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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) factors influencing international students choice to study abroad in a developing country the case of vietnam national university, hanoi

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY KHAING KHAING KYI FACTORS INFLUENCING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ CHOICE TO STUDY ABROAD IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: h THE CASE OF VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI MASTER’S THESIS VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY KHAING KHAING KYI h FACTORS INFLUENCING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ CHOICE TO STUDY ABROAD IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: THE CASE OF VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI MAJOR: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CODE: 8310210.01QTD RESEARCH SUPERVISORS: Prof Dr KAZUO KURODA Prof Dr PHAM QUANG MINH Hanoi, 2022 STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT I have read and understood the plagiarism violations I pledge with personal honour that this research result is my own and does not violate the Regulation on prevention of plagiarism in academic and scientific research activities at VNU Vietnam Japan University (Issued together with Decision No 700/QD-ĐHVN dated 30/9/2021 by the Rector of Vietnam Japan University) This dissertation is being submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the master’s degree in Global Leadership Other sources are acknowledged by giving explicit references Signature: Khaing Khaing Kyi h Date: July-2022 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank those who supported and assisted me in completing this study First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Prof Dr KURODA, Kazuo and Prof Dr MINH, Pham Quang for their guidance, kind support, continuous encouragement, valuable insights, comments, and suggestions for this research I would like to express my sincere and special thanks to my Master Thesis Committee Chair and members, Prof Dr TUNG, Pham Hong, Prof Dr KATSUMA, Yasushi, Prof Dr Tuan Anh Nguyen and Dr Nguyen Thị Thuy Trang for their time and constructive comments and advice I am grateful to the Japanese and Vietnamese governments for the JAIF (Japan ASEAN Integration Fund – VJU) scholarship that enabled my studies in Vietnam during the past two years I am also indebted to Vietnam Japan University for choosing me as a scholar and allowing me to study in Vietnam and for its continuous support before departing and after I arrived in Vietnam h I am heartily thankful to Dr RYU, Jung Hyun Jasmine, JICA Expert and Lecturer, for her inspiring guidance, thoughtful suggestions, and kind support throughout the past two years My sincere thanks go to the VNU office and the International Students Dormitory Management office for their support in collecting data and information My heartfelt thanks go to the international students who participated in this study and shared their time with me, even with the tough study schedule This research may not have been accomplished without their kind participation and contributions Last but not least, my most heartfelt gratitude goes to my parents and my sisters for their endless love, unconditional sacrifice, support, and encouragement This work is dedicated to them with all my love ABSTRACT International student mobility is a part of cross-border education and people mobility Student mobility typically refers to international students pursuing a fulltime degree abroad or students enrolled in a short-term, semester, or year-abroad programme (Knight, 2004) Recently, “students enrolled in collaborative degree programmes such as double or joint degrees, franchise, twinning, or sandwich programmes have been included” (Knight, 2004, p 27) Lee (1966) proposed the pushpull theory to decide the migration process He expounds that people move from one place to another for political, economic, social, and academic reasons The theory was globally adopted to investigate international students’ mobility The purpose of the study is to investigate the critical pull factors influencing international students’ choice to study at a national university in a developing country The study took VNU, Hanoi as a case Secondly, it examines these factors and how they are different in the regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe The study was conducted to answer the following two 1) h main research questions: What factors influence degree-seeking international students from Asia, Africa, and Europe to choose Vietnam as a study destination? 2) How these factors vary from region to region? The study was carried out in different institutions of VNU, including four member universities, one institute, and one school This study employed a triangulation mixed methods model, a convergent design that implemented qualitative and quantitative methods International students from 20 different countries participated in the study This study analyses four dimensions: political, economic, social/cultural, and academic, which are the key rationales for the internationalisation of HE There are 16 indicators or themes to analyse the data Findings reveal that the most influential academic factors are the reputation of institutions and the quality of HE in Vietnam With economic factors, students are attracted by better employment opportunities, low tuition fees, and lower living costs For social/cultural factors, Vietnamese culture is the most influential factor, and political factors such as being a member country of ASEAN attracted students to study in Vietnam Besides, the influencing factors of international students are different from region to region and country to country In terms of the region, both Asian and African students were attracted, particularly by economic and academic factors The most influential factors are scholarships, low cost of living and tuition fees, better employment opportunities, and the reputation of institutions On the other hand, European students chose Vietnam to study abroad for social and cultural factors Interest in the Vietnamese language and culture's attractiveness is the most attractive factor Overall, Vietnam’s unique social culture and social relationships attracted international students from Europe, while Vietnam’s colonial partnership attracted African international students and regionalization factors most affected Asian students' decision to come and study in Vietnam The study concludes that Vietnam’s foreign policy highly influences the flow of inbound international students to Vietnam Keywords: International h Internationalization Student Mobility, Vietnam, Study Abroad, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page h CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………1 1.1 Research background……………………………………………………… …2 1.2 Problem Statement…………………………………………………… ………4 1.3 Purpose of the study…………………………………………………… …… 1.4 Significance of the study……………………………………………… …… 1.5 Limitation of the study…………………………………………………… ….6 1.6 Structure and overview of the study……………………………………… ….6 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………….……9 2.1 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………… …….….…9 2.1.1 The Push-Pull Theory……………………………………………….…….9 2.1.2 Globalization and Internationalization in HE…………….………… .11 2.1.3 Student Mobility…………………………………………………………12 2.1.4 Trends in international students’ mobility……………………………….13 2.1.5 Intraregional student mobility in Asia………………………………… 14 2.1.6 Inbound student mobility in Vietnam………………………………… 15 2.1.7 International students at VNU, Hanoi from 2016-2020…………….… 19 2.2 Analytical Framework….……………………………………… ……… … 21 2.2.1 Political factors……………………………………………………… 23 2.2.2 Economic factors…………………………………………………… …24 2.2.3 Social/ Cultural factors …………………………………………….… 25 2.2.4 Academic factors.….…………………………………………….………26 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………… ….28 3.1 Research Design……………………………….……………………….… ….28 3.1.1 Population of the research…………… ….………………………… …28 3.1.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Samples……….…………………….….…29 3.1.3 Research Instruments……………………….……………………… ….34 3.2 Case selection……………………………………….…………….…….… …36 3.2.1 National level: Vietnam as a case……………… ……………… ….….36 3.2.2 Institutional level: VNU, Hanoi………………….………….….… … 36 3.3 Data collection…………………………………………….…….……… … 38 3.3.1 Qualitative data collection………………………………………….……38 3.3.2 Quantitative data collection……………… …………… ……… …39 3.4 Data analysis……………………………………………….……… ……… 39 3.4.1 Analysis of qualitative data…………………………………….…… …40 3.4.2 Analysis of quantitative data…………………………………… … .40 3.4.3 Data Merging…………………………………………………….… ….40 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION…………………………… ………42 4.1 Factors influencing international students’ choice to study abroad in Vietnam h 4.1.1 Political factors………………………………………………… ………43 4.1.2 Economic factors…………………….……………………………….….48 4.1.3 Social/ Cultural factors………………………… ……………….… …56 4.1.4 Academic factors…………………………………… ………….………63 4.1.5 Potential/ Additional factors…………………………………… ………71 4.2 How influencing factors vary among the regions of Asia, Africa and Europe 4.2.1 European students in Vietnam………………………… ……… … …80 4.2.2 African students in Vietnam……………………………… … … … 82 4.2.3 Asian students in Vietnam………………………………… ….… … 84 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS…… …………….88 5.1 Summary of key findings………………………………………… .…… 88 5.2 Conclusions ……………………… …………………………………………90 5.3 Recommendations for further research……………………… …….…… .94 REFERENCE APPENDICES Appendix – Questionnaire Appendix – Statistical data Appendix – List of interviewees Appendix – Interview consent letter Appendix – Interview Guide Appendix – Code book Appendix – Majors and Areas that international students studying at VNU, Hanoi and origin of countries LIST OF TABLES Page h Table 2.1 List of countries in Africa and total inbound students to Vietnam (1999-2019) ……….………………………………………………… 17 Table 2.2 List of countries in Asia and total inbound students to Vietnam (1999-2019)………………………………………………………… … 18 Table 2.3 List of countries in Europe and total inbound students to Vietnam (1999-2019)………………………………………………………… … 19 Table 2.4 The number of international students in long-term courses at VNU, Hanoi from 2016-2020……………………………………………………… …20 Table 2.5 Distribution of degree-seeking international students at VNU, Hanoi (2016-2020)………………………………………………………….… 21 Table 2.6 Analytical Framework………………………………………… … … 22 Table 3.1 Interviewees by country of origin……………….……………… ….……30 Table 3.2 Interviewees by disciplines and institutions………………….… ….… 31 Table 3.3 Demographic of survey respondents…………………………….…….….33 Table 3.4 The main content of the survey……………………………………….… 35 Table 4.1 Average score and rank order of political factors ranked by international students studying at VNU, Hanoi……………………………… …….….44 Table 4.2 Average score and rank order of economic factors ranked by international students studying at VNU, Hanoi………………………………… …… 49 Table 4.3 Average score and rank order of social/ cultural factors ranked by international students studying at VNU, Hanoi…………………… … 57 Table 4.4 Average score and rank order of academic factors ranked by international students studying at VNU, Hanoi……………………………… …….…64 i LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 The Flow of International Students Studying in Vietnam (1999-2019) Figure 2.1 Basic Push-Pull Model………………………………………………….…9 Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework of the study ……………………………………11 Figure 2.3 Total number of inbound students who studied in Vietnam (1999-2019).16 Figure 3.1 Research Design….…………………………………………………… 28 Figure 3.2 Concurrent Triangulation Design…… ……………………………….…41 h ii Scores and rank by social/ cultural factors Social/cultural factors culture attractiveness interest in learning Vietnamese safe environment opportunity to gain international experience Total Total Average Scores Score *1 % *2 % *3 % *4 % 8.3 29.2 11 45.8 16.7 55 2.29 4.2 8.3 25 15 62.5 37 1.54 33.3 29.2 29.2 8.3 69 2.88 13 54.2 33.3 12.5 79 3.29 24 100 24 100 24 100 24 24 Rank Scores and rank by academic factors *1 % *2 % 29.2 12 50 13 54.2 *3 Total Average Scores Score % *4 % h Academic factors quality of education reputation of institutions advanced research facilities 16.7 4.2 73 3.04 25 16.7 4.2 79 3.29 8.3 12.5 19 79.2 31 1.29 57 2.38 qualified teaching staff 16.7 16.7 13 54.2 12.5 Total 24 100 24 100 24 100 24 100 Rank 109 D Influencing factors for international students from Asia to study abroad in Vietnam Scores and rank by Political factors Political Factor political stability a member country of ASEAN ease of getting a visa diplomatic relationship with my country Total Total Average Rank Scores Score *1 % *2 % *3 % *4 % 10 29.4 26.5 17.6 26.5 88 2.58 20.6 12 35.3 26.5 17.6 88 2.58 14.7 23.5 17.6 15 44.1 71 2.08 12 35.3 14.7 13 38.2 11.8 93 2.73 34 100 34 100 34 100 34 100 h Scores and rank by economic factors Economic factors scholarships or financial assistance low costs of tuition fees and living better employment opportunities availability of part-time job Total Total Average Rank Scores Score *1 % *2 % *3 % *4 % 12 35.3 17.6 14.7 11 32.4 87 2.59 14.7 16 47.1 10 29.4 8.8 91 2.68 14 41.2 26.5 20.6 11.8 101 2.97 8.8 8.8 12 35.3 16 47 61 1.79 34 100 34 100 34 100 34 100 *Total number of respondents who ranked [1,2,3,4] 110 Scores and rank by social/ cultural factors Social/cultural factors culture attractiveness interest in learning Vietnamese safe environment opportunity to gain international experience % *2 % *3 % *4 % Total Scores 20.6 15 44.1 26.5 8.8 94 2.76 20.6 14.7 23.5 14 41.2 73 2.15 11.8 17.6 11 32.4 13 38.2 69 2.03 16 47.1 23.5 17.6 11.8 104 3.05 34 100 34 99.9 34 100 34 100 Total Average Scores Score Rank Total *1 Average Rank Score Scores and rank by academic factors Total *1 % *2 % *3 % *4 % 14 41.2 26.5 17.6 14.7 100 2.94 20.6 13 38.2 26.5 14.7 90 2.65 2 5.9 23.5 11 32.4 13 38.2 67 1.97 11 32.4 11.8 23.5 11 32.4 83 2.44 34 100 34 100 34 100 34 100 h Academic factors quality of education reputation of institutions advanced research facilities qualified teaching staff 111 E Influencing factors for international students from South Korea to study abroad in Vietnam % 18.2 27.3 18.2 36.4 Total Score s 25.0 18.2 36.4 36.4 9.1 36.4 18.2 0.0 27.3 18.2 45.5 0 9.1 18.2 72.7 81.8 0 % * % * % Averag e Score Ran k 2.27 29.0 2.64 45.5 27.0 2.45 9.1 29.0 2.64 9.1 81.8 14 1.27 9.1 0 34 3.09 2 18.2 0 40 3.64 18.2 63.6 18.2 22 9.1 63.6 18.2 9.1 30.0 2.73 2 18.2 18.2 45.5 18.2 26.0 2.36 9.1 9.1 27.3 54.5 19.0 1.73 63.6 9.1 9.1 18.2 35.0 3.18 36.4 45.5 9.1 9.1 34.0 3.09 36.4 36.4 18.2 9.1 33.0 3.00 9.1 18.2 36.4 36.4 22.0 2.00 18.2 0.0 36.4 45.5 21.0 1.91 h political stability a member country of ASEAN Political ease of getting a Factors visa diplomatic relationship with my country scholarships or financial assistance low costs of tuition fees and living Economi c factors better employment opportunities availability of parttime job culture attractiveness interest in learning Social/c Vietnamese ultural safe environment factors opportunity to gain international experience quality of education reputation of institutions Academi advanced research c factors facilities qualified teaching staff *1 * *Total number of respondents who ranked [1,2,3,4] 112 F Influencing factors for international students from Myanmar to study abroad in Vietnam Politic al Factor s Econo mic factors Acade mic factors % *2 % *3 % 36.4 18.2 9.1 27.3 36.4 27.3 9.1 18.2 29 2.9 0 36.4 9.1 45.5 19 1.9 18.2 9.1 63.6 0 25 2.5 63.6 18.2 9.1 0 36 3.6 1 9.1 18.2 45.5 18.2 22 2.2 9.1 54.5 27.3 0 28 2.8 9.1 0 9.1 72.7 14 1.4 18.2 36.4 27.3 9.1 27 2.7 9.1 0 0 81.8 13 1.3 18.2 27.3 45.5 0 27 2.7 45.5 27.3 18.2 0 33 3.3 45.5 9.1 18.2 18.2 29 2.9 1 9.1 45.5 27.3 9.1 26 2.6 0 18.2 27.3 45.5 17 1.7 4 36.4 18.2 18.2 18.2 28 2.8 h Social/ cultura l factors political stability a member country of ASEAN ease of getting a visa diplomatic relationship with my country scholarships or financial assistance low costs of tuition fees and living better employment opportunities availability of part-time job culture attractiveness interest in learning Vietnamese safe environment opportunity to gain international experience quality of education reputation of institutions advanced research facilities qualified teaching staff *1 * Tot al Sco res 27 % Aver age Score Rank 2.7 *Total number of respondents who ranked [1,2,3,4] 113 G Influencing factors for international students from Laos to study abroad in Vietnam political stability a member country of ASEAN ease of getting a visa diplomatic relationship with my country Econo scholarships or mic financial factors assistance low costs of tuition fees and living better employment opportunities availability of part-time job Social/c culture ultural attractiveness factors interest in learning Vietnamese safe environment opportunity to gain international experience Acade quality of mic education factors reputation of institutions advanced research facilities qualified teaching staff 9.1 * % 9.1 Total Scores 16 Average Ran Score k 2.67 27.3 9.1 14 2.33 9.1 18.2 27.3 10 1.67 36.4 9.1 0 9.1 20 3.33 27.3 9.1 0 18.2 17 2.83 0 18.2 27.3 9.1 13 2.17 9.1 18.2 9.1 18.2 14 2.33 2 18.2 h Politica l Factors * 1 % * % 9.1 * % 27.3 9.1 9.1 0 9.1 0 27.3 14 2.33 9.1 27.3 9.1 9.1 16 2.67 2 18.2 18.2 9.1 9.1 17 2.83 1 9.1 18.2 9.1 0 2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 13 14 2.17 2.33 3 27.3 18.2 0 9.1 19 3.17 0 9.1 18.2 27.3 10 1.67 9.1 27.3 18.2 0 17 2.83 2 18.2 0 18.2 18.2 14 2.33 *Total number of respondents who ranked [1,2,3,4] 114 APPENDIX 3: LIST OF INTERVIEWEES Gender Country IR-1 IR-2 IR-3 IR-4 Male Male Male Male IR-5 Male IR-6 Female IR-7 IR-8 IR-9 IR-10 IR-11 IR-12 IR-13 IR-14 IR-15 IR-16 IR-17 IR-18 IR-19 IR-20 IR-21 IR-22 IR-23 IR-24 IR-25 IR-26 IR-27 IR-28 Male Female Female Male Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Cameroon Cameroon China China Republic of Congo Republic of Congo German Haiti Japan Japan South Korea South Korea South Korea Laos PDR Laos PDR Laos PDR Laos PDR Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Myanmar Nigeria Nigeria Russia Sri Lanka Serbia Ukraine Ukraine Academic program Discipline Master Master Master Master IT IT Humanity Social Science Scholarship(half) Scholarship(half) Self-funded Self-funded Master IT Scholarship(half) Master IT Scholarship(half) Bachelor Master Master Master Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Master Master Master Bachelor Master Master Master Master Master Master PhD Master Master Bachelor Bachelor Humanity IT Humanity Humanity Law Law Humanity IT Humanity Humanity IT Engineering Engineering Natural Science Social Science Natural Science Humanity Humanity Natural Science Social Science Humanity Humanity Self-funded Scholarship(half) Self-funded Self-funded Self-funded Self-funded Self-funded Scholarship(half) Scholarship(half) Scholarship Self-funded Scholarship Scholarship Self-funded Scholarship Self-funded Self-funded Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship h Pseudo nym Source of financial support 115 APPENDIX 4: CONSENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN INTERVIEW The research titled “Factors Influencing International Students’ Choice to Study Abroad in a Developing Country: The Case of Vietnam National University, Hanoi” is to examine the influencing factors for the international students to study in Vietnam The interview will last approximately 40-60 minutes All information provided will be solely used for this research study and will be treated as confidential and with complete anonymity The researcher will not identify the interviewee by name in any reports using information obtained from this interview All the information will be stored securely by the researcher, with only the researcher and her supervisors having access to it for the sole purpose of this study Participation in this research is completely voluntary, and the interviewee may withdraw at any stage without prejudice or negative consequences Withdrawal or nonparticipation will not affect the interviewee now or in the future The interviewee may contact the researcher or her supervisors if it is required further information about the research, and may also contact Vietnam Japan University if the interviewee wishes to make a complaint relating to the involvement in the research Interviewee agree for audio record and transcripts and understand that the transcription will be made available for comment or change before the completion of the research h Name: Name of researcher: _ Signature: Signature of researcher: Date: Miss Khaing Khaing Kyi MA student Master’s program in Global Leadership Vietnam Japan University e-mail: 19110079@st.vju.ac.vn 116 APPENDIX 5: INTERVIEW GUIDE Interview Guide Research Title: Factors influencing international students' choice to study abroad in a developing country: The case of Vietnam National University, Hanoi Part I: Personal information Could you tell me about your background? (Name, gender, age, country of origin, field of study, name of school, graduate or post-graduate study, financial support) Part II: Influencing factors h Why did you decide to study in a developing country, Vietnam?/ What affect your choice to study abroad in Vietnam? Political Political stability of Vietnam Did you choose Vietnam for its political stability? Did it affect your choice to factors study in Vietnam? How? Being an ASEAN country VN is a member country of ASEAN Did it influence you to choose VN for study abroad? Yes - How? / No - Why? Ease of visa processing Many students think about visa before they go to a foreign country Getting the visa easily is also important for them It is one factor to consider before they decide to study abroad How about you? Do you have same or different idea? Diplomatic relations with home How does the relationship between your country and VN affect you to study in countries of International students Vietnam? Did you choose VN for having good relationship with VN? Why? Economic Scholarship opportunities or Do you get a scholarship? Have you been financially supported to study in factors financial assistance Vietnam? Did the amount of scholarship affect you to study in Vietnam? Why? Low costs of living and tuition Is it cheap or expensive to live in Vietnam? Does low cost of living attract you to fees study in Vietnam? How does it influence you to study in VN? How about tuition fees? Are they reasonable or expensive? Is it one thing that influence you to choose Vietnam for study abroad? Why? Better employment opportunities after graduation Did you expect to have better career opportunities after graduation? If yes, how did you expect it? Is it an influencing factor for you to choose Vietnam? 117 Social/ Cultural factors Academic factors Availability of part-time employment Culture attractiveness Do you have a part-time job? Yes_ did you consider getting a part-time job before you come here? How important is it for you? What you know about Vietnamese culture? Is it attractive to you or not? If yes, how does it influence you choose it as a study destination? Interest in learning Vietnamese language Safe environment in Vietnam Are you interested in learning Vietnamese language? Does it attract you to study in VN? How? Do you think studying in Vietnam is safe? Does security factor influence you choose to study in Vietnam? Did you expect you will get international experience when you study in Vietnam? How? Do you think quality of Vietnam Higher Education is good or bad? How does it affect you to study in Vietnam? Many students focus on the reputation of the university and they choose the famous university for study abroad How about you? Is it important for you to choose the university which has good reputation? Do you know VN's research facilities? Are they advanced or not? Do they attract you to study in VN? When you made a decision process for study abroad in Vietnam, did you think about the qualities of teaching staff? Is it important factor for you? Why? What other factors you think influence your choice to study in Vietnam? Why? Opportunity to gain international life experience Quality of Vietnam Higher Education Reputation of Institutions h Availability of advanced research facilities High quality teaching staff Potential factors 118 APPENDIX 6: CODEBOOK Factors Influencing international students’ Choice to Study Abroad in Vietnam Description Academic Academic factors that influence international students' choice to study in Vietnam 28 102 Academic opportunity It is able to get double degrees: one from Vietnam and one from France 13 21 Advanced research facilities Availability of advanced research facilities 0 Availability of courses Courses are attractive 11 15 High quality teaching staff High quality of teachers 15 18 Institution's reputation Reputation of Institutions 21 33 Quality of Higher Education Quality of Vietnam Higher Education 12 15 Economic factors that influence international students' choice to study in Vietnam 25 86 2 18 31 Economic Files h Name References Availability of part-time employment There is available for part-time job Better employment opportunities after graduation There are better employment opportunities after graduation Emerging economy Vietnam's economic development Geographic proximity It is near to my country 119 Name Description Files References The costs of living and tuition fees are low 14 23 Scholarship opportunities or financial assistance There are scholarship opportunities and financial assistance 11 18 Political factors that influence international students' choice to study in Vietnam 18 25 A member country of ASEAN Vietnam is a member country of ASEAN 10 11 Diplomatic relations with home country of international student The diplomatic relations with home country of international student is good Ease of visa processing The process of applying visa is simple 1 Political similarity of home country of international student Political similarity between Vietnam and home country of international student 3 Political stability of Vietnam The political situation in Vietnam is stable 3 Social or Cultural factors that influence international students' choice to study in Vietnam 26 108 Vietnamese culture is attractive 17 46 Political Social or Cultural Culture attractiveness h Low costs of living and tuition fees Vietnamese food Attractiveness of Vietnamese food Vietnamese people's openness Openness of Vietnamese people 15 120 Name Description Files Culture similarity There is similar culture between Vietnam and home country of international student Interest in learning Vietnamese language References Learning Vietnamese language is interesting 12 19 Opportunity to gain international life experience There is an opportunity to gain international life experience 11 12 Recommendations of friends and family Friend or family recommendation 10 15 Safe environment in Vietnam Vietnam has safe learning environment 10 10 Social relationship Having relationship in Vietnam 3 h 121 APPENDIX 7: MAJORS AND AREAS THAT INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS STUDYING AT VNU AND THE ORIGINS OF THE COUNTRIES No Countries Majors Areas Study of language, Global Leadership, Area Humanities, China Studies: Vietnamese language studies, English Social Sciences language, Language and Culture, French language Ukraine English education Language Laos Anthropology, Sociology, Study of language, Vietnamese studies, Climate Change and Development, Environmental Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science, German Language South Korea Russian North Korea international studies, hotel management, law, English language, French language, English education, Language and culture Business Administration, Russian, Vietnamese studies Chinese, English language Vietnamese studies, Area Studies, English language Germany Vietnamese studies France Law 10 Sri-lan-ka Environmental Engineering Climate Change and Development, Environmental Republic of 11 Engineering, Public Policy, Information Nigeria Technology Climate Change and Development, Business Administration, Environmental Engineering, 12 Myanmar Global Leadership, Infrastructure Engineering, Nanotechnology, Public Policy 13 Cambodia Law 14 Taiwan Vietnamese studies 15 Turkey Law Republic of 16 Law, Information Technology Benin 17 Thailand 18 Poland Republic of 19 Information Technology Haiti Democratic 20 Republic of Information Technology the Congo Japan Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Science, Computer Science and Technology Humanities, Language and Law Humanities Language h Humanities and Language Humanities Law Natural Science Social Sciences, natural Science and Technology Social Sciences, Natural Science and Technology Law Humanities Law Law and IT IT IT 122 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Republic of Togo Republic of Congo Republic of Cameroon Serbia Malaysia Republic of Mali Burkina Faso Republic of Guinea Republic of Chad Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Information Technology IT Information Technology IT Information Technology IT Global Leadership Social Sciences Information Technology IT Information Technology IT Information Technology IT Information Technology IT Information Technology IT h 123

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2023, 09:25