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The IELTS Speaking Test 7 Speaking TesẢ seo 142
The IELTS Speaking Test is the same for both the Academic and General Training modules
The IELTS Speaking test stands out from other sections as it involves a direct one-on-one interaction between the candidate and the examiner Comprising three distinct parts, this test allows candidates to demonstrate a variety of speaking skills Additionally, the entire Speaking test is recorded for assessment purposes.
The following table is the format of the IELTS Speaking test:
Part 1 The examiner introduces himself/herself and confirms candi-
Introduction and date’s identity by asking questions about the candidate Next, the 4-5 minutes
Interview examiner asks the candidate about familiar topic frames
During the speaking exam, candidates are required to discuss a specific topic for 1-2 minutes They receive information on a card and have one minute to prepare before presenting Following the presentation, the examiner will ask one or two questions to further engage with the candidate.
Part 3 The examiner invites the candidate to participate in adiscussion 4-5 minutes ,_
421/771 ) ofa more abstract topic related to the topic on the card in Part 2
The IELTS Speaking test has been designed to test your ability to engage in a conversation, and to test how well you can communicate your thoughts and opinions
The IELTS Speaking test is the shortest of the components of the IELTS test — only 11 to
14 minutes In this short time, you have to convince the examiner who will be speaking with you of your level of English
As you have seen in the table above, the Speaking test is divided into 3 parts:
The first part of the examination serves as a general introduction, where the examiner verifies the candidate's identity by confirming their name, origin, and identification This brief segment is designed to help the candidate relax, lasting only a few seconds The examiner then engages the candidate in familiar topics, including their country, hometown, family, studies or jobs, leisure activities, and future plans, with this portion typically taking around 4 to 5 minutes.
Part 2 of the speaking test focuses on the long turn or individual talk, allowing candidates to provide a lengthy, uninterrupted response During this segment, candidates receive a cue card featuring topics like education, family, work, interests, and lifestyle, along with guiding questions that are straightforward and concise Candidates are required to speak for 1 to 2 minutes on the given subject, showcasing their ability to construct extended samples of English The examiner evaluates candidates based on their fluency, coherence, range of structures, pronunciation, and vocabulary usage.
An Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test
Candidates have the opportunity to prepare for their talk with one minute of optional time, during which they receive paper and a pencil for note-taking Following the talk, the examiner will pose one or two brief questions, concluding this segment, which lasts approximately 3 to 4 minutes.
Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test is the most challenging segment, where the examiner engages the candidate with a series of questions related to the topic discussed in Part 2 For instance, if Part 2 involved describing a favorite teacher, Part 3 will delve deeper into themes surrounding education, teaching styles, and the impact of educators on students.
In the IELTS speaking test, candidates may be required to discuss the education system in their country, which involves more complex questions that necessitate critical analysis While the examiner maintains control of the conversation, they must also provide candidates the opportunity to elaborate on their responses Candidates will be evaluated on their ability to articulate and develop abstract ideas effectively, with discussions typically lasting between four to five minutes.
Note that in Part 1 of the Speaking test, questions cannot be changed or reworded In Part
3, there is more flexibility If the candidate does not understand a word in the question, or the question itself, it is possible to ask for repetition or clarification
To excel in this section of the IELTS test, it is crucial to remain focused on the topic at hand The examiner seeks to gauge your knowledge, so ensure you demonstrate proper grammar and appropriate accents throughout your responses.
2 Examiners and the Test Room Œ) The examiner
During the IELTS test, the examiner evaluates your spoken English based on established IELTS criteria These examiners are native English speakers from various countries and are professional educators with advanced degrees They undergo specialized training to ensure a fair and accurate assessment of your language skills.
The IELTS Speaking test may not occur on the same day as the other test components due to the high volume of candidates, which limits the available time for individual speaking assessments The scheduling of your IELTS Speaking test is contingent upon the specific date and location of your overall IELTS test For detailed information regarding your test dates, consult your IELTS test center during the booking process You will receive notification about the time and location of your Speaking test at least 72 hours before the scheduled date.
Candidates must bring the same form of identification used during registration to the test room, as no personal items are allowed Failure to present the required ID, such as a national ID card, can result in being denied admission to the test.
The IELTS Speaking test is a one-on-one interview conducted in a test room equipped with essential materials, including score sheets and recording devices The interview is recorded to allow for potential re-evaluation, especially if there is a significant discrepancy between a candidate's Writing and Speaking scores While re-checking is not a common occurrence, recording ensures that the oral interview can be reviewed if needed.
Sample recordings are submitted to the IELTS administration for monitoring purposes, ensuring that examiners accurately assess and assign appropriate band scores Focus on answering the questions rather than being distracted by the presence of the recorder.
Examiners evaluate the speaking category of the IELTS using specific performance descriptors that outline spoken performance across the 9 bands Each candidate receives a band score based on their performance in four key criteria areas.
Fluency involves the ability to speak continuously and smoothly, while coherence pertains to the logical organization of speech Lexical resource emphasizes the use of a diverse and contextually appropriate vocabulary Grammatical range and accuracy focus on employing correct grammar and a variety of grammatical structures Lastly, pronunciation is crucial for ensuring that speech is clear and easily understood.
These four criteria are weighed equally The examiner gives you a whole-number sub-score for each of these, and then calculates the average of the four
The IELTS Speaking test is marked on a scale of 1 — 9 Most universities require a score of 6.0 — 6.5 for entrance; however, this varies according to country and university
Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test 17 Evaluation 159
Unit 1 How to Prepare for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
1 An Overview of Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
The IELTS Speaking test is divided into three sections, featuring a candidate, an examiner, and an audio recorder to document the performance The first section, called Introduction and Interview, lasts approximately 4 to 5 minutes, during which the examiner asks the candidate basic questions to learn more about them This initial segment serves as an opportunity for the examiner to engage in simple 'getting-to-know-you' questions.
The Speaking module of the International English Language Testing System begins with the examiner recording key details, including the date, test center, candidate's name, and candidate number Following this introduction, the examiner presents themselves and proceeds to ask the candidate basic questions, as well as request identification This process aims to gather information about the candidate and create a comfortable atmosphere for the interview.
— My name is John Can you tell me your full name, please?
— Thank you What can I call you?
— May I see your identification, please?
— Well, first of all, I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself
Next, the examiner will pose a series of questions about your life such as your home town, your studies, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies or family, etc For example:
— What subject do you study?
~ What are you going to do after your studies?
— Have you travelled a lot in your life?
— What kind of places would you like to visit?
— How much time do you spend with friends?
— What kind of friends do you prefer?
— Is friendship very important in your life and why?
2 Preparing for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
When entering the test room, you should greet the examiner Below is a list of typical ex- pressions of greeting:
How to Prepare for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
This is your opportunity to make a strong impression, so showcase your best skills The assessment focuses on your capacity to deliver comprehensive and pertinent answers to all inquiries Steer clear of brief, uninformative responses to closed questions, which typically start with phrases like "Have you " or "Do you ".
Open-ended questions, often starting with Wh-words, allow candidates to provide detailed responses, showcasing their English proficiency In contrast, closed questions can typically be answered with a simple yes, no, or a brief phrase This format encourages candidates to elaborate, providing an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to describe and explain effectively.
3 A Sample of Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
(The examiner has been well prepared, and the candidate has just come in.)
I’m John Can you tell me your full name, please?
My name is Li Juan
Thank you How shall I call you?
You can just call me Juan
May I see your identification, please?
Thank you Now, first of all, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself
What part of the country are you from?
I am from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province It is located in southwest China, famous for many historical sites bu What do you like most about Chengdu?
Well, there is so much I like about my home town What I like the most, probably, is the food, I think As you might know, food there is cheap and delicious
E: Let’s move on to talk about travelling Do you travel a lot in your life?
Although I have a strong passion for traveling, my recent graduation from university has limited my financial resources, preventing me from visiting as many destinations as I would like.
I probably travel once every two years, usually in the summer
E: What kind of places would you like to visit? 19
For many travelers, the allure of nature surpasses that of historical sites, and I am no exception Being close to nature is the most thrilling aspect of traveling for me, which is why I often find myself drawn to breathtaking landscapes such as majestic mountains, serene beaches, and lush forests.
: OK We will talk about friends now How much time do you spend with friends?
I cherish spending time with friends, even with my limited free time Typically, I enjoy meals or weekend getaways with them once or twice a week, which helps me feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
: What kind of friends do you prefer?
I value friendships with those who share my interests and can engage in meaningful discussions about my work-related challenges Together, we enjoy fun activities and support each other during tough times, fostering a strong bond built on mutual understanding and assistance.
: Is friendship very important to you and why?
Friends play a vital role in our lives, often proving to be invaluable treasures, especially during challenging times The saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” highlights the significance of true friendship, as their support provides essential comfort in difficult moments Additionally, friends enhance our experiences during joyful occasions and successes, reinforcing their importance in every aspect of life.
4 Frequently-Asked Questions for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking
Which part of your country do most people live in?
Can you tell me about the main industries in your country?
Is it easy to travel around your country?
Do you think your country has changed a lot since you were a child?
Do you know something about the history of your home town?
Are there any interesting places I can visit?
What do you like the most about living in your home town?
Can you compare your home town with big modern cities like Beijing?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your home town?
Can you describe the city where you live now?
Are there any things you dislike about the city?
How would you improve the city where you live?
Why did you choose this job?
What is your routine work?
Tell me about a typical working day
What do you like or dislike about your job?
Do you like your job? If you don’t, what kind of job would you prefer?
Do you have any plans to change your job in the future?
How to Prepare for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
What subject do you study?
Why did you choose this subject?
What do you like most about your studies?
Are there any things you dislike about your studies?
What do you find most difficult in your studies?
What kind of qualifications or certificates do you hope to get?
What do you hope to do after graduation?
Where did you grow up?
What is a good place for children to grow up?
Where did you usually play?
Who is the most important person in your childhood?
Is childhood now different from the time when you were a child?
Do you enjoy watching films?
How often do you watch films?
What kind of films do you like to watch?
Do people generally prefer watching films at home or in the cinema?
Would you like to be in a film?
What kind of public transport is available where you live?
What kind of public transport do you use most often?
What problems are there with public transport where you live?
How would you improve public transport where you live?
Do you prefer to use public or private transport?
Tell me about some of the animals in your country
Which animals do you like?
Tell me some of the ways animals are used in your country (e.g agriculture)
How do people in your country usually feel about animals? : 21
Who does the main food and household shopping in your family?
What kind of shdpping do you usually do?
What kinds of shops do you prefer?
What time of day do you prefer to go shopping?
What is the worst thing about shopping?
Who usually does the housework, e.g cooking and cleaning, where you live?
How ts the housework shared in your family?
What do you think is the most important household task?
Do you have any ideas about how housework has changed in recent years in your country?
Do you enjoy housework and what kind of housework do you like?
What kinds of food do you like?
Is there any food you don’t like?
Do you usually cook at home?
Are there any special occasions when people in your country go to a restaurant?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
When do you have free time?
What do you like doing in your free time?
What activities are most popular in the place where you live?
Do you think that free time is important in people’s lives?
Would you like to spend your free time with friends or with family? a
Which middle school did you study in?
Is it close to your home? How did you get to school every day?
What did you like the best about that school?
Is there anything you didn’t like about your school?
If you were the president of the school, what changes would you like to make?
What did you think of the teachers there?
How to Prepare for Part | of the IELTS Spcaking Test
Do you have any hobbies?
How did you become interested in that?
How much time do you spend on that?
Do you prefer relaxing at home or going out in the evening?
When you go out for the evening, what would you like to do?
Is there any kind of entertainment you dislike?
Why do you think that people have hobbies?
How often do you travel and why?
What kinds of places are you most interested in and why?
What places have you enjoyed visiting and why?
What do you normally do when you are in a new place?
Which do you prefer: travelling by yourself or with friends, and why?
What does travelling mean to you?
What are the special days celebrated in your country?
What do you think is the most important festival in your country?
In what way do people celebrate the festival?
Do people prepare any special food for the occasion?
Which do people prefer, to spend it with family or with friends?
How did people celebrate the festival in the past?
How has the way been changed and why?
Do you think that it is important to have festivals?
What kind of people can be your friends?
How do you make friends?
How much time do you spend with friends?
What do you normally do with your friends?
Do you prefer to spend more time with friends or with family?
Would you rather have one close friend or many common friends?
How important is friendship to you?
When you have trouble, do you turn to friends or family? www 23
Unit 2 Conversation Practice for Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test
Talking about Home Towns and Jobs
1 Talking about Home Towns §8 o2.mr3
Where do you come from?
Can you describe your home town?
Do you know something about the history of your home town?
What is the weather like there?
Are there any interesting places I can visit?
What do you miss the most about your home town?
Can you compare your home town with big modern cities like Beijing?
(Wang Xiao and Li Chen meet each other at a university library.)
Hi! I think you're a friend of my friend, Zhang Juan
Yes, I know Zhang Juan How do you know her?
I work with her How about you?
I met her at the swimming pool We both love swimming
Where do you come from? | mean, where is your home town?
I hail from Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province in northeastern China, while my counterpart was born in a small village near Hangzhou and spent their formative years in the city Hangzhou is located just a few hours from Shanghai, making it a significant cultural and historical hub in the region.
Yes, I’ve heard of it before It’s quite famous Definitely a place on my “to visit” list! What is the weather like there?
Changchun experiences cold winters, but contrary to popular belief, it has pleasant summers with temperatures around 32 to 33 degrees Celsius While snowfall is limited, the region does have a rainy season Visitors can enjoy the beautiful summer weather, making it an ideal time to explore the city If you're considering a trip, there are many interesting places to visit in Changchun.
If you're planning a visit, winter is the ideal time to explore Jilin, where you can enjoy skiing on the Changbai Mountains, ice skating on the Songhua River, and the enchanting ice lantern sculpture festival Jilin is also famous for its deer antlers, valued for their medicinal properties Additionally, I'm curious about Hangzhou—what attractions draw the many tourists who visit each year?
Hangzhou is a popular tourist destination, renowned for its stunning scenery, particularly around West Lake, which is home to many famous attractions Experiencing West Lake under the moonlight, especially during the Autumn Moon Festival, is truly breathtaking The beauty of this place makes me nostalgic for my hometown.
L: Me, too There’s really no place like home! What do you miss the most about your home town?
W: You mean besides my mother’s cooking? Well, I suppose it would be walking along the West Lake during a misty morning or a beautiful sunset What do you miss about Changchun?
L: My family! I have a lot of aunts and uncles and cousins living in Changchun I’m the only one who lives outside of Changchun
W: Wow! I can’t even imagine being on my own like that! That must have been really hard at first
When I initially relocated to Beijing, my cousins expressed envy, believing that the capital of China was superior to Changchun I shared this sentiment at first, but my perspective has since changed.
Beijing and another modern capital city share similarities, but Beijing stands out as a vibrant center for education, culture, and politics The city offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and learning Residents can enjoy a wide range of international standard performances, enhancing their cultural knowledge and awareness.
W: But it sounds like you think Beijing is better than Changchun
How to prepare for Part 1 of the IELTS peculation 2z=eoee Tổ
of the IELTS Speaking Test
1 An Overview of Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
The second part of the test, often referred to as the Individual Long Turn, involves the examiner providing you with a card that outlines a specific topic and prompts for discussion During this stage, you are required to speak for approximately 2 minutes on a subject that is typically broad and connected to your personal experiences.
You shouÌd say: what it tastes like when people eat it how it is made and explain why you like it
When handing you the card, the examiner will say:
You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes
You will have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to talk about
You can make some notes if you wish
Before answering, the examiner provides paper and a pencil, allowing one minute for note-taking This brief time is crucial, so utilize it wisely While you don't need to monitor the time closely, being aware can help ensure your response lasts at least a minute If you speak for less than a minute, the examiner may prompt you to continue or ask simple follow-up questions.
Do you often make the food yourself?
Is it also your parents’ favourite food?
The Individual Long Turn is a monologue format, so avoid asking your interviewer questions Focus on speaking fluently and coherently If you find yourself running out of things to say, it's better to pause rather than force the conversation Aim to speak for more than a minute to effectively convey your message.
Speaking for one minute is acceptable and won't result in penalties, but pushing beyond your limits can impact your fluency and coherence negatively Conversely, exceeding two minutes may lead the examiner to interject politely, so it's important to conclude your talk gracefully.
Unit 2 Presentation Practice for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
Pere child you know well
\0173.10 7Ì TÁC where you met him/her what he/she looks like what personality he/she has and explain how you feel about him/her
My neighbor's son is a child I would like to describe I first encountered him when he and his parents moved into our neighborhood, having previously lived with his grandparents in another city.
The young boy exudes a typical Chinese appearance, characterized by short black hair and dark brown eyes At seven years old, he has a slightly rounded physique and stands at an average height for his age group Despite his physical appearance, his bright smile and infectious laughter instantly make him an endearing and cute kid.
He has an outgoing and friendly personality, characterized by his happiness and active lifestyle He is well-acquainted with all the neighbors, greeting them enthusiastically whenever they meet His love for games is evident as he frequently enjoys running around the compound with friends, playing soccer, and having a great time.
This little boy is truly inspiring; his joyful greetings bring me happiness and remind me that my worries are insignificant His carefree spirit encourages me to be friendly and embrace life fully, reflecting the pure joy children experience each day.
-Đescribe a close friend of yours
You should say: who he/she is how you got to know each other what activities you do together and explain why you feel close to him/her
My close friend Jenny, who is two years my senior, is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at university While she may seem quite simple on the surface, her intelligence shines through as she consistently excels in her studies.
I met Jenny through a mutual friend, who is both my classmate and her cousin During a visit to my friend's house, she introduced us, leading to our first encounter.
Jenny and I enjoy walking in the park, where we engage in deep conversations and appreciate the serene atmosphere This shared activity is one of our favorites Additionally, we often go shopping together, as we have similar tastes in clothing and music, making our outings enjoyable and fulfilling.
I truly appreciate my friendship with Jenny because she is wonderfully easygoing and not demanding like some others Our time together is spontaneous and relaxed, requiring no detailed planning Jenny understands me deeply, even more than her cousin, who is also my classmate We share our thoughts and struggles openly, creating a bond that feels genuine and caring Unlike other friendships, ours is selfless, allowing us to support each other without any ulterior motives.
We both want the very best for each other
Hair: wavy, curly, straight, dyed, s blonde, brown, red, grey, white, : eyebrows, thin eyebrows
Face: round, oval, broad, long, high c —— uel and ‘dubs chin, swine dimples freckles, fair-skinned, pale complexion, suntanned, high/low/broad forehead
Eyes come in various colors such as brown, blue, green, and grey, and can be characterized by their size and shape, including big, small, or slanted Hairstyles also vary widely, from crew cuts and bald heads to long, short, and medium-length styles, with colors like black and blonde Facial hair options include beards and clean-shaven looks, contributing to a diverse range of appearances.
How to Prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
2 Preparing for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
To effectively complete the task, focus solely on the instructions provided on the card Avoid reading any additional information, as it merely reiterates what the examiner has already communicated.
After thoroughly understanding the task, begin to formulate your response While some candidates choose to forgo note-taking, we highly recommend it for better clarity and organization.
Conversation Practice for Part 1 of the Speaking Test 00cm 168
of the IELTS Speaking Test
Talking about Home Towns and Jobs
1 Talking about Home Towns §8 o2.mr3
Where do you come from?
Can you describe your home town?
Do you know something about the history of your home town?
What is the weather like there?
Are there any interesting places I can visit?
What do you miss the most about your home town?
Can you compare your home town with big modern cities like Beijing?
(Wang Xiao and Li Chen meet each other at a university library.)
Hi! I think you're a friend of my friend, Zhang Juan
Yes, I know Zhang Juan How do you know her?
I work with her How about you?
I met her at the swimming pool We both love swimming
Where do you come from? | mean, where is your home town?
I hail from Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province in northeastern China In contrast, my counterpart was born in a small village near Hangzhou, where they spent their formative years Hangzhou is located just a few hours from Shanghai, making it a significant city in the region.
Yes, I’ve heard of it before It’s quite famous Definitely a place on my “to visit” list! What is the weather like there?
Changchun experiences a cold winter, but contrary to popular belief, it does not remain cold year-round; summers are pleasantly warm, reaching around 32 to 33 degrees Celsius While snowfall is minimal, the region does have a rainy season If you're considering a visit, summer is an ideal time to explore the city's attractions.
Visiting Jilin in winter is highly recommended, as it offers skiing on the Changbai Mountains, skating on the Songhua River, and a unique ice lantern sculpture festival Additionally, Jilin is famous for its deer antlers, which are valued for their medicinal properties What about Hangzhou? It likely attracts many tourists each year with its interesting attractions.
Hangzhou is a popular tourist destination, renowned for its stunning scenery, particularly around the West Lake The lake is especially enchanting during the moonlight, making it a must-see attraction Visiting during the Autumn Moon Festival enhances the experience, adding to the beauty of this picturesque location.
L: Me, too There’s really no place like home! What do you miss the most about your home town?
W: You mean besides my mother’s cooking? Well, I suppose it would be walking along the West Lake during a misty morning or a beautiful sunset What do you miss about Changchun?
L: My family! I have a lot of aunts and uncles and cousins living in Changchun I’m the only one who lives outside of Changchun
W: Wow! I can’t even imagine being on my own like that! That must have been really hard at first
When I initially relocated to Beijing, my cousins expressed envy, believing that the capital of China was far superior to Changchun I shared this sentiment at first, but my perspective has changed over time.
Beijing and other modern capital cities share similarities, yet Beijing stands out as a vibrant hub for education, culture, and politics The city offers abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth, allowing residents to experience a diverse range of international performances and stay well-informed on global issues.
W: But it sounds like you think Beijing is better than Changchun
While Beijing offers numerous opportunities, I believe Changchun is a friendlier environment The pace of life in Changchun is less hectic, allowing for a more relaxed lifestyle This is just my perspective, though What are your thoughts on whether Beijing surpasses Hangzhou as a better place to live?
Hangzhou surpasses Beijing in beauty, as the latter's rapid development has led to significant pollution issues and notorious traffic jams, making them a common frustration for commuters While Beijing boasts many modern buildings, this progress has resulted in the loss of historical charm, with much of its rich history obscured by the demolition of old houses, leaving only a few tourist sites as reminders of the past.
L: That’s a shame What about Hangzhou? What kind of history does Hangzhou have? www 25
Founded approximately 2,200 years ago during the Qin Dynasty, Hangzhou served as the capital of the Song Dynasty and is renowned for its stunning natural beauty Today, it is celebrated for its silk production and Longjing tea, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.
I’m sorry, we didn’t even introduce ourselves to each other I’m Li Chen
I’m Wang Xiao I’ve enjoyed chatting with you
Thank you! I also look forward to our next meeting Here are some useful words and expressions related to directions: "close to" means not far in position, "next to" refers to being beside something, while "northeast" indicates the direction between north and east Similarly, "northwest" is the direction between north and west, "southeast" refers to the area between south and east, and "southwest" denotes the direction between south and west.
“is between south and west
Clear skies indicate pleasant weather, while cloudy conditions suggest overcast skies Fair weather is characterized by dry and enjoyable temperatures, whereas foggy conditions involve reduced visibility due to moisture in the air Humid weather contains tiny water droplets, and rainy days are marked by frequent precipitation Showers refer to brief periods of rain or snow, while stormy weather includes strong winds and heavy precipitation, often accompanied by thunder and lightning Sunny days are bright and illuminated by sunlight, whereas windy conditions feature significant air movement In terms of personal attributes, an ambitious individual possesses a strong desire for success and wealth Average height refers to a typical stature, while build describes a person's body shape and size Energetic people are full of vitality, and friendly individuals exhibit kindness and pleasant behavior Helpful people are willing to assist others, and kind-hearted individuals are generous and caring Open-mindedness reflects a willingness to embrace new ideas and perspectives.
The term "reserved" refers to someone who does not openly express their feelings A "club" is defined as a group of individuals who engage in activities together, typically meeting at a convenient location that is easily accessible Essential services are organized systems that cater to basic public needs, such as transportation, which involves moving people or goods from one place to another Being "well-equipped" means having the necessary tools or resources to effectively fulfill these functions.
My home town, (name of a city/ province), is located in/on (location, e.g central Vietnam / the north/south of Vietnam, etc.)
My home town, Nha Trang, is located on the east coast of Vietnam
(name of a city/province) is a beautiful place with (special features, e.g a long shore/a lot of paddy fields /a high mountain to the north/a flowing river to the south, etc.)
Nha Trang is a beautiful place with a long shore and a lot of scenic spots
The weather in (name of a city/province) is usually (cold/hot/warm/windy/rainy, etc in spring /summer/autumn /winter/all the year round)
The weather in Da Lat is usually cool all the year round
(name of a city/province) is famous for
Nha Trang is famous for seafoods
Da Lat is famous for scenic spots
(name of a city/province) is (adj)-er/more (adj) than (name of a city/province)
Da Lat is colder than Nha Trang
Ho Chi Minh City is more crowded than Da Lat
1 Using the suggested phrases below, make statements about home towns
1 my home town/Hue/located/central Vietnam
2 beautiful place /many famous historical sights
3 the weather/Ha Noi/usually/quite cold/winter
4, Da Nang/ famous for/handmade kites and the kite festival
5 Ho Chi Minh City/hotter/Nha Trang
6 my home town/Dong Nai/located in the south of Vietnam
7 Da Lat/beautiful place/lots of hills 27
10 the weather / Da Lat/usually/ most beautiful / spring
Ha Dong/ famous for/silk
Ho Chi Minh City/more modern/Tien Giang province
2 Complete the following dialogue with appropriate sentences or phrases
Hi there! I don’t think I know you! What’s your name? Where are you from?
Oh, I’ve heard of that place! But I think I might be confusing it with another place Well, if you don’t mind, could you tell me a bit about your home town?
: Well, first of all, my home town is located in
What are the people like? Is it true that they are generally quite tall?
No, that’s not true In fact, most people in my home town are
I’m curious about the weather in your hometown Could you share some details? Additionally, when would be the ideal time for me to plan a visit?
: The best season for visiting is
But, why isn’t it that good to visit during the other seasons?
People do visit it during the other seasons, but
: Are there very many places in your home town? What kind of role did your home town play in ancient Vietnam?
In ancient times, my home town was famous for
: That’s really interesting I didn’t know that before Are there any other interesting facts about your home town?
B: Of course! Most people don’t know that my home town is
A: What are the special products from your home town? Any special foods or clothes, or arts and crafts?
A: What do you think is the biggest difference between your home town and Ho Chi Minh City?
Thank you for the valuable information! I'm considering visiting your hometown on my next vacation Could you please share your email address so we can stay in touch?
A: Thanks so much! I hope to see you again soon!
3 Look at the following table and think of words to compare your home town to Ho Chi Minh City Use as many different words as you can
4 Use the following chart to interview a friend
What is your home town?
Number of years in home town
How long have you lived in your home town? 29
What is the weather like?
How many people live in your home town?
What is your home town famous for?
Describe one interesting place in your home town
Comparison to Ho Chi Minh City
How would you compare your home town to Ho Chi
5 Think about your answers to the following questions and then discuss your thoughts and opinions with your partner
1 Why do people love their home town so much?
2 Why do people leave their home town?
3 Why is it easier to get along with someone from your own home town?
4 How does your home town mould your personality? What characteristics do you feel people in your home town generally share?
Why did you choose this job?
What is your routine work?
Tell me about a typical working day
What do you like or dislike about your job?
Do you like your job? If you don’t, what kind of job would you prefer?
What job would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time?
(Wang Xiao meets Li Chen, who is waiting to meet with their mutual friend, Zhang Juan They start chatting while they are waiting.)
Hi, Li Chen! How nice to see you here!
Hi, Wang Xiao! I’m supposed to meet Zhang Juan at 12 o'clock Actually, if you have a few minutes, I’d like to ask you about your job
Sure What do you want to know?
Well, I’m thinking of looking for another job, but I want to find out as much information about other jobs before I make a decision
Sure, no problem But let me ask you first What do you do?
I work in a small computer company, mostly doing bookkeeping It’s alright for now, but
I don’t really see myself working there long term
W: But, why did you choose this job?
I chose this job due to its relevance to my field and attractive salary and benefits for a recent university graduate After nearly two years in the position, I find the work lacks excitement and engagement.
What do you mean? What do you do every day?
Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
Unit 1 How to Prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
1 An Overview of Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
The second part of the test, often referred to as the Individual Long Turn, involves the examiner providing you with a card that presents a specific topic and prompts for discussion During this stage, you are required to speak for approximately two minutes, focusing on general topics that relate to your personal experiences.
You shouÌd say: what it tastes like when people eat it how it is made and explain why you like it
When handing you the card, the examiner will say:
You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes
You will have 1 minute to think about what you’re going to talk about
You can make some notes if you wish
Before answering, the examiner provides paper and a pencil, allowing you one minute to jot down notes This brief time is crucial, so use it wisely While you don’t need to monitor the time closely, your interviewer will signal when it’s up However, keeping track can help ensure you speak for at least a minute, as speaking for less may prompt the examiner to encourage you to continue or ask follow-up questions.
Do you often make the food yourself?
Is it also your parents’ favourite food?
The Individual Long Turn is a monologue, so it's essential to avoid asking your interviewer questions Focus on speaking fluently and coherently, and if you find yourself running out of things to say, it's better to pause than to force the conversation Aim to speak for more than the allotted time to demonstrate your ability to articulate your thoughts effectively.
To avoid penalties during your speaking assessment, aim to keep your response between 1 to 2 minutes Speaking for just 1 minute is acceptable, but pushing beyond your limits may compromise your fluency and coherence, negatively impacting your score If you exceed 2 minutes, the examiner may interject politely, so it's important to conclude your talk gracefully.
Unit 2 Presentation Practice for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
Pere child you know well
\0173.10 7Ì TÁC where you met him/her what he/she looks like what personality he/she has and explain how you feel about him/her
I would like to introduce my neighbor's son, whom I first met when he and his parents moved into our neighborhood Before this, he lived with his grandparents in a different city.
He resembles a typical seven-year-old Chinese boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes Although he is slightly overweight, his average height is endearing His cuteness shines through, especially when he smiles and laughs.
He has a vibrant personality, characterized by his outgoing, friendly, and cheerful nature Known for his warm greetings, he actively engages with all the neighbors, ensuring everyone feels welcomed His enthusiasm for games is evident as he frequently enjoys playing soccer and running around the compound with friends, showcasing his active lifestyle and love for fun.
This little boy is truly inspiring; his joyful greetings bring me happiness and remind me that my worries are insignificant His carefree spirit encourages me to spread kindness to others I admire how children, especially him, embrace life and fully enjoy each day without the burdens of stress.
-Đescribe a close friend of yours
You should say: who he/she is how you got to know each other what activities you do together and explain why you feel close to him/her
My close friend Jenny, who is two years my senior, is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at university Despite her seemingly simple demeanor, she is exceptionally intelligent and consistently excels in her studies.
I met Jenny through a mutual friend who is both my classmate and her cousin During a visit to my friend's home, she introduced us, leading to our first encounter.
Jenny and I enjoy leisurely walks in the park, where we engage in meaningful conversations and appreciate the tranquil surroundings Additionally, we frequently go shopping together, as we share similar tastes in both fashion and music, making our outings enjoyable and fulfilling.
Jenny is a wonderful friend because she is easygoing and not demanding, allowing us to enjoy spontaneous moments together without detailed planning She understands me deeply, even more than her cousin, who is also my classmate Our friendship is built on mutual trust, as we freely share our struggles and support each other without any ulterior motives The most valuable aspect of our relationship is its selflessness, making it truly special.
We both want the very best for each other
Hair: wavy, curly, straight, dyed, s blonde, brown, red, grey, white, : eyebrows, thin eyebrows
Face: round, oval, broad, long, high c —— uel and ‘dubs chin, swine dimples freckles, fair-skinned, pale complexion, suntanned, high/low/broad forehead
Eyes can be described by their colors, such as brown, blue, green, dark, and grey, and can vary in size from big to small or even slanted Hair also comes in various styles and lengths, including crew cuts, bald heads, long, short, and medium-length hair Hair colors range from black to blonde, and styles can include pigtails or a beard, while some may prefer a clean-shaven look.
How to Prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
2 Preparing for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
To effectively complete the task, focus solely on the instructions provided on the card Avoid reading any additional information, as it merely reiterates what the examiner has already communicated to you.
After comprehending the task at hand, it's essential to consider your response carefully While some candidates may choose to forgo note-taking, we highly recommend it for better clarity and organization.
Presentation Practice for Part 2 of the
of the IELTS Speaking Test
Pere child you know well
\0173.10 7Ì TÁC where you met him/her what he/she looks like what personality he/she has and explain how you feel about him/her
My neighbor's son, whom I would like to describe, recently moved into our neighborhood with his parents after living with his grandparents in another city.
He resembles a typical seven-year-old Chinese boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes Although he is a bit overweight, his average height is endearing His cuteness shines through, especially when he laughs and smiles.
He is an outgoing and friendly individual who radiates happiness and energy Known for his warm greetings, he interacts with all the neighbors enthusiastically His love for games is evident as he frequently plays with friends, whether running around the compound, enjoying soccer, or simply having fun together.
This little boy is truly inspiring; his joyful greetings bring me happiness and remind me that my worries are insignificant His carefree spirit encourages me to be friendly to others, highlighting the beauty of childhood, where life is embraced with enthusiasm and each day is enjoyed to the fullest.
-Đescribe a close friend of yours
You should say: who he/she is how you got to know each other what activities you do together and explain why you feel close to him/her
My close friend Jenny, who is two years my senior, is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at university Although she appears to be quite simple, she is exceptionally intelligent and consistently excels in her studies.
I was introduced to Jenny by a mutual friend who is both my classmate and her cousin During a visit to my friend's home, Jenny came over, and that’s when we met.
Jenny and I enjoy walking in the park, where we engage in deep conversations and appreciate the serene atmosphere This peaceful environment is one of our favorite pastimes Additionally, we frequently go shopping together, as we share similar tastes in both clothing and music, making our shopping trips enjoyable and fun.
I appreciate Jenny for her easygoing nature, as she is neither demanding nor pushy Our time together is spontaneous, allowing us to enjoy each other's company without the need for detailed plans Jenny truly understands me, even more than her cousin, who is also my classmate We share our thoughts and challenges openly, creating a bond that feels genuine and caring Unlike other relationships, our friendship is selfless, making it one of the closest I’ve ever experienced.
We both want the very best for each other
Hair: wavy, curly, straight, dyed, s blonde, brown, red, grey, white, : eyebrows, thin eyebrows
Face: round, oval, broad, long, high c —— uel and ‘dubs chin, swine dimples freckles, fair-skinned, pale complexion, suntanned, high/low/broad forehead
The article discusses various eye colors, including brown, blue, green, dark, and grey, as well as their sizes and shapes, such as big, small, and slanted It also mentions different hairstyles, ranging from crew cuts and bald heads to long, short, and medium-length hair, with colors like black and highlights Additionally, it touches on facial hair options, including beards and clean-shaven looks.
How to Prepare for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
2 Preparing for Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
To efficiently complete the task on the card, focus solely on the information provided within it Avoid reading any external content, as it merely reiterates what the examiner has already communicated to you.
After thoroughly understanding the task, it's essential to begin formulating your response While some candidates choose to forgo note-taking, we highly recommend it to enhance clarity and organization in your thoughts.
When preparing for an assessment, use brief notes or phrases to aid your memory Avoid long sentences due to time constraints Mind maps are a popular and effective tool for organizing thoughts Remember, these notes can be in any language and are not for evaluation purposes.
If you prefer not to take notes and feel ready to respond without needing a full minute to think, inform your interviewer so you can begin speaking right away.
3 A Sample of Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test
In this exercise, you'll receive a topic to discuss for one to two minutes Before you begin, you will have one minute to think about your response and can take notes if you'd like Do you understand the instructions?
E: Here’s some paper and a pencil and you can make notes if you wish I’d like you to de- scribe your favourite food
(Candidate takes one minute for preparation.)
Dumplings are my favorite food, known for their delicious taste and appealing appearance Typically filled with a savory mix of meat, vegetables, and spices, they are especially popular during the Spring Festival in China, particularly on New Year’s Eve I learned to make dumplings in my childhood, starting with a simple dough made from flour and water, followed by preparing the filling and rolling out the wrappings The process is enjoyable and fosters connection among family and friends, making it a fun activity Ultimately, dumplings are not only a delightful dish but also versatile, allowing for a variety of fillings to suit individual tastes.
E: Well, do you often make the food yourself?
C: Not really Most of the time I eat fast food because I am too busy 0]
Height: Satis avera short, below average above average
Age: young, middle-aged, derly, i in one’s early/late teens, i
General appearance: plain oe good looking, stunning, beautiful, Borgeous, handsome, well- one’ 's mid-twenties / forties