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Luận văn thạc sĩ investigating difficulties in vocabulary learning of ethnic minority learners at son la ethnic boarding high school and some suggested solusions

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1 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM THỊ THU HIỀN INVESTIGATING DIFFICULTIES IN VOCABULARY LEARNING OF ETHNIC MINORITY LEARNERS AT SON LA ETHNIC BOARDING HIGH SCHOOL AND SOME SUGGESTED SOLUSIONS (Khó khăn việc học từ vựng học sinh dân tộc thiểu số trường PTDT nội trú Sơn La số giải pháp khắc phục) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 601410 Hanoi - 2010 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES PHẠM THỊ THU HIỀN INVESTIGATING DIFFICULTIES IN VOCABULARY LEARNING OF ETHNIC MINORITY LEARNERS AT SON LA ETHNIC BOARDING HIGH SCHOOL AND SOME SUGGESTED SOLUSIONS (Khó khăn việc học từ vựng học sinh dân tộc thiểu số trường PTDT nội trú Sơn La số giải pháp khắc phục) M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 601410 Supervisor: KIM VĂN TẤT, M.A Hanoi - 2010 z TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATIONS i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the Study Methods of the Study 10 Design of the study 10 PART B: DEVELOPMENT 12 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 12 1.1 General knowledge of English Vocabulary 12 1.1.1 What is vocabulary? 12 1.1.2 Classification of vocabulary 13 In term of the concept of morpheme 13 In term of the meaning 13 In term of the function of vocabulary items in a sentence 13 In term of the sequence of use 14 term of the use of word 14 1.2 The role of vocabulary in language teaching and learning 14 1.3 Factors affecting vocabulary acquisition 15 1.4 Methods in vocabulary teaching 15 1.4.1 The Grammar- Translation Method 16 1.4.2 The Direct Method 16 1.4.3 The Audio-lingual method 17 1.4.4 The Silent Way 17 1.4.5 Suggestopedia 18 1.4.6 Total Physical Response (TPR) 18 1.4.7 The Communicative Approach (Communicative Language Teaching – CLT) 19 z 1.5 Teaching and learning vocabulary through communicative activities 20 1.5.1 Characteristics of communicative activities 20 1.5.2 Characteristics of vocabulary communicative activities 20 1.5.3 Vocabulary teaching techniques in combination with communicative activities 21 Visual techniques 21 Verbal techniques 22 Using Games 22 Role play 23 CHATER 2: METHODOLOGY 24 2.1 Research questions 24 2.2 Subject of the study 24 2.2.1 the students’ background and learning condition 24 2.2.2 The students’ Vietnamese language competence 25 2.3 The instruments 25 2.3.1 The questionnaire 25 2.3.2 The interview 26 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 27 3.1 Results and discussions from the questionnaires 27 3.2 Results and discussion from the interview 31 CHAPTER 4: FINDING AND SOME SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER LEARNING ENGLISH VOCABULARY TO ETHNIC MINORITY STUDENTS IN SON LA ETHNIC BOARDING HIGH SCHOOL 32 4.1 Students’ difficulties (through interview) 32 4.1.1 Lack of general knowledge 32 4.1.2 Lack of Motivation 32 4.1.3 Deficiency of Vietnamese 32 4.1.4 Lack of Time 33 4.1.5 Lack of an appropriate syllabus for ethnic minority students 33 4.1.6 Lack of communicative environment 34 4.2 Difficulties caused by the English differences between the written and spoken form 34 z 4.3 Difficulties caused by other factors 34 4.3.1 Grammar-based examinations 34 4.3.2 Large class 34 4.4 Suggested Solutions 35 4.4.1 Using pictures 35 4.4.2 Using word guessing game 40 4.4.3 Using Semantic Mapping 41 4.4.4 Using Realia 43 4.4.5 Guessing word in context 44 4.4.6 Organizing English speaking clubs 46 4.4.7 Guiding students’ home revision 46 4.5 Better current situations 46 4.5.1 Providing teachers with more professional support 46 4.5.2 Improving the students’ Vietnamese competence 46 4.5.3 Raising the students’ general knowledge 47 4.5.4 Educating ethnic minority teachers to teach English for students in their communities 47 4.5.5 Improving learning, teaching conditions at school 47 PART C: CONCLUSION 48 Conclusions 48 Limitations of the study 48 Suggestion for further study 49 REFERENCES 50 APPENDIXS z PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale Viet Nam is a country with 54 ethnic groups namely: Kinh, Tay, Thai, Muong, Dao, H‘mong, Khmu, Khme, etc In the past, all of these ethnic groups took part in protecting and saving the nation together and now they are contributing their time and efforts to the nation construction However, in some parts of the country where these ethnic minorities‘ living , the standard of the living is still below the normal level In order to help them improve their living conditions a lot of things in education and economy are needed Son la is a small, remote and mountainous province with many ethnic groups so Son la Ethnic Boarding High School is established to cater for the education of their children At this school, each ethnic group has its own language, but they have to use Vietnamese in teaching and learning That is why when they learn English, it is really their second foreign language Surely, you can imagine the difficulties the pupils have with this language In addition, I find out that my pupils are not successful learners, only because they lack vocabulary In fact they are provided with almost every word necessary for their communication inside and outside the classroom, but many of my pupils complain that they that forget most of learned words only a few day later This proves that problems in learning vocabulary are undeniable For better vocabulary teaching and learning, I have chosen Investigating difficulties in vocabulary learning of ethnic minority learners at Son La Ethnic Boarding high school and some suggested solutions as the subject matter of the study Aims of the study - To identify the typical difficulties in learning vocabulary for ethnic minority students at Son La Ethnic Boarding high school - To suggested some solutions to overcome the difficulties Scope of the Study The study only concentrates on problems and possible solutions in learning vocabulary from the textbook ― Tiếng Anh 10‖ by Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Do Tuan Minh, Nguyen Thu Phuong and Nguyen Quoc Tuan z 10 Methods of the Study The study uses a combination of various methods to achieve its objectives such as descriptive, comparative, and statistical Various sources of data, including those obtained from the students in the Son La Ethnic Boarding High school First, survey questionnaires were conducted Data obtained help to investigate students‘ difficulties learning English vocabulary at Son la Ethnic boarding High School and also help teachers to find out appropriate activities to improve vocabulary learning Secondly, the author interviewed 10 ethnic students to get better understanding of their difficulties in learning vocabulary Design of the study The thesis consists of three parts as follow: Part A: Introduction Part B: Development Part B is composed of three chapters, each of which focused on a particular issue: - Chapter I deal with Theoretical Background - Chapter II describes the method employed and introduces the situation of teaching and learning vocabulary at Son La Ethnic Boarding High School - Chapter III describes the data analysis and discussion about the students‘ difficulties in learning vocabulary at Son La Ethnic Boarding High School - Chapter IV is the Finding and some solutions for better learning English vocabulary to Ethnic minority students in Son La Ethnic Boarding High school Part C: Conclusion z 11 z 12 PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 General knowledge of English Vocabulary 1.1.1 What is vocabulary? Up to now there have been many definitions of vocabulary Some linguists define it according to semantic criterion while others refer to it according to the phonological or potential one According to Parmer (1983:37),the semantic unit maybe a sequence of several words For example, ―look up‖ is a phrasal verb consisting of two words But the meaning of ―look up‖ can only be understood in the entire phrase, not by analyzing its single parts Word is also defined with phonological criterion It is said that word is marked by ―spaces‖ and ―pauses‖ According to Michael Lewis (1993:89), vocabulary ―…may be individual words, or full sentences – institutionalized utterances – that convey fixed social or pragmatic meaning within a given community.‖ Ur, P (1996: 60) defines vocabulary as the words we teach in the language The author also emphasizes that a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word; for example, post office and mother-in-law, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea There are also multi-word idioms such as call it in day, where the meaning of the phrase can not be deduced from an analysis of component words There fore, a useful convention is to cover all cases by talking about vocabulary ―items‖ rather than ― word‖ Meanwhile in spite of the fact that many scientists talked about linguistics, the notion of word, they did not give any definition of word on their own According to Quirk (1974), ―Thinking of word comes to us so naturally that it takes a serious effort to realize what miraculous devices they are Like so many other things that are basic and elemental in our lives, we take them for granted and we apt to be surprised to find how hard it is to say exactly what a word is‖ Pyles and Alges (1970: 96) also state, ―When most of us think about language we think first about words It is true that the vocabulary is the focus of language It is words that sounds and meanings interlock to allow us to communicate with one an other, and it is z 13 word that we arrange together to make sentences, conversation and discourse of all kinds‖ It indicates that vocabulary is essential for learning a language In short, it is possible to say that it is hard to give a precise definition of word For the pedagogical purposes of this paper, the definition by Ur, P (1996) is used 1.1.2 Classification of vocabulary There have been different ways to classify vocabulary according to different criteria In term of the concept of morpheme Vocabulary is divided into three kinds: simple words, deriver words and compound words - Simple words: A simple word consists of a root morpheme, such as big, hat… - Derived words: A derived words consists of a root and one or more derivational morphemes like player, interesting… - Compound words: A compound word has at least two roots with or without derivational morphemes For example: plant-eater, racing horse… In term of the meaning There are two main kinds of meaning in a word: lexical meaning and grammatical meaning There fore, vocabulary can be divided in to notional words and functional words Notional words are words with clear lexical meaning They address objects, actions, qualities, etc And they have meaning in themselves Notional words form a great number of each speaker‘s vocabulary Functional words are words whose meaning is grammatical and only have meaning in relation to the other words with which they are used Functional words are particles, articles, prepositions… In term of the function of vocabulary items in a sentence According to the function of vocabulary items in a sentence, vocabulary can be divided into parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and pronouns Each part of speech has its own position complying with certain grammatical rules and relating to others The teacher should point out the function of each item so that students can use its grammatical rules correctly z 40 For example: Students may write: "Ho Chi Minh is the most populous city, is also a center of finance, communications, business, cultural and educational of Viet Nam It is located in the transition area between the South East and the Cuu Long River Delta This city was founded in 1976, at first it was called Sai Gon, and then Ho Chi Minh city" 4.4.2 Using word guessing game We can use this game when we teach Unit in the text book English 10 Unit 5: Technology and You Aim: Revise learned items - Fax machine; computer; television; air- conditioner; washing machine; electric cooker Time: 10 – 15 minutes Procedure: Teacher calls up a student to the front of the class The teacher sticks a card word on the student‘s back Make sure the other students sitting down know what is on the student‘s back, but not the student standing The student standing has to ask the others many questions to guess what is stuck on his/her back Needless to say that other students can‘t tell the standing student directly, what the word is Also, discourage the use of the mother tongue in helping the student guess Any student looses a point if he or she tries to tell the student directly or use the mother tongue Students can help him/her guess the word by giving him/her only verbal clues, but only after the standing student has asked a question For example: if the word "Fax Machine" was stuck behind a student‘s back, s/he should ask questions like this: - ―Is it a person?‖ - The class says: No, it isn‘t - ―Is it a machine?" - The class says: Yes, it is a machine The standing student can follow up to ask: - ―What is it used for?" - The class says: "It is used to send and receive letters quickly" z 41 The student asks questions until s/he has guessed the word correctly ―This is a Fax machine” If the word "Computer" was stuck behind a student's back, s/he should ask questions like this: - "Is it a modern device?" - The class says: "yes, it is" -" Is it used to wash clothes?" - The class says: "No, It isn't" - "Is it used at home?‖ - The class says: "Yes, it is" - ―Is it used in office? - The class says: "Yes, it is" - "Can we online chat?" - "Yes, It is" The student asks questions until s/he has guessed the word correctly ―This is a computer‖ 4.4.3 Using Semantic Mapping One of the factors that decide the success of students in learning vocabulary is their activities Therefore teachers should give them activities of various types to help them revise vocabulary effectively "Semantic mapping" is one of these activities and it can be used to revise learned words We can use this activity when we teach vocabulary in Unit and Unit in text book 10 * Unit 7: The Mass Media Aim: To enhance vocabulary remembering by helping students link new items with the learned one Activity: organizing a vocabulary set into a semantic map Class time: minutes Procedures: The teacher prepares the board before the lesson He or she writes the word central to the topic in the middle of the board There might be a circle or a square drawn around the word, as it will function as the center for a semantic map The teacher draws several lines from the word out into all directions z 42 Divide students in to group of five They are given the time limit of five minutes to brainstorm as many words as possible that relate to the target word as they can think of They are allowed to use dictionaries, they compete with other groups A group that makes a longer list of items will win From the list, construct a map Example: Names any things about "mass media" you know: a b MASS MEDIA c d e Possible answers: a TV set; b Computer; c film strip; d books; e magazines z 43 * Unit 5: Technology and You We can the same as Unit Asks students names of any "modern devices" as follows: a c b Modern devices d f e Possible answers: a Television; b Fax machine; c washing machine; d air- conditioner; e Electric cooker; f Computer… 4.4.4 Using Realia The main advantage of using real objects in the classroom is to make the learning experience more memorable for the learners To give a couple of simple examples, if you are going to teach vocabulary of fruit and vegetables, it can be much more affective for students if they can touch, smell and see real objects at the same time as hearing the new word This would appeal to a wider range of learner styles than a simple flashcard picture of the pieces of fruit and vegetables For example, when we teach Unit 9, we can use realia: z 44 * Unit 9: Undersea World Aims: students learn vocabulary by watching realia (a dolphin; a jellyfish; a seal ;a shark ; a star fish; a whale ; a turtle) Class time: 10minutes Preparation: Teacher prepare a set toy of sea animals to bring to class Procedures: + Presentation: Teacher says: ―We are going to learn about the sea animals‖ and shows a set of toy sea animals before class one by one, saying: ―The whole class, look at this: What is this? – this is a dolphin (Teacher repeats again: This is a dolphin) - Students repeats in chorus after teacher:‖ This is a dolphin‖ (students repeat twice) - Teacher writes on the board: ―dolphin‖ - Teacher continues doing the same until the last toy + Practice: - Teacher divides the class in to pairs - Teacher holds up each toy before class and asks students to work in pairs to practice as follows: Look at the dolphin, A asks and B answers: A: What is that? B: It‘s a dolphin Look at the jellyfish, A asks and B answers: A: What is that? B: It‘s a jellyfish They will the same until the last toy the teacher hold up 4.4.5 Guessing word in context Guessing the meaning of words from context is one of the useful techniques in teaching and learning English vocabulary In their lesson, they often encounter some unknown words The value of this action is that students not waste time to look up every unknown lexical item because they can get an appropriate meaning based on contextual clues For example, when we teach Revision Lesson, we can use this technique z 45 * Revision Lesson Aims: Develop skill for guessing from context the meaning of these words: Soggy; Glance; Foul; Shatter; Gloomily Class time: minutes Procedures: - Teacher distributes 45 copies of sets of sentences to each student - Teacher asks students to read through all sentences and write the meaning of the underlined words a The window had been left open during the storm, and the papers on my desk were a soggy mess b We gathered up the soggy towels and bathing suit and them all in the sun to dry Soggy means:……………………………… a I always glance at the headlines in the morning, but I rarely have time to read the whole newspaper b As he ran up the stairs of the school William glanced at his watch—late again! Glance means:………………………………… a We were all shocked by the foul language the little boy was using b With the windows closed for so long, there was a foul smell in the room Foul means:………………………………… a The picture has been framed with special glass It won‘t shatter if you drop it b The bomb shattered the windows of all the buildings nearby Shatter means;………………………………… a After hearing the war reports, Stefan walked gloomily home through the dark city b After the soccer team lost the game, the girls talked gloomily about their bad luck Gloomily means:………………………………… Keys: Soggy: very wet Glance: look at sth quickly z 46 Foul: very bad, disgusting, terrible Shatter: break into many small pieces Gloomily: sadly, with no hope 4.4.6 Organizing English speaking clubs In order to give the students a good chance to foster their vocabulary, the schools should organizes English speaking clubs and operate them regularly with various, useful and interesting activities The head of the clubs should seek for the native speakers or some one who is good at English and invite them to participate in these activities Through these activities, students will see that English is a living language and very important in their daily life and they will be more interested in learning English 4.4.7 Guiding students’ home revision One of the problems students have is their learning at home Most of the students revise words at home by learning by heart all the new words Some of them are asked to so by teachers In fact, this way of learning has been proved to be ineffective There fore, teachers should shows students how to revise words at home They can give students more vocabulary exercises of different types, such as matching, gap filling, multiple choice, etc This is very necessary because home revision plays an important role in deciding students‘ learning result 4.5 Better current situations 4.5.1 Providing teachers with more professional support Teachers should have assistance and encouragement in trying to apply new ideas and materials Continuing support for teachers who may need for the further help with the vocabulary teaching for the ethnic minority students is very important Teaching English today requires teachers to develop new skills and classroom techniques to update practical methodology Teachers should be introduced the new methodology such as pair works, group works, presentation of new language, and using games more effectively through various professional development activities which they have learned 4.5.2 Improving the students’ Vietnamese competence In order to have good results in teaching English vocabulary to ethnic minority students, teachers should help them to over come their problems in their Vietnamese competence Schools and society should give them more opportunities to take part in activities inside and outside the school, such as encouraging them to take part in some z 47 presentations or giving them some roles, which are related to people relationships Through activities, students can use Vietnamese more often and as the result, their Vietnamese competence would improve day by day 4.5.3 Raising the students’ general knowledge The school and society, where the ethnic minority students are learning, should help them to enrich their fundamental knowledge by giving them opportunities to pay a visit to some famous places in our country, e.g giving them opportunities to visit sea, museums or big cities If the schools not have enough funds, they should give students video shows on some certain topics of the books, such as the sea, technology, famous people, famous places, cultures…through these activities, their fundamental knowledge will improve 4.5.4 Educating ethnic minority teachers to teach English for students in their communities As shown in the survey, 40 students participated in the study are all ethnic minority students They all use their native language to communicate in their families and communities In a triangular language environment, children face difficulties in both learning English and Vietnamese If the minority teachers of English are available, these ones can teach minority students more effectively as they can understand students strengths and weaknesses in learning a foreign language Further more, it is easier for both teachers and learners to exchange ideas The teaching and learning process will be successful when the teachers and learners can make themselves fully understood 4.5.5 Improving learning, teaching conditions at school In general, improving learning conditions such as school buildings, classroom facilities and learning equipments is an important but sensitive problem The Vietnamese government have set up a plenty of projects and programs to help people especially students in remote mountainous areas How ever, those somehow have not met the demands of ethnic minority people So the school should provide modern teaching facilities For example: Computer; Internet; Projectors; Cassette player; provides many English books, English story, English pictures in school library etc z 48 PART C: CONCLUSION Conclusions Vietnam is a developing country, the teaching and learning situation is improving day by day There are various opportunities for people to improve their knowledge, even though, the difficulties still exits in many places in our country, especially, in the mountainous and remote areas like Son la The role of the vocabulary in language teaching and learning is obviously significant It is even greater for ethnic students All the ethnic learners in Son La are facing many difficulties such as lack of general knowledge, lack of motivation, lack of time, lack of teaching environment, students‘ deficiency of Vietnamese, lack of support or difficulties caused by vocabulary itself etc Through this study, the researcher finds that these learners really need solutions for their problems From these above difficulties, the researcher introduces some vocabulary teaching techniques and some suggestions for solutions to help students overcome their situations The researcher suggests some techniques, which she believes that they will be effective to ethnic minority students such as teaching vocabulary through using pictures, through words guessing games, through using semantic mapping …If these techniques are used in Son La ethnic Boarding High School, the difficulties could be reduced and English teaching situations in general, English vocabulary teaching situations in specific will be better In Son La, the standard of living of the ethnic minority people is very hard The teaching and learning conditions are still poor; the appropriate materials for ethnic students are not available The implication of the technology in teaching and learning is still limited In order to overcome this matter, it is very necessary and important for teacher and students to get the great support of the government, local authorities and the local people Limitations of the study Although the study has offered some insightful findings, like many other studies, there are still some limitations The information mainly got in Son la Ethnic Boarding High School, for example, the students‘ difficulties…The students‘‘ difficulties may differ from those in other schools The study only concentrated on the Thai students, the other minority students have not been studied yet More over, the solution I suggested were also z 49 not the only ways to improve vocabulary learning and teaching There are many others depending on different contexts so teachers and students can exploit their own advantages to improve the situation Suggestion for further study Owing to the limitations of the time, the present paper on English vocabulary teaching and learning was conducted with only a small sample of students in Son La Ethnic Boarding High School There-fore, the researcher should the research on a larger sample of students in other contexts to confirm the validity of the findings of this study In this study, it was impossible for the researcher to simultaneously conduct a whole study on other aspects of English language such as grammar and other language skills, so some more studies on the concerning issues should also be done to better the quality of teaching and learning of English language to ethnic minority students in Son La on the whole z 50 REFERENCES Brown, H.D (1994), Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy Prentice hall Gairns, R & Redman, S (1999), Working With Words, Cambridge University Press Gairns, R & Redman, S (1986), Working With Words, Cambridge University Press Haycraft, J (1987), An Introduction to English Language Teaching Harlow: Longman Harmer, J (2005) Whai is Communicative cativities? Document URL available at http://www.unipo.sk/haij/meth/hamer.hml Hoang, V (2006) Tieng Anh 10 Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban Giao Duc Hubbarb, L.R (1986), Basic Manual for English (chap.2) New York: Avon Books Ladous, G.P (1987) Role Play Oxford: Oxford University Press Larsen- Freeman, D.(1986), Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching New York: Oxford University Press 10 Lewis, M (1993) The Lexical Approach Language Teaching Publications 11 Le Van Canh (2000) Understanding foreign Language Teaching methodology NXB Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội 12 Little Wood (1981) Communicative Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP 13 Nation, P (1994), New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary Bloomington: Pantagragh Printing 14 Nation, P (2001) Learning vocabulary in another language New York: Cambridge University Press 15 Nation, P & Newton, J (1997) Secondary language vocabulary acquisition (238-254) New York: Cambridge University Press 16 Nunan, D (1992) Research Methods in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press z 51 17 Ur, P (1996), A Course in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 18 Powney, J, & Watts, M (1987), Interviewing in educational research London: Routledge 19 Pyles,T and Algeo, J (1970), An Introduction to Language New York: Harcourt, Brace 20 Ron Forest & Carol Forest (1995), Methodology Handbook for English Teachers in Vietnam, English Language Institute America 21 Quirk, R (1974) The image of the dictionary In: Quirk, R (ed.), The linguist and the English language, 148-163 London: Edward Arnold 22 Taylor ,L (1990) Teaching and Learning Vocabulary Newyork: Prentice Hall 23 Wallace, M (1982), Teaching Vocabulary London, Heinamann Educational Books 24 Willkins, D A (1972), Linguistics in Language Teaching London Edward Arnold 25 Yanping, P (2005) On developing communicative competence through communicative activities classes Document URL available at: http://home.planet.nl/kluijven/3PanYanpingDAG1/htm z 52 Appendix SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Bạn điền đầy đủ thông tin đây: Tuổi:………… Giới tính:………… Bạn dân tộc gì? Bạn đánh giá khả tiếng Việt ban? b tạm ổn a tốt c nhiều hạn chế Bạn học Tiếng Anh năm rồi? Bạn thấy học từ vựng Tiếng Anh nào? a Rất khó buồn tẻ b Khó c Thú vị dễ học Thời gian bạn dành cho tiếng Anh nào? a khoảng tiếng ngày b khoảng tiếng ngày c nhiều tiếng ngày d khơng có thời gian để học Bạn có hay gặp khó khăn sau khơng? a Khó khăn việc phát âm Có/ Khơng z 53 b Khó nhớ ngữ ( collocation) cụm động từ ( multi-word verbs) Có/ Khơng c Học q nhiều mơn Có/ Khơng d Khơng đủ phương tiện hội để học từ vựng Có/ Khơng Bạn thường học từ vựng tiếng Anh nào? a Viết viết lại từ đọc to b Viết từ tiếng Anh dịch sang tiếng Việt c Đặt câu với từ vựng d Viết từ đồng nghĩa/ trái nghĩa Những lý khiến việc học từ vựng bạn không hiệu quả? a Học nhiều từ b Không đủ thời gian c Không đủ động lực để học 9.Bạn thường học từ vựng theo hình thức cá nhân hay theo nhóm? 10 Bạn ơn tập từ vựng nhà nào? a Học thuộc long tất từ b Đặt câu với từ học c Tìm tất ngữ từ vựng 11 Tiêng Anh có cần thiết cho cơng việc tương lai bạn khơng? a Có b Khơng Thank you so much for your cooperation! z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:42

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