A supercomputer is a computer at the frontline of contemporary processing capacity – particularly speed of calculation which can happen at speeds of nanoseconds.[clarification needed] Supercomputers were introduced in the 1960s, made initially and, for decades, primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), Cray Research and subsequent companies bearing his name or monogram. While the supercomputers of the 1970s used only a few processors, in the 1990s machines with thousands of processors began to appear and, by the end of the 20th century, massively parallel supercomputers with tens of thousands of "off-the-shelf" processors were the norm.[2][3] As of November 2013, China''s Tianhe-2 supercomputer is the fastest in the world at 33.86 petaFLOPS, or 33.86 quadrillion floating point operations per second.
[...]... s well s highest density of memory ells per hipF his mens lower ostD less ord speD less powerD nd less hetF yn the other hndD some pplitions suh s he nd video memory require higher speedD to whih ew is etter suitedF gurrentlyD you n hoose etween ew nd hew t slower speeds " down to out SH nnoseonds @nsAF ew hs ess times down to out U ns t higher ostD... optimiztions in ghpter VD we will onentrte on keeping the tivity in the fstest prts of the memory system nd voiding the slow prtsF 2.7 Improving Memory Performance 12 2.7.1 Improving Memory Performance qiven the importneD in the re of high performne omputingD of the performne of omputer9s memory susystemD mny tehniques hve een used to improve the performne of the memory systems... omputers when representing rel numersF 1 This content is available online at 2 This content is available online at 3 In high performance computing we often simulate the real world, so it is somewhat ironic that we use simulated real numbers (oating-point) in those simulations of the real world PW CHAPTER 3 FLOATING-POINT NUMBERS... @it will tke longer for memory to eome in(nitely fstAF wny of the interesting prolems in high performne omputing use lrge mount of memoryF es omputers re getting fsterD the size of prolems they tend to operte on lso goes upF he troule is tht when you wnt to solve these prolems t high speedsD you need memory system tht is lrgeD yet t the sme time fst" ig hllengeF... memoryF foth re importnt euse they re n importnt prt of most high performne pplitionsF feuse memory systems re divided into omponentsD there re di'erent ndwidth nd lteny (gures etween di'erent omponents s shown in pigure PFS @pigure QESX imple wemory ystemAF he ndwidth rte etween he nd the g will e higher thn the ndwidth etween min memory nd the heD for... CHAPTER 2 MEMORY PT 2.8 Closing Notes 15 2.8.1 Closing Notes hey sy tht the omputer of the future will e good memory system tht just hppens to hve g tthedF es high performne miroproessor systems tke over s the high performne omputing enginesD the prolem of heEsed memory system tht uses hew for min memory must e solvedF here re mny rhiteture nd tehnology e'orts... use of the ville tehnologyF por the reminder of this hpterD we will exmine the memory hierrhy nd its impt on performneF sn senseD with tody9s high performne miroproessor performing omputtions so quiklyD the tsk of the high performne progrmmer eomes the reful mngement of the memory hierrhyF sn some sense it9s useful intelletul exerise to view the simple omputtions... the trdeo' etween speed nd uryF sn the (eld of high performne omputing we generlly expet our proessors to produe )otingE point result every THHEwrz lok yleF st is pretty ler tht in most pplitions we ren9t willing to drop this y ftor of IHH just for little more uryF fefore we disuss the formt used y most high performne omputersD we disuss some lterntive... instrutionsD the ggregte rte of informtion oming from memory is inresedD nd interferene etween the two types of memory referenes is minimizedF elsoD instrutions generlly hve n extremely high level of lolity of referene euse of the sequentil nture of most progrmsF feuse the instrution hes don9t hve to e prtiulrly lrge to e e'etiveD typil rhiteture is to hve... jo get reted or pulled in from the diskF10 he pool of physil memory pges is limited euse physil memory is limitedD so on mhine where mny progrms re loying for speD there will e higher numer of pge fultsF his is euse physil memory pges re ontinully eing reyled for other purposesF roweverD when you hve the mhine to yourselfD nd memory is less in demndD lloted