The purpose of this Method Statement is to describe the methodology for structural work of METHOD STATEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYSTEM and to details out the steps to be taken in meeting the technical requirements of Van Phong 1 thermal power plant project.
Comment Response Sheet (CRS) Project Title Van Phong BOT Thermal Power Plant Project Document Title METHOD STATEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYSTEM Document No Document Type For Information Returned Status RC Prepared by CRS Issued Date 23/03/2020 Engineer VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-10018 VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-10018-A-CRS CRS No No Section/ Page 1 3 11 11 Owner’s Comment Review Date Status O/C * Noted 23/03/2020 Closed O DHI added TCVN 9360 : 2012- Settlemet monitoring work Please refer reversion B 23/03/2020 Closed O 23/03/2020 Is it license software? QCVN and TCVN did not specific provisions So it has not license The reversion B added more Hhmaps soltware 23/03/2020 23/03/2020 Due to impact of external factor during construction, please supplement the schedule of measuring cycle until shut settlement (stabilization settlement) of benchmark Stability of permanent benchmark shall be check with months for one time 23/03/2020 23/03/2020 Remind: The benchmark system has to established by qualified party according to the Construction Law 23/03/2020 Add TCVN 9360:2012 Response to Comment Remarks Not agree, CodesO is not related to software silence OPEN O - Please supplement schedule for this activity so that we can follow up - Frequency at beginning time should be month; then it will be reduce base on the stability of benchmark - Kindly be informed that the report and its procedure may be reviewed by National Acceptance Committee in future Page of Comment Response Sheet (CRS) 12 23/03/2020 Shall this company issue the report for establish Benchmark? The Data of National benchmark is public 23/03/2020 Closed O 23/03/2020 Closed O ownership and to accuracy construction process be unified So the original data supply sheet in document No: VP1-0-L4-C-GEN00002_Topographic&Bathymetric Report(Rev.C) shall be reuse other survey report if necessary 14 23/03/2020 Why the survey equipment is owned by other name of company? That is one of Sub-suppliers of Him Lam Additional Notes (if any) * O - Open, C – Closed Page of AP APPROVED Approved AC APPROVED WITH COMMENT Contractor to revise the correction and resubmit NA NOT APPROVED Revise the correction and resubmit before proceeding RE REVIEWED For Information Information acknowledged with no comment RC REVIEWED WITH COMMENT Information acknowledged with comments Note: Approval or comment does not relieve the Contractor of all obligations covered under contract Discipline: Civil 24 Apr 20 Date: B 14-Apr-2020 For Information J.H CHOI K.S KIM D.H Jeong A 12-Mar-2020 For Information J.H CHOI K.S KIM D.H Jeong REV DATE DESCRIPTION Approved Checked Prepared OWNER VAN PHONG POWER COMPANY LIMITED PROJECT Van Phong BOT Thermal Power Plant Project Status □Approved □Approved with Comment □Not Approved □Reviewed OWNER’S ENGINEER Pöyry Switzerland Ltd EPC CONTRACTORS IHI–TESSC–CTCI–DHI CONSORTIUM PROJECT DOCUMENT No REV VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-10018 B DOCUMENT TITLE METHOD STATEMENT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYSTEM EPC EPC DOCUMENT No VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-10018 Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction REV B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT EPC VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-10018 B Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Table of Contents PREFACE - CODE DATUM ORIGINAL DATA OF NATIONAL BENCHMARK - VOLUM OF WORK SURVEY EQUIPMENT AND MANPOWER 6.1 SURVEY EQUIPMENT 6.2 MANPOWER - METHOD - 7.1 BUILD PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYTEM 7.2 HORIZOTAL CONTROL NETWORK - 10 7.3 VERTICAL CONTROL NETWORK - 11 7.4 STABILITY OF PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYSTEM - 11 APENDIX 8.1 SUPPLY SHEET OF NATIONAL BENCH MARK 8.2 CERTIFICATE OF GPS EQUIPMENT 8.3 CERTIFICATE OF TOTAL STATION AND LEVEL MACHINE 8.4 CERTIFICATE OF MANPOWER 13 13 15 16 20 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT PREFACE - Plant Project: Van Phong Thermal Power Plant - Company/Owner: VAN PHONG POWER COMPANY LIMITED - Consultant: PÖYRY SWITZERLAND LTD - Contractor: IHI–TESSC–CTCI–DHI CONSORTIUM - Ninh Hoa town is the coastal plain of South-Central Vietnam, in Khanh Hoa province, located to the east of the North-South arc of the Truong Son range on the coordinates from 12020 '- 12045' North Latitude and from 105o52 '- 109o20' East Van Phong Coal Fire Power Project (VP1) Which is project level of National - The purpose of this Method Statement (MS) is to describe establishment permanent benchmark system for Construction progress and Settlement & Tilt monitoring works at VP1 CODE - QCVN 04: 2009/BTNMT National technical regulation on establishment horizontal control network - QCVN 11: 2008/BTNMT National technical regulation on establishment vertical control network - Vietnamese standard No.: TCVN 9398:2012 Surveying in construction -General requirements - Vietnamese standard No.: TCVN 9401:2012 Technical of measuring and processing GPS data in engineering survey - Vietnamese standard No.: TCVN 9360:2012 Technical process of settlement monitoring of civil and industrial building by geometrical levelling - Vietnamese standard No.: QCVN 11:2008/BTNMT National technical regulation on establishment of leveling network - VP1-0-L4-C-GEN-00002_Topographic&Bathymetric Report (Rev C) DATUM - Horizontal datum: VN-2000 coordinate system, 108°15’ central meridian, 0.9999 scale factor - Vertical datum: Hon Dau – Hai Phong vertical datum ORIGINAL DATA OF NATIONAL BENCHMARK - Based on TCVN 9398:2012 The establishment permanent benchmark use Grade III for horizontal control network and Grade I for vertical control network - Original data: We will use or National Coordinate Benchmarks: 923428, 923430, 923445 These are grade III and one National leveling benchmark is grade I - The information details of these points (3nos) attached in the report of the appendix for this MS to be described follow in tables below: B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT Table 1: Original data (National Bench Mark) for horizontal control network VN2000 ( 111°00, Zone 6°) No Name of points VN2000 ( 118°15’, Zone 3°) X Y X Y 923428 1386102.775 303661.488 1386029.632 602488.263 923430 1384786.179 307751.989 1384755.740 606592.121 923445 1376694.670 313235.261 1376721.541 612159.090 Remark Grade III Table 2: Original data (National Bench Mark) for vertical control network Hon Dau – Hai Phong datum No Name of point I (VL-HT)157 Remark H (m) 28.836 I Grade I levelling < Location of National Bench Marks on Google Map > VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT VOLUM OF WORK - Based on TCVN and the requirement at the site The horizontal control network will be established, which have points in first time and by GPS, Total station method and points more in second time by Total station method - The vertical control network will be established with points by geometrical levelling method - All permanent benchmark will be connected to National Benchmark (Vertical & Horizontal) Table 3: Quantity for vertical control network at site No Content Unit Quantity Remark The horizontal control network Point Accuracy equivalent as Grade III landmark network The vertical control network Point Accuracy equivalent as Grade IV levelling network SURVEY EQUIPMENT AND MANPOWER 6.1 SURVEY EQUIPMENT - Equipment will use to establishing horizontal and vertical control network, those will be satisfied to technical and certificate - The certificate – calibration – verification was attached in the appendix Table 4: Survey equipment No Equipment Quantity Manufacture GPS receiver L1 Trimble 4600LS set NA Leveling machine set Optical plummet set Sokia Total station 630RS set Computer and softwares set ※ Certificates of Equipment are attached at Appendix 8.2 B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 6.2.MANPOWER Table 5: List manpower for survey work No Full name Position Ngo Van Nhuan Chief survey engineer Nguyen Ngoc Bang Site survey engineer Vu Duc Duong Site survey engineer Nguyen Van Sang Worker Ngo Quan Su Worker ※ Certificates of Engineers are attached at Appendix 8.3 METHOD 7.1.BUILDING PERMANENT BENCHMARK SYTEM - Benchmark will be put on hard rock or on test pile The stabilisation of these will be guaranteed during construction time - Benchmarks are cocrete block with dimention 1,2m x 1,2m x 1.3m These follow type and type as drawing below: B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT Benchmark structure - Locations for benchmarks are as the drawing below, PBM-1 ~ PBM-4 follow type and PBM-5 ~ PBM-7 follow type VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT Benchmark Location VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 7.2 HORIZOTAL CONTROL NETWORK - The horizotal control network will be established by GPS method, GPS equiment are set on 923428, 923430, 923445 and PBM-1 ~ PBM-4 within hours to best receive signal from satellites - The GPS’s result will be adjusted by software (Trimble Business Center) and checked again by Total station method - Accuracy of horizotal control network follow TCVN 9398 : 2012 The accuracy equivalent will be as Grade III landmark network The GPS’s result after adjustment will be used such basic data to set up PBM-5 ~ PBM-7 by Total station method - The diagram for checking GPS as below: Diagram for checking GPS 10 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT - Based on QCVN 04: 2009/BTNMT National technical regulation on establishment horizontal control network The technical regulation with Grade III as table below: Table 6: Technical regulation of Grade III for Horizontal control network Technical regulation Grade Value Position error maximum 7cm Delta height error maximum 10cm III Relative length side error maximum 1/100,000 2.0’’ Azimuth error maximum 7.3 VERTICAL CONTROL NETWORK - The vertical control network will be established by geometrical levelling method The result will be adjusted by software HHmaps or DP Survey - Accuracy of horizotal control network follow TCVN 9398 : 2012 Thes Accuracy equivalent will be Grade IV levelling network - The diagram for measurement levelling as route : Line 1: I(VL-HT)157 PBM-7 I(VL-HT)157 - PBM-1 PBM-2 B PBM-3 PBM-4 PBM-5 PBM-6 Based on QCVN 11: 2008/BTNMT National technical regulation on establishment vertical control network The technical regulation with Grade IV as table below: Table 7: Technical regulation of Grade IV for Vertical control network Region Grade Closure Error of measuring Remark rings 20√L Plain region Mountainous region L : total length in measuring rings.(km) IV 25√L 11 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 7.4 STABILITY OF PERMANENT BENMARK SYSTEM - Stability of permanent benchmark system will be checked by every months in construction process and before each cycle for monitoring process until shut settlement - Checking Benchmarks will be cross-check for each bench marks - The horizontal displacement of them will be checked by Total station with measurement side & angu lar - The settlement will be checked by level machine Based on the result (length side,angular and differe nce heigh) to compared last cycle to review stability of PBM system 12 B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT APPENDIX 8.1 SUPPLY SHEET OF NATIONAL BENCHMARK The Data of National benchmark is public ownership and to accuracy construction process be unified So the original data supply sheet in document No: VP1-0-L4-C-GEN00002_Topographic&Bathymetric Report (Rev.C) will be reuse other survey report 13 B VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 14 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 8.2.CERTIFICATE OF GPS EQUIPMENT B 15 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT CERTIFICATE OF TOTAL STATION AND LEVEL MACHINE 16 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 17 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 18 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 19 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 8.3.CERTIFICATE OF MANPOWER B 20 VAN PHONG BOT THERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT 21