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Luận văn thạc sĩ extraction of vietnamese collocation from text corpora

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Towards a framework for building an Annotated Named Entities Corpus Hoang Huu Son Faculty of Information Technology University of technology and engineering Vietnam National University, Hanoi Supervised by Doctor Pham Bao Son A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Technology June, 2010 z z ORIGINALITY STATEMENT ‘I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at Coltech or any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement is made in the thesis Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom i have worked at Coltech lab or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project’s design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is acknowledged.’ Signed i z Table of Contents Introduction 1.1 Overview Name Entity recognition(NER) 1.2 NER Approach 1.2.1 Rule based approach 1.2.2 Machine learning Approach 1.2.3 Comparing 1.3 Thesis contribution 1.4 Thesis structure Related Work 2.1 Overview our problem 2.2 Building NER corpus research 2.3 Researches about building corpus Process 2.4 Overview annotate tools 2.5 Summary Corpus building process 3.1 Corpus building process 3.1.1 Objective 3.1.2 Built annotation guide line 3.1.3 Annotate documents 3.1.4 Quality control 3.2 Building Vietnamese NER corpus by off-line tools 3.2.1 Built annotation guide line 3.2.2 Annotate documents 3.2.3 Quality control 3.3 Discus about Vietnamese NER corpus building process 3.4 Conclusion ii z 1 3 8 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 16 17 20 20 22 24 26 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS iii Online Annotation Framework 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Training section 4.3 Annotation documents 4.3.1 Online annotation interface 4.3.2 Automate file distribution for annotator 4.3.3 Automate save and manage files 4.4 Quality control 4.4.1 Document level 4.4.2 Corpus level 4.4.3 Explain unusual entity 4.5 Conclusion 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 37 38 39 39 40 41 42 45 47 47 48 49 51 52 54 54 56 58 60 60 62 62 63 63 Evaluation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Corpus evaluation 5.2.1 Inter annotatetor agreements 5.2.2 Offline corpus evaluation 5.2.3 Online corpus 5.3 Time costing 5.3.1 Overview 5.3.2 Offline process 5.3.3 Online framework 5.4 Named entity recognition system 5.4.1 Preprocessing 5.4.2 Gazetteer 5.4.3 Transducer 5.4.4 Experiment 5.5 Summary Conclusion And Future work 6.1 Conclusion 6.2 Future work 6.2.1 Create corpus bigger and more quality 6.2.2 Improve online annotation framework 6.2.3 Building NER system base statistical z iv TABLE OF CONTENTS A Name Entity guideline A.1 Basic concepts A.1.1 Entity and Entity Name A.1.2 Instance of entity A.1.3 List of Entities A.1.4 Entities recognize rules A.2 Entity classification A.2.1 Person A.2.2 Organization A.2.3 Location A.2.4 Facility A.2.5 Religion z 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 67 68 69 69 List of Figures 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Process building Annotation guide line Callisto formatting Callisto interface Comparing two user corpus 21 22 23 25 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Online Annotation Process Annotation online tools Interface Annotation gudeline form Interface Review Tool Interface Compare two documents interface 29 31 32 35 36 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Inter Annotation Agreements result of two User Evaluate accuracy rate for each Entity kind Evaluate online corpus accuracy rate for each entity kind Name entity recognition system architecture Jape rule to recognize Person entity Performance on the training data using strict criteria Performance on test data using strict criteria Performance on the test data using lenient criteria 43 44 47 52 55 57 57 58 v z List of Tables 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 An example of par corpus which annotate bu two user B) frequency annotated documents Inter annotation agreements in online annotation User corpus accurate rate in online method Time spent to quality control corpus Time spent During annotation process Quality control time in online framework user (User A and vi z 42 45 46 46 49 50 51 Chapter Introduction 1.1 Overview Name Entity recognition(NER) The ability to determine the named entities in a text has been established as an important task for several natural language processing areas, including information retrieval, machine translation, information extraction and language understanding The term ”Named Entity” widely use in Nature Language Processing(NLP), was coined for the Sixth Message Understanding Conference(MUC-6) At the time, MUC was focusing in Information Extraction(IE) tasks where structured information of computer activities and defense related activities is extracted from unstructured text,such as newspaper articles In defining tasks,people noticed that it is essential to recognize information units like names including: Person, organization and location names and numerics expression including: time, date, money, percent expression Identifying references to these entities in text was recognition as one of the importance sub- task of IE and was called ”Name Entity Recognition and Classification” The computational research aiming at automatically identifying named entities z Chapter Introduction in texts forms a vast and heterogeneous pool of strategies, methods and representations One of the first research papers in the field was presented by Lisa F Rau (1991) at the Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications In genreral, each NER researches which have been devoted have to solve four problems: Language, Input,Kind of entity, and learning method Languages: NER have been applied to several languages There are many good researches for English NER, they have solved language independence and multilingualism problems German is well studied in CONLL-2003 and in earlier works Similarly, Spanish and Dutch are strongly represented, boosted by a major devoted conference: CONLL -2002 (Collins, 2002) Chinese is studied in some researches (Wang et al., 1992),(Computer et al., 1996), (Yu et al., 1998) and so are French (Petasis et al., 2001), (And, 2003), Greek (Karkaletsis et al., 1999) and Italian (Black et al., 1998), (Cucchiarelli & Velardi, ) Many other languages received some attention as well: Basque (Whitelaw & Patrick, 2003), Bulgarian (Silva et al., 2004), Catalan (Carreras et al., 2003),Hindi (Cucerzan & Yarowsky, 1999), Romania (Cucerzan & Yarowsky, 1999), Swedish (Kokkinakis, 1998) and Turkish (Cucerzan & Yarowsky, 1999) Portuguese was examined by(Palmer et al., 1997) In Vietnamese, there are some NER research is apply, for example VN- KIM (Nguyen & Cao, 2007)IE system have just Format input NER research have been applied to many format of documents: General text, email, scientific text, journalistic,ect and mamy domain: sport, business,literature, etc Each system usually direct specific format and domain (Maynard et al., 2001) Designed a system for email, scientific texts and religious texts (Minkov & Wang, 2005) created a system specifically designed for email documents Now day, studies z 5.5 Summary 59 Time costing: We evaluate to kind of time costing: Annotation time and Quality control time From result, we see that the framework is need to improve to more friendly and convenient Application: We using my corpus to train and test our NER system All though my system built based on Rule based But accurate rate system is 83% it higher than some pulish report : NER system using CRF [11](80%),and VN-KIM IE System (Nguyen & Cao, 2007) (81%) Conclusion, our experiments is such importance, it furnish a lot of information about my corpus, and some trend to improve system z Chapter Conclusion And Future work 6.1 Conclusion After the time study The main target of My thesis is release some solutions to solve building corpus for name entity recognition(NER) domain, and built a NER system, which use the our NER corpus to train and test The thesis include five chapters: • Chapter one: Introduction: Overview NER research and some approach to built NER system.And We expose problem • Chapter two: Related word: Overview some research in the world to built NLP corpus in general and NER corpus in particular So that we localize my directly study • Chapter three: Building corpus process: Describe a process build a general corpus Then, we apply to build Vietnamese corpus by off line tools • Chapter four: Online corpus Framework: We base on building corpus process to build a online framework for annotating It will overcome off-line tools disadvantage 60 z 6.1 Conclusion 61 • Chapter five: Evaluation: Present about my experiments and evaluate result And describe our NER system using corpus we built The thesis distribute includes: • We release a building corpus process Which include three steps: Build annotation guide line, annotate document and quality control • We apply the process to build NER corpus by offline tools method Offline tools method is a manual way use desktop programs, In the thesis we used Callisto to annotate We built tools to quality control in two level: Document level and corpus level • We build a online annotation framework to overcome offline method disadvantage The online frame work have some features – Annotation will be executed though Internet environments (Annotate anytime, anywhere) – Automate all steps in process: Manage files, distribute to annotator, etc – Enable lager number annotator join – Quality control corpus in many level • Our online anntation frame work is not only applied to build NER corpus, but it also is used to buil other corpus such as annotate noun phrase, verb prase • we have been a Vietnamese NER system The system use corpus as train set, and test set However Our online annotate framework exists some disadvantage which can list that: z 62 Chapter Conclusion And Future work • The process still include some manual step Instead of annotated directive row documents,we can rowly annotated the documents so that performance is higher • The tools interface is not friendly, sometime it brings some trouble for annotator and supervisor • By limited time, My corpus include seventy document, about 1200 sentences and over 20000 words, it not such complete enough to NER system • etc So that in future, we have a lot of work to improve my study All works we list in next section future work 6.2 Future work Although our research release some good result, We need doing more work that improve the result Some work we can list include: Create corpus is bigger and more quality, Based on exist tools we integrate them and add other tools, and build NER systems more accurate 6.2.1 Create corpus bigger and more quality Our corpus include 66 documents(offline corpus) and 44 documents (online corpus) So that is is quite small, we need annotated more documents In the future, based online tools, many people join to annotate, and supervise So that increasing corpus is not difficult z 6.2 Future work 6.2.2 63 Improve online annotation framework In the future, we take interest to develop online annotate framework There is a list of work to improve the framework: • Improve framework interfaces, make tools friendly and conveniently • Add many level to quality control corpus: Documents level, corpus level, explain errors • Add some option that allow system not only annotate for name entity domain but also using many annotate problems, for example annotate verb phrase, noun phrase,etc • etc 6.2.3 Building NER system base statistical In our research, we only built NER system base set of rules Although it bring good results for us, we need improve system, base on the corpus we can build NER system based statistical to improve accurate, furthermore we will combine both rule base and machine learning for identifying name entity Conclusion, In this domain we have a lot of work to solve problem so that the work will continue, in nearly future the system will be perfect And it is a useful tools to support NER studies particular and NLP in general z Appendix A Name Entity guideline A.1 A.1.1 Basic concepts Entity and Entity Name • Entity: Entity is a object or a set of object in the nature world • Mention: Instance of entity A.1.2 Instance of entity • Proper Name: Name entity • Noun or noun phrase: • Pronoun A.1.3 List of Entities • Person::person ’s proper name 64 z A.2 Entity classification 65 • Organization::are proper name called for entities which established by a certain hierarchical structure • Facility:Proper name called for construct and architecture entities which is built by people such as: stadium, museum, and station • Location:Proper name called for geography entities or geographical • Religion: Proper name of regigion organization A.1.4 Entities recognize rules • No names nested.A new name is recognized only when the old name has ended • In the case of nested between names,only received the longest name(longest matching) For example: Thành phố HỒ Chí Minh đẹp Ho Chi Minh city is very beautiful Do not recognize Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh A.2 A.2.1 Entity classification Person Include full name and short name( first name or last name) For example: thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng Mguyen Tan Dung prime minister chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh Ho Chi Minh president z 66 Chapter A Name Entity guideline Notice: these is not Person Phrase denote indirectly person chủ tịch nước Việt Nam Vietnam president bóng vàng Việt Nam 2008 Golden Ball 2008 Identification • prefix – vocation prefix: Ơng Nguyễn Minh Triết Mr Nguyen Minh Triet Cô Lý Mrs Ly – special cases: for example: Bà Trương; bà Triệu – Family Relation prefix: Dì Ninh; Chú Diệu; Anh Bắc Auntie Ninh, Uncle Dieu, Cousin Bac – political - social status prefix Thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Giám đốc Giang Prime minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Director Giang z A.2 Entity classification 67 • suffix : a words after person is usually active verb: For example play, cry, smile A.2.2 Organization • Political- government Organizations Văn phịng phủ, Công an thành phố Hà Nội Government Office,Hanoi police • Economic Organizations Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Tân hịa phát, Tập đồn FPT Tan Hoang Phat Co., Ltd.,FPT Corporation • Education Organizations Trường Đại HỌc cơng nghệ, HỌc viện Ngân hàng University of Technology, Academy of Bank • Medicine Organizations Bệnh viện Bạch Mai Bach Mai Hospital • Other Organizations z 68 Chapter A Name Entity guideline Hội trữ thập đỏ Red Cross Identification:Organization usually stay after these prefix: Company,Corporation, Schools, hospital A.2.3 Location Location is Geography entity such as: territory, places, rivers, streams • name of city, county, district, road which administrative create by people Thành phố Hồ Hhí Minh, Quận Tây Hồ Ho Chi Minh City, Tay Ho District However, In the cases: tiểu khu 8, quận (8 sub-area, district) they are location • island, ocean, see (Nature Location) Sơng hồng, Đảo Bạch Long Vĩ, Châu Á Hong river, Bach Long vi Island, Asia • National and nationality Cơ hướng dẫn viên du lịch người Hoa Cheese guided tour Việt Nam thành viên Asean Vietnam is a menber of Asean Identification: Before location prefix such as: in, stay, out,etc z A.2 Entity classification A.2.4 69 Facility Facility are thing which people built, in general they are building and architecture things such as: stadium, museum, station For example: Tòa nhàHITC xây HITC building is being re-built A.2.5 Religion Name of Religion organization such as: Buddhism, Christianity Tôi người theo đạo phật I am a Buddhist z Bibliography Adam Przepiorkowski, Rafal L Gorski, B L.-T., & Lazinski, M (2008) Towards the national corpus of polish Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’08) Marrakech, Morocco: 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