Ebook Global marketing (Sixth edition) relects the trend of irms selling and distributing products and services in many countries around the world. It is associated with governments reducing trade and investment barriers, irms manufacturing in multiple countries and foreign irms increasingly competing in domestic markets. Đề tài Hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tại Công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên được nghiên cứu nhằm giúp công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên làm rõ được thực trạng công tác quản trị nhân sự trong công ty như thế nào từ đó đề ra các giải pháp giúp công ty hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tốt hơn trong thời gian tới.
c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 ‘All good marketing is local Global companies know this and are going “glocal” Svend Hollensen has captured all the latest trends in this new edition of his Global Marketing.’ Philip Kotler, Northwestern University, USA Global Marketing arketing Sixth Edition Svend Hollensen c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 GlobAl mArketinG c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 iii Global Marketing Sixth Edition Svend Hollensen c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2JE United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1279 623623 Web: www.pearson.com/uk First published 1998 by Prentice Hall (print) Second edition published 2001 by Pearson Education Limited (print) Third edition published 2004 (print) Fourth edition published 2007 (print) Fifth edition published 2011 (print) Sixth edition published 2014 (print and electronic) © Prentice Hall Europe 1998 (print) © Pearson Education Limited 2001, 2011 (print) © Pearson Education Limited 2014 (print and electronic) The right of Svend Hollensen to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 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f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 brief ContentS Preface Guided tour Acknowledgements Publisher’s acknowledgements Abbreviations About the author PArt i THE DECISION WHETHER TO INTERNATIONALIzE PArt ii Global marketing in the firm Initiation of internationalization Internationalization theories Development of the firm’s international competitiveness Part I Case studies xxxii xxxiv xxxvi xli xlv 52 76 100 144 DECIDING WHICH MARKETS TO ENTER 169 Global marketing research The political and economic environment The sociocultural environment The international market selection process Part II Case studies 173 PArt iii MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES 10 11 12 13 Some approaches to the choice of entry mode Export modes Intermediate entry modes Hierarchical modes International sourcing decisions and the role of the subsupplier Part III Case studies PArt iV DESIGNING THE GLOBAL MARKETING PROGRAMME 14 15 16 17 PArt V xviii Product decisions Pricing decisions and terms of doing business Distribution decisions Communication decisions (promotion strategies) Part IV Case studies IMPLEMENTING AND COORDINATING THE GLOBAL MARKETING PROGRAMME 208 243 270 308 325 331 346 368 398 419 446 471 479 534 570 606 650 681 18 Cross-cultural sales negotiations 19 Organization and control of the global marketing programme Part V Case studies 683 Index 775 710 744 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 This page is intentionally left blank c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 ContentS Preface Guided tour Acknowledgements Publisher’s acknowledgements Abbreviations About the author PArt i THE DECISION WHETHER TO INTERNATIONALIzE xviii xxxii xxxiv xxxvi xli xlv Part i Video case study: Cisco systems Global marketing in the firm 5 6 14 16 18 19 20 Learning objectives 1.1 Introduction to globalization 1.2 The process of developing the global marketing plan 1.3 Comparison of the global marketing and management style of SMEs and LSEs Exhibit 1.1 LEGO’s strategic drift Exhibit 1.2 Economies of scale with Nintendo Game Boy Exhibit 1.3 Ford Focus global marketing plan 1.4 Should the company internationalize at all? 1.5 Development of the ‘global marketing’ concept Exhibit 1.4 Persil Black & Persil Abaya = glocalization (same product, but different packaging and market communication) 1.6 Forces for global integration and market responsiveness Exhibit 1.5 McDonald’s is moving towards a higher degree of market responsiveness 1.7 The value chain as a framework for identifying international competitive advantage 1.8 Value shop and the ‘service value chain’ 1.9 Global experiential marketing 1.10 Information business and the virtual value chain 1.11 Summary Case studies 1.1 Green Toys, Inc.: a manufacturer of eco-friendly toys is going international 1.2 Hunter Boot Ltd: the iconic British brand is moving into exclusive fashion 1.3 Video case study: Nivea Questions for discussion References 42 47 49 50 50 Initiation of internationalization 52 Learning objectives 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Internationalization motives Exhibit 2.1 Jägermeister: the famous herbal liqueur is going global as a result of ‘managerial urge’ in the family-owned company 52 53 53 23 24 26 27 33 37 39 41 54 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 viii CONTENTS Exhibit 2.2 Global marketing and economies of scale in Japanese firms Exhibit 2.3 Internationalization of Haier – proactive and reactive motives 2.3 Triggers of export initiation (change agents) 2.4 Internationalization barriers/risks Exhibit 2.4 De-internationalization at British Telecommunications (BT) 2.5 Summary Case studies 2.1 LifeStraw: Vestergaard-Frandsen transforms dirty water into clean drinking water 2.2 Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc (EPE): internationalization of a cult icon 2.3 Video case study: TOMS Shoes Questions for discussion References 70 72 73 74 75 Internationalization theories 76 Learning objectives 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Uppsala internationalization model 3.3 The transaction cost analysis (TCA) model 3.4 The network model 3.5 Born globals Exhibit 3.1 K-pop – a ‘born global’ phenomenon has worldwide success 3.6 Summary Case studies 3.1 zumba: a dance phenomenon is going global 3.2 DreamWorks Classics: internationalization of Postman Pat 3.3 Video case study: Reebok Questions for discussion References 76 77 79 83 86 88 88 92 57 60 61 65 67 69 93 96 97 97 97 Development of the firm’s international competitiveness 100 Learning objectives 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Analysis of national competitiveness (the Porter diamond) 4.3 Competition analysis in an industry 4.4 Value chain analysis 4.5 The sustainable global value chain 4.6 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Exhibit 4.1 Chiquita – integrating CSR in the resource base 4.7 The value net Exhibit 4.2 Value net – cooperation/competition between competitors within each airline alliance The three alliances are competing against each other 4.8 Blue ocean strategy and value innovation Exhibit 4.3 Hotel Formule – value innovation in action 4.9 Summary Case studies 4.1 Nintendo Wii: Nintendo’s Wii took first place on the world market – but it didn’t last 4.2 Microsoft ‘Surface’ tablet: the software producer is moving into the hardware tablet PC market and challenging Apple 4.3 Video case study: Nike Questions for discussion References 100 101 101 107 111 121 122 123 125 126 127 129 131 132 138 141 141 142 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 CONTENTS ix Part i Case studies I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4 zara: the Spanish retailer goes to the top of world fashion Manchester United: still trying to establish a global brand Adidas: the No in the global sportswear market is challenging the No 1, Nike Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW): the No world player is challenging the No 1, Kellogg 144 150 153 159 PArt ii DECIDING WHICH MARKETS TO ENTER 169 Part ii Video case study: embraer business jets 171 Global marketing research 173 Learning objectives 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The changing role of the international researcher 5.3 Linking global marketing research to the decision-making process 5.4 Secondary research 5.5 Primary research Exhibit 5.1 Market research in India is challenging 5.6 Other types of marketing research 5.7 Setting up an international marketing information system (MIS) 5.8 Marketing research based on Web 2.0 5.9 Summary Case studies 5.1 Teepack Spezialmaschinen GmbH: organizing a global survey of customer satisfaction 5.2 LEGO Friends: the world’s third largest toy manufacturer is moving into the girls’ domain 5.3 Video case study: ziba Questions for discussion References 173 174 174 175 177 181 190 193 197 198 200 The political and economic environment 208 Learning objectives 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The political/legal environment Exhibit 6.1 Huawei Technologies Corporation: the role of home government in the internationalization process 6.3 The economic environment 6.4 The European economic and monetary union and the euro 6.5 BRIC – the new growth markets of the world Exhibit 6.2 ChotuKool – Indian Godrej is creating a disruptive innovation (a low-cost refrigerator) for the BOP market 6.6 ‘Bottom of pyramid’ (BOP) as a market opportunity Exhibit 6.3 Vodacom – reaching both BOP customers and BOP entrepreneurs in Africa Exhibit 6.4 Voltic Cool Pac – distribution of water in Ghana 6.7 Summary Case studies 6.1 G-20 and the economic and financial crises: what on earth is globalization about? Massive protests during a meeting in Mexico City, June 2012 208 209 209 200 201 206 206 207 211 219 226 228 231 233 234 235 236 238 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 778 INDEX computer chips 435 – concentration of industries 107 concentration versus diversiication 293 – concession making and agreement cross-cultural sales negotiations 689 – 90 condom market see contraceptive market conirmed irrevocable letters of credit 561 Confucianism 255, 689 connection, customers 38 consignments 562 construct validity 192 consular invoices 584 consumer-to-consumer (C2C) 633, 635 consumers education, m-marketing 591 m-marketing beneits 590 panels 194 poor as 233 – usage data 199 continuous CSR costs 124 continuous discovery mode 40 contraceptive market 311 – 13, 341 – 5, 388 – 9, 416 contract logistics 587 – contract manufacturing 369 – 71, 389 contracting costs 84 contracts distributors 581 – with intermediaries 358 joint ventures 381, 384 – 5, 387 logistics 587 – termination of 360 contribution margins 735 control 6C model of social media 634 distribution channels 576 distributors 582 global marketing programmes 11, 728 – annual plan control 733 – behavioural controls 729, 732 budgets 734 – case studies 738 – 42 design of control systems 729 – 32 early performance indicators 733 environments and 732 feed forward control 732 key areas for control 732 – locating responsibility 730 output control 729 performance measurement 730, 731 proit control 733, 734 joint ventures 387, 388 of subsidiaries 399 viral marketing 638 convergent forces 196 Converse 541 – COO (country of origin) 537, 500 – cooperative export modes 347, 348, 360 – coordination of marketing activities 21 Copenhagen criteria 226 co-producers 482 co-promotion 615 core competences 117, 120 corporate competences 117 corporate culture 245 – 6, 693 – 5, 729 corporate social responsibilities (CSR) 121 – corruption 210, 219 cost and freight (CFR) 557 – cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 557, 558 cost plus transfers 554 cost transfers 554 costs CSR 124 – decreases, CSR-induced 123 deep management 233 – distribution channel control 576 drivers, global 25 licensing 373 reducing 40 relative cost advantage 113 – 14, 115 – 16 savings 402 structure of 107 switching 107 – 8, 109, 718 transaction cost analysis (TCA) model 77 – 8, 83 – 6, 93 transportation 103 – in value chains 115 – 16 counter-trade 352, 563 – counterfeiting brands 525 – country-based subsidiaries 714 – 15 country of origin (COO) 537, 500 – country risks 336, 410 Courvoisier advertising 626 CPT (carriage paid to) 557 CPV (customer-perceived value) 111 – 13 Crayola 513 creative strategy, advertising 614 credit insurance 562 credit policies 211 critical success factors 119 cross-border retailing 595 – cross-cultural learning 699 cross-cultural sales negotiations 10, 683 – bargaining 689 case studies 704 – competences 696 concession making and agreement 689 – 90 diferent organizational models 692 expatriates 697 – gap model 693 – impression formation accuracy 688 information exchange 689 instrumental strategies 689 intercultural preparation 695 – interpersonal attraction 688 – knowledge management 699 – 702 negotiating strategies 695 non-task related interaction 688 – outcomes 690 persuasion 689 process 686 – relationship cultures 685 representational strategies 689 rule-based cultures 685 status distinction 688 task-related interactions 689 – 90 training salespeople 694 transnational bribery 702 – crowdsourcing 640 – CSR (corporate social responsibilities) 121 – Cuba 210 cultural diferences awareness of 696 joint ventures 387 managing 259 – 60 market responsiveness and 25 narrowing of 253 negotiations see cross-cultural sales negotiations professional service irms 486 cultural distance 78, 83, 271, 412, 686, 687, 693 – cultural homogenization 25 cultural sensitivity training 702 culture advertising and 609 Arab countries 249, 252 – 3, 254 basic assumptions 245 buyer–seller interaction and 425 characteristics 244, 248 convergence 253, 260 corporate 245 – 6, 693 – 5, 729 daily behaviour 244 – deinitions 245 diferences see cultural diferences divergence 260 elements of 249 – 56 ethical decision-making 260 – high-context 245, 247 – 9, 263 Hofstede’s model 257 – 8, 690 – language and 250 – 3, 275 layers of 245 – low-context 245, 247 – 9, 263 market segmentation and 276 – national 245 – 6, 693 norms 609 organizational 246, 693 – research and 188 – self-reference criterion 259 social morals 244, 245 values 244, 245 women 256 youth culture 260 see also entries beginning with cross-cultural; sociocultural environment c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX currencies devaluation 220, 539, 555 exchange rates business activities, inluences on 219 – 20 EMU 226 – outsourcing and 423 pricing policies and 539 risks 336 export pricing and 554 – purchasing-power parity 220 – revaluation 220, 539 customer-perceived value (CPV) 111 – 13 customers 6C model of social media 635 building relationships with 219 co-creation 126 connection 38 decision-making data 199 distribution characteristics 572 experiences 37 global 21, 25 intensity of experiences 38 internet collaboration with 519 – 23 involvement 37 – needs 21 participation 37 – relations ethics 262 internet and 522, 523 response to pricing policy 539 sales force organization by 623 satisfaction 40 segmentation 595 service, logistics and 587 as unit of focus 734 value 37 – 8, 482 value nets 125 – customization mass 522 products and services 519 – 21 customs 253 customs unions 224, 225 Daewoo 386 DAF (delivered at frontier) 557 daily behaviour 244 – DaimlerChrysler 408 Danish Klassic cheese 526 – DAP (delivered at place) 557 DAT (delivered at terminal) 557, 558 data analysis 190 classiication 177 collection 189 external 176, 179 internal 176, 178 – interpretation 190 mining 35 mobile 198 non-availability 177 primary 176, 177 retrieval 182 – secondary 176, 177 – secondary research 177 – 81 databases, privacy laws and 178 D’Cruz, J.R 106 DDP (delivered duty paid) 557, 558 DDU (delivered duty unpaid) 557 De Beers 598 – 600 decentralized local–local negotiation model 725, 727 – decisions brands 503 – 12, 526 communication 606 – 47 distribution see distribution making customer data 199 entrepreneurial 14 – 15 ethical 260 – internationalization – 166 formation 12 – 15 marketing research linking to 175 – markets for entry 169 – 323 pricing see prices products see products support systems (DSS) 174, 178 deep beneit management 234 deep cost management 233 – deglobalization 26 de-internationalization 67 – Del Monte 593, 594 delivered at frontier (DAF) 557 delivered at place (DAP) 557 delivered at terminal (DAT) 557, 558 delivered duty paid (DDP) 557, 558 delivered duty unpaid (DDU) 557 delivered ex-quay (DEQ) 557 delivered ex-ship (DES) 557 delivery terms 557 – Dell 292, 519 Delphi studies 194 Delta Kogyo 432 – demand chains 522 conditions, Porter diamond 103 – luctuating 423 market 63 seasonality in 59 uncertainty 336 demographics 275 Denmark Danish Klassic cheese 526 – hearing aid producers 105 DEQ (delivered ex-quay) 557 deregulation 24 DES (delivered ex-ship) 557 design of products, internet and 521 designing global marketing programmes 10, 471 – case studies 650 – 78 communication decisions 606 – 47 779 distribution decisions 570 – 604 pricing decisions 534 – 68 product decisions 479 – 532 devaluation of currencies 220, 539, 555 developing countries 223 DHL 604 Diageo Plc 658 – 65 diamond industry 598 – 600 diamond, Porter’s 101 – diamond-type organizations 482 diferentiation 107 difusions of innovations 25 Diller, H 551 direct export mode 347, 348, 353 advantages and disadvantages 362 agents 354 distributors 354 intermediaries, choice 354 – termination of contracts 360 direct mail 620 – direct marketing 610, 620 – direct trade barriers 337 directories, advertising in 610 discriminatory tarifs 216 disintermediation 588 – Disneyland Paris 483, 694 – dissolution phase, relationships 427, 429 disruptive innovations 231 – distribution channels conlicts 588, 594 control 576, 578 – 83 decisions 571 – degree of integration 576 – demand, nature of 572 legal regulations 573 – length 574 local business practices 573 – location, nature of 572 management 571, 578 – 83, 594 market coverage 574, 575 power 592 – relationships 595 structure 574 – width 574, 575 competition 573 customer characteristics 572 decisions 570 – case studies 598 – 604 channel decisions 571 – grey marketing 596 – internet implications 588 – logistics management 583 – m-marketing 590 – managing and controlling channels 578 – 83 online retail sales 589 – 90 smartphone marketing 590 – external determinants of channel decisions 572 – LDCs and advanced countries 223 – nature of products 572 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 780 INDEX distribution (continued) performance measurement 730, 731 physical 583 rationalization of process 537 systems 325 – see also logistics distributors 353 agreements 581 – control 582 evaluation criteria 579 – 81 exports 354 motivation 582 relationships with 578 – screening and selecting 579 – 81 terminating relationships 582 – divergent forces 196 diversiication versus concentration 293 – diversity, behavioural and cognitive 701 – dock receipts 584 documentary credits see letters of credit documents, export 584 – documents against payment and acceptance 561 dogs 491 Dolby 509 Dole 593 domestic–based sales representatives 399, 400, 412 domestic markets, size and saturation 58 domestic producers 215 domestication 214 dominance, elemental, scale of 481 dominant control, joint ventures 388 double diamond 106 double management, joint ventures 387 Dow Chemical Company 384 Dow, D 335, 336 downstream activities 30, 32 – Drakkar Noir 252 – DreamWorks Classics 96 drive eiciency 591 drive traic 591 DSS (decision support systems) 174, 178 dual channel pricing, internet 556 Ducati motorcycles 520 – 1, 674 – Dunkin’ Donuts 708 Dunning’s eclectic approach to internationalization 78 DuPont’s Telon 509 Durex 344, 416 dynamic customization 521 dynamic pricing, internet 556 Dyson vacuum cleaner 666 – 73 e-commerce 25, 90, 588, 597 see also internet e-services 483 – Eastern Europe bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market 233 Eaton Corporation 444 ECB (European Central Bank) 226 – economic development 219, 233 – 4, 275 economic diferences, communication 609 economic environment 208 – 9, 219 Big Mac Index 220 – case studies 238 – 41 classiication by income 233 – EU enlargement 225 – exchange rate inluences 219 – 20 per capita income 227 – poverty as market opportunity 233 – purchasing-power parity 220 – regional integration 224 – see also legal environment; political environment economic performance 410 – 11 economic relations 261 economic unions 224, 225 economies of scale characteristics of LSEs and SMEs 12, 15 – 17 entry barriers 109 experience curve and 115 export modes and 347 global cost drivers 25 internationalization and 57 national competitiveness 103 – mass production 77 outsourcing and 421 pricing structure and 547 economies of scope 12, 16 – 17, 25 Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 278 education activities 38 – culture and 254 market segmentation and 276 edutainment 39 EEA (European Economic Area) 224 eiciency control 733 EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) 278 EFTA (European Free Trade Area) 224 Electrolux 247, 670 elemental dominance, scale of 481 Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc 72 – embargoes 217 EMC (export management companies) 347, 351 emergent strategies 13 employee relations 219, 261 EMU (European Economic and Monetary Union) 226 – 8, 237 – energy drinks 751 – 60 enforcement costs 84 entertainment 38 entrepreneurial decision-making 14 – 15 entrepreneurs bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market 234 – entrepreneurship, subsidiaries 404 entry barriers 109 entry modes 9, 331 – case studies 340 – control 338 – external factors 336 – lexibility 339 inluencing factors 334 – intensity of competition 337 internal factors 335 – pricing policy and 537 relevant intermediaries and 337 rules 332 trade barriers 337 transaction cost approach 332 – transaction-speciic factors 339 see also exports; hierarchical modes of entry; intermediate modes of entry; market entry strategies environmental degradation 125 environmental factors, pricing 536, 538 – environmental stability 410 EPRG framework 21 equity investments 339 escapism 39 estimation by analogy 180 – ethics 260 – 3, 264 ethnocentric orientation 21, 400 euro 226 – 8, 554 Eurobrands 510 Euromoney 278 Europe, retailing 594 European Central Bank (ECB) 226 – European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 226 – 8, 237 – European Economic Area (EEA) 224 European Free Trade Area (EFTA) 224 European pricing strategy 551 – European Union 224, 225 agents directive 360 enlargement of 225 – euro 226 – 8, 554 GNI and population 227 local-content requirements 213 statistics 227 Evoca Cola 705 – ex ante costs 83 – ex post costs 83 – ex-works (EXW) 557 excess capacity 58 – exchange controls 213 exchange rates see currencies exhibitions 212, 624 exit barriers 108, 326 exit from foreign markets 409, 408 – 12 expanded subcontracting 423, 424 expansion phase, relationships 427, 429 expatriate salespersons 623, 624, 697 – expenses, budgets and 735 experience customers 37 exit from foreign markets 412 international 335 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX experience curve 115, 543 – experiential knowledge 335 experimental marketing 37 – experimental research 185 explicit knowledge 700 – exploration phase, relationships 427, 428 exports agents 64 brokers 350 – buying agents 350 commission houses 350 controls 538 credit insurance 211, 562 declarations 584 documents 584 – inancing 562 – houses 351 intermediaries 332 – 3, 337, 354 – management companies 347, 351 marketing groups 360 – modes of entry 9, 327, 346 – advantages and disadvantages 362 case studies 362 – cooperative export 347, 348, 360 – direct export see direct export mode indirect export see indirect export mode partner mindshare 347 – promotion programmes 61, 210 quotas 216 – 17 subsidies 210 expropriation 214 external data 176, 179 external validity 192 externalization 78, 85 EXW (ex-works) 557 Exxon 497 Facebook 592, 632, 636, 638 – factor conditions, Porter diamond 103 factoring 562 – FamilyMart 409 FAS (free alongside ship) 557 fashion 144 – 9, 338 fast food industry franchising 376 FCA (free carrier) 557 feed forward control 732 female condom market 311 – 13 Female Health Company (FHC) 311 – 13 feminine cultures 257 – 8, 691 Ferrari 39, 509 Fiat 299 ighting brands 545 ilm industry 464 – inance 80 exports 562 – inancial resources Fiore, A.M 336 irm size and entry mode choice 335 irm strategy, structure and rivalry, Porter diamond 104 – irst movers 116 Fisherman’s Friend 356 – ive forces model 101, 102, 107, 110 – 11 ive sources model 110 – 11 ixed price mechanism, internet 556 lexibility entry mode choice 339 organizations 12, 15 luctuating demand 423 FOB (free on board) 557 focus-group interviewing 187 food consumption and market segmentation 277 food packaging 761 – Ford 18 – 19, 636 foreign currencies see currencies foreign orders, unsolicited 59, 347 foreign sales branches 399, 400 – 2, 412 Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC), USA 57 foreign sales subsidiaries 399, 400 – 2, 412 forfeiting 563 Formule Hotels 129 – 30 Foursquare 592 France protectionism 215 retailing 594 franchising 63, 338, 370, 374 advantages and disadvantages 390 business format package 374 – case studies 451 – conlicts, handling 379 innovation 378 international expansion of 377 – licensing and, diferences between 377 managing franchisee relationships 378 – product and trade name 374 standardization 378 free alongside ship (FAS) 557 free on board (FOB) 557 free carrier (FCA) 557 free trade areas 224 – freight forwarders 586 frequency, advertising 615 Friendly Robotics Robomower 442 Friendster 632 FSC (Foreign Sales Corporation), USA 57 functional structures 712 Fyfes 593, 594 G-20 and the economic and inancial crises 238 – GAM see global account management games console market 132 – Gammel Dansk advertising 627 – Gap 147 gap model in international negotiation 693 – Gatorade 757 GDP (gross domestic product) 223, 227, 228 – 9, 238 781 General Electric 304, 523 General Mills 159 – 66 General Motors 386, 523, 550, 609 geocentric orientation 21, 400 geographic distance 271 geographic location of markets 274 geographic sales force organization 623 geographical structures 713 – 14 German Telecom 118 Germany, Wal-Mart withdrawal from 411 Gerolsteiner case study 314 – 18 Ghana 235 – git giving 264, 684 Gillette 545, 566 global account management (GAM) 482, 550, 716 – 17 analysing global accounts 718 balanced negotiation model 724 – bow-tie type development 720 – 1, 722 central HQ–HQ negotiation model 724, 725 company and individual level beneits 719 decentralized local–local negotiation model 725, 727 – developing operational level capabilities 718 – 19 diamond type development 720 – 1, 722 dyadic development of 720 – goal congruence of parties 718 identifying global accounts 717 implementation of 717 – 19 Millman–Wilson model 720 – relationship histories 718 selecting strategies 718 suppliers’ advantages 723 suppliers’ disadvantages 723 – global accounts 25 management see global account management global brands 505 global coordination 24 – global corporate portfolio 296, 298 global cost drivers 25 global industries 19 global integration 24 – global marketing activities 711 country-based subsidiaries 714 – 15 functional structures 712 geographical structures 713 – 14 international divisional structures 712 matrix structures 715 – 16 product divisional structures 712 – 13 regional management centres 714 services 482 budgets 734 – deinition 21, 41 development of concept 20 – c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 782 INDEX global marketing (continued) in the irm – case studies 42 – comparison of marketing and management style of SMEs and LSEs – 19 developing global marketing plans – 7, – 12 experimental marketing 37 – forces for global integration 24 – forces for market responsiveness 25 – staying at home or going abroad 19 – 20 value chains and international competitive advantage 27 – 33 major decisions 175 plans 735 development of – 7, – 12, 737 programmes control of 710 – 11, 728 – 34 implementation and coordination 681 – 774 organization 710 – 28 research 173 – ad hoc 193 case studies 200 – changing role of international researchers 174 continuous 194 custom-designed studies 193 external data 176, 179 internal data 176, 178 – linking to decision-making process 175 – multi-client studies 193 – primary see primary research qualitative and quantitative 181 – sales forecasting 194 – scenario planning 196 – secondary see secondary research setting up an international MIS 197 – Web 2.0-based 198 – 200 global price followers 549 – 50 global price leaders 549, 550 global-pricing contracts (GPC) 550 – global project groups 699, 701 – global purchasing, pooling 16 global sourcing activities 91 global village 25 global world, communicating in 268 globalization 22 – adaptation 473 – debate on 241 deinition 19 protests 238 – standardization 473 – glocalization 22 – GNI (gross national income) 223, 227 – GNP (gross national product) 223, 238 goals congruence, global account management 718 proit and growth 54 Godrej 231 – Gollakota, K 233 – Google 140 – 1, 490 Google Plus+ 632 Gordon’s Gin 513 governance 85 exit from foreign markets 412 governments building relationships with 218 – 19 change of party 214 institutions as buyers 434 internationalization stimulation 64 Porter diamond and 105 GPC (global-pricing contracts) 550 – Grameen Bank 235 Green Toys, Inc 42 – greenield investments 407, 413 grey marketing 547, 552, 596 – gross domestic product (GDP) 223, 227, 228 – 9, 238 gross national income (GNI) 223, 227 – gross national product (GNP) 223, 238 gross rating points (GRP) 615 group interviewing 187 Groupe SEB 671 groups, strategic 109 – 10 growth exit from foreign markets 411 goals 54 markets 228 – 32 Guinness 658 – 65 H&M 147 – haggling 277 Haier Group 60 Hall, Edward T 247, 251 hamburger standard 220 – Hammond, A 233 Hansen 758, 759 hard services 335 – Harding, D 507 hardware 433 – Harley-Davidson 35, 565, 610, 674 – Hasbro 14, 305 Heide, J.B 333 Heineken 637 – 8, 661 Hello Kitty 392 – Helly Hansen 643 – Henderson, Bruce 115 Henkel 23, 739 – 41 Hennessy Cognac 514 Hero Honda Motors 310 heterogeneity of services 481 – Hewlett-Packard 499 hierarchical modes of entry 9, 326 – 7, 335, 337, 398 – 400 advantages and disadvantages 412 – 13 assembly operations 402 – case studies 413 – 17 domestic-based sales representatives 399, 400, 412 foreign branches 399, 400 – 2, 412 foreign divestment 408 – 12 HQ location or relocation 407 – region centres 399, 404 – 6, 413 resident sales representatives 400 – sales and production subsidiaries 399, 400 – 2, 412 subsidiary growth strategies 403 – transnational organizations 399, 406, 413 in value chain perspective 399 – wholly owned subsidiaries 407 high-context cultures 245, 247 – 9, 263 Hinduism 255, 256 historical development of internationalization 77 – Hofstede, G 257 – 8, 263 – 4, 690 – 2, 693 home country environment 209 – 10 export facilitating activities 212 inancial activities 210 – 11 information services 212 private organization promotion 212 – 13 promotional activities 210 state trading 213 homogenization, cultural 25 Honda 442, 551 Honest Tea 366 horizontal collaborations 111 horizontal integration, distribution channels 576 host country environment 213 political risks 213 – 14 salespersons 623, 624 Hotmail 636 HQ location selection 407 – Huawei Technologies Corporation 210 – 11 human nature 85 human resources management 29 global accounts and 719 Hunter Boot Ltd 47 – Husqvarna 440 – 2, 611 – 12 Hyundai 302 – IKEA 125 – 6, 266 – 8, 369, 374, 431, 451 – 7, 724 image 115 IMAX Corporation 464 – IMC (integrated marketing communications) 632 – IMF (International Monetary Fund) 210 impact, advertising 615 imperfect competition 539 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX implementing and coordinating global marketing programme 681 case studies 744 – 74 crosscultural sales negotiations 683 – 708 organization and control of global marketing programme 710 – 42 imports brokers 350 – controls 213, 216 – 17, 538 – parallel importing 547, 552, 596 – impression formation accuracy 688 impulse buying 591 IMS (international market selection) see international markets: selection inbound logistics 29 income, variations in per capita 227 – Incoterms 557 – incremental versus simultaneous entry 290 – incrementalism, logical 12 – 13 independent internationalization 432 independent research studies 193 India Bajaj Auto 295, 302, 308 – 10 growth markets 228 – 32 market research 190 – McDonald’s in 26 nepotism 254 sotware industry 103, 104, 105, 106 Tata Nano 298 – 303 indirect export mode 347, 348, 349 – 50 brokers 350 – carriers 352 – export buying agents 350 export management companies 351 piggybacking 352 – riders 353 trading companies 351 – indirect trade barriers 337 Inditex 144 – 9, 338 individual behaviours 246 individual interviewing 187 individualism 692 individualist societies 257 industrial relations 262 industrial structure and market segmentation 275 industries competition analysis in industries 107 – 11, 131 culture 245 – deinition 107 globalization 19, 473 levels 107 information exchange cross-cultural sales negotiations 689 GAM and 719 innovation using 40 networks to external partners 403 – search 65 sources 12, 17 translation 65 information-based services 483 information business and virtual value chains 39 – 41 infrastructure of organization 29 ingredient branding 505, 506, 508, 509 innovation difusions of 25 disruptive 231 – franchising 378 implications of internet 521 – information use 40 products 88 subcontractors and 423 subsidiaries 403 – transfers 406 value 127 – 30 insect-borne diseases 70 – inseparability of services 482 institutional factors 116 instrumental strategies, cross-cultural sales negotiations 689 insurance certiicates 584 export credit 562 intangibility of services 481 integrated marketing communications (IMC) 632 – integration 116 distribution channels 576 – Intel 509 intellectual property rights 515 intelligence 521 intended strategies 13 intensity of customer experiences 38 intermediaries, exports 332 – 3, 337, 354 – see also distributors intermediate modes of entry 9, 327, 337, 368 – case studies 392 – contract manufacturing 369 – 71, 389 franchising 370, 374 – 9, 390 hierarchical modes 398 – 417 joint ventures 370, 379 – 89 licensing 370, 371 – 4, 390 management contracting 389 – 92 strategic alliances 370, 379 – 89 X coalitions 370, 380 – Y coalitions 370, 380 intermediation 588 – internal data 176, 178 – internal validity 192 internalization 78, 83 – international competitiveness blue ocean strategy 127 – 30 case studies 129 – 30, 132 – 783 competition analysis in industries 107 – 11, 131 corporate social responsibilities 121 – development of 100 – 66 model of 101 – value chain analysis 101, 102, 111 – 21, 131 – value innovation 127 – 30 value nets 125 – international divisional structures 712 international marketing information systems 197 – international marketing management programmes 260 see also global marketing international markets deinitions 273 screening criteria 274 ine-grained 277, 278 – 80 general characteristics 274 – markets/countries screening 277 – 80 model 273 – 89 preliminary 277 – shit-share approach 278 speciic characteristics 276 – segmentation 273 – accessibility 274 actionability 274 criteria for 274, 296 culture and 276 – measurability 274 micromarket segmentation 282 – PEST approach 274 proactive and systematic approach 283 – proitability 274 subsegments in and across countries 280 – substantiality 274 selection (IMS) 270 – case studies 298 – 305 expansion strategy for SMEs 292 – global product/market portfolio 296, 298 market expansion strategies 289 – 95 models 272 – 89 SMEs versus LSEs 271 – synergy with the irm 283 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 210 international networks 87 – international new ventures (born globals) 88 – 92 international product life cycles (IPLC) 291, 403, 492 international retailing 592 – c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 784 INDEX internationalization barriers 65 – cooperation with domestic or foreign system suppliers 431 – decisionmaking – 166 deinition 19 dimensions of 80, 81 following domestic customers 431 historical development 77 – independent 432 information search and 65 initiation of 52 – barriers 65 – case studies 70 – internationalization motives 53 – 61 risks 66 – triggers 61 – inward 62 – motives for 53 – 61 nine strategic windows 8, 20 outward 62 – preparedness for 19 – 20, 548 – 50 risks 66 – routes 431 – as sum of target country patterns 82 theories 76 – born globals 88 – 92 case studies 93 – Dunning’s eclectic approach 78 historical development 77 – network model 86 – 8, 93 transaction cost analysis model 77 – 8, 83 – 6, 93 Uppsala model see Uppsala model through supply chains of MNCs 431 triggers 61 – internet 25 born globals 90 brand development 523 collaboration with customers 519 – 23 communication decisions 630 – 41 customers’ buying process role 630 customization and customer relationships 519 – 21 distribution decisions and 588 – future product innovation and 521 – information services 212 international pricing implications 555 asymmetric information reduction (lock-in efects) 555 auction mechanism 556 dual channel pricing 556 dynamic and time-based pricing 556 ixed price mechanism 556 implementing pricing strategies 556 – negotiated price mechanism 556 long tail strategies 524 – online communities 199 online retail sales 589 – 90 social networking 631 – start-ups 90 surveys 186 viral marketing 636 – Web 2.0: 631 Web 2.0-based research 198 – 200 web browsing 199 interrelationships 116 interviews 186 – inventories 586 – invoices 584, 585 involvement, customers 37 – inward internationalization 62 – iOS (Apple) 490 iPhone 490 IPLC (international product life cycles) 291, 403, 492 irrevocable but unconirmed letters of credit 561 Islam 255, 256 Islamic countries culture 255, 256, 691 marketing 276 cola 704 – Muhammad cartoons 529 Italy gold and silver jewellery 104 Jägermeister 54 – Jaguar 298 – Japan car industry network sourcing 432 – condom market 416 culture 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 691 distribution system 538, 573 – electronics industry 104 Hello Kitty 392 – McDonald’s in 26 motorcycle industry 103 – 4, 675 – network sourcing 432 – penetration pricing 57, 541 supermarkets 409 Tesco 409 trading companies 352 vacuum cleaners 247 Jarlsberg cheese 340 – 1, 629 – 30 Johanson, J 79 – 80, 83, 271, 335, 431 John, G 333 joint ventures 77, 327, 338, 370, 379 – 81 advantages and disadvantages 391 average lifespan of 385 bargaining power changes 385 business plans 381, 384 change stimuli 385 – conlicts 385 – contract writing 381, 384 – control 387, 388 cost-beneit analysis 381, 382 diverging goals 385 – dominant control 388 double management 387 exit 387, 412 managing 385 – negotiation of agreements 381, 384 – objectives 381 – performance evaluation 381, 385 proits 387 selecting partners 381, 382 – shared equity 387 split control 388 stages in formation 381 – trust 387 X coalitions 370, 380 – Y coalitions 370, 380 journals, advertising in 610 Juhayna 765 – K-pop 88 – Ka-Boo-Ki 395 – Karnani, A 233 keiretsu 433, 574 Kellogg 159, 163, 165, 498, 507, 513 KFC Fried Chicken 514 Kim, W.C 127 – know-how 22, 339, 371, 434 knowledge experiential 335 explicit 700 – information translation into 65 management 22, 699 – 702 tacit 339, 404, 700 – transfer 22, 23 known market spaces 131 Kodak 546 Korea 688 – Kottler, P 480 Krat 511, 523, 592 Krating Daeng 751 Kucher, E 551 – L/C see letters of credit labour restrictions 214 Land Rover 298 – language advertising and 609 buyer–seller interaction and 425 culture and 250 – 3, 275 diferences 245, 609 joint ventures and 387 major languages/number of speakers 251 market screening and 275 non-verbal 251 – research and 189, 190, 192 verbal 250 – large scale enterprises (LSE) characteristics 12 deinition international market selection 271 – learning from SMEs 24 SMEs and, global marketing and management style comparisons – 19 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX Larimo, J 335, 336 Latin America bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market 233 culture 254 personality traits 277 law of one price 220, 226 lawnmowers 440 – Lawson 409 LDC (less developed countries) 77, 223 lead country concept 405 – lead–lag analysis 180 leader irms 434 leadership, internationalization of 408 leapfrogging 81 – 3, 115 – 16 learning across borders 23, 699 – 702 learning curves 57 leasing 563 Lee, J 259 legal environment 209 trade barriers 214 – 18 home country environment 209 – 13 host country environment 213 – 14 political risk-analysis procedure 218 – 19 see also economic environment; political environment legal conditions, communication 609 legal contracts 83 LEGO 201 – co-branding with Shell 509 Free Style advertising 628 Ka-Boo-Ki and 395 – strategic drit 14 less developed countries (LDC) 77, 223 letters of credit (L/C) 559 – 61, 584 Levi Strauss 523 licensing 77 – 8, 370, 371 advantages and disadvantages 390 agreements 371 – celebrities 515 – 18 franchising and, diferences between 377 in 372 – life cycle beneits 373 out 372 Lidl 594 life cycle concept for international trade 77 lifestyles and market segmentation 277 Lindholm, C 271 Linie Aquavit 362 – linkages 116 LinkedIn 632 literacy levels 276 lobbying 218 local brands 505 local communities, relationships with 219 local-content requirements 213, 217 local price followers 549 local production 19, 402 – 3, 538 localization 22 – location advantages 78 costs and 116 factors inluencing 103 – location-based app services 591 – location-sharing social media apps 592 lock-in efects 555 Lothouse of Fleetwood 356 – logical incrementalism 12 – 13 logistics inbound 29 internet and 522 management 583 export documents 584 – freight forwarders 586 inventories 586 – materials management 583 order handling 583 – packaging 587 physical distribution 583 storage in foreign markets 587 third-party logistics 587 – transportation 585 – warehousing in foreign markets 587 meaning 583 outbound 29 see also distribution; distributors long-range plans 735 long tail strategies 524 – long-term orientation (LTO) 258 longitudinal studies 194 low-context cultures 245, 247 – 9, 263 low income market 231 – LSE see large scale enterprises LTO (long-term orientation) 258 Lu, Y 336 lubrication payments 703 Lucozade 758 Lush cosmetics 513 Luxottica 771, 772 – Lysholm Linie Aquavit 362 – m-marketing 590 – Macy’s 592 Madame Tussauds 501 – magazine advertising 610, 616 Maggi 511 mail surveys 185 – management contracts 389 – 92 of distribution channels 571, 578 – 83, 594 of logistics 583 – perceptive 61 management know-how 434 managerial levels of irms 31 managers future role of 716 urge for internationalization 54 – 785 Manchester United 150 – manners and customs 253 manufacturers brands and 504 – internet business 588 – own brands 505, 506, 507 – manufacturing activities 219 market attractiveness/competitive strength matrix 279 – 81 market commitment 79 market competitors 107 – 8, 111 market control 214 market coverage 574, 575 market demand 63 market diversiication/concentration 293 – market entry strategies 9, 325 – case studies 446 – 68 choice of entry mode see entry modes export modes see exports: modes of entry hierarchical modes see hierarchical modes of entry intermediate modes see intermediate modes of entry own sales subsidiary 325 – sourcing decisions and role of sub-suppliers 419 – 44 market exchange understanding 426 market expansion strategies 289 – 95 market factors, pricing 536, 539 market forecasting 194 market growth rate 107 market information 56 – market mavens 635 market opportunities 56 – market potential data 176 market pricing 540, 541 – market research 118, 430 market responsiveness 17, 24, 25 – market risks 66 market size 279 – 80, 337 market spaces 127, 131 marketing 29 adaptation 473 – proitability measures 735 SMART objectives viral 636 – see also global marketing marketing contribution margins 735 marketing information systems (MIS) 174, 197 – marketing knowledge 56 – marketing mix 10, 114 – 15 4Ps mix 471 7Ps mix 471 – adaption 473 – B2B marketing 471 bottom of the pyramid (BOP) market 235 standardization 473 – c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 786 INDEX marketing myopia 107 marketing research see global marketing: research markets 80 deinition 107 entry to, decision-making 169 – 323 globalization of 473 levels 107 worldwide 25 see also international markets Marks & Spencer 506 marriage metaphor 427 – Marriott 396 Mars Inc 738 – masculine cultures 257 – 8, 691 mass customization 522 materials management 583 matrix structures 715 – 16 Matsushita 729 Mattel 14 Mattson, L.G 431 Mauborgne, R 127 – Mazda cars 432 – McDonaldization 26 McDonald’s 26 – 7, 253, 260, 376, 742 measurability, international market segmentation 274 Mecca Cola 705 mechanical observations 184 media selection for advertising 615 – 16 memorable events 37 Mercedes-Benz 513 merchants’ m-marketing beneits 591 mergers 408 message decisions, advertising 614 Metro 409 micro-segmentation 280 – microinance 233, 235 Microsot ‘Surface’ tablet 138 – 41 Microsot Xbox 132, 134, 135, 136 Miele 670 – Millman–Wilson GAM model 720 – mindshare 347 – Ministop 409 MIS (marketing information systems) 174, 197 – MNC see multinational corporations mobile data 198 mobile phones 545 modularity 521 monitoring costs 84 monopolies 539 Monsanto 510 Monster 758, 759 morals, social 244, 245 Morgan Motor Company 644 – motivation, distributors 582 motives for internationalization 53 – 61 motorcycle industry Ducati 520 – India 295, 308 – 10 Japan 103 – Triumph 674 – world market 674 – Muhammad cartoons 529 multi-client studies 193 – multilateral organizations 434 multilocal price setters 549, 550 multinational corporations (MNC) subsidiary growth strategies 403 – multiple brands 505 multiple diamond 106 Murphy’s 661 music industry CD production 748 internet impact 523 Sony Music Entertainment 744 – 50 MySpace 632 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) 225, 228, 404 naive rule of market entry 332 national culture 245 – 6, 693 nationalization 214 NEC faked company 525 negotiated price mechanism, internet 556 negotiations cross-cultural see cross-cultural sales negotiations language and 686 non-verbal language diferences 252, 253 nepotism 254 Nestlé 159 – 66, 210, 511 network model 78, 86 – networking 249 networks organization 25 partners 64 sourcing 432 – theory 65 neuromarketing 199 new entrants 109, 111 newly industrialized countries (NIC) 223 newspaper advertising 610, 616 NIC (newly industrialized countries) 223 niche markets 91 Nike 122, 141, 153 – 8, 515, 519, 523, 541 – 2, 634 nine strategic windows model 8, 20 Nintendo 16 Wii 132 – Nivea 49 no brands, brands versus 504, 505 Noboa 593, 594 Nokia phones 490, 513 non-availability of data 177 non-probability sampling 187 – non-tarif barriers 216 – 17, 538 non-task-related interactions 688 – non-verbal language 251 – Norseland Inc 340 North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) 225, 228, 404 Norwegian cheese 340 – NutraSweet 508, 509 objective and task budgeting approach 614 observational research 184 OE (operational efectiveness) 118 OEM (original equipment manufacturers) 420, 508, 509 Okamoto 344 OLI (ownership-location-internalization) 78 omnibus studies 193 – One Laptop per Child 291 – one-time CSR costs 124 online see internet OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 216 Opel 386 open account 561 operating risks 213 operational efectiveness (OE) 118 operational levels of irms 31 operations 29 operations methods 80 opportunistic behaviour 83, 333 opportunity to see (OTS) 615 opt-in searches 590 Oracle 349 orders cycles 585 time 586 foreign, unsolicited 59, 347 handling 583 – making 401 taking 401 organization 521 organization of global marketing programmes 710 – 16 budgets 734 – case studies 738 – 42 global marketing plans – 11, 737 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 216 organizational culture 246, 693 – organizational models 692 organizational relations 261 organizational structures 80, 710 – 16, 719 organizations 12, 15 original equipment manufacturers (OEM) 420, 508, 509 Osram 304 OTS (opportunity to see) 615 outbound logistics 29 outdoor advertising 610, 616 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX output control 729 production costs and 57 outsourcing 420, 484 buyer–seller interaction 424 general cost eiciency 422 production costs and 421 outward internationalization 62 – overproduction 58 – ownership advantages 78 internationalization of 408 risks 213 ownershiplocationinternalization (OLI) 78 packaging 587 parallel importing 547, 552, 596 – Parle Products 364 – Parsi Cola 705 participants in service delivery 471 – participation, customers 37 – partner mindshare 347 – partnering, selective 111 partners, value nets 125 – partnershipbased subcontracting 423, 424 partnershipGAM stage of GAM model 720 – passive participation 37 – patents 371 Patton, C.R 511 – 12 payment, documents against 561 penetration pricing 540 – Penrose, E 77 Penthouse 615 people 114, 471 – processing 483 PepsiCo 58, 165, 374, 502, 592, 704 – 5, 757 perceived value 111 – 15 percentage of sales budgeting method 613 – 14 perceptual mapping 499 perceived sacriices 113 performance economic 410 – 11 measurement 11, 730, 731, 733 perishability of services 481 perishable products 591 Persil 23 personal competences 117 personal interviews 187 personal selling 610, 622 – personality and market segmentation 277 personnel 80, 114 – 15 persuasion, cross-cultural sales negotiations 689 PEST approach 274 pharmaceutical companies 63, 105, 519 Philips CD development 491 Electronics 408 Lighting 303 – physical aspects 114 physical distribution 583 physical evidence and service delivery 472 Pierre Cardin 371 piggybacking 352 – Pink 744 – 50 Pizza Hut 376 place 117 see also distribution; location plans, global marketing see global marketing PlayStation 132, 134, 135, 136 PLC (product life cycles) see products: life cycles Pocari Sweat 258 Polaroid 256, 545 Polaroid Eyewear 767 – 74 policy decisions 116 political environment 208 – 9, 237 case studies 238 – 41 economic environment 219 – 26 home country environment 209 – 13 host country environment 213 – 14 legal and political environment 209 – 19 political risk analysis 218 – 19 poverty as market opportunity 233 – trade barriers 214 – 18 see also economic environment; legal environment political factors and market segmentation 275 political relations 262 political risks 69, 213 – 14, 218 – 19, 237, 562 Polo Ralph Lauren 413 – 15 polycentric orientation 21, 400 Pontiac 386 Porsche 319 – 23 Porter, Michael E competitive advantage 127 costs in value chains 115 – 16 diamond 101 – ive forces model 101, 102, 107, 110 – 11 operational efectiveness 118 value chain model 28 – 32, 33, 41 positioning 499 – 502 possession processing 483 Postman Pat 96 poverty 125 as market opportunity 233 – power, distribution channels 592 – power distance 257, 691 – Powerade 757 787 PPP (purchasing-power parity) 220 – 3, 238 pragmatic rule of market entry 332 Prahalad, C.K 233 pre-internationalization process 53, 65 press releases 610, 618 pretesting, primary research 189 Priceline.com 556 prices 117 changes 542 – controls 214 corridors 552 decisions on pricing 534 – case studies 565 – choice of entry modes and 537 customer response 539 export inancing 562 – factors inluencing 535 – international versus domestic pricing strategies 535 terms of payment 558 – 62 diferentiation 547 – escalation 537 – international pricing framework country of origin (COO) 537 environmental factors 536, 538 – irm-level factors 536 – market factors 536, 539 product factors 536, 537 – international pricing strategies currency issues 554 – domestic pricing strategies versus 535 European pricing strategy 551 – experience curve pricing 543 – global price followers 549 – 50 global price leaders 549, 550 global-pricing contracts 550 – internet implications 555 – international pricing taxonomy 548 – 50 local price followers 549 market pricing 540, 541 – multilocal price setters 549, 550 penetration pricing 540 – price changes 542 – product line pricing 544 – product-service bundle pricing 546 – skimming 540 standardization versus diferentiation 547 – transfer pricing 553 – marketing mix 114 performance measurement 730, 731 purchase 113 sensitivity 539 standardization 547, 548 primary data 176, 177 primary economic activities 219 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 788 INDEX primary research experiments 185 interviews 186 – language barriers 192 nonresponse 191 – observation 184 pretesting 189 primary data 176, 177 problems with 191 – qualitative and quantitative 181 – questionnaires 185 – 6, 188 – reliability 192 – research design 183 – 91 research problem/objectives 183 sampling 187 – surveys 185 – triangulation 183 validity 192 – Prince cigarette advertising 627 print advertising 616 private branding 504 – private labelling 505, 506 – 7, 595 proactive motives for internationalization 53, 54 – 7, 60 probability sampling 187 process 115 process of service delivery 472 Procter & Gamble 474, 511, 523, 592 procurement 29 producers, opportunistic behaviour from 333 production capital requirements 109 costs 57, 86 local 402 – products advantages 56 communication mix 496 dual adaptation 497 – product adaptation 497 product invention 499 promotion adaptation 497 straight extension 496 – customization 519 – 21 cycle hypothesis 77 decisions 479 – 80 brand equity 502 – branding decisions 503 – 12 case studies 526 – 31 cutting time to market 493 – developing international service strategies 480 – developing new products 493 – dimensions of international product ofer 480 internet collaboration with customers 519 – 23 long tail strategies 524 – new products for international market 493 – product life cycles 486 – 93 quality deployment function (QDF) 495 scale of elemental dominance 481 degrees of newness 495 development collaboration with customers 519 global accounts and 718 – 19 innovative 523 new 493 – divisional structures 712 – 13 dynamic customization 521 entry mode choice and 335 – innovation, internet impact 521 – innovative 88 life cycles (PLC) 486 – 93 across countries 492 for diferent countries 492 for diferent products of irms 491 fads and 489 industry price experience curve and 544 international (IPLC) 291, 403, 492 levels of 489 – 91 limitations of 488 – 91 technological life cycle 489 – 91, 492 unpredictability 489 line pricing 544 – local production 538 nature 401 distribution channels and 572 new 40 ofering 40 performance measurement 730, 731 perishable 591 placement 610 positioning 499 – 502 pricing factors 536, 537 – sales force organization by 623 seasonal, extending sales 59 standardizing 480 three levels of 480 value chains 35 – professional service irms 486 proitability international market segmentation 274 measures 735 proits control 733, 734 goals 54 joint ventures 387 margins 538, 735 project export (turnkey contracts) 433 – project groups, global 699, 701 – project know-how 434 promotion mix 607 sales 619 – 20 strategies 606 – 47 prosumers 482 protectionism 26, 215 proxy indicators 179 psychic distance 78 – 9, 271, 427, 428 psychological distance 59 – 61 public relations 610, 618 – 19 publishers, changing business platform 519 pull strategies 509 Puma 153, 154 punctuality 259 purchase prices 113 purchasing, global, pooling 16 purchasing-power parity (PPP) 220 – 3, 238 Puroland 393 QDF (quality deployment function) 495 Quaker Oats 159, 165, 511 qualitative research 181 – quality deployment function (QDF) 495 quantitative research 181 – Quelch, J.A 507, 716 question marks 491 questionnaires 182, 185, 188 – 9, 192 quotas 216 – 17, 538 – R&D (research and development) 410, 718 – 19 radio advertising 610, 616 rail transportation 585 Raleigh bicycles 446 – 50 reach, advertising 615 reactive motives for internationalization 53, 58 – 61 Red Bull 592, 751 – 60 red oceans 172, 134 Reebok 97, 153 reference groups 254 refrigerators 231 – regiocentric orientation 21, 400 region centres 399, 404 – 6, 413 regional economic integration 224 – regional integration 224 – regional management centres 714 regionalism 25 – regulatory conditions, communication 609 reintermediation 588 related industries, Porter diamond 104 relationships development of 427 – histories, global account management 718 management 25 negotiation cultures 685 relative cost advantage 113 – 14, 115 – 16 religion 255 – market segmentation and 276 Renault 299, 302, 431 repatriation of expatriate sales persons 698 – representational strategies cross-cultural sales negotiations 689 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX research primary see primary research qualitative and quantitative 181 – secondary see secondary research see also global marketing: research research and development (R&D) 410, 718 – 19 resellers, internet business 588 – resident sales representatives 399, 400 – resources 116 – 17 SMEs and LSEs 7, 12 retailer panels 194 retailing brands 506 crossborder alliances 595 – international 592 – mmarketing 590 – manufacturers’ support packages 595 online sales 589 – 90 ownlabels 506 smartphone marketing 590 – return on assets (ROA) 735 return on investments (ROI) 735 revaluation of currencies 220, 539 revenue generation 215 increases, CSRinduced 123 reverse marketing 429 – 30 revocable letters of credit 561 Rhapsody.com 524 Ricola 516 riders, exports 353 risks aversion 15, 257, 337 – commercial 562 country 336, 410 exchange rates 336 management 40, 69 political see political risks taking 12, 15 rivalry, Porter diamond 104 – ROA (return on assets) 735 road transportation 585 robotic lawnmowers 440 – Rockstar 759 ROI (return on investments) 735 Rolls Royce 513 Roundup 510 royalties 371 – Rugman, A.M 106 rulebased negotiation cultures 685 rules of thumb 188 Russia, growth markets 228 – 31 SD logic (servicedominant logic) 482 SAB Miller 661 sacriices, perceived 113 Safedom 388 – safeguards 83 Safeway 592 Sailo 771, 772, 773 – Sainsbury’s 506, 594 sales 29 forecasting 194 – increases, CSR-induced 123 information 178 – objects 80 terms of sale and delivery 557 – see also cross–cultural sales negotiations sales forces cultural diversity training 694 international 622 – records and reports 178 – sales promotion 610, 619 – 20 sampling 187 – 8, 191 Samsung 141 Sanrio 392 – Sanyal, R 703 satellite television 260 Saudi Arabia culture 252 – Danish cheese launch 526 – protecting agents 360 religion 256 Sauer-Danfoss 240, 724, 726 scale economies see economies of scale scale of elemental dominance 481 scenario planning 196 – scope, economies of 12, 16 – 17 Scott, J 703 screening distributors 579 – 81 international markets see international markets search costs 84 seasonality in demand 59 secondary data 176, 177 – secondary economic activities 219 secondary research 176 advantages 177 availability of data 178 chain ratio method 179 – 80 comparability of data 177 – disadvantages of 177 – estimating market potential 179 – 81 estimation by analogy 180 – external data sources 179 internal data sources 178 – lead-lag analysis 180 proxy indicators 179 reliability of data 177 seeding campaigns 637 – segmentation – see also international markets selection distributors 579 – 81 international markets see international markets selective partnering 111 self-analysis, relationships 428 789 self-reference criterion (SRC) 259 selling, personal 610, 622 – semiconductors 104 sensory branding 512 – 15 service ater-sales 29 turnkey contracts 434 service and support via internet 521 service-dominant logic (S-D logic) 482 services 219 7Ps marketing mix 471 – in B2B markets 486 categories 483 characteristics of 481 – customization 486, 519 – 21 e-services 483 – development, global accounts and 718 – 19 dynamic customization 521 entry mode choice and 335 – hard 335 – heterogeneity of 481 – information-based 483 inseparability of 482 intangibility of 481 ofering 40 perishability of 481 pricing 547 sot 335 – standardization 483 strategies 480 – value chains 33 – SGVC (sustainable global value chains) 121, 122 shared value 121 Shell 509, 510 shopper apps 591 short-term orientation 258 shower approach 290 – sight, branding 512 – 13, 514 sight drats 561 Simon, H 551 – simple subcontracting 423, 424 simultaneous versus incremental entry 290 – Singapore Airlines 513, 514 single brands 505 skimming 540 skincare 262 – Skoda cars 502 – small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) appropriate expansion strategy 292 – characteristics 12 deined international market selection 271 – internationalization of 20 learning from LSEs 24 LSEs and, global marketing and management style comparisons – 19 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 790 INDEX SMART objectives smartphone marketing 590 – smartphone manufacturers 490 SME see small and mediumsized enterprises smell, branding 513, 514 Smirnof Ice 513 social institutions 254 social media 592 marketing 631 – social morals 244, 245 social networking 199, 631 – social organization 276 sociocultural distance and entry mode 336 sociocultural environment 243 – aesthetics 255 attitudes 254 – case studies 264 – diferences 609 education 254 elements of culture 249 – 56 Hofstede’s + dimensions model 257 – 8, 263 – language 250 – layers of culture 245 – manners and customs 253 religion 255 – social institutions 254 technology and material culture 253 values 254 – see also culture socioeconomic groups and market segmentation 276 sot services 335 – sotware 434 Solberg, C.A 19 – 20, 249, 548 – 50 Sony CD development 491 games consoles 132, 134, 135, 136 Sony Music Entertainment 744 – 50 sound, branding 513, 514 sourcing decisions and roles of sub-suppliers buyer–seller interaction 424 – case studies 435 – 44 development of relationships 427 – internationalization of subcontractors 430 – partner selection criteria 428 – project export (turnkey contracts) 433 – reasons for international sourcing 421 – reverse marketing 429 – 30 total cost/value hierarchy model 422 typology of subcontracting 423 – South Africa growth markets 230 political environment 209 specialist expertise speciic tarifs 215 Specsavers 771 – split control, joint ventures 388 sponsorship 610, 618 sports drinks 751 – 60 sportswear 153 – SRC (self-reference criterion) 259 SSL International 344, 416 stage model 77, 79 – 83 stand-alone licensing agreements 371 standard subcontracting 423, 424 standardization franchising 378 of marketing 473 – advertising 614, 625 product ofer 480 pricing 547, 548 services 483 Starbucks 417 stars 491 start-ups 88, 90 state trading 213 statistical techniques 188 status distinction in negotiations 688 stereotyping cultural diferences and 684, 685, 696 national 282 storage in export markets 587 store checks 184 strategic alliances 63, 370, 379 – 89, 431 strategic control 733 strategic development subcontracting 423, 424 strategic drit 13 – 14 strategic it 412 strategic groups 109 – 10 strategic levels of irms 31 strategic renewal 408 strategic thinking 523 strategy development, subsidiaries 404 strategy formation 12 – 15 strategy rules of market entry 332 structure analysis 107 structures, Porter diamond 104 – subcomponents 522 subcontracting 420 advantages 436 buyer–seller interaction 424 – case studies 435 – 44 disadvantages 436 luctuating demand 423 innovation 423 internationalization of 430 – typology of 423 – subgroups, sample sizes and 188 subsidiaries autonomy 403 control 399 country-based 714 – 15 entrepreneurship 404 foreign sales 399, 400 – 2, 412 information networks to external partners 403 – own sales 325 – strategy development 404 subsidies 210 substantiality, international market segmentation 274 substitute products 109, 111 subsuppliers see subcontracting sunglasses 767 – 74 Sunquick 289 – 90 Suntory 758 suppliers bargaining power of 108 collaboration 111 development strategies 430 global account management and 723 – global pricing contracts and 551 value chains 31 – value nets 125 – supply chains 522 supporting industries, Porter diamond 104 surveys 185 – sustainable global value chains (SGVC) 121, 122 Sweden 104 Swiss Army 531 switching costs 107 – 8, 109, 718 SWOT analysis Sylvest, J 271 synergistic GAM stage of GAM model 720 – tacit knowledge 339, 404, 700 – target markets 9, 24, 283, 284, 591, 637 tarif barriers 215 – 16, 237, 538 – task-related interactions 689 – 90 taste, branding 514 Tata Nano 298 – 303 tax beneits 57 tax controls 214 TCA (transaction cost analysis) model 77 – 8, 83 – 6, 93 team leadership, global project groups 702 technological life cycles (TLC) 489 – 90 technology advantages 56 coordination 104 culture and 253 development 29 joint ventures and 382 know-how 434 market segmentation and 275 – products 489 – 91, 493 standardized worldwide 25 Teepak GmbH 200 – Telon 509 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 INDEX telecommunication companies m-marketing advantages 591 telephone interviews 186 television advertising 610, 615 terms of business 536 payments 558 – 62 sale and delivery 557 – tertiary economic activities 219 Tesco 409, 594 Tetra Pak 761 – text mining 198 – TF (trade fairs) 212, 624 third-country nationals as salespersons 623, 624 hreadless 640 – time-based pricing, internet 556 time compression 116 time drats 561 time orientation 258 time–space compression phenomenon 88 time to market (TTM) 486 – 7, 493 – timing 116 TLC (technological life cycles) 489 – 91 TOMS Shoes 73 – total cost/value hierarchy model 422 TOTO 706 – touch, branding 513, 514 Toyo Seat Company 432 – Toyota 303, 431, 551 trade barriers 24, 214 – 18, 237, 337 trade fairs (TF) 212, 624 trade mark licensing 371 trade missions 212 trade promotion organizations 212 – 13 trade terms 557 – trading blocs 26, 227 – trading companies, exports 351 – traditional statistical techniques 188 training 694, 698, 702 transaction cost analysis (TCA) model 77 – 8, 83 – 6, 93 transaction cost approach 77 – 8, 332 – transfer pricing 553 – transfer risks 213 translation of information into knowledge 65 transnational managers 716 transnational organizations 399, 413 transportation costs 103 – documents 584 methods 585 – see also distribution; distributors; logistics travel, m-marketing beneits 590 trend forecasting 195 triangulation 183 trickle-down approach 290 – trickle-up approach 291 – triggers of export initiation 61 – Triumph Motorcycles Ltd 674 – true-born global 90 TTM (time to market) 486 – 7, 493 – Tupperware 601 – turnkey contracts 433 – Twitter 632 uncertainty avoidance 257, 691 Unilever 406, 434 brands 511 global portfolio 296, 297 Lux soap 497, 498 Organics Shampoo 496 – Snuggle fabric sotener 504 unique selling propositions (USP) 614 United Biscuits 364 – United States cheese market 340 – culture 259 Foreign Sales Corporation 57 motorcycle market 677 political/legal environment 209 – 10 sales promotion 620 unknown market spaces 131 unsolicited foreign orders 59, 347 Uppsala model 77, 79 – 83, 91, 93, 430 upstream activities 30, 32 – user-generated content 198 – USP (unique selling propositions) 614 vacuum cleaner market 666 – 73 Vahlne, J.E 79 – 80, 83, 271, 335 value added, CSR drivers 124 customers 37 – perceived 111 – 15 shared 121 value-based pricing 547 value chains analysis competitive advantage 111 – 21 competitive benchmarking 117 – 21 competitive triangle 113 – 14 costs 116 customer perceived value 111 – 13 perceived value advantage 114 – 15 relative cost advantage 115 – 16 sources of competitive advantage 116 – 17 concept of 27 – combining product and service value chains 35 – deinition 27 external linkages 30, 31 – information business and virtual value chains 39 – 41 internal linkages 30 – international competitive advantage 27 – 33 internationalizing 32 – joint venture partnerships 380 791 Porter concept 28 – 32, 33 primary activities 28 – service 33 – strategic pyramid and 31 support activities 28 – 30 sustainable global (SGVC) 121, 122 virtual 39 – 41 value innovation 127 – 30 value networks 33, 35 value shops 33 – values, cultural 244, 245, 254 – Vargo, S.L 482 Vaseline 567 – VER (voluntary export restraints) 216 – 17 Vernon, R 77, 291, 492 vertical collaborations 111 vertical integration, distribution channels 576 – Vestergaard Frandsen 70 – video case studies BMW Motorcycles 647 Chinese market, entry modes 345 communicating in the global world 268 debate on globalization 241 DHL 604 Dunkin’ Donuts 708 Eaton Corporation 444 Hasbro 305 Honest Tea 366 Marriott 396 McDonald’s 742 Nike 141 Nivea 49 Reebok 97 Starbucks 417 Swiss Army 531 TOMS Shoes 73 – Vaseline 567 – Ziba 206 video game market 132 – viral marketing 636 – virtual value chains 39 – 41 Visa 510 Vision Express 771 – VKontakte 632 Vodacom 234 Vodafone 556 vodka market 650 – Volkswagen 303, 537 Voltic 235 – voluntary export restraints (VER) 216 – 17 Volvo 431 wage costs 421 Wal-Mart 121, 409, 411, 524, 741 warehousing 587 water-borne diseases 70 – water, bottled, market case study 314 – 18 c9a417 0b4 d8a11 b80ab1e6 c33b6675 3729 f333 dc77b9 3c2 f6 db4dded bd1 c8 f28 8660a5a6 0b51 e2074 856 f7f04b5 9e1b5b4 c3aa55 0c3 7b25 6d3 2e0d5 d6e2 4fcf3 ce9c3949fb9 4f8 3551 02f711abff4 f67aa 2615a5ff 34f9600 b62ae b9f6156e bf 1da48a c4e16 895e6 6ef5 7c4 7a331 c1d2043 7b5 df1 751d0a68 f6749 433 b18a02 b 44df15cd31 f100 6be8 9685 d2a0bca9b2d4 87129 b85 b3f4392 42457 c8 f9ba 7f4 c f0425 4b78 de97 15f304a0 5e7e3 6e497 429db7 c5d8 499 c8ac13f0dd7 4b7e f3a d0 50e81ad473dd5b0de2 83a00 4f3 3ae686 3e03e 10cb054 df6 9cd4152 d0 f7c9b0a2 91aa1bcdd1d9 f30 dd1b47b7f2 fa1e4 d28e7 1c7 7592 67e74 613e6 ddbd15 7435 c7 54a27b1 3b3 4b19 4ffaf996 f69 7d4a0 7dc719 76d0 f5a5 5a6516 9be6a e0e4 b64c4 c25a4 c369 7927 6f8a9 4e55a 755 f899 bcdbfa3 b118 2c3 8b0a4 f99 c9 cc9 4738 074 a828be5 f8 d6b4 f8 d00aa46 43d3a 0175 c68 22c2a6dd03b49030 1f0 7772 36637a b6d07 c03 8e73 ba4d6a 03d9 d95 c602 50e1a 18912 b038 52c0104 b5e6 195a4 dbb2c b75349 f6 b85e0 03a1e1 ba29 deff6d0 10d86a134 3f9 866 c20d6f0 e1a636 75b1 5b d5978 cc6b96 326d7adbd7e1 f3a5 0bae0 6ac4e e78d5b2a2 99f2b5fbae 77c3 9f9 5cc4a 550 db9 f34a8 7e6e f14 f7877a 9ff80c696 db69 75e17 0b40 d11e f9 f1dc68 f 3f016a f21 862b1055 ffdf59 81cc83 1a0c3 12c6f2fb b26 b2f9faa05 ddad048a4 5a46b1 bf1 1b2 cda1 c22 b97 cfba4f5 fcb89 bdee dff256 ddace98aa49 f85 04aa4 f 1347ba4 c11 9e44 d2db8b4 dd8 0ed1 d98e 9771 c2b7e57 f020 cd6f1e f07 989 c686e eedd49 9ed c46 b45d0dab1f3ff4a 42a03a 02e75 8872 b80e5 2bdc51 b87 d225 fe0a e02c7 f72 25874 2c4 b7ae b8e7 da20a78 54de 7b2 b53 f784a f70 b619 d695 c0a83 d3 84c29 b84ff9 d2e4a 9611 b36b8f9a d7d6e004 b5d71b1 1170 c4a9e 582b8f0 f1 b28 181622 f41 d3df3fb4 f27 c6ab8ec5 89e00 99f2e3a0 f45 b011 1d19 3f8 478d4436 b c9b3 f48 1f4 2eb c2b9 6a46e0 6345 d8dbdbbaa9b50c4b70 f0a5 b8 c7295 8d8 4f7 f0 6c7c31c5c8 e63 f8287 4cd4705 3f0 6e0a9 b2c0fcda12 9c7 81df0c2520 8a725 d6b 7b8ff5b9eeb4 b01a3a 05c76bc35 c92e 3675 f6d883d013d29b58818 65bb049 894 1d6d9 c80 1227ff9 1b95 e6958 28c605e2a e49bb61 770c794a7 4db4782 b0d2 7dc2 792 INDEX water transportation 585 waterfall approach 289 – 91 web see internet Weetabix 165 – whitening products 262 – Whirlpool 671 WiedersheimPaul, F 79 Wii 132 – Williamson, O.E 83, 85, 86 WoM (wordofmouth) 631 women, culture 256 wordofmouth (WoM) 631 World Bank 210 World Trade Organization (WTO) 57, 218 X coalitions 370, 380 – Xbox 132, 134, 135, 136 Xerox 551 XO Laptop 291 – Y coalitions 370, 380 youth culture 260 YouTube 632 Zam Zam Cola 704 – Zara 144 – 9, 338 Ziba 206 Zippo lighters 530 – Zucchetti Lawnbott Evolution 442 Zumba 93 –