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(Luận văn tốt nghiệp) prospects, orientations and solutions to improve vietnam’s agricultural exports to japanese market in the context of signing the cptpp agreement

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INTRODUCTION Rationale Nowadays, countries in the world are interdependent in economic relations, no single country will develop without expanding external economic relations, especially the foreign trade The trend of regionalization and globalization has become more distinct such as the growth of global economic organizations: WTO, EU, APEC,… Moreover, the development of science and technology has accelerated the internationalization of the world’s economic life Therefore, international coopertaion today has become an indispensable requirement for the development of each nation In the cause of economic development and national construction, especially after the socio-economic renovation, the Party and Government of Vietnam attach great importance to foreign economic activities Vietnam is an agricultural country with almost all favorable natural conditions for the development of agriculture in general as well as the production of valuable agricultural products in particular Agricultural exports have played an important role in economc development, being one of the important sources of income contributing to the national budget, creating jobs and income for people In addition, this is also and effective bridge to contribute to promoting the relations between the developing countries and at the same time bringing great benefits to countries in international exchange Japan is the second largest economy in the world and is currently the second largest trading partner of Vietnam (after the United States) Every year, Japan imports a volume goods worth $330-400 billion, of which the importation from Vietnam ranges from $2.4–3 billion, accounting for about 13 – 16% of Vietnam’s total merchandise export turnover Moreover, Japan and Vietnam are geographically close and have cultural similarities, which creates ore favorable conditions for Vietnam to increase exportation to Japan, afford the hard currency for importing source technology and attracting direct investment from Japan into our country The Japanese market in the medium term is still one of the three Luan van largets markets in the world, escpecially for agricultural products and Vietnam’s key market Meanwhile, agricultural products are Vietnam’s export strengths These items currently play an important role in the export structure of our country In the recent years, agricultural exports accounted for about 30% of the toal export turnover of the country, although the density fluctuated over the years but still increased in value Currently, Japan is the fourth largest import market for Vietnam’s agricultural products, with the expanded structure of products such as coffee, rubber, pepper, tea, vegetables and fruits of all kinds… Howev er, in the terms of globalization and internationalization of the world economy, it is becoming more and more profound up to this time, the competition of export in general and to Japan in particular increased strong and drastically The advantage products that we have exported to Japan are also the products that many other countries and regions in the world, especially in ASEAN and China, have favorable conditions to export to the market That is not to mention the difficulties stemming from the characteristics of the Japanese market, a market that requires strictly in import goods and has the most complicated trade barriers in the world In the context of increasingly intense competition of exportation and strict import requirements, and the CPTPP agreement was signed and came into effect on January 14, 2019, Vietnam's agricultural products exported to Japan has gained many achievements over the past time but also revealed weaknesses and limitations in competition, failed to meet all the requirements of the Japanese market and did not fulfill its potential and the country's advantages to maintain and expand market share in the largest import market of agricultural products in the world Therefore, I think that it is essential to research and find solutions to boost Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japan in the context of signing the CTTPP Agreement not only exportation in the short term, but also in the long run, contributing to the successful achievement of long-term goals and tasks in the export strategy Luan van Background of research In the recent past, many topics and articles of authors, many universities and research institutes have studied the activities to promote the export of agricultural products to major markets in the world such as the US, The European Union (EU), China, South Korea Japan In the Japanese market, most authors only focus on researching aquaculture products There are not many research articles were used to find out ways to boost the export of other agricultural products such as rubber, coffee, vegetables, pepper, cashew , Most of them only stop at the single posts which are topical Comprehensive scientific researches which is regared as a strategic export program of our country to this market are not available Therefore, I chose this topic to research and focus on the following issues: Analysis of the situation of importing agricultural products into Japan, the cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, the situation production and competitiveness of Vietnamese agricultural products, the export situation and export ability of Vietnamese agricultural products, macro and micro solutions to develop production, increase competitiveness and expand agricultural export market of our country Research objectives To clarify the characteristics and trends of Japanese agricultural imports in the following aspects: - Market’s demand and tastes; aspects of market competition and trade barriers of Japan; - Assess the status of Vietnam's agricultural exporting to Japan - Proposing major solutions to develop agricultural exports to Japan The subject and scope of the thesis - Subjects: Researching Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japan, impact factors, directions and solutions for developing agricultural exports to Japan in the context of CPTPP agreement - Scope: The research content is wrapped in exporting Vietnam's agricultural products to the Japanese market Particularly items with large export Luan van turnover and potential to export to Japan - Duration: The study and summarization of the practices of exporting agricultural products to the Japanese market starts from 2015 to the present Forecasting and proposing solutions to develop export of these products to Japan which are applied from now to the end of 2020 - Proposing directions and solutions of export development: The topic proposes major directions and solutions to develop agricultural exports to Japan both in macro and micro levels Research methodologies - In the course of the thesis research, along with dialectical materialism, historical materialism, symbolism are the methods used in general scientific research, the thesis also uses the following methods: - Research theory and practical summation; interpretation, inductive; - Survey from reality; experts; statistical methods of data collection, comparison, synthesis and statistical analysis of situation data Structure of the thesis Beside the introduction, conclusion, list of tables, list of figures, list of abbreviations, the main content of the thesis includes three chapters below: - Chapter Overview about agricultural exports and the CPTPP agreement - Chapter Current situation of Vietnam’s agricultural exports to Japanese market in the context of signing the CPTPP agreement - Chapter Prospects, orientations and solutions to improve Vietnam’s agricultural exports to Japanese market in the context of signing the CPTPP agreement Luan van Chapter I Overview about agricultural exports and the CPTPP agreement 1.1 Overview about agricultural export activities 1.1.1 Definition of export activities and characteristics of agricultural products Definition of export activities a) Definitions - "Export is the transfer of goods and services from one country to other countries for sale in order to make profit." The transfer of products from their countries to foreign markets has been considered a part of international trade This activity depicts the interdependence between national economies, economic interactions and politics, social relationships on a global scale Through export activities, countries also participate in the international division of labor, contributing to economic restructure and affirming the position of a nation in the world market Exportation makes a profit when countries gain the advantage of price and product quality compared to other national products in the same market This shows that exports create conditions for countries to exploit their potentials and advantages, thus contributing to promoting socio-economic development Export is considered to be the least risk-free and cost-effective way to penetrate foreign markets Along with the progress of science and technology and the impact of objective economic laws, the scope of specialization and division of social labor is expanding so the bond between countries are growing, creating favorable conditions for export activities to develop Specialization of production is a vivid expression of the law of comparative advantage This law emphasizes the difference in production costs and considers it as the key to the mode of trade Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement That method is to exploit the comparative advantage of the exporting country and open up domestic consumption in the importing country b) Characteristics - The major source of revenue for countries with export-oriented economies For example, Singapore, is known as a free and highly developed market economy Singapore imports a lot due to its lack of resources, but it is also a country heavily dependent on exports; especially in consuming electronics, technology products, pharmaceutical products and financial services The profits from the export of these items are immense However, being overly dependent and exporting also made the country fall into difficulties when the US-China trade war broke out, the momentum of growth was halted between the tax war of the world's two largest economies - Using foreign currencies as payment unit for both sides Because the activities are purchase and sale of goods across a country's borders, it is necessary to agree on one currency to exchange easier, so the payment currency in foreign will be suitable for both sides There is a growing trend in both width and depth in the context of globalization and international economic integration That has opened the country for opportunities to access foreign markets more easily, the size and capacity of the market is increasingly expanding - There are cultural and political differences between countries In the open economy, businesses are facing great opportunities to be able to bring their goods and services to all parts of the world However, export activities also face significant barriers which are the subjects involved in export activities that have differences in language, especially in customs, political institutions as well as the level of development of the nations Exporting activities are governed by National laws, international practices Thus the complexity of export activities in international business can be easily pointed (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement In addition to the subjects which are exporters and importers, exports also have the participation in the system of banks, the international telecommunications system, international freight forwarders c) General roles - Becoming a source of capital for imports, serving the industrialization and modernization of the country A typical example is that Singapore has used the capital raised from the export of electronics and machinery to make capital for importing natural resources, raw fuel - something that the country is extremely scarce Industrialization and modernization of the country is an indispensable path to overcome the country's poverty and underdevelopment Industrialization and modernization requires a large amount of capital to import advanced machines, equipments and technology To this, an export-oriented industry is required - Exports make economic restructuring in order to contribute to economic growth: Along with the achievements of the scientific and technical revolution The economic structure of countries around the world has been changing drastically In which, the economic structure change from agriculture to industry and service is suitable for the development trend of the world and the era and it also is an indispensable objective The impact of exports on economic restructuring is reflected in: - Creating favorable conditions for other industries to develop - Facilitating the expansion of the product market, contributing to stabilizing production, creating advantages from the scale - Playing a role in promoting specialization and enhancing the production efficiency of each country It allows specialization both in width and depth - Increasing the national foreign exchange reserves, bringing a (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement significant source of capital for the country to implement reform programs to enhance the competition with other nations - Through the export of goods from a country to participate in competition in the international market in terms of both price and quality, thereby affecting businesses that force them to reorganize production more reasonable in order to adapt the international business environment - Promote the country's advantages Exporting activities of a country are indispensable in their economic development and international economic integration Due to differences in geographic location, natural conditions, human resources, scientific and technological development level, Each country may include advantages in some of these areas but also lack of strength in some areas compared to other countries In order to unfold the strong points, overcome limitations, take advantage of opportunities as well as deal with challenges, create a balance in production and consumption, countries must proceed in exchanging goods and services Selling the advantage products and buying what cannot produce or produce less effectively However, even if a country does not have an absolute advantage in producing a certain item, when it comes to international trade, it also gains significant benefits from this activity - Stimulating learning, innovating new equipment, new technologies: Exporting activities are activities which are directed towards the world market, a market in which the level of competition is becoming fiercer Therefore, for every enterprise that want to survive, stand firm and develop in the market, it is necessary to introduce high quality products at reasonable prices This is not only dependent on the management of production and business, the skill of the employees also impact greatly in the producing process In order to compete in the market, each business must keep seeking innovation to improve the quality of technology so that the export activities will be more effective (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement - Settling jobs, improving the quality of life The experience of the previous countries has shown that, directing the economy to foreign markets can creat more jobs for workers, achieve the purpose of human resource development, increase income and demand better in the increasingly diverse needs of people For countries with advantages in labor resources, the development of export-oriented labor-intensive manufacturing industries will take advantage of the nation and contribute to the country's growth - Cooperating, developing and expanding external economic relations between countries Exports and external economic relationship interact with each other Exporting promotion enhance international cooperation between countries and improve the nation's position in the international arena Exportation and the production industry of exports promote other industries to develop together in banking systems, insurance, post and telecommunications and international transport In contrast, the international economic relations have paved the way for export expansion Characteristics of agricultural products “According to Clause Article of Decree 57/2018/ ND-CP on mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and countryside, the concept of agricultural products is specified as follows: Agricultural products are products of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and salt production.” Agricultural commodities: rice, coffee, cassava, cashew nuts, forestry products: wood, wood chips, wood products, all kinds of seafood: shrimp, catfish, basa fish, are all classified into agricultural products Though different in factors, they share the same in some of the following common characteristics (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement a) Agricultural products are affected by natural conditions such as land, weather, topography, water sources, etc., or to be more specific, natural conditions directly affect to the growth of plant From there directly impact on productivity, quality, prices, sources of agricultural goods for export In 2018, favorable natural conditions boosted agricultural products with high productivity and quality, volume and large export turnover On the contrary, in 2019, due to unfavorable weather and drought, the productivity and quality of agricultural products decreased, the price was raised resulting in low exports, reduction in turnover b) Seasonal agricultural products: The harvest of agricultural products are usually carried out in clear seasons, specify in each tree and region in order to ensure suitable weather conditions at the production location The variation of productivity, quality and prices of agricultural products depends on the season In the main season the output is large, equaly in quality, rich in variety and cheap In the off-season or unfavorable weather, the output is low, the quality is uneven, the price is high c) Distributed agricultural products: Each different tree in accordance with different climatic conditions Therefore, it will be grown and developed in different regions such as: tea suitable for growing in the northern mountainous regions, coffee grown in lands (Central Highlands, Dak Lak, Dak Nong), rice grown in the deltas, midlands (North Delta, Mekong Delta) Agricultural products are scattered in rural areas and in the hands of millions of farmers, but consumption is concentrated in cities and industrial areas The circulation of agricultural products is dispersed concentrated, rural - urban Therefore, the arrangement of purchasing, processing and transporting must conform to the above-said characteristics d) Fresh agricultural products: This kind of product is easy to damaged, poor quality Moreover, the sort, quantity and quality are also very different Therefore, when purchasing, it is necessary to store, classify, process, preserve, transport, business methods (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 10 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement - Researching export markets in Japan - Conducting negotiations and signing agricultural export contracts - Implementing of export contracts - Evaluating the results of export contracts implementation Major Japanese trade barriers to imported agricultural products - Goods import policy of Japanese government Japan maintains many restrictions or prohibitions on importing foreign goods to this market such as: + Set separate Japanese standards; requires proof of experience; + Subsidy for elements - Tools and methods to manage import a) Tariff: There are two levels of tariff: Self-imposed tariffs and treaty tariffs b) Import quotas c) Regulations on technical standards: Japanese Agricultural Standards System (JAS); Ecological marks (Ecomark); Regulations on food quarantine and hygiene d) There are other management measures: Law on product liability; Voluntary export restrictions; Main anti-dumping policy, anti-subsidies; Measures to manage foreign exchange; etc 2.1.3 General situation of Vietnamese agricultural products in the Japanese market General assessment and major issues posing in agricultural export Japan is one of the markets which have high protectionism for agricultural products There are many obstacles such as tariff quotas, technical barriers related to environmental issues, food hygiene Achievements -Maintain an important market share in the Japanese market -Quality of goods is being confirmed (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 58 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement -Have better access to distribution system in the Japanese market Difficulties and limitations - Restrictions on quality and price of goods - Trade promotion and access to goods distribution channels in the Japanese market is weak (eg rice products) -Japan market requires strictly in many aspects and the two countries have no agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary - Post-harvest processing technology has not met the Japanese market's requirements Causes and lessons learned from practice Objective reasons Japan is one of the markets considered highly protected Due to the prolonged economic recession, it has adversely affected the demand, spending levels and consumption psychology of Japanese people Furthermore, Vietnam is under the huge competition of goods from countries such as India and Indonesia Subjective reasons - Vietnam's agricultural products depend heavily on natural conditions and seasonal characteristics Typically, in 2019, climate and weather instability caused rice products and some perennial crops’ output as well as export turnover to reduce - Vietnamese businesses not have the connection and contact to create a common unity to dominate the market together - The product quality is low There is no effective market research and trade promotion strategy and the products have not met the requirements from the given markets 2.3.5 Lessons learned from practice - Vietnam should focus on the policies to implement an export-oriented industrialization strategy based on promoting comparative advantages This is a policy that contributes significantly to the process of economic development, (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 59 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement promoting exports to accelerate economic growth, attracting foreign direct investment in the fields where domestic manufacturers not have the capital ability At the same time, it is possible to receive new management methods, advanced technology techniques from developed countries - The application of export-oriented industrialization policies should always follow certain methods: Prioritizing the development of export-oriented manufacturing industries; introducing preferential policies for the export and import substitution of manufactured goods to ensure resources are allocated according to comparative advantage; creating macro policy environment such as banking and financial system, exchange rate policy, etc - Based on the available advantages, the countries have generally implemented policies of diversifying export products but with different key commodities Most countries have built themselves a list of key export products in order to take full advantage of the available advantages and create better competitiveness in the world market - All economies have comparative advantage changes in each period Because comparative advantage has its own appropriate stages, if we not take full advantage in the shortest time, that comparative advantage will be lost and will not have a positive effect on economic development Therefore, in parallel with promoting their existing advantages, they also always create new resources for development, combine static and dynamic comparative advantages 2.2 Impact of the CPTPP agreement on the export of Vietnamese agricultural products to the Japanese market Under Japan's commitments under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), it pledged to abolish taxes as soon as the agreement came into effect for 78% of Vietnam's agricultural exports; no commitment on rice; impose tariff quotas or reduce partially or commit to carry out trade remedies with regard to cattle, pork, milk, dairy products, wheat, rice and products thereof Notably, most of Vietnam's strong seafood products are entitled to the tax rate of 0% right after the agreement (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 60 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement comes into force such as yellow-fin tuna, melon striped tuna, swordfish, some kinds of cod, surimi, shrimp, crab, etc All seafood product lines that have not committed to abolish taxes in FTA Vietnam - Japan will be eliminated in the 6th, 11th or 16th years since the agreement took effect For fruits and vegetables, there is a commitment of 0% tax rate for the 3rd or 5th year after the agreement takes effect + Positive impact: - Promoting exports between the two countries, creating momentum for turnover growth - Expanding the Japanese market Especially for items entitled to 0% tax rate, Vietnam has an advantage in occupying and becoming the second largest supplier in Japan + Negative impact: - Increasing pressure on agricultural, forest and seafood products in general due to the presence and increase in foreign agricultural products - There is a risk of narrowing production so the enterprises no longer gain much benefit when confronting with imported products with reasonable prices and reputable brands (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 61 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Chapter III: Prospects, orientations and solutions to improve Vietnam's agricultural exports to the Japanese market in the context of signing the CPTPP agreement 3.1 Prospects for the CPTPP agreement in the near future - Dominate the market and expand market share Both countries have the need to cooperate in order to take additional advantage of agricultural production to improve their competitiveness and added value to dominate the market and expand market share in the domestic market as well as in other countries which join CPTPP - Affirming the position of Vietnamese agricultural products in the global value chain Promoting the export of agricultural products and food together with improving processing capacity, bringing Vietnam's agricultural products and food brands to the world in general and Japan in particular is some of the main tasks that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is implementing to continue affirming the position of Vietnam's agricultural products in the global value chain and developing competitiveness in the context of opening agricultural markets - Promote cooperation in potential areas This is a favorable condition and also an opportunity not only to promote cooperation in potential fields, increase the import and export turnover of goods between the two countries, but also enhance investment cooperation, technology transfer, cooperate to exchange professional experience, and provide vocational training for agricultural workers between Vietnam and Japan in the near future - Improve production capacity, distribution and consumption of products 3.2 Orientations and goals to improve exports of agricultural products of Vietnam in the near future (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 62 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 3.2.1 Orientations to improve penetration of Vietnamese agricultural products into the Japanese market Among all of the standards, product quality, safety and reliability are the ones to be considered the most important by the Japanese, especially with regard to agricultural products Therefore, the priority orientation is to improve the quality of Vietnam's agricultural products by taking strong measures on selfimprovement of quality and value below - Develop the agriculture according to the product value chain based on the principle which select according to the value scale of the goods industry; take enterprises as the nucleus associated with the economic entities in the concentrated production areas with appropriate scale; closely link input chains production - processing - distribution; apply high technology, ensure competitiveness according to market requirements at all stages For agricultural production, processing and export enterprises, it is necessary to consider overcoming difficulties, especially credit policies, to invest in cold storage systems for agricultural products preservation - Establish a safe food chain by establishing synchronous and sequential measures to manage and control activities related to production, processing, preservation and consumption of agricultural products to ensure food hygiene and safety - Access and study intensive processing techniques After that, improve the capacity of agricultural products processing, preservation and packing to improve product value; build many products which meet the requirement of national standards, gradually approaching the provisions of regional and international import markets - Organize the production of key agricultural products, form a large-scale material area and focus on ensuring quality associated with origin traceability - Changing the mind of consumers and guiding them to choose agricultural products that continue to "live, breathe" after being harvested will be a strong 63 (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement "medicine" for domestic businesses which produce and process agricultural products to change and choose to supply cheap or high-quality products 3.2.2 The goals of expanding Vietnamese agricultural market share in the Japanese market - Produce agricultural products which are confident to be clean, have quality assurance and competitive price compared with agricultural products in other countries - Become one of the best suppliers in the Japanese market in the field of agricultural products - Build Vietnamese brand and at the same time improve the value of Vietnamese products in the global value chain 3.3 Solutions to improve export activities of Vietnam's agricultural products to the Japanese market 3.3.1 Solutions from the Government - Create favorable conditions for enterprises to access information on the world agricultural market Increase investment in building and developing information systems on the world's agricultural market to serve Vietnamese businesses in producing and exporting appropriate agricultural products, avoiding damage and reducing risks for businesses and farmers; - Promote sustainable export through extensive marketing strategy to international markets Vietnam needs to promote cooperation with intermediary countries, which are politically, culturally and economically favorable in order to proceed to distribute goods to markets with long-term strategies and policies, to ensure stability in the export of agricultural products and to create prestige in the international market (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 64 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement - Train and develop human resources Because Vietnam's agricultural production is still outdated, farming still faces many difficulties while the world has made great progress with advanced science and technology Although Vietnam has many advantages to develop agriculture, the majority of human resources in agriculture not meet the requirements of the application of new scientific and technological achievements In fact, some agricultural industries have not really attracted students so the enrollment rate is quite low The training of highly qualified human resources for the development of agriculture is an urgent requirement in the current situation - Adjust policy Supplement and adjust policies towards attracting investment for the agriculture sector, raising product quality, meeting the technical requirements of building image, improving Vietnam's agricultural product brand in the international market - Enhance Vietnam-Japan cooperation, promote exports in many ways Continue to innovate forms of trade promotion for agricultural products, especially key agricultural products For major import markets such as China, Japan, and the US, it is necessary for the investors to connect and look for cooperation opportunities to form a global value chain - Build a system with a clear operation process In the long term, the Government needs to plan appropriate areas of production and aquaculture as well as coordinate according to export demands of the market For products in the market with protection policies or high technical barriers, it is necessary to support investment in developing high-tech applications and advanced techniques from production to processing and quality preservation to improve product quality in accordance with market requirements (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 65 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement - Create effective connection between the banks of the two countries Most businesses transact via the banking system, but there are still some inadequacies such as complicated payment procedures, exchange rates fluctuations, delays in money transfer, etc Moreover, there has not been any effective connection between Vietnamese and Japanese banks in supporting businesses to pay and transfer investment money 3.3.2: On the side of manufacturing and exporting enterprises - Improve product quality Improve the quality of exported agricultural products, ensure that they meet the requirement of international standards The requirements from VietGap, Global Gap need to be implemented for most products because these will be the requirements of future import markets Japan is worldwide famous for its high-tech barriers on most agricultural, forestry and seafood products For wood products, the applicable technical standards are the JAS Standard and the JIS Standard for formaldehyde residues in the product These standards are required to apply with plywood, chipboard, construction board, covering board, floorboard, staircase, etc Each type of product requires individual certificate in accordance with the corresponding standards Vietnam's export wood processing businesses need to obtain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) - a global certificate assessing wood product chains from raw materials to finished products as well as provide information on the chemicals used to treat the wood to increase reliability and reassurance for customers - Develop long-term business strategies The businesses need to select product strategies and market entry strategies according to the requirements, the actual situation of each market and the capabilities of the business At the same time, they should also offer synchronous solutions to effectively implement the orientation of agricultural (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 66 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement export strategy, maximizing the added value of agricultural products exported by advanced and modern processing technology - Proactively approach and obtain market information In order to meet the market's criteria as well as specific criteria of each importer, Vietnamese exporters need to equip themselves with market knowledge and constantly improve and raise product quality during product development process The businesses need to be proactive and sensitive to access and receive benefits that the CPTPP agreement created Accordingly, businesses should participate in the consultation process for the Government on policy issues and difficulties encountered in the export of agricultural products so that the Government can take measures to solve difficulties in time The businesses should also actively receive information about the implementation of the CPTPP agreement and directives of the Government to have an effective development plan For the items that are expected to increase export value such as sugar, rice, fruit, businesses and production households need to focus their internal resources to boost production development of these items Despite of great export value, these products of Vietnam in the international market are mainly acknowledged only in terms of quantity, not really branded in terms of quality Facing the fierce competition of strong exporting countries in the TPP, each sector needs to recognize, evaluate, discover and solve internal problems in order to promote its strengths in the international market - Build brand for agricultural products This is a very necessary mission for key export agricultural products The optimal solution is that businesses need to provide high value-added, goodorigin products to enhance their brand and build trust with consumers Each business must build its own brand, gradually improve the branding process To (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 67 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement meet the requirements of importing countries, businesses need to focus on improving the quality, diversifying items, meeting the high requirements of export standards in these markets - Create standards and specific characteristics for the product Businesses need to develop their own standards, reflected in their certificates to ensure products with good production processes and quality In order to be objective, this certificate will be given by a non-governmental organization, business organization, or association As a result, the export of agricultural products is not only easier and cheaper, but the position and value of Vietnam's products are also enhanced in the context of fierce competition in the international market -Create good relationship with intermediary importers With imported agricultural products, Japan not only conducts inspections and tests of pesticide residues or antibiotic residues, but they also have to grasp the cultivation and rearing techniques such as the choice of fertilizers, how to handle pests or in other words, the products must be traced to meet the requirements of exporting to Japan In addition, the distribution system of goods in Japan is very complex with different levels, requiring exporters to this market to have good relationships with intermediaries through Industry Associations -Access to Japanese retail system channels At the present, Vietnamese businesses still mainly export to Japanese trading companies and wholesalers, but not have access to other channels such as retail systems (supermarkets) and processors Therefore, wood enterprises often face many difficulties in accessing and building a solid distribution channel in the market In order to boost exports to Japan, the experts believe that businesses and (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 68 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement industries need to research, investigate specific needs of the market, and build an appropriate marketing strategy Products’ designs, colors, and product packaging must be made to suit consumers' tastes At the same time, businesses should actively participate in seminars, trade promotion programs to introduce goods as well as the strengths of businesses, finding new customers, expanding business markets - Change of production and export structure Changing market access thinking, changing the mode of transactions from border trade to regular trade 3.3.3 Solutions from the farmers - It is vital to change the thinking of farmers, improve product value, improve quality rather than quantity Because Japan is the most fastidious market in terms of product quality, in order to penetrate the Japanese market, the products are first required to be clean and meet medical safety standards - Self-research and actively access to information of the agricultural market to avoid being passive in trading or dealing with intermediaries One of the important causes leading to the inundation of agricultural products and consumption is due to the limited research, forecasting and provision of market information in our country's agricultural sector Producers lack of information or are not provided with up-to-date information, lack of guidance, advice and recommendations from the authorities in the production process, resulting in many localities, farmers still produce goods in a "vague" style, acting without specific orientations and strategies Farmers should focus on understanding market information, address of product consumption before investing in production, instead of rushing into production after seeing a certain agricultural product price to be increased, resulting in overcapacity and often being forced by small businesses to sell, forced to sell off, even to elimination (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 69 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement CONCLUSION Japan is currently Vietnam's largest trading partner and Vietnam's key commodity exports market at the present and in the near future Maintaining and promoting Vietnam's export of key goods to Japan is a strategic direction under the national key export promotion program to implement Vietnam's import and export strategy Over the past time, Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japan have achieved certain positive results: Export turnover reached over US $ 63,367 million, accounting for 2.2% of Vietnam's total merchandise export turnover to Japan It is worth noting that some of our export products such as coffee and vegetables of all kinds are competitive enough to maintain and develop market share in the Japanese market However, there are still many products that we have high export potential and Japan has high import potential but we have not been able to exploit, typically some natural rubber products, vegetables, fresh fruits, etc In order to maximize the potentials and advantages of Vietnam, promote exporting agricultural products to Japan, I have done my research on "Improving solutions to promote Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japanese market in the context of signing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership " Through the process of conducting document research, referring to the results of export statistics of the General Statistics Office of (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 70 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement Vietnam, General Department of Vietnam Customs, the results of agricultural exports in recent years, I have tried to: - Clarify the characteristics, requirements, needs and tastes of the Japanese market to importing agricultural products as well as barriers to entry into this market - Analyze the current situation of Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japan recently, evaluate the achieved results, shortcomings, limitations, difficulties, objective and subjective causes, and draw lessons at the same time in order to promote Vietnam's agricultural exports to Japan in the coming time On the basis of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, the opportunities, challenges subjectively and objectively to the export of Vietnam's agricultural products to Japan, I have proposed macro and micro solutions to promote export of these products to Japan Despite my great efforts in the research of the topic, however, due to the limitation in time, capacity of research - analysis - synthesis – statistics, my thesis cannot avoid shortcomings I look forward to receiving contributions, comments and corrections to improve the quality of the subject (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement 71 Luan van (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement (Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement(Luan.van.tot.nghiep).prospects orientations.and.solutions.to.improve.vietnam’s.agricultural.exports.to.japanese.market.in.the.context.of.signing.the.cptpp.agreement

Ngày đăng: 30/12/2023, 04:55

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