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1236 liberalism democracy and development

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Liberalism, Democracy and Development Thispageintentionallyleftblank Liberalism,DemocracyandDevelopment Manycommentatorshaveassumedacloseconnectionbetweenliberaldemocrac yandeconomicdevelopment.SylviaChanquestionsthisas-sumption and suggests a new theoretical framework, in which liberaldemocracy is ‘decomposed’ into economic, civil and political dimen-sions that can be combined in differentways, allowing for a rangeof‘institutional matrices’.She thenshows, in acasestudyofJapanand the Asian newly industrialising countries, how these seemingly lessdemocratic countries have enjoyed a unique mix of economic, civil andpoliticallibertieswhichhaveencouragedeconomicdevelopmentwith-out the need to share the institutional structures and cultural valuesoftheWest.Chan’smodelthereforeprovidesareevaluationoftheinstitutional capacities needed to sustain a competitive economy in aglobalisingworld,anddevelopsamoresophisticatedunderstandingofthede mocracy–developmentconnection SYLVIA CHAN is a Visiting Scholar at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley She was previously Lecturer in Globalisation and InternationalRelationsatBirkbeckCollege,UniversityofLondon Liberalism,Democrac yandDevelopment SylviaChan UBLshshB t h    s ss  sh cat  o th Ushvstshoca st  BshG TheP i t t B u i l d i n g , T r u m p i n g t o n S t r e e t , C a m b r i d g e,UnitedKingdom caBshGU shvstssht   s s TheEdinburghB u i l d i n g , C a m b r i d g e C B 2 R U , U K 40We st t h St r e et , N e w Y or k , N Y 0 1 - 1 , U SA 477W i l l i a m s t o w n R o a d , P o r t M e l b o u r n e , V I C , A u s t r a l i a RuizdeAlarcón13,28014Mad rid,Spain DockHouse,TheWaterfront,CapeTown8001,SouthAfrica http://www.cambridge.org © SylviaC h a n 0 Firstpublishedinprintedformat2 0 ISBN0 - 1 - e B o o k ( A d o b e Reader)ISBN0- 52 180 88 3- h a r d b a c k ISBN0 - - 0 - p a p e r b a c k Contents Acknowledgements Listofabbreviations Introduction The question:is ‘liberaldemocracy’good foreconomicdevelopment? 1.1 Thec o n t e x t 1.2 Thepro-‘liberaldemocracy’andanti-‘liberaldemocracy’camps:situatingt h e dem ocracy –developm ent debat e withinthegeneral debateabout‘liberaldemocracy’ 1.3 Focusingonthedemocracy–developmentconnection 1.4 FocusingonAsia PartIThepresentcontextofdemocratisation anddecomposing‘liberaldemocracy’ Decomposing‘ l i b e r a l d e m o c r a c y ’ 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ‘Economic’,‘ c i v i l ’ a n d ‘ p o l i t i c a l ’ l i b e r t i e s Thethree-foldarchitecture Asummaryofpoints Advantagesofthenewframework Democratisation:betweenthe‘liberal’and the‘democratic’ 3.1 Thepossibilities, limits andconditions of democracy:the three stagesoftheorisingondemocratisationandthefivefactors 3.2 Thinkingintermsof‘converging’and‘diverging’forcesand notingtheir effect on the ‘liberal’ and‘democratic’ content 3.3 Furtherd i ff e r e n t i a t i n g t h e s e f o r c e s PartIIThedemocracy–developmentdebate: pagevii ix 10 13 22 27 30 37 39 39 44 52 53 57 59 77 99 oldproblem,newthinking Constructinga n e m p i r i c a l e x p l a n a t i o n 113 117 v vi Contents 4.1 Macrovsmicro 4.2 Usingca se st o ex pl a in 4.3 UsingtheAsiancasestoexplainthedemocracy–development connection The democracy–developmentdebatereconsidered 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Somepreliminarypoints The‘goodness’of‘ l i b e r a l democracy’foreconomicdevelopment Thec o u n t e r - a r g u m e n t : ‘ t r a d e - o ff ’ Betweenthetwosides Reconstructingan ex p l a n a t i o n o f t he A s i an s u c c e ss 6.1 Settingtheag endaI: towardsam or e inclusion ary institutionalism 6.2 SettingtheagendaII:adifferentmixoflibertiesandadifferentsetofinst itutions–institutionalisationof‘economic’,‘civil’ and‘political’libertiesinJapanandtheEastAsianNICs 6.3 SettingtheagendaIII:achieving‘security’,‘stability’and ‘opennessandinformation’inJapanandtheEastAsianNICs 6.4 Towardsa w i d er co n c e p t i o n o f s t a t e s t r en g t h 6.5 Thedemocracy–developmentrelationshipintheAsiancase Conclusion:movingbeyondthequestionof ‘liberaldemocracy’ 7.1 Summarising 7.2 TowardsanewAsianmodel? Bibliography Index 117 125 127 130 130 132 154 188 191 191 199 212 219 228 230 230 235 237 271 Thisbookhasthedistinctionofbeingperhapsthelongestcommitmentofmylifesofar, aseven-yearproject.Ifeelsoprivilegedtobewritingit, to have the lu Xury of writing about something that is so interestingand fascinating, as well as having important implications for countriesworldwide My first debt is to Geoffrey Hawthorn, my research supervisor atCambridge,fromwhomIhaveprofitedmuchduringthoseyearsofcon-versations, conversations about interesting ideas and interesting ‘facts’.Although at times I exasperated him with my less than coherent thinkingandwriting,hisbeliefinme,hisscholarshipandhisgeneroussupport made it possible for me to get through the years that it took (at timeswitha l o t o f l a u g h t e r , a t t i m e s w i t h s o m e g r i e f )t o fi n i s h t h i s r e s e a r c h and book He knew almost better than I did myself what it would havemeanttohaveleftthisbookunfinished.HewasalsoforeversupportivewhileIa mbitiouslytookuponmyselftheHerculeantaskoftacklingsuchagrandt opic ThanksarealsoduetoSunilKhilnaniandLaurenceWhitehead,whogave me many helpful suggestions and criticisms on the manuscript Theirownworkhasalsobeeninspiringandthought-provoking The process of producing this book would have been so much more difficult if not for those friends, often similarly interested in ideas and scholarship, who sustained me not only through conversations but throughtheirexample.ThoseconversationsintheUniversityLibrarycourtyar dand tea-room have a very special place in my life Thank you, Ikuko, Ken,Atsuko,Jun,Uta,Ve ´ronique,Nigel,Patrick,I-chung,So-Hee,Mike,Aki,Yuko, Mari and Yannick Thank you also to Rodney, whose constant sup-port helped me believe I could and should be engaged in this task I alsowanttothankProfessorD’Aeth,whoreadthemanuscriptfromstarttofinish andgavemebothintellectualandemotionalsustenancethroughthedifferentstage sofwritingit

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2023, 09:42


