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Electronic structure and the properties of solids

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Tiêu đề Electronic Structure and The Properties of Solids: The Physics of The Chemical Bond
Tác giả Walter A. Harrison
Trường học Stanford University
Chuyên ngành Physics
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Năm xuất bản 1989
Thành phố New York
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Ban co the xoa dong chu nay!!! lectronic tructure and the Properties of Solids THE PHYSICS OF THE CHEMICAL BOND Walter A Harrison STANFORD UNIVERSITY DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC., New York To my wife, Lucky, and to my sons, Rick, John, Bill, and Bob Copyright © 1980, 1989 by Walter A Harrison All rights reserved under Pan American and International Copyright Conventions Published in Canada by General Publishing Company, Ltd., 30 Lesmill Road, Don Mills, Toronto, Ontario This Dover edition, first published in 1989, is an unabridged, corrected republication of the work first published by W H Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1980 The author has written a new Preface for the Dover edition The "Solid State Table of the Elements," a foldout in the original edition, is herein reprinted as a double-page spread Manufactured in the United States of America Dover Publications, Inc., 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, N.Y 11501 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Harrison, Walter A (Walter Ashley), 1930Electronic structure and the properties of solids: the physics of the chemical bond / by Walter A Harrison p cm "An unabridged, corrected republication of the work first published by W H Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1980"-T.p verso Bibliography: p Includes index ISBN 0-486-66021-4 I Electronic structure Chemical bonds Solid state physics Solid state chemistry Title QC 176.8.E4H37 1989 530.4' II-dc20 89-34153 CIP Preface to the Dover Edition Recent Developments IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE that I greet the Dover edition of this book, which joins my Solid State Theory as affordable physics It comes with some minor corrections to the last printing by W H Freeman and Company This text appeared in 1980, very early in the development of the simplified methods for calculating properties in the context of tight-binding theory As mentioned in the original preface, the derivation of the basic formulae for interatomic couplings only arose during the production of the first edition Fortunately, all the essentials of the theory were complete enough to be included There have been a number of developments since the appearance of the book which both simplify the theory and make it more accurate It has not been possible to incorporate these in this edition but it may be helpful to give references to the principal ones Perhaps the most significant was a redetermination of the parameters giving the coupling between atomic orbitals on neighboring atoms.1 By incorporating an additional atomic orbital in pelturbation theory, as done for other reasons by Louie,2 it was possible to fit a larger set of energy-band values and the fitting was more stable The resulting couplings were rather different (y]SS(T = -1.32, Y]spu = 1.42, Y]ppu = 2.22, and y]PP7T= -0.63, rather than the adjusted values given in Table 2-1) The additional atomic orbital could then be discarded and with the new parameters it became possible to abandon the distinction between two types of covalent energies (V2 and V2h) and the viii Preface to the Dover Edition Preface to the Dover Edition corresponding two types of polar energies (V3 and V3 h); one could use those based upon hybrids for dielectric as well as bonding properties This was a very considerable simplification with no appreciable loss of accuracy Since we were changing the couplings, we also changed over to the use of HartreeFock term values, from page 534, instead of the Herman-Skillman term values from the Solid State Table The latter were appropriate when most of our comparisons were with band calculations which utilized similar approximations to those used in the Herman-Skillman tables We tend now to compare more with experiment and the Hartree-Fock tables are closer to the experimental term values A second simplification was the introduction of overlap repulsions between atoms in covalent solids as a power-law variation, 7]oV22/IEhl, with the coefficient 7]0 adjusted to give the correct lattice spacing.3 A similar form varying as the inverse eighth power of spacing was introduced for ionic solids This is not quite as accurate nor general as exponential forms but by using the algebraic form with the leading factor fit to obtain the known equilibrium spacing, it was possible to write all terms in the energy in terms of the parameters of the theory (V 1, V 2, and V3) and thus to obtain elementary formulae for properties such as the bulk modulus This does produce appreciable errors, however, and more accurate procedures have been developed by van Schilfgaarde and Sher Extended bond orbitals were introduced on page 83 of the text, but few of the corresponding corrections to the properties were calculated Since publication corrections have been made to the total energy of semiconductors to obtain cohesion,3 heats of solution,6 and corrections to the dielectric properties.7 There have also been studies of Coulomb effects in semiconductors and insulators, including self-consistency and the "manybody" enhancement of the gap, in the same spirit as the analyses in this text We completed the evaluation of the effective interaction between ions in metals introduced on page 87, using the Fermi -Thomas dielectric function from page 378 This led to the remarkably simple form V(d) = Z 2e 2e - Kd X cosh2Krcld and a good description of the bonding properties of simple metals We also followed up the analysis of transition-metals given in Chapter 20 in a series of studies,10 and on the analysis of transition-metal compounds11 given in Chapter 19 As might be expected, we also made application of the elementary theory of electronic structure to the newly discovered high-temperature superconductors.12 Recent studies by Zaanen, Sawatzky, and Allen 13 have made it clear that the origin of the metal-insulator transition in transition-metal compounds, discussed in Section 19-B, is not associated with the s- to d-state promotion to which we attributed it and nothing from that section should be used without considering these more recent and complete studies T~ere have been very dramatic developments in the understanding of semIconductor surface reconstructions discussed in Section lO-B A number of theoretical studies showed that Coulomb effects will prevent the Jahn- Teller ~istortion proposed by Haneman and discussed in Section lO-B Pandey prop.os~d that the observed two-by-one reconstruction of the silicon (111) surface IS mstead due to a 1T-bonded chain configuration, which is now generally ac~epted Th~ two-by-one reconstruction on the silicon (lOa) surface., WhICh we attnbute? to a "ridge" structure, is now generally r~coglllzed to be the Schher-Farnsworth dimer formation, which we d~scussed but thought an unlikely structure It is also established that the dimers are canted as proposed by Chadi 15 The adatom model of the sevenby-s~ven reconstruction on silicon (111) surfaces, which we proposed in S~ctIon 10-D, w.as spectacularly confirmed using the scanning tunneling mIcroscope b'y Bmlllg, Rohr~r, Gerber and Weibel,16 with almost exactly the Lander-Mo.rnson p~ttern whIch ~e suggested However, further studies by !ak.ayanagI, TalllshIro, TakahashI, and Takahashi 17 indicated a much more mtrIcate structure including also stacking faults and dimers; that model is generally accept~d Finally the natural semiconductor band line-ups proposed m SectIOn 10-F were brought into question by Tersoff ,18 who su.gges~e? that there were "neutral points" in the energy bands which would a~me.' fIxmg the band ?ff-sets at heterojunctions In the context of the tightbIlldI~g ~heory of thIS 1text thes~ neutral points are the average hybrid energieS ~n each crystal A.ny dI~ference m the average hybrid energy on the two SIdes of a heteroJunctIOn WIll be reduced by a factor of the dielectric constant of the systems The reason the natural band line-ups of Section lO-F worked as well as they d.id is that ~he average hybrid energies are frequently the sa~e so no dielectnc screenmg is necessary The theory based upon matchmg average hybrids 19 is just as simple and more general and accurate than that given here These n:ore rece~t de.velopments have strengthened and supported the me~hods dI.scussed III thIS text Except for the new choice of parameters, WhICh elImmated the awkward u.se of two ~ets of covalent and polar energies, the.se developments not m?dIfY.the baSIC theory described, but simply add to It hope that the descnptron gIven here can continue to be useful to the matenals scientist and physicist Walter A Harrison April 1988 References: lW A ~anison, New tight-binding parameters for covalent solids obtained using Louie Penpheral States, Phys Rev B24, 5835 (1981).· 2S Louie, New localiz~d-orbital method/or calculating the electronic structure of molecules and sohds: covalent semIconductors, Phys Rev B22, 1933 (1980) IX x Preface to the Dover Edition 3W A Harrison, Theory of the two-center bond, Phys Rev B27, 3592 (1983) 4W A Harrison, Overlap interaction and bonding in ionic solids, Phys Rev B34, 2787 (1986) SM van Schilfgaarde and A Sher, Tight-binding theory and elastic constants, Phys Rev B36, 4375 (1987) 6E A Kraut and W A Harrison, Heats of solution and substitution in semiconductors, J Vac Sci and Techno! B2, 409 (1984), Lattice distortion and energies of atomic substitution, ibid B3, 1231 (1985), and W A Harrison and E A Kraut, Energies of substitution and solution in semiconductors, Phys Rev., in press 7W A Harrison, The dielectric properties of semiconductors, Microscience 4, 121 (1983) 8W A Harrison, Coulomb interactions in semiconductors and insulators, Phys Rev B31, 2121 (1985) 9W A Harrison and J M Wills, Interionic interactions in simple metals, Phys Rev B25, 5007 (1982), and J M Wills and W A Harrison, Further studies on interionic interactions in simple metals and transition metals, Phys Rev B29, 5486 (1984) lOS Froyen, Addendum to "Universal LCAO parameters for d-state solids", Phys Rev B22, 3119 (1980); W A Harrison, Electronic structure off-shell metals, Phys Rev B28, 550 (1983), J M Wills and W A Harrison, Interionic interactions in transition metals, Phys Rev B28, 4363 (1983); W A Harrison, Localization inf-shell metals, Phys Rev B29, 2917 (1984); G K Straub and W A Harrison, Analytic methods for calculation of the electronic structure of solids, Phys Rev B31, 7668 (1985) llW A Harrison and G K Straub, Electronic structure and bonding in d- andJ-metal AB compounds, Phys Rev B35, 2695 (1987) 12W A Harrison, Elementary theory of the properties of the cup rates , in Novel Superconductivity, edited by Stuart A Wolf and Vladimir Z Kresin, Plenum Press, (New York, 1987), p 507; W A Harrison, Superconductivity on an YBa2Cu307 lattice, Phys Rev B, in press 13J Zaanen, G A Sawatzky, and J W Allen, Band gaps and electronic structure of transition-metal compounds, Phys Rev Letters 55, 418 (1985) 14K C Pandey, New lr-bonded chain model for Sir 111 )-(2x1) surface, Phys Rev Letters 47,1913 (1981) J Chadi, Atomic and electronic stuctures of reconstructed Si (100) surfaces, Phys Rev Letters 43, 43 (1979) 1SD Binnig, H Rohrer, Ch Gerber, and E Weibel, 7x7 reconstruction on Si (111) resolved in real space, Phys Rev Letters, 50, 120 (1983) 16G 17Takayanagi, Y Tanishiro, M Takahashi, and S Takahashi, Structural analysis of Si (11 I )-7x7 by UHV-transmission electron diffraction and microscopy, J Vac Sci and Te~hno! A3, 1502 (1985) Preface to the Dover Edition 18J Tersoff, Theory of semiconductor heterojunctions: the role of quantum dipoles, Phys Rev B30, 4874 (1984) 19W A Harrison and J Tersoff, Tight-binding theory of heterojunction band lineups and interface dipoles, J Vac Sci and Techno! B4, 1068 (1986) Xl Preface to the First Edition the understanding of the electronic structure of solids has become sufficient that it can now be used as the basis for direct prediction of the entire range of dielectric and bonding properties, that is, for the prediction of properties of solids in terms of their chemical composition Before that, good theories of generic properties had been available (for example, the free-electron theory of metals), but these theories required adjustment of parameters for each material It had also been possible to interpolate properties among similar materials (as with ionicity theory) or to make detailed prediction of isolated properties (such as the energy bands for perfect crystals) The newer predictions have ranged from Augmented Plane Wave (APW) or multiple-scattering techniques for calculating total energies in perfect crystals, possible with full-scale computers, to elementary calculations of defect structures, which can be done with linear combinations of atomic orbitals (LCAO theory) or pseudopotentials on hand-held calculators The latter, simpler category is of such importance in the design of materials and in the interpretation of experiments that there is need for a comprehensive text on these methods This book has been written to meet that need The Solid State Table of the Elements, folded into the book near the back cover, exemplifies the unified view of electronic structure which is sought, and its relation to the properties of solids The table contains the parameters needed to calculate nearly any property of any solid, using a hand-held calculator; these are parameters such as the LCAO matrix elements and pseudopotential core radii, in terms of which elementary descriptions of the electronic structure can be given The approach used throughout this book has been to simplify the description of IN THE PAST FEW YEARS xiv Preface to the First Edition the electronic structure of solids enough that not only electronic states but also the entire range of properties of those solids can be calculated This is always possible; the only questions are: how difficult is the calculation, and how accurate are the results? For determining the energy bands of the perfect crystal, the simplified approach does not offer a competitive alternative to m~re tradi~ional techniques; therefore, accurate band calculations are used as mput mformatlOnjust as experimental results are used-in establishing understa~ding, tests, and parameters It is only with great difficulty that these band-calculatIOnal technIques can be extended beyond the energy bands of the perfect crystal On the other hand, the simplified approaches explained in this book, though they give only tolerable descriptions of the bands, can easily be applied to the entire range of dielectric, transport, and bonding properties of imperfect as well as perfect solids In most cases, they give analytic forms for the results which are easily evaluated with a hand-held electronic calculator Linear combinations of atomic orbitals are used as a basis for studying covalent and ionic solids; for metals the basis consists of plane waves Both bases are related, however, and the relations between the parameters of the two systems are identified in the text The essential point is not which basis is used for expansion: either basis can give an arbitrarily accurate description if carried far enough T~e point is that isolating the essential aspects within either fr~mework, and t~~n discarding (or correcting for) the less essential aspects, provIdes the p~sslblhty for making simple numerical estimates It is also at the root of what IS meant by "learning the physics of the system" (or" learning the chemistry of the system," if one is of that background.) Use of LCAO and plane wave bases does not necessarily make the parts of the text where they are used independent, since we continually draw on insight from both outlooks The most striking case of this is an analysis in Chapter in which the requirement that energy bands be consistent for both bases provides formulae for the interatomic matrix elements used in the LCAO studies of sp-bonded solids This remarkable result was obtained only in late 1978 by Sverre Froyen and me, and it provided a theoretical basis for what had been empirical formulae when the text was first drafted The development came in time to be included as a fundamental part of the exposition; it followed on the heels of the much more intricate formulation of the corresponding LCAO matrix elements in transition metals and transition metal compounds, which is described in Chapter 20 Neither of these developments has yet appeared in the physics journals Indeed, because the theoretical approaches have been developing so rapidly, several studies contained here are original with this book The analysis of angular forces in ionic crystals-the chemical grip-is one such case, and there are a n.umber of others I think of the subject as new; the text could not have been WrItten a few years ago and certainly some changes would be made if it were to be writt~n a few years from now However, I believe that the main features of the theory will not change, as the general theory of pseudo potentials has not changed fundamentally since the writing of Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals at the very inception of that field In any case, the subject is much too important to wait for exposition until every avenue has been explored Preface to the First Edition The text itself is designed for a senior or first-year graduate course It grew out of a one-quarter course in solid state chemistry offered as a sequel to a one-quarter solid state physics course taught at the level of Kittel's Introduction to Solid State Physics A single quarter is a very short time for either course The two courses, though separate, were complementary, and were appropriate for students of physics, applied physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, and electrical engineering Serving so broad an audience has dictated a simplified analysis that depends on three approximations: a one-electron framework, simple approximate interatomic matrix elements, and empty-core pseudopotentials Refinement of these methods is not difficult, and is in fact carried out in a series of appendixes The text begins with an introduction to the quantum mechanics needed in the text An introductory course in quantum mechanics can be considered a prerequisite What is reviewed here will not be adequate for a reader with no background in quantum theory, but should aid readers with limited background The problems at the ends of chapters are an important aspect of the book They clearly show that the calculations for systems and properties of genuine and current interest are actually quite elementary A set of problem solutions, and comments on teaching the material, are contained in a teacher's guide that can be obtained from the publisher I anticipate that some users will object that much of the material covered in this book is so recent it is not possible to feel as comfortable in teaching it as in teaching a more settled field such as solid state physics I believe, however, that the subject dealt with here is so important, particularly now that techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy enable one to produce almost any material one designs, that no modern solid state scientist should be trained without a working knowledge of the kind of solid state chemistry described in this text Walter A Harrison June 1979 xv Contents PART I ELECTRON STATES The Quantum-Mechanical Basis A B C D E Electronic Structure of Solids A B C D E PART II Quantum Mechanics Electronic Structure of Atoms Electronic Structure of Small Molecules The Simple Polar Bond Diatomic Molecules Energy Bands Electron Dynamics Characteristic Solid Types Solid State Matrix Elements Calculation of Spectra COVALENT SOLIDS Electronic Structure of Simple Tetrahedral Solids A B C D E F Crystal Structures Bond Orbitals The LCAO Bands The Bond Orbital Approximation and Extended Bond Orbitals Metallicity Planar and Filamentary Structures 16 20 22 31 32 36 38 46 55 59 61 62 64 71 80 88 90 xviii Contents Contents Optical Spectra A Dielectric Susceptibility B Optical Properties and Oscillator Strengths C Features of the Absorption Spectrum D X1 and the Dielectric Constant Other Dielectric Properties A B C D E Bond Dipoles and Higher-Order Susceptibilities Effective Atomic Charge Dielectric Screening Ternary Compounds Magnetic Susceptibility The Energy Bands A Accurate Band Structures B LCAO Interpretation of the Bands C The Conduction Bands D Effective Masses E Impurity States and Excitons The Total Energy A The Overlap Interaction B Bond Length, Cohesive Energy, and the Bulk Modulus C Cohesion in Polar Covalent Solids Elasticity A Total Energy Calculations B Rigid Hybrids C Rehybridization D The Valence Force Field E Internal Displacements, and Prediction of C44 Lattice Vibrations A The Vibration Spectrum B Long Range Forces C Phonons and the Specific Heat D The Transverse Charge E Piezoelectricity F The Electron-Phonon Interaction 10 Surfaces and Defects A Surface Energy and Crystal Shapes B Surface Reconstruction C The Elimination of Surface States, and Fermi Level Pinning D Adsorption of Atoms and the x Reconstruction Pattern E Defects and Amorphous Semiconductors F Photothresholds and Heterojunctions 11 96 97 100 105 110 118 118 124 127 129 131 PART 12 137 138 142 151 155 163 13 203 204 210 215 218 224 225 229 230 233 243 247 249 252 257 258 261 263 267 275 277 282 Tetrahedral Complexes The Crystal Structure and the Simple Molecular Lattice The Bonding Unit Bands and Electronic Spectra Mechanical Properties Vibrational Spectra Coupling of Vibrations to the Infrared CLOSED-SHELL SYSTEMS 289 Inert-Gas Solids 291 A Interatomic Interactions B Electronic Properties 292 295 Ionic Compounds 299 299 303 307 309 314 A The Crystal Structure B Electrostatic Energy and the Madelung Potential C Ion-Ion Interactions D Cohesion and Mechanical Properties E Structure Determination and Ionic Radii 167 168 171 173 180 181 185 191 193 197 III Mixed Tetrahedral Solids A B C D E F G 14 PART Dielectric Properties of Ionic Crystals A Electronic Structure and Spectra B Dielectric Susceptibility C Effective Charges and Ion Softening D Surfaces and Molten Ionic Compounds 318 319 326 331 336 IV OPEN-SHELL SYSTEMS 339 15 Simple Metals 341 A History of the Theory B The Free-Electron Theory of Metals C Electrostatic Energy D The Empty-Core Pseudopotential E Free-Electron Energy F Density, Bulk Modulus, and Cohesion 342 345 349 350 353 354 Electronic Structure of Metals 359 360 364 367 369 373 376 16 A B C D E F Pseudopotential Perturbation Theory Pseudopotentials in the Perfect Lattice Electron Diffraction by Pseudopotentials Nearly-Free-Electron Bands and Fermi Surfaces Scattering by Defects Screening XIX 558 Bibliography and Author Index Bibliography and Author Index Coulson, C A., Redei, L R., and Stocker, D (1962), Proc Roy Soc A, 270 (357) 43, 60, 144 Coulson, C A (1970), in Physical Chemistry, an Advanced Treatise, vol 5, Eyring, H., Henderson, D., and Jost, W., eds., Academic Press, New York 22, 65 Coulson, C A See Blyholder, G Cowley, E R (1971), J Phys., C4 (988) 312 Cowley, R A., Woods, A D B., and Dolling, G (1966), Phys Rev., 150 (487) 394 Cowley, R A See Warren, L Crabtree, G W., Dye, D H., Karim, D P., Koelling, D D., and Ketterson, J B (1979), Phys Rev Letters, 42 (390) 472 Cracknell, A P (1969), Adv Phys., 18 (681) 369 Crane, R C See Czyzak, S J Czyzak, S 1., Baker, W M., Crane, R c., and Howe, J B (1957), J Opt Soc Am., 47 (240).115 Czyzak, S J See Bieniewski, T M Dasannacharya, B A See Brockhouse, B N.; Roy, A P de Alvarez, C V., Cohen, M L., Kohn, S E., Petroff, Y., and Shen, Y R., (1974), Phys Rev., 810 (5175).130 Dean, P J See Bell, R J.; Collins, A T; Yarnell, J L Debye, P (1912), Ann Physik, 39 (789) 216-218 Decarpigny, J N., and Lannoo, M (1976), Phys Rev., 814 (538) 97 Decarpigny, J N See Lannoo, M Dennis, R B See Summers, C J Dick, B G., Jr., and Overhauser, A W (1958), Phys Rev., 112 (90) 212 Dickey, D H., Johnson, E J., and Larsen, D M (1967), Phys Rev Letters, 18 (599) 157 Dimmock, J O See Stillman, G E.; Wheeler, R G Dingle, R., Wiegmann, W., and Henry, C H (1974), Phys Rev Letters, 33 (827) 253, 255 DiStefano, T H., and Eastman, D E (1971a), Phys Rev Letters, 27 (1560) 271 DiStefano, T H., and Eastman, D E (1971b), Solid State Commun., (2259) 270 Dolling, G (1963), Inelastic Scattering oj Neutrons in Solids and Liquids, vol II (37), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 208 Dolling, G., and Waugh, L T., (1965), in Lattice Dynamics p 19, Wallis, R F., ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford 207, 208, 217 Dolling, G See Cowley, R A.; Warren, J L Dondi, M G See Cavallini, M Dresselhaus, G., and Dresselhaus, M S (1967), Phys Rev., 160 (649) 149 Dresselhaus, M S See Dresselhaus, G Ducuing, J See Chang, R K Duke, A R See Lubinsky, A R Duthie, J C and Pettifor, D G (1977), Phys Rev Letters, 38 (564) 500 Dye, D H See Crabtree, G W Eastman, D E See DiStefano, T H.; Grobman, W D Ehrenreich, H (1967), in The Optical Properties oj Solids, p 106, Tauc, J., ed., Academic Press, New York 102 Ehrenreich, H See Esposito, E.; Gelatt, C D Jr.; Hodges, L.; Philipp, H R.; Velicky, B.; Watson, R E Einstein, A (1907), Ann Physik, 22 (180; 80C)} 217 Einstein, A (1911), Ann Physik, 34 (170) 217 Elliot, R G., (1972), ed., Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Metals, Plenum, New York 431 Ellis, D E See Painter, G S Era, K See Langer, D W Esaki, L See Sakaki, H Eschrig, H See Paasch, G Eschrig, H See Hafner, J Esposito, E., Ehrenreich, H., and Gelatt, C D., Jr (1978), Phys Rev., B18 (3913) Euwema, R N See Langer, D W Evans, W H See Wagman, D D Ewald, A W See Lindquist, R E Faber, T E (1969), in The Physics of Metals, p 282, Ziman, J M., ed., Cambridge University Press, New York 404 Falicov, L M See Koiller, B Fan, H Y See Nahory, R E Farnsworth, H E See Schlier, R E Farrell, H H See Larsen, P K Fedorov, D L See Bir, G L Feinleib, 1., and Adler, D (1968), Phys Rev Letters, 21 (1010) 433 Felber, B See Paasch, G Feldkamp, L A., Steinman, D K., Vagelatos, N., and King, J S., and Venkatamaran, G (1971), J Phys Chem Solids, 32 (1573) 208 Fischer, C F (1972), Atomic Data, (301) 451, 533f Fisher, T E (1965), Phys Rev., 139 (AI228) 254 Fisher, T E (1966), Phys Rev., 142 (519) 254 Flytzanis, Ch (1970), Phys Rev Letters, 31A (273) 119 Flytzanis, Ch (1975), in Quantum Electronic;>: A Treatise, vol I, p 9, Rabin, H., and Tang, C L., eds., Academic Press, New York and Pascoe, E A (1967), Phys Rev 155 119, 124 (1039) 115 ' Flytzanis, Ch See Yablonovitch, E C Gilat, G., and Bharatiya, N R (1975), Phys Fowler, W B See Yip, K L Rev., B12 (3479) 56 Frank, F c., and Turnbull, D (1956), Phys Gilat, G See Raubenheimer, L J Rev., 104 (617) 129 Gilbert, T L (1970), in Sigma Molecular Orbital Freeman, A 1., and Koelling, D D (1974), in Theory (p 244), Sinanoglu, 0., and Wiberg, The Actinides: Electronic Structure and K B., eds., Yale University Press, New Related Properties, Freeman, A 1., and Haven 46 Darby, R., eds., Academic Press, New Gilbert, T L Stevens, W 1., Schrenk, H., York 431, 433 Yoshimine, M., and Bagus, P S (1973) Freeman, A J See Rath, J Phys Rev., B8 (5977) 263 ' Freeouf, J L See Grobman, W D Gladstone, G., Jensen, M A., and Schrieffer Frensley, W R., and Kroemer, H (1976), J Vac J R (1969), in Superconductivity, vol 2: Sci Technol., 13 (810) 255, 425, 427f Parks, R D., ed.; Marcel Dekker, New Friedel, J (1952), Phil Mag., 43 (153) 387, 526 York 493 Fnede.I,1 (1969), in The PhYSics of Metals, Gobeli, G W., and Allen, F G (1962), Phys Zlman,1 M., ed., Cambridge University Rev., 127 (141) 252, 254 Press, New York 494ff, 525 Gobeli, G W., and Allen, F G (1965), Phys Friedel, J (1978), Journal de Physique, 39 (651 Rev., 137 (A245) 254 671).90,273 ' Gobeli, G W See Lander, J J.; MacRae, A U Fr~edel, See Barisic, S.; Labbe, J.; Leman, G Gold, A V (1958), Phil Trans Roy Soc Fntzsche, H See Hudgens, S London), A251 (85) 379 Frohlich, H., Pelzer, H., and Zienau, S (1950), Goltzene, A See Chemla D Phil Mag., 41 (221) 325 Gombas, P (1949), Die Stat;stische Theories des Froyen, S., and Harrison, W A (1979), Phys Atoms lind I hre Anwendungen, SpringerRev., B20 (2420) 48f, 408-410 Verlag, Berlin 535 Froyen, S See Harrison, W A Goodenough, B (1971), in Progress in Solid Fuchs, K (1935), Proc Roy Soc A, 151 (585) State Chemistry, vol (p 145), Reiss, H., 349 ed., Pergamon, Oxford 438, 440,441, 452 Fuchs, K (1936), Proc Roy Soc A, 153 (622) Gordon, R G., and Kim, Y S (1972), J Chem [Corrected values are 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(1919), Physik, Z., 20 (494) 336 Manabe, A., Mitsuishi, A., and Yoshinaga, H (1967), Japall J Appl Phys., (593).115 Manca, P See Bailly, F Manghi, F See Bertoni, C M Mann, J B (1967), Atomic StrllcWre Calclilatiolls, 1: Hartree-Fock Ellergy Resliits for Elemellts Hydrogell to Lawrellcillm Distributed by Clearinghouse for Technical Information, Springfield, Virgina 22151 533 Mansur, L C See Gielisse, P J Marcus, P M See Shih, H D Mark, P See Lubinsky, A R Marple, D.T.F (1964b), J Appl Phys., 35 (539,1879).115,157 Marple, D T F See Hite, G E.; Segall, B Marshall, R See Gielisse, P J Martin, R M (1970), Phys Rev., B1 (4005) 190, 195, 199,200 Martin, R M (1972a), Phys Rev., B5 (1607) 220, 224 Martin, R M (1972b), Phys Rev., B6 (4546) 190,194,211 Martin, R M., Lucovsky, G., and Hclliwell, K (1976), Phys Rel'., B13 (1383) 92, 94 Martin, R M., and Chadi, D (1976), in Proceedillgs of the T hirteelltii I ntematiollal COllferellce all the Physics of Semicolldllctors (Rome), p 187, Fumi, F G., ed 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See Gielisse, P J.; Tsay, Y F Mitsuishi, A See Manabe, A Mizuno, Y See Kotani, M Moore, C E (1949), Atomic Eller{}y Levels, vol 1, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 296, 434 Moore, C E (1952), Atomic Eller{}y Levels, vol 2, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 296, 434 Moos, H W See Soref, R A Mooser, E., and Pearson, W B (1959), Acta Crystal/o{jl'., AI2 (1015) 89 Moriarty, J A (1970), PlIys Rev., BI (1363) 512, 513, 520 Moriarty, J A (1972a), Phys Rev., B5 (2066) 511,512 Moriarty, J A (1972b), Phys Rev., B6 (1239) 511,512,513,520 Moriarty, J A (1972c), Phys Rev., B6 (4445) 512, 520 Moriarty, J A (1975), J PlIys., F5 (873) 514 Moriarty, J A See Huang, C Moritani, A See Kondo, K Morel, P., and Anderson, P W (1962), Phys Rev., 125 (1263) 399 Morrison, J See Lander, 1 Moruzzi, V L., Williams, A R., and Janak, J F., (1977), Phys Rev., B15 (2854) 494 Moruzzi, V L., Janak, J F., and Williams, A R (1978), Pergamon Press, New York 477, 494 Mott, N F., and Jones, H (1936), Theory ()f the Properties of Metals alld AI/oys, Clarendon Press, Oxford 395 Mott, N F., and Gurney, R W (1953), Electrollic Processes ill 10llic Crystals, Clarendon Press, Oxford 297 Mott, N F., and Jones, H (1958), TlIeory ()f the Properties of Metals alld AI/oys, Dover, New York; first published by Clarendon Press, Oxford (1936).60,343, 412f Mott, N F (1974), Metal-/llsulator Trallsitiolls, Taylor and Francis, London 438 Moussa, F See Carabatos, c.; Hennion, B,; Prevot, B Mueller, F M (1967), Phys Rev., 153 (659) 479 Musgrave, M J P., and Pople, J A (1962), Proc Roy Soc A, 268 (474) 194 Nagamiya, T See Kubo, R Nahory, R E., and Fan, H Y (1966), Phys Rev Letters, 17 (251) 157 Neyer, H R See Segmiiller, A Ngoc, T C See Poppendieck, T D Nikulin, V K (1971), Zh Tekllll Fiz., XLI (41) [Sov Phys.-Tech Phys (EII{}lish Trallsl.), 16 (28).] 541 Nikulin, V K., and Tsarev Yu N (1975), Chem Phys (Netherlallds), 10 (433) 540 Nizzoli, F See Bertoni, C M Nohl, H See Anderson, O K Norman, G., Jr See Johnson, K H Nowotny, H See Hafner, Nusimovici, M A See Kune, K Nyc, J F (1957), Physical Properties of' Crystals, Their Representatioll by Tellsors and Matrices, Clarendon, Oxford 198 Ockman, N See Braunstein, R Okamoto, T See Inoguchi, T Overhauser, A W See Dick, B G., Jr Paasch, G., Felber, B., and Eschrig, H (1972), Physica Status Solidi, (b)54 (K51) 344 Padgett, A A., and Griffing, V (1959), J Chem Phys., 30 (1286) 28 Painter, G S., and Ellis, D E (1970), Phys Rev., I (4747).95, 165 Palik, E D., and Wallis, R F (1961), Phys Rev., 123 (131) 157 Pandey, K C (1976), Phys Rev., BI4 (1557) 53 Pantelides, S T (1975a), Phys Rev Letters, 35 (250) 326fT Pantelides, S T (i975b), Phys Rev Hll (2391) 324fT Pantelides, S T (1975c), Phys Rev., H11 (5082) 296, 297, 320fT Pantelides, S T, and Harrison, W A (1975), Phys Rev., Btl (3006).44,46,47,81, 142-151 Pantclides, S T, and Harrison, W A (1976), Phys Rev., HI3 (2667) 264-287, 306 Pantelides, S T See Harrison, W A Parker, V B See Wagman, D D Parson, J M., and Lee, Y T (1971), in Third Illtematiollal Symposium all Molecular Beams, Call/les 293 Parson, J M See Siska, P E Pascoe, E A See Gielisse, P J Patel, C K N (1966), Phys Rev Letters, 16 (613) 122 Paul, W., and Waschauer, D M (1963), Solids ullder Pressure, McGraw-Hill, New York 226 Paul, W See Zallen, R Pauling, L (1938), Phys Rev., 54 (899) 525 Pauling, L., (1960), The Nature of the Chemical BOlld, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 43, 126 Pearson, W B See Mooser, E Pelzer, H See Frohlich, H Percus,1 K (1962), Phys Rev Letters, (462) 404 Percus, J K., and Yevick, G J (1958), Phys Rev., 11 (1) 404 Pertosa, P., and Michel-Calendini, F M (1978), Phys Rev., 817 (2011) 439 PetrofT, Y See de Alvarez, C V Pettifor, D G (1969), J Phys., C2 (1051) 514 Petti for, D G (1977a), J Phys., F7 613) 487, 493, 495f, 499f, 503, 506f Pettifor, D G (1977b), J Phys., F7 (1009) 493, 495, 500, 507 Pettifor, D G See Duthie, J c.; Gale, S J Pettit, G D See Turner, W J Philipp, H R., and Ehrenreich, H (1963), Phys Rev., 129 (1550) 101 Phillips, J C (1970), Rev Mod Phys., 42 (317) 43,47, III Phillips, J C (1973a), Bonds alld Bands ill Semiconductors, Academic Press, New York 54, 60, 103, 117, 126, 162, 173,253 Phillips, C (1973b), Sw/ace Science, 40 (459) 240 Phillips, J C (1975), Phys Rev Letters, 34 (1196) 102f, 111 Phillips,1 c., and Kleinman, L (1959), Phys Rev., 116 (287) 343, 408 Phillips, J c., and Van Vechten, J A (1970), Phys Rev., B2 (2147) 60, 177, 178 Phillips,1 Christopher See Harrison, W A Pickett, W E See Chakraborty, B Pidgeon, C R., Mitchell, D L., and Brown, R N (1967), Phys Rev., 154 (737) 157 Pietronero, L (1978), Phys Rev., HI7 (3946) 337 Pikus, G E See Bir, G L 565 566 Bibliography and Author Index Bibliography and Author Index Reynolds, D c., and Collins, T C (1969), Platzoder, K (1968), Physica Statlls Solidi, 29 Phys Rev., 185 (1099) 157 (k63) 270 Riccius, H D., and Turner, R (1968), J Phys Plendl, J N See Gielisse, D J Chem Solids, 29 (15) 157 Pokrovsky, Ya., Kaminsky, A., and Svistunova, Rose, M E (1957), Elementary Theory of K (1970), in Proceedings of the Tenth Angular Momentllm, John Wiley and Sons, Intemational Conference on the Physics of New York 460 Semiconductors, Cambridge, Mass p 504, Rosengren, A See Johansson, Keller, S P., Hensel, J c., and Stern, F., Rossler, U., and Schlitz, O (1973), Physica eds 164 Status Solidi, (b)56 (483) 296 Polder, D See Meijer, H J G Roth, L M See Bennett, A J Pollak, F H See Cardona, M.; Higginbotham, Rowe, J E See Ibach, H.; Price, D L C W.; Shileika, A Yu.; Yu, P Y Rowe, J M See Price, D L Pollard, W B See Joannopoulos, J D Roy, A P., Dasannacharya, B A., Thaper, C L., Poole, R T., Jenkin, J G., Liesegang, J., and and Lyengar, P K (1973), Phys Rev Leckey, R C G., (1975), Phys Rev., B11 Letters, 30 (906) and (1278, E) 389 (5179) 320, 321, 322, 324 Ruderman, M A., and Kittel, C (1954), Phys Poole, R T., Liesegang, J., Leckey, R C G., Rev., 96 (99) 432f, 528f and Jenkin, G (1975), Phys Rev., B11 Ruffa, A R (1968), Physica Status Solidi, (b)29 (5190~ 320, 323, 324 (605) 263 Pople, J A., and Beveridge, D L (1970), Ruffa, A R (1970), Phys Rev Letters, 25 (650) Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory, 263 McGraw-Hill, New York 47 Ryden, W D See Graebner, J E Pople, J A See Mugrave, M J P Sachs, R G See Lyddane, R H Poppendieck, T D., Ngoc, T c., and Webb, Saffren, M (1960), in The Fermi Surface, M B (1978), Surface Science, 75 (287) 24lf Harrison, W A., and Webb, M B., eds., Pratt, G W See Zeiger, H J., John Wiley and Sons, New York 479, 483 Prevot, 8., Carabatos, c., Schwab, c., Hennion, Sai-Halasz, G See Sakaki, H 8., and Moussa, F (1973), Solid State Sakaki, H., Chang, L L., Ludeke, R., Chang, Commun., 13 (1725) 208 Chin-An, Sai-Halasz, G., and Esaki, L Prevot, B See Hennion, B (1977), App Phys Lett., 31 (211).255 Price, D L., and Rowe, J M (1969), Solid Saksena, B D (1940), Proc Indiall Acad Sci., State COmlllllll., (1433) 208 A12 (93).279 Quinn, J J (1960), in The Fermi Sur/lIce, Salvan, F See Benoit it la Guillaume C p 58, Harrison, W A., and Webb, M B., Samara, G A (1976), Phys Rev., B13 (4529) eds., John Wiley and Sons, New York 398 336 Ransil, B J (1960), Rev Mod Phys., 32 (245) Sanchez, c., and Cardona, M (1971), in 28 Proceedillgs of the COllference on Vacuwn Rath, 1., and Callaway, J (1973), Phys Rev., B8 UV Radiatioll Physics, (Tokyo), Nakai, Y., (5398) 342, 488, 490f ed., Physics Society of Japan, Tokyo 116 Rath, J., and Freeman, A J (1975), Phys Rev., Schafer, T P See Siska, P E B11 (2109) 56 Schiferl, D (1974), Phys Rev., BI0 (3316) 424f Raubenheimer, L 1., and Gilat, G (1966), Schiff, L I (1968), Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed " Phys Rev., 144 (390) 55f, 80, 216 McGraw-Hill, New York 10,29,98,99, Redei, L R See Coulson, C A 380,509,511,514,517,518,519 Reese, W E See Turner, W J Schlegel, A See Batlogg, Reilly, M H (1970), J Phys Chem Sol., 31 Schlier, R E., and Farnsworth, H E (1959), (1041).263 l Chem Phys., 30 (917) 233, 240 Reine, M., Aggarwal, R L., and Lax, B (1970a), SchWter, M A See Chelikowsky, J R.; Solid State Comlllllll., (35) 157 Joannoupoulos, J D.; Larsen, P K.; Reine, M., Aggarwal, R L., Lax, B., and Wolfe, Louie, S G C M (1970b), Phys Rev., B2 (458) 157 Schmidt, P H See McFee, J H Ren, Shang-Yuan (1979-to be published) 106 Schneider, J See Kaufmann, U Ressler, N W See Wang, C C Schrenk, H See Gilbert, T L Schrieffer, J R See Gladstone, G Schultz, T D (1956), Tech Report 9, Solid-State and Molecular Theory Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass 325 Schlitz, O See Rossler, U Schwab, C See Carabatos, c.; Chemla, D.; Hennion, B.; Prevot, Schwartz, C See Chemla, D Schwarz, K (1977), J Phys., CI0 (195) 455 Scoles, G See Cavallini, M Scott, W C See Kaplan, R Segall, B., and Marple, D T F (1967), in Physics alld Chemistry of lJ- V I Compounds, chapter VII, Aven, M., and Prener, J., eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam 157 Segall, B See Hite, G E Segliller, A., and Neyer, H R (1965), Physik Kondensierten Materie, (63) 199 Seitz, F (1940), Modem Theory of Solids, McGraw-Hill, New York 218, 336 Seitz, F See Wigner, E P Selwood, P (1956), Magnetochemistry, Interscience, New York 135 Sen, P N., and Thorpe, M F (1977), Phys Rev., B15 (4030) 279 Shaklee, K L See Cardona, M Sham, L J (1965), Proc Roy Soc A, 283 (33) 393 Sham, L J See Austin, B J.; Hanke, W.; Kohn, W Sharma, R R (1979), Phys Rev., B19 (2813) 481 Shaw, R W., Jr (1968), Phys Rev., 174 (769) 343 Shaw, R W., and Harrison, W A (1967), Phys Rev., 163 (604) 545 Shay, J L., Wagner, S., and Phillips, J C (1976), Appl Phys Lett., 28 (31).255 Shen, Y R See de Alvarez, C V Sher, A See Huang, C Shevchik, N J See Tejeda, J Shih, H D., Jona, F., Jepsen, D W., and Marcus, P M (1976), Phys Rev Letters, 36 (798) 403 Shileika, A Yu, Cardona, M., and Pollak, F H (1969), Solid State Commun., (1113).116 Shiozawa, L R See Berlincourt, D Shockley, W (1950), Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors, Van Nostrand, New York 226 Sholl, C A See Lloyd, P.; McLaren, R E Shumm, R H See Wagman, D D Shyu, W.-M., and Gaspari, G D (1967), Phys Rev., 163 (667) 344 Shyu, W.-M., and Gaspari, G D (1968), Phys Rev., 170 (687) 344 Siska, P E., Parson, J M., Schafer, T P., and Lee, Y T (1971), J Chem Phys., 55 (5762) 293 Skillman, S See Herman, F Skriver, H L., Andersen, O K., and Johansson, B (1978), Phys Rev Letters, 41 (42).431 Slater, J C (1937), J Appl Phys., (385) 525 Slater, J C (1951), Phys Rev., 81 (385).535 Slater, C (1968), Quantum Theory oj Matter, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 22,25,28 Slater, J C., and Koster, G F (1954), Phys Rev., 94 (1498) 11, 48: 480f Smith, L R., and Gay, J G (1975), Phys Rev., 812 (4238) 342 Smith, R See Gay, J G Smith, N V See Larsen, P K Smith, S D See Summers, C J Smitt, F T (1971), Seventh International Conference 0/1 The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Amsterdam, Branscomb, L M., ed., North Holland, Amsterdam 307 Sokel, R (1976), Bull Am Phys Soc., 21 (1315) 142, 143, 185ff, 193 Soke!, R C (1978) Thesis, Stanford University 185-193 Sokel, R., and Harrison, W A (1976), Phys Rev Letters, 36 (61) 212-215 Sokel, R See Harrison, W A Sonntag, B See Cardona, M Soref, R A., and Moos, H W (1964), J Appl Phys., 35 (2152) 122 Soven, P (1967), Phys Rev., 156 (809) 508 Spicer, W E See Chye, P W.; Wagner, L F.; Yu, K Y Spitzer, W G See Kleinman, D A Staver, T See Bohm, D Steinman, D K See Feldkamp, L A Steinman, W See Himpsel, F.-J Stevens, W J See Gilbert, T L Stillman, G E., Wolfe, C M., and Dimmock, O (1969), Solid State Comlllun., (921) 157 Stocker, D See Coulson, C A Strehlow, W H., and Cook, E L (1973), J Phys Chelll Ref Data, (163) 321, 322 Strozier, A., Jr., Jepsen, D W., and Jona, F (1975), in Surface Physics of Materials, (vol I, p 1), Blakely, J M., ed., Academic Press, New York 403 Sturge, M (1962), Phys Rev., 127 (768) 157 567 568 Bibliography and Author lndex Sukegawa, T See Chye, P W Sukhatme, V P., and Wolff, P A (1975), Pilys Rev Letters, 35 (1369) 131 Summers, C 1., Dennis, R B., Wherrett, B S., Harper, P G., and Smith, S D (1968), Pilys Rev., 170 (755) 157 Sunami, H See Chye, P W Sundfors, R K (1974), Phys Rev., BIO (4244) 125 Suslina, L G See Bir, G L Svistunova, K See Pokrovsky, Ya Swank, R K (1967), Phys Rev., 153 (844) 254 Swihart, C See Garrett, D G Taut, M See Lehmann, G Tejeda, 1., and Shevchik, N (1976), Pilys Rev., B13 (2548) 538 Tejedor, C, and Verges, A (1979), Phys Rev., B19 (2283) 87 Teller, E See 1ahn, H A.; Lyddane, R H Templeton, D H See 10hnson, Q C Thaper, C L See Roy, A P Thomas, D G See Hopfield, 1 Thomson, 1 (1897), Phil Mag., 44 (293) 59 Thorpe, M F See Sen, P N.; Weaire, D Tinkham, M (1964), Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York 442 Tosi, M P (1964), Solid State Phys., 16 (1) 309,311 Tsay, Y F., Corey, A 1., and Mitra, S S (1975), Phys Rev., B12 (1354) 115 Tsarev, Yu N See Nikulin, V K Turnbull, D See Frank, F C Turner, R See Riccius, H D Turner, W 1., Reese, W E., and Pettit, G D (1964), Phys Rev., 136 (AI467) 157 Valbusa, U See Cavallini, M Van Dyke, P See Herman, F Van Gool, W (1973), ed., Fast Ion Transport in Solids, North Holland, Amsterdam 36 van Reuth, E See Cheng, C H Van Vechten, A (1969a), Phys Rev., 182 (891) 60, 328 Van Vechten, A (1969b), Phys Rev., 187 (1007) 60, 108 Van Vechten, A., Cardona, M., Aspnes, D E., and Martin, R M (1970), in Proceedings oj the Tenth International ConJerencc on the Physics oj Semiconductors, (Cambridge, Mass.), Keller, S P., Hensel, C, and Stern, F., eds 124 Van Vechten, A See Phillips, C Varma, C M and Weber, W (1977), Phys Rev Letters, 39 (1094) 473 Bibliography and Author Index Vagelatos, N See Feldkamp, L A Velicky, B Kirkpatrick, S., and Ehrenreich, H (1968), Phys Rev., 175 (747) 508 Venkatamaran, G See Feldkamp, L A Verie, c (1972), in New Developments in Semiconductors, p 153, Wallace, P R., cd., Noordhoff International Publishing, Leyden 163 Vogl, P (1978), J Phys., Cll (251).424 Voos, M See Benoit a la Guillaume, C Wachter, P See Batlogg, B Wagman, D D., Evans, W H., Halow, I., Parker, V B., Bailey, S M., and Shumm, R H (1968), National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 270, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C 176 Wagner, L F., and Spicer, W E (1972), Phys Rev Letters, 28 (1381) 246 Wakoh, S., and Yamashita, (1966), J Phys Soc Japan, 21 (1712).521 Wallace, D: C, (1972), Thermodynamics oj Crystals, 10hn Wiley and Sons, New York 311 Wallis, R F (1965), ed., Lattice Dynamics (Proceedings of International Congress, Aug 5-9, 1963, Copenhagen), Pergamon Press, Oxford 204, 312 Wallis, R F See Palik, E D Wang, C C, and Ressler, N W (1970), Pilys Rev., B2 (1827) 123 Wannier, G H (1937), Phys Rev., 52 (191) 87 Warren, L., Yarnell, L., Dolling, G., and Cowley, R A (1967), Phys Rev., 158 (805) 208 Warren, L See Yarnell, L Waschauer, D M See Paul, W Watkins, G D., and Messmer, R P (1973), in Computational MethodsJor Large Molecules and Localized States in Solids, p 133, Herman, F , McLean, A D., and Nesbet, R K., eds., Plenum Press, N.Y 249ff Watkins, G D See Messmer, R P Watson, R E., Ehrenreich, H., and Hodges, L (1970), Phys Rev Letters, 24 (829) 507 Watson, R E., and Ehrenreich, H (1970), Comments Solid State Phys., (109) 507 Watson, R E See Gelatt, C D., Jr.; Hodges, L Waugh, L T See Dolling, G Weaire, D (1971), Phys Rev Letters, 26 (1541) 251 Weaire, D., and Thorpe, M F (1973), in Computational Methods Jor Large Molecules and Localized States ill Solids, p 295, Herman, F., McLean, A D., and Nesbet, Woodward, R B., and Hoffmann, R (1971), R K., eds., Plenum Press, New York 273 The Conservation oj Orbital Symmetry, Weaire, D See Heine, V Academic Press, New York (English Weast, R C (1965), ed., Handbook oJ Chemistry edition) 39 and Physics, 46th edition, The Chemical Wulff, G (1901), Zeits Jiir Kristallog., 34 (449) Rubber Company, Cleveland liS 23lf Weast, R C (1975), ed., Handbook oj Chemistry Wyckoff, R W G (1963), Crystal Structures, and Physics, 56th edition, The Chemical 2nd ed., vol 1, Interscience New York Rubber Company, Cleveland 381, 395 171, 263, 302, 322 Webb M B See Harrison, W A.; Poppendieck, Wynne, 1 (1969), Phl's Rev., 178 (1295) 123 T D Wynne, 1., and Bloembergen, N (1969), Weber, W (1973), Phys Rev., B8 (5082) 455 Phys Rev., 188 (1211) 122 Weber, W (1974), Phys Rev Letters, 33 (371) Yablonovitch, E C, Flytzanis, Ch., and 212 Bloembergen, N (1972), Phys Rev Letters, Weber, W See Varma, C M 29 (865) 123, 124 Weil, R., and Groves, W O (1968), J Appl Yamashita, See Wakoh, S Phys., 39 (4049) 196 Yarnell, J L., Warren, J L., Wenzel, R G., and Weinreich, G (1965), Solids, 10hn Wiley and Dean, P (1968), in Nelltron Inelastic Sons, New York 87 Scattering, p 301, International Atomic Weissbluth, M (1978), Atoms and Molecules., Energy Agency, Vienna 208 Academic Press, New York 460 Yarnell, L See Warren, L Wemple, S H (1977), J Chem Phys., 67 (2151) Yevick, G See Percus, K 114, lIS Yip, K L., and Fowler, W B (1974), Phys Wenzel, R G See Yarnell, L Rev., BlO (1400).263 Wheeler, R G., and Dimmock, O (1962), Yndurain, F., and 10annopoulos, J D (1976), Pllys Rev., 125 (1805) 157 Phys Rev., BI4 (3569) 279 Wheeler, R G See Miklosz, C Yoshimine, M See Gilbert, T L Wherrett, B S See Summers, C Yoshinaga, H See Manabe, A White, R M (1974), Phys Rev., BIO (3426) 131 Yu, K Y., Miller, N., Chye, P., Spicer, W.E., White, R M See Chadi, D J Lang, N D., and Williams, A R (1976), Wiegmann, W See Dingle, R Phys Rev., B14 (1446) 403 Wigner, E P., and Seitz, F (1934), Phys Rev., Yu, P Y., Cardona, M., and Pollak, F H (1971), 46 (509) 500f, 506 Phys Rev., B3 (340) 116 Williams, A R See Appapillai, M.; Lang, N D.; Yu, P Y SCI' Cardona, M Moruzzi, V L.; Yu, K Y Zallen, R., and Paul, W (1967), Phys Rev., 155 Williams, R K See Butler, W H (703) 109f Wilson, A (1972), Ad Phys., 21 (143) 438 Zeiger, H J., and Pratt, G W (1973), Magnetic Wolfe, C M See Reine, M.; Stillman, G E Interactions ill Solids, Clarendon Press, Wolff, P A See Sukhatme, V P Oxford 214 Woods, A D B See Cowley, R A Zienau, S See Frohlich, H Ziman, M (1961), Phil Mag., (1013).404 569 Subject Index A 15 compounds, 455 Absolute energy of bands, 252, 425ff Absorption of light See Optical properties Absorption peak, £2,103, 117pr, 152,415 as lones-Zone gap, 415 plotted against theory, 108 relation to pseudopotential, 416ff as source of V" 107, 108, 152 values for Ge, GaAs, ZnSe, 117pr volume dependence, 109f Acceleration of electrons, 37 Acceptors, 152 Acoustical modes, 207 See a/so Lattice vibrations Actinides, 431,433,477 Adsorption on metal, 402ff on semiconductor surfaces, 247ff Alkali halides See a/so Ionic compounds band gap (table), 321 chemical grip, 312, 463f color centers, 326 dielectric susceptibility, 326ff; table, 328 effective charges, 331 ff elastic constants (table), 313 electronic spectra, 324f electronic structure, 319ff energy bands, 323f excitons, 324f self-trapped hole, 326 structure determination, 314ff surfaces, 336 transverse charge, 324ff; table, 336 X-ray spectra, 3241' Alloys Coherent Potential Approximation, CPA, 508 matrix elements for, 505 Alpha-quartz See Silicon dioxide Aluminum binding energy, 355 effective interaction between ions (figure), 388 Fermi surface, 372, 373 pseudopotential (figure), 362 shear constant, 405Pr speed of sound, 395 values of properties See Simple metals Aluminum antimonide, arsenide, nitride, and phosphide, values of properties See Semiconductors Amorphous semiconductors gap formation, 251f structure, 64 vibration spectrum, 2801f Anderson moments, 525ff Angle-resolved photo emission, 105 Angular momentum of atomic states, 8ff matrix elements of, 134 in quantum theory, Anion, 19f See a/so Ionic compounds contact, 315 Antibonding orbitals See a/so Bond orbitals as basis for bands, 153ff Antibonding state See Bonding state Antiferromagnetism, 529 from nesting Fermi surfaces, 490 Antifluorites See Fluorites Antimony, core radius, 362 Antisymmetry, electrons, 532 APW method, 432f Argon, properties of See Inert gas solids Arsenic, core radius, 362 Atomic adsorption, 2471f, 402ff 572 Subject Index Atomic core, 13, 168 Atomic interactions, See Overlap interaction Atomic orbitals, 8fT, 29pr, 431 fT Atomic Sphere Approximation, 501, 506r, 511, 516, 51S Atomic sphere radius, ro defined, 349 formula, 350 metals, plot, 495 values, 495, alld Solid Stale Table Atomic term values, 13 figure, 15 Hartree-Fock (table), 534 Herman and Skillman (table), 50r ror optical absorption, 100 significance, 53,4501' use of Hartree-Fock, 451, 454 values, 50r, alld Solid Stale Tab/e Atoms, electronic structure, 8fT, 29pr Augmented Plane Wave method, 433 Back bond figure, 231 states, 246 Band calculation See Energy bands; Hamiltonian matrix Band discontinuity, heterojunction, 254f, 425fT Band ferromagnetism, 521-525 Band gap alkali halides, formula and table, 320f efTect on long-range forces, 214f efTect of pressure, 226 formation in covalent solid, 39, 42, 66.163 indirect, 161f; table, 253 inert gas solids, 296 semiconductors, 881',105, 117pr, 154; tables, 157,253 vanishing of, 163 Band-structure energy, 384fT cancellation with electrostatic energy, 395 Fermi-Thomas approximation, 386, 405pr Band width See a/so d-band width bands, 434 Bands See Energy bands Barium, values of properties See Simple metals Barium fluorite See Fluorites Barium titanate, 450, 4661' Beryllium molecule, 28 values of properties See Simple metals vibration spectrum, 344 Beryllium oxide, selenide, sulphide, alld telluride, values of properties See Semiconductors Basis states, nonorthogonality, 536-538, 549f Beta-cristo balite, nonexistence of, 261 Beta-eucryptite,301 Bethe lattice, 278f Binding energy, simple metals, 355 See a/so Cohesive energy Bismuth, core radius, 362 Bloch sum, 33, 72 of bond orbitals, 144 Body-centered cubic structure, 350 figure, 479 primitive translations, 364 Bohm-Staver speed of sound, 394f Bohr radius, 13, 28pr Boltzmann constant, 216 Subject Index Bond angles See a/so Chemical grip; Valence force field origin, in SiO 275fT role of deep s"states, 277 Bond-bending interaction, 194 Bond charge, 212, 4231' in surface adsorption, 403f Bond dipoles, 119fT Bond formation energy, 170 change with distortion, 186fT table, 176 Bond length alkali halides (table), 311 band gap dependence on, 40f dependence of properties on See Bond-length dependence; Pressure dependence dependence upon structure, 314f fluorites and anti fluorites, :l22, 331 fluorites, prediction, 316pr ionic compounds, prediction, 310; table, 313 semiconductors, theory, 171 f; table, 114f silicon dioxide and gennania, 273 Bond-length dependence (material to material) bulk modulus, ionic compounds, 311 ; metals, 355; semiconductors, 358pr dielectric susceptibility, 329f effective charges, ionic compounds, 333 elastic constants, semiconductors, 189,422 interatomic matrix elements, 48fT, 149ft·, 408fT, 419, 421,425 Bond Orbital Approximation, 60, 80fT application to elasticity, 186fT application to graphite, 165pr for bands, 142, 144 corrections to, 83fT corrections, magnetic susceptibility, 134 counterpart for vibrations, 281 f and effective masses, 157 failure in elasticity theory, 189, 200pr in perovskites, 457 to piezoelectricity, 224f to the transverse charge, 2221' Bond Orbital Mode, 60, 173 See a/so Bond Orbital Approximation Bond orbitals as basis for band calculation, 144f in covalent solids, 68fT molecular, 18f silicon dioxide, 266, 287pr Bond polarity See Polarity Bonding at crystal surfaces, 247fT Bonding state See a/so Bonding unit in covalent solids, 65fT formation in covalent solids, 39 general, molecular, 18 pi states, 22fT in selenium, 93 sigma states, 23fT Bonding unit perovskite ghost, 457 silicon dioxide, 264 267 Born-von Karman expansion, 194, 205 Boron, c.ore radius, 362 Boron arsenide values of properties See Semiconductors Boron nitride hexagonal, pi bands, 165pr hexaglHlal, structure, 91 transverse charge, 227pr values of properties See Semiconductors vibration spectrum, 227pr Boron phosphide, values of properties See Semiconductors Bose-Einstein statistics, 216 Boundary conditions periodic, 4, 345f, 364 in quantum theory, Bra,

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