The Finite Strain Johnson Cook Plasticity and Damage Constitutive Model in ALEGRA Vật liệu trong mô phỏng, Lý thuyết về vật liệu Johnson cook, 2 Summary of Continuum Finite Strain Plasticity 3 A Computational Method for Finite Strain Plasticity
SANDIA REPORT SAND2018-1392 Unlimited Release Printed February 7, 2018 The Finite Strain Johnson Cook Plasticity and Damage Constitutive Model in ALEGRA J.J Sanchez Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550 Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525 Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of Energy by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government Neither the United States Government, nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any 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as well as the minimum failure strain criteria for spall included in the original model development This effort establishes the necessary foundation for a thermodynamically consistent and complete continuum solid material model, for which all intensive properties derive from a common energy The motivation for developing such a model is to improve upon ALEGRA’s present combined model framework Several applications of the new Johnson Cook implementation are presented Deformation driven loading paths demonstrate the basic features of the new model formulation Use of the model produces good comparisons with experimental Taylor impact data Localized deformation leading to fragmentation is produced for expanding ring and exploding cylinder applications Acknowledgment This work was supported by the U.S Army Research Laboratory and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration The author also gratefully acknowledges the consultation provided by Bill Scherzinger, Jakob Ostien, John Carpenter and Ed Love Contents Introduction Summary of Continuum Finite Strain Plasticity 2.1 Kinematics 2.2 Isotropic Hyperelasticity 2.3 Plastic Yield 2.4 Evolution of Plastic Flow 2.5 Summary of Finite Strain Plasticity Equations A Computational Method for Finite Strain Plasticity The Johnson Cook Finite Strain Constitutive Model 4.1 The Johnson-Cook Plasticity and Damage Models 4.2 Numerical Implementation 4.3 ALEGRA Implementation ALEGRA Simulations 5.1 Lagrangian Single Element Simulations 5.2 The Taylor Anvil 5.3 The Expanding Ring 5.4 The Exploding Cylinder Conclusions & Future Work References 9 11 13 13 14 16 20 20 23 25 30 30 34 37 42 44 46 Appendix A Finite Strain Plastic Flow Time Integration 47 Figures 10 11 Finite strain Johnson Cook model: uniaxial strain Finite strain Johnson Cook model: simple shear Taylor anvil problem definition (left) and initial configuration in Eulerian mesh (right) Lagrangian Taylor anvil ALEGRA simulation Eulerian Taylor anvil ALEGRA simulation Eulerian LMT Taylor anvil ALEGRA simulation Distribution of yield strength A Lagrangian expanding ring ALEGRA simulation: t = (top), t = 50µs (bottom) Eulerian expanding ring ALEGRA simulation: t = (top), t = 50µs (bottom) Expanding ring internal and elastic energy Exploding cylinder ALEGRA simulation 32 33 34 35 35 36 38 39 40 41 43 Tables Introduction The phenomenological continuum solid mechanics plasticity and damage models developed by Johnson and Cook [1, 2] are among the most extensively used by computational physics codes to simulate high loading rate applications Users of the ALEGRA multi-physics multi-material finite element code [3, 4] rely heavily on the Johnson Cook model to provide predictions of plastic material behavior and material failure A high degree of success has been achieved using the Johnson Cook models in ALEGRA to represent material response for shock and solid dynamics applications at an engineering scale Despite this success, the ability to consistently reproduce physically realistic material failure results remains elusive The source of this issue could be attributed to the validity of the model itself, potential inadequacies of the model’s numerical implementation or a combination of both This work focuses solely on improvements to the implementation of the Johnson Cook model given any of its shortcomings for predicting material behavior The current implementation of the Johnson Cook damage model is treated as an afterthought in ALEGRA’s combined material model framework [4] This is because the damage evolution equation is not coupled to the evaluation of the Johnson Cook plasticity model, which in the opinion of the author, is the proper treatment Instead, the damage model is evaluated independently and its result is used as a criterion for the initiation of the material failure process that is teated by a completely different model This algorithmic treatment of damage models is questionable in general, and motivates the development of a new implementation founded on a continuum formulation that includes the simultaneous evolution of both plasticity and damage as well as the associated degradation of the material’s load carrying capacity ALEGRA’s combined model framework preforms a careful series of different material model evaluations that are generally based on the spherical and deviatoric splitting of the stress tensor In general, the pressure is obtained from an equation of state (EOS) and the stress deviator is obtained from the evaluation of a continuum plasticity model (i.e Johnson Cook plasticity) along with plastic strain history variables An infinitesimal (small) strain formulation based on isotropic linear elasticity is assumed for the plasticity model and any contribution to the pressure from the plasticity model solution is discarded and replaced with the value predicted by the EOS Since an EOS is not generally equipped to handle tensile pressure states, the evaluation of a void insertion model within the combined model framework has proved necessary Once a material is loaded to a tensile failure pressure, this model controls the volume fraction of void (empty space) at the individual cell level by adjusting material density as the pressure is reduced to zero over time The intended effect is the loss of tensile load carrying capability, material separation and mitigation of tensile states predicted by the EOS, which are generally constructed in an ad hoc fashion and are prone to prediction of unphysical material states If material failure modeling is desired, then a damage model (i.e Johnson Cook damage) is applied on top of this framework The evolution of the damage history variable is evaluated independently, uncoupled from the plasticity model Degradation of the stress is not initiated until a material is completely damaged (damage has a value of one) At this point, degradation is controlled by the void insertion model that reduces the tensile failure pressure to a zero value over a certain number of computational cycles The stress deviator is degraded similarly An inconsistency lies in the fact that the void insertion tensile pressure failure criterion and the complete evolution of damage dictated by the Johnson Cook damage model not necessarily coincide Typically, a damage variable is coupled to the constitutive model equations through the degradation of stress or elastic parameters However, this is not the case in ALEGRA’s combined model implementation, for which the damage variable does not actually produce any degradation In addition, the tensile failure pressure criterion differs from the minimum failure strain criterion that is actually used in the original development of the model [2] The immediate objective of the present work is to improve the predictive material failure capability of the Johnson Cook model A new implementation of the Johnson Cook plasticity and damage model in ALEGRA is preformed in order to achieve this goal, and attempt to offer fundamental improvements to the overall aforementioned combined material model framework A finite strain formulation of the model is utilized that includes coupling between damage and the stored elastic energy as well as the minimum failure strain criterion for spall included in the original work [2] This approach has several advantages First, the finite strain deformation framework properly incorporates the geometric nonlinearities associated with large deformation continuum mechanics, appropriate for the intended applications The natural incorporation of hyperelasticity into the finite strain formulation explicitly provides a stored energy function, from which the intensive material variables (i.e stress, temperature, etc.) are derived This feature sets the constitutive model on the same theoretical continuum thermodynamic footing as equation of state models An adequate framework is provided that can produce a consistent thermodynamic material state for solids that includes the stress and history variables Such a framework could potentially eliminate need for the spherical and deviatoric splitting of the stress tensor that is currently necessitated by the evaluation of EOS and solid constitutive models that produce inconsistent pressure states, as well as ad hoc treatment of tensile states in the EOS models The application of some of these ideas can be found in references [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] The coupling of the damage history variable to the elastic stored energy results in damaged material states that reflect a loss of load carrying capability rather than the current uncoupled approach that only uses damage as a failure initiation criterion for another model (i.e void insertion) This work focuses on solid material states predicted only by the Johnson Cook constitutive model, in particular those leading to material failure The incorporation of a complete thermodynamic state remains as future work The new Johnson Cook implementation is applied to a range of applications Simple loading paths demonstrate the basic capabilities Taylor impact problem results for plasticity compare well to experimental data Expending ring and exploding cylinder problems then demonstrate examples of localized damage and fragmentation that are intuitively expected for such applications This report is organized as follows Section summarizes isotropic continuum finite strain plasticity A computational solution method is presented in Section The Johnson Cook plasticity and damage models, their computational approaches and implementation details are then presented in Section Results for several applications are then presented in Section Finally conclusions are discussed and future work efforts are identified in Section Summary of Continuum Finite Strain Plasticity The continuum equations for finite strain plasticity presented in this section are based on references [11] and [12] The discussion is restricted to the continuum solid material constitutive (closure) model that relates the deformation to the stress tensor at a single point in the material The stress is the essential quantity required for evaluation of the internal force contribution to the conservation of linear momentum The four elements that generally define inelastic constitutive models are discussed These elements are the kinematics, elasticity, plastic yield criterion and plastic flow evolution 2.1 Kinematics Consider a point in a solid continuum body, X, in its initial undeformed state Let x denote the position of that same material point in the final deformed configuration of the solid body There exists a unique mapping, x = x(X), relating the initial and final positions of the material point The deformation gradient F is a second order tensor defined as follows: F= dx dX (1) The deformation gradient is the fundamental deformation measure from which all other deformation measures (strains) are derived, including the infinitesimal (small) strain approximation It provides the transformation between deformed (dx) and undeformed (dX) line segments of material; dx = F · dX and dX = F−1 · dx The elastic and plastic contributions to a deformation are defined by the following multiplicative decomposition of F F = Fe · F p (2) The superscripts e and p are used to denote kinematic quantities associated with elastic and plastic deformations respectively Given the definition in equation (2), the deformation measures relevant to the development of the finite strain plasticity equations and their solution algorithms will be defined The left polar decomposition of F is F = V·R (3) where V = VT and R−1 = RT The elastic and plastic deformation gradients are decomposed similarly Fe = Ve · Re (4) Fp = Vp · Rp (5) The left Cauchy-Green tensor, b, and the elastic left Cauchy-Green tensor, be are defined as follows: b = F · FT = V2 (6) be = Fe · Fe T = Ve (7) C = FT · F (8) The right Cauchy-Green tensor, C is and the inverse plastic right Cauchy-Green tensor is C p−1 = F p −1 · F p −T = F−1 · be · F−T (9) The logarithmic strain tensor, ε and elastic logarithmic strain tensor, ε e are ε= ln(b) (10) εe = ln(be ) (11) Volumetric deformations are defined in terms of the quantity, J > 0, defined as follows: J = det(F) = det(Fe ) det(F p ) = J e J p (12) This development assumes isochoric plastic deformation, which places the following restrictions on the elastic and plastic contributions of J Jp = Je = J (13) The isochoric elastic left Cauchy-Green tensor, b¯ e , defined below, has a determinant value of b¯ e = J e − be 10 (14) variability of the yield surface parameter A The same behavior is observed for the Eulerian case in Figure 9, but the material is permitted to separate into distinct fragments The global energy histories for the simulations displayed in Figure 10 demonstrate an expected loss of the stored elastic energy due to the fragmentation of the ring While the elastic energies predicted for the Lagrangian and Eulerian simulations appear to be similar, there is a very noticeable difference in the internal energy between the two results that occurs once the elastic stored energy is significantly reduced It is possible that the dissipative nature of the remapping operation associated with the Eulerian computation contributes to this difference Figure Distribution of yield strength A 38 Figure Lagrangian expanding ring ALEGRA simulation: t = (top), t = 50µs (bottom) 39 Figure Eulerian expanding ring ALEGRA simulation: t = (top), t = 50µs (bottom) 40 Figure 10 Expanding ring internal and elastic energy 41 5.4 The Exploding Cylinder The fragmentation of a three dimensional hollow aluminum cylinder subjected to an internal detonation is simulated in ALEGRA This problem is similar to the experimental work in [25] The inner radius of the cylinder is 3.5 cm, the cylinder thickness is mm and the cylinder length is 20 cm The Johnson Cook aluminum material parameter values are the same as those used in Section 5.3 including the Weibull probability distribution applied to the yield parameter A Details of the explosive material inside the cylinder are omitted A detonation is initiated at a concentric point located at one end of the cylinder Figures 11a - f display a progression of the fragmenting cylinder throughout the 30 µs event Each plot is colored according to damage Only material that retains load carrying capacity is displayed (D ≤ 0.95) in the plots Restricting the visualization in this manner allows identification of solid material fragments 42 (a) t = 0µs (b) t = 10µs (c) t = 15µs (d) t = 20µs (e) t = 25µs (f) t = 30µs Figure 11 Exploding cylinder ALEGRA simulation 43 Conclusions & Future Work A finite strain formulation of the Johnson Cook plasticity and damage model and its numerical implementation into the ALEGRA code has been presented This implementation consists of a strong coupling of damage and the stored elastic energy as well as the minimum failure strain criterion for spall included in the original model development The deformation driven loading paths demonstrated the basic features of the model using Johnson Cook parameterization for copper A total loss of load carrying capacity and stored elastic energy is is the result for a spall failure activated in uniaxial tensile strain In contrast, no noticeable damage occurs in uniaxial compressive strain Use of the Johnson Cook finite strain plasticity model produces good comparisons with experimental Taylor anvil data The model is applied to problems that incorporate material failure using random spatial variation of material parameters Localized deformation leading to fragmentation is produced in the expanding ring problem while the global elastic stored energy is reduced to zero The fragmentation of an exploding cylinder can be visualized by removing the completely damaged material, leaving behind intact solid fragments that are still able to carry load The material failure simulations preformed for this work reproduce the qualitative nature of the experiments on which they are based This effort has laid down the necessary foundation for a thermodynamically consistent and complete continuum solid material model, for which all intensive properties derive from a common energy The goal of developing such a model is to improve upon the shortcomings of ALEGRA’s combined model framework discussed in Section Presently, this work only addresses thermodynamic quantities associated with solid mechanics, such as stress and history variables The introduction of thermodynamic quantities associated with the equation of state (for solids) still remains as future work that is important for shock and thermomechanical applications 44 References [1] G Johnson and W Cook A constitutive model and data for metals subjected to large strains, high strain rates, and high temperatures In Proc 7th Int Symposium on Ballistics, page 541, 1983 [2] G Johnson and W Cook Fracture characteristics of three metals subjected to various 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and (41) The results are F p n+1 = Fe −1 n+1 · ∆F · Fn (94) F p n = Fe −1 n · Fn (95) and Equations (93)-(95) are combined The result is " Fe −1 n+1 · ∆F = Re T n+1 · exp ∆λ ∂F ∂τ n+1 # · Re n+1 · Fe −1 n (96) After some rearrangement and use of equation (42), equation (96) becomes " F e n+1 etr =F ·R e T n+1 · exp −∆λ 47 ∂F ∂τ n+1 # · Re n+1 (97) Post multiplication of each side of equation (97) by Re n+1 T and use of equation (4) gives the following result " Ve n+1 = Fetr · Re T n+1 · exp −∆λ ∂F ∂τ n+1 # (98) The exponential tensor is moved to the left hand side of equation (98) " Ve n+1 · exp ∆λ ∂F ∂τ n+1 # = Fetr · Re T n+1 (99) Each side of equation (99) is post multiplied by its transpose The result is " Ve n+1 · exp 2∆λ ∂F ∂τ n+1 # · Ve n+1 = Vetr · Vetr (100) Use is made of equation (7) and the elastic plastic isotropy property in equation (39) Equation (100) becomes " be n+1 = betr · exp −2∆λ ∂F ∂τ n+1 # (101) Taking the natural log of both sides of equation (101) and use of equation (11) results in the following expression for the plastic flow evolution ε e n+1 =ε etr − ∆λ 48 ∂F ∂τ n+1 (102) DISTRIBUTION: R.L Doney U.S Army Research Laboratory ATTN: RDRL-WMP-D Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 21005 (electronic copy) R.B Leavy U.S Army Research Laboratory ATTN: RDRL-WMP-C Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 21005 (electronic copy) 1 1 1 1 1 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 1323 1323 1323 1323 1323 0840 9042 1323 0840 0840 0899 Glen Hansen (electronic copy), 01443 John Niederhaus (electronic copy), 01446 Allen Robinson (electronic copy), 01443 Jason Sanchez (electronic copy), 01443 Ed Love (electronic copy), 01443 William Scherzinger (electronic copy), 01554 Jakob Ostien (electronic copy), 08343 John Carpenter (electronic copy), 01444 Steve Attaway (electronic copy), 01555 Kevin Ruggirello (electronic copy), 01555 Technical Library (electronic copy), 9536 49 50 v1.39