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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN ANH THU VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS: POLICY AND PRACTICE AT SECONDARY EDUCATION IN HANOI, VIETNAM MASTER’S THESIS VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN ANH THU VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS: POLICY AND PRACTICE AT SECONDARY EDUCATION IN HANOI, VIETNAM MAJOR: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CODE: 8310210.01QTD RESEARCH SUPERVISORS: Prof Dr YASUSHI KATSUMA Dr NGUYEN THI THUY TRANG Hanoi, 2023 STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT With personal honor, I guarantee that this study’s result is my own and it does not violate the Regulation on prevention of plagiarism in academic and scientific research activities at Vietnam Japan University (Issued together with Decision No 700/QĐ-ĐHVN dated 30/9/2021 by the Rector of Vietnam Japan University) This study is submitted in the fulfillment of requirement for the Master’s Degree in Global Leadership Signature: Nguyen Anh Thu Date: June - 2023 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express the most appreciation to my supervisors, Prof Dr Yasushi Katsuma and Dr Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang They always gave me valuable comments, suggestions, and important research skills which helped me finish my thesis I also would like to give my deep gratitude to Dr JungHyun Jasmine Ryu for her kindness, enthusiasm and support during my time at VJU Thanks to the opportunities she gave me, I could learn many methodologies to apply on my research My sincere and special thanks also go to Mr Nguyen Trong Chinh for always encouraging me to continue my studying and commenting on my thesis I would like to give my thanks to Ms.Van – PA of MGL program for her ongoing supports with documents and preparation for this thesis I am also grateful to Ms Le Thu Trang – Project Facilitator of GoodNeighbors International Organization, Prof Pham Hong Tung, Dr Vu Kim Chi, Mrs Ngo Thi Ngoc Bich, Mrs Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh for helping me to connect and collect valuable data Last but not least, I would like to save my special thanks for my family and friends, who are always very supportive and encourage me through my most difficulties, and all the people who have supported me to conduct the research directly or indirectly Hanoi, June 2023 Author Nguyen Anh Thu ABSTRACT Children all over the world are impacted by the serious and prevalent issue of school violence This study focuses on the issue of violence against children in schools, particularly in secondary education in Hanoi, Vietnam It examines the policies which are being implemented to better inform teachers about school violence prevention and the perception of teachers about school violence and the role of training in school violence prevention The academic goal of this research is contributing to the knowledge of the role of "training" and "experience” for teachers in reducing school violence The policy goal is contributing to SDG 16.2 to “end all forms of violence against children” and SDG 4.a to “provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all.” After the selection process, total 13 documents were selected for further analysis Semi-structured interviews based on Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior (KAB) framework were conducted among 14 participants It includes 10 teachers, school leaders and school counselors The narrative research method was then applied to analyze the data The findings show that there is a lack of specific guidelines on methods designed for teachers to prevent school violence, including school collaborating with external assistance which makes it difficult for teachers to receive the support they need in this area There are many different ways that teachers perceive and deal with school violence Both teachers with and without intervention rely on their experiences to deal with situations, while some teachers with intervention additionally value hands-on experience when tackling issues Additionally, building a cooperative connection with parents is essential for resolving school violence, and teachers in public schools typically interact with parents more smoothly than some teachers in private schools Keywords: Violence against children, school violence, school violence prevention policy, Vietnam TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .i LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Violence against children (VAC) 2.2 School violence 2.3 Types of school violence 2.4 Reasons and Impacts of School Violence Reasons of School Violence Impacts of School Violence on students Impacts of School Violence on communities and nations 2.5 School violence prevention 2.5.1 The roles of teachers in school violence prevention 2.5.2 Teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors (KAB) towards school violence prevention 2.6 Disagreements among Scholars CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 11 3.1 Research Design 11 3.1.1 Research Objectives 11 3.1.2 Research Questions 11 3.1.3 Target population 11 3.1.4 Key concepts 13 3.1.5 Analytical framework 14 3.2 Methodology 15 3.2.1 Scope of the study 15 3.2.2 Participants 16 3.2.3 Document analysis method design 18 3.2.4 Qualitative method 18 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 20 4.1 Policies to better inform teachers about school violence prevention 20 4.2 The difference in practice among teachers in Hanoi in school violence prevention 24 4.3 Opinions from school leaders 38 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 42 5.1 Implication 42 5.2 Conclusion 42 5.3 Limitation and future research 44 REFERENCES 45 APPENDIX 51 Appendix A: Interview guide in Vietnamese 51 Appendix B: Interview guide in English 54 Appendix C: Overview of the process of issuing the legal policies in Vietnam on school violence 56 LIST OF TABLES Tables Table 3.1: Target population Table 3.2: Analytical framework created by the author Table 3.3: Total number of participants samples Table 3.4: Demographic characteristics of study participants Table 3.5: Framework of forming interview guide created by author Table 4.1: Overview of the content of documents related to school violence prevention for teachers Table 4.2: Overview of the legal policies in Vietnam on school violence prevention for teachers Page 11 15 16 17 19 20 21 i LIST OF FIGURES Figures Figure 2.1 School violence and bullying (White, 2019) Page ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CRC: Convention on the Rights of the Child MOET: Ministry of Education and Training KAB: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors VAC: Violence against children SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals SV: School violence SVP: School violence prevention UN: United Nations UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund iii APPENDIX Appendix A: Interview guide in Vietnamese TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VIỆT NHẬT, ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THẠC SỸ LÃNH ĐẠO TỒN CẦU Khóa VI: 12/2022 đến tháng 6/2023 PHIẾU PHỎNG VẤN Người thực vấn Học viên Nguyễn Anh Thư – Chương trình Thạc sĩ Lãnh đạo tồn cầu, Trường Đại học Việt Nhật, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội (Mã học viên: 21117063, Email: 21117063@st.vju.ac.vn, Số điện thoại: 0343018189) Tên đề tài luận văn: Bạo lực trẻ em trường học: Chính sách thực tiễn giáo dục trung học Hà Nội, Việt Nam Nội dung vấn: Cuộc vấn chủ yếu xoay quanh kinh nghiệm Thầy/ Cơ việc phịng chống bạo lực học đường (Câu hỏi cụ thể nêu bên dưới) -1 XÁC NHẬN THAM GIA PHỎNG VẤN “Tôi đồng ý” Lưu ý: Cuộc vấn kéo dài khoảng 30 đến 40 phút Địa điểm vấn trường Thầy/ Cô địa điểm khác theo yêu cầu Thầy/ Cô, thông qua công cụ họp trực tuyến Teams, Skype, Zoom, v.v Nội dung vấn giữ an toàn, theo quy định bảo vệ liệu Thông tin Thầy/ Cô cung cấp sử dụng cho nghiên cứu không tiết lộ cho bên thứ ba Để hỗ trợ phân tích liệu, chị Nguyễn Anh Thư ghi âm vấn máy ghi âm Tất liệu bảo mật, ẩn danh giữ an 51 toàn Tuy nhiên, máy ghi âm bị tắt quý Thầy/ Cô không muốn vấn ghi lại Số liệu phân tích công bố luận văn thạc sĩ chị Nguyễn Anh Thư Trường Đại học Việt Nhật, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Nếu yêu cầu, chị Nguyễn Anh Thư chia sẻ phần liên quan luận án với Thầy/ Cô trước công bố Sự tham gia Thầy/ Cơ hồn tồn tự nguyện Thầy/ Cơ rút lại lúc Thầy/ Cô muốn Các kết nghiên cứu cung cấp ý nghĩa sách khuyến nghị cho việc thực chương trình phịng chống bạo lực trường học tương lai Chữ ký / đồng ý người tham gia (Kí họ tên) Ngày: THÔNG TIN CƠ BẢN 1) Họ tên: _ 2) Giới tính: Nam / Nữ 3) Tình trạng nhân: 4) Quê quán: _ 5) Trường: _ 6) Trình độ học vấn (Trường, Chuyên ngành): 7) Tuổi: 8) Môn dạy: 10) Kinh nghiệm giảng dạy: a) Số năm giảng dạy trường tại: b) Số năm giảng dạy sở giáo dục khác: 9) Công việc kiêm nhiệm: (Có/Khơng) CÁC CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN Thầy/Cơ hiểu Bạo lực học đường? Theo Thầy/Cơ, giáo viên làm để ngăn chặn bạo lực học đường? Thầy/ Cô mô tả trình báo cáo vụ bạo lực học đường Làm để Thầy/ Cơ biết quy trình đó? (Thầy/ Cơ biết đến quy trình từ đâu?) Thầy/Cô liệt kê số loại bạo lực học đường cho biết lý dẫn đến chúng? - Bắt nạt - Trừng phạt thân thể 52 Thầy/ Cơ tham gia chương trình/ khóa học phịng/ chống bạo lực học đường chưa? Nếu có, xin vui lịng mơ tả chương trình Thầy/Cơ có tin vào phương pháp giúp ngăn ngừa/ đối phó với bạo lực học đường khơng? (Kỷ luật tích cực) Thầy/Cơ có thấy xung đột Thầy/Cơ đào tạo / biết phịng chống bạo lực học đường phương pháp giảng dạy Thầy/Cô không? Thầy/Cô cảm thấy áp dụng phương pháp mà Thầy/Cô đào tạo / biết phòng chống bạo lực học đường? (Thấy Hiệu quả? Hồi nghi? Khơng hiệu quả?) Tại sao? Thầy/ Cơ có dự định sử dụng phương pháp phịng chống bạo lực học đường nào? 10 Thầy/Cô kể lại tình Thầy/Cơ gặp khó khăn việc giải vấn đề học sinh, đặc biệt liên quan đến bạo lực học đường? Sau đó, Thầy/Cơ giải nào? 53 Appendix B: Interview guide in English VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY, HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MASTER'S PROGRAM IN GLOBAL LEADERSHIP Session VI: 12/2022 to 6/2023 INTERVIEW GUIDE Interviewer Student Nguyen Anh Thu – Master of Global Leadership Program, Vietnam Japan University, Hanoi National University (Student code: 21117063, Email: 21117063@st.vju.ac.vn, Phone number: 0343018189) Name of thesis topic: Violence against children in schools: Policy and practice in secondary education in Hanoi, Vietnam Interview content: The interview mainly revolves around your experiences in preventing school violence (Specific questions are outlined below) -1 CONFIRMATION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE INTERVIEW "I agree" Note: The interview will last about 30 to 40 minutes The interview location can be at your school or another location at your request, or through online meeting tools such as Teams, Skype, Zoom, etc The interview content will be kept safe, in accordance with data protection regulations The information provided will only be used for this research and will not be disclosed to any third party To assist with data analysis, Thu will record the interview with a tape recorder All data will be secure, anonymized and kept safe However, the recorder will be turned off if you not want the interview to be recorded The analysis data will be published in Ms Nguyen Anh Thu's master's thesis at Vietnam Japan University, Hanoi National University If requested, Ms Thu Nguyen Anh Thu will share relevant parts of the thesis with you before publishing Your participation is completely voluntary and you can withdraw it anytime you wish The research findings will provide policy implications and recommendations for the implementation of violence prevention programs in schools in the future Participant's signature/consent (Sign and full name) 54 Day: BASIC INFORMATION 1) Full name: _ 2) Gender: Male / Female 3) Marital Status: 4) Hometown: _ 5) Field: _ 6) Education (School, Major): 7) Age: 8) Subject teaching: 10) Teaching Experience: a) Number of years of teaching at the current school: b/ Years of teaching at other educational institutions: 9) Other role at school: (Yes/No) INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What you understand as School Violence? What you think teachers can to prevent school violence? Describe the process of reporting an incident of school violence How you know that process? Where did you learn about this process? Can you list some types of school violence and tell us the reasons for them? - Bully - Corporal punishment Have you participated in any programs/courses on preventing / combating school violence? If yes, please describe it Do you believe in any methods that can help prevent/deal with school violence? (Positive discipline) Do you see any conflict between what you are trained/know about school violence prevention and your teaching methods? How you feel about applying the methods you are trained in/know about school violence prevention? (Effective? Skeptical? Ineffective?) Why? What methods you plan to use to prevent school violence? 10 Can you describe a situation when you had difficulty resolving student problems, especially related to school violence? Then, how did you deal with it? 55 Appendix C: Overview of the process of issuing the legal policies in Vietnam on school violence Issued Date Title 12/08/1991 Law on Child Protection, Care and Education 57-LCT/HĐNN8 15/6/2004 Law on Child Protection, Care and Education 25/2004/QH11 Details Article 24 mentions Source Persons who infringe on children's rights, mistreat, humiliate, torment or abandon children; inciting, enticing and forcing children to commit illegal acts, lack of sense of responsibility in performing the task of protecting, caring for and educating children, harming the normal development of children or violate other provisions of this Law, depending on the severity, will be disciplined, administratively sanctioned or examined for penal liability This is the first and most significant legal document relevant to school violence It provides detailed guidance on the implementation of articles under it However, there was no specific regulation on school violence (This law replaces the 1991 Law on Child Protection, Care and Education.) 17/3/2005 To implement Law 25/2004/QH11, the Government issued Decree No https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Giao-duc/Luat-Bao-ve-cham-soc-va-giao-duc-tre-em-1991-57-LCTHDNN8-38064.aspx https://chinhphu.vn/default.aspx?pageid=27160&docid=29435 https://luatvietnam.vn/tai-chinh/nghi-dinh-36-2022-nd-cp-chinh-phu-221809-d1.html 56 36/2005/ND/CP give detailed guidance on the implementation of articles under it 27/06/2005 Education Law 38/2005/QH11 (Replace the 2000 Education Law) Education Law stipulates in Article 86 that students have the right “to receive respect, equal treatment and full provision of adequate information concerning their own learning and training by schools or other educational institutions” Article 75 prohibits teachers from offending the honour and dignity of students, or physically abusing them Article 118 states that depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation, people who mistreat or torture students will be handled according to the provisions of law 16/4/2008 Decision on Promulgating the Regulations on Teacher Ethics 16/2008/QĐBGDĐT Article mentions: Point Not oppressing, oppressing and having a biased, discriminatory or prejudiced attitude towards learners; not assist or cover for negative behaviors in teaching, learning and Provide a code of ethics for teachers and training of learners and colleagues includes a ban on the Point Do not infringe upon the physical and body, offend the honor and dignity of emotional abuse of learners, colleagues or other people students Do not affect the work and activities of colleagues and others https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Giao-duc/Luat-Giao-duc-2005-38-2005-QH11-2636.aspx https://chinhphu.vn/default.aspx?pageid=27160&docid=63657 57 20/11/2009 Joint Circular between The MOET and Ministry of Public Security number 06/2015/TTLT-BCABGDĐT Provide guidance on the mechanisms to secure order and security in schools 8/6/2011 Degree 40/2011/NĐCP (modifications, supplements some articles of Degree number 49/2005/NĐCP) 22/08/2011 Degree 71/2011/NĐCP (Replace Degree number 36/2005/NĐCP) Article mentions the contents of the coordination work consist of detecting, preventing and fighting against conspiracies and activities that cause insecurity and disorder at the school; crime and social evils and handle issues of political security, social order and safety related to learners, officials and teachers And it is said in Article that the principal (Director) of the school dialogue periodically presides over the organization of students and officials and teachers to detect, and promptly handle manifestations of insecurity Guidelines for violations in the education sector call for fines for physical or psychological injury to a student in Article 16 Provide guidance on the implementation of articles under Law on Child Protection, Care and Education Decree 71 clearly stipulates that using punitive measures to educate, injure, or hurt children, either physically or mentally are in violation of child rights (Article 8.3) https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Giao-duc/Thong-tu-lien-tich-34-2009-TTLT-BGDDT-BCA-huongdan-cong-tac-bao-dam-an-ninh-trat-tu-tai-cac-co-so-giao-duc-he-thonggiao-duc-quoc-dan-98105.aspx https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Vi-pham-hanh-chinh/Nghi-dinh-40-2011-ND-CP-sua-doi-xu-phat-vipham-hanh-chinh-linh-vuc-giao-duc-125208.aspx https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Van-hoa-Xa-hoi/Nghi-dinh-71-2011-ND-CP-huong-dan-Luat-Bao-vecham-soc-va-giao-duc-tre-em-128302.aspx 58 28/11/2013 The 2013 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam The protection, care and education of children have been stipulated in the highest legal document of the State of Vietnam "Harassing, persecuting, maltreating, abandoning or abusing children, exploiting child labor or other acts that violate children’s rights are prohibited." (Article 37) 5/4/2016 Article 48, Clause B emphasizes the need to provide teachers with knowledge on skills to prevent and detect factors and behaviors that cause harm and abuse to children 10 Article mentions the measures to prevent school violence are raising awareness of teachers in educational institutions about the dangers and consequences of school violence, preventing and intervening timely intervention for acts of violence in accordance with their ability 11 The MOET issued an Official Dispatch Directing Departments, Departments of Education and Training, and educational institutions under their management to fully, seriously and effectively implement 12 Law on Children No 102/2016/QH13 (This law replaces Law on Child Protection, Care and Education 25/2004/QH11 since 1st June 2017) 17/07/2017 Degree No 80/2017/NĐ-CP Regulations on safe, healthy, friendly educational environment, prevention and fight against school violence 18/10/2017 Official Dispatch No 4809/BGDĐTGDCTHSSV https://luatvietnam.vn/tu-phap/hien-phap-18-2013-l-ctn-quoc-hoi-83320-d1.html https://luatvietnam.vn/lao-dong/luat-tre-em-2016-104818-d1.html 11 https://vanban.chinhphu.vn/default.aspx?pageid=27160&docid=190430 12 https://moet.gov.vn/van-ban/vbdh/Pages/chi-tiet-van-ban.aspx?ItemID=2286 10 59 the contents of Degree number 80/ 2017/ND-CP 18/12/2017 Circular 31/2017/TTBGDĐT Instructions for performance of psychological counseling for students in secondary and high schools 28/12/2017 Decision 5886/QĐBGDĐT The decision on issuing the action program for prevention of school violence in education institutions for 20172021 Article mentions the Purpose of psychological counseling for students is to provide prevention, support and intervention (when necessary) for students who are facing psychological difficulties in learning and life to find appropriate solutions and minimize negative impacts that may occur; contributing to building a safe, healthy, friendly educational environment and preventing and combating school violence 13 Detail goals: 14 a) 100% of educational institutions organize propaganda, dissemination and awareness raising about school violence prevention and control for officials, teachers and learners b) 100% of educational institutions organize educational activities, equip them with knowledge and skills to prevent and combat school violence; life skills training for learners c) 100% of educational institutions publicize their plans and channels to receive information about school violence; Implement timely intervention and support measures 13 https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Giao-duc/Thong-tu-31-2017-TT-BGDDT-huong-dan-cong-tac-tu-vantam-ly-cho-hoc-sinh-truong-pho-thong-370327.aspx 14 https://luatvietnam.vn/giao-duc/quyet-dinh-5886-qd-bgddt-2018-chuong-trinh-hanh-dong-phong-chongbao-luc-hoc-duong-trong-cac-co-so-giao-duc-giai-doan-2017-2021-160206-d1.html 60 when there are students experiencing school violence d) 100% of educational institutions develop and implement the Code of Cultural Conduct in schools 7/5/2018 Directive 1737/CTBGDĐT Point No For educational institutions Directive on strengthening the management work and improving teacher ethics - Strictly implement the annual evaluation of administrators and teachers according to regulations 15 - Strengthen propaganda, fostering and training for managers, teachers, employees and employees on political ideology, teacher ethics, legal knowledge - For cases where teachers violate, depending on the extent and provisions of relevant laws, temporarily stop teaching, arrange to other jobs to wait for handling or consider to terminate the employment contract/labor contract Point No clearly shows that teachers must uphold the spirit of self-study, self-improvement, training to improve political, ethical and professional qualities Overcoming the situation of "authoritative" management and education imposed on students In particular, teachers must have attitude and responsibility to preserve the image, reputation and 15 https://moet.gov.vn/van-ban/vbdh/Pages/chi-tiet-van-ban.aspx?ItemID=2370 61 honor of "the teacher"; always "self-check", "self-correct"; regularly study and follow Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style 3/10/2018 Decision number 1299/QĐ-TTg Decision approving the project "Building a culture of behavior in schools for the period of 2018 - 2025" 21/12/2018 Offical Dispatch No 5812/BGDĐTGDCTHSSV One of the main tasks and solutions given to improve cultural behavior capacity and cultural behavior education capacity is: 16 Developing topics, documents, education, organizing educational activities cultural behavior education in teacher training programs in pedagogical training institutions to build a team of teachers with exemplary self-esteem, personality and cultural lifestyle (Point No 4) Guide schools in developing and implementing plans to handle school violence situations 17 Article 13 The responsibilities of teachers are mentioned in Article 13, point 18 Guidelines for developing a school violence prevention plan 26/12/2018 Circular number 33/2018/TT-BGDĐT Guidelines for social work in schools Teachers are responsible for detecting and reporting to the Head of the educational institution or informing teachers and staff members 16 https://vanban.chinhphu.vn/default.aspx?pageid=27160&docid=194971 https://thuvienphapluat.vn/cong-van/Giao-duc/Cong-van-5812-BGDDT-GDCTHSSV-2018-huong-danxay-dung-ke-hoach-phong-ngua-bao-luc-hoc-duong-444643.aspx 18 https://chinhphu.vn/default.aspx?pageid=27160&docid=196290 17 62 assigned to act as the focal point for advising on the implementation of social work in schools of cases where learners are abused, subjected to violence, violated the law and closely cooperated with teachers and staff assigned to act as the focal point to advise on the implementation of social work in schools to carry out prevention, intervention, and support activities help learners at educational institutions 1/1/2019 Resolution 01/NQ-CP Resolution on major tasks, solutions for implementation of the social-economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2019 It is mentioned in Appendix III that to implement the Resolution, the Government, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has to submit the National Action Plan to prevent and combat violence and child abuse to the Prime Minister to approve by December 2019 19 In order to comprehensively and harmoniously develop cultural and social fields, constantly improve the people's material and spiritual life, it is necessary to enhance the prevention of school violence and child abuse (point of 5, Article 3) 11/4/2019 Offical dispatch 1534/BGDĐTGDCTHSSV The MOET issued a dispatch on the organization of a national online conference on school safety and school violence prevention 20 19 https://luatvietnam.vn/chinh-sach/nghi-quyet-01-nq-cp-2019-ve-ke-hoach-phat-trien-kinh-te-xa-hoi-nam2019-169789-d1.html 20 https://moet.gov.vn/van-ban/vbdh/Pages/chi-tiet-van-ban.aspx?ItemID=2490#divShowDialogDownload 63 12/4/2019 Circular number 06/2019/TT-BGDĐT Article mentions that teachers' behavior with learners needs to: Regulations on the Code of Conduct in preschool, general education and continuing education institutions Use standard language, easy to understand, compliment or criticize appropriate to the audience and the situation; exemplary, tolerant, responsible, loving; respect for differences, fair treatment, advice, listening and encouragement; actively prevent and combat school violence, build a safe, healthy and friendly educational environment Not to offend, hurt, or take advantage of; not oppressive, prejudiced, violent or infringing; not indifferent, avoid or conceal violations of learners 21 Schools need to organize seminars, share experiences on school violence prevention and control, and educate The MOET issues positive discipline for administrators, Directive 993/CTteachers and employees; actively set an BGDĐT on example of good people and good strengthening solutions deeds, upholding the example of to prevent and combat teachers so that each member of the school violence in school becomes a friendly and educational institutions persuasive educator (Article 2, point dd) 22 23/12/2019 Decision No 1863/QĐ- Activities for implementation of the TTg approved plan on prevention of school violence; support and intervention for On the approval of the children experiencing violence and national action plan sexual abuse in schools for teachers, for prevention and 23 12/4/2019 Directive 993/CTBGDĐT 21 https://vanban.chinhphu.vn/?pageid=27160&docid=196910&classid=1 https://moet.gov.vn/van-ban/vbdh/Pages/chi-tiet-van-ban.aspx?ItemID=2491 23 https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Trach-nhiem-hinh-su/Quyet-dinh-1863-QD-TTg-2019-phe-duyet-Kehoach-hanh-dong-phong-chong-bao-luc-xam-hai-tre-em-431599.aspx 22 64 10/7/2019 against violations and children's violation in the period of 2020 2025 including the implementation of positive and non-violent educational methods towards learners (Article 1, section II, clause 2, point b) Plan No 588/KHBGDĐT of the MOET One of the main tasks and solutions is to organize training; fostering and improving the capacity of teachers on school violence prevention (Section II, Point 4) Plan on prevention and combat of school violence in preschool, general and continuing education institutions in 2019 24 24 https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Giao-duc/Ke-hoach-588-KH-BGDDT-2019-phong-chong-bao-luchoc-duong-trong-co-so-giao-duc-418501.aspx 65