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(Tiểu luận) a quantitative research of kols effectivenesson brand image of skincare products on tiktok

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VIETNAM GENERAL CONFEDERATION OF LABOR TON DUC THANG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FINAL REPORT MARKETING RESEARCH A QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH OF KOLS EFFECTIVENESS ON BRAND IMAGE OF SKINCARE PRODUCTS ON TIKTOK Lecturer: Pham Van Phat Team: Wink Wink Class: 01 (Wednesday, Shift 4) Ho Chi Minh City, May 03rd 2023 CONTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS Full Name Nguyen Ngoc Hue Anh (Leader) Student ID Mission Completion Rate  5.4; 5.5 720H1368  Run the data on 100% SPSS  5.1 Nguyen Thi My Linh 720H0918  Support running 100% data on SPSS  IV Dinh Ngo Ngoc Quyen 720H0987  Sumarizing word 100% content  Acknowledge, Nguyen Phuc Hung Thinh 720H0182 Introduction, 100% Powerpoint Lam Gia Linh 720H1387 Mai Ly Thao Trang 720H1026  II,III  I, Design Google Form 100% 100%  5.2, 5.3 Nguyen Thi Kieu Phuong 720H0153  Support running 100% data on SPSS Nguyen Thi My Huyen 720H1384  VI (6.1.2; 6.2) 100% Tran Nguyen Phuong Uyen 720H1426  VI (6.1.1; 6.3) 100% ACKNOWLEDGE To begin with, WINK WINK team would like to express our genuine appreciation to the professors at Ton Duc Thang University for their guidance and unwavering support in completing our Marketing research final report Furthermore, we would like to extend our gratitude to the Faculty of Business Administration for providing the necessary infrastructure for this course, which has enabled us to expand our knowledge and skills We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this research project "A Quantitative Study on the Effectiveness of KOLs on Brand Image of Skincare Products on TikTok Platform." We would like to thank our supervisor Mr Pham Van Phat for his support and guidance throughout this research endeavor Mr Pham Van Phat has been a source of inspiration and provided us with detailed instructions on how to conduct marketing research His expertise, valuable insights, and constructive feedback have been instrumental in shaping our research work This also has enabled us to gain a better understanding of the research process Furthermore, we are grateful to the participants who took part in our survey and provided us with their valuable feedback Their responses and opinions have helped us gain a better understanding of the research topic and improve the quality of our study With little cumulative experience, this study is still unable to accurate research In order to improve our research, our research team is eager to hear from teachers Finally, thank you all who have helped us through many up and downs for your invaluable contributions to this research project We could not have accomplished this without your support and dedication LECTURER’S COMMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS I PROBLEM DEFINITION 1.1 Background to the problem 2.1 Statement of the problem II APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM 2.1 Theoretical foundations 2.2 Analytical Model 2.3 Research questions 2.4 Hypotheses development 2.5 Specification of the Information Needed III BUSINESS & RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 3.1 Key objectives for the project – what should it achieve? 3.2 Secondary objectives or information you may seek IV RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODOLOGY 4.1 Type of research design 4.1.1 Research methods 4.1.2 Samples sizes 4.1.3 Implementation 4.2 Target respondents 4.2.1 Demographic information 6 4.2.2 Behavior 4.4.3 Information needs 7 4.4 Data collection 4.4.1 Secondary data source 8 Document continues below Discover more from: Marketing Research 704041 Đại học Tôn Đức Thắng 5 documents Go to course Ncmkt N01 NHOM 06 THE NEW Research Marketing Research None Ncmkt N02 NHOM02 Báo cáo Giữa kỳ Marketing Research None Ncmkt N02 NHOM02 BCGK Marketing Research None BẢNG CÂU HỎI - BCH Marketing Research None Macroeconomics Questions TO Students microeconomic 100% (1) Macro Topic 1.2 The 4.4.2 From primary source 4.5 Sampling technique, Fieldwork & DP Production Possibilities… microeconomic 100% (2) 4.5.1 Sampling technique 4.5.2 Fieldwork 4.5.3 DP V RESULTS 11 5.1 Demographics 11 5.2 Reliability 15 5.3 Descriptive analysis 16 5.4 EFA discovery factor 18 5.5 Regression 5.5.1 H1, H2, H3 20 20 5.5.2 H4 22 5.5.3 H5a, H5b 23 5.6 Summary of research results 25 VI CONCLUSION 6.1 Conclusions after the survey 6.1.1 Research findings 6.1.2 Meaning and value of the study 26 26 26 27 6.2 Recommendations 27 6.3 Limitations & caveats 29 6.4 Exhibits/ Appendices 30 REFERENCES 39 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure In Vietnam, during the time of social distancing, TikTok has become one of the most popular entertainment apps when the number of downloads peaked in March-April 2020 with nearly million downloads per month - Source: Report by Appota Figure According to the Insight handbook 2019 report of Kantar Worldpanel, the largest segment of the skincare products market in Vietnam is skincare Figure Gender Chart in the research 11 Figure The Age Chart in the research 12 Figure Level of education Chart in the research 12 Figure Income Chart in the research 13 Figure Experience of use Chart in the research Figure Frequency of use on TikTok platform Chart in the research 13 14 Figure Descriptive Statistics 16 Figure 10 Table Total Variance Explained 18 Figure 11 Table Rotated Component Matrix 19 Figure 12 Table Model Summary and ANOVA for hypothesis H1, H2, H3 20 Figure 13 Table of Coefficients and ANOVA for hypothesis H1, H2, H3 21 Figure 14 Table Model Summary and ANOVA for hypothesis H1, H2, H3 22 Figure 15 Table of Coefficients for hypothesis H1, H2, H3 23 Figure 16 Regression results for H5a 23 Figure 17 Regression run results for H5b 24 Figure 18 Survey Form 30 TABLE OF TABLE Table Reliability of variables 15 1.000.000 - 1.500.000 VNĐ 1.500.000 - 2.000.000 VNĐ 2.000.000 - 3.000.000 VNĐ Above 3.000.000 VNĐ Habits Experience Nonuse Below year From - years From - 10 years Above 10 years Frequency Below hours From - hours From - hours Above hours Nonuse Measures of constructs Likert scale questionnaire 32 - Strongly disagree 4- Neutral 7- Strongly agree 2- Disagree 5- Slightly agree 3- Slightly disagree 6- Agree Table 2: KOL familiar KOL FAMILAR (KF) Degree evaluation I heard of/know about KOL on Tiktok (e.g: Vo Ha Linh, ) I followed KOL on Tiktok (e.g: Vo Ha Linh, ) Source Gefen (2000), Magnini, Honeycutt, and Cross (2008), and Ohanian (1990) The KOL is easily recognisable on Tiktok (e.g: Vo Ha Linh) 33 Table 3: KOL Trustworthiness KOL TRUSTWORTHINESS (KT) Degree evaluation The KOL is reliable Source Gefen (2000), Magnini, Honeycutt, and Cross (2008) and Ohanian (1990) The KOL is credible The KOL is sincere Table 4: KOL expertise KOL EXPERTISE (KE) Degree evaluation The KOL has experience in skincare The KOL is knowledgeabl e Source Gefen (2000), Magnini, Honeycutt, and Cross (2008) and Ohanian (1990) The KOL is an expert in skincare 34 Table 5: Brand Image BRAND IMAGE (BI) Degree evaluation Skincare brands are well established (E.g: Cocoon, ) Source Sasmita and Mohd Suki (2015) Skincare brands have a clear image (E.g: Cocoon, ) Skincare brands have a differentiated image in comparison with others (Cocoon and Innisfree, ) 35 Table 6: The KOL Effectiveness KOL EFFECTIVENESS (KEF) Degree evaluation The KOL’s comments on the brand's skincare products are very convincing (e.g: Vo Ha Linh commented on Cocoon’s products, ) Source Aquebveque (2006) By virtue of this KOL, I would be more confident of the performance of brand’ skincare products By virtue of this KOL, I believe The skincare products are worthy to purchase 36 Table 7: Social Influence SOCIAL INFLUENCE (SI) Degree evaluation When buying skincare Source Aqueveque (2006) products from any, my friend’s opinions are important When buying skincare products from any brands, I would be concerned about other people’s opinions which are valuable to me My purchasing of skincare products from any brands would cause me concern about what my 37 friends would think of me I always seek advice from others before purchasing skincare products Table 8: Skincare consciousness SKINCARE CONSCIOUSNESS (SC) Degree evaluation I am conscious of my condition Source Kraft and Goodell (1993) I am conscious of the condition of my family I always seek advice from a skin professional I always read skincare magazines 38 REFERENCES Alamro, A 2011 “Antecedents of Brand Preference for Mobile Telecommunications Services.” The Journal of Product and Brand Management 20 (6): 475–486 doi:10.1108/10610421111166621 Amico, M., G Di Vita, and L Monaco 2016 “Exploring Environmental Consciousness and Consumer Preferences for Organic Wines without Sulfites.” Journal of Cleaner Production 120: 64–71.doi:10.1016/j.jclepro 2016.02.014 Amos, 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Ngày đăng: 26/12/2023, 04:54