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Research topic a study on the effect of universities’ emi programs on the ongoing issueof brain drain in vietnam

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NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY School of advanced educational programs - *** - Research topic A study on the effect of universities’ EMI programs on the ongoing issue of brain drain in Vietnam Students Hồ Hải Phong Nguyễn Việt Anh Trịnh Hà Phương Trần Phạm Cẩm Tú 11225091 11220508 11225322 11226679 Instructor: Ph.D Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền Hanoi, 2023 List of abbreviations NEU – National Economics University AG – Advanced program group EG – Excellent program group STG – Standard program group EMI – English Medium Instruction This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages List of tables and figur Figure 3-1 Students' prefered destinations for education 14 Access to all documents Figure 3-2 The percentage of respondents who plan to live in foreign countries Get Unlimited Downloads 15 Figure 3-3 The percentage of students who want to live abroad 16 Improve yourwho grades Figure 3-4 The percentage of students regard financial background as an influencing factor for decision of studying and living abroad 17 Y Table Level of wantingUpload to study abroad .12 Table When have students wanted to study abroad? 13 Share your documents to unlock Free Trial Get 30 days of free Premium Already Premium? Log in Table of contents PART INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale and purpose 1.2 Research questions 1.3 Research methodology 1.3.1 Overview of the approach 1.3.2 Population and sample 1.3.3 Data collection 1.3.4 Data analysis 1.4 Report organization PART LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The brain drain phenomenon 2.1.1 Origin of the term and its definition .6 2.1.2 The determinants of the brain drain .6 2.2 Human capital flight in Vietnam .8 2.2.1 Quantitative evidence for the issue of brain drain in Vietnam .8 2.2.2 The main academic reason and government's current solution to the phenomena of brain drain 2.3 The trend of studying abroad of students in developing countries and in Vietnam 2.4 The relationship between English-prioritized curriculum and students’ increased preference for studying abroad 10 PART DATA ANALYSES AND FINDINGS 12 3.1 The relationship between NEU students’ trend of studying abroad and the degree of English usage in their educational program 12 3.1.1 The level of wanting to study abroad 12 3.1.2 The period students form their wanting to study abroad 13 3.1.3 Students’ preference for educational environments 14 3.2 The preferred destinations for immigration among different groups of student .15 3.3 Findings and solutions 18 PART CONCLUSIONS .20 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Access to all documents Part INTRODUCTION Get Unlimited Downloads Studying abroad is not an unfamiliar term to students all over the world Back in Improve your grades the 1900s in Vietnam, scholars would go overseas studying to find a way to help their own countries from colonizers Nowadays, studying in developed countries promises better studying conditions and a mesmerizing future career for those in developing countries According to UNESCO, on 15th September 2021, there were 126,509 international students from Vietnam Moreover, the International Upload Cooperation Department stated in early 2022 that the number of Vietnamese your documents to unlock overseas students is up toShare over 190,000 Wealthy people choose studying abroad as their children’s top priority, people with profoundly educated family backgrounds try their best to win scholarships from world top ranking schools Being able to receive education from developed countries is considered something admirable and a trend in Vietnam particularly Trial Nonetheless, manyFree studies have shown that studying abroad induces brain drain, which is fatal to Vietnamese as it is only a developing country Get 30 dayssociety of free Premium While spending time overseas, students might get used to the concept of living abroad and desire to have a life there, not going back to Vietnam Regarding the destination countries, the United of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and other English-spoken countries are at the top of the most attractive nations [ CITATION Tra22 \lLog 1033in] One of the reasons behind Already Premium? this trend is that good English proficiency is a key element for success in future careers To adapt to the foreign education environment, students are required to have English ability at a particular level As a result, education programs with English as the primary language for academic purposes have been preferred Therefore, with a view to attracting students, a lot of universities in Vietnam have had education programs in which English is used as a medium for instruction However, there is a question: Does the increased English usage in university education programs promote more students to choose international education migration, which has been stated as a cause of brain drain? 1.1.Rationale and purpose Owing to the above analyses, our group has done this research to investigate the plausibility of the assumption that the appearance of university programs with English as a medium for instruction worsens the brain drain degree in Vietnam Specifically, the research focuses on how the difference in the level of English that students have been exposed to while attending classes affects their decision to migrate for educational purposes and living Scope To fulfill the research’s rationale and purpose, we chose to study the difference in the desire and decision to study as well as to live abroad among various student groups from NEU In detail, these students are undergraduates, and their level of English exposure in class is distinctive 1.2.Research questions The research aims at answering the following enquiries:  Does the increasing appearance of EMI programs in university promote students’ tendency to study abroad?  Is there any link between increased English usage in the university curricula and an increased rate of brain drain?  If EMI programs in university worsen the problem of brain drain, what approaches should be done to remedy this situation? 1.3.Research methodology 1.3.1 Overview of the approach A survey was selected as the primary research to collect quantitative data, which is then analyzed to shed light on the mentioned questions The survey was conducted through an online questionnaire The detailed description about research’s population and sample as well as how the data is collected and analyzed are mentioned as follows 1.3.2 Population and sample There were 158 NEU students answering the questionnaire in total NEU students are sorted into three groups, which is based on the extent English is used as the medium for instruction in programs: (1) students of the standard program with Vietnamese as the medium of instruction (STG), (2) students of excellent educational programs in which over 30% of the content is taught in English (EG), (3) students of advanced educational programs (over 90% of the content is taught in English (AG) It is noted that 158 respondents also included above three student groups In detail, there were 55 AG participants, 50 EG participants and 53 STG participants Not given this sample was small in comparison with the total number of NEU students, it was the best choice that we had in the situation that the study was conducted with the lack of modern research equipment Moreover, the research questions are possible to be answered through investigating this sample It is due to the fact that opening both education programs in which Vietnamese is used as the primary language for academic activities and EMI ones is widely applied by a lot of university in Vietnam, for instance: Hanoi University of Science and Technology1 , Foreign Trade University2, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam3, etc Therefore, on the basis of findings interpreted from the case of NEU students, it is possible to generalize the results to students of other universities in Vietnam 1.3.3 Data collection The survey was first designed online through Google Form The survey is anonymous and voluntary After that, it was delivered to different classes’ online group chat on Messenger, which allowed it to be approached and joined by target student groups As a result, 158 answers were collected About the content of the questionnaire, it consists of three sets of multiple choice questions for three participant groups The questionnaire aims at collecting data about the factors influencing the degree of brain drain which are participants’ level of wanting to study overseas and to immigrate to foreign countries These factors are: degree of wanting to study abroad and immigrate to Read the description of education programs at the official website of Hanoi University of Science and Technology’s: https://ts.hust.edu.vn/training-cate/nganh-dao-tao-dai-hoc Read the description of education programs at the official website of Foreign Trade University: https://ftu.edu.vn/%C4%91%C3%A0o-t%E1%BA%A1o/%C4%91%C3%A0o-t%E1%BA%A1o-%C4%91%E1%BA %A1i-h%E1%BB%8Dc-h%E1%BB%87-ch%C3%ADnh-quy/ch%C6%B0%C6%A1ng-tr%C3%ACnh%C4%91%C3%A0o-t%E1%BA%A1o Read the description of education programs at the official website of Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam: https://ts.hust.edu.vn/training-cate/nganh-dao-tao-dai-hoc This is a preview Doforeign you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages countries, level of having preference to foreign education environment and program (See the full questionnaire in the Appendix) Access to all documents 1.3.4 Data analysis When it comes to the way data is analyzed, the responses of questions Unlimited Downloads were worked out throughGet percentage calculation The data is presented in various graphs After that, any unique traits were noted down and were investigated to Improve your grades draw any possible conclusions on the trend of study abroad and the magnitude of having preference towards international migration or having intention to immigrate to foreign countries 1.4.Report organization Upload The research report consists of four main parts, which are: Research Share your documents to unlock proposal, Literature review, Data analysis, and Conclusion In detail: First, the research proposal provides information about research background, the study’s rational, purpose and objectives, and the research methodology Free Trial Second, the literature review presents the previous related researches’ Get 30 days of free Premium findings and conclusions on the understandings of the phenomenon of brain drain, brain drain situation in Vietnam, the tendency of studying abroad in Vietnam, and link between university program with increased usage of English and the students’ decision to study abroad Already Premium? Log in Third, the data analysis focuses on interpreting quantitative data to draw possible conclusions on research questions Finally, the conclusion first summarizes the answers to research questions and then points out any limitations of the research Part LITERATURE REVIEW In the context of globalization, international education migration has increasingly gained popularity When it comes to the case of developing countries including Vietnam, there are various quantitative evidences for the upward trend of the number of international students to other nations Despite the benefits students receive from studying abroad, their home countries can possibly be on the verge of losing a large amount of highly educated human resources if a lot of international students choose to immigrate abroad, which means they suffer from the issue of brain drain that is detrimental to economic development Therefore, both international education migration and the phenomenon of brain drain have attracted a lot of researchers to investigate their determinants Some of the determinants are closely related to the relationship between the appliance of EMI programs and the issue of brain drain 2.1 The brain drain phenomenon 2.1.1 Origin of the term and its definition International emigration has been a form of population distribution across countries Nevertheless, it was not until the 1950s and early 1960 when a movement of a significantly high stock of professional researchers from other nations to the United State and Canada was observed, the so-called brain drain was officially coined by the Royal Society [ CITATION Kwo82 \l 1033 ] When it comes to the term definition, various researchers have defined it in their literature on different aspects of brain drains [ CITATION Oğu76 \l 1033 ]; [ CITATION Kwo82 \l 1033 ]; [ CITATION Ayt19 \l 1033 ] Basically, brain drain is indicated to refer to the large–scale international skilled emigration or be terminologically known as human capital flight [ CITATION Tra22 \l 1033 ] It occurs when a huge number of highly skilled inhabitants migrate from their home countries (sending countries) to foreign countries (immigration countries) due to various incentives 2.1.2 The determinants of the brain drain It is obvious that highly skilled human capital is a key motivation for economic development; therefore, sending countries with a high ratio of intellectual emigration are claimed to experience a detrimental impact of brain drain To identify which nation groups are vulnerable to brain drain, several 10 toward the abroad educational environment, AG makes up around 41% although EG has 36% and the data of STG is 32,1% Based on these data, it can be observed respondents have a higher level of exposure to English in educational programs tend to have desire to study abroad Moreover, these participants have a stronger preference for oversea educational environments Therefore, it is likely that students from university programs in which most of the academic subjects are taught in English are much more inclined to choose international education migration, and their bias toward destination countries’ educational environment is maybe a determinant for the former trend Interestingly, this claim agrees with the finding of Mazzarol and Soutar (2002), who have pointed out that the bias toward foreign educational environment promotes the student’s decision to study abroad 3.1.2 The period students formed their desire to study abroad Table 3-2 The period when students formed their desire to study abroad Group Number of participants preferring studying abroad When have they wanted to study abroad? Primary Secondary/Highschool University/College AG 37 (100%) 16 (43.2%) 21 (56.8%) EG 24 (100%) (4,1%) (37.5%) 14 (58.3%) STG 22 (100%) (4.5%) 10 (45%) 11 (50%) In regard to the educational period that participants prefer studying abroad is observed, it is found that more than half of the participants who express an interest in migrating to foreign countries for education of all groups, have this wanting when they join the university’s educational program To be more specific, 50% of participants from STG have wanted to study abroad since they became university students while those of AG and EG groups are 58% and 57%, in order More to the point, it is noteworthy that the percentage of participants 17 This is a preview Dowho youwant want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages to study abroad when they are university students of AG and EG is 7%-8% higher than that of STG According to the data, it could be implied that the level of English usage in university’s educational program is an influencing Access to all documents factor of students’ preference toward studying abroad It is likely to be explained by joining programs in which English is used as a medium for instruction, Unlimited Downloads students have a chance Get to access information about host countries as well as courses of distinctive overseas institutions whose qualification is recognized by their lectures This assumption is based on the research of Mazzarol and Soutar Improve your grades (2002) who concluded that students’ decision to study overseas is affected by the availability of information about destination nations, the qualification recognition of abroad institution Upload 3.1.3 Englishspeaking countries (16.4%) 32 (58.2%) Students’ preference for educational environments Share your documents to unlock Foreign non Englishspeaking countries (7.3%) Vietnam 10 (18.2%) AG Englishspoken countries Foreign non English4 (7.5%) speaking countries Free Trial Englishspoken countries (49%) Get 2630 days of free Premium (13.2%) 23 (46%) Vietnam 10 (18.9%) Already Premium? Log in STG (6%) Foreign non Englishspoken countries (14%) Vietnam 17 (34%) EG Figure 3-1 Students' prefered destinations for education Judging from the diagrams, it can be seen that whether it's AG or EG, the number of people with intentions of studying abroad or hope to so always exceeds that of people who not Although the fact can imply that English has nothing to with the decision of receiving education from a foreign country, 18 each group all have “English-speaking countries” as the largest population This data has pointed out to what extent students have been affected by English 3.2.The preferred destinations for immigration among different groups of student The aforementioned evidence is not solid enough to conclude that increased English contributes to brain drain phenomenon in Vietnam The below data which demonstrates the percentage of attendants who want to live and have decision of immigrating to foreign countries could give evidence on that the increased English usage is one of the brain drain factors Figure 3-2 The percentage of respondents who plan to live in foreign countries In regard to more reliable affirmation, specific statistics are gathered to show the number of respondents with plan to settle in foreign countries in order to discover accurate results on students' propensity to live abroad in the future The AG and EG accounted for the highest proportion of students intending to migrate to other countries which is 49,1 % and 40% respectively It is also observed that most students from standard program make up 22,6% in the same category Therefore, it is likely that more English in students' syllabus is directly proportional to the tendency of choosing to immigrate to overseas nations All of the above can confirm that the theory “increased English leads to brain drain in Vietnam” is accurate 19 Figure 3-3 The percentage of students who want to live abroad As for the data related to the desire to immigrate to overseas nations, it is easily observed that with all groups, the percentage of respondents who prefer living abroad to living in Vietnam is greater than that of respondents who plan to settle in other countries In detail, while there is 52,7% of AG respondents have preference to international settlement, 49,1% of them has intention of living overseas The gap between preference and intention is also shown in the data of EG (42% for preference and 40% for intention) STG (24.5% for preference and 22.6% for intention) Whereas the two terms “preference” and “intention” in this context ostensibly serve the same purpose, the recorded responses pointed to a conclusion that college students in general, regardless of their current study program’s purported proximity with foreign languages and their respective cultures, find their “preference” for this lifestyle outweighs their “intention” to pursue it This discrepancy may appear counterintuitive at first, were we not to also take into account another previously posed question: whether the student’s financial situation is the main factor determining their future courses both academic and career-wise The figure indicates the data on whether students of three groups regard financial background as an influencing factor for choosing to study and live abroad It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents of all 20 This is a preview Dogroups you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages believe that financial background is an important factor for the decision of studying and living abroad Access to all documents Get Unlimited Downloads Improve your grades Upload Share your documents to unlock Figure 3-4 The percentage of students who regard financial background as an influencing factor for decision of studying and living abroad Free Trial Get 30 days of free Premium On the basis of the above analysis, it is possible to claim that the increase in the level of English as a medium for instruction in university curriculum leads to more students either desire to or plan to study and live in other countries However, that one reason for the gap between preference and intention implies that the high degree of exposure to English in university education environment Log of in studying and living abroad does not completely Already determine Premium? students’ decision In spite of this, it is impossible to deny the link increased English usage in university curriculum and the upward trend of the number of international students and immigrants, which is a reason behind brain drain issue 21 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages 3.3.Findings and solutions Access to all documents Based on all above analyses, several findings on the relationship between the how much English is used in class and brain drain issue Get Unlimited Downloads First, many students from EMI programs intend to study or live abroad, Improve your grades according to the research using specific questions from the poll Second, it is possible to conclude that students who are used to using English in the classroom are more likely to decide to study in countries that use English as their primary language of communication In this regard, it is possible to argue that western nations are the most preferred places to study abroad, not to mention their Upload superior educational systems and job prospects after graduating globally It is also striking that while having values are similar to those in AG Shareapproximate your documents to that unlock (see figure 1), the EG and STG still have lower values The cause of the phenomena may be due to the fact that programs with 40% English instruction are not considerably different from ordinary programs in terms of content as English is a required module in STG In general, the degree of English used in learning environment influence level of students choosing to study and settle FreetheTrial abroad as well as their decision of destinations for education and settlement Get 30 days of free Premium which are English-spoken countries From a negative perspective, this conclusion supports the relationship between increased English usage in university curriculum and the brain drain issue When we examine the statistics of collected responses for these two questions, the influence of the level of rigor involved Already Premium? Log in in foreign language studies as well as the level of competence expected of the students, over their inclination to contribute to the overall brain drain phenomenon through providing future labor to foreign countries is made evidently clear 22 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Access to all documents Part CONCLUSIONS Get Unlimited Downloads The conclusion drawn from the research is that the increasing appearance of EMI programs in university are likely to worsen the issue of human capital flight grades in Vietnam because it Improve contributesyour to the rise in the number of international students and immigrants It could be explained by that students of EMI programs much more tend to choose international education migration and abroad immigration However, it also noteworthy that the level of exposure to English in university is not the only influencing factor for students’ decision of studying abroad and immigrating Upload to other nations Financial background is claimed to influence whether studentsShare will your studydocuments abroad andtomigrate unlock to other countries It can be seen that adding extra English into university curriculum can lead to brain drain As alarming as the consequences sound, English is still a supportive tool to access to knowledge from global in general Hence, measures need to be taken up against thisTrial concerning matter What we propose as a Free rational solution to this issue is to reduce the overall importance of English in Get 30 days of free Premium general Vietnamese curricula, especially in higher and tertiary levels of education Making English not obligatory in high school is a suggested approach to deal with this problem This method has already been applied to Vietnamese 10th grade students Naturally, this means scaling down the level of English Already Premium? Log comprehension expected to pass essential tests andininversely upping the ante on other academic subjects This ensures that students perceive their education as gearing them towards a specific career path, not a specific destination for their future lives People predict this education policy would be applied with the next generation of high school students If this solution gets Vietnamese high school students better result in overall, English could become not compulsory in the whole Vietnamese under-university system, which means primary and secondary pupils can choose to study English or not Because the solution has just begun, it is hard to say if that English become an optional subjects with under-university students is actually better for students However, it is highly likely that it would lessen the importance of English in Vietnamese education Therefore, possibly, universities will open less education program in which English is used as a primary language for academic purposes, which would help to subsidy the brain 23 This is a preview Dodrain you phenomenon want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages in Vietnam in a particular level In addition, instead of merely requiring lectures and students to use English as a primary language for academic purposes, curriculum compliers had better investigate prestigious Access to all documents abroad universities’ programs to be able to appropriately recognize the advantages which couldGet be applied to their programs This will help promote Unlimited Downloads students’ preference to education program of university in home countries, which is an incentive for them to study inyour homegrades countries Improve The current study is claimed to be the first access to an issue of which the breadth of previous related research is thin However, the conclusions should be treated with cautions due to small sample size and the lack of investigation on the effect of other characteristics of EMI programs besides high level of English Upload usage on students’ decision of studying and immigrating Share your documents to unlockabroad On this basis, future research should focus on examining the ability of EMI programs’ other characteristics to influence the students’ choice of destinations for education and living This could help broaden understanding on the effect of EMI programs on Trial students as well as on issues of countries Free including brain drain Get 30 days of free Premium Already Premium? Log in 24 This is a preview DoReferences you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Aytaỗ, S., & Gỹlen, G C (2019) Analysis of the effects of pull and push Access to all factors on brain drain Journal of documents Social Economics Research, 2, pp 7484 Get Unlimited Downloads Beine, M., Docquier, F., & Schiff, M (2008) Brain drain and its determinants: a major issue for small states your IZA Discussion Improve grades Papers Diana, B O., & Ana, M S (2016) Studying abroad: Developing a model for the decision process of international students Branco Oliveira, D., & Soares, A M (2016) Studying abroad: Developing a model for the decision Upload process of international students Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 38(2),Share 126-139 your documents to unlock Docquier, F., & Marfouk, A (2006) International migration by education attainment In International migration, remittances and the brain drain (pp 151-199) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Developement Free Trial Get 30 days A of free Premium Docquier, F., Lohest, O., & Marfouk, (2007) Brain drain in developing countries The World Banh Economics, 2, pp 193-218 Gibson, J., & McKenzie, D (2011) The microeconomic determinants of emigration Journal of Development Economics, 1, pp 18-29 Already Premium? Log in Gibson, John, & McKenzie, D (2011) Eight Questions about Brain Drain Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(3) Gribble, C (2011) National Policies on Skilled Labour and the Cross-border Student Market, with a Focus on Vietnam Higher education in the AsiaPacific: Strategic responses to globalization, 291-307 Hong, C N (2006) Brain Drain or Brain Gain? The Revitalization of a Slow Death Essays in Education, 16(1) International Trade Administration (2022, 12 15) Education and training Retrieved from https://www.trade.gov/country-commercialguides/vietnam-education-and-training 25 This is a preview DoKhuc, you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Q., Nguyen, M.-H., Le, T.-T., Nguyen, T.-L., Nguyen, T., Lich, H., et al (2022) Brain Drain out of the blue: Polution induced migration in Vietnam Int J Eviron Res.toPublic Health, 19(6) Access all documents Kwok, V., & Leland, H (1982) An Economic Model of Brain Drain American Unlimited Economic Review,Get 1, pp 91-100 Downloads Lam, J M., Arrifin, A A., & Ahmad, A grades H (2011) Edutourism: Exloring the Improve your push-pull factors in selecting a univeristy International journal of Business and Soceity, 12(1), 63-78 Mazarrol, T K (1996) Intertional students who choose not to study in Upload Australia: An examination of Taiwan and Indonesia Share your documents to unlock Mazzarol, T & (2002) “Push‐pull” factors influencing international student destination choice International journal of educational management Oğuzkan, T (1976) The scope and nature of the Turkish Brain Drain Turkish Workers in Europe 1960-1975, pp 74-103 Free Trial Queijo, E D (2011) Choosing university Portugal: a conceptual model Get 30adays of freein Premium Study link (n.d.) Curren status of studying abroad Retrieved from https://www.studylink.org/en/current-status-of-studying-abroad.html Trang, N M (2022) Educational migration in Vietnam: Challenges and new Already Premium? Log in opportunities Demographic Research, 1, pp 127-141 Tuyet, T T (2014) Internationalization of Higher Education in Vietnam VNU Journal of Science, 30(3), 61-69 UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific [1076] (2013) The International mobility of students in Asia and the Pacific 26 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Appendix Access to all documents The survey’s questionnaire Get Unlimited Downloads The questionnaire includes sets of questions for student groups, in detail: I STG questions Improve your grades Which educational environment you prefer, Vietnamese one or foreign one? o Foreign educational environment o Vietnamese educational Uploadenvironment o The same Share your documents to unlock When did you form the desire to study abroad? o When you were a primary pupil o When you were a secondary/high school pupil o When you were a university student Trial o I don’t have Free desire to study abroad Get 30 days of free Premium Which is your destination country for education? o English-speaking countries (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, ) o Foreign non-speaking countries (Japan, China, Korea, …) o VietnamAlready Premium? Log in Do you regard financial background as an influencing factor for your decision of studying overseas? o Yes o No Do you think that your decision to study abroad changes if you were more exposed to English in school syllabus? o Yes o No Do you think being fluent in English is one of the mandatory requirements to be successful in career? o Yes 27 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages o No Access to all documents Get Unlimited Downloads Improve your grades Upload Share your documents to unlock Free Trial Get 30 days of free Premium Already Premium? Log in 28 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Do you think that there are more career development opportunities in foreign countries than that in Access toVietnam? all documents o Yes o No Get Unlimited Downloads Do you want to immigrate to a foreign country? o Yes Improve your grades o No Do you have intention to live and work in a foreign country? o Yes o No Upload Share your documents to unlock II EG questions Which educational environment you prefer, Vietnamese one or foreign one? Freeenvironment Trial o Foreign educational Get 30 daysenvironment of free Premium o Vietnamese educational o The same When did you form the desire to study abroad? o When you were a primary pupil o When you were a secondary/high school Already Premium? Log in pupil o When you were a university student o I don’t have desire to study abroad Which is your destination country for education? o English-speaking countries (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, ) o Foreign non-speaking countries (Japan, China, Korea, …) o Vietnam Do you regard financial background as an influencing factor for your decision of studying overseas? o Yes o No 29 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages Do you think that your decision to study abroad changes if you were more or less exposed to English in school syllabus? o Yes Access to all documents o No Do you think being fluent in English is one of the mandatory requirements Get Unlimited Downloads to be successful in career? o Yes Improve your grades o No Do you think that there are more career development opportunities in foreign countries than that in Vietnam? o Yes Upload o No Share your documents to unlock Do you want to immigrate to a foreign country? o Yes o No Do you have intention to live and work in a foreign country? Free Trial o Yes Get 30 days of free Premium o No III AG questions Which educational environment youLog prefer, Already Premium? in Vietnamese one or foreign one? o Foreign educational environment o Vietnamese educational environment o The same When did you form the desire to study abroad? o When you were a primary pupil o When you were a secondary/high school pupil o When you were a university student o I don’t have desire to study abroad Which is your destination country for education? 30 This is a preview Do you want full access? Go Premium and unlock all 31 pages o English-speaking countries (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, ) o Foreign non-speaking (Japan, China, Korea, …) Access tocountries all documents o Vietnam Get Unlimited Downloads Do you regard financial background as an influencing factor for your decision of studying overseas? Improve your grades o Yes o No Do you think that your decision to study abroad changes if you exposed less to English in school syllabus? o Yes Upload o No Share your documents to unlock Do you think being fluent in English is one of the mandatory requirements to be successful in career? o Yes o No Free Trial Do you think that there are more career development opportunities in Get 30 days of free Premium foreign countries than that in Vietnam? o Yes o No Do you want to immigrate to a foreign country? o Yes Already Premium? Log in o No Do you have intention to live and work in a foreign country? o Yes o No 31

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