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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ********************* TRỊNH THỊ HIỀN ASTUDY ON IMPROVING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS THROUGH PROCESS-BASED APPROACH FOR STUDENTS IN AN IELTS PREPARATION COURSE (ACADEMIC, TARGET BAND 6.5) AT EQUEST ENGLISH CENTER, HANOI Nghiên cứu cải thiện kỹ viết luận bằng đường hướng tiếp cân theo quá trình cho học viên theo học khoá học luyện thi IELTS (bài thi học thuật, mục tiêu 6.5) tại trung tâm Anh ngữ EQuest, Hà Nội M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 60140111 HANOI - 2017 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ********************* TRỊNH THỊ HIỀN ASTUDY ON IMPROVING ESSAY WRITING SKILLS THROUGH PROCESS-BASED APPROACH FOR STUDENTS IN AN IELTS PREPARATION COURSE (ACADEMIC, TARGET BAND 6.5) AT EQUEST ENGLISH CENTER, HANOI Nghiên cứu cải thiện kỹ viết luận bằng đường hướng tiếp cân theo quá trình cho học viên theo học khoá học luyện thi IELTS (bài thi học thuật, mục tiêu 6.5) tại trung tâm Anh ngữ EQuest, Hà Nội M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor : Dr Trần Thị Thu Hiền HANOI - 2017 z DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis “A study on improving essay writing skills through process-based approach for students in an IELTS preparation course ( Academic, target band 6.5) at EQuest English center, Hanoi.” is my own work and effort has not been submitted anywhere for any purpose In addition, the contributions of my colleagues and students are involved Other sources of information have been used and acknowledged I cede copyright of the thesis in favor of Post-graduate Department- Vietnam National University Hanoi, 2017 Signature Trinh Thi Hien i z ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest thanks to my supervisor Dr Tran Thi Thu Hien who has enthusiastically helped and encouraged me during the period of writing this research paper Without her experienced guidance, valuable comments and tireless support, I could not have completed the study on time My gratitude also goes to all of the instructors in my M.A course at the Postgraduate Studies, College of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University With their precious and professional lecturers and tutors, I can understand thoroughly difficult basic concepts regardless English teaching methodology I am also very grateful to my colleagues at EQuest, English center, Hanoi, who have created favorable conditions for me and have helped me with priceless advice and suggestion on this research I also give my sincere thanks to all 10 students accompanying with my during the 12-week course of the research Without them, I could not have these data as convincing evidence for my study Last but not least, I would like to send my thanks to my beloved relatives, close friends and classmates who are always by my side and give me a lot of support Thanks to them, I have more motivation and inspiration to complete this study on time Hanoi, 2017 Trinh Thi Hien ii z ABSTRACT The present study intended to examine the effectiveness of process-based approach on improving the IELTS writing essay‟s skills among EQuest learners To this end, 10 Vietnamese intermediate EFL students aged 17-25 were selected from among available learners who ever joined more than one of the IELTS preparation course based on the result of the Cambridge Placement Test (CPT) Initially, a pre-survey questionnaire was carried out Next, using the CPT as a pretest for assessing writing skills of participants which were administered Then, they received the conventional classroom instruction on writing skills which were based on process-based approach After 10 weeks of instruction based on process-based approach, the questionnaire of autonomy was again done by 10 chosen students, and a post-test for writing was implemented to the participants in The raw data collected were subject to statistical analysis The results are evidence to prove the effectiveness of process-based approach on the proficiency of learners‟ writing essay skills iii z TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviations .vii List of tables and figures viii PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Rationale Aims of the study Research question Scope of the study Significance of the study Structure of study PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Previous studies 1.2 Approaches 1.2.1 Product-based approach 1.2.2 Genre-based approach 1.2.3 Process-based approach 1.3 Process-based approach 1.3.1 Definitions 1.3.2 Stages of process-based in essay writing 10 Steele‟s process-based writing cycle 10 Widodo‟s process-based writing cycle 10 1.3.3 Advantages and disadvantages of process-based approach 14 CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY 2.1 Setting 17 iv z 2.1.1 IELTS test 17 IELTS academic writing task 17 Public IELTS writing task band descriptors 18 2.1.2 EQuest language center, Hanoi 19 2.1.3 Participants 19 2.2 Research methods 20 2.2.1 Action research 20 2.2.2 Mixed method research 22 2.2.3 Action plan 23 2.3 Data collection instruments 24 2.3.1 Pre-survey and post-survey 24 2.3.2 Pre-test and post-test 25 2.3.3 Other instruments 25 In-depth interview 25 Observation and personal experience 25 2.4 Data collection procedure 26 2.5 Data analysis procedure 26 CHAPTER THREE: FINDING AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Survey Questionnaire Analysis 28 3.2 Pre-test and post-test Analysis 32 3.3 Summary 35 PART THREE: CONCLUSION Recapitulation 37 Implications 38 Limitations of the study 39 Suggestions for further study 40 REFERENCES 41 APPENDICES I v z LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CC: Coherence and Cohesion CPT: Cambridge Placement Test EFL: English as a Foreign Language ESL: English as a Second Language ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages GRA: Grammar Range and Accuracy IELTS: International English Language of Testing System LCD: Liquid crystal display LR: Lexical Resource MAP: Meaningful, Authentic and Purposeful Pre-S : Pre-survey Post-S : Post-survey TR : Task Response vi z LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Page Table 1: Differences between process-based, product-based approach and genre-based approach Figure 2.1: Action research cycle 21 Table 2.1: Action plan 23 Flow-chart 2.1: Steps of data collection procedure 26 Table 3.1: Results of pre-survey and post-survey in pre-writing stages 28 Table 3.2: Results of pre-survey and post-survey in while-writing stages 30 Table 3.3: Results of pre-survey and post-survey in post-writing stage 31 Table 3.4: Results of the pre-test 32 Table 3.5: Statistics of the pre-test result 33 Table 3.6: Results of the post-test 33 Table 3.7: Statistics of the post-test result 34 Table 3.8: Comparison of the pre-test and post-test 35 vii z PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Rationale There are skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing which are involved in learning a second language In fact, the fundamental skill that learners are supposed to master is writing Jordan (1997) stated that writing is a result of long, laborious and intensely personal process in which writers address several questions ranging from “What I write about? to Who is my audience ? to How I structure my essay?” and “to What sort of language and voice should I use?” Compared to other skills, writing needs greater demands on the learners because it is necessary to follow a process and to get feedback in written interaction which cannot see the immediate improvement The first reason why this thesis was chosen is that although students ever learned how to write an essay in one or two pre-IELTS courses, they still naturally write whenever they get the topic It is reflected in their unsatisfactory and disappointing outcome which are collected in the Cambridge Placement Test (CPT) It is not surprising because the learners in the traditional classes will be doing nothing further with their writing after three-hour class attendance and they often pay little or no attention to their teacher‟s comments or error correction As Parson (1985) highlighted in his research, under those conditions, the sense of ownership, invention or investment in the writing is highly ignorant and indifferent Next, it is true that the process has affected the quality of the process of teaching writing and learning writing In the time between 1970 and 1980, the process-oriented paradigm would be a big concern for current researchers and book writer such as Smith (2000), Applebee (1986), Faigley (1996) These most current studies on process-based approach have aims at investigating the application of process-based approach and its effects on the students writing achievement Indeed, writing is always one of the most important skills for all learners mostly because it is related to academic certificates and it also inspires students in a wide range of ways including self-study, diaries or some people interested in writing and editing z Faigley, L (1986) Competing theories of process: A critique and proposal College English, 48, 527-542 Ferris, D.R., & Hedgcock, J.S 2005 Teaching ESL composition: Purpose, process and practice New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Foong, K P 1999 Teaching writing: A look at purposes, writing tasks, and implication The English Teacher, 28 Retrieved July 31, 2006, from http://www.melta.orh.my/ET/1999/main3.html(Foong) Gabrielatos, C (2002) EFL writing: product and process Retrieved on 25 August 2010 from Harmer, J (2002) The Practice of English Language Teaching Longman, London pp 344 Harmer, J (2004) How to teach writing Essex: Pearson Education Limited Harmer, J 2007 The practice of English language teaching (4th ed.) Essex: Pearson Education Hasan, M K., & Akhand, M M (2010) Approaches to writing in EFL/ESL context: Balancing product and process approach in writing class at tertiary level NELTA Journal, 15(2), 77-87 Hedge, T (1994) “ Second language pedagogy: writing.” Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Pergamon / Elsevier Science: 3774-3778 Hedge, T ( 2003) Writing New York, Oxford University Press Kemmis, S., & Mctaggart, R (1982) The action research planner Geelong, Victoria: Deakin University Press Kirby, D., Kirby, D.L., & Liner, T 2004 Inside out: Strategy for teaching writing (3rd ed.) Portsmouth: Heinemann Kirszber, L.G., & Mandell, S.R 200 Writing first: Practice in context with readings Boston: Bedford/St Martin‟s Kroll, B (1990) What does time buy? ESL student performance in home versus class compositions In B Kroll (Ed.), Second language writing: Research insights for the classroom ( pp 140-154) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 42 z McLaughlin, B 1990 “Conscious” versus “unconscious” learning TESOL Quarterly, 24, 617-634 Muncie, J 2002 Finding a place for grammar in EFL composition classes ELTJ, 56, 180-186 Nunan, D (1991) Language teaching methodology: A textbook for teachers Edinburgh, Harlow, England: London Oshima, A., & Hogue, A 2006 Writing academic English (4th ed.) New York: Pearson Education Pincas, A 1982a Teaching English Writing London: Macmillan Pincas, A 1982b Writing in English London: Macmillan Rainmes, A (1983) Techniques in teaching writing NY: Oxford University Press Richards, J.C., & Renandya, W.A 2002 Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice, Cambridge University Press Samway, K D 2006 When English language learners write: Connecting research to practice, K-8 Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Seow, A 2002 The writing process and process writing In J.C Richards % W.A Renendya (eds.) Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice ( pp 315-320) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Shulman, L S (1987) The wisdom of practice: Managing complexity in medicine and teaching In Talks to teachers: A Festschrift for N.L Gage, ed D.C., Berliner and B.V Rosenshine New York: Random House Smith, F 1982 Writing and the writer London: Heinemann Steele, V (2004) Product and process writing Retrieved on 5th Sept 2010 from http://www.englishonline.org.cn/en/teachers/workshops/teachingwriting/teaching-tips/product-process Sommers, N (1982) Revision strategies of student writers and experienced adults writers College Composition and Communication, 31, 378-88 Terrible, C 1996 Writing Oxford: Oxford University Press 43 z Trible, C Writing (1996) Oxford: Oxford University Press Wallace, M., J., (1998) Action Research for Language Teachers Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Watskins, P 2004 Writing English Teaching Professional Issue, 30, 40-41 White, R (1988) Academic writing: process and product” In P.C Robinson (Ed.) Academic writing: process and product ELT documents 129 Modern English Publications and The British Council White, R & Arndt, V (1991) Process writing London: Longman 44 z APPENDICES Process-based writing cycle by Widodo (2006b) I z Writing task 2: band descriptors (public version) II z Syllabus IETLS writing task for the 10-week course No Topic Content Sub-skills Grammar Unit Education - Vocabulary related to “ Education “ - Paragraph and essay organization - How to use suitable and appropriate words/ phrases for introduction, body and conclusion - How to remember words and mind-map - Simple sentences and complex sentences - Present and past simple - Liking words Unit Environm ent - Vocabulary related to “ Environment “ - - How to generate ideas efficiently - How to recollect vocabulary quickly - How to recall structures accurately - Mix of simple, complex and compound sentences Unit Technolo gy - Vocabulary related to “ Technology “ - Use linking words effectively - How to use synonyms and antonyms - Relative clause Unit Health - Vocabulary related to “ Health “ - Account essay ( Discuss advantages and disadvantages ) - How to paraphrase effectively - How to organize the most important ideas to less ones - How to use words for personal ideas -Comparatives and superlatives Unit Transport ation - Vocabulary related to “ Transportation “ - Account essay ( Discuss advantages and disadvantages ) - How to give good explanation and suitable examples - How to manage time for task effectively - How to balance ideas in discussing - Passive voice - Passive voice for special cases III z Unit Crime - Vocabulary related to “ Crime “ - Discussion ( Discuss both view and opinion ) Unit Business - Vocabulary related to “ Business “ ( Discuss both view and opinion ) Unit Tourism - Vocabulary related to “ Tourism “ - Account essay (Causes and effects or causes and solutions ) Unit Revision - Account essay Vocabular (Causes and y effects or causes and solutions ) - How to use less common words - How to deal uncommon topics - How to revise lessons and re-organize ideas after getting feedbacks - How to learn from mistakes - How to improve from the first draft - How to be more motivated in writing - How to fulfill target for IELTS - How to be calm in the test - How to show agreement and disagreement - Introduce effective structure - How to write a counterargument - Practice writing a task in the test - How to edit and re-write the first draft Unit Revision - Argumentative 10 Vocabular essay y ( opinion ) IV z - False subject and cleft sentences - Preposition - Relative clauses -Inversion structures -Conditional sentence - Word choice - Noun form Pre-survey Questionnaire and Post-survey Questionnaire PRE-SURVERY QUESTIONNAIRE As part of my MA research at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies, Faculty of Post-graduate Studies Researcher made pre-survey questionnaire on finding out students‟ frequency in following stages (including pre-writing, while-writing and postwriting) of process-based writing cycle Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to complete all these questions below Part 1: General information Name (optional) Age _ Gender: Male / Female Email (optional) _ Years of study English: year □ years □ years □ Others: IELTS experience: month □ months □ year □ Others: Part 2: Process-based writing Please tick √ in the blank you have its frequency Never (1) Seldom (2) Sometimes (3) Often (4) Stages (1) Always (5) (2) Brain-storming ideas when you receive the PRE-WRITING task Getting ideas together (or mind-mapping ideas) Planning and outlining ideas Planning suitable structures and vocabulary V z (3) (4) (5) Making the first draft Revising (including checking grammar, WHILE_WRITING vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, coherence and cohesion etc.,) Re-planning your writing (which ideas should be written first, and which ideas should be put later etc.,) Redrafting (second writing after getting comments from peer-checks or facilitators) Editing (to learn something from the first and POST-WRITING second drafts) 10 Teacher‟s feedback on students‟ writing paper Thanks for your cooperation! VI z POST-SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE As part of my MA research at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies, Faculty of Post-graduate Studies Researcher made pre-survey questionnaire on finding out students‟ frequency in following stages (including pre-writing, while-writing and postwriting) of process-based writing cycle Please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to complete all these questions below Part 1: General information Name (optional) Age _ Gender: Male / Female Email (optional) _ Years of study English: year □ years □ years □ Others: IELTS experience: month □ months □ year □ Others: Part 2: Process-based writing Please tick √ in the blank in your frequency Never (1) Seldom (2) Sometimes (3) Often (4) Stages (1) Always (5) (2) Brainstorming ideas when you receive the PRE-WRITING task Getting ideas together (or mind-mapping ideas) Planning and outlining ideas Planning suitable structures and vocabulary VII z (3) (4) (5) Making the first draft Revising (including checking grammar, WHILE_WRITING vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, coherence and cohesion etc.,) Re-planning your writing (which ideas should be written first, and which ideas should be put later etc.,) Redrafting (second writing after getting comments from peer-checks or facilitators) 9.Editing (to learn something from the first and POST-WRITING second drafts) 10.Teacher‟s feedback on students‟ writing paper Supplementary question: After being taught the process-based writing approach in IELTS academic writing essay task 2, how is the effectiveness of this approach on your improvement of writing academic essay skills? □ not good □ normal □ very good □ Others: _ Thanks for your cooperation! VIII z Pre-test and Post-test PRE-TEST WRITING TASK : You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the folloing topic In many countries, people now wear Western-style dress (eg Suits and jeans ) rather than more traditional types of clothes Why is it ? Is this a positive or negative development ? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience Write at least 250 words IX z POST-TEST WRITING TASK 2: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the folloing topic It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction To what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to teach good behavior to children? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience Write at least 250 words Deep Interviews attached X z Lesson plan LESSON PLAN Unit 10 :WRITING IELTS TASK 2- Argumentative essay Teacher : Trịnh Thị Hiền Class : IELTS 6.5-962 Date : 30/ 08/ 2016 Time : hours Skill : Writing No of students : 10 I Objectives: - Students learn how to successfully and effectively write an argumentative essay - Students learn how to use word choices and word form properly II Method: Process-based approach III Teaching aids: Stage Pre-writing ( 15 minutes) Board, tape, cassette-player, chalks, textbook and notebook Teacher‟s activities Students‟ activities - Teacher gives the central topic “college -Students brainstorm and students‟ accommodation” note down -Ask students to brainstorm - Two of them go to the board to write down -Teacher gives the list of ideas -Students consider them and -Ask students to divide them into two criteria select ideas according to : given criteria + Benefits of living in the campus + Benefits of living at home Be cost-effective and time-efficient Have positive mental growth Rely on their parents‟ assistance Get protection and guidance from parents Learn more moral lessons that shield them from the deleterious influence from their peers Geographical proximity Have opportunities to blend in with people from many places and international students Join more extracurricular activities Enhance numerous softs skills XI z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:44


