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(SKKN mới NHẤT) teaching stress to grade 6 students in luong son secondary school

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INDEX CONTENTS PAGE PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the theme 1.2 The purpose of research 1.2.1 Aims 1.2.2 Requirement 1.3 Sore and objects of the 1.3.1 Scopes 1.3.2 Objectives 1.4 Research methodology 1.5 Innivation points 2 CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical background 2.2 The status of the problem 2.3 Solutions 2.3.1 Playing handouts about the rules for marking accents 2.3.2 Application 2.3.3 Some application exercises 15 2.4 The result after applying the study in teaching 16 CONCLUSION 17 3.1 Conclusions 17 3.2 Recommendations 17 REFERENCE BOOKS 19 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the theme Today, English has truly become an international language, many countries around the world speak, understand and use English in many areas Vietnam is now also an English speaking country with a burst of information, science and technology English has come to Vietnam as a new wind and it has received a lot of applause for the economic upswing and the transformation of the country on the path of integration- "industrialization and modernization" In teaching English, I find that students often learn grammar well but not good at pronunciation, including word stress, which is still a difficult part for students Most students not know the rules well enough to determine the stress of words, so they not pronounce correctly and have not done well with the stress mark exercises To help students overcome their weaknesses of stress, I choose content “Teaching stress to grade students in Luong Son secondary school” 1.2 The purpose of research 1.2.1 Aims Knowing English is difficult, so understanding and using it as a communication tool for our purposes is much more difficult Particularly for rural students, particularly grade students in rural areas New pupils with new subjects That requires the teacher to innovate methods to improve the overall quality In classroom teaching activities, stress of a word is an extremely important part So how to do? This initiative works to help students learn grasp the rules of stress and pronounce the word stress correctly From there, the speaking and listening skills of students will be much more With that concern, as a teacher who teaches English in classes for many years, I would like to give some ideas on how to help students in Luong Son secondary School learn good stressed part 1.2.2 Requirements To success in the study, the requirement for the topic is that the teacher has to help students know rules of accents and some exceptions After asking students to learn the rules, the teacher will provide many exercises for students to use the rules to work on In addition, it is very important to revise the lesson and explain why the stress falls into the syllable If they can a variety of exercises, students will know how to identify the word stress 1.3 Scopes and objects of the study 1.3.1 Scopes As we all know, there are many rules that define stress and there are many exceptions that not follow that rule For 6th graders, however, I will refine the most basic knowledge to fit their perceptions At the same time, select exercises that are suitable for grade students and provide some more stressful exercises in some excellent student tests In this topic, I will deploy the TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school following: - Law of stress markings and examples - Marking exercises and instructions on how to it - Some stress exercises in the exam of good students 1.3.2 Objectives As I have said my study is aimed at improving ability to determine the stress of the words of the students and help them to solve some difficulties in doing stress exercises so my objectives of the study are: - Students in class 6A: 38 Studensts, and 6B: 39 students Total: 77 students - School: Luong Son secondary school 1.4 Research methodology In this study I have used the following methods: - Investigating the reality - Read documents that related to research - Using opinion surveys - Getting to know English stress - Introducing the rules of stress - Organizing to practice pronunciation with these audio visual media - Doing exercises to check Students’ understanding - Summarizing, comparing, drawing lesson 1.5 Innivation points In 2019 I finished the topic “Teaching stress to grade students in Luong Son secondary school ” which refered how to determine the stress Unlike Vietnamese, English is a multi-syllable language Therefore, words with two or more syllables in English always have a different pronunciation syllable from the rest: higher, stronger, longer That is called stress This study will share with you some basic rules of stress CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical background Stress is the key to understand English Native people use accents so naturally that even they don't know they're using them English learners who not pronounce the words correctly when communicating English with native speakers often face two problems: First, they will not understand what native speakers are saying, especially when speaking quickly Secondly, foreigners are also very difficult to understand what they say English is now being taught in a communicative and learner centered manner To be able to communicate in English, students must use listening and speaking skills well So, what teachers have to for students to achieve this goal? This requires a lot of factors, one of them is helping students master the word stress in English is very important 2.2 The status of the problem For the time being, stress is still an obsession for students The fact that (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school most of their teachers focus on grammar review makes it difficult for students to practice stress in the exam They often not know how to determine the stress of words, so they have a lot of difficulties doing exercises to determine the stress of words or choose words with different stress types Students need to grasp the knowledge related to it I made a survey to see the problem of students about word stress by doing the following exercise: Exercise: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group A music B homework C correct D table A country B intersection C gymnast D heavy A apple B finger C market D correct A hospital C mother C soccer D produce * The results (The second semester- school year: 2017-2018) Class 6A 6B Num Correct 9- Correct 7-8 Correct 5- Correct Correct 1-3 10 words words words words words Num % Num % Num % Num % Num % 6.49 7.79 47 61,04 77,69 10 12,99 77 The surveys of students’feelings when they have learned stress I obtained the following results: Class Num 6A,6B 77 Very difficult Difficult Easy Very easy Num % Num % Num % Num % 36 46,75 30 38,96 11 14,29 0 Note The above results inspired me to something to help them improve this difficulty, or at least help them not to feel afraid, find it less difficult to learn word stress 2.3 Solutions 2.3.1 Playing handouts about the rules for marking accents The verb has syllables -> the stress usually falls on the second syllable Ex: be’gin, for’give, in’vite, a’gree, … Some exceptions: ‘answer, ‘enter, ‘happen, ‘offer, ‘open, ‘visit… Nouns with syllables -> the stress usually falls on the first syllable Ex: ‘father, ‘table, ‘sister, ‘office, ‘moutain… Some exceptions: ad’vice, ma’chine, mis’take, ho’tel… (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school * Note: Some 2-syllable words will have different accents depending on the type word For example, record, desert if the noun will have the stress in the first syllable : ‘record; ‘Desert, fall in the 2nd syllable as the verb: re’cord; de’sert Adjectives with syllables -> accents usually fall into the first syllable Ex: ‘happy, ‘busy, ‘careful, ‘lucky, ‘healthy, Some exceptions: a’lone, a’mazed, The verb compound -> the stress falls on the second syllable  Ex: be’come, under’stand, overflow,… Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable.  Ex:  doorman /ˈdɔːrmən/, typewriter /ˈtaɪpraɪtər/, greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/ … The stress falls on the following syllables: sist, cur, vert, test, tain, tract, vent, self  Ex: e’vent, con’tract, pro’test, per’sist, main’tain, her’self, o’cur… Words ending with:, what, where, then the main stress is on syllable 1  Ex: ‘anywhere, ‘somehow, ‘somewhere … The two syllable words starting with A, the stress on the second syllable  Ex: a’bout, a’bove, a’gain a’lone, alike, ago… End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, ious, -eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, ical, -ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed on tones save right before it  Ex: de’cision, attraction, libra’rian, ex’perience, so’ciety, ‘patient, po’pular, bi’ology, Exceptions: ‘cathonic, ‘lunatic, ,‘arabi, ‘politics, a’rithmetic… Words ending with - ate, - cy *, -ty, -phy, -gy if syllables stress the stress on the 1st syllable If the word has or more syllables, the stress is stressed on 3rd syllable last word up Ex: Com’municate, ‘regulate ‘classmat, tech’nology, e`mergency, ‘certainty ‘biology pho’tography, Some exceptions: ‘accuracy… The words ending with - ade, - ee, - ese, - eer, - ette, - oo, -oon, ain (verb only), -esque, - isque, -aire, -mental, - ever, - self, the stress on the tail itself: Ex: lemo’nade, Chi’nese, pio’neer, kanga’roo, ty’phoon, when’ever, environ’mental, etc Exceptions: ‘coffee, com’mitee… The words indicating volume stress at the end ending with the tail - teen Otherwise, you will emphasize the first word if ending in - y (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school Ex: thir’teen, four’teen / ‘twenty,‘ thirty, ‘fifty… Prefixes and suffixes are never stressed, often emphasized in the original word - Prefixes not change the main stress of a word Ex: im’portant / unim’portant, ‘perfect / im’perfect, a’ppear /disa’ppear/ Exceptions: ‘statement /’ understatement, ‘ground / ‘underground, - The suffix does not change the stress of the original word Ex: ‘beauty / ’beautiful, teach / ’teacher, at’tract / at’tractive,… The word has syllables: a Verb - The stress falls on the 2nd syllable if the 3rd syllable has short vowels and ends with consonant Ex: encounter / iŋ’kauntə /, determine / di’t3: / - The stress will fall on the first syllable if the 3rd syllable is a long or double vowel or ends with or more consonants Ex: exercise / ‘eksəsaiz /, compromise / Exceptions: entertain / entə’tein /, comprehend /, kɔmpri’hend / b Noun For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable Ex: paradise / ˈpærədaɪs /, pharmacy / ˈfɑːrməsi /, controversy / ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi /, holiday / ˈhɑːlədeɪ /, resident / ˈrezɪdənt /… If the nouns with the first syllable contain the short syllable (/ ə / or / i /) or the second syllable contains the long vowel / double vowel, the stress falls on the second syllable Ex: computer / kəmˈpjuːtər /, potato / pəˈteɪtoʊ /, banana / bəˈnænə /, disaster / dɪˈzɑːstə (r) / c Adjective 3-syllable adjectives similar to nouns Ex: happy / ’hæpi /, impossible / im’pɔsəbl /… 2.3.2 Application Explain the word stress in each unit UNIT 1: GREETINGS Numbers /ˈnʌmbə(r)/: số đếm => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Good morning /ˌɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ/: chào buổi sáng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Good afternoon/ˌɡʊd ɑːftəˈnuːn/: chào buổi chiều => The words ending with - ade, - ee, - ese, - eer, - ette, - oo, -oon, ain (verb only), -esque, - isque, -aire, -mental, - ever, - self, the stress on the tail itself: (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school - Good evening/ˌɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ/: chào buổi tối => Âm i: mang trọng âm - Children /ˈtʃɪldrən/ (n): đứa trẻ => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Eleven /ɪˈlevn/ = 11 => If the nouns with the first syllable contain the short syllable (/ ə / or / i /) or the second syllable contains the long vowel / double vowel, the stress falls on the second syllable - Thirteen/ˌθɜːˈtiːn/ = 13 - Fourteen /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/ = 14 - Fifteen /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ = 15 - Sixteen /ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ = 16 - Seventeen/ˌsevnˈtiːn/ = 17 - Eighteen /ˌeɪˈtiːn/= 18 - Nineteen /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ = 19 => The words ending with - ade, - ee, - ese, - eer, - ette, - oo, -oon, ain (verb only), -esque, - isque, -aire, -mental, - ever, - self, the stress on the tail itself: UNIT AT SCHOOL - (to ) open your book /ˈəʊpən - jɔː(r) - bʊk/: mở sách => Âm ə yếu thường không mang trọng âm - (in ) a city /ˈsɪti/: (ở) thành phố => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a student /ˈstjuːdnt/: học sinh => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a teacher /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/: giáo viên => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a window /ˈwɪndəʊ/: cửa sổ => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a waste basket /weɪst - ˈbɑːskɪt/: giỏ rác => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a pencil /ˈpensl/: bút chì => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a ruler /ˈruːlə(r)/: thước => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - an eraser /ɪˈreɪzə(r)/ : cục tẩy => If the nouns with the first syllable contain the short syllable (/ ə / or / i /) or the second syllable contains the long vowel / double vowel, the stress falls on the second syllable UNIT 3: AT HOME - Family /ˈfỉməli/(n): gia đình (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school =>For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - Father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/(n): cha - Mother /ˈmʌðə(r)/(n): mẹ - Brother /ˈbrʌðə(r)/(n) : anh, em trai - sister /ˈsɪstə(r)/(n): chị , em gái => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - One hundred /ˈhʌndrəd/:100 => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a bookshelf /ˈbʊkʃelf/: giá sách => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable.  - an armchair /ɑmtʃeə(r)/: ghế bành => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable.  - a table /ˈteɪbl/: bàn  => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - people/pipl/: người - a bookcase/ˈbʊkkeɪs/: tủ sách => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable.  - a stereo /ˈsteriəʊ/: máy nghe nhạc =>For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - an engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/: kỹ sư => The words ending with - ade, - ee, - ese, - eer, - ette, - oo, -oon, ain (verb only), -esque, - isque, -aire, -mental, - ever, - self, the stress on the tail itself: - a doctor /ˈdɒktə(r)/: bác sĩ => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - In the country /ˈkʌntri/: miền quê => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable.  - (to) have breakfast /hæv - ˈbrekfəst/: ăn sáng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable UNIT THINGS I DO - (to) your homework /duːhəʊmwɜːk/: làm tập nhà => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable.  - everyday /ˈevrideɪ/: ngày =>For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - (to) listen to music /ˈlɪsn - ˈmjuːzɪk/: nghe nhạc => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - (to) the housework /ˈhaʊswɜːk/: làm việc nhà => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable - (to)play volleyball /ˈvɒlibɔːl/: chơi bóng chuyền (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school =>For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - football /ˈfʊtbɔːl/(n): bóng đá => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable n): thể thao - English/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/(n) : tiếng Anh => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - math /mỉθ/(n): tốn - literature /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/(n): văn - history /ˈhɪstri/(n): lịch sử => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - geography /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/(n): địa lí - Days of week /deɪ - wiːk/: Các ngày tuần - Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/: thứ hai => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Tuesday /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/: thứ ba => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/: thứ tư => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Thursday /ˈθɜːzdeɪ/: thứ năm => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/: thứ sáu => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Saturday /ˈsætədeɪ/: thứ bảy - Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/: chủ nhật => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable UNIT PLACES - flowers /ˈflaʊə(r)/(n): hoa => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a rice paddy /raɪs - ˈpædi/: cánh đồng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a village /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/: làng, xã => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - country /ˈkʌntri/ (n): miền quê/ đất nước => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a restaurant /ˈrestrɒnt/: nhà hàng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a temple /ˈtempl/: đền, miếu => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a hospital /ˈhɒspɪtl/: bệnh viện => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a factory/ˈfæktri/ : nhà máy => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school - a museum /mjuˈziːəm/: nhà bảo tàng - a stadium /ˈsteɪdiəm/: sân vận động => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - in front of /frʌnt/: phía trước - behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/: phía sau - drugstore/ˈdrʌɡstɔː(r)/(n): hiệu thuốc tây - movie theater /ˈmuːvi θɪətə(r)/ (n): rạp chiếu phim => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - police station /pəˈliːs steɪʃn/(n): đồn công an => ə weak syllable does not carry an accent - bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/(n): lị / tiệm bánh mì => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - between /bɪˈtwiːn/: => vowel i: UNIT YOUR HOUSE - a garden /ˈɡɑːdn/: khu vườn => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - vegetable/ˈvedʒtəbl/ (n) : rau => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - a photo/ˈfəʊtəʊ/ : ảnh => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a supermarket /ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt/: siêu thị - an apartment /əˈpɑːtmənt/: hộ - a market /ˈmɑːkɪt/: chợ => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - by motorbike /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/: xe gắn máy UNIT OUT AND ABOUT - to play video games/ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪmz/ : chơi trò chơi video => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - a policeman /pəˈliːsmən/: công an, cảnh sát => Compound noun: the stress falls on the first syllable - difficult /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/(adj) : khó khăn For a three-syllable adjective: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable UNIT 9: THE BODY - finger /'fiɳgə/ (n): ngón tay => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - body /'bɔdi/ (n): thể, thân thể - shoulder /'ʃouldə/ (n): vai (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 10 => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - actor /'æktə/ (n): diễn viên (nam) - actress /'æktris/ (n): diễn viên (nữ) - singer /'siɳə/ (n): ca sĩ - colour/ color /'kʌlə/ (n): màu - gymnast /'ʤimnæst/ (n): vận động viên thể dục => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - weightlifter /'weiliftə/ (n): vận động viên cử tạ => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - monster /'mɔnstə/ (n): ác quỷ, quái vật => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - heavy /'hevi/ (adj): nặngu - good-looking /gud/-luking/ (adj): xinh, đẹp (cho nam/ nữ) - beautiful /'bju:təful/ (adj): đẹp (cho nữ) - handsome /'hænsəm/ (adj): đẹp (cho nam) - orange /'ɔrinʤ/ (adj): cam - yellow /'jelou/ (adj): vàng => Adjective with stress syllables falls into the first syllable UNIT 10: STAYING HEALTHY - noodle /'nu:dl/ (n): mì - orange /'ɔrinʤ/ (n): cam - water /'wɔ:tə/ (n): nước - menu /'menju:/ (n): thực đơn - chicken /'tʃikin/ (n): gà, thịt gà - carrot /'kærət/ (n): cà - rốt => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - tomato /tə'mɑ:tou/ (n): cà chua => long vowel a: carry stress - lettuce /'letis/ (n): rau diếp => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - potato /pə'teitou/ (n): khoai tây - cabbage /'kæbidʤ/ (n): cải bắp => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - onion /'ʌnjən/ (n): củ hành => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - lemonade /,lemə'neid/ (n): nước chanh - coffee /'kɔfi/ (n): cà phê => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - white coffee /wait 'kɔfi/ (n): cà phê sữa => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - black coffee /blæk'kɔfi/ (n): cà phê đen (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 11 - iced coffee /aist'kɔfi/ (n): cà phê đá - apple juice /'æpl dʤu:s/ (n): nước táo - orange juice /'ɔrindʤ dʤu:s/ (n): nước ép cam - matter /'mætə/ (n): vấn đề - hungry /'hʌɳgri/ (adj): đói - thirsty /'θə:sti/ (adj): khát UNIT 11: WHAT DO YOU EAT? - storekeeper = shopkeeper /'stɔ:,ki:pə/ (n): chủ cửa hàng - salesgirl /'seizgə:l/ (n): cô bán hàng - bottle /'bɔtl/ (n): chai - cooking oil /'kukiɳ ɔil/ (n): dầu ăn - chocolate /'tʃɔkəlit/ (n): sô-cô-la - biscuit /'biskit/ (n): bánh quy - cookie /'kuki/ (n): bánh quy - packet /'pỉkit/ (n): gói nhỏ, hộp nhỏ - dozen /'dʌzn/ (n): tá (= 12 cái) - tube /tju:b/ (n): ống - toothpaste /'tu:θpeist/ (n): kem đánh - shopping list /'ʃɔpiɳ list/ (n): danh sách vật mua sắm - lemon /'lemən/ (n): chanh - ice-cream /aɪs kriːm/ (n): kem (cà rem) - sandwich /'sænwiʤ/ (n): bánh săngwich => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable UNIT 12: SPORTS AND PASTIMES  - pastime /'pɑ:staim/ (n): trị tiêu khiển, giải trí => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - badminton /'bỉdmintən/ (n): cầu lơng - table tennis /'teibl 'tenis/ (n): bóng bàn - pingpong /'piɳpɔɳ/ (n): bóng bàn - sporting activity /'spɔ:tiɳ æk'tiviti/ (n): hoạt động thể thao - aerobics /'ỉroubiks/ (n): mơn thể dục nhịp điệu - picnic /'piknik/ (n): dã ngoại - go on a picnic /gou onə 'piknik / (v): dã ngoại => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - diary /'daɪəri/ (n): nhật ký - fishing /'fiʃiɳ/ (n): câu cá, đánh cá - movie /'mu:vi/ (n): phim, điện ảnh => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - go to the movies /gou tu the 'mu:viz / (v): xem phim (= go to the cinema go to the pictures) => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 12 - usually /'ju:ʒuəli/ (adv): thường thường, thường xuyên - often /'ɔ:fn/ (adv): thường thường, thường xuyên - occasionally /ə'keiʤnəli/ (adv): - never /'nevə/ (adv): chưa - always /'ɔ:lwəz/ (adv): luôn - seldom /'seldəm/ (adv): khi, - rarely /'reəli/ (adv): khi, UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS Hoạt động mùa - activity /æk'tiviti/ (n): hoạt động, sinh hoạt - season /'si:zn/ (n): mùa - weather /'weθə/ (n): thời tiết - Summer /'sʌmə/ (n): mùa hè - Winter /wintə/ (n): mùa đông - Autumn /'ɔ:təm/ (n): mùa thu => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - rainy season /'reini 'si:zn/ (n): mùa mưa => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - wet season /wet'si:zn/ (n): mùa mưa - dry season /drai 'si:zn/ (n): mùa khô - sunny season /'sʌni'si:zn/ (n): mùa nắng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - humid /'hju:mid/ (adj): ẩm, ẩm ướt - sultry /'sʌltri/ (adj): oi => Adjective with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - basketball /'bɑ:skitbɔ:l/ (n): bóng rổ => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - volleyball /'vɔlibɔ:l/ (n): bóng chuyền => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS - vacation /və'keiʃn/ (n): kỳ nghỉ - holiday /'hɔlədi/ (n): kỳ nghỉ, ngày lễ => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / ə / or / i / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - go on holiday /gou ɔn 'hɔlədi/ (v): nghỉ - Summer vacation / 'sʌmə və'keiʃn/ (n): kỳ nghỉ hè End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, - ious, eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed on tones save right before it  (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 13 - destination /,desti'neiʃn/ (n): điểm đến, nơi đến End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, - ious, eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed on tones save right before it  - citadel /'sitədl/ (n): thành quách, thành trì => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - camera /'kæmərə/ (n): máy ảnh, máy quay phim - suggestion /sə'ʤestʃn/ (n): lời đề nghị, gợi ý - prepare /pri'peə/ (v): chuẩn bị - take a photo /teikə 'foutou / (v): chụp ảnh - finally /'fainəli/ (adv): cuối cùng, sau UNIT 15: COUNTRIES - nation /'neiʃn/ (n): quốc gia => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Canada /'kænədə/ (n): Nước Ca-na-đa - Canadian /kə'neidjən/ (n/adj): người Ca-na-đa, thuộc nước Ca-na-đa - Japan /ʤə'pæn/ (n): Nước Nhật Bản - Japanese /,ʤæpə'ni:z/ (n/adj): Tiếng Nhật, Người Nhật, thuộc Nhật - Great Britain /greit 'britn/ (n): Nước Anh - British /'britiʃ/ (n/adj): người Anh, thuộc nước Anh - China /'tʃainə/ (n): Nước Trung Quốc => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Chinese / 'tʃai'ni:z/ (n/adj): tiếng Trung Quốc, người Trung Quốc, thuộc Trung Quốc - The USA /ðə ju:es 'ei/ (n): Nước Hoa Kỳ (Mỹ) - language /'læɳgwiʤ/ (n): ngôn ngữ => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Vietnamese / vjetnə'mi:z / (n/adj): tiếng Việt Nam, người Việt Nam, thuộc Việt Nam - postcard / 'poustkɑ:d/ (n): bưu thiếp (ảnh) => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - tower /'tauə/ (n): tháp => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - TwinTower /twin'tauə/ (n): tháp Đôi - The Great Wall /ðə greit wɔ:l/ (n): Vạn Lý Trường Thành - building /'bildiɳ/ (n): tòa nhà, tòa cao ốc => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - population /,pɔpju'leiʃn/ (n): dân số => End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, - ious, eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 14 on tones save right before it  - capital /'kỉpitl/ (n): thủ => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - Mexico City /'meksikou siti/ (n): thủ đô Mê-hi-cô => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - Tokyo /'toukiou/ (n): thủ đô Nhật => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Kuala Lumpur /'kwɑ: lʌmpu/ (n): Thủ đô Mã Lai - structure /'strʌktʃə/ (n): cấu trúc, cơng trình kiến trúc - nature /'neitʃə/ (n): thiên nhiên => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - feature /'fi:tʃə/ (n): nét đặc biệt, điểm đặc trưng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - mountain /'mauntən/ (n): núi => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - mount /maunt/ (n): (đỉnh) núi - Red River /red 'rivə/ (n): Sông Hồng - MekongRiver /'meikɔɳ 'rivə/ (n): Sông Cửu Long - forest /'fɔrist/ (n): rừng => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - desert /'dezət/ (n): sa mạc => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - GulfofTonkin /'gʌlf əvtɔnkin/ (n): Vịnh Bắc Bộ - ocean /'ouʃn/ (n): Đại dương => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - Everest /'evərist/ (n): Everest => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable UNIT 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT - animal /'æniməl/ (n): động vật, vật => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - buffalo /'bʌfəlou/ (n): trâu => For a three-syllable noun: if the second syllable contains the / sound, the stress will be on the first syllable - chicken /'tʃikin/ (n): gà, thịt gà => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - produce / prə'dju:s/ (v): sản xuất => The verb has syllables -> the stress usually falls on syllable ə / or / i / ə / or / i / ə / or / i / ə / or / i / ə / or / i / the second (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 15 - destroy /dis'trɔi/ (v): tàn phá, phá hủy => The verb has syllables -> the stress usually falls on the second syllable - danger /'deinʤə/ (n): nguy hiểm => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - be in danger /bi: in 'deinʤə/ (v): lâm nguy - Asia /'eiʃə/ (n): Châu Á => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - pollution /pə'lu:ʃn/ (n): ô nhiễm => End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, - ious, eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed on tones save right before it  - pollute /pə'lu:t/ (v): làm ô nhiễm => The verb has syllables -> the stress usually falls on the second syllable - power /'pauə/ (n): điện => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - faucet /'fɔ:sit/ (n): vòi nước (tiếng Anh Mỹ) => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - waste paper /weist 'peipə/ (n): giấy vụn - plastic /'plæstik/ (n): nhựa, chất dẻo => Noun with stress syllables falls into the first syllable - collect /kə'lekt/ (v): thu nhặt, sưu tập => The verb has syllables -> the stress usually falls on the second syllable - collection /kə'lekʃn/ (n): thu nhặt, sưu tập => End words with tails, - ety, - ity, - ion, - sion, - cial, - ically, - ious, eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, ible, -uous, -ics *, ium, - logy, - sophy, - graphy - ular, - ulum, stress is stressed on tones save right before it  2.3.3 Some application exercises Exercise : Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others A attract B advance C adventure D battle A borrow B canal C camera D button A design B cancer C cattle D dairy A favourite B effective C Egyptian D electricity A gather B environment C exist D export A government B experiment C expensive D explain A extinction B explorer C failure D creation (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 16 8.A.demonstration B disappear C distribution D discover A prevention B function C predict D protect 10 A separate B protect C provide D release Exercise : Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others 1.A sensitive B strangely C surgery D surprise A wonder B wealthy C vanish D variety A position B professor C population D possession A abandon B ancient C apply D attraction A annual B average C mother D bacteria A benefit B biology C chemical D cricket A function B demand C complain D request A inhabit B invent C material D opera A parachute B period C particular D solar 10 A remedy B satellite C refusal D satisfy Exercise : Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others A extensive B applicant C create D artistic A infectious B poisonous C disastrous D religious A accurate B reduce C internal D transport A mature B machine C majesty D majority A redundant B descendant C relevant D consultant A mountain B maintain C fountain D certain 7.A reply B appeal C offer D support A answer B allow C agree D deny A compare B approve C enter D pollute 10 A mother B relax C father D garden 11 A decide B combine C apply D happen 12 A promise B picture C listen D accept 13 A apple B England C shampoo D grammar 14 A open B provide C complete D prefer 15 A become B promise C suggest D disorder 16 A flower B exclude C husband D farmer 17 A doctor B simple C castle D enlarge 18 A decide B behave C offer D occur 19 A exciting B telephone C tomorrow D November 20.A policeman B cinema C yesterday D politics (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 17 2.4 The result after applying the study in teaching I got positive results than before applying the new methods After one semester to organize, the results initially obtained as follows: Results of tests through the stress that students have already studied Applying for 77 students in class 6A and 6B, the second semester, school year: 2018-2019 Class 6A 6B Total 77 Excellent Good Fair Poor Fail (8 -10) (6,5 -7,5) (5- 6) (3,5- 4,5) (0-3) Num % num % num % num % num % 30 48,3 25 34,5 15 17,2 0 After the second semester, I issued polls about students’opinion of learning stress and got the results Class Total 6A 6B 6A 6B Very difficult Num % Difficult Easy Very easy Num % Num % 77 36 46,75 30 38,96 11 14,29 77 20 25,97 20 25,97 30 38,97 Num Note % Before 9,09 After This experience initiative has been put into practice in my second semester of the school year 2018-2019 for students in grade The colleagues visited and expressed their sympathy with this approach and have introduced for grades CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Conclusions Through teaching practice, I find that the above measures I have made easy, effective I expect my colleagues to teach English as a reference and exchange I also hope that we have a lot of reference material for instructional methods for the innovation of the method to achieve higher efficiency - About myself, I also try my best to improve my professional skills, improve my informatics ability, actively apply the subjects to use the software to support teaching to attract Revenue learning for students This is a reflection of the work and work of the authors on the impact of the quality of the English language teaching in Luong Son secondary school The melody is a non-derivation, expected to be a reflection of the equation (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 18 within the field, in the region where the denominator is satisfied Be better and be used wisely 3.2 Recommendations During the implementation to ensure the feasibility and bring high efficiency myself, I have some suggestions to leaders at all levels are more concerned that: - On the side of the school, I propose to build additional functional rooms with projector lamps, projectors, sound equipment, speakers, fans to support the teaching and learning English subjects in secondary schools - For the education and training department, I would like the department's leaders to advise the leaders of the authorities to build up the business to buy additional software to deal with the vice president Name, address, or national country of the United Kingdom, the US, the software support teaching and learning subject to teacher support students are registered in the United States Any known damage is being worn and is being replaced or replaced by a damaged or defective device Thanh Hoa, May 20th, 2020 THE CONFIRMATION OF I assure this is my experience initiative, not THE PRINCIPAL coppying the contents of other people The writer Lê Văn Oanh Tran Thu Phuong (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 19 LIST OF REFERENCES Tự Tin Phát Âm Chuẩn – A J Hoge Luyện Phát Âm Và Đánh Dấu Trọng Âm Tiếng Anh – Trần Mạnh Tường Hướng Dẫn Phát Âm Và Nghe Hiểu Tiếng Anh Mỹ – Nguyễn Minh Hân The Student’s Book English and the CD Website: http://www.tienganh123.com/phat-am-tieng-anh-co-ban Website: http://langsmater Basic pronounciation (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school(SKKN.moi.NHAT).teaching.stress.to.grade.6.students.in.luong.son.secondary.school 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Ngày đăng: 18/12/2023, 04:13

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