This article analyzes ornamental plant innovation MSMEs with Kokedama art using rice straw (KONARA) in Gampengrejo District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. By using SWOT analysis, this study examines the internal and external factors that influence the MSME marketing plan and then proposes an appropriate marketing strategy for the business. Đề tài Hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tại Công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên được nghiên cứu nhằm giúp công ty TNHH Mộc Khải Tuyên làm rõ được thực trạng công tác quản trị nhân sự trong công ty như thế nào từ đó đề ra các giải pháp giúp công ty hoàn thiện công tác quản trị nhân sự tốt hơn trong thời gian tới.
72 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO QUỐC TẾ “THƯƠNG MẠI VÀ PHÂN PHỐI” LẦN THỨ NĂM 2023 MARKETING STRATEGY FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANT PRODUCTS USING KOKEDAMA ARTS WITH RICE STRAW AS MOSS SUBSTITUTION: CASE STUDY OF KONARA BUSINESS, INDONESIA Anik Kurnia Ningsih; Jaka Nugraha Universitas Negeri Surabaya Email: Abstract: This article analyzes ornamental plant innovation MSMEs with kokedama art using rice straw (KONARA) in Gampengrejo District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia By using SWOT analysis, this study examines the internal and external factors that influence the MSME marketing plan and then proposes an appropriate marketing strategy for the business The results showed that while KONARA excelled in production, its promotions were problematic Based on four strategies namely strengths-opportunities, strengthsthreats, opportunities, and weaknesses-threats strategy, we formulate a marketing mix strategy that can help KONARA to increase their promotion Keywords: Marketing Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Ornamental plants, Kokedama CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING CHO CÁC SẢN PHẨM CÂY CẢNH SỬ DỤNG NGHỆ THUẬT KOKEDAMA BẰNG RƠM THAY THẾ CHO RÊU: NGHIÊN CỨU TÌNH HUỐNG CỦA DOANH NGHIỆP KONARA, INDONESIA Tóm tắt: Bài viết phân tích doanh nghiệp siêu nhỏ, nhỏ vừa lĩnh vực trồng cảnh sử dụng nghệ thuật kokedama rơm (KONARA) Quận Gamengrejo, Kediri, Đông Java, Indonesia Bài viết sử dụng phân tích SWOT nhằm đánh giá yếu tố bên bên tác động đến kế hoạch marketing doanh nghiệp siêu nhỏ, nhỏ vừa lĩnh vực đề xuất chiến lược marketing phù hợp Kết nghiên cứu cho thấy, KONARA làm tốt lĩnh vực sản xuất chiến lược quảng bá lại gặp nhiều vấn đề Thơng qua phân tích chiến lược SO, ST, WO WT phân tích SWOT, viết đề xuất chiến lược marketing mix giúp KONARA tăng cường hoạt động xúc tiến Từ khóa: Chiến lược Marketing, phân tích SWOT, cảnh, kokedama 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS COMMERCE AND DISTRIBUTION 73 INTRODUCTION Indonesia has a rich source of natural power and human resources The growth of Indonesian MSMEs is one of the government’s strategies to catch up with other countries (Salim et al., 2020) MSMEs are expected to create more job opportunities and effectively use natural power sources (Sinarwati & Setiawina, 2018) However, MSMEs face many challenges, especially in sub-optimal marketing (Board & Satish, 2020) Differentiation and skills are key for competing in the national market level and international levels (Kerdpitak, 2022) Therefore, MSMEs need innovation to be successful (Foucart & Li, 2021) Plant ornamental products have high opportunities because of their interesting features as well as having big market (Tambarta et al., 2022) To related BPS data (2022), production of the ornamental plant until the second quarter of 2020 reached more than 342 million pcs, and export volume reached US$ 12,176,244 or equivalent to 4,176 thousand kilograms KONARA is an ornamental plant innovation business with the art of kokedama using a straw, which locates on Jalan Raya Plosorejo 45, Village Kalibelo, District Gampengrejo, Kediri Regency, Province Java East Art planting kokedama is not familiar to Indonesian society, however, in some areas, there are efforts to sell this product Apart from being a decoration, kokedama art is also a business opportunity (Herawati et al., 2022) Kokedama has received high attention in others countries because of its beauty (Mitarai, 2020) Until now, there are only innovations in kokedama planting techniques with coconut coir as a substitute for moss KONARA is an innovative ornamental plant cultivation product using the first and only kokedama art that utilizes rice straw as a moss substitute Plant care using kokedama is easy (Durber, 2021), making it increasingly popular and easy to adapt to various types of plants Kediri Regency is an area that produces quite a large amount of rice production waste According to data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (2022), rice production from 2018 to 2020 continues to increase In 2017 rice production reached 2.933 million tons, then in 2019, it rose to 2.935 million tons In 2020 rice production has increased by almost 25 thousand tons, bringing the total to more than 2.960 million tons (BPS, 2022) Large rice production certainly produces large waste which is left unchecked and causes extraordinary environmental problems (Zhang et al., 2022) Therefore, using KONARA is not only supporting the 12th and 13th Sustainable Development Goals on environmental pillars (especially through responsible production and climate management) but also supporting 8th and 9th goals on economic pillars (especially through increasing economic growth, job opportunities, sustainable industry and encouraging innovation LITERATURE REVIEWS Product Innovation Theory Innovation is often only interpreted as a breakthrough in a product, even though innovation is a company’s thoughts, processes, and ways to adapt to environmental dynamics Therefore innovation is not just about differentiation, but also strategies to be able to compete and excel in an era of increasingly fierce competition According to (Oscardo et al., 2021) product innovation has a significant positive influence on consumer decision-making in purchasing So that the innovation of a product is one of the important things to maximize the marketing of the product 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 74 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO QUỐC TẾ “THƯƠNG MẠI VÀ PHÂN PHỐI” LẦN THỨ NĂM 2023 Marketing Strategy Theory Marketing is a whole system in the business world that is used to carry out planning, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods or services (Jatmiko et al., 2021) Sheth (2021) explains that there are six fields of revitalization marketing strategy, with create value for the customers, using brand value, disciplining sales, applying knowledge determination price, using marketing reverse, and the last is maximizing role marketing in society In making a strategy proper marketing, Chandler (2017) emphasize internal conditions external something a company A company must capable of looking what just threats and existing opportunities, both internally and externally external, so obtained optimally SWOT analysis Draft SWOT analysis evaluates internal factors including strengths and weaknesses, and external ones including opportunities and threats from the general environment, industry, and competitors (Apriyanto et al., 2021) The following is a simple concept of a SWOT analysis Figure SWOT Analysis Concept (Apriyanto et al., 2021) The application of the concept of SWOT analysis is to maximize all the strengths and opportunities to deal with existing threats and weaknesses, which is the basis for proposing appropriate strategies for business The stages in conducting a SWOT analysis start from setting goals, conducting research, making a SWOT list, and finally making a strategy to overcome the problem Ornamental Plant Cultivation Business Theory with Kokedama Cultivation Art Ornamental plant cultivation is an activity that has a profitable principle where the focus is on cultivating plants with high attractiveness because of their beautiful charm (Wakhidaturrohmah et al., 2022) Ornamental plant cultivation is one of the businesses that has mushroomed in Indonesia However, the art of planting kokedama is not very well known in the community and is still lacking in development Kokedama planting is an art that is very popular in Japan in the form of a ball of planting medium wrapped in moss as a plant pot (Trahutami & Wiyatasari, 2019) But in the KONARA kokedama business, we use rice straws to replace moss KONARA, therefore, became the pioneer of kokedama using rice straw The use of rice straw itself has its advantages, not only being able to be a solution for rice agricultural waste but also as a planting medium that has a higher porosity compared to the use of moss 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS COMMERCE AND DISTRIBUTION 75 METHODS This research uses the case study method The data collection technique used is observation in which researchers participate and follow the daily activities of people who are informants Researchers also conducted interviews with participants and extract useful information from their answers RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SWOT analysis result Strategy marketing used by KONARA’s efforts not yet notice the problems However, observing their competitors, that is ornamental plant sellers and sellers of another kokedama shows that KONARA can not compete with other competitors in the field of marketing, though actually in the field of production, KONARA products are already superior The followings are the results from the SWOT analysis and strategy that has been made STRENGTH (S) Has more than 100 variants of ornamental plants This is the first and only product in Indonesia Using premium planting media Has a high degree of porosity Raw materials are easily available and abundant Have own production house WEAKNESS (W) Does not have its own sales outlets Brand trade is not yet familiar to the eye Public Social media is less well-managed and less active Don’t have workers yet The website has not run optimally Marketplaces are not optimal and not enough active Lack of promotion done OPPORTUNITIES (O) Population growth Technological development Development of shipping services (expedition) Increase social media users Increasing interest in online shopping THREATS (T) Increase in the price of fuel and other commodities Opportunities for the emergence of new competitors Erratic weather so that the plants require extra attention 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 76 KỶ YẾU HỘI THẢO QUỐC TẾ “THƯƠNG MẠI VÀ PHÂN PHỐI” LẦN THỨ NĂM 2023 The emergence of substitute products such as cocopot Its fluctuating interest and power buy Public SO STRATEGY Promote plant variants according to the interests of the population educate and intensify promotion product limited edition Highlighting advantages such as premium and good planting media Learn branding and good design _ Planning social media and marketplace content intertwine connection good with material suppliers raw Dividing consumer segmentation ST STRATEGY Recalculating production costs to avoid losses Continue to innovate products to be superior to competitors Arranging the production house so that it is aesthetic and pays attention to the characteristics of the plants Make innovations that are difficult for competitors to imitate Improving product quality and conducting evaluations WO STRATEGY Adding special employees in the marketing department Making production houses as sales outlets Take advantage of the easy editing platform like Canva Check social media and the marketplace every day Take advantage of existing expeditions WT STRATEGY Take advantage of the free shipping offered by the marketplace Caring for plants while creating promotional content Offer discounts, vouchers, cashback, and others Make catalogue sales on websites, marketplaces, and social media Analyze the weaknesses of competitors and highlight the advantages of the product KONARA Marketing Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis From the results of the SWOT analysis, the researcher offers a marketing strategy that refers to the 4P marketing mix that can be considered and implemented by the high artistic value ornamental plant innovation business, KONARA Several things that can be used as strategy penetration market in matter promotion and distribution (physical evidence) are the following: Making the production house an offline sales place Maximizing technological developments by managing social media, websites and marketplaces as a means of online sales Collaborating with shipping services and registering marketplaces in the free shipping program 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS COMMERCE AND DISTRIBUTION 77 Improve product branding with follow exhibitions and take part in national events Intertwine work same with brand ambassadors and content creators intertwine connection with the customer with stage photo challenge events, give away, games on social media, discounts, vouchers, cashback, and others Temporary strategy penetration of the contained 4P market in element product and price are: Add capacity production for push cost production so that price tree production per product is more affordable Keeping bookkeeping records using accounting software such as Accurate Carrying out various innovations such as pot variances, not just plant variances and registering brand rights Provide wholesale, agent, and reseller prices when selling both online and offline Give gifts like a hanger key, pin, or price sticker CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the research, researchers can draw points of conclusion as follows The internal conditions faced by KONARA are having many product variants, the first product, premium quality, superior, abundant raw materials, has a production house, does not yet have outlets, trademarks are not well known to many people, online media is not maximized, there are no workers and lack of promotion While the external conditions faced are population growth, technological developments, the existence of expedition services, an increase in social media users, interest in online shopping, fuel hikes, opportunities for competitors, weather, substitute products, and public interest Alternative strategies obtained from internal and external conditions using the 4P marketing mix of KONARA’s business are turning production houses into outlets, managing online media, collaborating with several parties, participating in exhibitions and national events, maintaining relationships with customers, increasing production capacity, revitalizing bookkeeping, adding product and price variations, giving gifts to customers REFERENCES Apriyanto, M., Marlina, Susanto, B F., & Rifa’i, A (2021) A SWOT Analysis to Improve The Marketing of Young Coconut Chips Annals of the R.S.C.B, 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93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a 51142e4 7e7 f89a7 cfd2396 2cf670a 028b4b07 0f4 8b0e 586b840 b16 f308 f26e 1d e27334 d680 7e1b6d06 3ba21 940e3 7dea c5bb471 3c3 28867 f8 bbed 74e2 c780 6d1 95fe17 7b08 58d8 5313 9d45 20f8b9a3 690a4 754e7 b437 2298 7ae3bea 9374 f30 b3 49a74ff65 d2f937e7 d8e bc5 d43b334 b4414 418a0 deab4 1a1aa0ab21b9 c77 30ab c2c5 6b9 bf4 8e75 f2b175 f1f1455ff9 7a0e0e 8e09 f963 70b8 91396 2514 b9e d3f d36247a 1b1 c74 02f9ed93 221a4 49e34a 7aa2c71e9ae bcb71 c4c0eeb2 484b96aa 83087 f6f9e470 c72 ed5 f4e8 f8e8 e845 306b4f1 d3e7 8fba019 f352ae 3be4 01bf5 bd0e7a 5b28 b8ab54754 3a243 6fbddc64 f8b7be0 43d1 c15 5f9 fcd5b1 696b0cb2a c7ee8eaa 6e7a5a0 b474 52f5b9 77b4 1f9 c6aee 2a01ad0196 f09 493a82 ec4 2e1d8 b78c8c4 233 f1298aa 4e2 cc1 6c68 7da2 22a65 fe7d9 ebf114bfcfa6a0e 104d1170 11e6767 7a94e 9cf5dcf4 81d7a65d25f4f7 492 c70ee4 6529a 0a8d0 045b1864 8d3 2e9fc38bc1b5e54a7 d9a0 511b1d15 e71e9 06750 e488 7c8 f759 c16 5f7 b8efaa e1 e9ff5f31 4e2a77 32b33ed 9a4d4 bc1 1b3 4240 c709 8bf6077 5b09 b0b69dc0a60 29 2df4 eb48 54dc3e8 635d18f750dd256 b9ffac0 1a3b83d1 61a119 2e9b1d3e 4a8d5 fc65 1f6 8288 b2a526 d78 71a5 c3e52a bcb76 f663e 7bba 0363fb5 06a396 2751 d68 d05228 b00 3115a5 d1e8 90d4 b40 05c4 21ad3ec4 dc4a5e62 b531 0c5 cb7c7a9 5d5 926c8 2cbe7f40c821 f04e2a 4e68 2a5d0 4d6e 01c3 9610 c88 5a66b3e545 7b42 839 78782be6d7 8fb9256 0715 06076 8471a 16bc29e cffad44 e26c5013 d6ad2065 c68 64f36 c48 d7fb4 f4b3 f8e 98db4d4 8ff5d8 b5a2 f883 ba7b3c7 2691 f699 28b5 3f8 e86352a d01 c703 c6 c6155 cf9057 8119e 7fe9 f82 30f6825 db01 077 b9e0b47a89 279c1 058d64b25c3 c1e 71a890 bb6 ed f3cb3e4 b10 f391 8a6b4 25a4b96c33e6 b52 ed4d7 b275a 18f2314a7 c5fba5 c3 c911 58b7 380a85a 6d16 4e3a5e 1c6 d524a 7eb9 d97ec3b2e 7b1 86cbb5 db59 5c6 c3a8a 063b44f6820e 78b85203 7e081 2d6e 0e08a 5bf0 8353 c6efdbdd55 f94 60367a 1a219 0195 fc1 fcd0c51c8d69 d7b77634a 0f8 69ab9dc90 892a7 0207 c48a0 db5 3f2 0064 b062 34d1 47a6 c5ac6 f61 f46 4c4 93c48 b7d20 d8e b72e0 7b60a 2e0b0b8e 4dc823abf16 00f6a5dbf8 bb1 ce7e 331fc9 f6d5 61dfc02a7 865de7f527b4a2c7f9 181d03d3 c90 c76 097 c4be 2f0 79d9 8dc717 b63 d9ff8673a 44a76 b8f5e875a 5f2 69ab4 435 f924 7f0 14749 5e249 7b3e 7c4 4675 58 a68d979 76fb5 f9312 d84 bc0 d5fb1e 614f9149 8e5b18389 4b5 d3f5200 5b0a5 01f 5b24e3ff 582d497e b5e27 03138 dd3 1d4 935b7548 cb4 0bf4dc0b9 cc25f6605 8a7 d0b39 b849a ef6 d3b82d6 1e55aa4 47a34 c19 f1b977a49 82f9c4 b81 6a3f9 3259 76 f7cbf9 9403 fe5d295b259d7b9 0dd2 f3e d757 d235 55a08 61d5 f0 be5b93b8 4d25 66eb79 c37 b3 c8cd674a 1c0 3b83 b6b1a10 c78b25a7e4 c83 022e f059 588b21421 d 6ed08 c1b78eea c177fb5 3b2 b24 f40d34eb de7a3a 6f0 517d83b8 e8d5 c78 79206 c365aa2 22e58 532a1e 8c1 6b1 69ef501dfc48994 e3e07 e54a5 d7ee4 407a2e 9617 b5f8 82b2 f6 b852e 6307 3280a b5b8 78bc4dcdfcc6ff6b2f2 0d30 7e9d0f4 35fb32 11e0e9 de8ba 18d7 02a2 c92 c0cb784 4ac6 0f26 c1 c054 6b04 c8 cd1 24f53e34 e989 007831 f08 be8d9d7ff3 b76ae 1592ff8e 63eb f42 c19 6b4e 12415 4cc9ae7 9f3 34b 4ff81fc08e7 f157 c55 64f5d7e 0d0 b616 f418 78ddc6 c0a3 3da66 3243 588b128 c0 7e0e875 d038 1c6 12a3 c660 2b1e c6b1d05 b9 cc6 f02 11d9 93d8 2ab8 c510 c6e 2f3 7cf78f9aeb78 42a85 d478 d5e b2f44c4d87 5da7 c36a2 c1a9 f55 baf5 d9e0 2ce8 c5 4c13 fcf09d1ef3f6 867ac773 fc0 c859 d3 f430e 90b3 6fe3 2a401 d79a7a 3c2 6f8 c7a175 df1a3207 5f6a 3e081 53c84e7a0 533 c10 d158e 0d50fb4a 8d8 b94 f2f729 f e3924 f47d6743 b4f31e17 9d5 f11 f82 d7b7ad3 f784 82b5 c65 c58 3a56 f501e 23a1 1355bea 1087 be4b57d7 b92 7eff6702 465a1 b9d2 3a389 409 c39a30 312b5fe0 6fe 83d9db3e7 ee33a f8e51 c5 b8a853 8d7 00313 f5 dc2a d936 3a3ef7f7 2d89 306e6 31 c5d9 60b3 6f9 be71 39ed 724a60 c06 662a7a 184bce6 c86 b21d3877 b18 c8be 6db82 e3083a1 fe11 b4350 0a251 996a f4025 1e525 90e0e 9e235 6dd348 f7e13 982 b5913 62b8ff4 cfb7b2 b498 1e6 c5e54 de90e 94c0130 0f8e 5158 f5 b0044 471 f83d013 f7 ab27a6e2 e738a2 f0 c256 bd5 9b74 d78e 78c6c1 597b758e5 5e7 f9d6 025 c9f2685a