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An investigation into teaching english speaking skill to the 6th grade students with current pilot textbook tieng anh 6 at nguyen tri phuong and tran cao van lower secondary schools in hue

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HUE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN THI AI QUYEN AN INVESIGATION INTO TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL TO THE 6TH GRADE STUDENTS WITH CURRENT PILOT TEXTBOOK TIENG ANH AT NGUYEN TRI PHUONG AND TRAN CAO VAN LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN HUE MA THESIS IN THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING CODE: 60140111 SUPERVISOR: Assoc Prof Dr LUU QUY KHUONG HUE, 2013 i BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐẠI HỌC HUẾ TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ - NGU N TH ÁI QU N ĐIỀU TRA VỀ VIỆC DẠ KỸ NĂNG NÓI CHO HỌC SINH LỚP DỰA THEO SÁCH TIẾNG ANH THÍ ĐIỂM TẠI TRƯỜNG THCS NGU N TRI PHƯƠNG VÀ THCS TRẦN CAO VÂN Ở THÀNH PHỐ HUẾ LU N VĂN THẠC S L LU N VÀ PHƯƠNG PHÁP DẠ HỌC BỘ M N TIẾNG ANH M SỐ 60140111 NGƯỜI HƯỚNG D N KHOA HỌC LƯU QU KHƯƠNG PHÓ GIÁO SƯ TIẾN S HUẾ 2013 ii STATEMENT OF AUTHOSHIP I hereby acknowledge that the information reported in this paper is the result of my own work, except where due reference is made The data and findings are true and with permission from associates The thesis has not been submitted for any other degree or diploma or appreared in any other media Author NGUYEN THI AI QUYEN iii ABSTRACT This study investigated the reality of teaching speaking skill for students of grade based on the new pilot textbook Tieng Anh at two lower secondary schools (Nguyen Tri Phuong Lower Secondary School and Tran Cao Van Lower Secondary School) in Hue city The study aims to find out the attitudes of teachers and learners toward the pilot textbook Tieng Anh 6, the advantages and disadvantages they encounter when using this textbook to teaching and learning speaking skill as well as some suggestions for better using it in teaching and learning process The research paper consists of five chapters and each chapter serves its own purpose to fulfill the thesis Chapter I generally introduces the background information as well as the aims of the research and then states three research questions In chapter II, the relevant theories and documents of previous studies on the same field are carefully reviewed and appropriately cited in order to have a deeper insight into the topic Chapter III discusses the methodology to carry out the study Three dominant instruments which were employed to collect the data included questionnaires, class observations and interviews The survey was conducted with the participations of four English teachers and one hundred students of grade at Nguyen Tri Phuong and Tran Cao Van lower secondary schools in Hue city In chapter IV, the data and opinions collected from questionnaires, interviews and observations were thoroughly synthesized and analyzed by means of tables and charts under three main sections The first section focused on examining teachers' and students‟ perceptions of teaching and learning speaking skill with current pilot textbook Tieng Anh The second section aimed to investigate the reality of teaching speaking skill based on the pilot textbook Tieng Anh In the final section, some suggestions were recommended to overcome the difficulties in using the pilot textbook Tieng Anh to develop students‟ speaking skill Finally, the study was concluded in chapter V with a brief summary and some valuable implications for teachers, students as well as administrators In additionally, the limitations of the research were also indicated for welcoming the comments and suggestions from the readers Moreover, some further researches in the same field were recommended for those who are interested in this topic iv First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Luu Quy Khuong, for his whole-hearted instruction and precious comments in each stage of the development of this thesis Without his assistance, it will be hard for me to fulfill the research paper successfully My sincere thanks will also be sent to the English teachers and grade students from Nguyen Tri Phuong Lower Secondary School and Tran Cao Van Lower Secondary School for their enthusiastic participation in answering my questionnaires and offering me a chance to observe their English classes Thanks to their cooperation, I have collected the accurate and valuable data to serve the purpose of my paper Last but not least, many thanks will be conveyed to my loved family and friends who are always by my side during the time I conducted my research Their encouragement and support strengthen me a lot to overcome the difficulties and determine to complete the thesis Hue, October 20th v Nguyen Thi Ai Quyen v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Pages SUB COVER PAGE i SUB COVER PAGE .ii STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP iii ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF CHARTS ix LIST OF TABLES x CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the Study .1 1.2 Reasons for Doing the Study 1.3 Aims of the study 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Scope of the study .5 1.7 Organization of the study CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Previous Studies Related to the Research 2.2 Teaching Speaking Skill 2.2.1 Definition of Speaking .9 2.2.2 Definition of Teaching Speaking .9 2.2.3 Individual Aspects of Teaching Speaking Skills 10 Fluency and Accuracy .10 2.2.4 The Relationship Between Fluency and Accuracy in Teaching Speaking Skill 11 2.2.5 Corrective Feedback 12 Definitions of Corrective Feedback 12 Types of Corrective Feedback 13 Roles of Feedback in Language Classrooms .14 2.3 Stages of a Speaking Lesson 14 2.4 An Introduction to the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh 18 2.4.1 The Objectives and Design Viewpoint of the Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh 18 vii 2.4.2 The Content of the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh 18 2.4.3 The Structure of the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh .19 2.4.4 The Speaking Activities in the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh .21 2.5 Activities for Teaching Speaking Skill 21 CHAPTER RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 25 3.1 Approach of the Study .25 3.2 Participants 25 3.3 Data Collection Instruments 25 3.3.1 Questionnaires 25 3.3.2 Interviews 26 3.3.3 Observations .26 3.4 Procedures for Data Collection and Analysis 27 3.4.1 Procedure for Data Collection 27 3.4.2 Procedure for Data Analysis 28 Grouping the data 28 Analyzing the Data and Discussing 28 3.5 Summary 29 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 31 4.1 Teachers' and students‟ perceptions of teaching and learning speaking skill with current pilot textbook Tieng Anh .31 4.1.1 The role of speaking skill in English learning 31 4.1.2 Attitude of Teachers and Students toward the Current Pilot textbook Tieng Anh and Its Speaking Activities 32 4.2 The Reality of Teaching Speaking Skill Based on the Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh 37 4.2.1 Use of Activities Based on the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh to Teach Speaking Skill 37 4.2.2 Difficulties in Using the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh to Develop Students‟ Speaking Skill 51 4.3 Suggestions to Overcome the Difficulties in Using the Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh to Develop Students‟ Speaking Skill 53 viii CHAPTER CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 57 5.1 Summary of the Study .57 5.2 Implications of the Study 60 5.2.1 For Teachers 60 5.2.2 For Students .61 5.2.3 For Textbook Designers and Administrators 62 5.3 Limitations of the study 62 5.4 Recommendations for Future Studies 63 REFERENCES 65 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………… 67 ix LIST OF CHARTS Chart 4.1: Students‟ perception on the Importance of Four Skills 31 Chart 4.2: Students‟ evaluation of the current pilot textbook Tieng Anh 33 x being shy and passive in learning, they should come out of their own shell and integrate into the classroom activities so that they can become more confident and active in learning Moreover, speaking skill requires students to practice frequently, so they should take any opportunity to speak English in class with the help of their teacher and classmates In addition, because of the limited time in class, students not have much time to practice speaking, so they should be also well aware of selfstudy to increase their English skill in general and speaking skill in particular Outside classroom, students can practice speaking English with their friends and foreigners in order to speak better and more fluently Especially, students should build up a cooperative spirit to collaborate and help their partners learn better during the learning process 5.2.3 For Textbook Designers and Administrators For the textbook designers, it is very necessary to investigate the use of the current pilot textbook Tieng Anh in real context, so that they can find out the limitations of the textbook for further improvement It is also important for textbook designers to supply more supplementary materials for teachers to refer to at the first time of piloting the book For the administrators, there should be workshops to train teachers who use the pilot textbook Tieng Anh for the first time It is also necessary to hold some meetings for teachers who are in charge of teaching students of grade with the new pilot textbook so that they can share their experience as well as contribute their opinions to solve the problems that they encounter when using the book 5.3 Limitations of the study During the time the study was conducted, the researcher received the enthusiastic and whole-hearted cooperation from the participants However, there are still some unavoidable limitations that more or less affect the result of the research Firstly, the most considerable limitation is the small-scale of the study This is the first time of piloting the new textbook Tieng Anh 6, so there are only two lower secondary schools in Hue where the survey could be conducted Therefore, the limited number of teachers (only four teachers) who are in charge of teaching the grade students with the current pilot textbook has a certain influence on the 62 reliability of the study It is apparent that on a larger scale with more participants, the data collected will be more reliable and accurate In addition, the students of grade who participated in the survey were at very young age and not familiar with answering the questionnaires It is not easy for them to understand all the terms used in the questionnaire as well as the value of their cooperation for the research Therefore, many students may give invalid responses to the questions by randomly choosing the answers The responses of grade students might be merely based on their subjective feeling because they are too young to have a full awareness of the importance of English learning Also, most of the teachers joining the survey are quite busy with their teaching, it is hard for them to have much time to carefully consider all the questions given Thus, sometimes their responses may not reflect the reality This can also have an influence on the validity of the research result Honestly, this is the first time the researcher has carried out such a study in the field of education, so the lack of experience may inevitably lead to many drawbacks in terms of conducting the survey, synthesizing the data and analyzing the findings The subjects of the study are lower secondary school students and English teachers, so it was really a challenge for the researcher to design appropriate questionnaires because never before have the researcher dealt with this task 5.4 Recommendations for Future Studies So far, much attention has been paid to the area of speaking skill in English teaching with an enormous number of studies related to this issue However, because this is the very first time the new textbook Tieng Anh has been piloted in lower secondary schools, so there have not been many studies on the reality of using this new textbook Therefore, for those who are interested in exploring the use of the current pilot textbook Tieng Anh 6, there are some recommendations for further studies that may concern the other aspects of teaching English with this book The following are some recommendations to be taken into consideration: - The investigation into the reality of using the new textbook Tieng Anh to teach grammar 63 - The investigation into the reality of using the new textbook Tieng Anh to teach vocabulary - The investigation into the reality of using the new textbook Tieng Anh to teach listening skill - The investigation into the reality of using the new textbook Tieng Anh to teach reading skill - The investigation into the reality of using the new textbook Tieng Anh to teach writing skill 64 REFERENCES Byrd, P (2001) "Textbooks: Evaluation for selection and analysis for implementation." In M C Murcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language Heinle, Cengage Learning, (pp 415-427) Bailey, K M & Savage, L (Eds.) (1994) New ways in teaching speaking Alexandria, VA: TESOL Bygate, M (2009) “Teaching the spoken foreign language” In Handbook of foreign language communication and learning Vol K Knapp and B Cunningham & MaryAnn (1999) Improving Adult English Language Learners' Speaking Skills National Center for ESL Literacy Education Folse, K S (2006) The art of teaching speaking: Research and pedagogy for ESL/EFL classroom Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press Harmer, J (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching London: Longman Hoang, V.V (2012) Tieng Anh 6, Tập 1(Sách học sinh) Vietnam Education Publisher Hoang, V.V (2012) Tieng Anh 6, Tập 1(Sách tập) Vietnam Education Publisher Hoang, V.V (2012) Tieng Anh 6, Tập 1(Sách giáo viên) Vietnam Education Publisher Hughes, R (2011) Teaching and researching speaking 2nd edition Harlow: Longman Jing, W.U (2006) Integrating skills for teaching EFL – Activity Design for the Communicative Classroom Sino-US English Teaching, (12) Kayi, Hayriye (2006) Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language Available on http://itesjl.org/Articles/Kayi- TeachingSpeaking.html Lyster, R., & Ranta, L (1997) Corrective feedback and learner uptake Studies in Second Language Acquisition Long, M (1996) The Role of the Linguistic Environment in Second Language Acquisition In W Ritchie & T Bhatia (eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, 413-68 San Diego: Academic Press 65 Nguyen, V.M (2008) An Investigation into What Difficulties Learners Encounters in Learning the Speaking Skills at Some High Schools with Tieng Anh 11 in Quang Tri Province Unpublished MA Thesis Hue University Phan, T.B.U (2004) An Investigation of how The New English Grade Textbook Is Used in Hue Lower Secondary Schools Unpublished MA Thesis Hue University Phung, N.Q.N (2007) A Study of Difficulties Faced by ELF Teachers in Teaching Listening at High Schools in Nghe An Province, Vietnam (A Case Study with Currently Used Textbook "Tieng Anh 11”)” Unpublished MA Thesis Da Nang University Richard, J.C (2001) The role of textbook in a language program Guideline 23, p 12-16 Richards, J & Rodgers, T (2006) Approaches and methods in language teaching Cambridge University Press (11th printing.) Segalowitz, N (2003) Automaticity and Second Languages In The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition C Doughty and M Long (eds.) 382-480 Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Shen, Y (2003) Teaching Postgraduate English as International Communication Thornbury, Scott (2005) How To Teach Speaking England: Longman Uong, T.N.L (2011) An Investigation into the Common Difficulties Faced by Teachers and Students in Using the English Textbook at Quang Binh Lower Secondary Schools Unpublished MA Thesis Hue University Vo, T.P.K (2008) An Investigation into the Common Difficulties Faced by Teachers anh Students in using the English textbook at Lower Secondary Schools in Hue Unpublished MA Thesis Hue University Wright, A., D Betteridge, M Buckby (2006) Games for Language Learning (3rd edn) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 66 APPENDICES PHIẾU CÂU HỎI ĐIỀU TRA Phiếu câu hỏi điều tra thiết kế nhằm mục đích thu thập liệu cho đề tài nghiên cứu “Khảo sát việc dạy kỹ nói cho học sinh lớp dựa vào sách Tiếng Anh sách thí điểm trường hai THCS Nguyễn Tri Phương Trần Cao Vân thành phố Huế” Những thông tin liệu thu từ phiếu điều tra sử dụng cho mục đích hồn thành đề tài nghiên cứu khơng mục đích khác Những câu trả lời xác em cho câu hỏi phiếu điều tra đóng góp phần lớn vào thành công đề tài nghiên cứu Để trả lời cho câu hỏi đây, em đánh dấu (√) vào trước đáp án mà em chọn I TH NG TIN CÁ NHÂN Em tên là:………………………….…………………….…………………… Học sinh lớp:……………………… Trường:………………………………………………………………………… II NỘI DUNG CÂU HỎI Câu Theo em học tiếng Anh, kỹ quan trọng nhất?  Nghe Nói Đọc Viết Câu Theo em sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh sách thí điểm mà em học có khó khơng?  Rất khó  Khó  Hơi khó  Dễ Câu Em có hay tham gia vào hoạt động thực hành nói học Tiếng Anh khơng?  Có  Khơng Câu Nếu có, em thích tham gia vào hoạt động thực hành nói Tiếng Anh lớp?  Các hoạt động vui nhộn bổ ích  Các hoạt động dễ hiểu đơn giản  Nhận lời khen điểm tốt giáo  Em thích nói tiếng Anh lớp với bạn 67  Em muốn tự tin Câu Nếu khơng, em lại không tham gia vào hoạt động thực hành nói Tiếng Anh lớp?  Các hoạt động nhàm chán đơn điệu  Các hoạt động phức tạp khó  Cơ giáo thường nghiêm khắc la mắng em mắc lỗi sai  Em không đủ tự tin để tham gia vào hoạt động  Em nói tiếng Anh khơng tốt Câu Trong học Tiếng Anh, em thích tham gia vào hoạt động luyện tập nói đây?  Thảo luận (Em bạn trao đổi chủ đề đó)  Điền thơng tin (Hỏi trả lời để lấy thơng tin mà khơng biết)  Miêu tả tranh  Đóng vai  Phỏng vấn  Kể chuyện  Điều tra (Đặt câu hỏi cho bạn để lấy thơng tin sau đánh dấu vào bảng điều tra) Tường thuật (Em thuật lại thông tin em thu thập trình điều tra) Câu Nếu em mắc lỗi sai lúc nói, em thích giáo/thầy giáo em sửa lỗi cho em cách nhất?  Thầy/cô lỗi sai sửa lại cho  Thầy/cô yêu cầu em tự phát lỗi sai giúp em tự sửa lỗi  Thầy/cơ u cầu bạn lớp tìm lỗi sửa lại cho em Câu Các em muốn thầy giúp đỡ để em tự tin nói Tiếng Anh?  Thầy phải hướng dẫn rõ ràng hoạt động lớp để chúng em hiểu rõ cách tiến hành  Thầy cô cần đa dạng làm phong phú hoạt động thực hành nói lớp  Thầy tạo nhiều hội để chúng em luyện tập nói tiếng Anh thơng qua hoạt động ngoại khóa ngồi học  Thầy cô cần nhẹ nhàng bảo không la mắng em mắc lỗi  Thầy cô giúp chúng em nhận sửa lỗi sai nói cách chu đáo, tận tình 68 QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire was designed to serve the purpose of collecting the data for the research "An Investigation into Teaching English Speaking Skill to the 6th Grade Pupils with Current Pilot Textbook Tieng Anh at Nguyen Tri Phuong and Tran Cao Van Lower Secondary School in Hue" The information and data collected from this questionnaire will be only used for the research, not for any other purposes Your opinions and responses to the questions in this questionnaire play a very important role in the success of the study Therefore, it is very precious to receive your enthusiastic cooperation To answer the following questions, please put a stick (√) before each option For many questions, many options are accepted I PERSONAL INFORMATION o Full name: …………………………………………………………… o School: ………………………………………………………………… II.QUESTIONS Question 1: As an English teacher, according to you, which skill among listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill is the most important to learners? Listening Speaking Reading Writing Question 2: What you think about the role of teaching speaking skill to students? Very important Important Quite important Unimportant Question 3: How you design speaking activities? Depending on the activities given in the textbook Adapting the activities in the textbook to suit students' level and teaching conditions Designing more activities beside the available activities in the textbook 69 Designing new activities without depending on the activities in the textbook Question 4: What are the advantages of speaking activities in the pilot textbook Tieng Anh in comparison with the previous textbook? There is a separate section for speaking skill, so teachers have more chances to teach it thoroughly The situations given in the textbook are close to the real life The speaking activities are variously designed with clear instructions Students can apply the structures and vocabulary they learn in each unit to speaking tasks Pronunciation is paid much attention and taught in a separate section Question 5: In your opinion, is the knowledge in the pilot textbook suitable for your students' level? More difficult Suitable Easier Question 6: How many periods of English subject for grade students are there in your school? …………… Question 7: How you teach speaking skill in your class? Teaching separately Integrating with three other skills Both of the two above ways Question 8: What activities you usually organize before students' main speaking activities in classroom? Holding a game to lead students to the lesson Posting an issue for students to discuss 70 Giving a situation and ask students to predict what happened/is happening/will happen Providing students with necessary vocabulary and structures Giving students a sample conversation to practice with teacher Giving clear instructions about what students have to Question 9: What speaking activities you usually use in your classes? Discussion Information-gap Picture description Role-play Interview Survey Story-telling Report Games Question 10: What you think about the role of pairwork and group work in teaching speaking skill? Very important Important Quite important Unimportant Question 11: While students practice speaking, what you often do? Observing and reminding students to focus on their practice Listening carefully and taking notes of some common mistakes Correcting students' mistakes immediately if there are any Question 12: After students finish practicing speaking activities, what you often do? Giving feedbacks about language use Correcting students' mistakes Giving feedbacks about content Encouraging students to develop their strengths and improve their weaknesses 71 Question 13: How you correct students' mistakes in speaking lesson? Indecating the mistakes, correcting them and asking students to repeat the correct sentences/phrases/words Asking students to repeat their utterances and eliciting for them to recognize their mistakes and correct by themselves Asking the other students to indecate and correct mistakes Other opinions: Question 14: What criteria you base on to evaluate students' speaking skill? Fluency Accuracy Ideas and content Three of them Question 15: Do your students enthusiastically participate in speaking activities? All students enthusiastically participate in speaking activities Most students enthusiastically participate in speaking activities Some students enthusiastically participate in speaking activities, most other students not All students not enthusiastically participate in speaking activities Question 16: What difficulties you usually encounter when teaching speaking skill to students? Do not have enough time to carry out the activities Large-size class, so teachers cannot pay attention to all students Students have no interest and enthusiasm to participate in the classroom activities Complicated activities are not suitable for low-level students 72 There is a shortage of teaching aids, so the classroom activities are not lively Question 17: In your opinion, what should teachers to encourage and attract students' participation in speaking activities in class? Designing funny and suitable activities for students' age Using lively teaching aids to support speaking activities Giving clear instructions for students to understand what they have to Activities should be simplified and there should be samples as references Encouraging students by compliments or good marks Question 18: What are some limitations of speaking activities in the pilot textbook Tieng Anh that need improving to increase the efficiency of teaching and learning speaking skill? The instructions are not clear enough There is no sample for each activity The necessary vocabulary and structures are not provided The requirements of speaking activities are high, beyond students' ability The activities are monotonous and repeating THANKS FOR YOUR HELP 73 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What difficulties you have when using the pilot textbook Tieng Anh 6? What are some strengths and weaknesses of the pilot textbook Tieng Anh 6? What are some reasons why many students are shy and not enthusiastic to participate in English speaking activities in class? How can you assess students' progress during their participation in English speaking activities in class? According to you, in order to use the pilot textbook Tieng Anh effectively, what should teachers do? 74 PHIẾU DỰ GIỜ I Thông tin chung Trường:……………………………………………………… … Lớp:……………………………………………………………… Giáo viên …………………………………………………….…… Sỉ số lớp:………………………………………………………… Bài học:…………………………………………………….…… Tiết:………………………………………………………… …… II Nội dung dự Kỹ nói dạy theo cách:  Tách riêng với kỹ khác  Lồng ghép với kỹ khác  Kết hợp hai cách Trước bắt đầu dạy, giáo viên:  Tổ chức trò chơi để dẫn em đến học  Đưa vấn đề để em trao đổi  Đưa tình yêu cầu em dự đoán việc đã, xảy  Cung cấp cho em từ vựng cấu trúc cần thiết  Đưa đoạn mẫu để em luyện tập giáo viên trước Trong trình dạy, giáo viên yêu cầu học sinh:  Thảo luận  Điền thơng tin  Miêu tả tranh  Đóng vai  Phỏng vấn Điều tra  Kể chuyện Tường thuật Trong học, giáo viên yêu cầu học sinh làm việc theo:  Cá nhân  Cặp  Nhóm Trong lúc học sinh thực hành nói giáo viên:  Quan sát nhắc nhở em tập trung vào việc luyện tập  Lắng nghe ghi lại lỗi mà em thường mắc phải  Khi phát lỗi, nhắc nhở học sinh sửa lại cho 75 Khi học sinh hoàn thành hoạt động nói, giáo viên:  Nhận xét góp ý cho em mặt ngơn ngữ  Sửa lỗi sai mà em mắc phải  Nhận xét góp ý cho em mặt nội dung  Động viên em tiếp tục phát huy điểm mạnh cố gắng khắc phục điểm yếu Khi học sinh mắc lỗi lúc nói, giáo viên:  Chỉ lỗi học sinh sửa lỗi, sau yêu cầu học sinh lặp lại  Yêu cầu học sinh lặp lại lời nói gợi ý để học sinh tự nhận thấy lỗi, sau giúp học sinh sửa  Yêu cầu học sinh khác lớp phát lỗi sửa giúp bạn  Cách khác: ……………………………………………………………………………… Học sinh tham gia vào hoạt động lớp:  Rất tích cực  Tích cực  Khơng tích cực Các hoạt động giáo viên triển khai lớp:  Giống với hoạt động thiết kế sách giáo khoa  Được điều chỉnh từ hoạt động sách giáo khoa  Được thiết kế hoàn toàn mới, không lấy từ hoạt động sách giáo khoa 10 Nhận xét chung tiết dạy: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… Huế, ngày …… tháng …… năm 2012 Người dự 76

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