1950 to 2000: Public Relations Comes of Age The field of public relations greatly result of changes in American society.. These changes included the ee including television, and the over
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Trang 21900 to 1950: 1950 to 2000: 2000 to the present
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The pioneers also included a number of colorful per sor
Hollywood publicist Warren Cowan fe publicist Eleanor.Lambe ; ` ‘ Ẳ _ LẠ : ps , cv 3 a ‘i ne os đệm i
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Trang 51950 to 2000: Public Relations Comes of Age
The field of public relations greatly
result of changes in American society These changes included the
ee including television, and the over
all expansion of business
Trang 6—
The concept of public relations as just media relations and
management" and "relationship building" became more
prominent in the literature and tn practice
Trang 8Public relations, traditionally a male
domain, expert enced the massive tnflux of men into the field, to the point that an
mated 20 percent of today's public
tions practitioners are female
Trang 92000 to the present
Public relations, in the era of the Internet
emphasis on listening, en gagement, and
dialogue with respective publics
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Trang 11
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the necessity for transparency become main stream in terms of widespread acceptance by all organizations