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In recent years, I have also had temporary summer jobs as a hotelreceptionist in Mannheim, Germany.I am looking forward to hearing from you, Yours faithfully,Heinrich Bukowski 170 words

Best Practice Book for IELTS Writing Table of Contents IELTS Writing IELTS Writing IELTS Writing - Overview IELTS Academic Writing 10 IELTS ACADEMIC WRITING 10 IELTS General Writing 11 IELTS Writing Task General (Task 1) 12 Sample 12 Sample 12 Sample 13 Sample 14 Sample 15 Sample 16 Sample 16 Sample 17 Sample 18 Sample 10 19 Sample 11 20 Sample 12 21 Sample 13 22 Sample 14 22 Sample 15 23 Sample 16 24 Sample 17 24 Sample 18 25 Sample 18 25 Sample 19 26 Sample 20 27 Sample 21 27 Sample 22 29 Sample 23 29 Sample 24 30 Sample 25 30 Sample 26 31 Sample 27 31 Sample 28 32 Sample 29 32 Sample 30 33 Sample 31 34 Sample 32 34 Sample 33 35 Sample 34 36 Sample 35 36 Sample 36 37 Sample 37 38 Sample 38 38 Sample 39 39 Sample 40 39 Sample 41 40 Sample 42 41 Sample 43 41 Sample 44 42 Sample 45 42 Sample 46 43 Sample 47 43 Sample 48 44 Sample 49 44 Sample 50 45 Sample 51 46 Sample 52 46 Sample 53 47 Sample 54 47 Sample 55 48 Sample 56 49 Sample 57 49 Sample 58 50 Sample 59 50 Sample 60 51 General IELTS Writing Task 51 Sample 52 Sample 52 Sample 54 Sample 55 Sample 56 Sample 58 Sample 59 Sample 60 Sample 10 61 Sample 11 62 Sample 12 63 Sample 14 64 Sample 15 65 Sample 16 65 Sample 17 66 Sample 18 67 Sample 19 67 Sample 20 68 Sample 21 69 Sample 22 69 Sample 23 70 Sample 24 71 Sample 25 71 Sample 26 72 Sample 27 73 Sample 28 73 Sample 29 74 Sample 30 75 Sample 31 75 Sample 32 76 Sample 33 77 Sample 34 77 Sample 35 78 Sample 36 79 Sample 37 79 Sample 38 80 Sample 39 81 Sample 40 82 Sample 41 82 Sample 42 83 Sample 43 84 Sample 44 84 Sample 45 85 Sample 46 86 Sample 47 87 Sample 48 87 Sample 49 88 Sample 50 89 Sample 51 89 Sample 52 90 Sample 53 91 Sample 54 92 Sample 55 92 Sample 56 93 Sample 57 94 Sample 58 94 Sample 59 95 Sample 60 96 Sample 61 96 Sample 62 97 Sample 63 98 Sample 64 98 Sample 65 99 Sample 66 99 Sample 67 100 Sample 68 101 Sample 69 101 Sample 70 102 Sample 71 103 Sample 72 103 Sample 73 104 Sample 74 105 Sample 75 106 Sample 76 106 Sample 77 107 Sample 78 108 Sample 79 108 Sample 80 109 Sample 81 110 Sample 82 110 Sample 83 111 Sample 84 111 Sample 85 112 Sample 86 113 Sample 87 113 Sample 88 114 Sample 89 114 Sample 90 115 Sample 91 116 Sample 92 116 Sample 93 117 Sample 94 118 Sample 95 118 Sample 96 119 Sample 97 119 Sample 98 120 Sample 99 121 Sample 100 121 Sample 101 122 Write at least 150 words Begin your letter as follows: Dear Dear Sir / Madam I am writing in connection with our college cafeteria Since almost every student spends some time here every day, I believe it is in everyone's best interest to find ways to improve the quality of this central eatery The cafeteria itself is modern, spacious and attractive The newly painted murals of the seaside give the seating area an open, airy, outdoor feeling which makes it very pleasant to eat meals there This is further enhanced by the large green plants and flowing water fountains The main problem with the cafeteria is in the food served! First of all, there is a very limited selection available Each day offers up only standard North American fare of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken nuggets and french fries Not only is this selection unhealthy, but also uninteresting day in and day out We have so many international students on campus, it would be wonderful to have some curries, burritos and falafel added to the menu Secondly, since this is a student cafeteria, prices need to stay low We have unfortunately seen two price hikes in the last two years I am sure if we offer a wider range of foods, at better prices, the cafeteria will continue to run profitably as more students choose to eat there Yours faithfully, Daniel Bernard IELTS Letter Topics - Semi- Formal Arranging Accommodation You are being sent on a one month work assignment in San Francisco, California You need a place to stay while you are there Write a letter to the Maury Samson Real Estate Agency In your letter: explain the situation describe the kind of accommodation you would like provide the dates you will need it Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Samson, You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Asking for Permission You are studying overseas You need to return to your country before the end of the semester for a family event Write a letter to your supervisor In your letter: Request time off Explain why you need to leave early Reassure him / her that your studies will not suffer Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms Complaining to a Landlord You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year Recently a new neighbour moved in who has loud parties several times a week Write a letter complaining about this to the landlord In your letter: explain the situation describe why it bothers you suggest a solution Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms , You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Making a Suggestion You exercise regularly and have been a member of many different gyms Recently, you moved into a new neighborhood and joined a new gym You have noticed that people at this gym not bother to wipe down the machines after use and often leave dirty towels on the benches in the change rooms Write to Mr Koto, the manager In your letter: explain who you are describe the problem exactly make suggestions to improve the gym Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Koto, You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Booking Accommodation You are going to take a short holiday in Singapore and you want to rent a holiday apartment while you are there Write to the tourist information office In your letter: explain what you need say when you plan to be there ask for information about prices Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Explaining to a Neighbour You are having a graduation party next Saturday night You have invited 50 people to celebrate at an outdoor barbecue evening, which may continue into late into the night Write a letter to your elderly neighbour In your letter: explain what will be happening offer your apologies in advance invite her to join the celebration Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Asking for permission You are supposed to hand in a mid-term project for your psychology class by November 1st However, your brother is getting married in Hawaii at the same time and the entire family is traveling there for the occasion You would like an extension on the due date for submitting the project Write to your professor In your letter: explain the situation remind the professor of your fine academic record to date ask for an extension of the due date Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Making a Suggestion You live in a high-rise building, which has a communal laundry room There are many washers and dryers there, but even more residents Sometimes people don't come in time to empty the machines and other residents have to wait for a washer or dryer You think the building management should purchase 10 extra laundry baskets and make them available for such times, so the machines can be freed up Write to the Property Manager, Mrs Williams In your letter: explain how long you have been a resident describe the problem propose your solution Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mrs Williams You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Asking for Permission You have received a job offer for a position you have wanted for a long time You are expected to start on July 1st However, you can only start a week later due to personal reasons Write a letter to Mr Jackson, your new boss In your letter: show your enthusiasm for the job offer explain the problem suggest what you can Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Jackson, You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Sample Letter – Semi-Formal (Complaining to a Hotel)-Task Sample Letter You should spend about 20 minutes on this task You are applying for a job and need a letter of reference from someone who knew you when you were at school Write a letter to one of your old teachers asking for a reference In your letter: say what job you have applied for explain why you want this job suggest what information the teacher should include Write at least 150 words Begin your letter as follows: Dear Dear Mrs Sweeney How are you? I hope everything is fine at the school and that you have been well I still remember the dynamic way in which you taught grammar to me and all of the teacher trainees in your English class Thanks again for those important lessons I am writing in connection with a letter of reference that I need for a job that I have applied for recently As I am due to graduate next month, I have applied for a position as an ESL teacher at a private language school in Tokyo, Japan You might remember my telling you how very much I looked forward to teaching and traveling around the world Now I have the chance I am confident that I can make a difference in the lives of students who need to learn English In the letter of reference, I would appreciate it if you could include information related to my trustworthiness, my enthusiasm and my cross-cultural awareness while in teacher training college As the job is in Japan, they not have the chance to interview me and will base their decision largely on my letters of reference I would need to have the letter in two weeks, by July 1st Thank you kindly in advance, Yours sincerely, Grace Smith Sample Letter You are going on a short training course at a college in Sydney, Australia You need somewhere to live while you are there Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college In your letter: Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college In your letter: explain your situation describe the accommodation you require say when you will need it Write at least 150 words You NOT need to write any address Begin your letter as follows: Dear Dear Mrs Walker I am writing in connection with my upcoming training course at your college in Sydney, Australia I will be there to attend the Brain- Based Learning program at Victoria College for a period of three weeks from July 2st to July 22st, 2010 I am hoping that you will be able to assist me with my accommodation arrangements As I am slightly older than most of the other participants, I would appreciate it if you could find a private studio apartment for me, close to the college It would be ideal if I could walk to school each day, but if not, I would need access to public transportation I understand some of the events on campus finish quite late so I would prefer not to walk in an unfamiliar neighbourhood after dark In terms of the apartment, all I require is a bed, a desk, a TV, an Internet connection, a kitchen and a bathroom My budget is around US $1000 for weeks As I will be arriving on July 1st, I would need the apartment to be available from that night until the day of my departure, which is July 23rd My last night in the apartment would be July 22nd Please let me know if you are able to find such an apartment and if not, please suggest other suitable arrangements I look forward to hearing from you, Yours sincerely, Jane Goodwin (236 words) Sample Letter You should spend about 20 minutes on this task You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year Recently a new neighbour moved in and has been making a lot of noise, which disturbs you Write a letter to the landlord In your letter: explain the situation describe why it bothers you suggest a solution Write at least 150 words You NOT need to write any address Begin your letter as follows: Dear Dear Mr Shah I hope you and your family are all well I am writing in connection with a problem I have with the new tenant, Jack, who has moved in downstairs Unfortunately, his habits and needs appear to be quite different from my own The issue is that Jack is a professional musician who plays his electric guitar late into the night I understand he is in a band and needs to practice; however, I think he cannot so in a residential building such as ours As I mentioned to you when I signed the lease to the apartment, I am a full-time writer who works from home For me, it is essential to have silence so I can concentrate on my work With Jack playing at all hours, I have been unable to get any of my writing done, except when he is out In some cases, I have even been forced to leave the apartment and work at a nearby coffee shop or library as the guitar playing was causing such a disturbance I would appreciate it if you could speak to Jack and ask him to turn down the volume on his guitar or else to use headphones I have spoken to him about it, but to no avail I will let you know as soon as the situation improves Thank you kindly in advance and please give my best regards to your family, Yours sincerely, Meg Snyder (234 words) IELTS Letter Topics - Informal Inviting a friend You are studying English at a private language school attended by many international students You are planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who has been feeling particularly sad and homesick Write to another classmate and invite him / her to the party In your letter: explain the reason for the party give the date and time of the party suggest what the classmate could bring to the party Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Advising a friend about a holiday An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice Write a letter to your friend In your letter: offer to find somewhere to stay give advice about what to give information about what clothes to bring Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Apologizing to a friend You borrowed an important textbook from a classmate last term You now realize your classmate had returned home overseas and you still have the book Write a letter to to him / her In your letter: apologize for the mistake find out how important the book is to him / her say what you will Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Thanking a friend for a holiday You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days You hadn't seen each other for a long time Write a letter to the friend In your letter: say how you felt about the visit refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him / her invite your friend to visit you Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Advising a friend about work An English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice Write a letter to your friend In your letter: Offer to find a place for him / her to live Give advice about how to find a parttime job Give information on where he / she can learn your language Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Forgetting something at a friend's You stayed at your friend's house when you participated in a conference in Australia You left a briefcase with important documents in your room Write a letter to your friend In the letter: thank your friend for the stay describe the briefcase ask him/her to return it to you by post Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Reminding a Friend A year ago, you lent your favorite book to a friend who you thought would enjoy it Unfortunately, your friend has forgotten to return it The book has sentimental value to you as it had been presented by your grandmother Write a letter to your friend In the letter: ask how he or she is doing remind him / her about the book explain why you need it back Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Congratulating a Friend Your best friend just had her first baby You are currently overseas but will be returning to your hometown in a week Write to your friend In your letter: congratulate your friend tell her when you will be returning home ask when you could drop in to meet her and the baby Begin your letter as follows: Dear You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Requesting Help Your parents will be celebrating their 40th anniversary next month You are planning a big celebration, but you are not sure how to make the occasion really memorable Write to your best friend, Joan, who is a professional event planner In your letter: explain why the occasion is special ask for her assistance set up a time to meet at your friend's convenience to discuss your plans Begin your letter as follows: Dear Joan, You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task 10 Admitting a Mistake You attended an old friend's wedding in another city, about hours away, a week ago It was an outdoor wedding held on a rainy day and you had taken along a rather expensive, elegant umbrella When you returned, you were tired and went straight to bed You had a very busy week.This weekend, when it started to rain, you realized you had the wrong umbrella You must have taken someone else's umbrella, which was very similar to your own, when leaving the wedding reception Write to your friend who got married In your letter: congratulate him / her on the beautiful wedding explain the situation ask how you can return this umbrella and locate your own Begin your letter as follows: Dear Joan You should write at least 150 words You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Sample Letter – Informal (Complaining to a Hotel)-Task Sample Letter You should spend about 20 minutes on this task Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends They have just sent you some photos of your holiday Write a letter to your friends In your letter: thank them for the photos and for the holiday explain why you didn't write earlier invite them to come and stay with you Write at least 150 words You NOT need to write any address Begin your letter as follows: Dear Dear Ajay and Sunita, Thanks so much for your kind letter and the lovely photos of my holiday in Mumbai Sorry for the delay in acknowledging your mail, but your package arrived just as I was about to leave town on a business trip I've just returned to Toronto today Looking at the photos brings back so many happy memories of the times we spent together and the wonderful hospitality you extended to me I felt completely pampered by both of you! You surrounded me with warm friends, good food, amazing sights, great shopping, unforgettable cultural events and laughter-filled evenings I would have been lost without you I can't thank you enough These good memories gave me an idea I know you've always wanted to visit Canada Why don't you plan a holiday and stay with me this summer? The weather is great at that time of year, all tourist sites are open and I could take two weeks off from work Aside from seeing Toronto, we could drive to Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City I would be thrilled if you could make it Thank you both again for the beautiful holiday and the photos which are already up on my wall Now, I'm looking forward to hearing from you Warm wishes, Carol (216 words) Sample Letter You should spend about 20 minutes on this task You have recently started work in a new company Write a letter to an English-speaking friend In your letter, explain why you changed jobs describe your new job tell him / her your other news Write at least 150 words You NOT need to write any address Begin your letter as follows: Dear , Dear Eva, How are you? I hope you've been well Sorry for having been out of touch for a short while There have been some changes in my life and I wanted to let you know the latest from my side The big news is that I have finally changed my job! Do you remember when you were here on holiday, I always talked about how I hated my boring bank job? Well, it was clear I needed a change So, finally, I took a part-time TESL course and trained to be an ESL teacher Now I'm working full- time in a private language school I teach General English, Business English and IELTS Each day, I look forward to going to work My students come from all over the world and I love teaching them as well as learning from them Aside from that, I also moved to a new apartment near the school where I work It's small, but downtown, so I am right in the heart of the city, instead of way out in the suburbs Suddenly, there's so many fun things to do, in the evenings too I am a much happier person today because of these recent changes So, how about you? I hope you'll have a chance to visit Canada again soon In the meantime, please write and let me know what's new with you Warm wishes Kim (226 words) Sample Letter You should spend about 20 minutes on this task An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice Write a letter to your friend In your letter, offer to find somewhere to stay give advice about what to give information about what clothes to bring Write at least 150 words You NOT need to write any address Begin your letter as follows: Dear , Dear Julie Thanks so much for your latest letter I'm really excited to hear that you're planning to visit Toronto It will give me a chance to take you around, as you did so kindly for me when I was in Amsterdam last year Regarding your visit, I would be happy to help in any way possible First, unless you really like freezing weather, I suggest you come in the summer months of July or August Though most hotels are expensive at that time, we have some wonderful guest suites available in our high-rise building, for only about $50 per night They are fully furnished studio apartments, with a kitchen, so you can have the option of eating in Just let me know your dates and I can make a reservation for you Summer is also the time when all the tourist sites are open We can visit Centre Island, Canada's Wonderland, Niagara Falls, the CN Tower, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Science Centre and Thousand Islands The weather should be warm and comfortable, around 25 – 30 degrees Celsius, so bring your informal summer clothes, a swinsuit and an umbrella too We get summer showers quite often I can't wait for you to come! Write soon with more details, Warm wishes Irene (207 words)

Ngày đăng: 26/12/2023, 21:50

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