Final paper submitted as a fulfilment for the course introduction to the english language

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Final paper submitted as a fulfilment for the course introduction to the english language

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THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FALCUTY ENGLISH LANGUAGUE PROGRAMME - - FINAL PAPER Submitted as a fulfilment for the course INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Student’s name: NGUYEN ANH HUY Student’s code: 2022202010956 Class: D20NNAN10 Course: 2020 - 2024 Major: English Language Binh Duong - November 2020 0 THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY ENGLISH LANGUAGE FALCUTY ENGLISH LANGUAGUE PROGRAMME - - FINAL PAPER Submitted as a fulfilment for the course INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Student’s name: NGUYEN ANH HUY Student’s code: 2022202010956 Class: D20NNAN10 Course: 2020 - 2024 Major: English Language Lecturer: TRAN THANH DU, Ph.D Binh Duong - November 2020 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH 1.1 The Importance of English 1.2 Short Trip to the Independence Palace Chapter LANGUAGE SKILLS 2.1 Listening Skill 2.1.1 Definition of Listening Skill 2.1.2 Methods to Develop Listening Skill 2.2 Speaking Skill 2.2.1 Definition of Speaking Skill 2.2.2 Methods to Develop Speaking Skill 2.3 Reading Skill 2.3.1 Definition of Reading Skill 2.3.2 Methods to develop reading skill 2.4 Writing Skill 2.4.1 Definition of Writing Skill 2.4.2 Methods to Develop Writing Skill Chapter PERSONAL OBJECTIVES 10 AND DETAILED PLAN FOR THE COURSE 10 3.1 Personal Objectives About The Course 10 3.2 Personal Detailed Course Plan For The Course 10 3.2.1 Semester 10 3.2.2 Semester 10 3.2.3 Semester 11 3.2.4 Semester 11 3.2.5 Semester 11 3.2.6 Semester 12 3.2.7 Semester 12 3.2.8 Semester 12 3.2.9 Semester 13 3.2.10 Semester 10 13 3.2.11 Semester 11 13 3.2.12 Semester 12 14 3.3 Personal Study Strategies To Obtain The Objective 14 0 Chapter THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH 1.1 The Importance of English English is one of the languages known by many, with about 20% of the global population speaking it (that's 1.5 billion people Given its popularity in everyday communication, academia, business, and entertainment The more important communication is, the more important English is Reasons Why English Is Important There are several factors that make the English language essential to communication in our current time First of all, even for those who don't use English as their primary language, it is a very common second language in various cultures This means that two people who come from different countries usually use English as an intermediate language to communicate On the internet, the majority of websites use English Even sites in other languages often give you the option to translate the site The runner-up language is Russian, which only claims about 6% of websites So English is the clear winner when it comes to the internet, with over 50% of the content in that language And the amount of educational content on the internet is probably even more heavily skewed toward English dominance since, as we've already discussed, the modern world of research and academics favors English Having a good understanding of communicating in English makes it easier to travel around the globe Because it is the main international common language for foreigners, knowing English makes it easy to get assistance and help in many parts of the world After all, about one in five people know or understand at least a little bit of English—that's not true of any other one language You can test this by looking at online travel options; any travel booking site you can find will have English as a booking option And it's a good language to know for navigating airports and other transportation hubs as well English gives you more opportunities to get a good and high salary job in your country also abroad 0 I believe that those who are still unaware of the importance of English should start learning it, because it seems like the time is fast approaching when just about everything will be done in English In some ways, that time is already here 1.2 Short Trip to the Independence Palace During the course, beside study in the class, we are also allowed to extracurricular activities at a famous historical monument in Ho Chi Minh City It is Independence Place Despite its brief renaming as the Reunification Palace after the fall of Saigon to communists, the Independence Palace now stands with its original name intact This government building has a long history that extends to the French occupation in the 19th century During the Vietnam War, it served as home and command center of General Nguyen Van Thieu, the head of a military junta who came to power after the first President of South Vietnam was assassinated in 1963 The Independence Palace was the site of a dramatic finish to the Vietnam War as tanks crashed through the main gate on the morning of April 30, 1975 Today, the Independence Palace is a time capsule unchanged since the 1970s - a mustsee in Ho Chi Minh City, and a major stop for history buffs taking the grand tour of Vietnam It was designed by architect Ngo Viet Thu who is the first Vietnamese recipient of the Grand Prix de Rome won in 1955, and the first Asian architect to become an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, in 1962, was the brains behind the modern-day rendition of the palace In an attempt to fuse both modern 0 architecture and its traditional Asian variety, Thu incorporated auspicious Chinese characters into the building’s layout and design The architectural beauty of the Palace is reflected by the stone flower curtain in the shape of elegant bamboos surrounding The stone flower curtain is transformed from the scientific door of the ancient palaces of Hue, not only increasing the beauty of the Palace but also taking the effect of sunlight There are about 95 rooms such as: Presidents and vice president office, display and cinema room, living room, dining room, meeting room, conference room, and bedroom Beside function rooms, there are library bunker, helicopter landing place, Lotus Lake and so on 0 Chapter LANGUAGE SKILLS 2.1 Listening Skill 2.1.1 Definition of Listening Skill Having effective listening skills means being able to display interest in the topic discussed and understand the information provided In today’s society, the ability to communicate effectively is becoming increasingly important Although the ability to speak effectively is a highly sought-after skill, developing effective listening skills is often not regarded in the same respect In fact, listening is just as important as speaking Being a good listener helps solve problems, resolve conflicts, and improve relationships In the workplace, effective listening contributes to fewer errors, less wasted time, and improved accuracy Effective listening helps build friendships and careers Listening is key to all effective communication Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood As a result, communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated Listening is not a passive process In fact, the listener can, and should, be at least as engaged in the process as the speaker The phrase ‘active listening’ is used to describe this process of being fully involved 2.1.2 Methods to Develop Listening Skill Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be frustrated by your limited understanding Here are a few courses of action you can take: Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything Stay relaxed when you not understand even if you continue to have trouble understanding for a while Do not translate into your native language Listen for the gist (or general idea) of the conversation Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main idea First, translating creates a barrier between the listener and the speaker Second, most people repeat themselves constantly By remaining calm, you can usually understand what the speaker had said Use Key Words 0 Use keywords or key phrases to help you understand the general ideas If you understand "New York", "business trip", "last year" you can assume that the person is speaking about a business trip to New York last year This may seem obvious to you, but remember that understanding the main idea will help you to understand the detail as the person continues to speak 2.2 Speaking Skill 2.2.1 Definition of Speaking Skill Speaking is the delivery of language through the mouth To speak, we create sounds using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal cords, tongue, teeth and lips In our own language, speaking is usually the second language skill that we learn Formal speaking or informal speaking Informal speaking is typically used with family and friends, or people you know well Formal speaking occurs in business or academic situations, or when meeting people for the first time Speaking skill is the art of communications and one of productive skill that must master in learning foreign language Good speaking skills is the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners A good speaker is clear and informative 2.2.2 Methods to Develop Speaking Skill Speaking is probably the language skill that most language learners wish to perfect as soon as possible It used to be the only language skill that was difficult to practice To speak confidently you need knowledge of vocabulary, sentence structure, pronunciation Stop worrying about making mistakes: We all make mistakes Your message is most important If the other person understands you, it’s not important how many mistakes you make, your goal for speaking English should be to communicate your message, not to say a perfect sentence Don’t be afraid of mistakes A mistake is not always going stop people from understanding you You will be overjoyed when you realize other people understand you when you’re speaking English even with mistakes Every time you are able to communicate with someone in English, you will feel better about your English-speaking skills Surely you will improve your speaking skill soon 0 Make sure to listen as well as speaker When practicing with a native speaker, try to balance your listening and speaking It’s a good idea to prepare questions in advance so that the conversation will flow back and forth If your conversation partner asks you a question and you answer at length, you can always turn the question back to your partner by asking, “What you think?” or “What about you?” Listen to the pronunciation of the words and the rhythm of the sentence When you are ready to try to say the sentence, click the Speak button and speak into your microphone When you click Playback, you will hear the native speaker again and your own voice Do you like the way you sound? If not, repeat You can click Speak and make a new recording to improve your English-speaking skills as often as you want Improving your English-speaking skills will help you communicate more easily and effectively 2.3 Reading Skill 2.3.1 Definition of Reading Skill Reading is the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning It is a form of language processing Receptive skill - through it we receive information But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information and transmitting it Besides, reading is something that you can on your own and that greatly broadens your vocabulary, thus helping you in speaking (and in listening and writing) Reading is therefore a highly valuable skill and activity, and it is recommended that English learners try to read as much as possible in English 2.3.2 Methods to develop reading skill Eliminate distractions from your environment The first step towards improving your reading comprehension has to be reading in a space where you’ll be able to concentrate Remove any distractions from your environment and turn off electronics to prevent new distractions from appearing Read with a helper if you’re reading something above your level 0 Whether that helper is a teacher, a friend, or a parent, read with someone above your level who you're comfortable talking to and asking questions They can help you if you have any issues and enable you to talk through the text with Re-read text as necessary to improve your comprehension Sometimes when we’re reading, we can read finish a paragraph or page and realize that we don’t remember any of what we just read This is perfectly normal When this happens, don’t hesitate to go back and re-read what you’ve just read to refresh your memory and improve your comprehension Someone else Improve your vocabulary to get better at understanding what you read If you don't know what a word means, it's going to be hard to improve your reading comprehension Have a rough idea of what vocabulary level you should be at given your age and work on studying word definitions to times a week Keep some paper near you to keep notes in Taking notes, while not immediately exciting, is a good way to boost reading comprehension If you're reading for a class, try using a notebook If you're reading for fun, just grab as many pieces of paper as you think you'll need for the story 2.4 Writing Skill 2.4.1 Definition of Writing Skill Writing is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form Writing systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech, and may also have symbols for such things as punctuation and numerals Writing systems are both functional, providing a visual way to represent language, and also symbolic, in that they represent cultures and people Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications You’ll encounter it in journal articles and books on academic topics, and you’ll be expected to write your essays, research papers, and dissertation in academic style Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but it has specific conventions in terms of content, structure and style 0 2.4.2 Methods to Develop Writing Skill Use active instead of passive voice One of the most common manifestations of bad writing is overuse of the passive voice In English, the most basic sentence structure is S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object “The zombie bit the man” is an example of this sentence structure The passive voice can cause confusion by putting the object first: “The man was bitten by the zombie.” It usually requires more words and use of a “to be” verb form, which can suck the energy out of your writing Learn to avoid these constructions as much as you can Use strong words Good writing, whether it’s in a novel or a scholarly essay, is precise, evocative and spiced with the unexpected Finding the right verb or adjective can turn an uninspired sentence into one people will remember and quote for years to come Look for words that are as specific as possible Try not to repeat the same word over and over unless you are trying to build a rhythm with it Edit Editing is one of the most essential parts of writing Once you finish a piece of writing, let it sit for a day and then read it over with fresh eyes, catching confusing bits or scrapping whole paragraphs —anything to make your piece better Then when you are done, give it another read, and another Finally, there’s a balance of using enough words to convey your message This will take time to develop and help you improve your skills Avoiding Overuse of Camouflaged Verbs The writer should avoid using the camouflaged verb in writing An action verb is changed to a camouflaged verb by changing it to a noun and then adding action verb Since camouflaged verbs are abstract nouns and they frequently require a passive form of sentence, they should be avoided for ensuring concreteness and active form of sentence in writing Selecting Words for Precise Meanings Certainly, writing requires knowledge of the language In fact, the greater our knowledge of the language, the greater we are likely to write 0 Knowledge of language enables the writer to use words that carry the meaning that the writer wants to communicate Unfortunately, many of us treat language routinely We use words without thinking about the meaning they convey The result is vague writing Good writers require studying words carefully They should learn their precise meanings, especially the shades of differences in the meanings of similar words 0 Chapter PERSONAL OBJECTIVES AND DETAILED PLAN FOR THE COURSE 3.1 Personal Objectives About The Course Get good personal skills I will seem able to adapt to any situation without worrying about anything I can travel abroad without having difficulty in shopping, booking a hotel or traveling by transportation I can also attend many charitable organizations, activities or conferences and events using English A better working opportunity and settle abroad We all understand that international economic integration is on the way of developing, in the next few years, foreign investors will pay more attention to Vietnam - a very potential market When I am able to communicate and work in English, I will certainly have more working opportunities than others Moreover, the jobs of foreign companies are always paid much better than domestic enterprises, I can absolutely achieve a dreamed living condition and a perfect career 3.2 Personal Detailed Course Plan For The Course 3.2.1 Semester 11 Credits (11 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice Introduction to English language English Communicative Grammar 0 3 Essential Listening and Speaking Essential Reading and Writing 3.2.2 Semester Credits (9 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) No Number of credits Theory Practice Course name Scientific Research 3 Physical Education Listening and Speaking strategies 0 10 0 Reading and Writing strategies 3.2.3 Semester 12 Credits (12 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice defence and Security Education defence and Security Education Academic Listening and Speaking 0 Academic Reading and Writing 3.2.4 Semester 11 Credits (11 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice Applied Critical Thinking English Phonetics and Phonology 0 Social and Emotional Learning Critical Reading and Writing Critical Listening and Speaking 0 2 3.2.5 Semester 12 Credits (12 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) Number of credits No Course name Principles of Marxism and Theory Practice Fundamental Leninism Physical Education 3 Research Methodology English Morphology English Motivational Speeches 0 11 0 3.2.6 Semester 12 Credits (12 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) Number of credits No Course name Political Economics of Marxism and Leninism Theory Practice Cross Cultural Communication English Syntax Approaches to translation 0 Service-Learning 12 Credits (12 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) 3.2.7 Semester 12 Credits (12 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional) No Number of credits Theory Practice Course name South-eastern Socio-economic Issues 2 English as a Global Language Public Speaking 0 Report Writing in English Semantics 3.2.8 Semester 12 Credits (6 Credits are compulsory, Credits are optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice Science Socialism 2 Building Interpretation Skills Interaction Styles in the Workplace 0 2 British and American Literatures Email Writing in English Impromptu Speaking Techniques 3 0 12 0 Essay Writing in English 3.2.9 Semester Business English 12 Credits (8 Credits are compulsory, Credits are optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice Fundamentals of Translation 2 Modern Translation Technologies Mini project: Using Corpora for Translation 0 2 Mini project: British - American work styles and Communication Reading and Writing for Business Communication Listening and Speaking for Business Communication Business Evaluation 3.2.10 Semester 10 Business English 11 Credits (7 Credits are compulsory, Credits are optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology British and American Business Cultures 3 Business Cultures in Asian Business Case Analysis English in Business Law 3 0 3.2.11 Semester 11 Business English Credits (7 Credits are compulsory, Credits are optional) Number of credits No Course name Theory Practice 13 0 Communist Party History of Vietnam English in Office Management 0 English for Leadership Skills English for Telephoning 2 English for Tourism 3.2.12 Semester 12 10 Credits (10 Credits are compulsory, no Credit is optional Number of credits No Course name Work-integrated Education Final Report Theory Practice 0 5 3.3 Personal Study Strategies To Obtain The Objective Learn vocabulary from simple to complex Learn from simple structures to complex structures Collect native words, idioms, collection and phrasal verb to replace normal words Build the confidence Practice reacting smoothily to communicate Let myself to have time to review all the things I studied 14 0

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