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Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5

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Nội dung

Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5Phiếu bt cuối tuần tiếng anh 5

Trang 1

Name: Class:

> Circle the odd one out

DD (s2busy © lane &, road ci street

LY e, forth ® tower & seventh e ninth

` ch quiet 3, crowded & busy el district

v2) a city i village ss what el town

S) a, where b what i why ad, address

what where who

i) Where are you from? J) is your hometown?

I'm from Da Nang it’s Quang Binh Province

j) is your address? do you live with?

it's Flat 6, North Tower Hive with my grandparents

, is your hometown like? do you live?

It’s small and quiet I live in Ho Chi Minh City

Write the opposites

J) black >< white 2) large ><

=) quiet >< &) good ><

SY) high >< ) far ><

Trang 2

Ngan is my friend She lives with her parents in Da Nang Her address is 79, Nguyen Van To Street, Hal Chau District It is not far from My Khe Beach There are two floors in Ngan‘s house There are three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen and a sitting room Ngan likes her house because It Is pretty and comfortable Ngan also likes her city because it is a beautiful coastal city

i Where does Ngan live?

2, What is her address?

3, Who does she live with?

4 What is her house like?

& Does Ngan like her city? Why?

> Write about yau

1 Where do you live?

2 What's your address?

3% Who do you live with?

«4 What’s your house/flat like?

8 Do you like your city/town/village? Why?

Trang 3

Name: Class:

Meek 2

sos Unit 1 - Lesson 3, Unit 2 - Lesson m1

v3) My grandparents live in a/an zs, Island x:, Clty tes oR aOR À Rye ws ti, Ww tự - ty Mss ol

2) We live in a <:/ My penfriend lives in a a, town

f›, village a Village

&, flat

đài { i Ÿ VENB quản tình


A: i

đ vớ:

ö } ]† s a high and quiet It’s a busy In my city

a island a district

5 village

1, always get a my teeth in the moming

2 e+ My friends online in the \ "evening

2 |sometimes do

3, | always brush 2 - TV of night

Trang 4

address quiet where yes like

A: C) do you live? — A: What’s your street (3) ?

B: | live in Ha Noi B: It’s small and (4)

A: What’s your (2) 9 A:Do you like your street?

B: It’s 142, Yet Kieu Street B: (8) Like it very much

nà HẪS ngột wars Ø G2OUE YOu

+ What do you do on Monday morning?

@, What do you do at weekends?

3, What do you do before dinner?

3 How often do you go to the cinema?

5 How often do you visit your grandparents?

Find the differences in the pictures below

Trang 5

Name: Class: (Unit 2 - Lessons 2 + 3) Nhharmereee nt renee

yl always Sy) | usually

in the morning at weekends

3 do exercise <i go to the library

's brush my teeth l5, surf the Internet

+, do homework =, go to the zoo

oD | often Š) | sometimes

in the park in the affernoon

“2, play hide-and-seek «2 watch TV

© ride a bicycle fs study with a partner

2, go fishing © read a comic book


DD What clo you do fn the morning?

| go to school

SỔ, How do you watch cartoons? Twice a week

3) What does your sister do at weekends? She goes the library

&) What are you doing?

I'm surfing Internet

Trang 6

Hi My name is Ann My day usually starts at 6.00 a.m After | get up, | do morning exercise Then | have breakfast at 6.30 | go to school at 7.30 a.m My school is not far from my house, so | offen go to school on foot Sometimes, my father drives me to school by car, My school always starts at.8.00 a.m and finishes at 4.30 p.m After school, | usually helo my mother cook dinner Affer dinner | do homework | never go to bed late

Ann gets up at six-thirty a.m v

She usually does her morning exercise - She always goes to school on foot

Her school starts at eight o’clock in the morning «=, After school, Ann watches TV

i After dinner, she does her homework

What time do you get up?

= Do you do morning exercise?


= What time do you go to school?


4 Whd† do you do dfier school?

= What time do you go io bed?

Trang 7

Name: : Class: Tớ ao mi leek (Unit 3 - Lessons 1 + 2) /8\ olAl|lTrlclsis | U | W|R|R|IE|GlIF \g/ PILI|IAIN|IEIT R |X |LE | DiS 4T DjZ|Q|N|G|IY|A 5 | Y TP LL |MỊV |X B | K | E | H J | Nj]B|IXIF |C|AI|R Read and circle a, b or €

1 Where were you last summer? |

a was at the seaside b was nice & went by coach 2 Where cid you go? |

a go to Ha Long Bay bs went by train ¢ went to Ha Long Bay 3 How did you get there? | went

a by coach b fo my hometown c in coach 4 What did you do there? |

a swim in the sea fp swam in the sea c went by coach 5 How was the trip like? It was

Trang 8


how swam “dịd > were go hometown

Linda: Where did you (1) last summer holiday, Torn?

Jom: | went to my (2) with my family ,

Linda: (3) did you get there?

Tom: We went by train

Linda; Were your grandparents happy to see your family? Tom: — Yes, they (4)

Linda, What did you do there?

Tom: We (5) in the river and ate delicious food, Linda: (6) you have a good time?

Tom: Yes, we did

Put the words in the right order

I was / summer / at / the / seaside /| / last /

2 did / you / where / go /?_


3 Phu Quoc Island / by / last /1 / went / to / Sunday # plane /

* 4, you / do / your / hometown / what / did / in / ?

§ relatives / our / visited / we /

Trang 9


Bo (Unit 3 - Lesson 3, Unit 4- Lesson 1)

OS _—

Look, read and complete Then say the sentences aloud

J) Last Christmas, Tom wentioHo Chi &) Last Sunday, we went to the zoo

Minh City with his

fas Lt

=) Linda went fo her hometown last a) My brother went fo the countryside summer

2) We had a

last weekend time at the park yesterday

Read and coniplete

a the Ø

1 Where do you live?

| live in Flat 7 on third floor of Ha Not Tower Did you go for picnic last week?

Yes, | did

Did you enjoy the party?

Yes We had lot of fun What did you do yesterday?

| watched TV

Trang 10

3 * al

text and number tine pictures

My name is Tony Last weekend, my classmates and | went to the couniryside We went there by coach In the morning, we put up our tents in the woods In the afternoon, we played badminton After that, we cooked delicious meals We were tired, so we slept soundly In the middle of the night, | woke up because there was a lot of water in the tent [shouted and everybody woke up We rushed outside of the tents and saw a streamline of rainy water running into our tents, We really had a terrible weekend!

Read the text again and write the answers

1 Where did Tony and his classmates go last weekend? *

2 How did they get there?

3 What did they do in the afternoon?


4 Why did Tony wake up in the middle of the night?

5 Did they have a nice weekend?

Trang 11

Name: Class:

% (Unit 4 - Lessons 2 + 3) i

Put the words in the right columns Then say the words aloud,

Oo “00

party ụ repeat party invite

invite birthday

cartoon address

Sunday candy

enjoy, oo Story

picnic report

Read and circle a, b orc

DD Did you join the funfair last Sunday?


ai | did b | didn’t ¢ 1 do &) Did you watch cartoons yesterday?


a | don’t is | didn’t 6 I’m not

=) What did you do on Sports Day?

| hide-and-seek

a had ib played c did

@) What did you do at Mary’s birthday party?

a She had nice food and drink b | have nice food and drink & | had nice food and drink

) What did Linda and Tony do at the school festival?

They lot of songs

a sang © played c ate

Trang 12

i Yes, we did

© When was your birthday party? ©, It was in my house

él, What did you do at the party? A: Oh, you have a new school bag

B; Yes It's my birthday present A:Œ)

B; tt was last Saturday A: Where was the party?

B: (2)

A: Who did you invite? B: Sorne of my classmates A: (3)

B: We sang songs and danced A: Did you.enjoy the party?

Trang 13

Name _ Class:

¬ {Unit 5 - Lessons 1 + 2) ot

i me —:

*S Stosmcegaearte Z

Read ane complete

in on at by

J) Where will you be this Sunday?

li be the sea

2) Where will your family be this weekend?

We'll be the countryside

vs) Where will Linda be this summer?

She ‘ll be the mountains

Š) Where will Peter be this Christmas?

He'll be the beach

3) Where will Mai and Nam be tomorrow?

They'll be school ‡

Read and match

1 swim © © G relatives

2 take ® 6 l, Ín The seq

3 build 2 o @, , fhe caves

4, explore © e d a boat trip

8 visit 8 6 @ sandcastles on the beach

Trang 14

My name is Quan | live in Hue There are lovely beaches and green mountains in the city My family will be on Lang Co Beach this weekend On Saturday, my younger sister and | will build sandcastles there My father will swim in the sea My mother will sunbathe on the beach The next day, we will take a boat trip, We will return home late on Sunday evening | hope we will have a good time

1 Quan’s family will be on Lang Co Beach this

a, summer lb weekend 6, Christmas

2 Quan and his younger will build sandcastles

a friend is brother sister

3 Quan’s father will in the sea

a swim Is go fishing c play

4, Quan’s family will take a boat trip on

a Saturday fs Sunday e Monday

5 They will return home late on Sunday

a morning fb affernoon ©, evening

Write about where you will be and what you will do this summer holiday

i think | will be this summer holiday

| will go there by

On sunny days, | will ` - ‘


On cloudy days, | will

On windy days, | will

On rainy days, | will


Trang 15

Week 8

> (Unit 5 - Lesson 3, Review 1) „~ ⁄

Circle the odd one out

Ÿ 3 a street b party c lane el, road

a week b city c village el town

a chat lb play c watch d beach

al morning io day c afternoon el evening

a island lb, underground ce train el bus vs}


Read and write one word in each blank

1 How often do you go fishing? 2 Where did you go on holiday?

Once month | went the countryside

3 How did you get there? 4 What did you do at the party?

train | chatted my friends

§ Did you enjoy the party? 6 Where will you be this weekend?

_ I did I'l be the beach,

Complete the questions

1 What's your ?

It’s Flat 5, Green Tower, Thang Long Road

2 Where last summer?

| went to Phu Quoc Island,

3 What, inthe affernoon?

| go to the library,

4, Where be this summer?

I'll be at the seaside

Trang 16

Nam: Mai: Nam: Mai: Nam: Mai: Nam: Mai: Nam: Mai: 1

twice will food: = visit train

Where (1) you be this Saturday?

| think I'll be in the countryside with my mother How often do you go there?

(2) a month

How do you get there?

By (8)

What will you do there this time?

| think we'll (4) my grandparents, swim in the river and have delicious (5)

Oh, | see Have a nice trip Thank you,

Write the answers

Where will you be this weekend?


2, What will you do then? f


+3 Where will your parents be this surnmer?

4 What will they do then?

Trang 17

Name: Class:

Read and comple

what how when

1, many lessons do you have today? i have four: Maths, English, Music and PE

fo do you have Science?

| have if on Tuesdays and Fridays

offen do you have English? | have tt four times a week

4, subjects do you have today?

| have Vietnamese, Maths, Music and IT

aA is your favourite subject? | like Maths

Civele the incorrect words in the answers below Then correct the sentences

1 How many lessons do you have today?

lesson.) ®

¡ hqwe silesson, [have six lessons

RO How often do you have Music?

| One a week

Ị 8 How often do you go fo the library?

Three time a week,

& When do you have IT?

| have it in Thursdays

a Do you like Sclence?

Yes, | am

Trang 18

Hung is my best friend He also has another name - “Forget-me-not’, He usually forgets books at home Yesterday, we had four lessons: Vietnamese, English, Music and Science He forgot English and Science books Today, we have four lessons: Maths, PE, Vietnamese and Arts He forgot Vietnamese and Maths books, Tomorrow, we will have three lessons: Vietnamese, Maths and English | do not know what books he will forget then

What about you? How many lessons do you have today? And do you forget books at home?

1 What name cloes Hung also have?

2 How many lessons did he have yesterday?

Gd What books did Hung forget yesterday?

4, What subjects does he have today?

Did Hung forget the Maths book today?


Write about you

1 How many lessons did you have yesterday?

RD Did you forget any books yesterday?

Do you like English?


4, How often do you have English?

ơn How many lessons do you have today?


Trang 19

Name: Class:

Write about your school things Then say the sentences aloud

1 How many notebooks do you have?

2, How many pens do you have?

3 How many rulers do you have?

& How many crayons do you have?

Read and match

1 watch English cartoons 6 © Gd English comic books - 2 wilte emails To © eb to English short stories ©”

3.redd © © G some friends abroad

A, sing © od onTV

5, listen đ â @ , English songs

Circle the correct worcls to complete the sentences

1 How many (notebook / notebooks) do you have? 2 | (have / has) Maths five times a week

3 How do you practise (read / reading) English? 4, He usually (watch / watches) English cartoons on TV 5, She learns vocabulary (by / with) reading English stories

Trang 20

Quan: Mai: Quan: Mai: Quan: Mai: Quan: Mai: Quan: Mai: Quan: Mai:

emails speaking welch practise how

@) often do you have English at school, Mai? Four times a week,

How do you practise (2) 2 | chat with my English friends

How do you (3) reading?

| read English short stories What about you? | read English magazines for children

How do you practise listening? 1 (4) English cartoons How do you practise writing?

| write (5) to my penfriends in Australia Oh, | see

) Write a letter to your penfriend about how you learn English

Trang 21

Name: (Unit 7 ~- Lessons 2 + 3) _“ NNG mm ai

Circle a, b ov c and complete the sentences Then say them aloud

DD How do you practise English?

ea To write là, writing © write

&) | write emails my English friend every week,

Ø On ồ by & fo

SD Why do you English?

a learn &, learning & to learn

a) [learn English because | wanttotakk my forelgn friends

ei by & with ©.on

Read and complete

in te at by with

1 » How do you practise speaking English? | chat my English friends « How do you practise listening?


listen English short stories

Gò How do you learn vocabulary?

| write new words my notebook and read them aloud a - My friend Linh is good English and Maths

8 How do you learn English?

| learn i† watching English cartoons on TV,

Trang 22

My name is Lan | am frorn Viet Nam | have a penfriend Akiko She is from Japan Akiko and | have the same hobby ~ English Affer school, we usually chat in English to practise speaking We read Eriglish comic books to practise reading

| often write emails in English to Akiko to

practise writing, and she writes replies to me At weekends, we watch English cartoons on TV to practise listening In our free time, we offen listen to English songs

and chants We like English very much ‘1 Akiko is Japanese

SS is

2 Akiko and Lan like English

a) They never chat in English

4, They read fairy tales to practise reading 5 They write emails fo practise writing -

6, They listen to English short stories in their free time


1 Where is Akiko from?

Read the text again and write the arnswers

2 What is her hobby?

3 How does she practise reading?

4 How does she practise listening?

What does she clo in her free time?




Trang 23

Name: Class:

+ (Unit8- Lessons † + 2) 4

—=— ane

Look and write the titles of the stories

Grow and

Read and complete

am is are

1 What are you reading? !_ reoding The Legend of Hoơn Kiem Loke 2 Who† AnTiem like? He is clever and kind

3 Whơt_ Moiredding? She is reading Aladain and the Magic Lamp 4 Who _ the main character? It is Aladdin

Trang 24

Minh is my friend It was his birthday party yesterday He was happy because he got anice present from his father It was a Japanese comic book The main character

of the book is a robotic cat Doraemon He has a bag with lots of magical toys, medicine and tools from the future The cat travelled back in time from the 229 century to help a Japanese schoolboy and his friends Minh likes the book very much because the main character is kind and intelligent

He has a lot of magical things in his bag

1 | 2) Iwas Minh’s birthday yesterday

Sy On his birthday, he got a comic book from his father

&) He travelled back in time to help a Japanese schoolboy

Read the text again and write the answers ;

1 When was Minh’s birthday party?

2 What did Minh get from hig father on his birthday?

3 Who is the main character of the book?


4, What does the cat have in his bag?

5, Why does Minh like the book?

Trang 25

Name: Class:

% (Unit 8 - Lesson 3, Unit 9 - Lesson 1) x2 Sl a

a a ee nen Se snare

Civcle a or b and complete the sentences Then say them aloud

J) What are you reading?

I'm reading a Cinderella

fb Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs What are the dwarfs like?

They re ai fall & short

What’s Phong reading? He’s reading

a The Legend of Hoan Kiem Lake is The Story of Mai An Tiem

Trang 26

ad and write one word In each blank

Linda: Where were you last Sunday? Nam: | was at the zoo

Linda: How did you get there?

Nam: By bus It’s a bit far from my house Linda: What did you see at the zoo?

Nam: |saw pythons, monkeys, elephants and peacocks Linda: What animals do you like most?

Nam: Peacocks They dance so beautifully, Linda: What are they like?

Nam: They're quiet and pretty

ead Nam was at the last Sunday

bo The zoo is a bit far from his He went there by

4, At the zoo, he saw monkeys, peacocks, pythons and

5 Nam likes most

6 The peacocks are and pretty ,

Complete the questions

1 A: B:| went to the zoo _ last weekend? i

2 A: - 9

B: | went by bike

3 A: ` ?

B:| saw some pythons, peacocks and gorillas

4 A: ?

B: Goiilqs? They re big and clever

Trang 27

Name: Class:

(Unit’9 - Lessons 2 + 3) x


Circle a or b and-complete the sentences Then say them aloud

did you go yesterday? | went to the zoo

ei When lồ Where

did you see d† †he zoo? | saw gorillas and pythons


a What is When

So) did the pythons do when you were there?

They moved quietly

ai Who lo What

&) did you get there?

| went by bike

a How fp Where

2 did you go with?

[went there with my mother

@ What b Who

Look, read and match

pr om ws


1 The tigers roared ,

sị Œ beautifully 9 @ b , loudly CNY 4 9 @ ¢ quickly

3 The birds sang

a ®

Ce lo @| d slowly

4, The vets ran

Trang 28

Nam: fom: Nam: fom: Nam: Tom: Nam: fom:

Guiding questions: When did you go to the 200? Who did you go to the zoo with? What animals did you see first, finally? What aig they do when you were there?

went ate sees ere jumped

What did you do yesterday?

id) to the zoo wifh my friengs What animals did you (2) there?

| saw some kangaroos They were fast ang funny What did they do when you were there?

They (3) ‘ leaves and (4) —— hgh Did you like them?

Yes, | did They (5) Very Cute,

Write a letter to a penfriend about youy school visit to the zoo

Did you enjoy the school visit to the zoo?

Trang 29


Look and write

When will lF'l be on Saturday 1 When will ltl be on Sunday &

Read and complete


1 When will Sports Day, be? It'll be

What are you doing?



I’m practising

Già Will you take part Yes, | will Teachers’ Day independence Day Class: Children’s Day Christmas Day =

be? 2 When will be?

It'll be on Wednesday

Ẳ wis Shy

be? 4 When will be?

It'll be on Friday

on for

the singing contest the football match?

4, When will the football match be? itll be

§ What are you going to do January,

I'm going fo play badminton

Sports Day?

Trang 30

The music festival will be at my school on independence Day Some pupils in my class are going to take part in it Tom and Linda are going to play the plano

Nam is going fo play the guitar Mai and Mary are going to dance hip hop Tony | and Phong are going to sing some English songs We are practising hard for the | festival We hope we will have a good time

1 When will the music festival be?


2 Who is going to play the piano? -

3 Who Is going to play the guitar? i |


4, What are Tony and Phong going to do?

5, What are Mai and Mary going to do?

Trang 31

Name: Class:

(Unit 10-Lesson 3, Review 2)

OS ee

Read ancl match Then say the sentences aloud

(Oe N

J) When will Sports Day be? | Lo) Lgl _

it'll be on Sunday _—

` Qe

2) Where will it be?

It'll be in the school playground

mm bb) SPORTS DAY | ——{

3) What are you going to do on that day? |,

I'm going to play basketball

4) What is Nam going to do?

He’s going to play table tennis

3) What are Phong and Mai going to do? |

They are going to play chess


Read and write


1 Pm going fo play badminton on Lam going to play badminton en

Sports Day Sports Day

2 IPL be on Friday

| didn’t see any peacocks at the



& They're playing football now

8 Quan isn’t going to play basketball

Trang 32

are play competition tennis on Nam: When will Sports Day be?

Ngan: tt will be (1) Friday

Nam: (2) you going to take part in it?

Ngan: Yes, we are

Nam: Who is going to (3) chess?

Ngan: Mai and Linda

Nam: Who ts going to play table (4) ? Ngan: Phong and Tony

Nam: What are you going to take part in?

Ngan: I'm going to take part in the swimming (5)

Circle the incorrect words, Then correct the sentences

1 The music festival will be in Children’s Day

2, The singing contest will be;on the school playground

3 Mai is going to play the chess on Sports Day


4 Linda and Tony is going to play badminton

5 We are practising hard to the sports festival

Trang 33

Name: Class: ma SELF-CHECK N TƯỜNG ae

Pui the werds in the right columns

Sports bay” AladdinandtheMagictamp boadmitốñn pyifốn

peacock Cinderella: ~ chess football match singing contest gorilla Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs music festival basketball crocodile table tennis Sleeping Beauty

Zoo animals Fairy tales Sports Events

python Aladin ‘ome Magic badminton | Sports Day

Read and circle a, lo or c

1 How lessons do you have today? | have four

@ mụúch ý 9.SOme €.mony

2 do you learn English? Because | want to read English stories

a Why là When & How

3 What animals did you see at the zoo? =| saw some

@ lessons i pythons © emails

A, the main character like? He’s brave

a How's lb What's © Who‘s

58 When Sports Day be? It'll be next Saturday

@ will io is & does

Trang 34

it was the singing contest in our school yestercay Bill did not take part in it because he does not like singing Bill likes reading fairy tales, so yesterday he stayed at home and read Aladdin and the Magic Lamp The main character is Aladdin He won the evil witch and married the pretty princess with the help of the Magic Lamp The moral lesson of the story is: the good always wins the evil Bill likes Aladdin very much because he is clever and kind

1, Why did Bill not take part in the singing contest?

2 What does Bill like reading?

What did Bill do yesterday?


EN What is Aladdin like?

What is the moral lesson of the story?


Complete the questions

TA | today?

B: [have three lessons: Maths, Vietnamese and English

2 A: — Music?

B:| hove ͆ †wice a week,

3A in your free time?

B; | read comic books

4 A: ?

B:| leorn English because | want to talk with my English friends



Trang 35

Name: pate TROT sparen gst eek lí

Circle the odd one out

YD a tooth b eye © ear d book

v3) a doctor fb mum 6 nurse gi dentist

2) a stomach b eat & go a take

3Ä) a earache fs, headache ¢ health el backache

5 a what b why © where d with

Read and circle a, b orc

1 What's the matter with him? He a fever

a has ib, is c have

2, What's the matter with you? Ihave earache

a the b.a © an

3 What's the matter with Linda? has a sore eye

a She i Her c He

4, Mary has a fever She should go jo the

a supermaket ls, post office c hospital 5, Peter has a toothache He should see

a the dentist c the teacher e the policeman

Trang 36

Nick had a fever yesterday He stayed at home with his sister Ann He should take medicine on time In fhe morning, he took some medicine Then he said, “| won't take it again It’s terrible.”

His sister said, “You should take it tt helps you to get better.” “No, | won't It’s not sweet at all.” Nick replied

“Look at mel” Ann said Then she took some drops of the medicine, swallowed and smiled

Later, Ann had a terrible stomach ache She was so terrified She would never do it again

1 Nick had a temperature yesterday 2 He did not go to school yesterday

2 He did not take any medicine in the morning

44 The medicine was sweet -

8, Ann had a headache

Read and complete

shouldnt won't sore eyes whal’s go swimming

1 Quan: | have (1)

Linda: You should go to the doctor Quan: Yes, | will,

Linda: You (2) watch TV and read books,

Quan: OK, | won't i

TRO Peter: (3) "_ the matter with you?

Mai: | have an earache

Peter: You should go to the doctor Mai; — Yes, | will

Peter; You shouldn't (4) _ ll’s not good for your ears

Mai; OK,1(5) Thanks


Trang 37

Name: Class: &

“ty, (Unit 11 - Lesson 3, Unit 12-Lesson 1) 4”


Reacl and complete Then say the sentences aloud,


cs 1 What's the matter with Nam?

ae He has a

:, What’s the matter with Mai? She has a

Gà What's the matter with Phong? He has a

DR What's the matter with Linda? She has a |

2) Don’t ride too fast! ©) Don’t the tree!

Trang 38


Some of my classmates could not go to school yesterday morning Narn did not go to school because he had a sore eye Mai had a fever and she stayed in bed at home Tom had a toothache and he stayed at home too, Phong could not walk to school because he hurt his leg Quan had a stomach ache because he ate too much chocolate It was a terrible day for my class yesterday

=3 o> “Be G3 oi

Read the text again and write the advice

Trang 39

Name: Class:



mà Shy (Unit 12- Lessons 2 + 3) a

— re

acerca sine

Circle a or b and complete the sentences Then say them aloud

Don't play with the knifel

a Yes, | do lạ, OK, | won't

- Don’t the tree!

a ride climb

Why shouldn’t he ride a bike too fast? Because he may the bike

ai fall off b go out

Why shouldn’t she play with the knife? Because she may : herself,

ei Cut lb get

Why shouldn’t they touch the stove? Because they may a burn

a take bs get

Circle the incorrect words in the answers below Then correct the sentences

What are you doing with the knife?

| want to cutting the cabbage

2 Don’t play with the lighter!

OK, | don’t

3 Should he climb the tree?

No, he cơn T

Why shouldn’t she play with matches?

Because she may get a cuf

Trang 40

wey ott

Raat ¿ B


A: What's the matter with 7? :


to | have a sore throat

be > > Don’t drink so much cold water!

OK, | nnn ret ` ị


Don’t touch the stove! B: Why shouldn't | touch if?

You may get a

tò >


Ss , Mr Smith shouldn’t drive his car too fast because he cause traffic accidents

8 Tony’s playing with a sharp knife He may himself

Write the responses

1 You shouldn’t play with a sharp knife

Don’t ride a bike too fast!


3 Why shouldn't | play with the stove?


4, Why shouldn’t | run down the stairs?

,B Why shouldn't | climb the tree? , i

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2023, 21:07


