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Đề luyện thi HSG Anh 9 Cấp Tỉnh được sưu tầm và chắt lọc ra những kiến thức cũ, thay vào đó là những kiến thức thường xuất hiện trong đề thi vào những năm gần đây giúp học sinh nâng cao kiến thức và nắm chắc kiến thức trong tay để làm bài tốt nhất

LEARNING ONLINE 2020 Đề số 27 Kỳ thi: Chọn học sinh giỏi tỉnh lớp Môn thi: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút KEY+ file nghe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGZ7tTXbjuY&list=PL59YYxN58hcqBlgo30ctROz_KsgeQvc5&index=3 A LISTENING (20 POINTS) PART 1: Listen to the conversation and complete the form below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.(10pts) Part You will a man called Paul Hart talking about his trip to Africa with a team of scientists For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C (5pts) Part Look at the sentences for this part You will hear a conversation between a girl called Ella and her father, about the school holidays Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO B: PHONETICS (10 POINTS) I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest (5.0pts) A relaxed B reached C supposedly D crossed A machine B stomach C architecture D chorus A mature B pasture C gesture D creature A individual B considerate C education D procedure A laugh B though C tough D enough Your answers: II Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.(5.0pts) A politics B literature C chemistry D statistics A likeable B oxygen C museum D energy A apology B stupidity C generously D astronomy A television B distinguish C immediate D acquaintance A experience B introduce C determine D appliance Your answers: C: LEXICO & GRAMMAR (70 POINTS) I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences (30pts) She put speaking to him as long as possible A off B over C away D back She her neighbour’s children for the broken window A accused B complained C blamed D denied _ Internet can be used as _ means of education and communication A An - a B The - a C The - the D  - a LEARNING ONLINE 2020 She is traveling to work by bus today because her car is being A stopped B broken C serviced D rented Tony’s boss doesn’t want him to _ a habit of using the office phone for his personal calls A make B C have D increase My parents were so disappointed when I college A got out of B fell out of C dropped out of D moved out of The noisy children my nerves I wish they’d quiet down! A get out of B get in C get into D get on On the table _ A the disks lay B did the disks lie C lay the disks D lied the disks She wondered _ her father looked like now after so many years away A how B whose C that D what 10 The company was finally safe bankruptcy A with B by C from D in 11 All the boys are good at cooking, but _ is as good as the girls A either B none C neither D every 12 The bank is reported in the local newspapers in the broad daylight A to be robbed B robbed C to have been robbed D having been robbed 13 Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over _ made of natural fibers like cotton, wool, or silk A that B the one C what D which 14 The government would be forced to use its emergency powers further rioting to occur A should B did C were D had 15 _ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work A For now B Now that C Ever since D By now 16 Go on Tell me the gossips I’m all _ A full B head C eyes D ears 17 If only motorists _ drive more carefully A might B shall C would D should 18 He lost control of his temper and his anger A lost sight of B took note of C made room for D gave way to 19 Mr Nixon refused to answer the questions on the _ that the matter was confidential A reason B excuses C grounds D foundations 20 _ at his lessons, he couldn’t catch up with his classmates A Hardly as he worked B Hard as he worked C Hard as he does D Hard as he was 21 _ is more interested in rhythm than in melody is apparent from his compositions A That Philip Glass B Philip Glass, who C Philip Glass D Because Philip Glass 22 invisible to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways A Although is B Despite C Even though it D Although 23 In fact, the criminals _ in because the front door was wide open and they just walked in A needn’t have broken B shouldn’t have break C didn’t need to break D couldn’t have broken 24 Nam: In my opinion, computer is one of the most wonderful inventions Lan: _ A There is no doubt about it B Yes Congratulations! C You shouldn’t have said that D Pardon? 25 Nga: Would you mind if I closed the door? It’s too cold outside LEARNING ONLINE 2020 Lan: _ A I’d rather you didn’t It’s stuffy B No, I don’t like C No, never mind D Why not it? Circle the letter A, ,B, C or D to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 26 In the twentieth century, drug markedly improved health throughout the world A supposedly B noticeably C recently D consistently 27 The collapse of the stock market in 1929 signaled the beginning of the Depression A debt B rebirth C rise D failure Circle the letter A, ,B, C or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions 28 I didn't think his comments were very inappropriate at the time A correct B exact C suitable D right 29 For example, you can play a ballad, then move on to something more energetic such as rock 'n' roll A languid B soft C ill D slow 30 She was unhappy that she lost contact with a lot of her old friends when she went abroad to study A made room for B put in charge of C lost control of D got in touch with Your answers: II Complete these following sentences with a suitable preposition.(5pts) Jim was punished because he was disobedient _ his teacher Everyone was surprised the referee’s decision The boy was ashamed _ his stupid mistake Young children are very sensitive _ cold She raised no objection _ canceling the meeting Your answers: III Complete each of the following sentences with one of the phrasal verbs given below ( make any necessary changes) (5pts) pass over run out of ease off pick up knock out It’s pouring Let’s wait for the rain to before we go shopping Martin _ a virus on a trip to Europe last week and is now gravely ill At the Wimbledon Tennis Championship, the reigning champion was in the first round Oh dear! We’ve tonic water I’ll have to have soda instead John was _ for promotion, so he decided to leave the company IV Supply the correct form of the word in brackets (20pts) Shadow puppetry is a traditional art form that often goes (1 appreciate) .in modem times A large part of the (2 appealable) .of puppet shows is the (3 craft) .behind the creation of the actual puppets In shadow puppetry, on the other hand, the puppets remain (4 see) ., so the real artistry is in the presentation The combination of the puppets’ shape, the background screen, and the light itself creates the overall effect of the shadow puppet show The task of the director is to ensure these elements are working together (5 harmony) .in order to produce the optimal experience for the audience The screen is the medium through which the audience experiences the performance, so selecting the best screen is among great (6 essential) One unique challenge for the director is that the presentation is two-dimensional The screen is flat, so puppets can only move forwards and backwards Having chosen a screen and designed the set, the next step is to determine the light that will be used There are several LEARNING ONLINE 2020 factors to be considered: (7 intense) ., spread, and angle Therefore, finding the optimal (8 combine) .of light, shadow involves careful (9 plan) and scrupulous design Every detail must be controlled in relation to others, making shadow puppetry an art of (10 precise) V There are 10 mistakes in the below paragraph Find out the mistakes by underlining them and suggest the correction as the example (10pts) Air pollution are a cause of ill-health in human beings In a lot of countries there have laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Despite there isn't enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increasing air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol products a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounding by high buildings Children who live in areas that there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quick as other children and are clumsy when they use them hands There are other long-term affects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth's climate may become warmest A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods Your answers: D: READING COMPREHENSION (60 POINTS) I Fill in each gap with a suitable word to complete the passage (20pts) At sixteen, Henry Vincent was separated from his family as a result of the war He wandered aimlessly from one country to another (1) finally settling down in Australia, (2) _ he was trained as an electronics engineer He established his own business but it called for so much work that marriage was out of the (3) His retirement suddenly (4) _ him realize how lonely he was and he decided to (5) _ up a hobby With his interest in electronics, amateur radio seemed a natural choice He installed his own equipment and obtained a licence and his call sign, which is the set of letters and numbers used to identify oneself when making radio contact (6) _ other radio amateurs all over the world Soon Henry had a great many contacts in far-off places One in particular was a man in California with (7) he had much in common One night the man in California happened to mention the village in Europe he had come from Suddenly, Henry realised that this man was, in fact, his younger brother, Peter At first, the two brothers were at a (8) for words but then little by little they filled (9) the details of their past lives and not long afterwards Henry Vincent flew to California to (10) reunited with his brother Your answers: 10 II Choose the best answer to complete the text (20pts) A surprising number of popular spectator sports, for example, football or baseball, (`) _ in Europe or the USA in the 19th century This did not happen by chance It was the result of changes in the (2) people lived in those places at that time Until then more people lived in the country than in towns They worked in small groups and had no (3) time off All this changed with the growth of factories and industry in the 19 th century, first in Europe and then in the USA For the first time most people began to live in towns, and they (4) _ themselves with regular free time They had more leisure time than (5) before This resulted (6) _ the need for the organized entertainment Suitable games were developed or invented, typically team games, in which the crowds could (7) sides and become involved This gave people some of the entertainment they needed in their free time The (8) explosion in TV, with the introduction of satellite and cable channels, has caused an increase in (9) _ for sports as entertainment The money TV has brought to games such as LEARNING ONLINE 2020 football, tennis, and baseball (10) that spectator sports will certainly go on playing an important part in our lives A started B stemmed C came D appeared A manner B style C method D way A steady B square C regular D normal A found B realized C presented D noticed A just B having C ever D previously A from B by C with D in A choose B take C select D decide A recent B late C lately D later A need B requirement C request D demand 10 A signifies B concludes C means D states Your answers: 10 III Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question (20pts) There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual The argument for this view goes as follows, in the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world, even the seasonal changes, as unpredictable, and they sought through various means, to control these unknown and feared powers Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and costumes were almost always used Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances, and when the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the "acting area" and the "auditorium." In addition, there were performers, and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect - success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun - as an actor might Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities Another theory traces the theater's origin from the human interest in storytelling According to this view, tales (about the hunt, war, or other feats) are gradually elaborated, at first through the use of impersonation, action, and dialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds What does the passage many discuss? A The origins of theater B The role of ritual in modern dance C The importanc e of story telling D The variety of early religious activities The word “they" in line refers to _ _ A seasonal changes B natural forces C theories D human beings What aspect o f drama does the author discuss in the first paragraph? A The reason for dramas often unpredictable B The seasons in which dramas were performed C The connection between myths and dramatic plots D The importance of costumes in early dramas LEARNING ONLINE 2020 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common element of theater and ritual? A Dance B Costumes C Music D Magic The word "considerable" in line 13 is closest in meaning to _ A thoughtful B substantial C relational D ceremonial The word "enactment" in line 14 is closest in meaning to _ A establishment B performance C authorization D season The word "they" in line 15 refers to _ A mistakes B costumes C animals D performers According to the passage, what is the main difference between ritual and drama? A Ritual uses music whereas drama does not B Ritual is shorter than drama C Ritual requires fewer performers than drama D Ritual has a religious purpose and drama does not The passage supports which of the following statements? A No one really knows how the theater began B Myths are no longer represented dramatically C Storytelling is an important part of dance D Dramatic activities require the use of costumes 10 Where in the passage does the author discuss the separation of the stage and the audience? A Lines 6-7 B Lines 10-12 C Lines 18-19 D Lines 20-22 E: WRITING (40POINTS) I Complete the unfinished sentence in such a way that it means nearly the same as the sentence printed before it.(20pts) Nobody takes them back to the hotel  They “If I were you, I wouldn’t drive so fast.” I said to Nam  I advised He is too young to go to school alone  He is not I haven’t heard this song for ten years  It is The result of the match was never in doubt  At no time The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended  Had it It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired  That old typewriter is not Mary is the only real friend that Jane has  Except It’s your duty to watch the house until I return  You are…………………………………………………………………………………… 10 He is proud of saving the child from the fierce fire  He prides ……………………………………………………………………………… II Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given (10pts) The lecture is respected by all her colleagues for her professional expertise ( LOOK) LEARNING ONLINE 2020  All the colleagues …………………… ……………………the lecture for her professional expertise Typhoid was the cause of many deaths in the last century ( DIED)  May people …………………………………………………………… in the last century He seems unable to appreciate classical music ( INCAPABLE)  He seems ………………………………………………………………… classical music I hadn’t expected to win that scholarship ( SURPRISE)  It came ………………………………………………… to win that scholarship My friend advised me not to go out with him ( YOU)  My friend said to me, “If ……………………………………., I would not to go out with him.” III Write a paragraph of about 120 to 150 words on the following topic: (10pts) Online games should be banned Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Justify your answer _ THE END

Ngày đăng: 12/10/2023, 20:38

