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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY NEU BUSINESS SCHOOL DUONG THI HONG NGAN IMPROVING CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY AT TECHCOMBANK MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS 60.34.05 SUPERVISOR: DR DANG NGOC DUC ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế HANOI-2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMNETS The preparation of this thesis has depended on the generous support, assistance of many people It is a great pleasure to offer my special thanks to them Firstly, I am very grateful to my supervisor Dr Dang Ngoc Duc whose insightful comments, suggestions and kindness that helped me a greater deal This thesis cannot complete without his valuable assistance My thanks are also given to my friends and teachers in National Economics University – Business School, who have helped me so much during this course I am particularly grateful to my colleagues in Techcombank for their kindness, constructive suggestion for my thesis Lastly, I would like to thank to the encouragement to tolerance of my friends, my family with their valuable ideas that helped me complete this thesis ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMNETS .1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURE LIST OF TABLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .6 INTRODUCTION RATIONALE .7 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES RESEARCH QUESTIONS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Sources of data .8 4.2 Method of collecting data .9 4.3 Data analysis SCOPES OF RESEARCH AND LIMITATIONS .9 RESEARCH STRUCTURE .10 CHAPTER THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY 11 1.1 DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SERVICE 11 1.1.1 Definition of service 11 1.1.2 Characteristics of service: 11 1.2 DEFINITIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY AND CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY 13 1.2.1 Quality of the service 13 1.2.2 Overview of consumer lending service quality 14 1.3 SERVICE QUALITY INSTRUMENT 19 CHAPTER ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALTIY AT TECHCOMBANK 23 2.1 OVERVIEW OF TECHCOMBANK 23 2.1.1 Establishment and development 23 2.1.2 Organizational structure 24 2.1.3 Business performance of Techcombank over period of 2007-2009 25 2.2 ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY AT TECHCOMBANK 29 2.2.1 Current situation of consumer lending at Techcombank 29 2.2.1 Measuring consumer-lending service quality at Techcombank .36 ề Đ 2.2.3 New findings .47 án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế CHAPTER 3: SOLUSIONS TO IMPROVE CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY AT TECHCOMBANK 50 3.1 SOLUSIONS TO IMPROVE CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY AT TECHCOMBANK 50 3.1.1 Human resource development 50 3.1.2 Diversifying products and services 52 3.1.3 Developing distribution channels .53 3.1.4 Improving customer care policies 54 3.1.5 Setting a reasonable pricing policy 55 3.1.6 Building "perfect" Call Center 56 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 57 3.2.1 Recommendations for Government 57 3.2.2 Recommendations for the State Bank 57 CONCLUSION 58 REFERENCES 59 APPENDIX 60 APPENDIX 61 APPENDIX 62 APPENDIX 63 APPENDIX 65 APPENDIX 66 APPENDIX 67 APPENDIX 68 APPENDIX 69 APPENDIX 10 70 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: “Five gaps” model of service quality 19 Figure 1.2: Dimension of SERVQUAL model 22 Figure 2.1: Organizational Structure at Techcombank 25 Figure 2.2: Deposit .29 Figure 2.3: Number of customers .32 Figure 2.4: Outstanding consumer lending growth 33 Figure 2.5: Profit of consumer lending 34 Figure 2.6: Rate of overdue dept 35 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Some main figures at Techcombank 23 Table 2.2: Structure of corporate customers 27 Table 2.3: Total outstanding loan at Techcombank 27 Table 2.4: Loan industry 28 Table 2.5: International payment and trade finance 28 Table 2.6: Outstanding consumer lending growth .32 Table 2.7: Profit of consumer lending (VND million) .33 Table 2.9 Rate of overdue debt 35 Table 2.10: Rate of non performance loans .36 Table 2.11: The gap between customer’s perception and expectation on reliability dimension 40 Table 2.12: Loan interest rates of banks 41 Table 2.13: The gap between customer’s perception and expectation on responsibility dimension 42 Table 2.14: The gap between customer’s perception and expectation on assurance dimension 43 Table 2.15: The gap between customer’s perception and expectation on empathy dimension 44 Table 2.16: The gap between customer’s perception and expectation on tangiblity dimension 45 Table 2.17: Consumer lending products 46 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Techcombank (TCB), a joint stock commercial bank of Vietnam, was established in 1993 and current chapter capital is VND 5.400 billion After operating 16 years, Techcombank has been one of the most active banks in term of transaction with large companies and financial institutions However, with current high competitive environment, Techcombank needs to improve more its products and services, especially consumer lending service quality The research objectives of the thesis are to systemize theoretical background of service quality, realise the gap between customer’ perception and expectation as well as reasons for consumer lending service quality problems at Techcombank, from that, propose solutions and recommendations to improve consumer lending service quality The methodologies is used in the thesis are quantitative and qualitative analysis Secondary data were collected from the annual reports, newspapers, textbooks, internets and primary data were gathered via in-depth interview with staffs and credits experts and survey Questionnaires of survey was designed based on five dimension of SERVQUAL model, including: Tangibility (5 attributes), Reliability (5 attributes), Responsiveness (4 attributes), Assurance (5 attributes), Empathy (4 attributes) Data collected were analyzed via Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) package and Excel The purpose of the survey was to determine the gap between customer’s perception and expectation The result of this research shows that there exists some problems about consumer lending service quality that is not high appreciated by customers such as customer care policy is not good; interest rate and fee are not reasonable; products are not diversified; network system limited; lack human resource This research would propose solutions to further improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank, for example, human resource development and reasonable interest rates These solutions were recommended based upon studying of both theoretical aspect and reality assessment of consumer lending service quality Implementing solutions would enable consumer lending service quality at Techcombank to be improved best ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế INTRODUCTION RATIONALE Today, globalization trend is ubiquitous all around the world, which affects every country, all organizations as well as all people Since Vietnam joined World trade origination – WTO in 2007, the finance market in Vietnam has been remarkably progressed and banks have also gotten benefits from this accession in term of mobilizing fund However, the competition amongst domestic banks themselves and with foreign banks and financial institutions are becoming fiercer than ever This is why banks are trying to have more innovative and creative strategies for their sustainable development Among those strategies is consumer lending, which is a challenge but profitable Moreover, with the approximate 86 million people in the 2010 census, Vietnam is considered a very potential market for consumer lending especially where the young adults and adolescences are dominant Techcombank is one of leading commercial banks in Vietnam with its orientation to the retail market in which consumer lending accounts for majority The bank has been aware of consumer credit market for years The bank joined in this market officially since 2000 and obtained certain achievements However, parallel to its success, the bank still has to improve its service quality in order to keep current clients and attract more customers Nonetheless, the benefits are shrinking due partially to strict requirements set by the Government and mainly to the harsh competition in consumer lending market when there are more banks to jump into fray thanks to its attraction and profit; foreign banks are not an exception Therefore, Techcombank, in the one hand, gets less benefit from this market and on the other hand, faces with tough and fierce condition Since the potentials in consumer lending market and the difficult conditions that Techcombank is facing, consumer lending is chosen as the topic for this MBA thesis The research aims to conduct consumer credit service quality studying in Techcombank and then conclusions and recommendations as well are drawn in order to improve Techcombank’s consumer lending service quality ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The major objectives in the research are to: - Systemize theoretical framework of service, service quality, consumer lending, benefits of consumer lending, consumer lending service quality, the impact of consumer lending service quality to bank’s performance as well as instrument to measure service quality gap - Analyze and evaluate current situation of consumer lending service quality at Techcombank based on the gap between perception and expectation of customers - Realize findings of consumer lending service quality at Techcombank - Propose solutions to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank RESEARCH QUESTIONS In order to achieve the objectives of the thesis, the following questions should be answered: - What is consumer lending service and characteristics of consumer lending service? What models and methods are used to assess quality of service and consumer lending service quality? - What is the gap between customer perceived service quality and customer expected service quality? - How is consumer lending service quality at Techcombank? - How to improve consumer lending service quality? What are the best ways to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The methodologies is used in the thesis are quantitative and qualitative analysis 4.1 Sources of data The data for this study are both primary data and secondary data Secondary data Secondary data were collected from sources as following: Bank’s financial reports and annual report; - Credit documents of Techcombank; - Legal regulations and documents about bank; ề Đ - án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế - Magazines, textbooks, the internet; - And other media which can provide necessary information for the research Primary data Primary data were obtained from in-depth interview and survey 4.2 Method of collecting data In-depth interview Depth-interview method was conducted through internal credit experts/managers and staffs at Techcombank with questions prepared in advance Contents of the questions focus on their appraisals about current consumer lending service quality, and how to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank Questionnaires The survey was conducted with customers using consumer lending service at 18 branches at Techcombank in the whole country; as a result, 133 questionnaires were answered Questionnaires designed for this research would be based on SERVQUAL model A total of 23 attributes were categorized under five dimensions as follows: - Tangibility (5 attributes) - Reliability (5 attributes) - Responsiveness (4 attributes) - Assurance (5 attributes) - Empathy (4 attributes) The purpose of the survey was to determine customer’s expectation and perception, from that to find out gap between expected quality and perceived quality 4.3 Data analysis Statistical package for social science (SPSS) package and Excel were used to analyze the data collected SCOPES OF RESEARCH AND LIMITATIONS The study was conducted at Techcombank only as follows: The research time was a period from 2007-2009; Subject: The research was conducted with focus on consumer lending service quality at Techcombank Đ ề Customers: The research focuses on clients with using consumer lending at án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế Techcombank Geographic scope: the primary data would be collected in 18 branches at Techcombank in the whole country Limitations: This research focuses only on consumer lending service at Techcombank and the data were 2007-2009 It also gave out solutions to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank only, not for the whole economy and other banks or other services at Techcombank Limitations of the thesis also lie on its sole research on the consumer lending business environment, instead of comparing working model on consumer lending of Techcombank to those of other banks who have succeeded in this field > So this research is for Techcombank, if it were applied for another, we should take further and supplemental study RESEARCH STRUCTURE The research is divided into chapters as below: Chapter 1: Theoretical background This charter includes theoretical background, which presents concept of service, quality service, characteristics of service and consumer lending, and quality of consumer lending service In addition, SERVQUAL scale instrument is also mentioned Chapter 2: Assessment of current consumer lending service quality at Techcombank Overview of Techcombank together with analysis and assessment of consumer lending service quality via appraisals of internal staffs and expert/managers and survey conducted with customers, questionnaires were designed suitable for consumer lend banking industry from that determining the gap between customer’s perception and expectation then giving out existing problems Chapter 3: Solutions to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank This chapter would propose solutions to further improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank, for example, human resource development and reasonable interest rates These solutions were recommended based upon studying of both theoretical aspect and reality assessment of consumer lending service quality Implementing solutions ề Đ would enable consumer lending service quality at Techcombank to be improved best án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 55 priority instead of loss or profit as of businesses In a world of current intensive competition, commercial banks tend to provide such attractive interest rates so that consumers would compare consumer lending interest rates among banks to choose their most profitable ones Therefore, Techcombank would need to make an interest rate policy which is reasonable, flexible and suitable with development orient and strategy of the bank in each period Moreover, the bank also needs to set different interest rate and fee level for each customer group based on priority policy for VIP and long- transaction customers, from that, keeping relationship between customers and the bank closer 3.1.6 Building "perfect" Call Center This is one of technical solutions that its target is to answer customer’s requirements from that improving service quality more and more “Perfect" Call center includes: Automatic incoming call management system: This system will sort and distribute incoming calls automatically to the staff, to the right staffs that are available Automatically interactive answering system: for number of a substantial number of callers This system is expensive Therefore, in initial phase of investment, it may be unneeded On the other hand, in the first phase, there should be staffs to receive incoming calls from customers to exploit the demand of customers in the best way for the sale, cross sale of products and services Recording system in case of disputes: help senior levels check periodically or unexpectedly and check answering quality of staffs It is also the evidences to customers in the future System monitoring conversations between customers and staffs for staff training (welcoming guests with courtesy; handling complaints and difficult customers, giving accurate information about the products and the basic necessary procedures) A perfect call center system requires investment with huge costs However, many banks may use the same system or just one bank invest for this system itself and receive "in sourcing" from other banks Currently, there is no bank in Vietnam that has "in sourcing" service for Call Centre service Therefore, if TECHCOMBANK build a perfect call center system, both for internal use and "in sourcing" service for other banks, it will also be a way to improve service quality, expand distribution channels, and create a good impression for the ề Đ TECHCOMBANK brand án In order to choose the best solutions, TECHCOMBANK should balance resources to nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 56 determine investment with a specific schedule and Recruitment and training staffs for the Call Centre department in the most effective and personal cost saving way Call center staffs can be retirees, part time employees with lower wages compared with tellers but training cost will quite high 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 3.2.1 Recommendations for Government Government needs to quickly create a complete legal corridor for consumer lending activities The process of economic integration as well as innovation in technology makes banking activities to change a lot now Some current provisions of law adjusting the operation of the bank are no longer appropriate Old document (Decision 44/2002/QDTTg) needs to be revised, because there are electronic certificates and electronic signatures, new legal documents for banking services performed by computers, online transactions The form of certificates and the bodies that is responsible for keeping those certificate should be stipulated Besides, the law has to provide penalties for technological criminals: PIN hackers, counterfeiting cards This is a new type of crime that appeared in our country Sanctions need to be set up to punish these acts to ensure the safety of customers as well as the banks Constructing a modern engineering - technology environment: This is the basis to develop consumer lending activities with high technological services The development of Communication and Telecommunications industry will create conditions for banks to exploit the virtual distribution channels to provide services to many people According to the plan of modernizing banking activities, there is a need of many specialized software for banks with high synchronism and integration The development of domestic software market will help banks to save the cost of imports from foreign countries Specialization in management and operations will help banks provide more and better services 3.2.2 Recommendations for the State Bank Based on National Code, the State Bank should promulgate urgently documents guiding the implementation of laws with full clear, plain content Documents have to be consistent in policy and cover the whole range of consumer lending activities The State Bank need to examine to deploy management activities, focus credit history of each individual at different banks, create communication channels for commercial banks in lending and controlling customers Therefore, the State Bank needs to ề Đ obligate the commercial banks and credit organizations to participate in CIC system and án consider it as their rights and obligations nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 57 CONCLUSION According to foreign and local experts: “The market for consumer lending of Vietnam’s banks is attractive for its effectiveness and security.” Despite the increasingly tough competitiveness of the consumer lending market, Commercial Joint-Stock Banks and State-owned banks are still researching and developing to bite the bigger piece and dominate the potential market share as the market is still large and has not been fully exploited Therefore, stock commercial banks in general and of Techcombank in particular are constantly efforts to provide for customers with products best quality We need to take into strict consideration basic principles on consumer lending, service quality as well as real situations of consumer lending activities of Techcombank, we measured consumer lending service quality via internal the bank’s appraisals and using SERVQUAL method with five dimensions (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) and assessment of gap between customer’s perception and expectation from that the thesis give out the best solutions to improve consumer lending service quality at Techcombank Due to short time, limitations of the thesis lie on its sole research on the consumer lending service quality, instead of researching all products and services quality at Tecchombank or comparing working model on consumer lending of Techcombank to those of other banks who have succeeded in this field The thesis is written based on the combination of theories and practical assessment instructors, accumulated via internal appraisals of the bank and the author’s working experience in the field However, due to the knowledge restraints on theories and practices, the thesis could not avoid limitations For this reason, I would appreciate comments, especially from lecturers and colleagues I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr: Dang Ngoc Duc for his kind supervision on my thesis ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 58 LIST OF REFERENCES Books in Vietnamese 1.Phan Thị Thu Hà (2004), Giáo trình Ngân Hàng Thương Mại Nhà xuất Thống Kê Nguyễn Thị Minh Hiềnn (2004), Giáo trình Marketing Ngân hàng Nhà Xuất Thống Kê Vụ chiến lược phát triển Ngân hàng (2005), Xây dựng chiến lược phát triển dịch vụ Ngân hàng đến năm 2010 tầm nhìn đến năm 2020 Lưu Thị Hương (1998), Giáo trình Tài doanh nghiệp Nhà xuất giáo dục Books in English Avkiran, N.K (1994), Developing an instrument to measure customer service quality in branch banking Gronroos, C “A service oriented approach to Marketing of Service”, Eureopean Journal of Marketing Vol.12, No.8, 1978 Aldaigan, A.H., Buttle, F.A., (2002) SYSTRA-SQ; a new measure of bank service quality Chakrapani, C (1998) “How to Measure Service Quality & Customer Satisfaction: The Informal Guide for Tools and Techniques” P 207-283D Bergman, B&Klefsjo, B (2003) Quality from Customers needs to Customer satisfaction Studentlitteratur, Lund 10 Chow-Chua, C& Komaran, R (2002) “Managing service quality by combining voice of the service provider and voice of their customers” Managing Service Quality; Volume; 12 issue; 2; pp.10 11 Stamatis D.H (1996) “Total Quality Service: Principles, Pratices and Implementation” (St Lucie) P.162-170 12 Jame A.Fitzsimmons, Mona J Fitzsimmons, Service Management, 2003, Fifth Edition, 2003 13 A Parasurman, Leonard L Berry, and Valeria A.Zeithaml, “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-item Scale for Measuring Customer Perception of Service Quality” Joural of Retailing 64, (1988), pp 12-40 Others Website: Source from internet: https://www.techcombank.com.vn/ Đ ề Reports: Annual report finance of Techcombank in 2007, 2008, 2009 án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 59 APPENDIX IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW How long you work for this position? How you appraise consumer lending service quality at Techcombank In your opinion, what are reasons for disadvantages that you have just given? Do you think that Techombank needs to improve consumer lending service quality Could you tell me about your solutions to improve consumer lending service quality ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 60 APPENDIX SERVQUAL SCALE ON SERVICE QUALITY Reliability Company X promises to something at certain time, the company will fulfill his promises When you have trouble, company X demonstrates his sincere attention in solving the trouble Company X conducts service for the first time Company X delivers service timely at the time as promised Company X informs to customer when the service will be delivered Responsiveness Company X’s staffs serve you in quick and timely manner Company X’s staffs are ready to help you Bank’s staff never demonstrates they are busy when you need them Assurance Credit staff behaviors make you trust more and more 10 You feel safe when doing transacting with company X 11 Company X’s staffs always demonstrate their decent, courtesy attitude to you 12 Company X’s staffs are qualified to answer to your questions Empathy 13 Company X demonstrates its attention to you 14 Company X has staffs that pay attention to you 15 Company X pays special attention to what you concern most 16 Company X understands your special requirement Tangibility 17 Company X has modern equipment and devices 18 Company X’s facilities are eye-catching 19 Company X’s staffs have neat costume 20 Physical substances in service operation are eye-catching in company X 21 Company X has convenient operating time ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 61 APPENDIX CONSUMER LENDING SERVICE QUALITY MEASURING SCALE Reliability The bank always does as introduced, committed The bank’s interest and fees are reasonable and acceptable Rules and process of credit division are clearly and publicly Time of loan application assessment is short Abilities to assess loan applications of the bank are good Responsiveness Bank’s credit staffs respond to you quickly and timely Bank’s staff enthusiastically help you Bank’s staff never demonstrate they are busy when you need them Credit staff willingly come to your place to advise and support you Assurance 10 Bank’s staffs always demonstrate their decent, courtesy attitude to you 11 Credit staffs always show accurately conducting operation 12 Credit staffs are highly professional 13 Credit staff have good ethic, never asking for something 14 Credit staffs have high responsibilities in work Empathy 15 Bank demonstrates its attention to you 16 Bank pays special attention to what you concern most 17 Bank has preferred policies for long-relationship customers and highly prestige customers 18 Bank understands your special requirement Tangibility 19 Bank has modern equipment and devices 20 Transaction places of the bank are convenient for you 21 Staff’s uniform are neat in appearance 22 Bank has diversifying products that meet customer’s demands 23 Working time is flexible and reasonable ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 62 APPENDIX CREDIT SERVICE QUALITY QUESTIONNAIRE Interviewer name:………… Interviewee name:………………………………………Address:…………………… Phone number:……………………………………… Please answer all the following questions by filling in the rating most appropriate to your work environment Only enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or under the rating column The rating scale is as follows: = Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neither agree nor disagree = Agree = Strongly agree Thank you for your participation Have you ever used Techcombank consumer lending service? a Yes  Continue the survey b No  Stop the survey On the left side, please show the extent of consumer lending service quality which you expect On the right side, I would like to rate your feeling would like to rate your feeling about consumer lending service quality which you have perceived Perception of Expectation of consumer lending consumer lending service quality at service at TCB TCB  1 2  3  4  5            Reliability The bank always does as introduced, committed 1  2  3  4  5                      2.    The bank’s interest and fees are reasonable and           acceptable 3.     Rules and process of credit division are clearly and           publicly                     4.  Time of loan application assessment is short           5.  Abilities to assess loan applications of the bank are         good                     Responsiveness                     6.  Bank’s credit staffs respond to you quickly and           ề Đ   án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 63 timely           7. Bank’s staff enthusiastically help you                     8.    Bank’s staff never demonstrate they are busy when           you need them 9. Credit staff willingly come to your place to advise           and support you                     Assurance                     10. Bank’s staffs always demonstrate their decent,           courtesy attitude to you 11. Credit staffs always show accurately conducting           operation                     12. Credit staffs are highly professional           13. Credit staff have good ethic, never asking for           something                     14. Credit staffs have high responsibilities in work                     Empathy                     15. Bank demonstrates its attention to you                     16. Bank pays special attention to what you concern           most 17. Bank has preferred policies for long-relationship           customers and highly prestige customers                     18. Bank understands your special requirement                     Tangibility                     19. Bank has modern equipment and devices           20. Transaction places of the bank are convenient for           you                     21. Staff’s uniform are neat in appearance           22. Bank has diversifying products that meet customer’s           demands                     23. Working time is flexible and reasonable           ề Đ án nh Ki APPENDIX tế ốc qu tế 64 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION ON RELIABILITY ATTRIBUTES Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair REL1PE R REL1EX P REL2PE R REL2EX P REL3PE R REL3EX P REL4PE R REL4EX P REL5PE R REL5EX P N Std Deviation 3.9323 133 79958 3.8346 133 78990 3.4812 133 73445 3.7669 133 80611 4.0602 133 72571 3.7744 133 68109 3.6391 133 81963 3.8722 133 88261 3.5188 133 73445 3.7068 133 73631 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Std Deviation Difference Mean Lower Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair REL1PER REL1EXP REL2PER REL2EXP REL3PER REL3EXP REL4PER REL4EXP REL5PER REL5EXP Sig (2tailed) Upper 0977 42399 0250 1705 009 -.2857 70250 -.4062 -.1652 000 2857 59761 1832 3882 000 -.2331 60160 -.3363 -.1299 000 -.1880 66458 -.3020 -.0740 001 ề Đ APPENDIX án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 65 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION ON RESPONSIBILITY ATTRIBUTES Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair Pair Pair Pair RES1PE R RES1EX P RES2PE R RES2EX P RES3PE R RES3EX P RES4PE R RES4EX P N Std Deviation 3.8647 133 63701 3.7444 133 63549 3.9474 133 77181 3.7519 133 73243 3.8797 133 78853 3.8346 133 78025 3.9398 133 63675 3.7970 133 64853 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval Std Deviation of the Difference Mean Lower Pair Pair Pair Pair RES1PER RES1EXP RES2PER RES2EXP RES3PER RES3EXP RES4PER RES4EXP Sig (2tailed) Upper 1203 42707 0470 1936 001 1955 52884 1048 2862 000 0451 29809 -.0060 0962 003 1429 46291 0635 2223 001 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 66 APPENDIX DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION ON ASSURANCE ATTRIBUTES ASSURANCE DIMENSION Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair ASS1PE R ASS1EX P ASS2PE R ASS2EX P ASS3PE R ASS3XE P ASS4PE R ASS4EX P ASS5PE R ASS5EX P N Std Deviation 3.8421 133 58830 3.7218 133 58197 3.9173 133 71822 3.8120 133 70872 3.8346 133 74040 3.8045 133 73297 3.9398 133 75638 3.7820 133 73173 3.9248 133 50188 3.8045 133 54298 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Std Deviation Difference Mean Lower Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair ASS1PER ASS1EXP ASS2PER ASS2EXP ASS3PER ASS3XEP ASS4PER ASS4EXP ASS5PER ASS5EXP Sig (2tailed) Upper 1203 42707 0470 1936 001 1053 43105 0313 1792 006 0301 24432 -.0118 0720 008 1579 48993 0739 2419 000 1203 38998 0534 1872 001 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 67 APPENDIX DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION ON EMPATHY ATTRIBUTES Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair Pair Pair Pair EMP1PE R EMP1EX P EMP2PE R EMP2EX P EMP3PE R EMP3EX P EMP4PE R EMP4EX P N Std Deviation 3.8496 133 62154 3.7594 133 56609 3.9023 133 82448 3.8271 133 80256 3.6617 133 85180 3.7820 133 80093 3.8195 133 71599 3.7519 133 66749 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval Std Deviation of the Difference Mean Lower Pair Pair Pair Pair EMP1PER EMP1EXP EMP2PER EMP2EXP EMP3PER EMP3EXP EMP4PER EMP4EXP Sig (2-tailed) Upper 0902 37857 0253 1552 007 0752 29191 0251 1253 004 -.1203 44445 -.1965 -.0441 002 0677 30638 0151 1202 012 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 68 APPENDIX DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RESPONDENT’S EXPECTATION AND PERCEPTION ON TANGIBILITY ATTRIBUTES Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair TAN1PE R TAN1EX P TAN2PE R TAN2EX P TAN3PE R TAN3EX P TAN4PE R TAN4EX P TAN5PE R TAN5EX P N Std Deviation 4.1203 133 69672 3.8722 133 73251 3.6767 133 64607 3.8947 133 72051 3.9774 133 73305 3.7444 133 70339 3.5489 133 90843 3.9248 133 89294 3.9699 133 80660 3.6842 133 76246 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Std Deviation Difference Mean Lower Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair TAN1PER TAN1EXP TAN2PER TAN2EXP TAN3PER TAN3EXP TAN4PER TAN4EXP TAN5PER TAN5EXP Sig (2-tailed) Upper 2481 54225 1551 3411 000 -.2180 60726 -.3222 -.1139 000 2331 60160 1299 3363 000 -.3759 94229 -.5376 -.2143 000 2857 65795 1729 3986 000 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế 69 APPENDIX 10 LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES INTERVIEWED Seq No Subsidiary Name No of customers TCB Ha noi TCB Ba Dinh TCB Ba Trieu TCB Chuong Duong TCB Cua Nam TCB Doi Can TCB Dong Do TCB Dong Da TCB Hoan Kiem 10 TCB Ha Tat 11 TCB Hai Phong 12 TCB Hai Duong 13 TCB Hung Yen 14 TCB Lao Cai 15 TCB Lang Son 15 16 TCB Viet Tri 17 TCB Me Linh 11 18 TCB Phuc Yen Tổng cộng 133 ề Đ án nh Ki tế ốc qu tế

Ngày đăng: 23/11/2023, 14:30

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