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Theoretical approaches to colontal vietnam a modified model of revolution

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THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO COLONIAL VIETNAM Tai Lieu Chat Luong THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO COLONIAL VIETNAM: A MODIFIED MODEL OF REVOLUTION By ROBERT SCOTT EVANS B.A A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts McMaster University September 1986 McMAW:EIi UNiVERlilTY llSSA& MASTER OF ARTS (1986) (Political Science) McMASTER UNIVERSITY Hamilton, Ontario TITLE: Theoretical Approaches to Colonial vietnam: A Modified Model of Revolution AUTHOR: Robert Scott Evans, B.A (University of Alberta) SUPERVISOR: Professor Michael stein NUMBER OF PAGES: vi, 344 ii ABSTRACT The principal focus of this thesis is the examination of revolutionary processes in colonial vietnam from a theoretical perspective This involves the critical assessment of the predominant universal or holistic approaches to revolution and the analysis of subtheoretical models of revolution that have been applied to colonial Vietnam The critique of these conceptual frameworks is examined in the context of the historical development of the Vietnamese revolution This is follow,ed by an attempt to merge the salient components of two models providing conceptual tools that offer a more convincing explanation of the Vietnamese revolution in its colonial context This includes three components First, the world-histor ical and international dimension of Theda Skocpol's socio-historical approach, which permits a more focused emphasis on the development and nature of the revolutionary movement and the important factors affecting the emergence of revolutionary si tuations Second, Char les Tilly's group conflict model adds another important theoretical component by emphasizing the attributes and relationships of revolutionary groups that influence the degree to which revolutionary situations may be exploited Finally, the concept of ideology and its role in revolutionary process is included in both theoretical frameworks The combination of the sociohistorical and group conflict approaches, with the inclusion of an ideological dimension, is applied to colonial Vietnam and attempts to demonstrate the potential explanatory capacity of this form of syncretic model building iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As with any study, there are numerous individuals that have influenced the nature and course of this thesis However, a number deserve to be singled out I would like to express my appreciation to Dr Stein for his helpful criticisms, willingness to read drafts on short notice, and his thoughtful consideration of the problem of merging theory and history Also, I must thank Dr Goldstein and my fellow graduate students for always being willing sounding boards and a perpetual and exciting source of constructive disagreement However, I give my gr.eatest thanks to my dearest friend and companion, Sarah, who endured the frustrations and pressures of this thesis, bore a wonderful son, and always provided the support and encouragement I needed to complete each chapter To her I dedicate this effort, for she sacrificed as much as I iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iV Chapter I INTRODUCTION u Introduction Structural-Functional Model The Frustration-Aggression Model Marxist Model of Revolution Historical Sociology perspective Ideology II HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN COLONIAL VIETNAM 61 Introduction Prerevolutionary Phase Transitional Phase Revolutionary Phase III SUBTHEORETICAL APPROACHES TO COLONIAL VIETNAM •.••.••••• 107 Introduction Tradi tional Sociologica.l Approach Moral Economy Approach Structural Approach Public Choice Approach Critique of Traditional Sociological Approach Critique of Moral Economy Approach critique of Structural !'o.pproach Critique of Public Choice Approach Conclusion IV SOCIa-HISTORICAL MODEL ••••.•• 155 Introduction Part One: The International Context of Early Structural Developments Part Two: The Socio-Economic and Political Transformation of Colonial Vietnam Part Three: The Emergence of the Revolutionary Situation Conclusion v v GROUP CONFLICT APPROACH •• •.••.•.••• 237 Introduction Part One: Tilly's General Group Conflict Model Part Two: Group Conflict and Colonial Vietnam Conclusion VI CONCLUSION 316 Summary Conclusion BIBLIOGRAPHY o " vi 331 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Introduction The study of revolution has been the focus of numerous scholarly studies and debates This is understandable given the historical importance of revolutions and their impact on the transformation of social and political institutions Despite the rich abundance of historical and theoretical literature on revolution, the study of thi s phenomenon is st ill pervaded by confl; ct i ng mode Is and disagreement over the fundamental nature and determinant variables of the revolutionary process l This thesis does not pretend to resolve the many issues confronting the study of revolution, but it does attempt to analyze some of the predominant theoretical approaches and formulate a composite model that improves upon current explanations of revolution in colonial Vietnam Many of the current models of revolution in the social sciences have their theoretical roots in the sociological approaches of general systems theory (structural-functionalism), socio-psychological frameworks (frustration-aggression), and Marxist/Neo-Marxist conflict analysis These general theories provide the basic theoretical framework for many of the more specific or subthel)retical models which, in one form or another, have been used to explain the revolutionary process in colonial Vietnam These subtheoretical or middle-range theories, as they apply to colonial Vietnam, range from Mus'and McAlister's use of General Systems and Social Psychological frameworks to the Neo-Marxist influence on Paige's structuralist model and the approaches of the Moral Economists Many of these studies have offered interesting, and often enlightening explanations of the factors influencing the Vietnamese revolution None, however, have provided a comprehensive analysis that examines the crucial role of international developments and how they influenced the development and outcome of the Vietnamese revolution Nor has any of the models explained the factors contributing to the success of the Communists, or how this group was able to control the revolutionary movement at the expense of other revolutionary groups These are crucial components that cannot be neglected if one is to explain the revolutionary process in Vietnam While these models often implicitly acknowledge the role of international developments and group conflict, these variables are not developed or integrated into the various subtheoretical explanations of the revolutionary process in colonial Vietnam The approaches of Skocpol and Tilly provide a theoretical framework that incorporates these variables While it is beyond the scope of this thesis to attempt an exacting formulation of an alternative model, the latest theoretical developments in Historical Sociology have provided new frameworks involving a more comprehensive analysis of revolutionary processes Unlike many of their predecessors, these approaches demand historical precision and a broad holistic perspective This thesis attempts to merge, conceptually, the explanatory frameworks of two historical 330 as I have maintained explicitly and implicitly throughout the thesis, the proper explanation of any event requires both theoretical and historical components Despite the theoretical emphasis of this thesis I have endeavored to place most theoretical discussions in some historical context, particularly when this pertained to the analysis of revolutionary processes in colonial Vietnam As an exploration of the possibility of improving existing approaches to revolution, the limited historical component of this thesis provides an important reference point for judging the validity and merit of combining Skocpol's and Tilly's models of revolution BIBLIOGRAPHY Adamson, Walter 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