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Electric distribution systems

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Tai Lieu Chat Luong fpref.indd xx 1/18/2011 11:53:13 AM ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ffirs01.indd i 1/18/2011 11:53:10 AM IEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 IEEE Press Editorial Board Lajos Hanzo, Editor in Chief R Abari J Anderson F Canavero T G Croda M El-Hawary B M Hammerli M Lanzerotti O Malik S Nahavandi W Reeve T Samad G Zobrist Kenneth Moore, Director of IEEE Book and Information Services (BIS) ffirs02.indd ii 1/18/2011 11:53:11 AM ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ABDELHAY A SALLAM OM P MALIK A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION ffirs03.indd iii 1/18/2011 3:45:50 PM Copyright © 2011 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey All rights reserved Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at www.copyright.com Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permission Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation You should consult with a professional where appropriate Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages For general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic formats For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.wiley.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Sallam, A A (Abdelhay A.) Electric distribution systems / A.A Sallam p cm.—(Ieee press series on power engineering ; 45) ISBN 978-0-470-27682-2 (hardback) Electric power distribution I Title TK3001.S325 2010 621.319—dc22 2010033573 Printed in Singapore oBook ISBN: 978-0-470-94389-4 ePDF ISBN: 978-0-470-94384-7 ePub ISBN: 978-1-118-00221-6 10 ffirs04.indd iv 1/18/2011 11:53:11 AM CONTENTS PREFACE xvii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxi PART I FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS CHAPTER 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 MAIN CONCEPTS OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Introduction and Background / 1.1.1 Power System Arrangements / Duties of Distribution System Planners / Factors Affecting the Planning Process / 1.3.1 Demand Forecasts / 1.3.2 Planning Policy / 1.3.3 CM / 10 1.3.4 Reliability Planning Standards / 11 1.3.5 Categories of Customer Reliability Level / 12 Planning Objectives / 13 1.4.1 Load Forecasting / 13 1.4.2 Power Quality / 13 1.4.3 Compliance with Standards / 14 1.4.4 Investments / 14 v ftoc.indd v 1/18/2011 11:53:14 AM vi 1.5 1.6 CONTENTS 1.4.5 Distribution Losses / 16 1.4.6 Amount of LOL / 17 Solutions for Meeting Demand Forecasts / 19 1.5.1 Network Solutions / 19 1.5.2 Non-Network Solutions / 19 Structure of Distribution Networks / 21 1.6.1 Distribution Voltage Levels / 21 1.6.2 Distribution System Configurations / 21 MV Distribution Networks / 22 LV Distribution Networks / 25 CHAPTER 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ftoc.indd vi LOAD DEMAND FORECASTING 33 Introduction / 33 Important Factors for Forecasts / 35 Forecasting Methodology / 35 2.3.1 Extrapolation Technique / 36 2.3.2 Correlation Technique / 36 2.3.3 Method of Least Squares / 38 2.3.4 STLF Techniques / 41 Stochastic Time Series / 43 2.3.5 Medium- and Long-Term Load Forecasting Methods / 48 Spatial Load Forecasting (SLF) / 50 2.4.1 Main Aspects of SLF / 50 First Aspect / 50 Second Aspect / 50 Third Aspect / 51 2.4.2 Analysis Requirements / 51 Spatial Resolution / 51 Time and Peak Load Forecasts / 52 Type of Load / 52 Sensitivity Analysis / 53 2.4.3 Load, Coincidence, and Diversity Factors (DFs) / 53 2.4.4 Measuring and Recording Load Behavior / 56 Sampling Methods / 56 Sampling Rate / 57 End-Use Modeling / 57 1/18/2011 11:53:14 AM CONTENTS 2.6 Spatial Load Forecast Methods / 58 2.6.1 Trend Methods / 59 Polynomial Curve Fit / 60 Saturation Growth Curve (S-Curve) / 63 PART II PROTECTION AND DISTRIBUTION SWITCHGEAR CHAPTER 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 ftoc.indd vii vii EARTHING OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 67 69 Basic Objectives / 69 Earthing Electric Equipment / 70 3.2.1 General Means / 70 3.2.2 Substation Earthing / 75 Step and Touch Voltage Regulations / 75 The Human Factor / 77 Measuring and Controlling Earth Resistance / 80 Substation Earthing Mats / 83 Design of Substation Earthing Mats to Meet the Step and Touch Voltage Regulations / 85 Design of Substation Earthing Mats Using Computer Algorithms / 87 System Earthing / 88 3.3.1 Unearthed Systems / 88 3.3.2 Earthed Systems / 89 3.3.3 Purpose of System Earthing / 89 3.3.4 Definitions / 89 3.3.5 Methods of System Neutral Earthing / 91 3.3.6 Creating Neutral Earthing / 93 MV Earthing Systems / 95 3.4.1 Influence of MV Earthing Systems / 97 3.4.2 MV Earthing Systems Worldwide / 99 Earthing Systems in LV Distribution Networks / 99 3.5.1 IT Earthing System / 99 3.5.2 TT Earthing System / 100 3.5.3 TN Earthing System / 100 1/18/2011 11:53:14 AM viii CONTENTS 3.5.4 CHAPTER 4.1 4.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 ftoc.indd viii SHORT-CIRCUIT STUDIES 107 Introduction / 107 Short-Circuit Analysis / 109 4.2.1 Nature of Short-Circuit Currents / 110 Case / 110 Case / 114 4.2.2 Calculation of Short-Circuit Current / 117 Symmetrical Three-Phase Short Circuit / 119 Unsymmetrical Short Circuits / 133 Sequence-Impedance Networks / 137 Line-to-Earth Fault (L-E Fault) / 144 Line-to-Line Fault (L-L Fault) / 150 Double Line-to-Earth Fault (2L-E Fault) / 151 Calculation of Minimum Short-Circuit Current in LV Distribution Networks / 155 CHAPTER 5.1 LV Earthing Systems Worldwide / 102 Public Distribution Systems / 102 Earthing Systems of Private LV Networks / 103 PROTECTION OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS 163 Introduction / 163 5.1.1 Protection System Concepts / 164 Types of Relay Construction / 166 5.2.1 Electromagnetic Relays / 166 5.2.2 Static Relays / 167 5.2.3 Digital Relays / 167 Overcurrent Protection / 171 5.3.1 Overcurrent Relays / 172 5.3.2 Coordination of Overcurrent Relays / 175 Time-Based Coordination / 175 Current-Based Coordination / 176 Logic Coordination / 178 5.3.3 Earth-Fault Protection / 186 Reclosers, Sectionalizers, and Fuses / 188 5.4.1 Reclosers / 188 Locations of Reclosers Installation / 190 Series Reclosers Coordination / 191 1/18/2011 11:53:14 AM 538 REFERENCES 10 S Honkapuro, J Lassila, S Viljainen, K Tahvanainen, and J Partanen Regulatory effects on the investment strategies of electricity distribution companies CIRED, 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Turin, June 6–9, 2005, Session No 11 W S C Moreira, F L R Mussoi, and R C G Teive Investment 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231–233, 232 asynchronous generator, equivalent circuit of, 514–516 blackout service, 533–534 breaking capacity, 110 building automation, 487, 488 bus bars differential protection, 215–216 mechanical strength, 243–247 thermal stresses, 247–252 cables differential protection, 216–218 mechanical stresses, 247 capacitor banks, 371 series, 328–335 cogeneration systems, 487 combined heat and power (CHP), 487, 502–503 communication channels, 476–477 compensation automatic, 379, 379 fixed, 378, 378 series, 328–335 shunt, 366–379 compensation modes global, 373–377 coordination current, 176–178 fuse-fuse, 199 insulation, 229, 231, 231 logic ordering, 178–179 recloser-fuse, 200 recloser-sectionalizer, 200 relay-recloser, 200 series reclosers, 191–193 time, 175–176 Electric Distribution Systems, First Edition Abdelhay A Sallam, Om P Malik © 2011 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Published 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 549 bindex.indd 549 1/18/2011 11:48:40 AM 550 INDEX demand benefits, 449 forecasting, 13, 19–20, 33–35 management and, 20 response, 20, 517 design distribution voltage, 21, 21, 22 protection system, 164 structure of LV networks, 25–32 devices circuit breaker, 263–267 contactor, 268 earthing switch, 262–263 fuse switch, 268 isolator, 267 knife switch, 261 LBS, 261–262, 268 power quality, 310–316 primary protective, 233–234 secondary protective, 234–235 differential protection buses, 215–216, 216 generators, 213 motors, 212, 213 percentage, 216–218, 217 transformers, 213–215, 214, 215 distributed generation (DG) fault contribution, 501–502 grid interconnection, 499–500 distribution systems, adequacy of, 19–20 augmented solutions, 19 non-augmented solutions, 19–20 distribution systems, faults of, 107–109 distribution transformers differential protection, 213–215 impedances, 139 installation, 255–256 double radial, 30, 30 DSM programs, categories of, 437 methods, 439–441 measures, 443–445, 446 planning, 435–440 uncertainty, 447–448 dynamic var sources, 530–532 earth electrode, 273–274 earthing equipment, 75–80 IT, 99–100 bindex.indd 550 mats, 83–88 networks, 88–91 neutral, 91–95 resistance, standards of, 80–83 role of, 69 TN, 100–101 TT, 100 energy efficiency benefits of, 450 scenarios of, 450 energy saving heating, 460–461 lighting, 450–456 motors, 457–460 pumps, 462–465 equipment earthing, 75–80 expansion turbine, 503, 504 factor allocation, 358–359 coincidence, 56 crest factor, 400 diversity, 56, 527–528 earth fault, 226 load, 53 loss factor, 357–358 overload, 175 power factor, 399 faults consequences, 107–109 current waveforms, 113 earth fault factor, 226 feeder capacitance, 149–150 voltage profile, 319–321, 321 filters, installation of, 430, 430, 431 specification, 429–432 fuses, 195–199 GMD, 122 GMR, 121 harmonic attenuation, 407–408 cranes, 423–429 industrial applications, 417–429 pipe welding, 417–423 harmonics, 381–386 impacts, 397–398 nonlinear loads, 386–395 1/18/2011 11:48:40 AM INDEX resonance, 391–395 standards, 404–405 THDI, 401–402, 404, 405 THDV, 401–402, 404, 405 illumination standards, 455 isolation transformer, 315–316 IT earthing, 99–100 K coefficient, 114, 115 light sources, 452–453 lightning strokes, 227–229, 227 load behavior, 53–56 coincidence, 55 diversity, 55 earthing, 99–105 end-use model, 57–58, 58 factor, 53 forecast, artificial intelligent of, 42–43 management, 443–444 measuring, 56 load forecast deterministic, 35 extrapolation, 36–38 least square, 38–41 micro-turbine, 502–505 control system, 504–505, 505 MPS, 183 MTUs, 475, 478, 478 multi-radial MV network, 25 MV circuit breakers, 256–260 interruption process, 263–267 types, 263–267 networks, earthing of, 88–91 LV networks, 99–105 MV networks, 95–99 neutral, earthing of, 91–95 open loop, 29 open/double radial, 29 outages, 520–521 overvoltage pre-arcing, 225 protection, 221–235 punch-off, 223–224 bindex.indd 551 551 re-arcing, 224–225 surges, 323–327 swell, 326, 327 transient, 319 peak load, reduction of, 439, 529 personal safety, 70–75 photovoltaic modules, 510–511 planning, main steps of, 7, 8, 536 asset maintenance, 10–11 asset management model, 9, 10 objectives, 13–18 pn junction, 510–511 power factor corrections, 361–366, 487–489 probabilistic load forecast, 41–43 correlation, 36 protection differential, 205–218 directional, 200–205 earth fault, 186–188 international (IP), 273, 274 overcurrent, 171–188 overvoltage, 221–235 thermal, 218–221 protective devices, 233–234 quality categories, 298 cost indices, 304–305 ITIC, 301, 301 profit indices, 305 radial MV network, 27 reclosers, 188–193, 191, 192 regulators, 337–339 relays arc flash detecting, 291–292 digital, 167–171 directional overcurrent, 201–205 electromagnetic, 166–167 overcurrent, characteristics of, 172–175 static, 167 reliability categories, 12 improvement, 11–12, 520–521, 524–526 indices, 522–524 1/18/2011 11:48:40 AM 552 INDEX renewable energy, 497 ring bus MV scheme, 24 RTUs, 474–475, 475 SCADA distributed structure, 480, 481 monolithic structure, 478–480, 479 networked structure, 480, 481 software, 480–485 secondary LV spot network, 28 sectionalizers, 193–195, 196 sequence impedances, 137–139 asynchronous generators, 142 cables, 140–141 overhead lines, 138–140 synchronous generators, 141 transformers, 139 series capacitors, 328–335 settings decision software, 492 digital communications and, 492 instantaneous, 183 pick-up, 174 short circuits balanced, 119–133 far from the source, 110–114 generator terminals, 114–117 unbalanced, 133–144 S-curve, 63–65 static var sources, 530–532 statistical load forecast autoregressive model, 43 autoregressive moving average, 45–48 moving average model, 43–45 substation with SCADA, 485–487, 486 bindex.indd 552 supply systems big cities, 5, physical arrangements, 3–5, small cities, 5, surge propagation modes, 222–223, 222 switchgear, 237–242 See also switchgear panels installation, 279 LV devices, 267–273 MV devices, 260–267 RMU, 238, 239 switchgear panels current rating of, 252–253 ventilation, 256, 257 switching surges, 223–226 synchronous machine model, 517 parameters, 518 system automation, 469–473 TN earthing, 100–101 TT earthing, 100 turbines expansion, 503, 504 micro-turbine, 502–505 wind turbine, 505–509 unbalanced short circuits current calculations of, 133–144 L-E, 144–150 L-L, 150–151 2L-E, 151–155 undervoltage drops, 319–322 sags, 322–325 UPS, 313–315 voltage change, limits of, 320 waste heat sources, 497 1/18/2011 11:48:40 AM

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