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Ielts speaking 1000 expression describing people

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CHAPTER – Describing People Personality traits and characteristics Positive traits and characteristics (to be) as brave as a lion Meaning: someone who is very brave or courageous Example: Tom’s as brave as a lion, he didn’t even hesitate to confront the thief who tried to steal my wallet (to be) as cool as a cucumber Meaning: someone who acts very calm in a difficult or serious situation Example: Mark is always as cool as a cucumber, even when he is under a lot of pressure (to be) down to earth Meaning: someone who is very sensible, realistic, practical, thinks logically and rationally Maybe the opposite of someone who ‘has their head in the clouds’ Example: Karen’s really sensible and realistic, she’s really down to earth He is a really down to earth kind of guy She’s got a really down to earth personality (to be) easy-going Meaning: similar to laid back Someone who is not easily worried, upset or annoyed Example: Ryan’s a very easy-going guy Nothing seems to bother him too much (to be) a go-getter Meaning: someone who is proactive, determined and works hard to achieve what they want Example: Christine is a real go-getter, she’ll whatever it takes to work her way to the top of her company (to be) good company Meaning: someone who is fun or pleasant to be around and spend time with Example: Jane’s really good company I always have a great time when we hang out together (to be) a good laugh Meaning: someone who is funny and entertaining to be around ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | Example: My best friend Amanda is a real good laugh She’s always got a lot of funny stories to tell when we catch up (to be) a knight in shining armour Meaning: someone who helps or saves you when you have a problem Example: Alex is a real knight in shining armour, he helped me to move house when no one else could (to be) laid-back Meaning: someone who behaves in a very relaxed way, nothing seems to bother them Example: I guess I would describe myself as being pretty laid back I don’t get upset or worried very easily 10 (to have) nerves of steel Meaning: someone is able to stay calm in a difficult or dangerous situation, or when under a lot of pressure Example: John’s got nerves of steel He looked so calm when the robber pointed a gun at his face 11 (to be) open-minded Meaning: someone who is willing to listen to, or is accepting of, other people’s ideas and opinions, even if they are different to their own beliefs Example: One of the reasons that I really respect Greg is because he is so open-minded 12 (to be) as sweet as honey | sugar Meaning: someone who acts in a very sweet, nice or gentle manner Example: Mary is one of the nicest people I know, she’s as sweet as sugar 13 (to be) up-and-coming Meaning: someone or something that is advancing in its field and is likely to be a success Example: John is an up-and-coming star He’s been staring in a lot of films lately and is gaining a lot of popularity amongst movie critics Mike’s café is said to be the next up-and-coming chain of coffee stores around the country 14 (to have) vim and vigour Meaning: someone who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm Example: Tom is full of vim and vigour He’s always so excited and enthusiastic about everything! ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 15 (to be) young at heart Meaning: someone who is getting older, but still feels and acts young Example: Even though Bob is in his 60’s, he’s still young at heart He’s always wanting to play football with his grandkids ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | Negative traits and characteristics 16 (to be) a bad egg Meaning: someone who is dishonest or behaves badly Example: Little Johnny is a real bad egg He’s always misbehaving at school and causing problems with other students 17 (to be) big-headed Meaning: someone who thinks they are very important, or better than others Example: I don’t want to sound big-headed, but I was definitely the smartest kid in school 18 (to be) a big mouth Meaning: someone who isn’t able to keep a secret Example: Jenny is such a big mouth! She wasn’t supposed to tell you about the surprise party that I had planned for you 19 (to be) a busybody Meaning: someone who is interested in other people’s personal business, particularly things that not involve them Example: My mum is such a busybody, always trying to listen in to my private conversations with my friends, trying to find out what we are talking about 20 (to be) a cold fish Meaning: someone who shows little or no emotion, and may be very unsympathetic Example: John didn’t show any sympathy for Max when his girlfriend broke up with him He can be a real cold fish sometimes 21 (to be) a chatterbox Meaning: a person who talks a lot Example: James is such a chatterbox, sometimes he just never shuts up! 22 (to be) as cunning as a fox Meaning: someone is very cunning, deceitful or maybe untrustworthy Someone who plans things in order to get what they want Example: I really don’t trust Tony, he’s always trying to trick people He’s as cunning as a fox 23 (to be) a fair-weather friend ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | Meaning: someone who is only your friend when things are going well for you, but not when you really need help Example: Kyle’s only a fair-weather friend Last month when I desperately needed help, he wouldn’t even reply to my messages 24 (to be) full of hot air Meaning: someone who talks a lot but doesn’t say anything worthwhile, or talks about things they don’t really know about, or exaggerates the truth Example: Don’t listen to Matt, he’s full of hot air You can’t trust a word that he says 25 (to be) full of yourself Meaning: Someone who is overconfident, and thinks they are very special or important (similar to big-headed) Example: Carl is so full of himself these days He just never shuts about his latest achievements 26 (to be) as greedy as a pig Meaning: someone is very greedy and has a desire for things, particularly for food Example: Shannon ate that whole chocolate cake herself and didn’t save any for anyone else She’s as greedy as a pig sometimes! 27 (to be) narrow-minded Meaning: someone who is unwilling to accept or listen to other people’s ideas or opinions (opposite of open-minded) Example: I really can’t stand narrow-minded people It’s one of the qualities that I really hate in other people 28 (to be) a nosy parker Meaning: similar to a busybody Someone who asks a lot of questions trying to find out information about someone’s personal life Example: My next door neighbour is such a nosy parker, always asking me questions trying to find out about my personal life 29 (to be) a pain in the neck Meaning: someone or something that is highly annoying Example: Jerry is an absolute pain in the neck He’s always interfering with my work, I can’t get nothing done when he’s around TV commercials these days are a real pain in the neck, there’s more commercials than TV shows! ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 30 (to be) pig-headed Meaning: someone who is extremely stubborn, and unwilling to change their opinions, even if they know they are wrong Example: Chris is so pig-headed He still thinks women should be housewives only 31 (to be) set in his | her ways Meaning: someone who doesn’t like changing their habits Example: My grandfather is quite old now and set in his ways It’s really difficult to try to change his view on things 32 (to have) a short fuse Meaning: someone who gets angry easily, or loses their temper quickly Example: When I was young I had to be careful around my father, he had a really short fuse If I did something wrong, he would get really mad 33 (to be) a slave driver Meaning: someone who makes their employees or other people work really hard Example: My boss is a real slave driver, he’s always making us stay back at work late 34 (to be) as slippery as an eel Meaning: someone who is cunning, deceitful or untrustworthy, and possibly difficult to catch (e.g a criminal) Example: I really don’t trust that guy, he’s as slippery as an eel The police haven’t been able to catch the criminal yet, he seems to be as slippery as an eel 35 (to be) a smart arse Meaning: someone who tries to be funny or clever but is actually just annoying and/or rude Example: Matthew’s a real smart arse these days Always talking rudely to his teachers, trying to make others laugh 36 (to be) as stubborn as a mule Meaning: to describe someone is very stubborn, or has a strong determination to not change their attitude towards something Example: Even though he knows smoking is really bad for his health, he won’t stop He’s as stubborn as a mule sometimes ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 37 (to be) a wet blanket Meaning: a person who says or does something that stops others from having fun or enjoying themselves Example: Kate’s always ruining my fun by being so negative all the time, she can be such a wet blanket sometimes 38 (to be) a wolf in sheep's clothing Meaning: someone that appears or acts like a good person but is actually bad Example: I think the new president is a wolf in sheep’s clothing It appears like he has good intentions, but I think he doesn’t care about what the people want 39 (to have) a yellow streak Meaning: someone who has a tendency to act cowardly or not be very brave Example: Shauna has a bit of a yellow streak, she always scared of everything! 40 (to be) yellow-bellied Meaning: to be cowardly (similar to a yellow streak) Example: He’s such a yellow-bellied fool Always running away from any little problem in life 41 (to be) a yes-man Meaning: someone who says ‘yes’ to everything or agrees with everything people say, even when they don’t really agree, but usually just to please people Example: Jack will agree with anything you say, he’s a bit of a yes-man ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | Being different or the same as others 42 (to be) the black sheep (of the family) Meaning: to describe some who is different from others, particularly used when comparing someone to others in their family Example: My brother Chris is the black sheep of the family While everyone in my family is really outgoing and sociable, Chris is really shy and introverted, and doesn’t really share any similar interests with us 43 (to be) a chip off the old block Meaning: someone who has a very similar appearance or characteristics to one of their parents, especially the father Example: Ben looks exactly like his father, he’s a real chip off the old block 44 (to be) a law unto themselves Meaning: someone who does not behave according to normal rules and ways of doing things, but does whatever they like, following their own way about how to act and live Example: You can’t tell George what to do, he won’t listen, he’s a law unto himself 45 (to be) a queer fish Meaning: someone who is considered to be a bit strange or weird Example: Tony’s kind of a queer fish, he’s a bit strange compared to the other kids at school 46 (to be) a square peg in a round hole Meaning: to describe someone who does not fit into a particular place or situation Example: I really wasn’t suitable for that job, so I quit after a week The whole time I worked there I felt like a square peg in a round hole 47 (to have) the x-factor Meaning: someone who has a unique talent, skill or look, or someone with a special quality that is difficult to describe or define Example: The new salesman’s really got the x-factor, he’s already made more sales this month than the rest of the team combined ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | Being Smart, Intelligent, or Wise 54 (to be) a bright spark Meaning: someone who is quite smart and learns things quickly and easily (usually used referring to young people) Example: Little Billy is a real bright spark He got perfect scores in all of his school exams 55 (to have) his | her head screwed on Meaning: someone who is wise, sensible, or has good judgement Example: Ellen is saving half of her pay check each week to buy a house She really has her head screwed on 56 (to be) not just a pretty face Meaning: someone who is intelligent or clever, as well as attractive Example: Anna really surprised me with her presentation last night I guess she’s not just a pretty face after all 57 (to be) on the ball Meaning: someone who is quite attentive, aware of things that are happening around them, and quick to respond to any situation Example: We need to replace some of the staff here, they’re becoming too lazy and inattentive We need people working here to be on the ball! 58 (to be) quick off the mark Meaning: someone who is quick to react or respond to a situation (similar to quick on the draw) Example: Did you see how fast Jim acted when he saw the terrible accident He was very quick off the mark 59 (to be) quick on the draw | trigger Meaning: someone who reacts or responds very quickly to questions or situations Example: The president is quite quick on the draw isn’t he? Did you see how well he responded to all those tricky questions the media were throwing at him 60 (to be) quick on the uptake Meaning: someone who is able to understand something quite quickly and easily Example: Tom didn’t have any trouble understanding everything the lecturer was saying He’s quite quick on the uptake ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 10 61 (to be) sharp Meaning: someone who is intelligent and also quick thinking Example: My grandma’s quite sharp for a 90-year-old 62 (to be) a smart cookie Meaning: someone who is smart or clever Example: Fran’s such a smart cookie She managed to figure out how to fix my computer in about 15 minutes 63 (to be) as wise as an owl Meaning: someone who has a lot of wisdom Example: Mark really made some smart decisions in his life He’s as wise as an owl ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 11 Being Stupid, Unintelligent, and Crazy The following idioms all have a very similar meaning and use; 64 (to be) bonkers 65 (to be) crackers 66 (to be) a loony bin 67 (to have) lost his | her marbles 68 (to be) not all there 69 (to be) a nutcase 70 (to be) nuts 71 (to be) nutty 72 (to be) off his rocker 73 (to be) off the wall 74 (to be) on another planet 75 (to be) out of his mind 76 (to have) a screw loose 77 (to be) stark raving mad 78 (to be) wacko Meaning: Essentially these idioms mean that someone has a mental problem, or is not thinking or acting in a sane way But they are also commonly used in a sarcastic way when someone does or says something that may seem strange Example: I can’t believe they made that guy president! The guy’s…(nuts, got a screw loose, stark raving mad, not all there etc.) 79 (to be) not the brightest crayon in the box Meaning: someone who is dumb or stupid Example: Tina really is not the brightest crayon in the box, she thought that Tokyo was a country 80 (to be) not the sharpest tool in the shed Meaning: same meaning as not the brightest crayon in the box Example: I had to go to Brett’s house to help him turn on his TV He’s definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed 81 (to be) not living in the real world Meaning: someone who has unrealistic ideas about what is happening in their life, or in life in general ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 12 Example: Mark thinks is going to get a promotion at work next week I think he’s not living in the real world, his performance at work lately has been terrible! 82 (to be) a scatterbrain Meaning: someone who is forgetful, or unable to focus or think clearly Example: Rob’s an absolute scatterbrain He keeps forgetting to lock the front door at night 83 (to be) spaced out Meaning: someone who is not fully conscious or in touch with reality, dazed or disoriented Example: Sorry, I wasn’t listening I’m a bit spaced out today 84 (to be) a space cadet Meaning: someone who is spaced out quite often Example: The new employee is a complete space cadet He doesn’t remember anything I tell him 85 (to be) as thick as a plank | a brick | two bricks Meaning: someone who is stupid Example: That guy is as thick as a brick This is the third time this week he has walked into the glass door ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 13 Others 86 (to be) above the law Meaning: someone who is in a position where normal rules or laws not apply to them Example: Now that Tom’s a police officer, he thinks he is above the law But he still must follow the rules like everyone else I though the new student would be in trouble for yelling at the teacher, but since he is related to the principle, I guess he’s above the law 87 (to be) behind the times Meaning: someone who has old-fashioned ideas and doesn’t keep up with modern ways of life Example: Andy still doesn’t have a smartphone He’s really behind the times 88 (to be) as bold as brass Meaning: someone who acts boldly, is overly confident and does not care about the consequences of their actions or about what people will think or say Example: My best friend Thomas is as bold as brass sometimes, he just asks for whatever he wants and doesn’t care what other people will say 89 (to be) a dark horse Meaning: used to describe someone who has a surprising skill or ability that people aren’t aware of Example: I had no idea Jim could play the guitar so well He’s a bit of a dark horse sometimes 90 (to be) a daydreamer Meaning: someone who often thinks about being somewhere else or doing something else rather than what they are doing in the present Example: I was such a daydreamer in school, I was so bored and couldn’t focus on my classes 91 (to be) as hard as nails Meaning: similar to a tough cookie Someone who is mentally or physically tough, and may show little empathy or emotion Example: I think he’s such a successful businessman because he’s as hard as nails and doesn’t really care about the consequences of his decisions My father went through a lot of hardship growing up and as a consequence he’s now as hard as nails 92 (to be) a mover and a shaker ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 14 Meaning: someone who is quite active, has the power to make decisions, or is influential, in a particular field Example: My best friend is only 35 years old and is the CEO of a new software company, he’s going to be quite a mover and a shaker in the tech industry 93 (someone's) name is mud Meaning: someone who has a bad reputation and is disliked by many Example: your name’s going to be mud if people find out about your criminal past 94 (to be) the new kid on the block Meaning: a new person in a workplace, school, or other group or organisation Example: Because I was the new kid on the block, I had to make coffee for the boss ever morning at work 95 (to have) a one-track mind Meaning: someone who only thinks about one thing or subject Example: I can’t get Tim to any homework after school, the kids got a one track mind All he wants to is play his new video game 96 (to be) as quiet as a mouse Meaning: someone who doesn’t speak very often, or speaks at low volume Example: Jenny’s as quiet as a mouse, she hardly says anything 97 (to be) straight-forward Meaning: someone who is quite direct and honest Example: Jim’s a real straight-forward kind of guy, which sometimes gets him into trouble He tends to be very honest and just says what he is feeling Some people don’t appreciate that kind of behaviour 98 (to be) a tough cookie Meaning: a person who is very mentally, emotionally and/or physically strong and determined, and can endure a lot of hardship Example: My grandpa had to endure a lot of hardship during the war, he really is a tough cookie 99 (to be) wet behind the ears Meaning: someone who lacks knowledge or experience in a particular situation Example: The new employee is pretty wet behind the ears, this is his first job so he doesn’t have any experience ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 15 100 (to be) young blood Meaning: someone who is new to a group or organisation, with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and new ideas Example: This company needs some young blood We need some new employees with fresh, exciting ideas to keep this business alive ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 16 Physical appearance, characteristics and abilities Appearance 101 (to be) dressed (up) to the nines Meaning: to be wearing very fancy or formal clothes for a special occasion Example: We had a great time at my high school graduation My friends and I were all dressed up to the nines 102 (to be) easy on the eye Meaning: someone (or something) that is beautiful, or very nice or pleasant to look at Example: My next door neighbour is quite easy on the eye The architect did a great job The new building is quite easy on the eye 103 (to be) like two peas in a pod Meaning: two people who have very similar appearance or characteristics Example: Stewart and James are like two peas in a pod, I always get them confused 104 (to be) as pretty as a picture Meaning: used to describe someone who looks pretty Example: Michelle looks as pretty as a picture in this photo In real life, she’s as ugly as sin 105 (to be) as skinny as a rake Meaning: used to describe someone who is very thin Example: When I was young I was as skinny as a rake These days I’m quite fat and overweight 106 (to) stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb Meaning: someone (or something) that is very noticeable Example: If you wear that gold watch while walking around this poor neighbourhood, you’re going to stand out like a sore thumb I was the only one who came to the party wearing a costume, I stood out like a sore thumb 107 (to be) as ugly as sin Meaning: someone (or something) that is quite ugly or horrible to look at Example: Michelle looks as pretty as a picture in this photo In real life, she’s as ugly as sin The new shopping mall is as ugly as sin from the outside ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 17 Characteristics and Abilities 108 (to be) as agile as a monkey Meaning: someone who is able to move quickly and easily Example: I couldn’t catch the kids when they stole my candy They’re as agile as monkeys, running and jumping over all the furniture 109 (to be) as blind as a bat Meaning: someone who can’t see very well, and probably needs to wear glasses Example: My grandma’s as blind as a bat without her glasses on 110 (to be) a couch potato Meaning: someone who likes to sit at home and watch a lot of TV, and doesn’t much exercise Example: I used to be a couch potato when I was younger Then I became addicted to playing sport and doing exercise Now I hate sitting at home watching TV 111 (to be) an early bird Meaning: someone who likes to wake up early in the morning (opposite of a night owl) Example: I’m kind of an early bird I hate to sleep in and waste the day 112 (to have) eyes like a hawk Meaning: to have exceptionally good eyesight or to be very observant Example: Craig managed to find my key in the long grass He’s got eyes like a hawk I can’t even go to the toilet without my boss noticing I’m gone He’s got eyes like a hawk 113 (to be) from all walks of life Meaning: used to talk about a variety of people, regarding their age, race, gender, social status, job, etc Example: I love my job It really enables me to meet people from all walks of life 114 (to have) the gift of the gab Meaning: someone who is very good at talking in a way that is entertaining or persuading Example: The new salesman has really got the gift of the gab He’s sold more computers this week than I have all month! My friend Ben is so entertaining to be around, he’s really got the gift of the gab ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 18 115 (to be) as graceful as a swan Meaning: someone who moves with grace or elegance Example: The show was amazing The dancer moved as graceful as a swan 116 (to be) a green thumb Meaning: someone who loves, or is good at, gardening Example: My grandparents are real green thumbs They spend hours in their garden every day 117 (to be) a jack of all trades (master of none) Meaning: someone who is quite skilled in many different areas, but none in particular Example: My father is a jack of all trades He can fix just about anything Janes a jack of all trades when it comes to music She can play guitar, piano, drums and saxophone, but she hasn’t mastered any of them yet 118 (to have) a memory like a sieve |a memory like a goldfish Meaning: to have a terrible memory Example: Bob’s got a memory like a goldfish I tell him something and he immediately forgets 119 (to be) a night owl Meaning: someone who likes to stay up and things late at night (opposite of an early bird) Example: When I was at university I was a real night owl I was always studying until early in the morning 120 (to be) as quick as a flash | as quick as a wink | as quick as lightning Meaning: to move or something very quickly Example: When I was a youngster, I was as quick as a flash Now I can barely walk up the stairs 121 (to be) as slow as a snail | as slow as a tortoise Meaning: to be or something very slowly (opposite of quick as a flash) Example: I hate working with Jill, she’s as slow as a snail 122 (to be) a spring chicken | no spring chicken Meaning: used to describe someone is quite young Usually used in the negative form Example: I used to be able to run for miles, but these days I get tired after about 10 minutes, I’m no spring chicken anymore ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 19 123 (to be) as strong as an ox Meaning: someone who is extremely strong Example: When I was young, I was as strong as an ox I could carry a 100 pounds on my back for miles 124 (to) talk until the cows come home Meaning: to talk for a very long time, usually with no real result or purpose Example: Oh my god, here comes Bill Be careful not to get into a conversation with him, he can talk until the cows come home 125 (to be) as tough as old boots Meaning: used to describe someone or something that is very strong and long lasting, or something that can withstand a lot of rough treatment, like a pair of good, old, leather boots Example: Don’t worry about John, he’ll recover from his accident He’s as tough as old boots I’ve been driving this car for years and it’s never broken down It’s as tough as old boots ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 20 Eating habits 126 (to) drink like a fish Meaning: to be able to drink a lot of alcohol, or to drink alcohol regularly Example: Mike’s always out at bars and clubs every weekend He drinks like a fish 127 (to) eat like a bird | mouse Meaning: someone who only eats a very small amount, like a bird or a mouse (opposite of eats like a horse) Example: We went to an expensive restaurant last night and Robin barely ate anything on her plate She eats like a mouse 128 (to) eat like a horse Meaning: someone who eats a lot, like a horse (opposite of eats like a mouse) Example: My best friend Matt eats like a horse, but he’s as skinny as a rake I don’t know how he does it If I ate that much, I’d be as fat as a whale 129 (to) eat like a pig Meaning: someone who eats a lot, but in a messy or piggish manner Example: Did you see Kyle eating at the restaurant last night? He eats like a pig! 130 (to be) as hungry as a wolf Meaning: to be very hungry, like a wolf that hasn’t eaten in days Example: Quick, let’s go get something to eat I’m as hungry as a wolf! ZIM Books – Giải pháp toàn diện cho người học IELTS | 21 IELTS PACKAGE – 2020 ZIM Books giới thiệu series cung cấp giải pháp cơng cụ tồn diện cho việc luyện thi IELTS English Grammar Tree – 2020 Edition English Grammar Tree - 2020 Edition sách ngữ pháp tiếng Anh phát hành độc quyền ZIM Books English Grammar Tree giải triệt để vấn đề nan giải: • • • • Nên ưu tiên học cấu trúc ngữ pháp nào? Học trước, học sau? Áp dụng vào việc viết câu tự nhiên nào? Áp dụng vào thi IELTS sao? Khác với tất đầu sách ngữ pháp khác thị trường, English Grammar Tree - 2020 Edition không tập trung vào việc liệt kê bừa bãi cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh hay giải thích cấu trúc phức tạp ngơn ngữ khoa học khó hiểu Thay vào đó, nhóm nghiên cứu ZIM Books chọn lọc chủ điểm ngữ pháp thiết yếu xếp chủ điểm ngữ pháp theo trình tự tư hình thành câu hồn chỉnh Power Vocab – IELTS Writing & Speaking Bộ sách Power Vocab - IELTS Wriring & Speaking Anh Ngữ ZIM biên soạn với mong muốn giúp bạn học sinh ý thức hiểu rõ cách sử dụng xác từ vựng theo chủ đề, từ tư sử dụng từ vựng thi IELTS Nội dung chính: • • • • • Cung cấp từ vựng quan trọng cho 16 chủ đề thường gặp đề thi IELTS Writing Speaking Cách tiếp cận từ vựng với nhiều tập để nhớ từ vựng theo văn cảnh sử dụng Bố cục Unit phù hợp với bước nhận thức từ vựng Thay đổi cách hướng dẫn tiếp cận tập để người học luyện tập sử dụng từ cách chủ động linh hoạt Cung cấp Ideas cụ thể cho đề thi thật thông qua tập vận dụng IELTS Mock Test 2020 – Vol IELTS Mock Test 2020 Vol tài liệu tổng hợp thi thử Anh Ngữ ZIM phát hành độc quyền ZIM Books Độ khó đề thi sách IELTS Mock Test 2020 Vol cao so với đề thi thật Các dạng câu hỏi sử dụng đề thi sách chuyên gia Anh Ngữ ZIM thiết kế theo chuẩn thi thật IELTS để giúp bạn có trải nghiệm tốt trình sử dụng sách Nội dung sách: • Hướng dẫn lên kế hoạch học tập hiệu • Hướng dẫn phương pháp học kỹ hiệu • thi IELTS • Giải thích đáp án kỹ Nghe Đọc cụ thể chi tiết • Phân tích hướng dẫn trả lời đề Viết Nói • Phân tích mẫu, từ vựng cấu trúc ngữ pháp bật THÔNG TIN ĐẶT MUA IELTS PACKAGE 2020: Power Vocab – IELTS Writing & Speaking 2020: http://bit.ly/2OcFLzj (Giá bán: 210.000 VNĐ/bộ) IELTS Mock Tests 2020 – Vol 1: http://bit.ly/33u6Br7 (Giá bán: 250.000 VNĐ/cuốn) English Grammar Tree – 2020 Edition: http://bit.ly/2OVUGgA (Giá bán: 310.000 VNĐ/cuốn) ĐẶC BIỆT THÁNG 12: Ưu đãi tới 10% giá đặt mua combo sách: 690.000 VNĐ/Combo sách (Giá gốc 770.000 VNĐ) Link đặt mua: http://bit.ly/2r6ftpL

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2023, 12:08
