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Luận văn thạc sĩ designing an esp nursing syllabus for the first year students at haiphong medical collge

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ĐỖ THỊ HẢI ANH DESIGNING AN ESP NURSING SYLLABUS FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT HAIPHONG MEDICAL COLLEGE Thiết kế chương trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành điều dưỡng cho sinh viên năm thứ trường Cao đẳng Y tế Hải Phòng M.A MINOR THESIS Field: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60.14.10 HANOI – 2012 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ĐỖ THỊ HẢI ANH DESIGNING AN ESP NURSING SYLLABUS FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT HAIPHONG MEDICAL COLLEGE Thiết kế chương trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành điều dưỡng cho sinh viên năm thứ trường Cao đẳng Y tế Hải Phòng M.A MINOR THESIS Major: English Language Teaching Methodology Code: 60.14.10 Supervisor: Dr DƯƠNG THỊ NỤ HANOI – 201 z TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBRAVIATIONS AND TABLES ix TABLE OF CONTENTS v PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale The aims of the study The research questions The scope of the study The method of the study The design of the study PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 An overview on syllabus design 1.1.1 Definitions of syllabus and syllabus design 1.1.2 Types of syllabus Grammatical syllabus Functional-notinal syllabus Situational syllabus Task-based syllabus Skill-based syllabus Content-based syllabus 1.1.3 The approaches to syllabus design Language-centred approach Skills-centred approach 10 Learning-centred approach 10 1.1.4 The steps in syllabus design 11 Needs anlysis 12 iv z Target needs 12 Learning needs 13 Goals and objectives identifying 14 Content selecting and grading 15 Teaching methods suggesting 15 An overview on ESP? 16 1.2.1 Definitions of ESP 16 1.2.2 Classification of ESP 17 CHAPTER II: THE STUDY 2.1 The setting 19 2.1.1 The teaching and learning conditions 19 2.1.2 The current syllabus 19 2.1.3 The teaching staff 20 2.1.4 The target students 20 2.2 The study 21 2.2.1 The subjects 21 2.2.2 Instruments for collecting data 21 2.2.3 The findings 22 Analysis from English teachers‟ questionnaire 22 Teachers‟ opinions on objectives needed meeting at the end of ESP course 22 Teachers‟ selection of topics needed in the ESP syllabus 23 Teachers‟ selection of grammar and structures needed in the ESP syllabus 24 Teachers‟ selection of skills and language exercises needed in the ESP syllabus 25 Analysis from students‟ questionnaire 27 Students‟ opinions on objectives needed meeting at the end of ESP course 27 v z Students‟ selection of topics needed in the ESP syllabus 27 Students‟ selection of grammar and structures needed in the ESP syllabus 28 Students‟ selection of grammar and structures needed in the syllabus 29 Analysis from special subject teachers‟ questionnaire 30 CHAPTER III: DESIGNING AN ESP NURSING SYLLABUS FOR THE FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT HAIPHONG MEDICAL COLLEGE 3.1 Selecting a type of syllabus 32 3.2 Aims and objectives of the syllabus 32 3.3 Detailed syllabus 32 3.3.1 Content selecting 32 Topics in the syllabus 33 Skills and exercises in the syllabus 33 Grammatical structures in the syllabus 34 3.3.2 Time allocation 34 3.3.3 Assessment and test 35 3.3.4 The organization of the syllabus 35 PART III: CONCLUSION Recapitulation 39 Conclusions 39 Limitations of the study 40 Suggestions for further research 40 REFERENCES 41 APPENDICES I SAMPLE UNIT X vi z LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, TABLES AND CHARTS EAP English for Academic Purposes ELP English for Legal Purposes EMFE English for Management, Finance, and Economics EMP English for Medical Purposes EOP English for occupational Purposes ESP English for Special Purposes EST English for Science and Technology GE General English MBA Master of Business Administration Table Teachers‟ ranking of the objectives in the ESP course Table 2.Teachers‟ selection of grammar and structures needed in the syllabus Table Teachers‟ selection of skills and language exercises Table 4.Students‟ opinions on objectives needed meeting at the end of ESP course Table Students‟ selection of grammar and structures needed in the syllabus Chart Teachers‟ selection of topics needed in the ESP syllabus Chart Students‟ needs on learning ESP course Chart Students‟ selection of topics needed in the ESP syllabus Chart Specialized subject teachers‟ selection of topics needed in the ESP syllabus z PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Haiphong Medical College was founded over 50 years ago In 2007 it was formally upgraded Junior College Since 2011, the training curriculum has changed, and English for Specific Purposes was added for first year students of Nursing Department After completing 60 periods of General English course, the students have to learn 30 ESP periods Even though ESP courses have become popular recently in Vietnam and many institutions and universities, the current ESP syllabus does not meet the needs of the first year college students, so our students need one suitable ESP nursing syllabus As teachers, we all know that it is difficult to design an ESP syllabus that can best prepare learners for future professional communication Firstly, there is no ESP textbook for college students of Nursing Department, so we have to refer many different ESP documents for tertiary level Secondly, we were not trained in the field of nursing, which makes our syllabus designing more challenging Moreover, when completing GE, with basic English, students cannot read ESP documents nor communicate well For all the above-mentioned reasons, I wish to conduct a study entitled: “Designing an ESP nursing syllabus for the 1st year students at Hai Phong Medical College.” The aims of the study In this study, I would like to design an ESP nursing syllabus for the 1st year students at Hai Phong Medical College To achieve the aim, we have to achieve the following objectives: - To develop the main theoretical basis related to syllabus design as well as to ESP - To investigate the needs of the students, the ideas and suggestions of English teachers, specialized subject teachers z - To propose an appropriate ESP syllabus for students base on their needs and special requirements The research questions To obtain the above aims and objectives, we have to answer the two following questions: Why is it necessary to design an ESP syllabus? What components should the proposed syllabus have ? The scope of the study In this study, I direct my attention to design an ESP syllabus- English for Nursing- with 30 periods for the first-year students at the Nursing Department, who have completed 60 periods of General English The method of the study I use Quantitative method in this study The quantitative is used to collect the data by questionnaires The results of questionnaire are suggestions of English teachers about the objectives, topics, skills and activities in the ESP course The results of questionnaire are the findings about the needs of the students The results of questionnaire are the suggestions and ideas of the specialized subject teachers to find out the topics of the lessons in the syllabus The design of the study My study consists of three main parts: The first part of my study is Introduction In this part, the reasons why I chose this subject are explained as the rationale After that, aims and objectives, research questions, scope, method and design of the study are also mentioned The second part is the body or the Development of the study which is divided into three chapters Chapter I: Literature review presents the overview of syllabus design in ESP Chapter II: The Study provides the findings of students‟ needs, teachers‟ suggestions for the ESP syllabus z Chapter III: The proposal ESP syllabus based on the students‟ needs, teachers‟ suggestions and the course objectives Conclusion is the last part of the study Here, I would give the summary of all the main points in the study, conclusions and some limitations as well as the suggestions for further studies The last one is the Appendices that comprises of the questionnaires.and a sample unit z PART II: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 An overview on syllabus design 1.1.1 Definitions of syllabus and syllabus design There are several views on the syllabus design basing on the narrow and the broad approach to syllabus design , therefore, it also leads to some disagreement about the nature of “the syllabus” Widdowson (1984:26) defined that “The syllabus is simply a framework within which activities can be carried out: a teaching device to facilitate learning It only becomes a threat to pedagogy when it is regarded as absolute rules for determining what is to be learned rather than points of reference from which bearings can be taken.” According to Yalden (1984: 14), “The syllabus replaces the concept of „method‟, and the syllabus is now seen as an instrument by which the teacher, with the help of the syllabus designer, can achieve a degree of „fit‟ between the needs and aims of the learner (as social being and as individual) and the activities which will take place in the classroom.” For her the syllabus is primarily a teacher‟s statement about objectives and content, arrived at after consideration of students‟ needs Meanwhile, Allen (1984: 61) drew a clear distinction between curriculum and syllabus “Curriculum is a very general concept which involves consideration of the whole complex of philosophical, social and administrative factors which contribute to the planning of an educational program Syllabus, on the other hand, refers to that subpart of curriculum which is concerned with a specification of what units will be taught (as distinct from how they will be taught, which is a matter for methodology).” z Section II: Topics needed to be included in the ESP syllabus for the first year intermediate students of the Nursing Department at Haiphong Medical College Please tick in the box the topics that you think should be included in the ESP syllabus Items Topics Very appropriate Pulse Faeces Instruments Disinfectants and Appropriate Not appropriate antiseptics In the casualty Sterile procedures In the ward Admissions Observation of the patient II z Section III: Grammar and structures needed to be included in the ESP syllabus for the first year intermediate students of the Nursing Department at Haiphong Medical College Please tick in the box the grammatical structures that you think should be included in the ESP syllabus Items Grammar-structures Very appropriate Uses of tenses Modal verbs Comparison Gerunds Infinitives Prepositions Appropriate Not appropriate and preposition phrases Relative clauses Passive voice Word formation 10 The articles III z Section IV: Reading skills and language exercises syllabus for the first year intermediate students of the Nursing Department at Haiphong Medical College Please tick in the box the reading skills and tasks that you think should be included in the ESP syllabus Reading skills 1.1 Skimming ………a choosing one of the titles that fits the text best …… b choosing key words or sentences relating to the topics of each paragraph ………c recognizing the topics that are dealt with in the text ………d choosing the text that deals with the topics 1.2 Scanning ………a scanning the bibliography and pick out the text which is likely to yield information on the topics in a given text ………b scanning the text for specific information 1.3 Identifying the topics of the paragraph ………a choosing the correct topic sentence ………b deciding which sentence fits into which paragraph 1.4 Recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices …… a Interpreting reference and substitution …… b Ellipsis 1.5 Utilizing non-text information …… a Filling in the table with information from the reading text …….b Completing a text using information from the diagram …….c Writing down all information a diagram represents …….d Drawing a diagram or a graph to present information in the text 1.6 Types of questions ……a Short answer questions …….b Long answer questions IV z …….c Multiple choice questions 1.7 Other exercises …….a Summarizing the text …….b Deciding whether the statements are true or false according to the text Vocabulary exercises …… a Guessing the meaning of unknown words based on word structure …… b Guessing the meaning of unknown words based on discourse makers …… c Matching correct words …….d Gap-filling Grammar exercises …… a Putting the verbs in the correct forms …… b Sentence transformation …… c Sentence building …… d Completing the sentences …… e Combining the sentences using connectors V z APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE FOR SPECIALIZED SUBJECT TEACHERS (Bảng câu hỏi dành cho Giáo viên dạy chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng) Đối tuợng: Giáo viên dạy chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng- trường Cao đẳng y tế Hải Phịng Mục đích: Thu thập ý kiến đóng góp cho chủ đề chương trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng Những ý kiến thầy, cô cần thiết cho nghiên cứu Cảm ơn giúp đỡ thầy, cô! Nội dung: Những chủ đề cần có chương trình Tiếng Anh chun ngành Điều dưỡng Quý thầy, cô đánh dấu vào ô tương ứng chủ đề cần thiết phải có chương trình Chủ đề TT Rất phù hợp Mạch Phân Các dụng cụ Các chất diệt khuẩn Phù hợp Không phù hợp kìm khuẩn Trong phịng cấp cứu Các thủ tục khử khuẩn Trong khoa Sự nhập viện Quan sát bệnh nhân VI z APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS OF NURSING DEPARTMENT (Bảng câu hỏi dành cho Sinh viên ngành điều dưỡng) Đối tuợng: Sinh viên trung cấp năm thứ chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng- trường Cao đẳng y tế Hải Phòng Mục đích: Thu thập ý kiến, nhu cầu, nguyện vọng học Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành để xây dựng chương trình phù hợp với nhu cầu sinh viên mục đích đào tạo nhà trường Những ý kiến bạn cần thiết cho nghiên cứu Cảm ơn giúp đỡ bạn! Phần I: Nguyện vọng, nhu cầu Theo bạn, khóa học Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng có ý nghĩa với việc học tập bạn tương lai? a Quan trọng Rất quan trọng c Không quan trọng Bạn xếp yêu cầu cần đạt sau học xong chương trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng theo thứ tự từ quan trọng đến quan trọng (Từ 1đến 5) ……….Học thuật ngữ Tiếng Anh y học sử dụng sách, tài liệu báo chí chuyên ngành ……… Hiểu khái niệm lĩnh vực y học ……… Giao tiếp với chuyên gia nước y học ……… Củng cố nâng cao ngữ pháp sủ dụng văn chuyên ngành ……… Dịch sách, t liệu báo chí liên quan đến y học từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt ngược lại VII z Phần II: Những chủ đề cần có chương trình Tiếng Anh chun ngành Điều dưỡng Các bạn đánh dấu vào ô tương ứng chủ đề cần thiết phải có chương trình Chủ đề TT Rất phù hợp Mạch Phân Các dụng cụ Các chất diệt khuẩn Phù hợp Không phù hợp kìm khuẩn Trong phịng cấp cứu Các thủ tục khử khuẩn Trong khoa Sự nhập viện Quan sát bệnh nhân VIII z Phần III: Những cấu trúc ngữ pháp cần có chương trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điều dưỡng Các bạn đánh dấu vào ô tương ứng cấu trúc ngữ pháp cần thiết phải có chương trình TT Cấu trúc ngữ pháp Rất Phù hợp Khơng phù phù hợp Các tiếng Anh Động từ khuyết thiếu Các cấp so sánh Danh động từ Động từ nguyên thể Giới từ cụm giới từ Mệnh đề quan hệ Thể bị động Cấu tạo từ 10 Mạo từ IX z hợp A sample unit Unit 4: IN THE WARD I READING Pre-reading Tick the correct answers about hospitals in Vietnam How many beds does a ward usually have?/ 10 30 Are the rooms provided with patient-to-nurse alarm system? Yes No Which colours they use in the hospitals? Dark Bright While reading The ward is the patient‟s home during his stay in hospital It is the place in which he spends his days, eats and sleeps, and where his personal needs are catered for A well-planned ward provides a pleasant, safe and comfortable environment for patients and staff The planning of ward units for new hospitals, and for modernization schemes in older ones, has received a great deal of consideration In the past, in-patients were allowed up only for short periods during convalescence The modern practice of early ambulation has made it essential to provide adequate space for recreation and sufficient bathing and toilet facilities Bright colours have been used to create a cheerful atmosphere in the ward, and furniture has been designed to suit the different needs of patients Another problem on which hospital planners have focused their attention is the reduction of unnecessary noise The use of plastic equipment, and the provision of central dish-washing and sterilizing departments have been a great help in eliminating noise The question of ward cleaning has also been taken into consideration by the planners Nowadays the floors and walls are made of materials that can withstand X z very frequent washing and polishing Furniture and fittings have been designed to permit easy cleaning and maintenance Accommodation for patients Most modern hospital wards have between twenty and thirty beds The beds are arranged so that each patient can have as much privacy, natural light and fresh air as possible, and can be observed without difficulty by the nursing staff There must be adequate space between beds to prevent cross-infection and to allow all bedside procedures to be carried out in comfort Most wards have a number of cubicles or side wards – usually six for a thirtybed ward – and two of these have their own hand basins and lavatories so that suitable accommodation is available for infectious patients Ambulant patients and patients in wheelchairs are provided with a day room where they can have their meals, watch television, smoke and enjoy various recreations without disturbing patients who are confined to bed Lavatories and bathrooms are sufficiently spacious to allow nurses to assist old and disabled patients Doorways are wide enough to allow wheelchair patients to enter with ease The rooms are usually fitted with grab-rails, shelves and hooks, and a patient-to-nurse alarm system is provided It is important that lavatories flush quietly and efficiently * Vocabulary - cater (v) : cung cấp - eliminate (v) : loại bỏ - withstand (v) : chịu - polish (v) : đánh bóng - flush (v) : xối nước - scheme (n) : kế hoạch - convalescence (n) : thời kỳ dưỡng bệnh - ambulation (n) : sớm lại - provision (n) : cung cấp XI z - cubicle (n) : buồng ngăn - sluice room (n) : phòng cọ rửa - fitting (n) : đồ dùng - cloakroom (n) : phòng giữ mũ áo - side ward (n) : phòng cạnh - linen store (n) : kho chứa đồ vải - in-patient (n) : bệnh nhân nội trú - cross-infection (n) : lây nhiễm chéo - hand basin (n) : bồn rửa tay - lavatory (n) : phòng vệ sinh - grab-rail (n) : lan can vịn - hook (n) : móc treo - adequate (a) : đầy đủ, thỏa đáng Task Answer the following questions Can you name three things that have received attention in the palnning of new hospitals? Where did in-patients spend most of their time in the past? How have planners reduced noise in modern hospitals? Where are infectious patients accommodated? For whom is the day room provided? Why must lavatories and bathrooms be sufficiently spacious? Task Decide whether the following statements are true or false Statements True Patients spend his day, eat and sleep in the sluice Furniture is designed to meet the needs of patients The problem for the hospital planners is reducing noise XII z False Infectious patients have their own basins and lavatories There are about 25 beds in hospital wards Patients in wheelchairs can enter the rooms easily because the doorways are wide Task Give the words/ phrases that have the same meaning to the italisized words: A patient who is kept in hospital Or an…………………patient There must be sufficient space between beds to prevent cross-infection Or There must be……………space between beds to prevent cross-infection Bright colours are used to produce a cheerful atmosphere Or Bright colours are used ……………… a cheerful atmosphere Lavatories are large enough to allow nurses to assist old and disabled patients Or Lavatories are large enough………….nurses to assist old and disabled patients This has been a great help in getting rid of noise problem Or This has been a great help in …………………….noise problem Planners have concentrated their attention on noise problem Or Planners have……………… their attention on noise problem Post-reading: Complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable word In modern hospital wards, patients‟ beds are arranged so that each patient has as much p…………, n……………light and f……………a………….as possible There must be a……………space between beds to prevent c…………- XIII z ………… Most wards have a number of c………….or s…………ward so that there is suitable a…………………for i…………patients A day room is provided for a………… patients and patients in w…………… In the day room, they can enjoy various r………… without disturbing patients who are c……………to b………… Lavatories and bathroom must be large enough to allow nurses to assist old and d………….patients These rooms are usually fitted with g………-r………, hooks and shelves, and a patientto-nurse a……… system is provided II GRAMMAR The present perfect tense 1 Form: Positive I/ we/ you/ they + have He/ she/ it Negative S + P II has + have not/ haven’t + PII has not/ hasn’t Questions Have/ Has + S + P II ? - Yes, S + have/ has - No, S + haven’t/ hasn’t Usage: - The present perfect tense is used for recent actions when the time is not mentioned E.g: I have just seen the nursing officer - We use the present perfect tense when we are interested in the result of a past action Eg: We have had breakfast XIV z - We use the present perfect tense when a situation or action started in the past and continues in the present I haven‟t smoked since I left school Eg: Phrases of time: - just - recently = lately - already - for - ever - since + point in time - never - for the last/ past years/ weeks… - so far = up to now - yet + length of time The passive voice of the present perfect tense S + have/ has been + PII Eg: + (by O) The question of ward cleaning has been taken into consideration by the planners Purposes: So that/ To Vinf Eg: The beds are arranged so that each patient can have as much privacy as possible There must be adequate space between beds to prevent cross-infection and to allow all bedside procedures to be carried out in comfort Grammar exercises: Exercise Change the following sentences into the passive voice: Doctors have used disinfectants for nearly one century -> ……………………………………………………………………… Scientists have discovered many new antibiotics since the last war -> ……………………………………………………………………… Nurse Smith has just taken a patient to theatre -> …………………………………………………………………… She hasn‟t asked for the patients‟ notes yet XV z

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2023, 23:38


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