Reason for choosing topic
In our previous summary, we outlined our intention to leverage our acquired knowledge and skills to develop an Ecommerce app that fulfills essential requirements.
Beside, we want to test some technology on our app to make it smarter and improve user experience.
Objectives of research
- Research on Flutter technology to create a friendly user interface
- Research on Javascript and Restful API to code Backend for application
- Research on Ecommerce Bussiness to build bussiness logics for application
- Research on Google Map APIs to get the distance between two place, then show the path to go from a place to another.
Market Survey
+ Search bar on the top of the screen under advertisements banner
+ Service modes are in the center of the screen, can be scrolled right to left
+ List of products is placed at the bottom of the screen, can be scrolled right to left
+ Users can easily focus on the search bar and what service they want to use
+ Users have to scroll down to see the list of products, which, sometimes is their concern
+ Map UI is in the center of this screen
The input area occupies nearly half of the screen, allowing users to select their desired destination, while the map above visually highlights their chosen location.
+ It has a function that allow users to note the detail about their destination
+ Users can note detail about their destination so that the driver will have a more exactly imagination about where he or she will go
+ Map UI don’t show the direction from user’s place to the destination, sometimes, knowing the path make people feel comfortable
+ Require User position as soon as user run the app
+ Helping application run smoothly and efficiently as it have a function to calculate distance from user to the place serve food/drink
+ The Screen show a list of products from top to bottom, can be scrolled in the same direction
+ Products are sorted ascending by distance to user
+ User can focus on nearby places
+ Some products which are unrank or at low rank maybe sort on top
* Note: Different users may see advantages as disadvantages and vice versa
+ Search bar is on the top of this screen
+ Service modes and banners are placed below
+ Make users focus on the search bar and what services are served
+ Placing lots of banners may cause users feel annoyed
+ Design as same as Grab Map (page 11), but don’t have function to note detail about destination
+ The screen feel more compact
+ Map UI don’t show the direction from user’s place to the destination, sometimes, knowing the path make people feel comfortable.
Bussiness Survey
1.4.1 Process of Registing New Store on Ecommerce System
We conducted research on how enterprises can register their stores to join eCommerce platforms like GrabFood and ShopeeFood, discovering similarities in their registration processes.
With GrabFood, to become a bussiness partner, that means, Enterprises need to:
- Fill in information on website, at url: [1]
- Then, they will be consulted by the consulting staff to finish the register process [2]
- After that, they will need to send their “menu” to GrabFood so that they can have their online menu designed [3]
Figure 7: Register new store process
Similar to this process, if Enterprises want to become a bussiness partner with
ShopeeFood, they will need to:
- Fill in some information on the website [4]
- Then, they need to define some specific information like Phone number, Address,
Name of Store, Specific meal (optional), Tax code, some pictures of Store’s View, Parking fee (if shipper nedd to pay for that when they go to pick the order) [5]
- Finally, ShopeeFood will contaxt them to sign the contract [6]
After finishing these process, Enterprise will get their account to access the system
In conclusion, it is essential for enterprises to undergo a thorough validation process before receiving their accounts, distinguishing them from regular users Additionally, we must establish an agreement regarding the shipping fees to ensure a smooth transaction.
1.4.2 Order receipt and delivery process
Continuing with Shopee, we have defined the order receipt and delivery process that we can use in our project
Firstly, when an order is placed, Enterprises will need to go check on the application to see what are being ordered [7]
Users can either confirm or reject the order; if they choose to reject, they must document the reason for their decision Conversely, if they confirm the order, the next step is to select a shipper for delivery.
Shippers can now easily identify orders that are awaiting delivery Upon seeing the order on their screen, they can promptly confirm their availability to complete the delivery.
After they have delivered the order, they will need to confirm that this order is completed on application [11]
This research reveals that the entire process, from registering a new store to delivering orders to customers, is highly complex Due to our limited knowledge and techniques, fully implementing this process is not feasible; however, we are committed to maximizing our efforts to implement as much of it as possible.
Overall Descriptor
The Finding Restaurant/Cafeteria Application is designed to assist users in discovering information about nearby dining options, including routes, pricing, product descriptions, and user reviews This app focuses on searchable items within a 2km radius of the user's location, making it easier to compare and choose from multiple options.
The Finding Restaurant/Cafeteria Application is an application that is combined from the idea of finding your way on Google Map and an Ecommerce Application
- View location markings and directions on the map
- Features related to user accounts: edit user information, change password, forget password
1.5.3 User classes and layer-by-layer characteristics
Users of the system are classified into 5 categories based on functionality and a number of identifying characteristics:
To access the app, users must register for an account If you already have an account but have forgotten your password, you can easily reset it using the Forgot Password feature.
- User class: can use all the main features of the application
- Admin (Manager/Supervisor) class: can monitor the accounts that have been created, locked and unlocked, view product information, and use all the features of the User
- Enterprise class: can add, edit product information and delete products, can use all features of the User
- Shipper class: can get the order from Enterpirses, and confirm when the order is completed
Note: The Admin layer is only capable of viewing, locking and unlocking User accounts, adding Business accounts, and is not capable of controling any other data
- Environment: Smartphone with Android operating system
- Image storage support: Firebase Storage
- Show and interact with maps: Google Map APIs
- An internet connection is required
- Need permission to access user location
Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine) Node.js was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and its latest version is v0.10.36
Node.js is a powerful platform based on Chrome's JavaScript runtime, designed for creating fast and scalable network applications Its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model ensures that it remains lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for data-intensive, real-time applications that operate across multiple devices.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment designed for building server-side and networking applications It allows developers to write applications in JavaScript, which can be executed on various operating systems, including OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.
Node.js also provides a rich library of various JavaScript modules which simplifies the development of web applications using Node.js to a great extent
Node.js = Runtime Environment + JavaScript Library
Following are some of the important features that make Node.js the first choice of software architects
Node.js utilizes an asynchronous and event-driven architecture, where all APIs are non-blocking This means that a Node.js server does not wait for an API to return data; instead, it proceeds to the next API call The event notification mechanism in Node.js ensures that the server receives responses from previous API calls efficiently.
• Very Fast − Being built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine,
Node.js library is very fast in code execution
Node.js operates on a single-threaded model with event looping, allowing it to handle requests in a non-blocking manner This unique event-driven architecture significantly enhances scalability compared to traditional servers, which rely on a limited number of threads to manage incoming requests As a result, Node.js can efficiently serve a larger volume of requests than conventional servers like Apache HTTP Server.
• No Buffering − Node.js applications never buffer any data These applications simply output the data in chunks
• License − Node.js is released under the MIT license
Discover an extensive compilation of projects, applications, and companies utilizing Node.js on the GitHub wiki, featuring prominent names such as eBay, General Electric, GoDaddy, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, and Yammer, among others This resource highlights the diverse range of industries and use cases where Node.js can be effectively implemented.
Following are the areas where Node.js is proving itself as a perfect technology partner
• Data Intensive Real-time Applications (DIRT)
2.1.5 Where Not to Use Node.js?
It is not advisable to use Node.js for CPU intensive applications.
Developing a mobile application is a complex task, with various frameworks available for this purpose Android offers a native framework utilizing the Java language, while iOS provides a native framework based on Objective-C and Swift.
To develop an application that supports both iOS and Android, developers must code in two different languages and frameworks To address this challenge, mobile frameworks are available that facilitate cross-platform development, ranging from simple HTML-based hybrid frameworks using HTML for the user interface and JavaScript for application logic to more complex language-specific frameworks that convert code to native applications Despite their varying levels of complexity, these frameworks often face significant disadvantages, with slow performance being a primary drawback.
Flutter is a high-performance framework built on the Dart language, which enhances efficiency by rendering the user interface directly on the operating system's canvas instead of relying on the native framework.
Flutter provides a wide array of pre-built widgets that facilitate the creation of modern applications These widgets are specifically optimized for mobile environments, making the design process as straightforward as crafting HTML.
Flutter applications are fundamentally built as widgets, which support both animations and gestures The underlying application logic utilizes reactive programming, allowing widgets to optionally maintain a state When the state of a widget changes, Flutter automatically compares the old and new states, ensuring a seamless and efficient update process.
21 render the widget with only the necessary changes instead of re-rendering the whole widget
We shall discuss the complete architecture in the coming chapters
Flutter framework offers the following features to developers −
• Uses Dart programming language and it is very easy to learn
• Beautiful and fluid user interfaces
• Runs same UI for multiple platforms
Flutter provides stunning and customizable widgets that ensure high performance for exceptional mobile applications, catering to diverse custom needs and requirements Additionally, it offers numerous other benefits that enhance the development experience.
• Dart has a large repository of software packages which lets you to extend the capabilities of your application
• Developers need to write just a single code base for both applications (both Android and iOS platforms) Flutter may to be extended to other platform as well in the future
• Flutter needs lesser testing Because of its single code base, it is sufficient if we write automated tests once for both the platforms
• Flutter’s simplicity makes it a good candidate for fast development Its customization capability and extendibility makes it even more powerful
• With Flutter, developers has full control over the widgets and its layout
• Flutter offers great developer tools, with amazing hot reload
Despite its many advantages, flutter has the following drawbacks in it −
• Since it is coded in Dart language, a developer needs to learn new language (though it is easy to learn)
In Flutter, the user interface and logic are often intertwined, unlike modern frameworks that aim to separate them However, this can be addressed through effective coding practices and the implementation of high-level modules to achieve a clear distinction between the UI and application logic.
• Flutter is yet another framework to create mobile application Developers are having a hard time in choosing the right development tools in hugely populated segment.
The manual describes key concepts in MongoDB such as:
MongoDB offers both local and cloud-hosted deployment options:
MongoDB provides two versions for locally hosted deployments: the free and open-source MongoDB Community edition, and the MongoDB Enterprise edition, which is available through the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription The Enterprise version offers extensive support and includes advanced features tailored for businesses, such as LDAP and Kerberos integration, on-disk encryption, and auditing capabilities.
• MongoDB Atlas is a hosted MongoDB Enterprise service option in the cloud which requires no installation overhead and offers a free tier to get started
In MongoDB, a record is represented as a document, which consists of pairs of fields and values These documents resemble JSON objects and can contain various data types, including nested documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.
The advantages of using documents are:
• Documents correspond to native data types in many programming languages
• Embedded documents and arrays reduce need for expensive joins
• Dynamic schema supports fluent polymorphism
2.3.2 Collections/Views/On-Demand Materialized Views
MongoDB stores documents in collections Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases
In addition to collections, MongoDB supports:
• Read-only Views (Starting in MongoDB 3.4)
• On-Demand Materialized Views (Starting in MongoDB 4.2)
MongoDB provides high performance data persistence In particular,
• Support for embedded data models reduces I/O activity on database system
• Indexes support faster queries and can include keys from embedded documents and arrays
The MongoDB Query API supports read and write operations (CRUD) as well as:
• Text Search and Geospatial Queries
MongoDB's replication facility, called replica set, provides:
A replica set is a group of MongoDB servers that maintain the same data set, providing redundancy and increasing data availability
MongoDB provides horizontal scalability as part of its core functionality:
• Sharding distributes data across a cluster of machines
Starting from version 3.4, MongoDB introduces the ability to create data zones based on the shard key, allowing for efficient data management In a balanced cluster, MongoDB ensures that reads and writes associated with a specific zone are directed exclusively to the relevant shards within that zone For more detailed information, refer to the Zones manual page. Support for Multiple Storage Engines
MongoDB supports multiple storage engines:
• WiredTiger Storage Engine (including support for Encryption at Rest)
In addition, MongoDB provides pluggable storage engine API that allows third parties to develop storage engines for MongoDB
Usecase Specification
Description User logged in to the system
Actor(s): User, Admin, Enterprise, Shipper
User has already created an account in the system
If logged in successfully: The user is authenticated and the system displays the selectable functions.
If login failed: The system is inaccessible to the user.
Use case starts when a user needs to perform some function of the system that needs to authenticate access
1 The system displays a window for the user to enter the email and password
2 User enters email and password, press “Login”
3 Email and password authentication system
4 The system defines the user's role
5 The system opens the home screen and opens the user's accessible functions.
If the user entered the wrong email or password The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user logging in again
3 When the user re-enter the email and password, step 3 in Basic flow is performed.
Description Users who register a system account
The user does not have an account in the system yet.
If registration successful: The system notifies the successful registration, the user is given an account by the system.
If registration is unsuccessful: The system notifies the user of the failure to register, the user must register again
Use case starts when the user does not have an account that needs to perform the registration function
1 The system displays a window for the user to enter their full name, password, email, phone number, address.
2 User enters full name, password, email, phone number, address.
3 Authentication system of full name, password, email, phone number, address.
4 The system determines the information entered by the user.
5 The system sends the authentication code to the email to the user
6 The user enters the authentication code,the system saves the account for the user to access the system.
If the user entered the wrong or the authentication code is wrong The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication and the wrong information
2 The system notes that the user re-registers
3 When the user re-enters the wrong credentials, step 1 in Basic flow is performed.
Description User forgot the password of the registered account
If the correct email is entered: The system will send a password change email to
If login failed: The notification system does not exist email
Use case starts when the user enters in the field filled in the registered email
2 The user enters the email in the box
4 The system sends an email containing otp to the registered email Every 60 seconds 1 time
5 Fill in the “Otp” ,“New password” and “Re-enter new password” boxes
6 Select “Confirm” and return to the login page
1 The system returns the message that the email could not be found
Table 4: Usecase Show Home Screen
Description View suggested , nearly products
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and login
If logged in successfully: HomeScreen will be show
If login failed: System error message
Flow of events The user login and system will direct to Home Screen
The user login and system will direct to Home Screen
1 The system displays 4 products lists (around 10km)
2 Users can choose the product in the list to see the information about that product
If the system cannot retrieve the data The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the data retrieval failure.
2 The system notifies the user of a system error
3 The user selects other options, step 3 in Basic flow is performed.
Description User logged out of the system
Actor(s): Customer, Admin, Enterprise, Shipper
Pre-conditions Logged in users in the app
If logged out successfully: Returns to the login page and returns to Guest status
Use case starts when the user selects the "Logout" function on the menu bar
1 The system displays the button for the user to choose to log out
3 The system deletes the session
4 Exit the app, return to the login page
Table 6: Usecase Show Product Detail
The user accesses the application.User successfully logged in to the system
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information
1 The system displays Product’s information
2 "Back" to return Enterprise Screen
If the system fails to cancel
1 The system describes why failed
Description User wants to change password for account
Actor(s): User, Admin, Enterprise, Shipper
The user accesses the application.
User successfully changed password: System successfully notified User change password failed: System message failed
User access to "Account screen" and click “Security”to change password
User access to "Account screen" and click “Security”to change password
3 The system displays “Old password” form, enter “New password”, enter “Re-enter new password”
If the system fails to change the password
1 The system describes the reasons for not changing
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 The user selects other options to proceed in return, step 1 in Basic flow is performed.
Description User updated account information
The user accesses the application.
User updated information successfully: Notification system successful
User update information failed: System message failed
User access to "Account Screen" and click “Personal Information” to update personal information
User access to "Account Screen" and click “Personal Information” to update personal information
2 User selects the information to be changed (full name, address, phone number, gender, date of birth) and enters the information
3 User select "Save" to save the information, return to the home page
If the system fails to save the information
1 1 The system describes why the change information could not be saved
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 The user selects other options to proceed with the update, step 1 in Basic flow is performed.
Description Show Chart and evaluations list of product
The user accesses the application.User successfully logged in to the system
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information.
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information Then click to “Đánh giá sản phẩm” to show evaluations
1 The system displays Chart and evaluations list of product
2 "Back" to return Product’s information Screen
If the system fails to cancel
1 The system describes why failed
Description Users want to evaluate product
The user accesses the application and logged in
User statistics success: The system displays data User statistics failed: The system shows no data yet
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order”to see orders list and click an order in list to see the detail
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order” Then click an order in the list and click “Evaluate” icon to redirect to evaluations screen
1 System displays list of orders
2 The system displays order’s detail
5 Chart and Evaluations list updates
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options
Description Users want to edit evaluation
The user accesses the application and logged in
User statistics success: The system displays data User statistics failed: The system shows no data yet
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order”to see orders list and click an order in list to see the detail
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order” Then click an order in the list and click “Evaluate” icon to redirect to evaluations screen
1 System displays list of orders
2 The system displays order’s detail
5 Chart and Evaluations list updates
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options
Description User type name of product in search box in search screen to find the product
Pre-conditions The user logged in
If the search is successful: The system returns the found products list
If the search for the tour is unsuccessful: The system informs you that the product was not found
Use case starts when user type in search box to find product
2 The user enters the product name in the search box
If the tour does not exist
1 The system returns the message that no results were found Usecase Add Product to Cart
Table 13: Usecase Add Product to Cart
Description Add product to cart
The user accesses the application.User successfully logged in to the system
User successfully adds the product to cart
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information Then click to “Thêm vào giỏ” to show evaluations
1 The system add that product to user’s cart
2 "Back" to return Product’s information Screen
If the system fails to cancel
1 The system describes why failed
The user accesses the application.User successfully logged in to the system
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information.
User access to “Enterprise’s information” and click a product in products list of enterprise to show Product’s information Then click to “Map” icon to show Path
1 The system displays Path that connect beetween user’s location and enterprise’s location
2 "Back" to return Product’s information Screen
If the system fails to cancel
1 The system describes why failed
Description System show User’s carts List
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions User statistics success: The system displays data
User statistics failed: The system shows no data yet
Flow of events User access to "Account screen" and click “Cart”to see cart’s detail
User access to "Account screen" and click “Cart”
1 System displays list of enterprise cart
2 User selects a enterpise in the list to show cart’s detail
3 The system displays the detail of cart
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options
Description User place order from user’s cart
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Place order successfully: Notification system successful
Place order failed: System message failed
Flow of events User access to "Account screen" and click “Cart” to see cart’s detail and click “place order” to place order
User access to "Account screen" and click “Cart” and click
“place order” to place order
1 System displays list of enterprise cart
2 User selects a enterprise in the list to show cart’s detail
3 The system displays the detail of cart
4 The system processes the order and save the order
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options
Table 17: Usecase Show Order List
Description System show User’s orders List
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions User statistics success: The system displays data
User statistics failed: The system shows no data yet
Flow of events User access to "Account screen" and click “Order”to see orders list
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order”
1 System displays two lists of orders
2 The system displays orders list
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options Usecase Delete Product from cart
Table 18: Usecase Delete Product from cart
Name Delete Product form Cart
Description User deletes product from cart
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged
Post-conditions User successfully evaluated: The notification system has been deleted successfully
User review failed: Error message system could not be deleted
User access to Cart’s detail
1 The system displays the list of Products
2 User selects “Delete” icon on top right corner of item in list product
3 The system will delete product from user’s cart
4 The system updates the cart
If the user entered incorrect or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user perform the operation again
3 When the user retakes, step 5 in Basic flow is performed
Table 19: Usecase Increase Product’s amount
Description User Increase product’s amount in cart
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged
Post-conditions User successfully evaluated: The notification system has been deleted successfully
User review failed: Error message system could not be deleted
User access to Cart’s detail
1 The system displays the list of Products
2 User selects “Increase” icon on right corner of item in list product
3 The system will increase product’s amount in user’s cart
4 The system updates the cart
If the user entered incorrect or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user perform the operation again
3 When the user retakes, step 5 in Basic flow is performed
Table 20: Usecase Decrease Product’s amount
Description User Decrease product’s amount in cart
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged
Post-conditions User successfully evaluated: The notification system has been deleted successfully
User review failed: Error message system could not be deleted
User access to Cart’s detail
1 The system displays the list of Products
2 User selects “Decrease” icon on right corner of item in list product
3 The system will decrease product’s amount in user’s cart
4 The system updates the cart
If the user entered incorrect or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user perform the operation again
3 When the user retakes, step 5 in Basic flow is performed
Table 21: Usecase Delete Enterprise Cart
Description User deletes enterprise cart from carts list
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged
Post-conditions User successfully evaluated: The notification system has been deleted successfully
User review failed: Error message system could not be deleted
User access to Carts List
1 The system displays the list of Cart
2 User pull left the item in list and click “Delelte” Icon
3 The system will delete enterprise cart from carts list
4 The system updates the cart list
If the user entered incorrect or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user perform the operation again
3 When the user retakes, step 5 in Basic flow is performed
Table 22: Usecase Show order’s detail
Description System show the order in User’s orders List
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions User statistics success: The system displays data
User statistics failed: The system shows no data yet
Flow of events User access to "Account screen" and click “Order”to see orders list and click an order in list to see the detail
User access to "Account screen" and click “Order” Then click an order in the list
1 System displays list of orders
2 The system displays order’s detail
If the system is unable to compile statistics
1 The system of describing the reasons for not being able to compile statistics
2 The system informs the user about the error
3 When the user selects other options Usecase Show Side Bar Menu
Table 23: Usecase Show side bar menu
Name Show Side Bar Menu
Description Enterprise and Shipper want to see Functions list
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise and Shipper account
1 1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed
Description Enterprise and Shipper want to see their information
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise and Shipper account
Access to Home screen and click “Information”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows information of enterprise or shipper
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Show Confirm Order List
Table 25: Usecase Show confirm order list
Name Show Confirm Order List
Description Enterprise want to see their confirm order list
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Confirm order”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows confirm order list
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Show Unconfirm Order List
Table 26: Usecase Show unconfirm order list
Name Show Unconfirm Order List
Description Enterprise want to see their unconfirm order list
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Unconfirm order”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows unconfirm order list
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Show Detail of Order Enterprise
Table 27: Usecase Show detail of order enterprise
Name Show Detail of Order Enterprise
Description Enterprise want to see their confirm order list
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Unconfirm order” or
“Confirm order” and click an item in list
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows unconfirm order list or confirm order list
3 The system shows detail of the order
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed
Description Enterprise want to confirm user’s order
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Confirm order” and click an item in list Then choose “shipper” and click “Confirm”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows confirm order list
3 The system shows detail of the order
4 The system processes order, save and transfer the order to shipper
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed
Table 29: Usecase Show enterprise’s products
Description Enterprise want to see their products
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Products List”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows products of enterprise
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Show Enterprise Product Detail
Table 30: Usecase Show product’s detail
Name Show Enterprise Product Detail
Description Enterprise want to see their product’s detail
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Products List” and click an item in the list
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows products of enterprise
3 The system shows product’s detail
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Show Evaluation of Product in Enterprise
Table 31: Usecase Show evaluation of product in enterprise
Name Show Evaluation of Product in Enterprise
Description Enterprise want to see their product’s evaluations
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Enterprise account
Access to Home screen and click “Products List” and click an item in the list Then click “Evaluations”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows products of enterprise
3 The system shows product’s detail
4 The system shows chart and evaluations list of that product
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed Usecase Open/Close Mode Confirm Order
Table 32: Usecase Open/Close mode confirm order
Name Open/Close Mode Confirm Order
Description Shippers want to confirm order to ship to user
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Shipper account
Access to Home screen and click “Open Mode” or “Close Mode”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows shipper’s request to nearly enterprise
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed
Table 33: Usecase Manage received Order
Description Shippers manage received order
Pre-conditions The user accesses the application and logged in
Post-conditions Successfully: The successful notification system
Flow of events Log In by Shipper account
Access to Home screen and click “Received Order”
1 The system displays the list of Functions in side bar menu
2 The system shows Order’s detail
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed
Description Users add Enterprise to the system
The user accesses the application.
Added successfully: The notification system has added successfully Add failed: Error message system could not add
User access to Enterprise list
1 1 The system displays a list of the Enterprise
3 The system displays a window for the user to enter
4 User input and selection of name, details, type, logo
5 System of checking names, details, types and logos
6 The system saves the Enterprise's information to the system
If the information is not authentic The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and re-selecting the information.
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed.
Table 35: Usecase Usecase Add Product
Description The user add new product
The user accesses the application.
Corrected successfully: The notification system has been updated successfully
Fix failed: System message could not be updated
User access to Product list
1 1 The system displays a list of Products
2 User selects “Add new Product”
3 The system displays a window for the user to add
4 User input name, details, types, price, images
5 System check names, details, types, price, images
6 The system saves the Product's information to the system
If the user enters and selects false or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and selecting the remaining information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed.
Description The user edit product information
The user accesses the application.
Corrected successfully: The notification system has been updated successfully
Fix failed: System message could not be updated
User access to Product list
2 1 The system displays a list of Products
2 User selects “Edit” at Product
3 The system displays a window for the user to edit
4 User input name, details, types, price, images
5 System check names, details, types, price, images
6 The system saves the Product's information to the system
If the user enters and selects false or unauthenticated information The following tasks are performed:
1 The system describes the reason for the wrong authentication
2 The system notes the user entering and selecting the remaining information
3 When the user enters and re-selects the wrong credentials, step 3 in Basic flow is performed.
Sequence Schema
Figure 15: Sequence Show Home Screen
Figure 16: Sequence Show Product Detail
Database specification
A user is assigned a unique ID generated by MongoDB, along with essential details such as name, phone number, account name, password, email, gender, and date of birth The user's activity status and role are also recorded, with the default role set to 0 (User ) upon account creation In case of a forgotten password, the OTP code will be refreshed, and users can receive up to three alerts.
88 every time the alert is issued and when more than 3 times, the account will be locked
A product in our system is defined by several key attributes, including an automatically generated ID from MongoDB, an enterprise ID (eID), name, price, description, and a point value Additionally, it features a review section and two arrays for storing images and categories To manage product lifecycle, there is also a variable that indicates whether the product has been marked as "deleted."
- Type includes id (created automatically thanks to mongoDB) and type name
- Each Product will be able to have one or more categories, each of which may belong to more than one Product
- Each Product will be able to have multiple photos
Users have the ability to rate individual products, with each product featuring multiple reviews from various users Each user can submit ratings for multiple products, but is limited to one review per product The evaluation data is organized in a table that includes automatically generated IDs from MongoDB, along with user IDs, usernames, product IDs, scores, reviews, and timestamps of the reviews.
Users can place orders that require confirmation from both an enterprise and a shipper Initially, the order status is set to 0 (Waiting to be confirmed) The enterprise then searches for a nearby shipper, assigns them to the order, and confirms it Once confirmed, the shipper can see the order and also confirm it, changing the status to 1 (On the way) Finally, when the order is delivered, the shipper confirms completion, updating the status to 2 (Completed).
Description of tables
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId Product ID Primary key
2 eID string Enterprise Id of product Reference Key
3 price number Price of product
6 score number Score of product
7 name string Name of product
9 description string Description of product
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId User ID Primary key
2 gender number Gender of user
3 otp string OTP Code Hashed for security
4 lat number Lat of location
5 lng number Long of location
6 role number Role of User
7 isWarned number Number of warned
8 isActived boolean Account is actived ?
13 phone string Phone Number 10 digits
14 dateofBirth date Date of birth
15 searchHistory array Search history of
16 orderHistory array Order history of
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId CART id Primary key
2 userID string User id Reference key
3 cartDetail array List item in enterprise cart
4 totalPrice number Total of cart
5 ListEnterpriseID array List enterprise id
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId Type ID Primary key
2 type string Name of type
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId Order id Primary key
2 userID string User id Reference key
3 name string Name of user
4 phone string Phone number of user
5 lat number Lat of location
6 lat number Long of location
8 enterpriseID string Enterprise ID Reference key
9 location string Specify the location of user
10 enterpriseNam e string Name of enterprise
11 discount number Discount of order
12 totalPrice number Total of order
13 status number Status of order
14 shipperID string Shipper’s Id Reference key
No Attributes Type Meaning Notes
1 _id ObjectId Evaluate ID Primary key
3 uID string Id of user Reference
4 pID string Id of product Reference
5 comment string Comment of user
1 Textbutton Click to redirect to Sign up
3 TextFormField Type the information of login
4 Textbutton Click to redirect to Forgot Screen
6 Button Click to Login with Google
2 List suggested Products List products
3 List nearby Products List products
4 BottomNavigationBar Click to redirect to diferent
1 TextFormField Type name of product which you want to find
2 Button Click to search product by name
3 List searching Products List products
1 Button Click to back page
2 Box Information Show the information of enterprise
3 List Products of enterprise List products
1 Button Click to back page
3 Box Information Show the information of enterprise
4 Button selection Click to change size of product
5 Button Click to redirect to Map Page
6 Button Click to redirect to Evaluate Page
7 Button Click to add product to cart
1 Button Click to back page
2 Text Show distance of path
3 Google Map Show direction between the enterprise and user
1 List Buttons Click to redirect to different page
2 List Buttons Click to redirect to different page
1 Button Click to back page
3 TextFormField Information Show and edit the information of user
4 Button Click to save change
Figure 35: List of enterprise carts
Table 51: List of enterprise carts
1 Button Click to back page
2 ListView List of enterprise cart
1 Button Click to back page
2 Box Information Information of cart
3 Box Information Information of cart
4 List View List products in cart
5 Button Click to place order
1 Button Click to back page
2 TabView Click to change tab
3 List View List orders of user
1 Button Click to back page
2 Box Information Information of order
3 Box Information Information of order
4 Box Information Information of order
1 Form Comment Form to add and edit
Figure 40: Home page of enterprise
Table 56: Home page of enterprise
1 Box information Information of enterprise
2 SideBar Menu Funtions of enterprise
4.1.15 Detail of not confirm order
Figure 41: Detail of not confirm order
Table 57: Detail of not confirm order
1 Box information Information of order
2 Dropdown Click to choose a shipper
3 ListView List products of order
4 Button Click to confirm the order
Figure 42: List of enterprise’s products
Table 58: List of enterprise’s products
1 Button Click to back page
2 ListView List products of enterprise
Figure 43: Home page of shipper
Table 59: Home page of shipper
1 Box information Information of shipper
2 SideBar Menu Funtions of shipper
Figure 44: Detail of shipper’s order
Table 60: Detail of shipper’s order
1 Button Click to back page
2 Box information Information of order
3 Box information Information of order
4 Box information Information of order
5 ListView List products of the order
6 Button Click to finish the order
In this project, we employ the black box testing method to evaluate the application's key functionalities The primary benefit of black box testing lies in its effectiveness for assessing extensive code segments and core system functions, making it ideal for swift software development The specific functions targeted for testing include:
No User Profile Functions Descriptions
Guest Login Check the notifies of the application when the user fills in the login form and presses the “Login” button
Check the notifies of the application when the user presses the "Forgot Password" button and fills in the form
User Place Order Check order after user place of the "Login" function test
Table 62: Test results of "Login" function
No Descriptions Steps for testing
Check the response of the app when the user enters the correct login information
The user successfully logs into the app and navigates to the home page as ever Pass
Check the app's response when the user enters incorrect username information
- Enter the password to Press the
“Invalid email or password” as ever Pass
Check the notifies of the application when the user enters empty username and password
“Empty email or password” as ever Pass results of "Forgot password" function
Table 63: Test results of "Forgot password" function
No Descriptions Steps for testing Test data Expected result
Check the notifies of the app when the user enters the correct information
- Click the "Forgot Password" button at the login page
The user is sent an OTP code to the Email and notify
Check the app's countdown when the user click
- Click the "Forgot Password" button at the login page
Button countdow n 60 seconds and cant click as ever Pass
Check the notifies of the application when the user does not enter information
- Click the "Forgot Password" button at login
An error message appears above the
“new password empty” as ever Pass results of "Place Order" function
Table 64: Test results of "Place Order" function
Steps for testing Test data Expected result
Check the notifies of the app when the user place order by
- Click the "Place Order" button at the cart’s detail page
- Choose payment methods to place order
Direct to payment vnpay page
“success” after entering payment information as ever Pass
Check the notifies of the app when the user place order by
- Click the "Place Order" button at the cart’s detail page
- Choose payment methods to place order
After almost a semester of work, the team successfully launched a simple way-finding application that could meet the key features of the set requirements
Despite its potential, the application currently falls short compared to earlier versions, primarily due to the team's limited experience, particularly in Front-end development with Flutter Gaining additional expertise will enhance the team's ability to successfully complete the project.
After working to complete the project, the team has achieved some results such as:
- Complete the product on time, the product can work normally, can use some key features
- Learn and be able to apply Google Map APIs to the project map
- Nodejs, MongoDB and Flutter can be used to program a complete mobile application
- The interface of the program is quite user-friendly according to the personal opinions of the group.
In addition to the results achieved, the group still has many limitations such as:
- The ability of each member of the team has not been properly evaluated and the difficulty of coding the Front-end section makes the project limited and not practical
- The software still does not have enough features such as missing review management features (browse, delete reviews)
- The ability of the software to operate depends directly on the quality of network transmission because of data storage on MongoDB and Firebase
- The user experience has not been optimized.
Future Works
To enhance the program's effectiveness, it is essential to implement additional review management features, such as the ability to browse and delete unsatisfactory reviews Furthermore, prioritizing design improvements will significantly boost user experience.
When registering a new store on platforms like GrabFood and Shopee Food, it's essential to follow specific business logic to ensure a smooth operation The registration process typically involves creating an account, filling in necessary business information, and complying with platform requirements Once registered, the order receipt process requires efficient management of incoming orders, ensuring accuracy in order details to enhance customer satisfaction Finally, establishing a reliable delivery process is crucial, as it directly impacts customer experience and retention By adhering to these steps, businesses can optimize their presence on food delivery platforms and drive sales effectively.
[12] Node.js – Introduction: Node.js - Introduction (
[13] Flutter – Introduction: Flutter - Introduction (
[14] Introduction to MongoDB: Introduction to MongoDB — MongoDB Manual
The Google Maps API documentation provides essential guidelines for integrating maps into web applications, offering a simple JavaScript implementation Developers can find valuable resources, including tutorials and examples, on various platforms like Clue Mediator and YouTube, which demonstrate how to effectively use Google Maps in ReactJS By leveraging these resources, developers can enhance their applications with interactive mapping features, improving user experience and engagement.
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