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Skkn a study into useful reading strategies for grade 10 students

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HOÁ TRƯỜNG THPT LANG CHÁNH SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM A STUDY INTO USEFUL READING STRATEGIES FOR GRADE 10 STUDENTS Người thực hiện: Trịnh Văn Cương Chức vụ: Giáo viên SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực: Ngoại ngữ (Tiếng Anh) THE TABLE OF CONTENTS PARTS CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the topic Aims of the studyNĂM 2022 THANH HÓA, skkn PAGES II CONTENTS III CONCLUSION REFERENCES Significance of the study Scope of the study 5.Method of study Theoretical background 2-8 Practical background 8-11 Methods for implementation 11-15 General summary 16 Recommendation 16 Websites Textbooks 18 skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the topic: To have a good command of English, students are required to master four closely related language skills, namely listening, speaking, writing, and reading Among four skills, reading is considered to be the most important because it not only provides students with knowledge but also helps develop other lan skills According to Krashen (1993), reading is extremely important in learning English He emphasizes reading is the only way to “become a g develop a good writing style, an adequate vocabulary, advanced grammar”, and the only way to “become a good speller” That is to say, teaching and learning reading effectively is a central issue in a language classroom Traditionally, researchers have agreed that rea receptive process in which the reader attempted to decode the intended meaning of the author through recognizing the letters and words as meaningful units, the reader was merely a recipient of information from the printed pages and brought nothing to the text ( Barnett, 1988) However, modern research on reading has found the reading process active rather than passive as well as individualized and complicated M y t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e s a t L a n g C h a n h hHai vg eh pSocihnot oe ld o u t some problems students encounter in English reading lessons When dealing with reading lessons, students, especially grade 10 stud strategies which are essential for them to overcome th classroom Many researchers indicate that EFL students comprehend the texts and achieve their goal of reading success 1977; Stanovic, 1980) Recent researchers have also found that becoming more aware of what readers when they read, becoming conscious of reading processes is a power tool for improving reading efficiency To become better readers, students need to become aware of how they are reading and what they could to improve it   As a teacher of English, I myself think that it is essential to research on useful reading strategies for grade 10 as well as to provide them with some efficient strategies to improve their English reading As a result, I decide to choose the thesis entitled:“A study into the useful reading strategies for grade 10 students” for my study Aims of the study: The major purposes of this study are: * To investigate what English reading strategies being used by gra students at Lang Chanh School * To suggest some English reading suggestions that help students improve their English reading comprehension Significance of the study: This study has been carried out to search for a better and more effective way to develop students’ reading skills Its findings hopefully would help the 10th form students find out the suitable way for improving th Regarding teachers, the study would raise their awareness concerning the topic and provide them with useful pedagogical suggestions in deciding to use the new Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students teaching method to better develop their learners’ reading skills Fin regard to researchers, those who happen to share the same interest in the topi could certainly rely on this research to find reliable and useful information fo their related studies in the future Scope of the study: To improve reading (skills and comprehension) for La S chool 10th – form student s, the teachers can m ake use of various techniq and a number of things should be done However, in this study, the author only focuses on the perceived English reading strategies by the 10th – form students and opinions of English teachers of Lang Chanh High School to suggest some reading strategies that can be applied in teaching and learning English reading so as to help the students to become effective readers Method of the study: To achieve the aims mentioned above, data were collected survey questionnaire Both quantitative and qualitative methods wer obtain information on reading strategies used by 10th – form students II CONTENTS Theoretical background: 1.1 The importance of English Language: The English language has become an internationa nations it serves as a lingua franca It is spoken, learnt and understood even in those countries where it is not a native’s language English is playing a ma role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, studies, business, technology, banking, computing, tourism etc All our software d ev e l o pm e n t t od a y, t he c om m u ni ca t i on f a c i l i t i internet, our access to a variety of websites, are all being carried out in English M o s t of t h e r e s ea r c h wo r ks a r e co nd uc t ed a nd c o m pi l e d i n E n gl i s h An yt written and recorded in this language is read and listened to, in wider circles As a result, English is being taught and learned around the wor language today (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Reaking_Skills) 1.2 The importance of reading in foreign language learning: Reading helps readers: - To improve pronunciation R e a d i n g a l o u d h e l p s l e a r n e r s l e a r n b e t t e r Whisper reading can help learners understand the conceptual informat inspire their imagination as well as guessing Both types of reading useful for learners Determining when we should use intensive and extensive or combination of both is really important - To enrich vocabulary: Through reading, readers gain a vast vocabulary and essential knowledge, structures of individual sentence as well as a piece of writing Therefore, the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read It is understandable that anyone who has a large vocabulary is usually a good reader - To enhance the writing skill Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 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Teacher’s role Many linguists state that the teacher is the most important factor in teaching reading In a reading class, the teacher plays so many roles, such as an organizer, a manager and a counselor, an instructional expert, so he or she sho guide to assist, encourage them, employ various types to support the stu develop reading skills He or she is also the person who provides the stude with an anxiety-free atmosphere which helps them feel free to join new reading style, practise to master new strategies, work under pressure of time Besides, linguists point out an essential element of the tea model reader According to Nuttall (1982: 192) “showing that you are a reader means carrying books around with you, referring to books as you teach, reading out brief passages that may interest students, talking about what you are reading a t t h e m o m e nt , a nd h an dl i n g bo ok s a s i f y ou l ov ed t he m ” H e al s o s t a t e s “teacher’s j ob as providing, fi rst, suit able t exts and second, act ivi ti es tha focus the students’ attention on the texts” 1.3.2 Students’ role Nuttall (2000:33) mentions several main roles of the students in a reading lesson They are as follows: - Taking an active part in learning: This is the responsibility of the learner They have to be active and take charge of what they - Monitoring comprehension: Students need to understand how texts work and what they when they read - Learning text talk: It is clear that a good reader carries on a dialogue with the text Consequently, the students have to learn how to this promote this skill is to talk about texts in class - Taking risks: Students have to take the risk of making mistakes because a mistake is an opportunity to learn - Learning not to cheat oneself: Learning to read is learning to give students enormous advantages in life It may lead to better jobs, to personal development, interest and enjoyment Students who not want to learn to read can cheat but they are only cheating themselves 1.3.3 The reading texts Reading texts play a crucial role in teaching and learning reading because through them, new grammar, phonetic and lexical items of the target languag are introduced Furthermore, texts are also a means to help students enrich their background knowledge and vocabulary as well In reading lessons, students are supposed to understand the texts correctly as much as possible, learn some new Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 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strategies in various ways The differences can be observed only on the way they express the concept For exam (1987) and O’Malley and Chamot (1990) grouped the stra clusters: learning strategies, communication strategies and social strategies On the other hand, the difference that we see in Cohen’s (1996) classification is that he named the communication and social strategies as use strategies I n t h e l i t e r a t u r e o n l a n g u a g e l e a r n i n g s t r a th 20 and at the beginning of the 21st centrury, reading strategies are grouped into three categories These are meta cognitive, cognitive and social o strategies (O’ Malley and Chamot, 1990), Oxford (1990; 2002) - Meta Cognitive reading strategies This strategy involves the general management of th outcomes of the cognitive process, like planning for the process, controlling or monitoring the process and checking or evaluating the a specific task goal To be specific, it constitutes three sub- strategies in which there are more activities to be performed by the reader - Planning: which involves identifying the nature of the task, clarifying the purpose, setting goals and organizing - Monitoring: which requires controlling the degree tolerating ambiguity and disruption, monitoring the effectiveness of the strategy being used and changing (modifying) ineffective strategy, adjusting the reading speed and making selective attention? - Evaluation: which requires checking whether the goals are being achieved or not, testing comprehension and testing concentration or attention - Cognitive reading strategies Cognitive reading strategies are cognitive activities or processes reader executes in his attempt to construct the meaning out of a include both the bottom up processing, when the reader focuses on the analysis of linguistic features, and the top down processing, when the reader focuses on sampling and predicting, testing the prediction, gett inference, etc using available resources to guess or c information In general, the specific sub strategies included cognitive strategies are listed as follows: - Over viewing: reading headings, sub headings and summaries - Predicting: anticipating what the passage is about - Scanning: reading quickly to get the specific points - Skimming: reading quickly to get the general idea of the passage Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 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from the context, using affixes to guess the meaning of the new words, skipping the unknown word (but less important word), using dictionary and verbalizing the word or the phrase - Taking notes: writing notes on the edge of the paper u abbreviations - Summarizing: writing summary of the text - Underlining/highlighting: underlining the parts needed to be remembered - Using cognates: using cognates in L1 and L2 to facilitate understanding and translate words/ phrases/ sentences into L1 - Reacting to the text: questioning the truthfulness and the relevance of the idea - M aki ng i nfe renc es: i nf err i ng t he l es s expl i ci t l y st a te d i dea of t he w using the context and the prior knowledge - Referencing: making anaphoric and cataphoric re tables, pictures and charts - Social (Affective) reading strategies The main features of these strategies are co- operation or wor peers, and creating motivational and mental readiness for r e a d i n g s t r a t e g i e s a r e t e c h n i q u e s f o r m a motivations It involves relaxing oneself and making positive statement about the task and one’s ability (Chamot, 1990) These strategies are applicable to all learning activities, but less directly than the cognitive and meta cognitive ones The sub strategies of the social/ affective strategies are: - Working with peers: seek opportunities to work with peers and asking for clarification - Convenience: choosing a convenient place and situatio and the right setting or position - Motivating oneself: making positive statement about you reading task - Collect attention: relaxing oneself to reduce anxiety by muscle relaxation and deep breathing, listening to music, etc Practical background: 2.1 Background of the study: 2.1.1 Description of the English syllabus at high schools At upper secondary schools, there are three levels of English: English 10, 11 and English 12 In the past the textbooks used here are the three-year ones, the seven- year-course books have been used lately Engl compulsory subject in schools Students have English lessons during the first term and second term of the school year Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students The textbooks chosen are English 10, 11, 12 by Nha Xuat Ban Giao Duc Each consists of 16 lessons which have been covered through out the school year with mid-term and term tests in between Each lesson is divided into periods with the aim of giving the students basic knowledge of English and practice four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing skill By using this textbook, we can develop our students’ communicative competence and our students can learn real things from daily life The textbooks also develop students’ re writing skill At the end of each term, students have an exam for four skills 2.1.2 Description of the students at high schools Most of students at high school have already learned English for at l four years at lower secondary school but many of them are at the low level o English proficiency Another fact is that most of the students are from rural areas in diferent districts Consequently, individual difference identities, attitudes, motivation… etc are unavoid teachers some problems during their teaching I awareness on the importance of English as well as motivation makes them not interested in learning English Although most of them English for at least four years at lower secondary school, their know English is still poor and limited Some students can even hardly say a complete sentence in the target language 2.1.3 Description of the teachers at high schools In terms of methodology, the teachers in high schools usually employ the traditional methods of teaching especially Grammar-translation meth often apply this method in teaching English In other words, analyzing the grammar rules, not on the acquisition of language sk spend most of the classroom time explaining new words, analyzing g structures and translating texts into Vietnamese Students often listen and t notes passively This leads to low motivation in students and creates very f chances for them to improve their communicative competence 2.1.4 Description of physical setting In most upper secondary schools, English teaching and learning activitie are mostly carried out inside the classrooms which are design lessons with the only classroom equipment: a blackboard, tables and a desk The only type of teaching aid that the English group has is some cassette recorders and pictures In term of class size, the number of students in an English class is quite large, from 40 to 50 This large number causes a great deal of difficulties for the teaching and learning activities The materials for reference and self-study are not available for teachers and students at schools In the school library, there are only some English books that are not really helpful for teachers and students 2.2 Students’ Lack of motivation: The students are still deeply affected by the old and m e t h o d s s u c h a s T r a n s l a t i o n o r A u d i o - l i n g u a l environment at lower secondary school where speaking was not fully taken into consideration They only learn what the teacher supply in the classroom T information from the data collected clearly shows that students’ lim vocabulary and grammatical structures, their lack of voca 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Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students background knowledge are students’ main difficulties, which motivation for speaking as well as their presentation Not only the students but also the teachers faced many problems when dealing with speak Students had very limited vocabulary, and were too dependent on teachers, peers dictionaries Moreover, students often have a fearful psychology, c listening to foreign language is a challenge.They not believe in themsel and become worried when speaking.Therefore, their learning will be difficult to take effect It can be said that lack of confidence is also a maj affecting ability to make sense of their communication 2.3 The reality of quality of English at Lang Chanh High School: Most of my students come from various villages in Lang Chanh dist They have no opportunity to interact with foreigners directly Therefore, it will be difficult for them to understand linguistic phenom contracted forms, omitted words or sometimes speakers use incorrect grammar sentences…In addition, they also have few chances to c speakers, the environment for communication in English is not available On the other hand, students are still influenced by the old w learning, not focusing on developing communication skills Therefore, they d not have many opportunities to practice and develop speaking skills Moreover, at Lang Chanh high school, students only focus on grammar and vocabulary.They are hardly allowed to practice c l e a r n i n g g r a m m a r i s v e r y m e r c h a n i c a l , m a i coppying, sometimes it is not highly effective Students in Lang Chanh high school not have conditions to skills such as listening and speaking because there is no room for practice The textbook knowledge is old and has not been modified The curriculum grammar-heavy, turning them into a "walking gramma learning conditions, even specialized language students also have difficu listening and pronouncing, much less are mountainous students However, the implementation of innovation of teaching method Chanh High school in general, in Foreign Language group initially gained encouraging results during the last ten years There a active methods and technique applied on the topic of th knowledge level of each group From what I have experienced in my teachin process, I have figured out that one of the most practical methods at Lang Chanh High School is getting students to work in groups and en communicate during the English lessons As a result, the quality of English learning at our school has been gradually improved They become more confident to read fluently Nevertheless, using active method lesson effectively is not simple Therefore, in this study I really want to discuss about how t “A o STUDY INTO USEFUL READING STRATEGIES FO R GRADE 10 STUDENTS” Methods for implementation: In this part, the collected data are presented by m descriptive statistics of parentages Each table is followed by an analysis of the data and their discussion Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 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reading strategies dur Furthermore, these questions are grouped into three categories: Meta cognitive, Cognitive and Affective/ social reading strategies Th tabulated accordingly via descriptive statistics of percentages 3.1.1 Meta cognitive reading strategy Table 1: Planning and evaluating strategies How often you have a purpose in 13.1 your mind when you read? How often you think about whether the content of the text fits 5.5 your reading purpose? How often you critically analyze and evaluate the information 3.6 presented in the text? How often you check your understanding whenever you come 4.9 across conflicting ideas? How often you check if your 9.5 guesses are right or wrong? Sometimes Never Total Rarely Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % 11.3 30.2 23.6 21.8 100 10.6 33.4 33.6 16.9 100 9.0 8.3 37.8 43.3 100 7.3 42.8 20.2 25.9 100 12.1 29.6 26.7 22.1 100 Table 2: Strategies of monitoring and tackling challenges of comprehension Never Total Rarely Sometimes Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % How often you read a text aloud when it is difficult for you to 4.5 6.2 5,4 12.1 71.8 100 understand? How often you read slowly, but carefully to understand what you 32.4 22.6 29.6 5.6 9.8 100 are reading? Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students How often you try to get on to your track when you lose 30.6 concentration? How often you adjust your reading speed according to what 32.9 you are reading? How often you pay attention to the text you read when it becomes 10.2 difficult for you? How often you stop from time to time to think about what you are reading? 3.1.2 Cognitive reading strategies 32.3 14.9 17.7 6.5 100 13.8 30.6 14.8 7.9 100 10.4 16.7 27.7 35 100 16.7 22.2 41.6 14.5 100 Table 3: Strategies of extracting and working on ideas from a text Never Total Rarely Sometimes Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % How often you take notes while reading to help you 18.5 13.9 32.3 23.2 12.1 100 understand what you read? How often you summary the important information in the text ?4.6 63.3 6.0 17.7 8.4 100 How often you underline or circle information in the text to help24 40.6 23.3 5.5 6.6 100 you remember it? How often you restate ideas from the text you read in your own 3.8 13.8 23.2 43.5 15.7 100 words? How often go forth and back in the text to find relationships among18.5 35.3 23.2 18.5 4.5 100 ideas? Table 4: Strategies of using noting features and supplementary aids Never Total Rarely Sometimes Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % How often you skim the text by noting the characteristics like length3.5 14.3 36.9 28.7 16.6 100 and organization? How often you use reference 19.5 45.4 21.2 7.6 6.3 100 materials such as dictionaries to Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students help you to understand what you read? How often you use tables, figures and pictures in the text to 12.9 13.1 12.9 28.7 32.4 100 increase your understanding? How often you use contextual clues to help you better understand 11.8 36.1 28.7 17.7 5.7 100 what you are reading? How often you use typological aids such as bold face and italics to 24 34.3 22.3 11.5 7.9 100 identify key points? Table 5: Guessing and deciding on ideas from a text How often you think about what you know before reading a given 1.7 2.7 text? How often you decide what to 2.7 9.4 read closely and what to ignore? How often you guess what the 4.5 11.5 text is about when you read? How often you reread the text when it seems difficult to 24 42.8 understand? How often you ask yourself a question which you like to be 2.4 6.5 answered in the text? 3.1.3 Social (Affective) reading strategy Sometimes Never Total Rarely Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % 34.4 27.2 34 100 35.1 45.5 7.3 100 32.3 35.1 16.6 100 27.6 4.5 24 1.1 100 38.8 28.3 100 Table 6: Social/Affective reading strategies Never Total Rarely Sometimes Always No Questions Frequently Reported use in % How often you discuss what you read with your friends to check 24 34.3 20.3 12.1 9.3 your understanding? How often you choose a place convenient for you when you read?37.9 28.7 18.5 12.1 2.8 Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 100 100 10 Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students How often you motivate yourself assuming that you can read43.5 23.2 15.6 12.3 5.4 and understand? How often you relax yourself and reduce anxiety by progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing 36.3 34.3 15.7 8.3 5.4 or listening to music? 100 100 3.2 What reading strategies are often used by Grade 10 students at Lang Chanh High School? Investigating students’ experience of using reading strategies, the readi s t r a t e g i e s a r e c a t e g o r i z e d i n t o t h affective/social reading strategy The meta cognitive divided into planning and evaluating and monitoring and tackling cha According to the data, learners are poor in using plann strategies Almost none practises the strategies such as: critically analyzing and evaluating the information, thinking about whether the content of the text f their reading purpose, checking if their guesses are right or wrong Ho they are relatively good in exploiting the strategies of monitoring and tacklin challenges such as, making a slow and careful reading, adjusting reading speed, trying to get on to your track when loosing concentration As a whole, we can say that meta cognitive reading strategies are not being exploited by the learners effectively On the other hand, there are cognitive reading strategies whi divided into three, such as strategies of extracting and working on ideas from a text, strategies of using the noting features and supplementary aids and strategies of guessing and deciding on the ideas from the text Among these strategies, the learners are the best in using extracting ideas from the text The majority of the students exploit the strategy of summarizing the important informatio text and underlining or circling information in the text effectively Though they are using the strategies of the noting features and suppl strategies of guessing and deciding on the ideas from the text, most of them use them only sometimes and rarely Surprisingly, the students are poor in deciding what to read closely and what to ignore and asking themselv Generally, in comparison with the meta cognitive reading strategies, cogni reading strategies are being used in a better way But, it is still not satisfactory The affective/social reading strategy contains a discussing what you read with your friends, choosing reading, motivating oneself and reducing anxiety The learners are using th strategies effectively In sum, although there is variability among students in strategy study clearly shows that the students are not properly trained to use strategies Thus, the learners are using limited number of re during the lesson Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 11 Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students 3.3 What effective English reading suggestions could be suggested to help 10th - grade students at Lang Chanh High School improve t comprehension?  A c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o l l e c t e d d a t a , a l t h o u gL h asnt gu dCe hn at snHhai tg h School applied some different strategies in a reading lesson, their reading skills were not very effective and satisfactory The number of the effective readers was modest while the majority of the students are ineffecti ones Thus, it is time the teachers did something to improve students’ read comprehension It is very necessary to give out some suggestions to i r e a d i n g s k i l l s t o s t u d e n t s T h e s u g g e s t i can serve as a tool to enable teachers of readingLang at ChanhHigh School to become more successful Firstly, teachers should give explicit reading strategy training in the reading lesson consistently so as to make the learners aware of them different reading lessons and tasks appropriately The responsibilities of teachers are to guide students to determine their own purpose and strategies to u these strategies according to their levels, interests, and needs If t know what they are doing and their benefits, they are going to enhanc efficiency of reading skill to become independent which is the aim of the foreign language teachers The effective strategy instruction should consist of an explicit description of the strategy including when and how to use it, teacher’s modeling, student’s modeling accompanied by the teacher’s explana guided practice with gradual release of responsibility, and independent use This encourages students to try to use these strategies, and as they do, they construct detailed understanding of how the strategy works, the benefits it produces, and how it can be used in a variety of situations (Duffy et al., 1987; Pressley, 2000) With guided practice, the teacher can help students figure out how and when to use the strategy themselves, and give feedbacks so that they can a s t r a t e g y u s e F i n a l l y , i n d e p e n d e n t u s e o f t h e opportunities to apply the strategy on their own to other texts so that they c learn to monitor their strategy use Secondly, teachers can help students mprove i the effectiveness of reading strategies use by developing exercises that elicit information using some targeted strategies These exercises can be divided by the stages of reading at which they happen such as before reading, while reading and after reading In before reading part, teachers show students particular a te xt, give pre-reading questions, elicit or provi de appropr i at e backgr ound knowl edge nt s St can ude di scssu t ext t ype, brai n s m t oar n d r e vfami i e w l i a r s t o r i e eadi s nDgu i cnest gi -vi rni tc i l u d e g u e s s i n g w ome r da n i n g s b y u s i n g c o n t e x t c l u e s , u n d e r l i n i n g t h e k e skimming to find the main idea, scanning the text to understand it specifical a n d t o d o t h e t a s k s g i v e n i n t h e t e x t Feri-nreaaldl iyn, gac a ftti v i t i e s s u c h a s sumarizing the text, translating into Vietnamese or answer relating the text help to check students' comprehension and then lead students to a deeper analysis of the text T h i r d l y , r e a d i n g s t r a t e g i e s a r e c a t e g o r i z e d cognitive and affective/social reading strategy Accord Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn 12 Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students students are very poor in using meta cognitive strategies such as planning a evaluating reading and monitoring and tackling reading challenges Theref the experience of using the strategies with different kinds of reading texts should be encouraged by developing tasks and activities I n a d d i t i o n , t e a c h e r s s h o u l d e m oc p haabsui zl ae r vy l e a r n i n g a t a l l l e v e l s Because vocabulary is one of the most difficult factor that the students have to face when reading This does not mean that vocabulary should be the only focus of language instruction Finally,using the time wisely for reading is another way to help teachers improve their students’ reading III CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Summary of the study: Al t hough t here are m a ny eff ort s t o re ad, expl ore , shar e exper i ences f colleagues, learn from practical teaching to draw some effectiv teaching English speaking skills at high school, but I noticed that some of issues raised in the topic were not in-depth, the illustrative examples were much However, the problem in this topic is very common and rea great passion for students in English It can be said that this is a useful document for each teacher, helping teachers (especially for teachers who are new industry) to enrich their methods of imparting knowledge to students in class Over the past few years, the application of these techniques and strategies for improving reading skill has been widely adopted Students now feel confident to reading English Their vocabulary, their background knowledge of communication have been improved.As a result they ca English more successfully than before Recommendation: Based on what I have coped with during my teaching process, I have some practical recommendations as following: F i r s t l ys,t u d e n t s f r e q u e n t l y u s e t h e s t r a t e g i e s o f m o n i t o r i n g a n d t challenges such as: making a slow and careful reading, However, they are poor in using planning and evaluating strateg r eadi ng wi t h pur pose, ana l ysi ng and eval ua ti n guesses, etc Secondly,the teachers did teach reading strategies to the students to some extent but the degree of frequency was quite limited The teachers only focus on a small number reading strategies in class such as guessing the meaning of the new words, teaching vocabulary, relating students’ prior knowledge, skimming and summarizing They also gave some reasons such as students’ limitation of vocabulary and lack of knowledge of grammar as well as limited time that made them only teach some simple reading strategies Finally, the research also presents some useful suggestions which hopefully can be employed to help the 10th form students at Lang Chanh High S improve their reading comprehension Thanh Hóa, ngày 10 tháng năm 2022 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, khơng chép nội dung người khác 13 Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students skkn Skkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.studentsSkkn.a.study.into.useful.reading.strategies.for.grade.10.students 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Ngày đăng: 27/12/2023, 01:34

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