MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY _ MASTER THESIS MECHANISM AND MEASURES TO PREVENT INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT DISPUTES – INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND LESSONS FOR VIETNAM Specialization: International Trade Policy and Law DOAN VIET THANG Hanoi – 2019 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY _ MASTER THESIS MECHANISM AND MEASURES TO PREVENT INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT DISPUTES – INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND LESSONS FOR VIETNAM Specialization: International Trade Policy and Law Code: 8310106 Full name: Doan Viet Thang Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Minh Hang Hanoi - 2019 REASSURANCE I hereby assure that this master thesis is exclusively made by myself and that all data and results stated in this master thesis are honest In addition, I hereby assure that all of the supports in the process of implementation cited in the master thesis have been specified its sources The author Doan Viet Thang ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude and great appreciation to my supervisor Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Minh Hang, for her exemplary guidance and valuable encouragement throughout the course of this thesis The support and guidance given by hers have been priceless I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to all the professors and lecturers of master program of International Trade policy and law for their valuable supports and guidance, which helped me in growing in knowledge and experience through various stages Furthermore, I would like to especially thank for the support, encouragement and assistance from my family, colleagues and friends during the time of this thesis Hanoi, 28th Jun 2019 i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF FIGURES vii SUMMARY OF THESIS RESEARCH RESULTS viii INTRODUCTION .1 CHAPTER 1: BASIC THEORETICAL ISSUES ON INVESTOR - STATE DISPUTE 1.1 An overview of international investment and Investor - State dispute 1.1.1 Conception of international investment Conception of investment Conception of international investment 1.1.2 An overview of international investment dispute .10 Conception of international investment dispute 10 Classification of international investment disputes .10 1.1.3 Investor - State dispute (ISD) .11 Conception of Investor - State dispute 11 Features of Investor - State dispute .14 1.2 An overview of mechanism and measures to prevent international investment disputes 16 1.2.1 Concept of investor-State dispute prevention .16 1.2.2 Investor-States dispute prevention mechanisms 17 1.2.3 Investor-States dispute prevention measures 20 CHAPTER 2: MECHANISM AND MEASURES FOR PREVENTING INVESTOR – STATE DISPUTES - INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE .22 2.1 The situation of Investor - State disputes settlement in the world .22 2.1.1 The situation of Investor - State disputes settlement by the diplomatic protection method 22 2.1.2 The situation of Investor-State disputes settlement by the Courts’ mode 23 ii 2.1.3 The situation of Investor-State disputes settlement by the Arbitration method 24 2.1.4 The situation of Investor - State disputes settlement by the other methods .26 2.2 Mechanism and prevention measures in settling international investment disputes in some countries 28 2.2.1 Mechanism and prevention measures in settling international investment disputes in Jordan 28 2.2.2 Mechanism and prevention measures in settling international investment disputes in Colombia 29 2.2.3 Mechanism and prevention measures in settling international investment disputes in Korea 33 2.2.4 Mechanism and prevention measures in settling international investment disputes in Peru .37 CHAPTER 3: LESSONS FOR VIETNAM IN PREVENTING INVESTOR – STATE DISPUTES 44 3.1 The basis for proposing measures to prevent Investor - State disputes .44 3.1.1 Current situations of foreign investment in Vietnam 44 3.1.2 Situation of Investor - State disputes and Investor-State dispute settlement in Vietnam 46 Situation of Investor - State disputes in Vietnam 46 Situation of ISD settlement in Vietnam 47 3.1.3 Situation of Vietnamese on prevent Investor - State dispute 59 3.2 Lessons learn for Vietnam to prevent Investor-State disputes and applied solutions 61 3.2.1 Lessons for Vietnam to prevent Investor-State disputes 61 Focus on the warning mechanism and dispute prevention 61 Establish a specialized agency to represent the State in the prevention and resolution of ISD 62 iii Complete methods of settling disputes with foreign investors in the country 65 Pay attention to negotiating and signing IIAs .66 3.2.2 Investor-State dispute prevention mechanism and measures for Vietnam 67 Mechanisms and measures to prevent international investment disputes remotely 67 Select and appraise the capacity of foreign investors and determine and prioritize investment sectors in accordance with the law to prevent disputes 74 Monitor closely the implementation of investment projects of foreign investors .75 Mechanisms and measures that block disagreements and conflicts develop into disputes 75 Ensure authority to negotiate and settle - budgetary authority 80 Institutional response: ombuds and mediation services 81 State-State cooperation in dispute prevention .82 CONCLUSION 84 LIST OF REFERENCES 86 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description AAA American Arbitration Association ACIA ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement AF Additional Facility ANDI Algeria's Agence National de Development des Investments APR Arbitration Procedures Rules ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BIT Bilateral investment treaty BOT Build-Operate-Transfer BT Build-Transfer BTA Bilateral Trade Agreement BTO Build-Transfer-Operate DRCAFTA Dominican Republic Central America Free Trade Agreement ECT Energy Charter Treaty FDI Foreign Direct Investment FI Foreign Investment FTA Free Trade Area GDP Gross Domestic Product ICC International Chamber of Commerce ICDR International Center for Dispute Resolution ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute IIA International investment agreements 84 CONCLUSION In the trend of globalization, foreign investment plays an increasingly important role for economies of nations, especially for developing countries, including Vietnam The benefits gained from this activity are very high, but the challenges posed are no less, especially the challenge from resolving ISDs A comprehensive study of this issue helps us to better understand the theory and practice of ISD settlement The theory of ISD settlement in our country still has many issues that need to be improved There are many ways to deal with ISD, which are stipulated in national laws and IIAs such as negotiation, mediation, Vietnamese courts, Vietnamese arbitration, foreign arbitration, ICSID mechanism, sub-mechanism support of ICSID, arbitration under UNCITRAL rules Specifically, using which method is selected by foreign investors, but in practice, foreign arbitration is the main method that foreign investors choose in settling investment disputes with the Government of Vietnam Settlement of Investor - Vietnamese State disputes by arbitration is under the influence of at least two legal systems: the legal system of the host country and the International treaties, international practices, foreign case law The trend of international integration requires Vietnam to complete its domestic legal system related to ISD settlement, specific Investment Law, Commercial Arbitration Law, Civil Procedure Code etc and related documents in order to meet the suitable with the direction in accordance with the participation of the IIAs, to make the ISD resolution methods flexible, fast and economical, while ensuring effective and effective Vietnam accepts the method of settling investment disputes between foreign investors and the Government of Vietnam to both attract foreign investment and enhance Vietnam's position and reputation in the international arena In a developing country like Vietnam, the legal system and policies are not yet completed, the officials in the state agencies are not professional, not yet knowledgeable about international law etc so easy give rise to investment disputes between foreign investors and the Vietnamese Government In addition, the lack of 85 experience and understanding of ISD settlement of state agencies it makes to confusion, lack of initiative in responding to ISDs, sometimes not resolving ISDs so the investor sues at international arbitration Therefore, the first requirement for improving professional capacity and awareness of state officials in the prevention and resolution of ISD is necessary The settlement of ISD at arbitration will result in huge costs for the developing countries like Vietnam, while also reducing the attractiveness of the investment environment Therefore, it is better to limit and prevent ISDs from arising by measures such as completing the regulations on investment in the direction of simplifying investment procedures; develop a system of ISD warning, prevention and prevention mechanisms according to the experience of countries around the world, countries that have achieved certain effects in preventing ISD from these mechanisms; focus on using negotiation and mediation methods when disputes arise, minimizing the need to resolve ISD at arbitration The introduction of ISD precautions is one of the important requirements of the international integration process This is an objective indispensable requirement to meet the practical needs in order to resolve the ISDs that have been and will be arising, to ease the tensions between foreign investors and the Government of Vietnam The Vietnamese government expressed goodwill of good relations with foreign investors, thereby contributing to attracting more and more investment capital into Vietnam 86 LIST OF REFERENCES A In Vietnamese I Legal documents Công ước Washington năm 1965 giải tranh chấp đầu tư nhà nước công dân nước khác (ICSID) (Washington Convention in 1965 on resolving investment disputes between the state and other nationals (ICSID).) 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