit easy.Hereis an example: Introduction The target section is divided into: • Vocabulary • Grammar Languageskills Theseare explained next -iiiH,IMIVocabulary • - Icons to show the main skills you work on There are also headersand foorerssignposting the unit and section Opening pages The opening spreadof each unit starts with a photo or photos related to the topic It alsocontainsan overview of the learning objectives for the unit Providesan overviewof the languagecontent of the unit This 1san opportunity for the studentsand teachersto look ahead lo what 1scoming up or to reviewa unit later Highlightsthe skills developedIn the unit I Vocabularydevelopment is a key element of each unit The focus Is usuallyon a group of relatedwords - for example, placesin a town - and there may also be work on wordbuilding using prefixesor suffixes,and noun phrases.The students are also encouraged to use their critical thinking skillsto evaluatethe vocabularyitemsintroduced,for example, evaluatingthe advantagesand disadvantagesof usingdifferent forms of communication such as email,texts and letters When new words or phrasesare introduced,you can use the photos and illustrationsto help students understand the meaning and contexts in which they are used The activities in this section encouragethe students to actively use the vocabularythat is introduced Get the students to use the vocabularyas much as possibleso that they can develop an understandingof how the words can be used in varioussituations.Listeningactivities give the students clear models of the most typical use of the vocabulary in everydaysituations The amount of new vocabulary being Introduced is limited so that the students havea chance to fully understand the meaning and to rememberthe words If some students are quicker than others,you can encourage them to explore other words relatedto the topic using a dictionary or online research I Grammar In each unit, the students look at and practiseone or more grammar or functional language point, learning to put them into practice in specificcontexts.Over the 12units of the book, the grammar points treated in each unit build into a grammar sequenceappropriate for the level Quizlet OR codes hnk studentswith extra exerciseson key unit vocabulary Focusesthe students'attention on the topic of the unit Givesthe teacherthe chanceto see what the studentsknow about the mp1c,the vocabularythey know or don't know,and to engagetheir interest W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////H////////// The grammar and functional language is introduced in a typical context, either through a reading or listening text The texts contain examplesof the languageat a level that is accessibleto the students.The texts are based on contemporary topics or issuesthat provide an initial discussionplatform Studentsalso have the chance to personalizethe topic and talk about their own experiences and ideas Focusboxes provide notes on the form and use of the language.They are followed by practice activities that support the students In using the language for themselves.Finally, the students havean opportunity to use the language more freely in speakingactivities in pairsor smallgroups English for the 21 Century• Introduction ~ Introduction Skills:Listening Skills:Reading Studentslistento audiomaterialand practisetheir listening comprehensionin a sequenceof exercises Thereisa full transcriptat the backof the coursebook.Typically,the listeningactivitiesdevelopthe students'abilityto listenin differentways Listeningisone of the mainwaysthat studentsgain insight into the variousfeaturesof conversational English.Thisis an importantstagein theirdevelopment,asit providesa modelfor them to follow and adaptwhen they communicate themselves The listeningmaterialin the courseis carefully adaptedto suiteachleveland givesexamplesof typlcal Interactionsbetweennativespeakers Readingactivitiesarebasedaroundtextsthat havebeen written specificallyfor the leveland relateto the topic of the unit Readingis an integralpart of the processof learning new vocabularyand grammar.It isalsothe meansby which studentslearnabout contemporaryeventsand issuesrelated to a wide rangeof areasincludingtechnologyandthe digital world,healthand lifestyles,the world of work,and various aspectsof culture Listeningskillsarealsodevelopedthroughoutthe course Listeningfor gist is an importantskillbecauseit allows studentsto get the generalideaof what is beingsaid,rather than focusingon detail.Focusingon detailcan meanthat studentscannotkeepup with the paceof what is being said Similarly,listeningfor specificinformationallowsthe students to filter out unimportantinformationand focussolelyon informationthey need Listeningactivitiesalsoprovideopportunitiesfor students to hearthe grammarand vocabularythey havelearntIn previoussectionsbeing usedIn differentcontexts.This helps to broadenand consolidatetheir understandingand also aidsmemorization Skills:Speaking Thecourseprovidespracticein differentmodesof speaking One importantareais usingfunctionallanguageto somethingspecificwith the language- for example,makea request,give an opinion,ofrerhelp or exchangeInformation Studentsaregivenspokenexamplesof the necessary phrases to performthesefunctionsin typicaleverydayconversations, whichthey then useasmodelsfor pairworkpractice Studentsarealsoencouragedto discusstopicsand bringtheir own experiences and ideasinto the classroom.Studentinput isa valuablepart of eachlessonand the morethey share their knowledgeand thoughtswith eachother,the richerthe lessonswill be CollaboratlonIsan Importantpart of the student'ssklllset, andworkingtogetherto makedecisions,solveproblemsand achievegoalsIsone of the mostImportantaspectsof the course.Thisisachievedthrough speakingactivitiesin small groups,classdiscussions, posterpresentations and a varietyof otheractivities ~ Readingskillsaredevelopedin stagesand studentsare introducedto the variouswaysin which we read,depending on our purpose.SkimmingIsa keysklllthat allowsus,In a slmllarway to llstenlngfor gist,to get the generalmeaning of the text Sc.anning focusesthe students'attentionon only the informationthey need,which meansthat they readmore efficientlyand not wastetheir effort on unnecessary detail Readingfor detail helpsthe studentsto reada text closelyand understandthe text at a microlevel- an importantskillfor readingacademictexts,for example Skills:Writing Studentslearnhow to write connectedtext in a varietyof genres.Note-takingisa coreskillthat can be appliedto academicstudyandalsoto the world of work.Studentsare alsogivenguidelinesasto how to composea clear,concise emailmessage,both in professional and everydaycontexts Textmessages, reports,personalprofilesand application lettersaresomeof the manyareasof writing that arealso coveredin the course Studentsneedto be able to write in a wa-;that is both coherentand clear.Thecourseintroducesthe waysin which we organizeIdeasand usesappropriatelanguageto makethis organizationclearto the reader Markingstudents'writing isan important part of the process and studentsvaluef'eedbackfrom the teacher- both praise and constructivecriticism.Commentson the students'work shouldguidethem asto how to improvetheir work,both in their useof languageand in the way they constructa text Pronunciation Pronunciationis highlightedthroughoutthe course,in places wherethe studentsneedto be ableto producethe correct pronunciationof individualsounds,individualwordsincluding word stress,phrasesand completesentences, including basicintonationpatterns.Studentsshouldbe encouraged to usethe correctpronunciationin the subsequentspeaking activitiesto reinforcetheir abilityto sayindividualand connectedsoundsaccuratelyand fluently.Spokenmodelsof thesefeaturesareprovidedin the audio material English for the 21st Century • Introduction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~ Introduction W//,W///////////////////////,W///,W///////////H///////#////////////////////////////////H//////////H///////,W,W/////////////////#///////#//4 C21 skills Slideshows Eachunit introducestwo or three C21skills,so 30 skillsareas arecoveredper level.Togetherthey encouragestudentsto think activelyand criticallyabout what they readand listen to, and provide insightsinto the skillsthey need to master in order to function effectivelyin a contemporaryand internationalenvironment SectionC of eacheven-numberedunit (Units2, 4, 6, 8, 10and 12)featuresa slideshowand audio commentaryrelatingto the theme explored in the previoustwo units.The slideshowscan be accessedfrom the interactivecoursebook or the resources sectionof the website:www.garneteducation.com/c21 They provideextensivelisteningpracticeand a set of related discussionand writing activities The C21skillshavebeen selectedon the basisof their relevanceto languagelearning(e.g.,communication,study skills)and their importance in preparingstudentsfor life and study in the 21"century (e.g.,critical thinking,creativity, life skillsand collaboration) C21 skills area and sub-skill The listeningactivitiesare designedto build skillsfor understandingthe main ideasrather than everysmalldetail A strong emphasison listeningin pairsencouragesstudents to sharewhat they understand,ratherthan panicabout what they havemissed How to work with the slideshows \ You study photos from each sl1deshowto predict what the slideshow is about, and the key words you'll hear \ \ \ •, See page 47 -► j Reference to practice activities 1nthe C21 pages at the end of the unit - Wl!Cl!lb . • ':: = -·-··- _., _ , l~L •• •= -, a •=.-:: -=:::: - · ' o • - - - - - - ,, II I - - You watch each slideshow and share ideas about what you hear You discuss questions raised in the slideshow in pairs or small groups and share your ideas with the class As an additional activity for Levels4 and 5, encourage studentsto createand sharetheir own slideshowsand commentaries,using appropriatesoftwaresuchas PowerPoint Practice act1vit1esfrom the C21 skills pages for the untt W/////////////////////////////////////////////#/#/////////////////////////////////////////.#////////H English for the 21 Century• Introduction ~ - Introduction Support material Focusboxes Notesin Focusboxesprovideessentialinformation to help studentswith activitiesin classor for reviewingunits later Theyarecolour-codedto highlight their purpose Grammar Focus(Green) Providesnoteson the form and meaningof the grammarpoints ExpressionFocus(Pink) • • Transcriptscan be found at the end of the coursebook Theseshould be usedsparinglywith studentswith lower levelsof Englishasthey can reinforcethe idea that studentsneed to catch everyword Visualorganizersareavailableon the C21website www.garneteducation.com/c21/student/ assupport for the note-takingphaseof the listeningactivitiesand for the follow-up writing tasks Assessingprogress After every unit, there areactivitiesto assessstudents' progressand encouragethem to becomeresponsiblefor their own progressand become independentlearners;one of the underpinningC21skills Planningahead activities Units 1, 3, 5, 7,9 & 11 Theseself-evaluationactivitiesencouragestudentsto think about their learning,identifying areasof strength and areasfor improvement.Encouragestudentsto answerthe questions honestlyand revisitat regularintervalsso they can seethe progressthey are makingand update their learningpriorities and study plans PronunciationFocus(Yellow) Providesmodelsof pronunciation to suppon speakingtasksand help students to recognizefeaturesof spokenEnglish,suchasconnected speechor short forms that can Impede understanding Activities Forsome more extensivespeakingor writing activitiesin the units,additional materialcan be found in the Activities sectionat the backof the coursebook.Thesetake the form of prompts suchaschartsor illustrationsor full casestudies and role-playsfor pairworkand sometimesfor smallgroups Forpairworkactivitieswhere studentsexchangeinformation, separatepagesare provided for StudentA and StudentB so that they cannot seeeachother'sinformation Transcripts Progresstests after every two units Units2, 4, 6, 8, 10& 12 The testscoverthe main areasthe classhasstudied in the previoustwo units.They can be done in classor ashomework after the units havebeen completed.The resultsshould give teachersand studentsa good ideaof progressand Indicate areaswhere they may need to further study English for the 21 Century• Introduction ConLainsfunctional language,useful expressionsand tips to Improve students'written and spoken communication All the listeningmaterialis availablein written form in this section.Youcan suggestto the studentsthat they readthe transcriptsaher the lessonasrevision.Youcould alsoget the studentsto referto the transcriptsafter a listeningactivity to checkon anythingthey could not understand.However, studentsshouldn't focustoo much on understanding everything,asthis may slow down their progress ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~ W//,W///////////////////////,W///,W///////////H///////#////////////////////////////////H//////////H///////,W,W/////////////////#///////#//4 Introduction WordUst Groupwork Theword list isa good resourcefor reviewingvocabulary Theword listcontainsall the wordsthat the studentsshould be awareof in a given unit Assuggestedabove,the students canusethe word list in variouswaysto reinforcetheir understandingof the wordsand phrasesthey havestudied Similarly, group work isa good wayfor studentsto certain activitytypes,for example,discussionactivities,in a waythat is not dominatedby the teacher Explainthe activityand makesurethe whole class understandsit Saywhat you expectat the end of the activity.Forexample,afterthe activity,you might want a spokesperson for eachgroup to summarizewhat the group hasdiscussedand the conclusionsit hascome to, being readyto summarizedifferingconclusionsfrom within the group If necessary Dividethe classInto groupsof three or four,and get or,if they studentsIn eachgroupto selecta spokesperson, hesitate, appointoneyourselffor eachgroup.Tryto avoid studentsalwaysworkingtogetherin the samegroups.Also avoidgroupsalwayshavingthe samespokesperson Getthe studentsto starttheir discussion Theteacherlistensin to differentgroups,walkingaround the room,if necessary, noting mentallyor on paperany pointsthat arecausingdifficulty,especiallydifficulties experiencedby morethanone group Whenmostgroupshavefinished,call the classto order Gooverpointsthat havebeencausingdifficultyand get one or two studentsto listenand repeatafteryou Getthe spokesperson from eachgroupto give a summary of the outcomeof Itsdiscussions Ifthere Istime and interest,you canthen developa whole-classdiscussion, comparingthe pointsof view of differentgroups Groupworkcanoften be followedup with written activities.Suggestions for thesearegivenin the unitspecificnotesbelow Leamingmethods Oneof the maindangersin languagelearningisfor the teacherto talk too much,and becomethe mainfocusof classattention,insteadof the students.C21hasbeen designedto maximizestudent-centredclassroominteraction, andthe notesin this teacher'sbookarewritten from this perspective Thesegeneralnotes,and the unit-specificnotes that follow them,presentwaysof putting studentsat the centreof learning Pairworlc Manyactivitiesin the coursebook lendthemselvesto pairwork,not just the onesshownaspairworkin the exerciseinstructions.Hereisa procedurefor introducingand exploitingpairworkin the readingof a dialogue Explainthe taskand makesurethe whole class understandsit Dividethe classinto pairs.Tryto avoidstudentsalways working togetherin the samepairs With the whole classlistening,the teacherreadsthe part of Speaker A with one of the studentstakingthe part of SpeakerB,perhapsonly speakingthe first few linesof the dialogue,whlle the restof the classllstens Anotherstudenttakesthe part of A and the teachertakes the part of Bagain,while the restof the classlistens.You canomit steps3 and if you think the classcanstartto work in simultaneouspairswithout a 'model' S Getthe whole classto readthe dialoguein simultaneous pairs,with eachpairreadingat their own speed,of course Theteachershouldlistento differentpairs,in larger classeswalkingaroundthe room,noting mentallyor on paperanypoints that arecausingdifficultyor need improvement,especiallydifficultiesexperiencedby more thanone pair Whenmost pairshavefinished,call the classto order Go

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