Le Duc Tho
The Influence of Service Value and Service Quality in Higher Education on Student Satisfaction
in Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City
Trang 2-
Le Duc Tho
The Influence of Service Value and Service Quality in Higher Education on Student Satisfaction
in Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City
ID: 22021172
Trang 3List of acronyms I List of figure II List of table III Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Higher education in Vietnam 2
1.2 Research objectives 3
1.3 Scope of the research 4
1.4 Significance of the research 4
1.5 Organization of the thesis 5
Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1 Literature review 6
2.1.1 The concept of student satisfaction 6
2.1.2 Factors influencing student satisfaction toward the perceived education service value and education service quality 7 Service Value 7 Service quality 8
2.2 Research model & hypotheses 11
Chapter 3 Research method 3.1 Research procedure 12
3.2 Measurement of variables 14
3.2.1 Education service value scale 15
Trang 43.5 Data Analysis 18
Chapter 4 Research results 4.1 Data statistical analysis 19
4.2 Scale Analysis 20
4.2.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of education service value 21
4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of education service quality 22
4.2.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of student satisfaction 25
4.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) result 25
4.6 Research hypotheses test 26
4.6.1 Theoretical model test by using SEM approach 26
4.7 Regression Analysis 29
4.8 Results of Multi-group analysis 31
4.8.1 Testing the moderating effects of gender variable (Male and female) 32
4.8.2 Testing the moderating effects of major favourite level (Like and Dislike) 35
Chapter 5 Discussion, Implication and Limitations 5.1 The main results 40
5.1.1 Result contributions to theory 40
5.1.2 Result contributions to management practices 41
Trang 5- UIH: University of Industry Ho Chi Minh city - HCM: Ho Chi Minh
Trang 6Figure 2.1 - The research model of factors influence on satisfaction Figure 3.1 – Research procedure
Figure 4.1 - CFA for suggestion model Figure 4.2 - CFA for adjusted model
Figure 4.3 - AMOS results in both variance and partial invariance models of genders Figure 4.4 - AMOS results in both variance and partial invariance models of major
Table 2.1 - Comparing topics in student satisfaction surveys
Table 3.1 – Measurement scales
Table 4.1 - A descriptive statistics of the sample
Table 4.2 - Illustrated the EFA result for Education Service Value Table 4.3 - Illustrated the EFA result for Education Service Quality Table 4.4 - Illustrated the EFA result for Student Satisfaction
Table 4.5 - The relations among concepts in suggestion model and adjusted model Table 4.6 - Regression analysis result of service value
This study empirically examines the effects of Perceived Education Service Value and Education Service Quality on University Student Satisfaction This article examines the concept of service value in business edu- cation with data collected from 495 students The research also explores the moderating role of University Type variable on these relationships The results indicate that both University Service Quality and Education Service Value play significant role in predicting Student Satisfaction Through previous researches, perceived value of services is recognized as a major form of assessment of customer service, this study helps to understand the exact structure of the value and quality of undergraduate training in economics and business The study identified factors affecting the perception of value and service quality, and satisfaction Since then, researchers have a suggestion for shaping the strategy to add value to students and make them more satisfaction in the learning process The results of model studies have important implications for the management of education in Vietnam in the formulation of policies to enhance service value and quality of service These policies include not only the dissemination of information to form emotional values, values satisfy the desire degrees, functional value (price / quality) but also covers aspects of management to improve service quality, enhance the school's image and elevate the value of prior knowledge of the students feel about the university
The research findings also engage with some limitations in the strength of measurement scale, the sampling method as well as the fitness between the research model and data It results in the valuable directions for further researches in future
Key words
Trang 9Chapter 1
1.1 Higher education in Vietnam
There is the fact that Viet Nam has 412 universities and colleges so the higher education in Vietnam has been existing as a strong competitive market (www.giaoduc.net.vn) The standard of universities still is not homogeneous and the general fee of high education in Vietnam is not cheap compared to the income of many people, so the choice of learners is difficult and considerable when they decide to engage in the university which supply good condition for them to study Moreover, the competition between public universities and private universities in attracting students requires universities should meet the needs of the learners better Thus, satisfaction of students will contribute to build the image of the business school in the community, enhance the ability to attract good students into their university and thereby contribute to the results of school education In addition, numerous researchers have focused their attention on measuring levels of customer satisfaction (Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Myers, 1991), and on identifying the dimensions used by customers in their evaluation of service quality (Carman, 1990; Gronroos, 1990) and service quality (Harvey, 1995; Hill, 1995) So, factors affecting student satisfaction, there are two major elements: "Education service quality" and "education service value" that the universities offer students
Trang 10choose for themselves a university supplying good service quality and providing value of services to their own perception
Currently, many educational managers regard university education as a kind of service and they also understand the importance of education services to attract good students to their university (Mazzarol, Geoffrey Normal Soutar, 2001) There have been many opinions, seminars and workshops to discuss the quality of education on the part of work management and teaching However, a official study to find out "education service quality" and especially for "education service value" from the perspective of students, the customers of educational services, has not been paid attention yet Therefore, the university should identify a reliable measurement of the value of education services and education service quality to see the direction to improve and perfect services, meet the increasing education needs of learners However, there has not a official study to measure effects of education service value and education service quality to the levels of student satisfaction in Vietnam
1.2 Research objectives
Student satisfaction will contribute to enhance the university's reputation and the ability to attract good students Moreover, it improve the general student standard of input in order to improve to the quality of the students’ output Thus, which important factors will impact on student satisfaction, and how they affects on student satisfaction is what this study discover Basing on these issues above, the purpose of this research aims to develop and demonstrate the effects of two factors (1) the value of education services perceived by students’ experiences, and (2) the quality of education services create the level of student satisfaction with education services at the same time In detail, the objectives of this research are to determine:
1 To identify the relevant components of service quality and service value in the case of university education service in University of Industry in Vietnam
Trang 111.3 Scope of the research
The empirical setting in this particular research is the business higher education in the context of Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam The study employs the determinants of higher education service quality through the perceived service value – perceived service quality - to explain the impacts on customer satisfaction toward the tertiary education The last point needs to be mentioned is that the subject of study and observation is the under-graduate full-time students only
1.4 Significance of the research
The research make the theory clearly and apply to practice in education managements, faculties and students As following:
• The research results can help people working in education management in University of Industry the overview of the structure of the service value and service quality perceived by students as a basis to help set the direction and policy development education services at the university The Board of Management and Faculties, relevant functional departments of the University of Industry can use this result to construct development plans, improve operations management and education better
• This study raise the importance and the significance of voice students in higher education innovation for people working in education management
• Results of this study also helps students in Industrial University feel themselves a clearer sense of the values that students can benefit
• Faculty and undergraduate students and graduate students can use this project as an example of teaching and learning subjects of scientific research methods
• Lecturer specialized use statistical findings as teaching situations of treatment methods of data analysis for undergraduate students and graduate students
Trang 121.5 Organization of the thesis
This research is constructed in five parts The first is the introduction of the study The second is the literatures review and hypotheses Following is the research method The next part is the results The conclusion comprises the final section of this research
• Chapter 1 – Introduction: The overview of the research project
• Chapter 2 - Literatures review and hypotheses: Presents the theoretical basis of the value of education services, service quality, student satisfaction and building a research
model with hypotheses
• Chapter 3 - Research method: Presents the results of testing and analysis scales describe the study sample
• Chapter 4 – Research results: Analyzing the research model and the differences between the groups of students to the perceived service value and service quality
• Chapter 5 – Discussions, Implications and Limitations: Summarizing the main
results of the study, the significance of research for educational managers, and
limitations of the study and directions for further research
Trang 13Chapter 2
2.1.1 The concept of student satisfaction
According to Besterfield (1994), Barsky (1995) and Kanji and Moura (2002), customer satisfaction is a complex construct as it has been approached differently As expressed by Levesque and McDougall (1996), satisfaction is conceptualized as an overall, customer attitude towards a service provider Also customer satisfaction has been described as an affective response, focused on product performance compared to some prepurchase standard during or
after consumption (Halstead et al., 1994) In contrast, Mano and Oliver (1993) establish that satisfaction is an attitude or evaluative judgement varying along the hedonic continuum focused on the product, which is evaluated after consumption
Giese and Cote (2000) through his study concluded that satisfaction comprises three main elements including:
• Affective response which varies in intensity
• Satisfaction focus around product choice, purchase and consumption
• Time of determination which varies by situation, but is generally limited in duration The above theories allow to develop the specific definitions which are suitable to each context of each study Therefore, to meet the objectives of this research, student satisfaction is defined as following:
• The expectations of students entering the Industrial University compares to what the students have been supplying when they learn at this university
Trang 14• Satisfaction based on knowledge from experience by evaluating teaching service and learning supports provided by the university
2.1.2 Factors influencing student satisfaction toward the perceived education service value and education service quality Service Value
In many previous studies, many researchers have described customers' evaluation of value as a function of the monetary and nonmonetary costs, such as the sacrifices associated with utilizing the product/service and the benefits or utility received in tradeoffs (Doyle, 1984; Hauser and Urban,1986)
To interpret an existing concept, Zeithaml (1988 ) presents four definitions of customer perceived value, which is : “value is low price, value is want satisfaction, value is the quality I get for the price I pay, and value is what I get for what I give'' Thus, we can understand that the tradeoffs between costs and benefits and arises from both quality and price Value can be conceptualized as the overall evaluation of the service consumption experience (Holbrook, 1986, 1994); and, like quality and satisfaction, value can be encounter specific or a more enduring global evaluation (Rust and Oliver, 1994)
LeBlanc and Nguyen (1999) and serial studies of Sheth et al (1991) have examined perceived
service value is through the study of college student, the authors have identified 5 fundamental value of education services included: Functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value, and condition value
Functional value is related to economic utility, the benefits associated with possessing the
product/service (the economic person theory), and underlies the performance of the object on a series of salient attributes such as price, reliability and durability
Social value concerns the utility derived from the customers' association with certain social
Trang 15Emotional value, for its part, is described as the ability of a product/service to arouse feelings
or affective states and is measured on an ensemble of feelings toward the object
Epistemic value is defined by Sheth et al (1991) as the ability of a product/service to provide
novelty and/or satisfy a desire for knowledge Epistemic value is considered to be a key function of value and can influence behavioural inten- tions and switching behaviour (Zeithaml
et al., 1996)
Conditional value is described as the set of situations that the customer faces when making a
choice In this context, situational variables are deemed to have an impact upon the customer's assessment of the utility of the product/service For example, the size of a business school and the parents' views with regard to its programs are situational vari- ables which have the potential to influence the value of the educational experience
Above theories of 5 service values was tested by statistics in study of LeBlanc and Nguyen (1999) This theory is used as a research foundation for exploring the perceived value in the context of education services at the Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City
Insight on how customers evaluate their value during actual use of the service is still a controversial issue in the academic major Indeed, understanding value from the customers' perspective can provide useful information to management for allocating resources and designing programs that promise to satisfy students better (Seymour, 1992) and for adapting the business school's environment to the needs of students (Hampton, 1993) As a result, this should elicit positive emotional responses from students with regard to their business school and generate positive word of mouth (Fitzgerald Bone, 1995) Thus, the larger value of the services provided by university is, the more satisfied students study in that university The first hypothesis is proposed as following:
H1: There is positive relationship between service value and student satisfaction Service quality
Trang 16concept of perceived quality, satisfaction, expectations and perceptions Defining quality is conceptualized in the theory is perceived service quality Perceived Quality comes from the general evaluation of the customer service experience The differences between quality and satisfaction is that quality is the general attitude, while satisfaction refers to a specific transaction There is a relationship between two concepts of quality and satisfaction
The satisfaction through a series of transactions will lead to the good perception of quality
(Aldridge and Rowley, 1998) According to Gronroos (1988) and Parasuraman et al (1988),
the notion that quality evaluations as perceived by customers stem from a comparison of what the customers feel that the organisation should offer (that is, their expectation) and their perceptions of the performance of the organisation providing the service
Further developments in educational research , Hill (1995) and Harvey (1995) made the list of sub - quality training services in a university used to investigate student perceptions of quality of services provided by the school Table 2.1 shows typical student satisfaction topics as cited by Harvey (1995), and compares these with a similar list described by Hill (1995) A comparison of the two lists demonstrates that whilst there are similarities, there are also differences, which are, to some extent, determined by the facilities offered by the specific organisation It is also important to note the function-specific focus of these questions which
Trang 17Table 2.1 - Comparing topics in student satisfaction surveys
Harvey’s topics Hill’s topics
Library services Computer services Refectories Accommodation
Course organisation and assessment Teaching staff and teaching style Teaching methods
Student workload and assessment Social life Self – development Financial circumstance University environment Library service Computing facilities Catering service Accommodation service Course content
Personal contact with academic staff Teaching quality Student involvement Work experience Financial services Feedback Joint consulation University bookshop Career service Counselling welfare Health service Student’s union Physical education Travel agency
The application of this theoretical basis, the survey sub - quality services in accordance with the current state of the facilities of the Industrial University has been developed and presented
in the questionnaire
More recently, the marketing managers tried to understand clearly the dynamics of the relationship that exists between satisfaction and service quality and their impact on customers' purchase intentions The purpose of service quality improvement is to attract and to maintain customers Quality always has a relationship with satisfaction because customer satisfaction will lead to repurchase intention and that helps organizations have profit (Galloway, 1996) In the university environment, the students believe that the more quality of services provided by the university, the higher satisfied they are at that university In addition, it has also been found that customers' assessments of service value are positively related to their assessments of
Trang 18service quality
This leads to the second and the third hypothesises is proposed as following:
H2 : There is positive relationship between service quality and student satisfaction H3 : There is positive relationship between service quality and service value
2.2 Research model & hypotheses
From above three hypotheses, a research model is proposed, shown in Figure 1 • Research model
Figure 2.1 - The research model of factors influence on satisfaction
• Hypotheses
H1: There is positive relationship between service value and student satisfaction H2: There is positive relationship between service quality and student satisfaction H3: There is positive relationship between service quality and service value
Trang 19Chapter 3
RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research procedure
Trang 213.2 Measurement of variables
Scale in this study based on the theory of service value, service quality perceived by the students, and the level of student satisfaction A set of observed variables (the speech) was built to measure the latent variables (study concept) Due to the differences between culture and economic infrastructure, so the scale can be designed in developed countries is not appropriate for Vietnam market Through expert consultation and preliminary study with sample size n = 12, the observed variables have been modified to suit the thinking and copywriting style of the objects of study The purpose of the preliminary survey is to make clear the items from measurement scale based on the standpoint of customers Moreover, preliminary survey helps writer to find out the mistakes and where interviewees did not understand Hence, the necessary modification can be carried out in order to increase the power of scale In addition, this step also provides the opportunities to gain new idea, new items to enhance the research model and measurement scale The participants of the survey were the undergraduate student in University of Industry HCM city They were chosen from different majors to ensure the generalization of the opinions It was consistent of the purpose of the research is to explore the standpoint of primary customer of higher education service, that is student Moreover, participants were chosen from third year and last year students to make sure that they have experiences in performance of higher education service Official survey were conducted when the questionnaire was revised from the results of preliminary survey
The specific variables are measured on a five-point-Likert scale, ranging from 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree Latent variables are measured by the interval scale, starting 1 = low/ not satisfied to 5 = high/ completely satisfied Almost main ideas of these question are based critically on the question sources, but, there is still something the author will adjust to be suitable for Vietnam context and the purpose of this
Trang 223.2.1 Education service value scale
Education service value represents what students have compared to what students have to spend to study at university Education service value scale measured by adapting LeBlanc and Nguyen (1999) and modified through qualitative research with 30 items The scale of the concept has 30 observed variables, including 29 variables assessed service value related to the various aspects of the services provided by the Industrial University as the function service value, university fees, university image, the perceived value of a degree, emotional value and social value, and 1 variable assess the value of overall education services (See Table 3.1)
3.2.2 Education service quality scale
Education service quality scale measured by adapting Hill (1995) and Harvey (1995) and modified through qualitative research with 21 items Service quality is measured in the overall assessment of students' experience of using services provided by the school This scale consists of 20 observed variables assessing the quality of different services such as education content, teaching methods, exam, student assessment, teaching and learning facilities, library service, health service, careers service, financial service, personal contact with academic staff and feedback from university leaders In addition, there is one observed variable used to assess the
overall quality of the education services (See Table 3.1)
3.2.3 Student satisfaction scale
Trang 23Table 3.1 – Measurement scales
Education service value scale
F1 Functional value (Want satisfaction)
SV1 A degree in IUH will allow me to earn a good salary
SV2 The knowledge I have acquired at my universityl will allow me to get promotions SV3 I believe that employers need students graduated from my university
SV4 Degree I have from IUH is the good investment for my future SV5 A degree from my IUH will guarantee future employment
F2 Epistemic value
SV6 The quality of education received from my professors influences the value of my degree SV7 Course contents influence the value ofmy education
SV8 The guidance received from professors has an effect on the value of my education SV9 The number of students in my classes influences the value of my education SV10 Education environment influences the value of my education I received
F3 Image value
SV11 I learn new things in many of my courses SV12 I learn positive things about my university
SV13 The reputation of my university influences the value of my degree
SV14 The university image in community projected influence on the value of my degree SV15 I believe that IUH can adapt to the needs of industry
SV16 I believe that employers have positive things about my university
SV17 IUH is a large university and it has an effect on the value of my education
F4 Emotional value
SV18 I find courses interesting
SV19 Courses are suitable to my favourite SV20 I am happy when I have a right choice
SV21 The value of my education depends on my personal effort
F5 Functional value (quality compared to tuition fee)
SV22 My parents believe that my university offers good programs
SV23 When considering the price I pay for tuition, I believe that my university offers sufficient services SV24 When considering the price I pay for tuition, I believe that the price/quality ratio is good at my university SV25 I believe that my university offers quality services
F6 Social value
SV26 I am happy when friends are in my classes
Trang 24SV30 The general assessment of student about the value of overall education services
Education service quality scale F1 Education activities
SQ1 University training programs that are suitable to the requirements of practice SQ2 The course content is updated, innovated, good to meet training requirements SQ3 Methods of teaching faculty is suitable to the requirements of each course SQ4 Lecturer with deep knowledge about the subject undertaken
SQ5 The evaluation and grading of student are fair
SQ6 Organisation of examinations, the examination supervisor are seriously
F2 University facilities
SQ7 Class size (number of students in a class) is suitable to acquire subjects
SQ8 School facilities (lecture halls, furniture, audiovisual media ) meet the needs of training and learning SQ9 Computer room meets the real needs of students
SQ10 Library facilities good (quantity and quality of books, and seating space) SQ11 Library staff serves good (style, attitude of employees, service hours)
F3 Support service
SQ12 Canteen serves needs of books and learning materials for students SQ13 Medical services, health care response to student needs
SQ14 Academic advising activities, career counseling meet the needs of searching, selection and learning of students SQ15 Financial service supports enought student needs
SQ16 Social activities, movement activities at the IUH strongly
SQ17 Beverages Catering Service (Canteen) is suitable to the needs of students SQ18 Dormitory Service meet demand of students
SQ19 Secretary Staff, ministry, inspection serve students enthusiastic when needed SQ20 University and departments regularly listen to and collect student opinions SQ21 The general assessment of student about the quality of overall education services
Student Satisfaction
SS1 Studying at IUH better than what I expected
SS2 University of Industry like my perfect university which I hope SS3 I satisfy when I study at IUH
3.4 Sampling Method
Trang 25independent and 03 dependent variables According to Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010), a general rule, the sample size should be 100 or greater and the minimum sample should have a desired ratio of 5 observations per variable n > 100 samples and n = 5k (where k = the number of variables) Therefore, the minimum sample size is n = 5x52 = 260 For standard multiple regression analysis, Tabachnick and Fidell (1991) proposed that the desired level is:
n > 50 + 8m (where m = number of independent variables) Hence, the required sample is: n > 50 + 8x52 = 466 Thus, the minimum sample size is 466
Samples were selected by quota sampling method combined with two convenient criteria: major and student years Preliminary study with email survey held with a total of 30 students, along with discussions on the value of business education held with students in a services marketing class provided the basis for developing the questionnaire used in this study For the email survey, participants from both sexes were selected During these interviews, participants were questioned on various aspects concerning the services and facilities offered by Industrial University, and on how they evaluated the value of their education After testing the survey, the questionnaire was modified and prepared for the official survey
3.5 Data Analysis
Trang 26Chapter 4
The purpose of this chapter is to present the findings of the data analysis through the steps of Cronbach‘s alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), saturated model test, theoretical model test by using SEM and multi-group analysis
4.1 Data statistical analysis
Trang 27Table 4.1 - A descriptive statistics of the sample n = 709 Frequency Percentage Gender Male 361 50.9% Female 348 49.1% Student year Year 1 99 14% Year 2 106 15% Year 3 255 36% Year 4 248 35%
The major like
Like 450 63.5%
Dislike 259 36.5%
The scales were reliability tested by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Cronbach ̳s Alpha coefficient and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) before using SEM analysis to test research hypotheses
4.2 Scale Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of reliability test were used to assess the consistency of the research’s concepts
Trang 28Secondly, the measures were analyzed by EFA analysis method (Extraction method: Principal Axis Factoring with rotation method: Promax and eigenvalue = 1) and total variance extraction was equal or greater than 0.5
4.2.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of education service value
The EFA indicated that there were 6 factors extracted and total variance extracted was 56.96%
(greater than requirement of 50%) Six factors were presented as follows:
• Factor 1: Functional value (Want satisfaction) was related to the items about the qualification value realistic and its value for finding employment in the future and in achieving their career expectation
• Factor 2: “Epistemic value” was related to the ability of IUH provided quality education
to students via the knowledge and guidance of instructor
• Factor 3: “Image value” included students belief that university image was related closely to students qualification
• Factor 4: “Emotional value”, for its part, was described as student emotion based on the feeling of students about their major
• Factor 5: “Functional value (quality compared to tuition fee)” included the terms of students belief that what they achieve compared to what they pay; It related to the relationship between tuition fee and education quality when students considered the education value
Trang 29Table 4.2 - Illustrated the EFA result for Education Service Value
Items Factors Loading Factor Variance % of Cronbach Alpha F1 Functional value (Want satisfaction) 19.808 0.702 SV1 A degree in IUH will allow me to earn a good salary 0.672 SV2 The knowledge I have acquired at my universityl will allow me to get promotions 0.641 SV3 I believe that employers need students graduated from my university 0.573 SV4 Degree I have from IUH is the good investment for my future 0.711 SV5 A degree from my IUH will guarantee future employment 0.665
F2 Epistemic value 11.343 0.689
SV6 The quality of education received from my professors influences the value of my degree 0.639 SV7 Course contents influence the value of my education 0.640 SV8 The guidance received from professors has an effect on the value of my education 0.744 SV9 The number of students in my classes influences the value of my education 0.593 SV10 Education environment influences the value of my education I received 0.704
F3 Image value 7.762 0.639
SV13 The reputation of my university influences the value of my degree 0.795 SV14 The university image in community projected influence on the value of my degree 0.832 SV17 IUH is a large university and it has an effect on the value of my education 0.536
F4 Emotional value 6.905 0.673
SV18 I find courses interesting 0.723
SV19 Courses are suitable to my favourite 0.784 SV20 I am happy when I have a right choice 0.671
F5 Functional value (quality compared to tuition fee) 5.835 0.764 SV23 When considering the price I pay for tuition, I believe that
my university offers sufficient services 0.867 SV24 When considering the price I pay for tuition, I believe that the price/quality ratio is good at my university 0.841 SV25 I believe that my university offers quality services 0.653
F6 Social value 5.307 0.684
Trang 30SV27 I find courses more interesting when friends are in my classes 0.864 SV28 Working in groups has a positive effect on the value of my education 0.691
4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of education service quality
Three factors of education service quality concept were extracted, total variance extracted was 51.09% (greater than requirement of 50%), factor loading from 0.702 to 0.817 All Cronbach’s
Alpha was greater than 0.7 Three factors were presented as follows:
• Factor 1: “Education activities” established from education programs, teaching education, organisation of examinations and student evaluation
• Factor 2: “University facilities” was related to university infrastructure of IUH served for the teaching and learning For example, computer lab, libraries, devices for teaching and learning
• Factor 3: “Support services” includes aspects of student support services learned at university (Examples: canteen services, finance service, medical service, investment consultant careers service) and provision of services of departments
Table 4.3 - Illustrated the EFA result for Education Service Quality
Items Factors Factor
Loading % of Variance Cronbach Alpha F1 Education activities 8.055 0.702
SQ1 University training programs that are suitable to the
requirements of practice 0.695
SQ2 The course content is updated, innovated, good to meet
training requirements 0.722
SQ3 Methods of teaching faculty is suitable to the
requirements of each course 0.714
SQ4 Lecturer with deep knowledge about the subject
undertaken 0.622
F2 University facilities 9.501 0.760
Trang 31acquire subjects
SQ8 School facilities (lecture halls, furniture, audiovisual
media ) meet the needs of training and learning 0.711 SQ9 Computer room meets the real needs of students 0.633 SQ10 Library facilities good (quantity and quality of books,
and seating space) 0.743
SQ11 Library staff serves good (style, attitude of employees,
service hours) 0.654
F3 Support service 33.536 0.817
SQ13 Medical services, health care response to student needs 0.675 SQ14 Academic advising activities, career counseling meet the
needs of searching, selection and learning of students 0.746 SQ15 Financial service supports enought student needs 0.756 SQ17 Beverages Catering Service (Canteen) is suitable to the
needs of students 0.656
SQ18 Dormitory Service meet demand of students 0.632 SQ19 Secretary Staff, ministry, inspection serve students
enthusiastic when needed 0.570
SQ20 University and departments regularly listen to and collect
Trang 324.2.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) of student satisfaction
The EFA indicated that there were 1 factor extracted and total variance extracted was 77.390% (greater than requirement of 50%) Cronbach Alpha result was 0.853 All factor loadings were greater than 0.80 Factor were presented as follows:
Table 4.4 - Illustrated the EFA result for Student Satisfaction
Items Factors Factor Loading % Variance of Cronbach Alpha
F1 Student Satisfaction 77.390 0.853
SS1 Studying at IUH better than what I expected 0.890 SS2 University of Industry like my perfect university which I
hope 0.888
SS3 I satisfy when I study at IUH 0.861
4.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) result
The CFA result for research model (standardized estimates) for suggestion model with 52 degrees of freedom illustrated that Chisquare/df = 854.843, p = 000, NFI = 979, RFI = 0.969, IFI = 0.980, TLI = 0.971 and CFI = 980 It demonstrated that these scales received an acceptable fit to the data However, three factor of service value had standardized regression weights λ were less than 50, they were λ F2 (Epistemic), λ F3 (Image), λ F6 (Social) Thus, 3 factors were removed
After, removing three factors F2, F3, F6, adjusted model had 25 degrees of freedom The CFA result for adjusted model (standardized estimates) illustrated that Chisquare/df = 652.566, p = 000, NFI = 978, RFI = 0.961, IFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.963 and CFI = 979 and all the standardized regression were greater than 0.5 and significant (p < 05) Hence, it can be concluded that these scales were satisfactory with the requirement for convergent validity and discriminant validity achievement Furthermore, these scales achieved unidimensionality due to the correlations among items error were absent
Trang 334.6 Research hypotheses test
4.6.1 Theoretical model test by using SEM approach
The theoretical model was tested using SEM approach Model estimation results in an acceptable fit between the model and data: Chisquare/df = 854.843, p = 000, NFI = 979, RFI = 0.969, IFI = 0.980, TLI = 0.971 and CFI = 980 (Figure 4.1) The estimation results of the relations among concepts in model were statistical significant with 95% confidence interval (p < 05) It demonstrated that theoretical model fit to data (Table 4.5)
The results showed that Education Service Quality has a substantial contribution to Student Satisfaction (β = 46) Education Service Value also has significant direct effect on Student Satisfaction (β directly = 67) Education Service Quality also has significant direct effect on Education Service Value (β directly = 54) It could be, thus, concluded that hypotheses H1, H2 and H3 were all supported by the data set in this research Particularly, the hypotheses are as below:
H1: There is positive relationship between service value and student satisfaction.
Trang 35Figure 4.2 - CFA for adjusted model
Table 4.5 - The relations among concepts in suggestion model and adjusted model
Relationship Suggestion Model Adjusted model
m s.e c.r p m s.e c.r p
Service value - Satisfaction 0.666 0.158 9.950 0.000 0.728 0.089 12.600 0.000 Service quality - Satisfaction 0.460 0.040 12.210 0.000 0.422 0.038 11.500 0.000 Service quality - Service value 0.541 0.143 13.220 0.000 0.450 0.043 11.800 0.000 Note: m: ML estimation; s.e.: Standard Error; c.r: Critical ratio;
Trang 36In adjusted models, hypothesis H1 has a positive relationship between the education service value and satisfaction of students accepted at a significance level p = 0.000 (r = 0.73, se = 0.089) This means that the higher value of services students feel the at the University of Industry, the more satisfied they are in this university Moreover, the correlation coefficient of this relationship is also very high, indicating that the value of services provided by the unviversity provides an important role for the satisfied attitude of students and their attachment to the school
Hypothesis H2 is about the positive relationship between service quality and satisfaction of students accepted at a significance level p = 0.000 (r = 0.42, se = 0.038) When students evaluate highly the quality of services provided by the school, they are more satisfied with learning at university
Hypothesis H3 is also about the positive relationship between service quality and education service value accepted at a significance level p = 0.000 (r = 0.54, se = 0.143) When students evaluate highly the quality of services provided by the school, they also evaluate the value of service highly
4.7 Regression Analysis
Trang 37expressed order of importance of these factors explain the value of service and quality of service, based on standardized beta coefficients
Table 4.6 - Regression analysis result of service value
Factor Beta (β) p - value (p)
F1 Functional value (Want satisfaction) 0.181 0.000
F2 Epistemic value 0.042 0.046
F3 Image value 0.050 0.021
F4 Emotional value 0.172 0.000
F5 Functional value (quality/tuition fee) 0.243 0.000
F6 Social value 0.051 0.018
Note: Dependent factor: The general evaluation of students about service value; independent factors: Six factors represented for service value R2 = 28.6%; F = 46.841; p < 0.000
Trang 38Table 4.7 - Regression analysis result of service quality
Factor Beta (β) p - value (p)
F1 Education activities 0.208 0.000
F2 University facilities 0.228 0.000
F3 Support service 0.218 0.000
Note: Dependent factor: The general evaluation of students about service quality; Independent factors: Three factors represented for service quality R2 = 30%; F = 101; p < 0.000
Table 4.8 illustrates that three main factors: the education activities, facilities and support services play an important role in affecting the quality of services In particular, factors that University facilities F2 (β = 0228, p = 0 000) is the most significant factor related to students perceived service quality of the university
4.8 Results of Multi-group analysis
Trang 394.8.1 Testing the moderating effects of gender variable (Male and female)
As for gender moderating variable, data was divided into two groups: (1) Male group (2) Female group.The result for multi-group analysis of variance model in term of two types of genders, Male and Female, exhibited that: χ2 = 687.587; df = 50; p = 0.000; NFI = 0.977, RFI
= 0.959, IFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.962, CFI = 0.979 (Figure 4.4)
The result for multi-group analysis of partial invariance model denoted the fitness indices were: χ2= 691.218, df = 52, p = 0.000, NFI = 0.977, RFI = 0.961, IFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.963, CFI = 0.979 (Figure 4.3)
The estimation results in both variance and partial invariance models of genders, fit to data The result of Chi-square test to compare between two models indicated that a difference was found to be not significant between these two models (p = 16.5%) Thus, the partial invariance model was employed
Trang 40Figure 4.3 - AMOS results in both variance and partial invariance models of genders
χ2 = 687.587; df = 50; p = 0.000; NFI = 0.977, RFI = 0.959, IFI = 0.979, TLI = 0.962, CFI = 0.979