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(Luận văn) the determinants of consumers shopping behavior in retail in ho chi minh

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Nội dung

INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS p ie gh tn to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM w n VIETNAM -NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS d a lo la p yi u yj th n a lu The determinants of consumers' shopping n va behavior in retail market in Ho Chi Minh City ll fu oi m at z ( nh BY LE THAI BAO TRAN z t k jm ht vb gm l.c MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS om ' an Lu n va re HO CHI MINH CITY, Dec 2011 _ \,, _ _ ~ t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM ng INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS ep hi w n VIETNAM -NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS lo ad y th yi ju pl n ua al The determinants of consumers' shopping behavior in retail market in Ho Chi Minh City n va fu m ll A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment ofthe requirements for the degree of oi MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS at nh z By z LE THAI BAO TRAN j ht vb k m Dr NGUYEN MINH DUC l.c gm Academic Supervisor om an Lu n va r HO CHI MINH CITY, Dec 2011 gh tn to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ie First of all, I would like to express my honest and special thanks to p supervisor, Dr Nguyen Minh Due, for his enthusiastic assistances and guidelines w during my writing of the thesis n ad lo I would like to express special thanks to Dr Peter Calkin for his useful th yj comments on my thesis research proposal Besides, I am grateful to Dr Nguyen ip uy Trong Hoai, Dr Pham Khanh Nam and Dr Cao Hao Thi for their very helpful an lu la guidelines and comment on my thesis as well I would like to send sincere thanks to my colleagues, my friends who have va n supported me a lot to the survey in this thesis fu oi m ll Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family for their at nh spiritual encouragement during the time of studying of Master of Development Economics z z vb jm ht Dec, 2011 Le Thai Bao Tran k gm l.c om an Lu n va r 11 gh tn to CONTENTS ie p ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES xiii ABSTRACT xiv CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ! 1.1 Problem statement I 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Research questions 1.4 The organization of thesis CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definitions 2.1.1 Supermarket Traditional market 2.1.2 2.1.3 Consumer behavior Theoretical literature 2.2 2.2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action- TRA 2.2.2 Theory of Planned Behavior- TPB 2.2.3 Behavioral economics theory and neo classical economics theory 2.2.4 The process of customer's decision- making 10 2.2.5 Literature about store- choice 10 2.3 Conceptual framework 13 2.3.1 Shopping frequency 13 Price 14 w n ad lo th yj ip uy an lu la n va fu oi m ll at nh Location 15 z z Shopping environment 15 vb Service 16 ht jm Advertising and promotion 16 k Product assortment 16 gm Customer demographic characteristics 17 l.c 2.3.2 Customer satisfaction ofthe favorite store 17 2.3.3 Conceptual framework 19 CHAPTER III: AN OVERVIEW OF SUPERMARKETS/ TRADITIONAL MARKETS ACTIVITIES IN HO CHI MINH CITY 23 3.1 Overview of retail market in Vietnam 23 3.1.1 Population of Vietnam by gender and region 23 3.1.2 Total retail revenue of goods and services 23 3.2 Overview retail market ofHo Chi Minh City (HCMC) 23 3.2.1 Population 23 3.2.3 Development of supermarkets and traditional markets in HCM 27 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DATA ANALYSIS 29 4.1 Samples and data collection technique 29 om n va r Ill an Lu ' -~ gh tn to 4.1.1 Sampling 29 4.1.2 Data collection 30 4.2 Research methodology and data analysis 31 4.2.1 Variable measurement 31 Demographic characteristics 31 ie p w n ad lo Location 32 Gender 32 Age 32 Married status (Mar) 32 Household size (Hsize) 32 Education (Edu) 32 Career 32 Kind of firm where shopper is working for (KindF) 32 Average monthly income ofshopper (Mincomei) 33 Average monthly income offamily of shopper (MincomeH) 33 Shopping information 33 th yj ip uy lu la an Attributes ofsupermarket/ traditional market 33 va Satisfaction of shopper with most frequently shopping place 33 n 4.2.2 Supermarket: 34 Descriptive statistics of variables: 34 fu oi m ll Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability test (Cronbach's Alpha) 36 nh at Model specification: 41 z Model ofshopping frequency: .41 Model of satisfaction 44 Effects of demographic variables on shopping behavior at z ht vb jm supermarket: 46 k Bivariate correlation between FreqS and SSatisfy analysis: gm Effect of shopper's satisfaction with distance from home/ working l.c place (SsatisfyDis) to supermarket on their shopping frequency (FreqS) and om satisfaction (Ssatisfy) with favorite supermarket: 48 4.2.3 Traditional market: 51 iv r (Spendsuper) and shopping frequency (FreqS) at supermarket: 51 n The relationship between spending for each shopping time va supermarket: 50 an shopping frequency (FreqS) or satisfaction (Ssatisfy) of shoppers with Lu 4.2.2 Effect of preference of supermarket shopping (Likeshopsuper) on gh tn to Descriptive statistic of variables: 51 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and reliability test (Cronbach's Alpha) 52 ie p Model specification: 56 w n Model of shopping frequency 56 Model of satisfaction 58 Effects of demographic variables on shopping behavior at traditional ad lo market: 60 th Bivariate correlation between shopping frequency (FreqT) and yj uy satisfaction (Tsatisfy) 62 ip Effect of shoppers' satisfaction with distance (TsatisfyDis) from la home/ working place to traditional market on their shopping frequency lu an (FreqT) and shopping satisfaction (Tsatisfy) with favorite traditional va market: 62 n 4.2.3 Effect of preference of traditional market shopping (Likeshoptradi) fu oi m ll on shopping frequency (FreqT) or satisfaction (Tsatisfy) of shoppers with favorite traditional markets 64 at nh The relationship between spending for each shopping time (Spendtradi) and shopping frequency (FreqT) at traditional market: 65 z z 4.2.4 Comparison about the difference of shopping behavior (shopping frequency and satisfaction) between two sample size (supermarket and traditional market) 65 Shopping frequency at supermarket and traditional market 65 jm ht vb k Satisfaction about supermarket and traditional market 67 gm The difference of the preference of shopping between two group l.c shoppers 68 om Satisfaction about distance from shopper's house to supermarket/ n r v va CHAPTER V: FINDING AND CONCLUSION 70 5.1 Shoppers' behavior at supermarket 70 5.2 Shoppers' behavior at traditional markets 72 5.3 Comparison between supermarket and traditional market 74 5.4 Conclusion and recommendation 75 5.5 Limitation of this research and expectation for further research 76 REFERENCES 77 an Lu traditional market 69 gh tn to ie p APPENDICES 82 APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONAIRES 82 QUESTIONAIRE (in English) 82 QUESTIONAIRE (in Vietnamese) 91 APPENDIX 2: Overview of HCMC 99 APPENDIX 3: VARIABLE MEARSUREMENT 102 APPENDIX 4: EFA ANALYSIS (SUPERMARKET) 117 APPENDIX 5: RELIABILITY TEST (ATTRIBUTE OF SUPERMARKET) 121 APPENDIX 6: REGRESSION OF SATISFACTION ABOUT SUPERMARKET MODEL (1st time) 123 APPENDIX7: ONE-WAY ANOVA ANALYSIS (SUPERMARKET) 123 APPENDIX 8: EFA ANALYSIS (TRADITIONAL MARKET) 143 APPENDIX 9: 1sT REGRESSION OF SHOPPING FREQUENCY AT TRADITIONAL MARKET 144 APPENDIX 10: ONE-WAY ANOVA ANALYSIS (TRADITIONAL MARKET) 145 APPENDIX 11: COMPARISON ABOUT SHOPPING BEHAVIOR BETWEEN TWO SAMPLE SIZE (SUPERMARKET) AND TRADITIONAL MARKET 166 w n ad lo th yj ip uy an lu la n va fu oi m ll at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va r J vi t to ng LIST OF TABLES ep hi TABLE IN CONTENT Table 1.1: Ranking of attractiveness of retail market in the world w Table 3.1: Population ofHo Chi Minh City by district 24 n lo Table 3.2: Population ofHCMC by age 25 ad ····························································································································· th yj Table 3.3: Total retail revenues of goods and services by region 26 ip uy Table 4.1: Descriptive statistic of supermarkets' attributes .35 la Table 4.2.: The result of3rd time conducting EFA 37 a lu Table 4.3: Summary of Reliability test result 41 n Table 4.4: Descriptive statistics of group factors affect to frequency of shopping va n at supermarket 42 fu m ll Table 4.5: The result of regression (shopping frequency at supermarket) 43 oi Table 4.6: The result of2"d regression (satisfaction at supermarket) 45 at nh Table 4.7: Correlation between shopping frequency and satisfaction 48 Table 4.8a: Ranks 49 z z Table 4.8b: Test statistics 49 vb jm ht Table 4.9: Descriptive statistic of variables of traditional market's attributes 52 Table 4.10: The result of2"d conducting EPA (traditional market) 53 k gm Table 4.11: Summary of reliability test result (traditional market) 55 l Table 4.12: Descriptive statistics of group variables of traditional market 56 m co Table 4.13: The result of 2"d regression (shopping frequency at traditional market) 57 vii r Table 4.17: Frequency index ofFreqS and FreqT 65 n Table 4.16b: Test Statistics 63 va Table 4.16a: Ranks 63 an Table 4.15: Correlation between FreqT and Tsatisfy 62 Lu Table 4.14: The result of regression (satisfaction at traditional market) 59 tn to Table 4.18a: Ranks 66 ie gh • Table 4.18b: Test statistics 66 Table 4.19: Satisfaction index about supermarket and traditional market 67 p Table 4.20a: Ranks 67 w Table 4.20b: Test statistics 67 n lo Table 4.21: Like index of supermarket and traditional market 68 ad Table 4.22a: Ranks 68 th yj Table 4.22b: Test statistics 68 i uy Table 4.23: Satisfaction index about distance 69 pl Table 4.24a: Ranks 69 n ua al Table 4.24b: Test statistics 69 Table 5.1: Cross table ofFreqS and Age 72 n va TABLE IN APPENDICIES m ll fu APPENDIX 2: Overview ofHCMC oi Table 3.4: Population of Vietnam by gender and region 99 z at nh Table 3.5: Retail revenues of goods and services by economic sector 100 Table 3.6: Number of traditional market, supermarket and trade centre until z year 2015 101 jm ht vb APPENDIX 3: VARIABLE MEARSUREMENT Table 4.25: Variable measurement 102 k gm Table 4.26: Location where shopper is living 112 l.c Table 4.27: Gender of shopper 113 om Table 4.28: Percentage of age of shopper 113 Table 4.29: Married status of shoppers 113 n va Table 4.32: Career of shoppers 114 an Table 4.31: Education level of shoppers 114 Lu Table 4.30: Household size of shopper 113 r Table 4.33: Kind of firm where shopper is working for 114 Table 4.34: Monthly income of shopper 115 viii t to Table 4.35: Monthly income ofhousehold 115 ng Table 4.36: Shopping at traditional market is a long- standing traditional habit of ep hi Vietnamese 116 Table 4.37: Going to supermarket is not only for shopping but also for w entertainment 116 n lo Table 4.38: Going shopping at traditional market or supermarket is not important ad The important thing is that I can buy whatever I want efficiently 116 th yj APPENDIX 4: EFA ANALYSIS (SUPERMARKET) ip uy Table 4.39: The first time of conducting EF A 117 la Table 4.40: Second time of conducting EF A 118 a lu APPENDIX 5: RELIABILITY TEST (ATTRIBUTE OF SUPERMARKET) n Table 4.41: Reliability test of group 121 va n Table 4.42: Reliability test of group (Policy) 121 fu m ll Table 4.43: Reliability test of group (Service) 122 oi APPENDIX 6: REGRESSION OF SATISFACTION ABOUT at nh SUPERMARKET MODEL (1st time) Table 4.44: Regression result 123 z z APPENDIX?: ONE-WAY ANOVAANALYSIS (SUPERMARKET) vb jm ht Table 4.45: The relationship between Age and FreqS 123 Table 4.46: The relationship between Gender and FreqS 124 k relationship between monthly income of household l Table 4.48: The gm Table 4.47: The relationship between Household size and FreqS 124 m co and FreqS 125 Table 4.49: The relationship between married status and FreqS 126 ix r Table 4.54: The relationship between Household size and Ssatisfy 128 n Table 4.53: The relationship between sex and Ssatisfy 128 va Table 4.52: The relationship between Age and Ssatisfy 127 an Table 4.51: The relationship between Career and FreqS 127 Lu Table 4.50: The relationship between education level and FreqS 126 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh gh tn to Table 4.9lb ANOVA ie Tsatisfy p Sum of Squares Mean Square F 1.905 Within Groups 32.280 138 234 37.996 141 Sig 8.146 000 w 5.716 ad lo Between Groups df n Total th yj ip uy Table 4.92: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and FreqT la Table 4.92a an lu Descriptives FreqT va 95% Confidence Interval for n Strongly Mean oi m ll N Mean fu Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 1.00 dislike 25 2.04 1.485 297 Normal 90 3.74 1.597 168 like 56 4.70 807 108 4.48 Strongly like 30 4.87 507 093 4.68 202 3.95 1.551 109 3.74 1 2.65 4.08 4.91 5 at nh dislike 1.43 z 3.41 z ht vb jm Total 5.06 4.17 k - gm Table 4.92b - FreqT Sum of Squares df Mean Square 40.029 Within Groups 323.388 197 1.642 Total 483.505 201 24.385 000 n va an 160.117 Sig Lu Between Groups F om l.c ANOVA 154 - ·- (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh re - (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.93: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and Tsatisfy ng Table 4.93a: ep hi Descriptives Tsatisfy 95% Confidence Interval for w n Mean lo like Maximum 68845 34422 1.0920 3.2830 1.50 3.00 56 3.0893 41677 05569 2.9777 3.2009 1.75 4.00 3.3726 47693 06551 3.2412 3.5041 2.00 4.50 29 3.6897 33176 06161 3.5635 3.8159 3.00 4.25 51911 04356 3.2061 3.3784 1.50 4.50 53 3.2923 n ua al 142 pl Total Minimum 2.1875 yi Strongly like Upper Bound Lower Bound y th Normal Std Deviation Std Error ju ad dislike Mean N Table 4.93b: va ANOVA n Tsatisfy df fu Sum of Squares m ll Between Groups 12.111 Within Groups 25.885 138 Total 37.996 141 F Mean Square 4.037 Sig 21.523 000 oi at nh 188 z z h vb Table 4.94: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and Age group tj k m Table 4.94a Descriptives 95% Confidence Interval Deviation Error for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 1.024 074 2.67 2.96 82 2.76 910 101 2.56 2.96 101 3.07 1.061 106 2.86 3.28 374 2.87 1.015 053 2.77 2.97 5 From 30- under 45 years old re 45 years old and above Total n 2.81 va 191 years old n a Lu From 18- under 30 Mean Std m co N Std l gm Likeshoptradi - 155 L._ (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.94b ng ANOVA hi ep Likeshoptradi 5.729 2.864 378.851 371 1.021 384.580 373 w Between Groups n Within Groups F Mean Square df Sum of Squares Sig .062 2.805 lo ad Total y th ju yi Table 4.95: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and Sex pl Table 4.95a n ua al Likeshoptradi Descriptives va n 95% Confidence Interval for N Mean m ll fu Mean Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound oi 2.82 968 097 Female 274 2.89 1.033 062 Total 374 2.87 1.015 053 2.63 3.01 2.76 3.01 2.77 2.97 z 100 at nh Male Upper Bound Minimum Maximum z h vb tj Table 4.95b k m AN OVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square 328 Within Groups 384.253 372 1.033 Total 384.580 373 317 574 an Lu Sig om 328 Between Groups F l.c gm Likeshoptradi n va re 156 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.96: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and household's size ng Table 4.96a hi ep Descriptives Likeshoptradi 95% Confidence Interval for w Mean n Std lo N Mean ad One person y th 2-4 people 2.75 1.282 453 1.68 3.82 160 2.93 932 074 2.79 3.08 2.83 1.068 074 2.68 2.97 2.87 1.015 053 2.77 2.97 ju More than pl Total 206 yi people Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Deviation 374 n ua al Table 4.96b ANOVA 1.128 F Mean Square m ll Between Groups df fu Sum of Squares n va Likeshoptradi 564 1.034 383.452 371 Total 384.580 373 546 580 at nh Within Groups oi Sig z z Table 4.97: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and monthly income of household tj h vb Table 4.97a Descriptives k m Likeshoptradi l.c gm 95% Confidence Interval N Std Deviation Error for Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum om 2,000,000- less than Mean Std 39 2.97 1.088 174 2.62 3.33 84 2.92 1.244 136 2.65 3.19 75 3.00 986 114 2.77 3.23 176 2.77 880 066 2.64 2.90 374 2.87 1.015 053 2.77 2.97 Above 10,000,000 re 10,000,000 VND VND Total n 6,000,000- less than va 6,000,000 VND an 4,000,000- less than Lu 4,000,000 VND 157 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh gh tn to Table 4.97b ANOVA ie Likeshoptradi p df Sum of Squares Mean Square 1.247 Within Groups 380.840 370 1.029 ad lo 3.740 384.580 373 Between Groups Sig F 1.211 305 w n Total th yj ip uy Table 4.98: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and marriage status la Table 4.98a an lu Oescriptives Likeshoptradi va 95% Confidence Interval for n fu Mean Mean oi m ll N Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound 1.063 079 Married 191 2.91 969 070 Total 374 2.87 1.015 053 Minimum Maximum 2.68 2.99 2.77 3.04 2.97 2.77 z 2.83 at 183 nh Single Upper Bound z vb jm ht Table 4.98b ANOVA k Mean Square 528 Within Groups 384.052 372 1.032 Total 384.580 373 511 475 an Lu Sig om 528 F l.c Between Groups df Sum of Squares gm Likeshoptradi n va re 158 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.99: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and education level ng Table 4.99a hi ep Oescriptives Likeshoptradi w 95% Confidence Interval n for Mean lo ad N Std Lower Upper Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum 3.73 1.272 384 2.87 4.58 3.48 1.151 207 3.06 3.91 287 2.80 982 058 2.69 2.92 45 2.67 826 123 2.42 2.91 374 2.87 1.015 053 2.77 2.97 F Sig yi ju Graduated High 11 Std Deviation oi y th Under high school Mean 31 pl school n ua al College/ University Post graduated Total va n Table 4.99b fu m ll AN OVA Likeshoptradi Sum of Squares Mean Square Within Groups 361.603 370 Total 384.580 373 7.659 7.837 000 977 z z 22.977 at nh Between Groups df tj h vb k m Table 4.100: The relationship between Likeshoptradi and career l.c gm Table 4.100a: Descriptives Likeshoptradi om 95% Confidence Interval for Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 1.173 111 2.57 3.01 Officer/ staff 183 2.78 811 060 2.66 2.89 Freelancer 37 3.19 1.175 193 2.80 3.58 Unemployment 42 3.21 1.116 172 2.87 3.56 374 2.87 1.015 053 2.77 2.97 Total 159 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh re 2.79 n 112 va Student an Mean N Lu Mean (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.1 OOb ng ANOVA hi ep Likeshoptradi Mean Square df Sum of Squares F 11.162 3.721 373.418 370 1.009 384.580 373 Between Groups Sig .012 3.687 w n Within Groups lo ad Total y th ju yi Table 4.101: The relationship between Spendtradi and FreqT pl Table 4.101a n ua al FreqT Descriptives va 95% Confidence Interval n for Mean 4.12 1.478 17 2.47 202 Minimum Maximum 111 3.90 4.34 1.356 350 1.72 3.22 3.17 1.602 654 1.49 4.85 3.96 1.537 109 3.75 4.18 tj Total 176 h vb less than 2,500,000 Upper Bound z From 1,000,000 to Lower Bound z than 1,000,000 Std Error at nh From 500,000 to less Deviation oi Less than 500,000 Mean m ll fu Std N k m l.c gm Table 4.101b ANOVA om FreqT Mean Square 20.845 Within Groups 421.061 199 2.170 Total 462.751 201 9.604 000 n Sig va 41.690 F an Between Groups df Lu Sum of Squares re 160 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh - t to Table 4.102: The relationship between Spendtradi and Age ng Table 4.102a hi ep Descriptlves Spendtradi 95% Confidence Interval for w Mean n Std lo ad From 16- under 30 140 Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum Deviation 433 1.13 1.06 036 1.21 ' y th years old Mean N ju From 30- under 45 years old 469 075 1.05 1.36 26 1.04 169 036 96 1.11 202 1.13 417 029 1.06 1.19 31 F Sig I pl n ua al Total 1.21 yi 45 years old and above 36 n va Table 4.102b ANOVA Within Groups Mean Square 468 35.781 199 234 1.347 at nh Between Groups df oi Sum of Squares m ll fu Spendtradi 262 174 I z 36.249 201 z Total k m Table 4.103: The relationship between Spendtradi and Sex tj h vb I gm Table 4.103a l Descriptives m co Spendtradi 95% Confidence Interval for Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 1.12 462 061 1.00 1.24 Female 151 1.14 401 033 1.07 1.20 Total 202 1.13 029 1.08 1.19 417 - 161 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh re 58 n Male Mean va N n a Lu Mean (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.103b ng ANOVA hi Spendtradi ep df Sum of Squares 014 014 36.235 200 175 36.249 201 Between Groups w n Within Groups lo ad Total F Mean Square Sig .081 776 L - - y th ju Table 4.104: The relationship between Spendtradi and household size yi pl Table 4.1 04a n ua al Spendtradi Descriptives va 95% Confidence Interval n Mean Deviation 1.83 983 2-4 people 96 1.17 100 202 I Minimum Maximum 401 80 2.87 447 044 1.08 1.25 1.06 276 028 1.11 1.13 417 029 1.19 z 1.00 z h vb Total Upper Bound at nh people Lower Bound oi One person More than Std Error m ll fu Std N for Mean 1.08 tj k m gm Table 4.104b l ANOVA Sum of Squares 1.803 32.644 199 158 36.249 201 11.376 000 n - Sig va Total 3.605 F n Within Groups Mean Square a Lu Between Groups df m co Spendtradi re 162 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh t to Table 4.105: The relationship between Spendtradi and monthly income of ng household ep hi Table 4.1 05a Descriptives w Spendtradi n 95% Confidence Interval lo ad y th yi Lower Upper Deviation Error Bound Bound 000 000 1.00 1.00 1 302 041 97 1.14 481 079 97 1.30 54 1.06 33 1.14 91 1.21 fu Above 10,000,000 484 050 1.11 1.31 202 1.13 417 029 1.08 1.19 oi m ll L _ at nh z Table 4.1 05b z ANOVA df Mean Square 449 Within Groups 34.902 198 170 Total 36.249 201 2.636 Sig .051 l.c gm 1.346 F k m Sum of Squares j ht vb Spendtradi Between Groups Minimum Maximum n 10,000,000 VND 1.00 va 6,000,000 -less than 24 n ua al 4,000,000-less than 6,000,000 VND Total Std pl than 4,000,000 VND VND Mean N Std ju 2,000,000- less i for Mean om an Lu n va re 163 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh to tn Table 4.106: The relationship between Spendtradi and marriage status gh Table 4.106a p ie Descriptives Spendtradi w 95% Confidence Interval for n Mean d a lo Mean N Total Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 130 1.11 396 034 1.04 1.17 72 1.18 451 051 1.08 1.28 202 p yi Married u yj th Single Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound 417 029 1.08 1.19 1.13 la Table 4.106b a lu ANOVA n Sum of Squares Mean Square Total 36.249 201 Sig 1.606 206 174 at nh 200 oi 35.970 m Within Groups F 279 ll 279 df fu Between Groups n va Spendtradi z z vb Table 4.107: The relationship between Spendtradi and education level jm ht Table 4.107a Descriptives k Total Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum 1.00 000 000 1.00 1.00 14 1.00 000 000 1.00 1.00 1 160 1.16 455 036 1.08 1.23 22 1.12 326 064 98 1.25 202 1.13 417 029 1.08 1.19 164 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh re Post graduated Deviation n College/ University Upper va school Lower an Graduated High Std Lu Under high school Mean Std om N l.c for Mean 95% Confidence Interval gm Spendtradi (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh to Table 4.107b tn gh ANOVA p ie Spendtradi Sum of Squares df F Mean Square 159 Within Groups 35.772 198 174 a lo 477 36.249 201 Between Groups Sig .911 437 w n Total d u yj th Table 4.1 08a la p yi Table 4.108: The relationship between Spendtradi and career a lu Descriptives n Spendtradi va 95% Confidence Interval for n Mean ll N Mean fu Std Deviation Std Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum m 1.00 000 Officer/ staff 98 1.23 508 051 Freelancer 21 1.23 612 130 Unemployment 15 1.00 000 000 202 1.13 1.13 1.33 1.50 1.00 1 96 z 1.19 1.08 ·- - L - - jm k Table 4.108b gm ANOVA df Mean Square Within Groups 33.626 198 164 Total 36.249 201 5.330 001 n va 874 an Sig Lu 2.623 F om Sum of Squares l.c Spendtradi Between Groups - - · ht - - · · 1.00 029 417 - - - · 1.00 z 1.00 at - · - nh Total .000 vb 68 oi Student re 165 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh to Table 4.1 08c: Post Hoc tn gh Multiple Comparisons p ie Spendtradi Dunnett t (2-sided) 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference w (J) Career n (I) Career Sig Std Error (1-J) Upper Bound Lower Bound a lo Unemployment 000 110 1.000 -.25 25 Officer/ staff Unemployment 228 106 071 -.02 47 227 131 168 -.07 53 Student d u yj th Freelancer Unemployment p yi 11: COMPARISON ABOUT SHOPPING BEHAVIOR a lu la APPENDIX BETWEEN TWO SAMPLE SIZE (SUPERMARKET) AND TRADITIONAL n va MARKET n Table 4.109: Comparison about FreqS and FreqT fu FreqS ll m Frequency 75 Twice a month 41 Valid Percent 20.1 nh Once a month oi Valid Percent 11.0 at 124 33.2 Twice a week 42 11.2 More than times a week 33 8.8 315 84.2 23.8 23.8 13.0 36.8 39.4 76.2 13.3 89.5 10.5 100.0 z Once a week Cumulative Percent gm 374 k Total 100.0 jm 15.8 100.0 ht 59 System vb Missing z Total FreqT 16.3 Twice a month 10 2.7 5.0 21.3 Once a week 19 5.1 9.4 30.7 Twice a week 12 3.2 5.9 36.61 More than times a week 128 34.2 63.4 100.0 Total 202 54.0 100.0 System 172 46.0 374 100.0 166 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh re 16.3 n 8.8 va 33 an Once a month Lu Total Cumulative Percent om Missing Valid Percent l.c Valid Percent Frequency (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh to Table 4.110: Comparison about Ssatisfy and Tsatisfy tn gh Ssatisfy Valid w n 4 2.75 1.3 1.1 1.7 3.0 3.25 1.6 2.6 5.6 3.5 26 7.2 11.6 17.2 3.75 26 7.0 11.2 28.3 70 18.7 30.0 58.4 49 13.1 21.0 79.4 29 7.8 12.4 91.8 14 3.7 6.0 97.9 1.3 2.1 100.0 62.3 100.0 d a lo 2.25 u yj th p ie 70 p yi 4.25 la 4.5 a lu 4.75 n 232 System 142 37.7 100.0 Valid Percent Percent Cumulative Percent nh 1.4 2.1 1.75 2.5 1.6 4.2 2.75 19 5.1 13.4 24 6.4 16.9 37.3 3.25 23 6.1 16.2 53.5 3.5 27 7.2 19.0 72.5 3.75 22 5.9 15.5 88.0 12 3.2 8.5 96.5 4.25 1.1 2.8 99.3 4.5 100.0 Total 142 38.0 100.0 System 232 62.0 374 100.0 at 1.5 ht Valid oi Frequency m Tsatisfy ll fu 374 Total n Total va Missing Cumulative Percent Valid Percent Percent Frequency z z 2.8 vb 7.0 k jm 20.4 om l.c an Lu n va re - Total gm Missing - J 167 (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh (Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh(Luận.văn).the.determinants.of.consumers.shopping.behavior.in.retail.in.ho.chi.minh

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2023, 22:27


