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English in motion 1

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Tiêu đề English in Motion 1
Tác giả Robert Campbell, Gill Holley, Rob Metcalf
Trường học Richmond
Thể loại textbook
Năm xuất bản 2013
Thành phố Oxford
Định dạng
Số trang 116
Dung lượng 6,88 MB

Nội dung

English In motion is a dynamic fourlevel course that thoroughly integrates practice of the four skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.English In motion is a dynamic fourlevel course that thoroughly integrates practice of the four skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.English In motion is a dynamic fourlevel course that thoroughly integrates practice of the four skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.English In motion is a dynamic fourlevel course that thoroughly integrates practice of the four skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

n www.frenglish.ru Richmond English Robert Campbell Gill Holley Rob Metcalf MU (s -1 www.frenglish.ru Richmond 58 St Aldates Oxford 0X1 1ST United Kingdom © Robert Campbell, Gill Holley and Rob Metcalf 2013 © Santillana Educacion, S.L 2013 All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holders Printed in Spain ISBN: 978-84-668-1002-9 CP: 324873 DL: M-6333-201 Grammar Reference: Eileen Flannigan Phonetics in Word List: Melissa Koop Publishing Director: Vicki Caballero Anderson Project Editor: Chloe Greenwood Editor: Catherine Richards Copy-editor: Miranda Friel Proofreader: Louise Davoren Art Director: Jose Crespo Cover Design: Estudio Manuel Estrada Design: Novimago, S.L Art Coordinator: Carlos Aguilera Illustrators: Felipe Benemelis and Manuel G Lanza p ' f.'anel Craneo pp 5, 6, 11,31, 43, 51 (symbols), 57, 61, 72, 84, 89 Saeta (Alfredo C Hernando Torres) pp 10, 23, 24, 33, 44, 45 46, 58, 59, 60, 69, 78, 82, 87, 88; Mark Turner/Beehive Illustration pp 51 (Egyptian tomb), 52, 54, Pronunciation sec: ore Smith; EFE/SIPA-PRESS/Thomas Haley, SIPA SPORT; FOTONONSTOP; GETTY IMAGES SALES SPAIN/Alex MaresManton, Stone/Mel Yates, Michael Buckner, Robert Laberge, Carlos Alvarez, Scott Wintrow, Image Source, David Cannon, Barry Cronin, Sven Darmer, AFP/Franck Fife, Photoslndia, Clive Mason, Steve Finn, Taxi/Birgid Allig, Ezra Shaw, Robert Harding World Imagery/John Henry Claude Wilson, Gorilla Creative Images/Harri Tahvanainen, Photographer's Choice/Ariel Skelley, StockFood Creative/Karl Newedel, Allsport Concepts/Adam Pretty, AFP PHOTO/Natalia Kolesnikova, Minden Pictures/Tui De Roy, AFP PHOTO/Jaafar Ashtiyeh, Wirelmage/Anwar Hussein, Asia Images/Neil Farrin, Wirelmage/Chris Walter, Taxi/Christoph Wilhelm, Stone/Charlotte Nation, Wirelmage/Ron Galella, Taxi/ Vincent Besnault, Stone/Richard Elliott, Photonica/Nancy Honey, FilmMagic/David Lodge, AFP/Vanderlei Almeida, Taxi/Karen Moskowitz, Taxi/DCA Productions, FilmMagic/Fred Duval, Hulton Archive/Haywood Magee, AFP/Jaakko Avikainen, Taxi/Clarissa Leahy, Taxi/Elie Bernager, Lonely Planet Images/John Banagan, Taxi/Andrew Geiger, Laurence Griffiths, Taxi/Kevin Cooley, Taxi/ Hans Neleman; HIGHRES PRESS STOCK/AbleStock.com; I Preysler; ISTOCKPHOTO/Natalia Bolshan, Charlotte Moss, Maxim Tupikov, Mark Poprocki, Danny Hooks; JOHN FOXX IMAGES; NASA; PHOTODISC; STOCK PHOTOS; STOCKBYTE; A Garcia; Cortesla de Apple; CREATIVE LABS; ESA/Denmann production; Kodak EasyShare; MATTON-BILD; Nokia Corporation; Olympus Optical Esparia S.A Samsung; SERIDEC PHOTOIMAGENES CD/ Image So a n e I m t n t U SB ; ARCHIVO SANTILLANA - - - s-m -s r - i 4 cse ‘.h o h a v e g iv e n o e — SS'O-ro m -; t r e * : _ ~g e x tra c ts an d adaptations of copyright m aterial: : : Sacharach/David ©Casa Oiaaii|1|liK Seas Music n: Ec: on authorized to Edaames Muscaies dip p ers : El Photo Researcher: Amparo Rodriguez Technical Director: Angel Garcia Encinar Production Manager: Jesus A Muela Ramiro Technical Coordinators: Rosa Marin, Antonio Ocaria, Javier Tejeda Layout: Novimago, S.L., Rocio Lominchar, Miguel Angel Mora-Gil Dominguez Photos: A Guerra; C Contreras; C Perez; F Po; I Rovira; J C Mu^oz J Jaime; J V Resino; M Barcenilla; M.a A Ferrandiz; Michele Piccione; P Carrio/S Sanchez; Prats i Camps; S Enriquez: S Padura; A G E FOTOSTOCK/Karger-Decker, Jon Arnolc SPl, AC I AGENCIA DE FOTOGRAFIA/Alamy Images/James Davis; CENTRAL STOCK; COMSTOCK; POPPERFOTO; SYGMA/Tim Gram., KEYSTONE; CORDON PRESS/CORBIS/Bettmann, Ash e J -0 o ":- :- ; ;4 E ;- Ea \Ja th a n/ Brcvm GeongeHenri fMctere -ooe- Taylor, James Warren / ” : " I - ~- : : ; - :• 41 ■= - *: o g T iE : : * = Ea V : : E ::4 - S 4 ' - : 'Tesemat tM M nakc r a E 4 ; : 4 :4 ~4 4 D eo d ato , oe Music/ EM :: EMI Music 4 FEE Madrid ~ 4: a : ~.a : c E:o Marley C ’ 97? Itae lUkaunaHi: ilMuscImraeP _sed b oermission □* U iis c Sates luwittfflii Ml ed rrternational 'CDOyHOTaCMSt : i4 : - The r paltishBSwndUHke to -a:zr~r z ;-ft.ing: r thank all th o se te a c h e rs an d : :; •- e : : -EGAL (Spain) e o p m e n t o f this course Cooper, EPA/HO/AIRBUS, ImagelOO, Creasource, Zefa/Friamsr Damm, ASSOCIATION PHOTO/Edmond Terakopian, Tom & Dee Ann McCarthy; COVER/CORBIS/EPA/Abedin Taherkenareh, Eveiyefforthasheeeunacetr racethe holdersof NewSport/James Taylor, LWA-Sharie Kennedy, David P H a l, Da.e Bartruff; DIGITALVISION; EFE/EPA PHOTO PRESS ASOCIATION, c Luis Castilla, EPA/Gerry Penny, EPA/Olivier Hoslet, EPA/AAP/Ju ar : : s " '9” - *1— ■ * : ~ : 4- - ed, the - e e -ecessa ry E n glish In m o tio n Robert Campbell Gill Holley Rob Metcalf Student's Book www.frenglish.ru PS Richmond www.frenglish.ru page W e lc o m e Numbers The alphabet Countries and nationalities a/an jrai nouns can: ability '/"Deratives page JT Favourites ^ My family page ^ 15 ms - :r;: ; : ~: e Daily routines Free-time activities inviTi1diiriiiri:-jr^r»'i1T'ii > ■Favourite things — and and but • — ——— ' v* Match the pictures with the words Listen and check Then listen and repeat a - an M P3 player a bike I books I a camera I a cat I clothes I computer games a DVD I a games console I a mobile I an MP3 player I a piano I trainers k J © © W rite your five favourite things My five favourite things are my mobile, my trainers, www.frenglish.ru M Y FAVOURITE THINGS t w m V h Read the profiles Match the people with the objects Patrick - an MP3 player, a games console an-MP3 player a piano books a cat a computer game I'm fourteen and I'm from France I'm into music and clothes I like pop and rap music and one of my favourite things is my MP3 player I like sports clothes They're cool and they aren't expensive My number one thing is my cat, Vince He's black and white and he's very independent True or false? Correct the false sentences Patrick’s English False - He’s French Patrick and Eva like music Eva’s from South America Eva and Mark are thirteen years old Mark’s a fan of Real Madrid Football's popular in New Zealand Read again Find these words three synonyms for very good cool, four countries two types of music two colours I'm from Argentina, but my mother's English I'm thirteen and I'm into books, films and music My favourite books are adventure books They're brilliant But my number one thing isn't a book or a DVD It's my piano I'm from New Zealand and I'm thirteen My number one thing is my games console and my favourite computer game is Final Fantasy I love football too Football isn't very popular in New Zealand, but I'm a fan of Manchester United They're from England and they're great! W rite complete sentences Then translate 1—c My number one thing is my games console My n um ber one th in g is My favourite books are I’m I'm a fa n I like pop an d I lo v e into music and clothes, of Manchester United my games console, football adventure books, rap music www.frenglish.ru r - Full form Contracted form • In questions the verb was/were comes before the subject I was not You were not I wasn't You weren't • In negative short answers, w e generally use the contracted forms He was not She was not It was not He wasn't She wasn't It wasn't Negative We were not You were not They were not No, he w asn't No, th e y w eren't • W e can use wh- question words with was/ were W e weren't You weren't They weren't Where w ere you y esterd ay ? What tim e w as I born? J mik/ d iary /'daiari/ # English you need m a g a z in e s /m aega'ziinz/ • Go shopping n ew sp a p ers /'n ju :sp eip az/ I’m lo o k in g for a top n ovel /'nDvl/ H a v e y o u g o t it in s iz e 40? s ig n /sain/ C an I try it on? s o n g lyrics /sDg 'lin k s/ OK, I’ll ta k e it tex t m essa g e /tek st 'm esidg/ H o w m u c h is it? te x tb o o k /'tek stb u k / already /orl'redi/ It’s p erfe ct # Adjectives of opinion 110 # Other words a ll right /o d r a it/ • Nouns a m a z in g /a 'm eizig / b e lt /b elt/ a w fu l /'orfl/ b u ild /bild/ b o rin g /'borrirj/ c lo th e s la b e l /klaudz 'leibl/ co o l /kurl/ www.frenglish.ru fa n ta stic /fsen'tsestik/ • Adverbs fun /fAn / su d d e n ly good /god / great /greit/ in te r e s tin g /'intrestirj/ OK /au 'k ei/ terrib le /'terabl/ / 's A d n li/ # Holidays b o o ts /b u its/ • English you need com p ass /'k A m p a s / • Describe a process g u id e b o o k /'gaidbuk/ F irst y o u fin d a provider p assp ort /'p a isp a it/ N e x t y o u reg ister p e n k n ife /'p en n aif/ T h en y o u s e le c t a d e s ig n sh o r ts /Jaits/ A fter th a t y o u c r e a te you r site s u n cream /sA n k riim / A n d fin ally y o u c a n c h a n g e th e colou rs s w im s u it /'sw im su it/ to o th b r u sh / ‘tu ie b rA j/ • Other words to rch /ta itj/ • Nouns to w e l /taual/ u m b rella / A m 'b re la / a ttic /'aetik/ b rid g e Ibxid^l card /ka:d/ @ Rules d rea m /driim / D o n ’t to u c h m y th in g s event /I'vent/ K nock b efo re y o u c o m e in frid g e /frid / D o n ’t ta k e m y CDs h o le /haul/ D o n ’t look in m y s c h o o l b a g je w e lle r y /'d3Uilri/ P u t th in g s back la d d e r /'laeda/ D o n ’t try o n m y c lo th e s p assw ord /'p aisw 3id / D o n ’t u s e m y co m p u ter p ro v id er /pra'vaida/ D o n ’t d istu rb m e in th e m orn in g sh ip /Jip/ w ar /w ai/ # English you need • Make plans • Adjectives fr ig h te n e d /'fraitnd/ p riv a te /'praivat/ L e t’s g o to th e cin em a T h a t’s a g o o d id ea W h y d o n ’t w e g o to th e park? • Verbs fall /fail/ r e g is te r /'red ista / sm ile /sm all/ sta y /ste i/ T h a t’s borin g L e t’s g o to th e ca fe I d o n ’t k n ow It isn 't v er y e x c itin g S hall w e g o ic e -sk a tin g ? W h a t a g r e a t id ea! www.frenglish.ru • O ther words • Nouns a c c o m m o d a tio n /okDmo'deiJ'n/ bag /baeg/ c e ilin g / ‘siilirj/ fla g /flaeg/ flat /fleet/ p ier cin g /'piosirj/ stick /stik/ ta tto o /ta'tu:/ • Adjectives lou d /laud/ • Verbs b reak /brek/ co v e r /'kAva/ fly /flai/ h it /hit/ lift /lift/ su n b a th e /'sAnbeid/ • Expressions in c a s e s o o n e r or la ter 112 www.frenglish.ru Phonetic Chart CO N SO N AN TS _ - « |i s k Symbol Examples Symbol Examples /p/ pen, please, stop /i:/ see, he, teacher Ibl It/ Id/ time, cat, Ihames day, read, rained III HI lei /k/ can, black, chemist /ae/ hat, bad, exam /g/ go, get, big /a:/ car, heart, laugh /tj/ cheese, nature, watch /d / on, watch, cough /tfe/ job, juice, fridge /f/ four, French, photo /v/ very, of, live /0/ think, three, thanks ; /a / up, money, couple /a/ this, clothes, father : /3:/ girl, heard, prefer /s/ some, pass, peace /z/ zoo, cousin, plays /J/ she, sugar, machine /3/ decision, television, usually Symbol Examples /h/ he, here, hot /ei/ name, eight, age /m / my, many, summer /n/ no, night, run /r)/ song, think, going /l/ lemon, dock, sej] hul /ail hul h il /r/ rain, real, sorry /ra/ ear, here, year /j/ yes, unit, Europe /eo/ air, care, parents /w/ work, white, quick /Udl poor, sure, pure bus, bike, web h :l lul 111:/ hi jn, women, busy happy, really, very ten, friend, said door, wajk, law put, book, foot food, rule, blue about, colour, culture D IP H T H O N G S home, know, potato time, sky, buy house, town, shout oil, toy, voice www.frenglish.ru English In m otion In Motion is a dynamic four-level secondary course which thoroughly integrates practice of the four skills with work on vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation ■ Interesting topics and themes give an exciting context for presentation of new language Carefully graded grammar practice starts with meaningful controlled exercises and gradually develops into freer, personalised activities Topic vocabulary is presented in context and practised in a range of activities Clear speaking and writing models guide students to produce their own work Language for everyday situations is presented and practised in the special English You Need sections Culture and CUL page in every unit IAn d o ; ; [H Richmond www.richmondelt.com www.international-inmotion.net IS B N : 978 -B -C (lft-l 00 ? B788466 81002 0672895 Common European Framework

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2023, 11:45
