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Luận văn thạc sĩ code mixing used on facebook social network by efl students at high school for gifted students, hanoi national university of education

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ********************* NGUYỄN THỊ VÂN “CODE MIXING USED ON FACEBOOK SOCIAL NETWORK BY EFL STUDENTS AT HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIFTED STUDENTS, HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION” Hiện tượng trộn mã tiếng Anh mạng xã hội Facebook học sinh chuyên Anh trường chuyên Sư Phạm Hà Nội M.A THESIS FIELD : ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CODE : 8220201.01 Hanoi, 2018 z VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ******  ****** NGUYỄN THỊ VÂN “CODE MIXING USED ON FACEBOOK SOCIAL NETWORK BY EFL STUDENTS AT HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIFTED STUDENTS, HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION” Hiện tượng trộn mã tiếng Anh mạng xã hội Facebook học sinh chuyên Anh trường chuyên Sư Phạm Hà Nội M.A THESIS FIELD : ENGLISH LINGUISTICS CODE : 8220201.01 SUPERVISOR : Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Tam Hanoi, 2018 z DECLARATION I hereby certify that the minor thesis entitled “Code mixing used on Facebook social network by EFL students at High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi National University of Education” is the result of my own work in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English Linguistics at Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi The research has not been submitted to any other university or institution wholly and partially Hanoi, 2018 z ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been completed without the help and support from a number of people First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Tam, my supervisor, who has patiently and constantly supported me through the stages of the study, and whose stimulating ideas, expertise, and suggestions have inspired me greatly through my growth as an academic researcher A special word of thanks goes to my students, without whom it would never have been possible for me to have this thesis accomplished Last by not least, I am greatly indebted to my family for the sacrifice they have devoted to the fulfillment of this academic work z ABSTRACT English have been nationwide taught in all Vietnamese schools for the past ten years; consequently, Vietnamese youngsters nowadays could be exposed to English at the early age, and consequently, English turns out to be familiar with them Under the boom of entertainment industry and Western influence, English, more or less, become preferable in social network; so the mixing of English into Vietnamese has emerged as a quite visible case in social network communication Code-mixing, according to Poplack (1980), Holmes (1992) and Liu (2008), refers to both intersentential and intra-sentential code-altemation occurring when a bilingual speaker uses more than one language in a single utterance above the clause level to appropriately convey his/her intents That is, code mixing is the process of mixing the various language units below clause level within a sentence Code-mixing has become such a topic of good interest that quite a number of researchers have studied it in both spoken and written data, such as H.D.Tuc (2003) and T.T Cuc (2012) In this study, attempts were made to investigate the patterns and levels of code-mixing of English by EFL students in High School for Gifted students, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) on a social network Facebook The data of this study was collected from 35 Facebook users, randomly chosen from the 35 high school students in HNUE, during five weeks Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyze the code-mixing patterns and levels used by students in their Facebook status and reasons for code-mixing phenomenon z LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 1: A parsing tree for insertion ( Muysken, 2000:7) Figure 2: A parsing tree for alternation ( Muysken, 2000:7) Figure 3: A parsing tree for congruent lexicalization ( Muysken, 2000:7) Figure 4: A triangle of code-switching types ( Muysken, 2000:9) Figure 5: Reasons for code-mixing English on the social network Facebook by young students at High school for Gifted students, HNUE Table 1: Analytical framework ( Muysken, 2000) Table 2: Distribution of code-mixing patterns ( Muysken, 2000) Table 3: Levels of code-mixing Table 4: Most frequent code-mixing phenomenon Abbreviations HNUE: Hanoi National University of Education L2: second language L1: Vietnamese ML: the matrix language EL: the embedded language z TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale for the Study Research questions and research objectives Scope of the Research Significance of the study Structural Organization of the Thesis CHAPTER 1:THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Language contact 1.2 Code mixing 1.2.1 Code 1.2.2 Code mixing 1.2.3 Code mixing and code switching 1.2.4 Code-mixing and borrowing 1.2.5 Patterns of code mixing 11 1.2.6 Constraints on code mixing 14 Linguistic constraints on code mixing 14 Extra-linguistic factors related to code-mixing 15 1.3 Review of previous studies 16 CHAPTER 2:RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 2.1 Research methodology 20 2.2 Data Collection Instruments 20 2.3 Data Collection Procedure 21 2.4 Data analysis: 22 CHAPTER DATA FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 24 3.1 Patterns of code-mixing 24 3.1.1 Statistical findings: 24 3.1.2 Insertion 25 z 3.1.4 Congruent lexicalization 29 3.2 Levels of code-mixing 31 3.2.1 Findings of the quantification of mixed word class 31 3.2.2 Overview description and discussion of mixed word classes 32 Nouns 32 Verbs 38 Adjectives 41 3.3.1 Vietnamization of English vocabulary 43 3.3.2 Englishisation of Vietnamese 45 3.3.3 New word coinage 46 3.3.4 New clipping pattern 48 3.3.5 Grapheme ommision 50 3.3.6 Acronyms 50 3.4 Students‟ explanation for their use of code-mixing 52 3.4.1 Summary of the findings 52 3.5 ANSWERS TO THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS 55 3.5.1 Answer to Research question 55 3.5.2 Answer to Research question 56 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION 58 4.1 Recapitulation 58 4.2 Limitations of the Research 59 4.3 Suggestions for Future Research 60 REFERENCES 61 APPENDIX 63 z INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the problem and the rationale for the study, together with the objectives and the scope of the whole paper are clearly stated and explained Above all, this chapter also builds the research questions to work as clear guidelines for the whole research Rationale for the Study Recently, the interest of learning and using foreign languages has increased English is one of the foreign languages frequently used besides the mother tongue With the growing influence of globalization, English is now considered as a lingua franca that is widely learned Therefore, many countries have become multilingual with the frequent use of English in their daily life It is observable that many English words used as substitutes appear in the newspapers, magazines or social network of other languages, which has aroused interest of various linguistic and sociological researchers Sharing the same desire, it is also wished to get the holistic view on the process of producing such a mixture of English language into the researcher‟s mother tongue,Vietnamese English have been nationwide taught in all Vietnamese schools for the past ten years; consequently, they could be exposed to English at the early age As a result, English turns out to be familiar with them Furthermore, under the boom of entertainment industry and Western influence, English, more or less, become preferable in media It was also proved by Leung (2010) that young people preferred code mixing For those reasons, Vietnamese young people are chosen as the subject of the study For half a century, quite a number of research have been done on code-mixing both in spoken and written languages performed by a number of researchers In 2003, H.D.Tuc also had a close view on spoken code-mixing of English into Vietnamese community In 2012, a research on code-mixing in written language was conducted by T.T.Cuc Though valuable results have been found, they still leave the gaps for code-mixing for Vietnamese teenagers z Such issues, as described above, have given me a desire to investigate this phenomenon of code-mixing Additionally, the researcher conducts the research about code mixing because the researcher is interested in continuing the study of the previous researchers in sociolinguistics especially in the linguistic realization of code mixing and the reasons for using code mixing by high school students at High school for Gifted students (HNUE) The previous researchers discussed about code mixing which are used in magazines, manual user, and a community This research is expanding the form of code mixing on social media networking especially Facebook Then, it also classified various kinds of reasons provided by the correspondences to show their reasons for using code-mixing For all of the reasons listed above, this research was carried out to focus on the patterns and levels of code-mixing of English on Facebook, a social network by EFL students at High school for Gifted students, HNUE using both qualitative and quantitative methods The research, once finished, is expected to shed some light on code-mixing patterns and levels high school students used on Facebook in general, raise sociolinguistics‟ awareness about related issues and lay a foundation for further studies Research questions and research objectives The specific objectives are raised as follows: a Examine the frequency of using code mixing between English and Vietnamese on Facebook among EFL students at High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) b To find out the types of code mixing of English that high school students in HNUE often utilize on Facebook social network c To determine the main reasons for high school students in HNUE code mix on Facebook social network Particularly, the study attempts to answer these following research questions: a What is the realization of code-mixing on Facebook of EFL high school students in HNUE? z In example (46), ROFL is an alphabetism used to denote the absurdity of a state or circumstance In full form, it is written as “rolling on the floor” Example 47: In exampe (47), LOL is another alphabetism used to show disbelief Its full English form is written as “laughing out loud” which refers to a manner of laughing Sometimes “LOL” could also imply sarcasm It is used extensively in Facebook but in actual communication, it is a phrase that is rarely or not used In this variety of students‟posting, the students prefer to use the abbreviations that are commonly used among a wider Facebook community, for example, the abbreviation of “TFT” that stands for “Thanks For That”, then the word “ILYSM” (I Love You So Much) In addition, in the variety of abbreviation, the students also create some abbreviations that they have been used among the Facebook user in their own circle of friends Examples of these abbreviations are as follows: BL (Boom Like), PM (Promote), PP means (Profile Picture), ASAP (as soon as possible), RUOK (are you ok?), IMO (In my opinion), IDK (I don‟t know), OFC (of course) English words appear frequently in language of youngsters The variation of language of young people has a very rich and varied presentation Language of young people is used with mixed English words in large numbers and high frequency in general trend around the world In particular, when entering the language of young people, English units have varied on phonetics, grammar, semantics, making the difference of language of young people variation Thus, from the new findings of special form of code-mixing, it can be said that the language of young people is not an abnormal phenomenon in Vietnamese that they have shown the inheritance and innovation, the creation of young people on the process of language renewal of young people class 51 z 3.4 Students’ explanation for their use of code-mixing 3.4.1 Summary of the findings This study also aims to find out reasons that young students code-mix English on the social network Facebook The study is conducted with the help of closed-ended questionnaire consisting of reasons for code-mixing English Thus the nature of this research study was quantitative The closed-ended questions were analysed statistically The questionnaire was administered under the researcher‟s supervision from 35 participants selected from High school for Gifted students (HNUE) The necessary instructions were given to the participants by the researcher to fill in the questionnaire The confidentiality related to the personal information of the participants was assured by the researcher The data collected through the questionnaire was analysed statistically and presented in the form of graphs The graphs show the percentage with which the young learners code-mix English for variety of below mentioned reasons Figure 6:Reasons for code-mixing English on the social network Facebook by young students at High school for Gifted students Following is the list of reasons mostly found for which young learners code-mix on the social network Facebook i to convey a message effectively ii to influence my listfriend on Facebook iii to pose better social status 52 z iv to exclude third person v while forgetting any term in my own language vi while quoting someone‟s exact words vii while some alternate term is not present in my own language viii while getting emotional ix while showing my extreme annoyance with someone x because I like this language xi because this language is better than my own language xii because I am motivated to so as I find majority of people around me doing so xiii because it is a global language and has variety of functions to perform in all contexts xiv because it is the need of the hour xv because I am forced to so by my English teachers 3.4.2 Discussion The data analysis indicated that the 72 percent of participants responded that it was easier to convey the message in English Interestingly, the participants said that using code mixing words is sometimes easier to express something, the equivalent Vietnamese words may sound very formal or academic In this case, the participants make use of some certain lexical items and code mix to English for more effective expression Another factor in teenagers‟ code mixing is to make their speech stylish and outstanding so people around can be impressed and admired A total of 78 percent of the participants surveyed responded positively to this factor In addition, 80 percent of the participants claimed that English is a global language and has variety of functions to perform in all contexts All the responses collected and analysed show the importance of code-mixing English in the native language by young learners in HNUE The status of English as a global language and its multipurpose uses and wide penetration in our lives put compulsion on students to codemix English in their native language Mostly code-mixing English is done for instrumental purposes Furthermore, students utilized codes on the social network Facebook while some alternate term is not present in their own language Almost 53 z half of the participants code-mix English while forgetting any term in their own language, getting emotional and directly quoting someone‟s exact words But there are only few who code-mix English not only influence their friends list on Facebook but also to pose their better social status, exclude third person and show extreme annoyance with someone All participants, however, not consider that they codemix English because they think it to be better than their own language and their English teachers force them to so Moreover, other specified the reasons of code-mixing is the evironment The analysis proves that the environment where students live or study plays an important role in facilitating code mixing It influences a lot on what language and style students use to communicate The socio-linguistic benefits have also been identified as a means of communicating solidarity, or affiliation to a particular social group, whereby code mixing should be viewed from the perspective of providing a linguistic advantage rather than an obstruction to communication Utilizing the second language, then, allows students to increase the impact of their speech and use it in an effective manner To conclude, English is mostly code-mixed by young learners on Facebook for instrumental purposes As this language has fulfilled variety of purposes and functions of everyday life of today‟s world, thus it has become need of the hour for students Even besides having instrumental purpose to code-mix English in their native language, they show their personal interest to learn it for integrated purposes It is because they like this language as well Whatever the reason is, it demands one to either code-mix English on Facebook The message is not fully encoded or decoded until and unless young learners code-mix English in their native language It has become part and parcel of one‟s communication on the social network Codemixing English by young learners not mean that their own language is less important and inferior or English language is much better than their own language, rather the diverse functions it can perform in all contexts makes it a hot cake nowadays It is this universality of the English language that it is penetrating deeper in their lives It has increased functional value that compels people to code- mix 54 z English in their native language Previously, students code- mixed English as either mark of better social identity or to impress and convince their listfriends only However, in today‟s world it has become need of the hour to achieve some better and to be followed and be liked on the social network It is the demand to code-mix English in their native language as it is the only language with which all advanced technologies and devices are programmed and operated Every advancement in science and technology enhances the importance and value of code-mixing English Young learners code- mix English code unconsciously as it has become their habit to so They so voluntarily Nobody forces them to code-mix English and they are motivated to so when they see people around them doing so 3.5 ANSWERS TO THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3.5.1 Answer to Research question “What is the realization of code-mixing on Facebook of EFL high school students in HNUE?” The results obtained show that among the three typology of code-mixing, insertion probably was the easiest type to followed by alternation and congruent lexicalization Insertion was the easiest one might be because the insertion of B lexical item was not bring a big impact to the grammatical structure of s sentence in language A On the other hand, alternation and congruent lexicalization had higher difficulty level than insertion might due to the involvement of grammatical structure of both languages.The researcher based on a theory of Muysken (2000) and took the methods of categorizing codes mixed in terms of their parts of speech such as Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and others Among 366 code-mixing of English phenomenon were found, the most commonly used parts of speech in the sentences are 316 nouns and noun phrases, followed by 27 verbs and 23 adjectives In other words, more than 80% of the lexical items code-mixed on Facebook from high school students, HNUE used are nouns This result coincides with that of H.D.Tuc (2003), Chen (2006) and T.T.Cuc and D.T.T.Ha (2015) on the percentage of English nouns mixed From the results, it can be assumed that all the codes mixed are content words (Nouns & Nouns phrases, verbs and Adjectives) 55 z There is an absence of English pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs and interjections.Moreover, the number of English words mixed on Facebook related to education field and the student‟s life with a wide variety of topics discussed in which there may be high tendency of English words mixed In particular,when entering the language of young people, English units have varied From the findings, there was the apperance of some special forms of code-mixing In conclusion, language of young people is used with mixed English words in large numbers and high frequency in general trend on the social network Facebook 3.5.2 Answer to Research question “ What are reasons for the code-mixing in online postings on Facebook by high school students in HNUE?” The results of the research show that that the participants had some interests in using English words in their postings in Facebook By the data above, it is known that the reasons of doing the codes are so varieties In the questionnaire, teenager participants were asked “why you mix the codes in the social network Facebook?” and the majority of the participants (80%) reported that because English is a global language and it has variety of functions to perform in all contexts Actually, there is no surprise as the use of English code-mixing is quite common in students generation nowadays Teenagers are highly influenced by English and use English in their social network Facebook without awareness The data analysis indicated that the 72 percent of participants responded that it was easier to convey the message in English Interestingly, the participants said that using code mixing words is sometimes easier to express something, the equivalent Vietnamese words may sound very formal or academic In this case, the participants make use of some certain lexical items and code mix to English for more effective expression Another factor in teenagers‟ code mixing is to make their speech stylish and outstanding so people around can be impressed and admired A total of 78 percent of the participants surveyed responded positively to this factor 56 z Moreover, other specified the reasons of code-mixing is the evironment The analysis proves that the environment where students live or study plays an important role in facilitating code mixing It influences a lot on what language and style students use to communicate The socio-linguistic benefits have also been identified as a means of communicating solidarity, or affiliation to a particular social group, whereby code mixing should be viewed from the perspective of providing a linguistic advantage rather than an obstruction to communication Utilizing the second language, then, allows students to increase the impact of their speech and use it in an effectivemanner Summary The chapter has provided a thorough analysis and discussion of data collected from the instrument as a way of giving detailed answers to the three research questions These results serve as the foundations for the summary of the major findings and important implications to be discussed in the next final chapter of the paper 57 z CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION This final chapter will sum up the major findings, unfold some implications and evaluate the whole paper by pinpointing the limitations, leading to an urge in proposing some possible directions to further studies 4.1 Recapitulation This minor thesis is entitled “Code mixing used on Facebook social network by EFL students at High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi National University of Education” The study is conducted to answer two research questions The first question aims to identify the types of code-mixing on Facebook among high school students , HNUE and which types of code-mixing prevails among students From the results, it is infered that although many English words are mixed with high frequency by students at HNUE,their features of English grammar and syntax are no longer maintained Instead, the embedded language words (English) were assimilated under the influence of the Matrix language (Vietnamese) Those reasons why mixed English nouns were no more followed by plural markers or preceded by articles, mixed English verbs are neutral to tenses or persons, mixed English adjectives are on the right hand side of the nouns, many English words are added tones so as to Vietnamese-like, and also many other forms of code-mixing used by high school students at HNUE The second question identifies reasons why youngsters utilized code-mixing between English and Vietnamese on the social network Facebook In the part, qualitative research method was employed, by questionnaires distributed to students The participants of the survey were 35 students from grade 11 A2 at High school for Gifted students, HNUE It is inferred from the findings that students used code-mixing for the following reasons: to catch people‟s interest because using mixed language was considered fun and unique, to share feelings and keep their privacy since not all people were able to understand English, to show their prestige as English learners, to introduce new words to those who did not speak English and affected by their surroundings such as famlily, friends Based on the results of the study, several conclusions have been drawn as follows: 58 z With the expectation of finding out the patterns of code-mixing (intra-sentential) used on the social network Facebook by students at High school for Gifted students as well as the reasons why youngsters code-mix, the researchers based on the theories of Muysken (2000), empirical studies conducted by H.Đ Tuc (2003) on code-mixing among a Vietnamese community in Melbourne, Australia, Chen (2006), Leung (2010), Kia (2011) on code-mixing in advertisements and entertainment news in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan and T.T Cuc (2012) on code-mixing in Hoa Hoc Tro magazine The result showed that among the three typology of code-mixing, insertion probably was the easiest type to followed by alternation and congruent lexicalization because alternation and congruent lexicalization require higher difficulty level than insertion might due to the involvement of grammatical structure of both languages Moreover, about levels of code-mixing, there were English words mixed on social network Facebook Most of English words mixed are nouns, the rest are verbs and adjectives Code-mixing is quite popular on Facebook English codes, once mixed, hold many features of Vietnamese language such as transnumeral nouns, verbs without voice or tenses or the order of Adjective-Nouns instead of NounsAdjectives Quite a few number of new form of code-mixing created, which enrich the variation of Internet vocabulary English mixing phenomenon in the Vietnamese language of the Vietnamese young people is now the result of exchanges, cultural and language change in the age of globalization This phenomenon can be visualized as a continuous process, from transcoding, to code mixing to borrowing But the most outstanding feature of young people's language choice is still the code-mix 4.2 Limitations of the Research Admittedly, although the researcher has devoted herself to conducting this study in a professional manner, it is unavoidable that she encountered some difficulties in the process of implementation, which resulted in the research having the following limitations 59 z Firstly, the survey was conducted using mostly quantitative research method (i.e., by means of questionnaires distributed to most of the students in the English gifted classes) However, if qualitative research was used with various forms like interviews with students and permanent online observations), further layers of findings or results might be revealed Secondly,this study was conducted with a small sample (35 participants) As a result the data I collected is not sufficient to make any claims which I can apply to a large amount of people For future study more data should be collected with a number of participants 4.3 Suggestions for Future Research The following suggestions for future research aim to compensate for the limitations of this study First, the survey can be conducted with more assistance from qualitative research under the form of interview with students and online observations to understand more about their code-mixing phenomenon among youngsters at HNUE and to explore additional dimensions Secondly, this study only concentrates on written code-mixing on the social network Facebook of youngsters Consequently, it is recommended that the further researches could be extended the topic by investigating on spoken languages news or the press for the youth such as radio, TV Certainly, there are distinctive differences between the spoken and written style Hence, it would be interesting and valuable to study further how English code-mixing is used in other kinds of mass media Thirdly, it is suggested that, longitudinal data collection should be conducted in the futurein order to investigate more precisely the change in language use on Facebook with age The survey can be conducted on the same subjects but at different period of time to detect the shift in their language use However, this may takes much time and effort to realize Last but not least, the questionnaire can be designed to include more items to cover and analyze the code-mixing phenomenon on the social network Facebook according to other theories as well such as goal theories and attribution theories Sometimes this can be challenging because the categories may overlap and it is hard to determine the main reasons of code-mixing 60 z REFERENCES English [1]P Muysken, Bilingual speech: A typology of code-mixing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 [2] M.O Ayeomoni, “Code-switching and codemixing: style of language use in childhood in Yoruba speech community”, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 2006, 15(1), pp.90-99 [3] A Bentahila and E.E Davies, “The syntax of Arabic-French code-switching”, Lingua, 1983, 59:301-330 [4] S Poplack ,“Sometimes I‟ll start a sentence in Spanish y termino en espanol: toward a typology of code-switching”, In L Wei (ed.), 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University of Education” I would like you to help me by completing this survey questionnaire This is not a test so there is no “right” or “wrong” answers All the information that you give in this survey is only used for the research and will be kept secret Please give your answers sincerely as only this will guarantee the success of the investigation Thank you very much for your kind cooperation! Please write your information below: a)Name: ………………………………… b)Age: ………… years c) Gender: Male/Female d)Educational background: ……………………… e) Phone number or email address: ……………………… How often you update on the social network Facebook? A Never B.Seldom C Sometimes D Usually E Always Which one you prefer, updating status by using English language, Vietnamese language or mixing both of the language? A English B Vietnamese C Both of the language What is your main reasons of code-mixing on the social network Facebook: Decide to what extent you agree with the following statements by circling the number representing the corresponding degree: 63 z Strongly Disagree Moderately Slightly Slightly Moderately Strongly Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Reasons for code- Strongly Moderately mixing Disagree Disagree Slightly Disagree Slightly Moderately Strongly Agree i to convey a message effectively ii to influence their listfriend on Facebook iii to pose better social status iv to exclude third person v while forgetting any term in my own language vi while quoting someone‟s exact words vii while some alternate term is not present in my own language viii while getting emotional ix while showing my extreme annoyance with someone 64 z Agree Agree Agree

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