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1 ACCOUNTING accumulate (v) tích lũy Ex: Debts began to accumulate  accumulative (adj) tích lũy được, gia tăng Ex: The government is trying hard to deal with the accumulative effects of pollution  accumulator (n) ghi  accumulation (n) tích lũy, gia tăng, tích lũy Ex: Despite this accumulation of evidence, the government persisted in doing nothing asset (n) người hay vật có giá trị - asset to sb/sth: người hay vật có giá trị cho [ai/cái gì] Ex: He is a great asset to the company  assessor (n) người định giá, thẩm định viên Ex: The assessor's offices vary in how they determine a home's value audit (v) kiểm toán - audit sth: kiểm tốn Ex: The accounts are audited annually  auditor (n) kiểm toán viên Ex: The auditors’ report will be submitted to the directors at the end of the year  audit (n) kiểm toán, kiểm tra, kiểm định Ex: No one looks forward to an audit by the government build up (pv) xây dựng, phát triển Ex: We’ve built up good relationships with our clients  build-up (n) tích lũy, gia tăng Ex: The build-up of troops in the region makes war seem more likely debt (n) nợ Ex: I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country  debtor (n) nợ, người mắc nợ Ex: Student loans force students to graduate as debtors outstanding (adj) chưa hoàn thành, chưa giải Ex: A lot of work is still outstanding profit (v) thu lợi, đem lại lợi ích - profit from sth: thu lợi từ Ex: Farmers are profiting from the new legislation  profitably (adv) cách có lợi, cách có ích Ex: He did his best to run a business profitably  profit (n) lợi nhuận Ex: There isn’t much profit in running a restaurant these days  profitable (adj) sinh lời, có ích Ex: What can be done to keep the business profitable? reconcile (v) hòa giải, dung hòa - reconcile sth with sth: dung hịa với Ex: We are still trying to reconcile the needs of the two groups  reconcilable (adj) dung hịa, khơng mâu thuẫn Ex: The theory was not reconcilable with his religious beliefs  reconciliation (n) hòa giải, dung hòa Ex: They aimed to secure a reconciliation between the two countries turnover (n) doanh thu, doanh số - turnover of sth: doanh thu, doanh số Ex: The business has an annual turnover of £50000 AIRLINES destination (n) đích đến Ex: This reef is a popular tourist destination this year distinguish (v) phân biệt - distinguish A from B: phân biệt A với B Ex: It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other - distinguish between A and B: phân biệt A B Ex: Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between right and wrong  distinguishable (adj) phân biệt Ex: The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female  distinguished (adj) xuất sắc, lỗi lạc Ex: The Crystal Lake Park has been recognized as a distinguished agency by two state park associations economize (v) tiết kiệm - economize on sth: tiết kiệm việc Ex: The only choice we have is to economize on food  economical (adj) tiết kiệm, kinh tế Ex: It would be more economical to buy the bigger size  economically (adv) cách tiết kiệm Ex: I'll the job as economically as possible excursion (n) du ngọn, chuyến tham quan Ex: They've gone on an excursion to York equivalent (adj) tương đương - equivalent to sth: tương đương với Ex: Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles  equivalent (n) vật tương đương, từ tương đương Ex: Is there a French word that is the exact equivalent of the English word ‘home’? expense (n) chi phí, chi tiêu Ex: The results are well worth the expense  expensively (adv) cách đắt đỏ Ex: There are other restaurants where you can eat less expensively  expensive (adj) đắt tiền Ex: I can't afford it - it's too expensive extend (v) mở rộng, kéo dài - extend sth: mở rộng, kéo dài Ex: Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car  extended (adj) mở rộng, kéo dài Ex: All Yocchi Wellness Center will offer extended hours until p.m.Monday through Friday  extent (n) quy mô, mức độ Ex: I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge  extensive (adj) (phạm vi) rộng, (số lượng) nhiều Ex: The house has extensive grounds prospective (adj) có tiềm Ex: I had a phone call from a prospective client today  prospect (n) triển vọng, viễn cảnh; triển vọng Ex: There is no immediate prospect of peace substance (n) loại vật chất Ex: Some frogs produce toxic substances in their skin  substantial (adj) đáng kể Ex: There are substantial differences between the two student groups  substantially (adj) cách đáng kể Ex: The material costs have increased substantially APPLYING & INTERVIEWING hesitate (v) chần chừ, dự - hesitate about/over doing sth: chần chừ việc làm Ex: I didn't hesitate for a moment about telling her the truth  hesitation (n) chần chừ Ex: I have no hesitation in recommending her for the job  hesitant (adj) dự, chần chừ Ex: She's hesitant about signing the contract present (v) trình, đưa - present sth for sth: đưa để làm Ex: Eight options were presented for consideration - present sth to sb: trình cho Ex: The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June  presentation (n) thuyết trình Ex: The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products  present (adj) Ex: The personnel officer believes that we can get by with our present staff  present (n) quà Ex: I will buy him a book as a present weaken (v) làm yếu - weaken sb/sth: làm cho / yếu Ex: The new evidence weakens the case against her  weakly (adv) cách yếu ớt Ex: She smiled weakly at them  weakness (n) (thể xác) yếu ớt, điểm yếu, nhược điểm Ex: The disease causes progressive muscle weakness  weak (adj) yếu ớt, không thuyết phục Ex: In a weak moment I said she could borrow the car BANKING deduct (v) trừ đi, khấu trừ - deduct sth from sth: trừ từ Ex: The cost of your uniform will be deducted from your wages  deduction (n) trừ đi, khấu trừ Ex: The company automatically makes tax deductions from your salary  deductible (adj) trừ đi, khấu trừ Ex: These costs are deductible from profits dividend (n) tiền lãi cổ phần, cổ tức Ex: Dividends will be sent to shareholders down payment (n) số tiền đặt cọc, số tiền trả trước Ex: We are saving for a down payment on a house mortgage (n) khoản chấp Ex: He wasn’t earning enough to pay the mortgage  mortgage (v) cầm cố, chấp Ex: He had to mortgage his house to pay his hospital bills restrict (v) hạn chế, giới hạn - restrict sth to sb: giới hạn cho Ex: Access to the club is restricted to members only take out (pv) rút tiền Ex: I had to take $10,000 out to pay for the car transact (v) thực giao dịch - transact sth with sb: tiến hành với Ex: Those who transact business in London must know what the rules are  transaction (n) giao dịch Ex: The system records all transactions between the company and its suppliers BOARD MEETINGS & COMMITTEES adhere to (pv) tuân theo Ex: Staff should adhere strictly to the safety guidelines agenda (n) chương trình nghị Ex: The next item on the agenda is the advertising budget bring up (pv) dề cập, nêu lên (vấn đề) Ex: Charles brought up the issue of holiday pay at the meeting conclude (v) kết luận - conclude by doing sth: kết lại cách làm Ex: He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home - conclude sth with sth: kết lại với Ex: She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare  conclusive (adj) chứng minh Ex: They had conclusive evidence of her guilt  conclusion (n) kết luận, định Ex: I've come to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job go ahead (pv) bắt đầu Ex: The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans  go-ahead (n) cho phép Ex: The council has given the go-ahead to start building goal (n) khung thành Ex: He headed the ball into an open goal lengthy (adj) dài dòng, lâu Ex: After a fairly lengthy delay, we were able to continue  lengthen (v) kéo dài Ex: I need to lengthen this skirt  length (n) độ dài, chiều dài bể bơi Ex: We discussed shortening the length of the course matter (n) vấn đề, việc, chuyện - matter for sb: vấn đề dành cho giải Ex: I think poverty is a matter for the government - matter of sth: vấn đề Ex: It was only a matter of time - we knew the strike would happen eventually  matter (v) quan trọng, có ảnh hưởng Ex: Does it really matter who did it? period (n) khoảng thời gian Ex: All these changes happened over a period of time  periodic (adj) thường xuyên Ex: Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment  periodical (n) tạp chí xuất định kỳ, đặc biệt mang tính học thuật  periodically (adv) cách thường xuyên Ex: Mailing lists are updated periodically 10 prioritize (v) đặt thứ tự ưu tiên - prioritize sth: ưu tiên Ex: You should make a list of all the jobs you have to and prioritize them  priority (n) ưu tiên Ex: Education is a top priority 11 progress (v) tiến bộ, tiến triển Ex: Work on the new road is progressing slowly  progress (n) trình tiến triển, cải thiện Ex: We have made great progress in controlling inflation  progressive (adj) tiến bộ, đổi Ex: Are you in favour of progressive teaching methods?  progressive (n) người có tư tưởng tiến bộ, cấp tiến Ex: No one knows how to end this pointless conversation between progressives and conservatives 12 waste (v) lãng phí - waste sth: lãng phí Ex: You’re wasting your time trying to explain it to him - waste sth (in) doing sth: phí làm Ex: When he offered me a cigarette, I wasted no time in rejecting it (=I rejected it immediately) - waste sth on sth: lãng phí vào Ex: Why waste money on clothes you don't need? BUSINESS PLANNING address (v) ra, hướng ý vào - address sth: vấn đề (để giải quyết) Ex: Your essay does not address the real issues - address yourself to sth: hướng ý việc Ex: We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution  address (n) địa chỉ, diễn văn Ex: The article praised her address to the steering committee demonstrate (v) chứng minh, ra, cho thấy - demonstrate sth to sb: cho Ex: Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing  demonstrative (adj) minh chứng cho Ex: This survey is demonstrative of the need for further research  demonstration (n) hướng dẫn, minh họa cách sử dụng Ex: We were given a brief demonstration of the computer's functions  demo (n) phiên dùng thử evaluate (v) đánh giá - evaluate sb/sth for sth: đánh giá [ai/cái gì] Ex: The cheeses are evaluated for flavour, texture and colour - evaluate sb/sth on sth: đánh giá [ai/cái gì] dựa tiêu chí Ex: Candidates are evaluated on their ability to think independently  evaluator (n) người đánh giá Ex: An evaluator will observe the presentations  evaluation (n) đánh giá Ex: Yoko feared the professor’s evaluation of her business plan strenghthen (v) làm mạnh lên, củng cố - strengthen sb/sth: củng cố Ex: The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles  strength (n) sức mạnh, mạnh, ưu điểm, điểm mạnh, độ mạnh (của tượng tự nhiên) Ex: It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses  strong (adj) mạnh khỏe, vững chắc, mạnh mẽ Ex: She’s had a strong will since she was a baby gather (v) thu thập - gather sth: thu thập Ex: We gathered information of our plan from many sources  gathering (n) họp, họp mặt Ex: Our next gathering will take place in London on August substitute (v) thay - substitute B with/by A: thay B A Ex: They substituted real candles with electric ones - substitute A for B: thay A cho B Ex: You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe  substitution (n) thay người vật Ex: It looks as though the coach is going to make a substitution  substitute (n) vật/người thay Ex: There's no substitute for practical experience CAR RENTALS coincide (v) xảy đồng thời - coincide with sth: đồng thời với Ex: We timed our trip to coincide with my cousin's wedding  coincidentally (adv) cách trùng hợp Ex: Coincidentally, they had both studied in Paris  coincidence (n) trùng hợp Ex: What a coincidence! I wasn't expecting to see you here confuse (v) gây hoang mang, gây bối rối - confuse sb: làm hoang mang, bối rối Ex: These instructions confused everyone  confusion (n) hoang mang, bối rối Ex: I could sense her confusion and frustration  confusing (adj) khó hiểu, gây bối rối Ex: The instructions on the box are very confusing  confused (adj) bối rối Ex: Consumers are confused about all the different labels on food these days contact (v) liên lạc, liên hệ - contact sb/sth at sth: liên lạc với [ai/cái gì] theo số Ex: He can be contacted at 0186 - - contact sb/sth by sth: liên lạc với [ai/cái gì] 10 10 tenant (n) gười thuê Ex: The decorating was done by a previous tenant 43 SALARIES & BENEFITS aware (adj) nhận biết, nhận thấy - aware of sth: nhận thấy Ex: He was well aware of the family problem  awareness (n) nhận thức, ý thức Ex: There is a growing awareness of the seriousness of this disease basis (n) cách thứ xếp/hoạt động; sở Ex: on a daily/day-to-day/weekly basis compensate (v) bù đắp (giảm tổn thất) - compensate for sth: bù đắp, bồi thường cho việc Ex: Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one  compensatory (adj) dùng để bồi thường Ex: He received a compensatory payment of $200000  compensation (n) khoản bồi thường, lương, tiền công Ex: She received a cash sum by way of compensation delicacy (n) lịch thiệp, khéo léo Ex: She handled the situation with great sensitivity and delicacy  delicately (adv) cách khéo léo Ex: This matter needs to be delicately handled  delicate (adj) tế nhị, khéo léo, tinh vi, tinh tế Ex: I admired your delicate handling of the situation eligible (adj) phép, quyền - eligible (for sth): phép, quyền (cho việc gì) Ex: The new regulations made a lot of prisoners eligible for early release - eligible (to sth): phép, quyền (làm gì) Ex: When are you eligible to vote in your country? 78 flexibility (n) linh hoạt Ex: Computers offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized  flexible (adj) linh hoạt Ex: You need to be more flexible in your approach  flexibly (adv) cách linh hoạt Ex: Managers must respond flexibly to new developments in business practice negotiate (v) đàm phán, thương lượng - negotiate with sb for/about sth: đàm phán với chuyện Ex: The government will not negotiate with terrorists - negotiate (with sb) (for/about sth): thương lượng (với ai) (về điều gì) Ex: They won't negotiate with you regarding salary at an initial interview  negotiable (adj) đàm phán, thương lượng Ex: The price was negotiable  negotiator (n) người đàm phán Ex: He was a skilled negotiator  negotiation (n) đàm phán, thương lượng Ex: They begin another round of negotiations today raise (v) giơ/nâng lên - raise sth up: nâng lên Ex: He slowly raised his head up  raise (n) tăng lương Ex: If I asked my boss for a raise, he’d fire me retire (v) nghỉ hưu - retire from sth: nghỉ việc sớm Ex: She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health  retirement (n) việc nghỉ hưu Ex: After her retirement, she began to work as a volunteer for the local charity  retired (adj) hưu Ex: Dad is retired now 79 10 vest in (pv) giao quyền cho Ex: Overall authority is vested in the Supreme Council 11 wage (n) tiền lương, tiền công - wage/wages of sth: lương Ex: She received a weekly wage of 300 dollars  wage (v) tiến hành (cuộc chiến tranh, trận đánh ) 44 SELECTING A RESTAURANT appeal (v) kêu gọi, cầu khẩn - appeal for sb to sth: kêu gọi làm Ex: Organizers appealed for the crowd not to panic - appeal to sb for sth: kêu gọi để nhận Ex: The government appealed to the people for help  appeal (n) sức thu hút, hấp dẫn, kêu gọi Ex: The Beatles have never really lost their appeal  appealing (adj) thu hút, hấp dẫn Ex: These toys are not immediately appealing to children compromise (v) nhượng bộ, thỏa hiệp - compromise (with sb) (on sth): thỏa hiệp với Ex: They were unwilling to compromise with the terrorists  compromise (n) nhượng bộ, thỏa hiệp Ex: In any relationship, you have to make compromises dare (v) dám - dare (to) sth: dám làm Ex: He didn’t dare to say what he thought  daring (adj) can đảm Ex: Her actions was considered very daring at the time familiar (adj) quen thuộc - familiar to sb: quen thuộc với 80 Ex: The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery  familiarity (n) quen thuộc Ex: When she saw the house, she had a feeling of familiarity  familiarize (v) làm quen với Ex: You'll need time to familiarize yourself with our procedures guide (v) hướng dẫn, dẫn - guide sb (to/through/around sth): hướng dẫn đâu Ex: She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral  guide (n) hướng dẫn viên, hướng dẫn Ex: Our tour guide showed us around the old town  guidance (n) lời hướng dẫn, lời dẫn Ex: These notes are for general guidance only majority (n) số đông, phần lớn - majority (of sb/sth): phần lớn ai/cái Ex: The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio  major (adj) lớn, chính, quan trọng Ex: We have encountered major problems rely on (pv) tin tưởng, trông cậy - rely on/upon sb/sth: dựa dẫm vào ai/cái Ex: They had to rely entirely on volunteer workers  reliable (adj) đáng tin cậy Ex: We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working  reliability (n) đáng tinXem ví dụ Ex: The incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability secure (v) đạt được, giành - secure sth: giành Ex: She secured 20000 votes - secure sth for sb/sth/yourself: giành cho ai/cái Ex: He secured a place for himself at law school - secure sb/sth/yourself sth: giành cho ai/cái 81 Ex: He secured himself a place at law school  insecure (adj) không tự tin thân hay mối quan hệ với người khác  security (n) an ninh, trạng thái cảm thấy hạnh phúc an toàn trước nguy hiểm lo lắng Ex: Before getting on the plane, you must go through security checks  secure (adj) chắn, an toàn, ổn định, an toàn Ex: Security personnels ensure that students feel secure in any location subjective (adj) chủ quan Ex: Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective  subjectivity (n) chủ quan Ex: There is an element of subjectivity in her criticism  subjectively (adv) cách chủ quan Ex: People who are less subjectively involved are better judges 45 SHIPPING accuracy (n) xác, độ xác Ex: She hits the ball with great accuracy  accurate (adj) xác Ex: Accurate records must be kept  accurately (adv) cách xác Ex: The article accurately reflects public opinion carrier (n) hãng vận tải Ex: Delta Air Lines, the third-largest carrier in the US catalogue (n) danh mục món, sản phẩm Ex: An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition fulfill (v) thực - fulfill sth: thực Ex: He had fulfilled his promise to his father  fulfillment (n) thực Ex: Tom said that owning his own home was the fulfillment of a dream 82 integrate (v) kết hợp, hợp - integrate into/with sth: kết hợp vào/với Ex: These programs will integrate with your existing software  integration (n) tích hợp, kết hợp, hịa nhập/hội nhập Ex: His music is an integration of tradition and new technology  integral (adj) làm thành phận tổng thể Ex: Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum inventory (n) hàng tồn kho Ex: The inventory will be disposed of over the next twelve weeks minimize (v) giảm thiểu Ex: Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection  minimal (adj) nhỏ Ex: The damage to the car was minimal on hand (idiom) sẵn sàng Ex: The emergency services were on hand with medical advice receive (v) nhận - receive sth from sb/sth: nhận thứ từ [ai/cái gì] Ex: She receives a letter from her husband everyday 10 suffice (v) đủ đáp ứng - suffice to sth: đủ đáp ứng cho Ex: One example will suffice to illustrate the point  sufficient (adj) đủ Ex: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban  sufficiently (adv) cách đầy đủ, thích đáng Ex: The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work 83 46 SHOPPING bargain (v) trả giá, mặc - bargain with sb about/over/for sth: trả giá với Ex: He tried to bargain with her over the price of the shoes  bargain (n) hời Ex: The car was a bargain at that price bear (v) chịu đựng - bear sth: chịu đựng việc Ex: She couldn't bear the thought of losing him - bear sb doing sth: chịu đựng làm Ex: My colleagues can't bear me humming random melodies while working - bear to sth: chịu đựng làm Ex: How can you bear to work in this environment? - bear doing sth: chịu đựng làm việc Ex: He can't bear being laughed at  bore (v) khiến chán behave (v) cư xử Ex: They behaved very badly towards their guests  behavior (n) cách cư xử Ex: Parents can influence the behaviour of their children  misbehave (v) cư xử không comfort (v) an ủi - comfort sb: an ủi Ex: The idea that he was not alone comforted him greatly  comfortably (adv) cách thoải mái Ex: If you're all sitting comfortably, then I'll begin  comfort (n) thoải mái, an ủi, nguồn an ủi, lời an ủi Ex: They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age  comfortable (adj) thoải mái (do quần áo, nội thất ),thoải mái, dễ chịu Ex: This bed is too small—I just can't seem to get comfortable 84  uncomfortable (adj) không thoải mái, không thoải mái, không dễ chịu expand (v) mở rộng - expand sth: mở rộng Ex: There are no plans to expand the local airport  expandable (adj) mở rộng Ex: I just bought an expandable briefcase  expansion (n) mở rộng Ex: Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion mandatory (adj) bắt buộc - mandatory for sb to sth: bắt buộc làm Ex: It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus merchandise (v) buôn bán - merchandise sth: buôn bán Ex: She had to merchandise the new product line  merchandise (n) hàng hóa Ex: Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise  merchant (n) thương gia, lái buôn Ex: Venice was once a city of rich merchants 47 THEATER approach (v) tiếp cận, tiến gần đến - approach sb/sth: tiếp cận/đến gần ai/cái Ex: As you approach the town, you'll see the college on the left  approach (n) cách giải ai/việc đó, tiếp cận, đến gần Ex: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline  approachable (adj) tiếp cận Ex: The summit was approachable only from the south 85 occur (v) xảy Ex: When exactly did the incident occur?  occurrence (n) diễn Ex: There have been several occurrences of theft in the area recently rehearse (v) diễn tập, tập dợt - rehearse sth/sb: tập dợt gì/ai Ex: Today, we'll just be rehearsing the final scene - rehearse for sth: tập dợt cho Ex: We’re rehearsing for the show  rehearsal (n) diễn tập, tập dợt Ex: We only had six days of rehearsal element (n) yếu tố, thành tố - element in/of sth: yếu tố Ex: Cost was a key element in our decision  elementary (adj) Ex: I’m taking classes in elementary Italian dialogue (n) đối thoại Ex: Learners are asked to listen to three short dialogues 48 TAXES calculate (v) tính tốn - calculate sth from sth: tính tốn từ Ex: Expected cancer rates were calculated from data from the eight surrounding counties - calculate sth by sth: tính gì Ex: The daily doses were calculated by a simple method - calculate sth by doing sth: tính cách làm Ex: The ratio is calculated by dividing a company's share price by its earnings per share  calculator (n) máy tính Ex: Can I borrow your calculator for a while? 86  miscalculation (n) tính tốn sai  calculation (n) tính tốn Ex: Cathy did a rough calculation file (v) nộp đơn, đệ trình văn kiện - file sth: nộp, gửi Ex: You should file a complaint with her boss - file to sth: nộp đơn để làm Ex: He filed to divorce his wife  file (n) hồ sơ, (máy tính) tệp, tập tin, giũa Ex: Every file on the same disk must have a different name join (v) nối, kết hợp - join A to B: nối A với B Ex: Join one section of pipe to the next - join A and B together: nối A B lại với Ex: Join the two sections of pipe together - join (A and B) (together) / join (A and B) (up): nối (A B) (với nhau) Ex: The boy didn't know how to join the two pieces together  joint (adj) chung Ex: The report was a joint effort  jointly (adv) chung Ex: The event was organized jointly by students and staff owe (v) nợ - owe sb sth: nợ Ex: She still owes her father £30000 - owe sb sth for sth: nợ cho Ex: I owe you a drink for helping me move - owe sth to sb for sth: nợ từ cho Ex: She still owes £30000 to her father for that car  owing (adj) chưa trả, nợ Ex: £100 is still owing on the loan 87 penalize (v) phạt - penalize sb for sth: phạt Ex: Her teacher penalized her for cheating  penalty (n) hình phạt Ex: The penalty for travelling without a ticket is £200 refund (v) hoàn trả tiền - refund sth to sb: hoàn trả khoản tiền cho Ex: We can't refund the price of the ticket to you - refund sb sth: hoàn trả cho khoản tiền Ex: We will refund you your money in full  refund (n) khoản hoàn tiền Ex: She received a refund on the unused tickets  refundable (adj) hồn trả Ex: Tickets are not refundable spouse (n) vợ chồng Ex: Fill in your spouse’s name here  spousal (adj) thuộc vợ chồng Ex: This contract needs a spousal consent withhold (v) giấu, giữ lại - withhold sth from sb/sth: giữ lại khỏi đó/cái Ex: Do not withold any information from your accountant 49 TRAINS comprehensive (adj) toàn diện, đầy đủ Ex: The address list is fairly comprehensive  comprehensiveness (n) toàn diện Ex: I admired the remarkable comprehensiveness of his work  comprehensively (adv) cách hoàn toàn, cặn kẽ Ex: They were comprehensively beaten in the final 88 deluxe (adj) cao cấp Ex: The deluxe edition is bound in leather direct (v) đạo, phụ trách  directory (n) sách thông tin hướng dẫn, thư mục Ex: We consulted the directory to see where the train station was located  direct (adj) trực tiếp, thẳng; ngay; Ex: I don't see why he and I should have a direct conversation  direction (n) phương hướng, đường đi, dẫn (phương hướng, cách làm, vv) Ex: Let's stop and ask for directions  directly (adv) cách trực tiếp (khơng thơng qua khác) Ex: She looked directly at us duration (n) thời lượng, quãng thời gian Ex: The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war entitle (v) cho phép, cho quyền - entitle sb to sth: cho phép làm Ex: This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class - be entitled to sth: quyền làm Ex: You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65  entitlement (n) quyền Ex: This may affect your entitlement to compensation fare (n) giá vé tàu xe Ex: Children travel at half fare offset (v) bù qua sớt lại - offset sth: bù qua cho Ex: Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials operate (v) hoạt động, vận hành - operate sth: vận hành Ex: The airline operates flights to 25 countries 89 - operate + adb/preposition: hoạt động, vận hành + [trạng từ/giới từ] Ex: I operate well within limits  operation (n) phẫu thuật, hoạt động kinh doanh, hoạt động Ex: Operation of the device is extremely simple  operational (adj) sẵn sàng hoạt động Ex: The new airport is now fully operational  operator (n) thợ vận hành máy, người trực tổng đài, người vận hành, người điều hành Ex: Even if a caller is rude, we ask that our operators remain courteous at all times punctual (adj) Ex: She has been reliable and punctual  punctuality (n) Ex: He insists on regular attendance and punctuality  punctually (adv) giờ, hẹn Ex: They always pay punctually 10 relative (adj) Ex: They now live in relative comfort  relatively (adv) là, tương đối Ex: I found the test relatively easy  relative (n) họ hàng Ex: All Sue’s friends and relatives came to her party 11 remain (v) tiếp tục, trì - remain + adj: + tính từ Ex: He remained silent although we asked him many questions - remain + noun: + danh từ Ex: Her identity remains a mystery - remain as sth: Ex: He will remain as manager of the club until the end of his contract  remaining (adj) lại  remains (n) phần thừa lại Ex: She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog 90  remainder (n) người/vật/thời gian lại Ex: I kept some of his books and gave away the remainder 12 remote (adj) xa xôi hẻo lánh - remote from sth: cách xa khỏi Ex: The farm is remote from any other buildings  remoteness (n) hẻo lánh Ex: The remoteness of the village was part of its attraction  remotely (adv) chút Ex: It wasn't even remotely funny 50 WARRANTIES consequence (n) hệ quả, hậu Ex: Are you prepared to suffer the consequences of your system failing? - consequence for sb/sth: hậu gây cho [ai/cái gì] Ex: This decision could have serious consequences for the industry  consequently (adv) kết là, Ex: She worked hard to prepare for the exam, and consequently passed it characterize (v) đặc trưng (tính cách đó) - characterize sb/sth: đặc trưng, điển hình cho gì/ai Ex: A warranty is characterized by length of its terms  characteristic (n) đặc trưng, đặc thù Ex: Perhaps it is the defining characteristic of people in the early 21 st Century cover (v) bảo vệ, bao gồm, đủ để trả - cover sb/sth (against/for sth): chi trả, bảo vệ ai/cái khỏi bảo hiểm Ex: Travel insurance will cover you for medical expenses, legal costs and more  covering (n) lớp phủ  covered (adj) phủ bởi, có lớp  coverage (n) việc đưa tin kiện (báo chí, radio, tv ), quyền lợi bảo hiểm Ex: The blanket coverage of the Premier League in the United States brings with it something new 91  cover (n) bảo hiểm, bìa (sách, tạp chí), khăn trải giường Ex: The insurance cover excludes particular medical conditions expire (v) hết hạn Ex: The warranty on this product will expire one year after the date of purchase  expiry (n) hết hạn Ex: Upon expiry of the policy, a new policy must be started  expired (adj) hết hạn, hạn Ex: You cannot fly internationally on an expired passport imply (v) ám - imply sth: ám điều Ex: The salesperson implied that the cost of the extended warranty would be low - imply (that)…: ám Ex: Are you implying that I'm fat?  implicit (adj) nhắn đến khơng nói trực tiếp Ex: Correct use of the product is implicit in the terms of the warranty  implication (n) ẩn ý, (sự) hàm ý Ex: His writing seemed to have many possible implications reputation (n) danh tiếng, tiếng tăm - reputation (as sth): có danh tiếng, biết đến Ex: He established a reputation as an actor before he started writing - Reputation for doing sth: Có tiếng việc làm Ex: The jazz singer had a good reputation for singing both ballads and up-tempo songs - reputation for sth: có tiếng việc Ex: The company enjoys an international reputation for quality of design  reputable (adj) có danh tiếng, đáng tin Ex: Because the company had a reputable name, I did not read the warranty  reputed (adj) đồn, cho Ex: The new store is reputed to carry items that are not of the highest quality warranty (n) bảo hành 92

Ngày đăng: 29/09/2023, 23:03
