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Luận văn thạc sĩ techniques for organizing communicative activities in pải work and group work for the 1st year students at tourism faculty, thanh hoa university of culture, sports and tourism

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - - TÀO THỊ THU THẢO TECHNIQUES FOR ORGANIZING COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IN PAIR WORK AND GROUP WORK FOR THE 1ST YEAR STUDENTS AT TOURISM FACULTY, THANH HOA UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM (Những thủ thuật tổ chức hoạt động giao cặp, nhóm cho sinh viên năm thứ khoa Du Lịch, trường Đại học Văn hoá, Thể thao, Du lịch Thanh Hoá ) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60 14 10 Hanoi, 2013 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES - - TÀO THỊ THU THẢO TECHNIQUES FOR ORGANIZING COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IN PAIR WORK AND GROUP WORK FOR THE 1ST YEAR STUDENTS AT TOURISM FACULTY, THANH HOA UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM (Những thủ thuật tổ chức hoạt động giao cặp, nhóm cho sinh viên năm thứ khoa Du Lịch, trường Đại học Văn hoá, Thể thao, Du lịch Thanh Hoá ) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60 14 10 Supervisor: M.A Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm Hanoi, 2013 z TABLE OF CONTENTS Candidate’s statement i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii List of abbreviations iv List of tables and charts iv Table of contents v PART A: INTRODUCTION I Rationale II Aims of the study III Scope of the study IV Research questions V Methods of the study VI Significance of the study VII Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT Chapter I: Theoretical Background I.1 Communicative language teaching I.2 Communicative activities I.2.1 Definition of Communicative activities I.2.2 Types of Communicative activities I.3 Interactions in speaking classes I.3.1 Definition of Classroom Interaction I.3.2 Speaking skill in language teaching and learning I.3.3 Types of interactions in speaking class I.4 Pair work and group work in speaking classes I.4.1 Definition of pair work I.4.2 Definition of group work I.4.3 Advantages of pair work and group work v z I.4.4 Some common activities for pair work and group work 10 I.5 Review of previous studies 12 I.6 Summary 12 Chapter II: Methodology 14 II.1 Background of the study 14 II.1.1 An overview of the research site 14 II.1.2 Descriptions of English teachers, teaching method and teaching material in TUCST 14 II.1.3 Descriptions of students at TUCST 15 II.1.4 Descriptions of teaching and learning of English speaking skills for the first year students at Tourism Faculty through organizing pair work and group work 15 II.2 Methodology 15 II.2.1 Participants 15 II.2.2 Research instruments 16 II.2.3 Data analysis 17 II.3 Presentation of statistical results 17 II.3.1 The result of language learning survey questionnaires and direct interview 17 II.3.1.1 Students’ opinions on speaking skill 17 II.3.1.2 Students’ opinions on the use of pair work, group work in speaking class 18 II.3.1.3 Students’ recommendation for the success of pair and group work 19 II.3.1.4 Students’ appreciation on how useful pair work and group work are to improve their learning speaking English after the 1st semester 21 II.3.2 The result of language teaching survey questionnaires and direct interview 23 II.3.2.1 Teachers’ opinions on speaking skill 23 II.3.2.2 Teachers’ appreciation of using pair work, group work 24 II.3.2.3 Teachers’ implemention of pair work, group work in current speaking classes 25 II.3.2.4 Teacher’s appreciation on how useful pair work and group work are vi z 27 to improve student’s learning speaking English after the 1st semester II.4 Summary 28 Chapter III: Finding and Discussion 29 III.1 Research questions restated 29 III.2 How pair work and group work are used in English speaking classes of the st year students at Tourism Faculty, TUCST? 29 III.3 What are useful techniques of pair work and group work to the st year students in learning speaking English? 31 III.3.1 The useful techniques of pair work and group work to the st year students in learning speaking English 31 III.3.2 The use of suggested activities at TUOCST 33 III.3.3 Sample lesson plan 34 PART C: CONCLUSION 38 I Conclusions 38 II Limitations of the study 39 III Suggestions for further research 39 REFERENCES 40 Appendix 1: Questionnaires for students Appendix 2: Questionnaires for teachers Appendix 3: Interview questions for students Appendix 4: Interview questions for teachers vii z PART A: INTRODUCTION I Rationale In Vietnam, English is taught not only at all colleges and universities, but also almost every high school and it is considered as a compulsory subject at secondary school To meet the demand of learners, the teaching English in Vietnam has been changing By applying various new approaches, methods, and techniques, English teaching has shift from the traditional grammar translation approach to the communicative approach According to Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), the purpose of language teaching and learning is to develop communicative competence in the target language In the view of this approach, the learner is considered the center of the leaning process; the teacher serves as a facilitator, allowing students to be in change of their own learning In learner-centered approach, the choice of teaching methods are often more complicated than the construction of many teaching objectives Some authors suggest that this type of work can carry out in two periods In the first period, teachers need to find the student's experience and learning methods they prefer, and with their existing experience, teachers can select appropriate teaching methods In the second stage, teachers need to engage the active participation of students in planning their academic programs This work can be done by encouraging students to think, to engage in learning activities organized by teachers in a positive, proactive and creative way Therefore, the organization of learning activities for students have a special role and it’s very important for teachers to pay attention in setting teaching program Two common forms of class organization are working in pairs (Pair work) and working in group (Group work) In the context of Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports and Tourism, English is taught as a compulsory subject for the 1st year students of Tourism Faculty These students are future tour guides who learn English in order to be able to communicate well in their future job All the teachers here have been trying their best to help their students in learning communicative skills well Both of them are aware of the importance and benefits of using pair work, group work to help improve the communicative skills of the first year students in Tourism Faculty However, they have faced many challenges in organizing these techniques during lessons, such as large classes; noises; lazy and passive students, etc z For all the above mentioned reasons, I have decided to carry out a research work in: “Techniques for organizing communicative activities in pair work and group work for the 1st year students at Tourism Faculty, Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports, and Tourism” This study is intended to make a small contribution on how to use the pair work, group work effectively and successfully in English teaching and learning practice in Viet Nam II Aims of the study: This study is aimed at: - finding out the use of pair work and group work in English speaking classes of the 1st year students at Tourism Faculty, TUCST - suggesting the useful techniques of pair work and group work to the 1st year students at Tourism Faculty in learning speaking English III Scope of the study: To improve communicative skills for students at TUCST, the teachers can make use of various techniques and a number of things should be done However, within the framework of a minor thesis, the researcher only intends to draw a brief overview of how are the pair work and group work used at TUCST Among for language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing, pair work and group work are used frequently in the speaking lessons Therefore, this research tends to find out the useful pair work and group work techniques in speaking classes Also, due to the time constraints, this study only involves a small number of English teachers and students in their first academic year of Tourism Faculty, TUCST IV Research question: This study was aimed to answer the following research questions: How pair work and group work are used in English speaking classes of the 1st year students at Tourism Faculty, TUCST? What are useful techniques of pair work and group work to the st year students at Tourism Faculty in learning speaking English? z V Methods of the study: In order to find out the answers to the research questions, both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to carry out the study The data were collected by means of questionnaires and interviews for English teachers and the first year students of Tourism Faculty at TUCST Besides that, reviewing the related documents from many published books written by different authors and collecting information from others previous studies are methods to establish the theoretical background of the study VI Significance of the study: This study is hoped to be used to both teachers and students of Tourism Faculty at TUCST This study has been able to contribute to teachers’ knowledge of communicative language teaching, communicative activities in general and pair work, group work in particular Besides that, from the finding of the study, teachers can be provided with important information which may be valuable for their future lesson planning On the other hand, the teachers’ transformation in pair work and group work implementation will be beneficial to the students VII Design of the study: This study consists of three parts: Introduction, Development, and Conclusion The development part comprises four chapters: + Chapter I: Theoretical Background + Chapter II: Methodology + Chapter III: Finding and Discussion z PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I THEORETICAL BACKGROUND In this chapter, a brief description of the theoretical knowledge relating to the study was provided It includes some concepts of CLT, communicative activities, interaction in the speaking class, pair work, group work I.1 Communicative language teaching (CLT) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the most influential language teaching methodology in the world Since the introduction of communicative language teaching in the late 1970s, there have been a variety of definitions and ideas about CLT: - “CLT views language as a system for the expression of meaning Activities involve oral communication, carrying out meaningful tasks, and using language, which is meaningful to the learners Objectives reflect the needs of the learners; they include functional skills as well as linguistic objectives The learner‟s role is as a negotiator and an integrator The teacher‟s role is as a facilitator of the communication process Materials promote communicative language use; they are task based and authentic” (Nunan 1989:194) Richards and Rodgers (1986) consider CLT as an approach rather than a method which comprises two sets of theories: assumption of what to teach, and assumption of how to teach In the first assumption, the purpose of language teaching is to develop "communicative competence" - a basic concept in CLT Hymes (1972) defines “communicative competence” as “what a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community” According to this, CLT has two following main aims pointed out by Richards and Rogers (1986:64): To make communicative competence the goal of language teaching To develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication The second assumption shows another point about CLT, that is: “its learner-centered and experience based view of second language teaching Students in this approach are seen to be able to play a more active and participatory part than in traditional approaches And therefore, the roles of teacher will be re-defined with the change of activity organization because each leaner is thought to have unique learning styles, needs and goals, which should be reflected in the design of the method of instruction.” (Richards and Rodgers, 2001:67) z To sum up, CLT is best considered an approach rather than a method It is most often defined as a list of general principles or characteristics One of the most recognized of these lists is David Nunan's (1991: 279) five characteristics of CLT: - An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language - The introduction of authentic texts in to the learning situation - The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning process itself - An enhancement of the learner‟s own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning - An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom These characteristics will be the principles for teachers to choose to improve their students’ participation in communicative activities in a language classroom Some ideas about communicative activities will be discussed in the next section I.2 Communicative activities I.2.1 Definition of Communicative activities: Communicative activities, defined by Littlewood (1981), are those that provide whole task practice, improve students’ motivation, allow natural learning and create a context supporting learning as well “In communicative activities the teacher creates a situation and sets an activity in notion, but it is the learners themselves who are responsible for conducting the interaction to its conclusion” (Littlewood, 1981: 18) Nolasco and Athur (1993) characterized communicative activities as follows: - They involve using language for a purpose - They create a desire to communicate This means there must be some kind of “gap” which may be information, opinion, or reason that students seek to bridge - They encourage students to be creative and contribute their ideas - They focus on the message and students concentrate on “what” they are saying rather than “how” they are saying it - The students work independently off the teacher - The students determine what they want to write and say The activity is not designed to control what the students will (Nolasco and Athur 1993: 58) z student can present his or her study to the class Moreover, students can interview each other and "introduce" his or her partner to the class Forthly, the findings of the questionnaire reveal that the majority of students and teachers at TUCST consider Information-gap activities effective in speaking lessons As for students, Information-gap activities are suitable for their language proficiency, so they can use English to communicate with their partner to accomplish the tasks given by teachers In terms of students’ participation, they are motivated to participate actively when the teachers give them an interesting topic or games These things are factors which help to encourage students to use English to communicate with their partner In addition, basing on the result of interview, the researcher also finds out that during information-gap activities, there is an increase in students’ talking time when they are required to work in pairs or groups Discussing and Opinion exchange activities attract the same amount of interest of most of students at TUCST, because they can talk freely and actively in pairs or groups In these activities, the teacher can form students in pairs or groups Then each group works on their topic for a given time period, and presents their opinions to the class It is essential that the speaking should be equally divided among group members At the end, the class decides on the winning group who defended the idea in the best way This activity fosters critical thinking and quick decision making, and students learn how to express and justify themselves in polite ways while disagreeing with the others On the other hand, some teachers show the opinions that these activities can makes noises as game activity And if teachers form a large group of 6-7 students or more, the quiet students may avoid contributing in speaking or students may use mother tongue rather than English However, in conclusion, Discussing and Opinion exchange are still the appropriate activities for students at TUCST The last three activities which common used in speaking classes are problem-solving, Drama, and Projects But because of the student’s low level of English proficiency and timeconsuming, both of TUCST’s teachers and the 1st year students don’t choose these activities as the most suitable ones According to teachers, they only use these activities for the students of 2nd or 3rd year who have basic English knowledge and learn for English special purposes In summary, it is evident that the most appropriate activities for the 1st students at Tourism Faculty, TUCST are Role-play, Interview, Information-gap, Game, Discussing, and Opinion exchange In the next part, the use of above activities in speaking lesson will be discussed 32 z III.3.2 The use of suggested activities at TUCST: As stated in 2.1.2, Lifelines – Elementary written by Tom Hutchinson was used as the course book to teach English This book is designed to help students developing all types of communicative skills which includes grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, writing and speaking In this book, speaking was taught with listening skill and but most of teachers and the author often separate teaching speaking with listening skill by combining both teaching book and self-design lesson plans Both of teachers spend two or three periods each unit for teaching speaking And because of that time for speaking, the activities as role-play, game, interview, information-gap, discussing, opinion exchange are often organized for students during pair and group work From the teaching experiences of authors and interview’s result of other English teachers, it can be seen that pair work and group work activities are used through 14 units of the book Lifelines – Elementary depending on the students’ English proficiency level and the aims of each unit Some of them are designed according to the teaching guide’s book, some of them are self-designed by teachers The followings are the author’s design of using pair and group work activities in speaking lessons in the first semester of the first school year The curriculum of the st semester includes units which provide to students the basic knowledge of English and help them to communicate in English into daily context From Unit to Unit 4, the aim of teaching and learning is that students can use English to speak some simple topics such as talking about personal information, abilities; or introducing about family, friends So the activities of Game, Role-play, Interview are often designed to create the comfortable and interesting learning asmosphere for students It mainly focuses on attracting students’ participation and interest in learning process In the next part from Unit to Unit 8, students have to speak some more complicated topics through learning grammar structures such as the simple present, past simple Therefore, teachers can use Discussing, Opinion exchange besides the activities mentioned above In conclusion, it can be seen that these activities of pair work and group work are suitable and beneficial for both teachers and students of TUCST And in order to organize pair work and group work successfully, it is necessary that teachers need to work closely to students so as to understand more about their desires in learning speaking through pair and group work From that, teachers should use the appropriate activities which helpful for students’ level and learning target In the end of this chapter, the author’s sample lesson plan is showed as an example of using pair work and group work activities in speaking lesson 33 z 3.3.3 The sample lesson plan: LIFELINE ELEMENTARY Date of preparing: 5/2/ 2012 Class: Tourism Period: UNIT 5: LIKES AND DISLIKES LISTENING AND SPEAKING: “Going out?” (45’) A Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - make a suggestion - respond to suggestion - practice skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing B Teaching- aids: - Lesson plan, textbooks, computer C Methods: - individual work, pair work , group work - Some techniques can be used:word cues, picture drill and discussions D Class Activities I Greeting and participation checking: (1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? II Warm up III Presentation and Practice: [[[ Teacher's activities Ss' activities I Pre-speaking (10’) I Models -T shows to Ss some pictures and asks them to make the suggestions Ss look at the pictures and try to make the suggestions 34 z P1: suggest having dinner at the restaurant P2: suggest going to the cinema P3: suggest playing football -T corrects and asks Ss to complete the expressions in Conversation pieces: - Ss complete the expressions in Conversation pieces: Why/ Shall/ Would/ Let ’s go out - Let’s go out we go out? - Shall we go out? don’t we go out? - Why don’t we go out? you like to go out? - Would you like to go out? - T corrects and asks Ss to find the better ways of agreeing and disagreeing in Conversations pieces in page 95 - Ss choose some answers: Agreeing: - That would be nice - Good idea Disagreeing: - I’m afraid I can’t - T corrects and asks Ss to draw out the structures from the suggestions they have just made - Ss take note + Structures: Suggestions: - T elicits other possible structures of suggestions and responses to suggestions from Ss Let‟s + V Why + don‟t + S + V ? Would you like + to V ? - T copies them on the board Shall + S+ V ? Responses Agreeing Disagreeing Thatwould be nice I‟m afraid I can‟t Good idea I‟m sorry i‟m busy OK It‟s fine 35 z Ss copy down II While speaking (24’) II Practice: -T asks Ss to work in pairs to practise the conversation Ss work in pair - exchange * Word cue drill: S1: Why don’t we go to the cinema tonight? S2: I’m afraid I’m busy tonight a go out / meal/ Saturday night S1: Let’s go bowling b meet / lunch S2: All right c go / bowling d go / cinema -T does the example with one students T: Would you like to meet for lunch? S: That’s good idea * Pictures cue drill: -Asking Ss to look at the pictures at page 95 and work in pairs to make conversations : Ss work in pairs Example: A: Suggest going out or away A: Would you like to go out at the weekend? B: Agree B: OK Where shall we go? A: Ask for a suggestion A: Shall we go to the zoo? B: Suggest somewhere B: Good idea What time shall we go? A: Agree and ask about the time B: Suggest the time A: decide on the next action B: Answer III.Post speaking : (8’) III Discussions: Discussions: Ss work in groups of three to discuss -Asking Ss to work in group of three to 36 z make plans for one of the following + a weekend away Each group has a secretary to write out their discussing results +a night out Ss report their discussing before the class + a free afternoon T goes round and helps Ss while discussing Ask some group to report their discussing before the class IV Consolidation:( minute) - Ask ss to remind the lesson V Closing: ( minute) - Revise the old lesson - Prepare for the next period E.EVALUATION: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37 z PART C: CONCLUSION This final part aims to summarize the study and recommend further research I Conclusions The study was carried out at two classes from Tourism Faculty at TUCST in order to research the techniques for organizing pair and group work in speaking class With the use of instruments such as two questionnaires, and interviews for both students and teachers at TUCST, the researcher has found out the answers to her three research questions as mentioned in part I - Introduction It is true that both of English teachers and the students of Tourism Faculty, TUCST saw the importance of speaking skill in their future job Most of them were interested in this skill compared to other skills such as listening, writing and reading They also knew good speaking skill could help them to communicate successfully About the way to learn speaking, pair work and group work were considered the most interesting activities because of many benefits for teaching and learning process And both of the teachers and students have been trying to make use of the advantages group work activities bring about For the students, firstly, pair and group work activities helped them to be more confident, especially with shy and weak students as they were given time to prepare, to check mistakes with friends before speaking Secondly, students also have more chance to speak English, to get closer to their friends and they can learn each other Pair and group work helped them to be more independent from their teacher, so their motivation of learning was increased This is really the better way compared with the way they learnt from their teacher The teachers also had some advantages from this The first is the teacher freed herself/ himself from being “an expert who always lectures” The teacher had more time for each small group to get closer to the students Therefore, the students’ mistakes were corrected and their weaknesses were limited too Because of many advantages, both the teachers and the students confirmed the frequency of the use of these two techniques in their English classes They shared the same opinions on the way of organizing and managing pair work and group work Some most favorite activities teachers and students often use in pair work and group work are Games, Role - play, Discussing, Interview, Information gap… For the main aim of this research, the author found out that the learning speaking English of students was improved after the st semester of learning through pair and group work To be specific, the students felt more confident, comfortable and relaxed in working in pairs and in small groups Besides, working 38 z in pairs or in groups, the interaction between students were better as they could discuss freely, and learn from each other as well Therefore, their desire to learn and their interest in the lesson were really increased However, there were some factors which needed considering when pair work and group work activities took place First of all, before asking students to work in pairs and in groups, teachers should have given clear instructions, and provided students with necessary vocabulary Moreover, to get the whole class involved in the lesson, the teacher should have moved around the class and helped the students if necessary Also, if the teacher had praised students properly, they would have worked more effectively In addition, the way of grouping students should be suitable for the task given and might encourage students to work more effectively as well Students liked to work with the ones who were at higher level of proficiency Therefore, students with different proficiency level should be arranged to sit together Also, the number of students in each group shouldn’t be too large As found from the data collection, the suitable number for a group was or students II Limitations of the study Because of the limitation of time, this study has some limitations It only investigated the current situation of using pair work and group work in some communicative English classes at TUCST The respondents of the study were limited to the first - year students of Tourism Faculty, so their opinions about using pair work and group work could not be considered as representative of all students learning English as a foreign language at TUCST III Suggestions for further research This study researchs the techniques for organizing pair work and group work in speaking lesson in order to help improving students’ speaking skill As no single research design is all-inclusive and complete, this study can not cover everything in its field of study Many untouched issues will be interesting topics for further research such as: - A study on organizing pair work and group work to improve listening skills - Strategies for managing pair work and group work activities in speaking classes for the students of the 2nd year 39 z REFERENCES: Bygate, M.( 1987), Speaking, Oxford University Press Byrne D (1983), Teaching Oral English, London: Longman Doff, A (1988) Teach English: A training course for teachers Cambridge: CUP Duong, Luu Thuy ( 2006), An investigation into the use of pair and group work in the speaking class of 1st year students at Hanoi Open University, Faculty of Tourism Ellis,R & Fotos,S (1999) Learning a Second Language through interation Oxford: Oxford University Press Hammer, J (1991) The Practice of English Language Teaching New York: Longman Publishing Hedge, T (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom Oxford: Oxford University Press Hymes, D (1972) On Communicative Competence Harmondsworth: penguin Kayi, H (2006) Teaching speaking: Activities to promote speaking in a second language The Internet TESL Journal, 12 (11) Retrieved April 20,2011from http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Kayi-Teaching Speaking.html 10 Lightbown, P M and Spada, N (1999) How languages are learned, Oxford: Oxford University Press 11 Little, W (1981) Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction, Cambridge: CUP 12 Long, M H., & Porter, P (1985) Group work, interlanguage talk, and second language acquisition TESOL Quarterly 19, 2, 207-27 13 McDonough, K (2004) Learner-learner interaction during pair and small group activities in a Thai EFL context System, 32, 207-224 14 Nolasco, R and Athur, L (1993) Large Classes London: Macmillan 15 Nunan D (1989), Desining Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Great Britain: Cambridge University Press 16 Nunan, D (1991) Language Teaching Methodology, London: Prentice Halls 17 Phuong, Mai Thi (2008), Organizing pair work and group work in the context of high school classroom at Pham Van Nghi Upper secondary school, Nam Dinh 18 Richards J C and Rodgers T S (1986), Approaches to Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press 40 z 19 Richard, C and Rodges, T S 2001 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 20 Thurmond, V & Wambach, K (2004-2006) Understanding Interaction in Distance Education: A Review of the Literature « www.itdl.org/journal/jan04/article02.htm» 21 Ur, P (1996) A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, Cambridge: CUP 22 Wagner, E.D (1994) In Support of a Functional Definition of Interaction: The American Journal of Distance Education 8(2) 6-26 23 http://www.silinternational.net/lingualinks/LANGUAGELEARNING/WaysToApproa chLanguageLearning/CommunicativeLanguageTeaching.htm 41 z APPENDIX Questionnaires Language learning survey PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA DÀNH CHO SINH VIÊN Những câu hỏi thiết kế để điều tra việc sử dụng hoạt động cặp, nhóm học nói sinh viên năm thứ khoa Du lịch, trường ĐH Văn hóa, thể thao, du lịch Thanh Hóa Rất mong bạn trả lời câu hỏi cách trung thực Mọi thông tin bạn đưa giữ bí mật hồn tồn để phục vụ cho mục đích nghiên cứu Cảm ơn giúp đỡ bạn Bạn nghĩ tầm quan trọng việc học nói tiếng Anh? A Bạn phải học mơn bắt buộc chương trình học tiếng Anh trường tơi b.Bạn học để vượt qua kỳ thi nói bắt buộc trường c Nói tiếng anh cần thiết cho cơng việc tương lai bạn d Học nói tiếng Anh niềm yêu thích bạn Bạn quan tâm đến kỹ nói mức độ nào? a quan tâm c b vừa phải d khơng quan tâm Bạn thích thực hành kỹ nói theo cách nào? a theo cá nhân b theo cặp nhóm nhỏ c với lớp d trả lời giáo viên đưa câu hỏi e nghe giáo viên nói ghi chép Giáo viên bạn có thường xuyên sử dụng hoạt động cặp, nhóm học nói khơng? a Thường xun c Rất b Thỉnh thoảng d Không Các hoạt động cặp, nhóm mà giáo viên tổ chức học nói có giúp ích cho bạn khơng? (Hãy khoanh tròn lựa chọn bạn) a tăng thời gian nói cho sinh viên b nâng cao độc lập hợp tác SV nói c tạo hội cho SV hay thụ động xấu hổ thể thân d tăng động lực học nói cho SV e SV học tập lẫn Bạn thích giáo viên tổ chức hoạt động sau làm việc theo cặp, nhóm học nói Hãy khoanh trịn lựa chọn bạn: a Role playing (Đóng vai) b Information gap (Điền thơng tin) c Game (Trị chơi) d Problem solving and decision making (Giải vấn đề đưa định) I z e Interview (phỏng vấn) f Projects (lên kế hoạch) g Discussing ( Thảo luận) h Drama (Đóng kịch) i Opinion exchange (Trao đổi ý kiến) Bạn thích ghép cặp ghép nhóm với thực hoạt động bạn chọn câu ? a Những bạn có trình độ tiếng Anh với bạn b Những bạn có trình độ tiếng Anh cao bạn c Những bạn có trình độ tiếng Anh thấp bạn d Những bạn ngồi bên cạnh xung quanh bạn e Những người bạn thích Bạn thích giáo viên làm hoạt động cặp, nhóm? Hãy khoanh trịn lựa chọn bạn a Đưa dẫn cụ thể, rõ ràng b Cung cấp từ vựng, kiến thức ý kiến cần thiết c Đi xung quanh giúp đỡ cần thiết d Giảm thời gian nói giáo viên sinh viên thực hành d Không ngắt lời để sửa lỗi bạn nói e Đưa nhận xét, khen ngợi khuyến khích Theo bạn, giáo viên nên chuẩn bị để tổ chức hoạt động cặp, nhóm hiệu học nói? a Đưa hướng dẫn cụ thể b Cung cấp kiến thức từ vựng cần thiết c Đi xung quanh nhóm giúp đỡ cần thiết d Giảm bớt thời gian nói giáo viên e Không ngắt lời sinh viên thảo luận f Ln có nhận xét, đánh giá khen ngợi sau hoạt động g Không làm h Ý kiến khác …………………………………………………… 10 Bạn có thích hoạt động cặp nhóm học nói khơng? a Rất thích b Thích c Khơng thích d Chán 11 Sau kỳ học, tham gia hoạt động cặp, nhóm giúp ích cho việc học kỹ nói bạn? a Tăng niềm u thích học nói tiếng Anh b Tăng tham gia học nói tiếng Anh c Khơng giúp ích nhiều d Ý kiến khác ………………………………………………… II z APPENDIX Questionnaires Language teaching survey This survey is designed for my research into the using of pair and group work in the speaking class of the 1st year students of Tourism Faculty at TUOCST Your assistance in completing the survey is highly appreciated You can be confident that the data collected are solely for the study purpose Thank you very much for your cooperation How much time is plan for teaching speaking? a one period in each unit of periods b two period in each unit of periods c three period in each unit of periods d none According to you, how are students assessed on the speaking skill? a very interested b interested c not much interested d not interested What techniques are often used in your speaking classes? a Delivering the lecture b Individual work c Questioning d Pair work and group work e Others (please specify)……………………………………… How often you use pair and group work in your speaking classes? a very often b often c not very often d never Please tick the benefits below of pair work and group work: a It increases the students’ speaking time b It promotes students’ independence and cooperation c It improves students’ motivation d Shy and passive students have more chance of expressing themselves e Students can learn from each other f It decreases the teacher speaking time g It kills time h Others (please specify)……………………………………… What kind of activities you often use for pair work and group work in teaching speaking ? Please circle: a Role - play d Problem solving g Discussing b Information gap e Interview h Drama c Games f Projects i Opinion exchange III z How you create pair work and group work? a Students of the same English proficiency level b Students of higher English proficiency level c Students of lower English proficiency level d Students sitting next or near to each other e Students of the same interest What you often when the students are working in pairs and groups? a Give clear instruction with examples b provide necessary vocabulary and functional language c Go round monitoring students’ performance and help if necessary d Minimize teacher’s talking time e not to interrupt when students’ talking time f Always provide feedback, praise and encourage the students g Do nothing h Others (please specify)…………………………………………………… What you think about the students’ attitude to pair work and group work activities? a Very interested b Interested 10 According to you , how useful pair work and group work are to improve student’s learning speaking English after the 1st semester? a Increase students’ interest in learning speaking English b Increase students’ participation in speaking lesson c Not very useful d Others (please specify)…………………………………………………… IV z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:47