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Its me jump 11 listening and speaking book

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11 JUMP NAME : CARROT HOUSE Beaver Town 11 Jump Table of contents Unit This is my pet ……………………… Unit What animal is that? … ………… Unit At the zoo … ……………………… 12 Work Out … ……………………………… 16 Unit Insects … …………………………… 17 Unit Animals in the forest … ………… 21 Unit On the farm ………………………… 25 Work Out … ……………………………… 29 Unit Sea world …………………………… 30 Unit Camping trip … …………………… 34 Work Out … ……………………………… 38 Unit This is my pet Vocabulary Box Track Listen and repeat Pet Feed Owner Animal furry Hamster Cute Bird Responsible 10 Snake 11 Care 12 Leash 13 Kitten 14 Puppy 15 Cat 16 Dog Key Phrase Track Listen, match, and repeat Do you have a pet? • • a My favorite animal is the cat I like to feed my • • b Hamsters eat nuts My puppy is very cute • • c OK, I will What is your favorite • • d Yes, I have a dog Make sure you feed • • e I will take care of my puppy hamster animal? your puppy This is my pet Let’s Make Sentences Track Listen, fill in the blanks, and repeat I like to my What is your favorite ? Do you have a ? My favorite animal is the Only people can take care of pets The on that puppy is colorful Listening Activity Track Listen, read, and fill in the blanks What is your favorite (a) pet ? (b) responsible Make sure to (a) water your dog before you go to school (b) leash (c) feed Only (a) cute My (a) owner Who is the (a) hairy Your kitten is very (a) dislike (c) owner people can take care of pets (b) responsible (c) owner likes to eat nuts (b) feed of this kitten? (b) owner (c) hamster (c) puppy (b) pet (c) cute Unit Let’s Talk Draw your favorite animal, or your pet Tell your friend what your favorite animal is Ask your friend what their favorite animal is My favorite animal is the Let’s Spell Listen and unscramble the letters nmailA → pesRnosible → isDilke → tseP → deeF → teuC → asertHm → Track This is my pet Creative Activity Track Listen, circle, and draw My favorite animal is the puppy / kitten I like them because they are cute / furry My favorite animal is the hamster / snake I like them because they are cute / furry Let’s Act Read the conversation below Now, with your partner tell them about your pet If you don't have a pet, use your imagination! Do you have a pet? I have a cat Its name is Libby Unit What animal is that? Vocabulary Box Track Listen and repeat Endangered Claws Research Wild Tiger Fur Protect Pattern Survive 10 Habitat 11 Scientist 12 Panda 13 Lion 14 Jungle 15 Plain 16 Kangaroo Key Phrase Track Listen, match, and repeat What animal is that? • Are tigers endangered • • b The patterns help them survive in the jungle Pandas are • • c No, they don't Do lions live in the • • d So scientists are doing research to protect them Tigers have strange • • e That is a kangaroo animals? endangered animals jungle? patterns on their fur • a Yes, they are endangered What animal is that? Let’s Make Sentences Track Listen, fill in the blanks, and repeat Tigers have strange on their Pandas are very So are doing to them That is a Their helps them Do in the live in the ? Listening Activity Track 10 Listen and fill in the blanks There are many animals are endangered animals that live in the strange on their They have The patterns help them in the jungle live in the bamboo forest They are endangered animals So doing are to and so we need to protect their are them Other endangered animals These animals live in the Unit Let’s Talk What endangered animals have you seen? The endangered animal I have seen is the Let’s Spell Listen and unscramble the letters uJgnel → cSientsit → ersceRha → dEgnearnde → ergTi → argnKooa → erctoPt → 10 Track 11 Unit Creative Activity Track 32 Listen, check, and draw the animals Owen saw in the forest Animals Owen Wolf Fox Bear Mr Anderson Mrs Anderson Shawn Joanna Monkey Frog Eagle Deer Mr Miller Owen Mrs Miller Let’s Act Read the conversation below Talk about any forest animals you have Gordon Mr Taylor Mrs Taylor seen befor e Take turns! I saw deers once in the forest They were very beautiful Have you seen any wild animals in the forest? Mr Yamamoto Mrs Yamamoto Mr Harris Mrs Harris Mr Moss Mrs Moss Doris Flora 24 Luc Michelle Alice Unit On the farm Vocabulary Box Track 33 Listen and repeat Sheep Pasture Fodder Pigsty Gallop Horse Herd Dairy Flock 10 Goose 11 Farm 12 Field 13 Graze 14 Haystack 15 Gaggle 16 Barn Key Phrase Track 34 Listen, match, and repeat I went to the farm yesterday • • a They were very fast Were there cows grazing • • b It looks like clouds The flock of sheep is on • • c No, there weren't any pigs Were there pigs in the • d It was very fun out on the field? the field pigsty? • There were many horses • galloping around • e Yes, there were cows on the field 25 Unit Let’s Make Sentences Track 35 Listen, fill in the blanks, and repeat The of sheep was on the field The I saw a were galloping on the field of geese in the barn Did you have fun at the ? The cows were The out on the field was full of Listening Activity Listen and circle Track 36 I went to my grandparents' farm / barn yesterday I saw many different animals The first animal I saw was a horse / sheep It was galloping on the field Next, I went to the barn / farm and I saw gaggle / flock of geese / hens Next to the barn I saw a herd / drove of pigs / ducks in the pigsty / field The pigs were covered in mud Finally, I saw a cow / horse grazing / eating on the pastures / egg It was a fun day 26 On the farm Let’s Talk Ask three friends about what kind of farm animals they have seen and Check Have you been to a farm? What type of animal did you see? Cow I have been to the farm I saw horses and cows on the field Horse Pig Hen Ducks Goose Sheep Name: Name: Name: Let’s Spell Listen and unscramble the letters Track 37 rFma → eFdli → oCw → Pgi → dHre → oHesr → ucDk → 27 Unit Creative Activity Listen and draw the animals Gordon saw on the farm Track 38 Let’s Act Read the conversation below Talk about your favorite farm animals Take turns! Which farm animals you like? 28 I like pigs because I think they are cute Mr Anderson Mrs Anderson Shawn Joanna Work Out Mr Miller Mrs Miller Owen Let’s Review Track 39 Listen, read, and match Mr Taylor spiders Mrs Taylor Gordon cockroach • • butterfly • Mr Yamamoto Mrs Yamamoto Doris caterpillar • Review More Mr Harris Mrs Harris snail • frog • Flora Track 40 Listen, read, and fill in the blanks Alice , I wentLucto myMichelle grandfather's farm Mr Moss Mrs Moss (a) Last Friday (c) Last night There were many (a) horses (b) Yesterday by the pond (b) chickens (c) geese A goose bumped into me (a) She (b) He was scared (c) I There were many (a) animals We saw a (a) fox, cat (b) horse there (c) pigs and a (b) sheep, monkey (c) fox, deer (d) goat, frog Play Time Let's play bingo! Use the word box to fill the bingo chart When your word is called, make a sentence Word Box Insects Bee Butterfly Tiny Slow Spiders Beautiful Wings Cocoon Disgusting Caterpillar Snail Fly Mosquito Ladybug Cockroach Deer Wolf Bear Eagle Fox Wood Habitat Hunter Hide Howl Growl Paw Foot print Territory Pack Moon Sheep Pasture Fodder Pigsty Gallop Horse Herd Dairy Flock Goose Farm Field 29 Unit Sea world Vocabulary Box Track 41 Listen and repeat Shark Dolphin show Ocean Aquarium Sea horse Aquatic Sea otter Lobster Octopus 10 Sword fish 11 Aquarium 12 Shell 13 Slimy 14 Wet 15 Whale 16 Fish Key Phrase Track 42 Listen, match, and repeat Are you going to the • • a It is for protection Is the sea horse your • • b Yes, it is I love sea otters and • • c It is also wet The octopus is slimy • • d They are very smart The shell on the lobster • • e Yes, I am going with my family aquarium tomorrow? favorite aquatic animal? dolphins is very hard 30 Sea world Let’s Make Sentences Track 43 Listen, fill in the blanks, and repeat I am going to the The world with my family is The on the Which is very hard animal you like the most? I love and dolphins The are amazing Listening Activity Track 44 Listen, read, and fill in the blanks I went to the fun I saw many different world last weekend It was very animals First, I saw a It looked bigger than a bus! Next, I went to the It was very amusing After that, I saw a Its nose was very sharp like a sword Lastly, I went to see the sea They were very cute and smart They are my favorite aquatic animal 31 Unit Let’s Talk Roll a dice and make a sentence with the word you land on First to get to the finish line wins! Start aquatic slimy Finish Let’s Spell Listen and unscramble the letters isFh → wSrdo sfhi → eSa ohsre → ahWle → tOcspuo → uAaqtci → aOecn → 32 Track 45 Sea world Creative Activity Track 46 Listen, circle, and draw I saw a whale / sea otter at the sea world My favorite aquatic animal is the dolphin / octopus Let’s Act Read the conversation below With your partner, talk about your experience at a sea world Take turns! Did you see any aquatic animals at the sea world? I saw many different aquatic animals My favorite was the sea otter 33 Unit Camping trip Vocabulary Box Track 47 Listen and repeat Compass Charcoal Hammock Camp site Backpacking Fire pit Camping ground GPS Moose 10 Lantern 11 Dehydration 12 Prepare 13 Icebox 14 Kayak 15 Canoe 16 Fishing rod Key Phrase Track 48 Listen, match, and repeat Make sure to bring the GPS • a I want to go on a canoe I want to go on a kayak • • b Make sure you bring enough water Make sure to put the • • c Okay, I will bring it Drink lots of water to • • d Where is the icebox? It will be dark soon • • e Let's prepare the fire pit food in the icebox prevent dehydration 34 • Camping trip Let’s Make Sentences Track 49 Listen, fill in the blanks, and repeat Make sure to put the food in the I want to go on a Make sure to bring the Drinking water will prevent If you get lost, use the for directions Let's prepare the before it gets dark Listening Activity Listen, rearrange, and write Track 50 GPS / Make / to bring / the / sure a moose / our / tent / by / I / saw a camping / Let's / on / go / trip want / a kayak / on / go / I / to my / want / hammock / on / to sleep / I 35 Unit Let’s Talk Ask three friends what they will prepare for the camping trip I will prepare the tents and icebox What are you going to prepare for the camping trip? Hammock Compass Ice box Lantern GPS Name: Name: Name: Let’s Spell Listen and unscramble the letters ceIxob → Pperrea → PGS → pCganmi → ayKka → oMeso → Conea → 36 Track 51 Camping trip Creative Activity Listen and draw Owen's camping site Track 52 Let’s Act Read the conversation below With your partner talk about going on a camping trip Take turns! Have you been to a camping trip before? Yes, I have I went to the national park 37 Mr Anderson Mrs Anderson Shawn Joanna Work Out Mr Miller Mrs Miller Owen Let’s Review Track 53 Listen, read, and number the pictures Mr Taylor Mrs Taylor Gordon Did you see a dolphin? Yes, I did Did you see a whale? Mr Yamamoto Mrs Yamamoto Yes, I did Did you see a seal? Yes, I did Mr Harris Mrs Harris Did you see a beaver? Yes, I did Did you see a shark? Mr Moss Mrs Moss Yes, I did Doris Flora Luc Michelle Alice Review More Track 54 Listen, read, and fill in the blank I want to go on a I am going to the The with my family is slimy Where is the Make sure to put the food in the ? aquatic camp site sea world octopus icebox kayak Play Time Let's play bingo! Use the word box to fill the bingo chart When your word is called, make a sentence 38 Word Box Shark Dolphin show Ocean Aquarium Sea horse Aquatic Sea otter Lobster Octopus Sword fish Aquarium Shell Slimy Wet Whale Compass Charcoal Hammock Camp site Backpacking Fire pit Camping ground GPS Moose Lantern Dehydration Hotdog Icebox Kayak Canoe Fishing rod

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2023, 17:18