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Phần mềm dynaform là một trong những ứng dụng mô phỏng phần tử hữu hạn để mô phỏng quá trình dập thuỷ tĩnh. nhằm hạn chế sai khác, hạn chế phế phẩm trong gia công dập tạo hình. hướng dẫn sử dụng phần mềm hiện đang hạn chế, hầu hết là tiếng anh, sẽ khó khăn hơn trong quá trình thao tác của người mới học

eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual Version 5.8.1 An LS-DYNA Based Sheet Metal Forming Simulation Solution Package Engineering Technology Associates, Inc 1133 E Maple Road, Suite 200 Troy, MI 48083 Tel: +1 (248) 729 3010 Fax: +1 (248) 729 3020 Email: support@eta.com Engineering Technology Associates, Inc., ETA, the ETA logo, and eta/DYNAFORM are the registered trademarks of Engineering Technology Associates, Inc All other trademarks or names are the property of the respective owners ©1998-2011 Engineering Technology Associates, Inc All rights reserved Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here FOREWORD The concepts, methods, and examples presented in this text are for illustrative and educational purposes only, and are not intended to be exhaustive or to apply to any particular engineering problem or design This material is a compilation of data and figures from many sources Engineering Technology Associates, Inc assumes no liability or responsibility to any person or company for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of any information contained herein eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual I Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here OVERVIEW The eta/DYNAFORM software package consists of four programs These programs represent the preprocessor, solver and post-processor They are: eta/DYNAFORM, eta/Job Submitter, eta/POST and eta/3DPlayer eta/DYNAFORM is the pre-processor portion of the software package, which is used to construct the sheet metal forming models It includes VDA and IGES translators for importing line data and a complete array of tools for altering or constructing line data and meshing it LS-DYNA is the software package’s solver eta/DYNAFORM has a complete LS-DYNA interface allowing the user to run LS-DYNA from eta/DYNAFORM eta/POST and eta/GRAPH are the post-processing portions of the package These programs are used to post-process the LS-DYNA result files from the analysis eta/POST creates contour, deformation, FLD, and stress plots and animations with the result files eta/GRAPH contains functions for graphically interpreting the same results eta/POST (post-processor) eta/DYNAFORM (pre-processor) LS-DYNA (solver) eta/3DPlayer (post-processor) Figure 1: Components of eta/DYNAFORM solution package Each of the software components has its own manual which should be referenced for further information on running these programs These manuals are: eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual A comprehensive training manual for using the eta/DYNAFORM software package for various applications eta/DYNAFORM User’s Manual A reference guide to the functions contained in the eta/DYNAFORM program (pre-processor) LS-DYNA Keyword User’s Manual A reference guide to the LS-DYNA program (solver) eta/POST User’s Manual A reference guide to the functions contained in the eta/POST program and eta/GRAPH program (post-processor) II eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here INTRODUCTION Welcome to the eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 Application Manual The eta/DYNAFORM is the unified version of the Windows and UNIX platforms This manual is meant to give the user a basic understanding of finite element modeling for forming analysis, as well as displaying the forming results It is by no means an exhaustive study of the simulation techniques and capabilities of eta/DYNAFORM For more detailed study of eta/DYNAFORM, the user is urged to attend an eta/DYNAFORM training seminar This manual details a step-by-step sheet metal forming simulation process through AutoSetup interface process Users should take the time to learn setup process as each has inherent benefits and limitations Completely from the process point of view, AutoSetup in eta/DYNAFORM inherits the rapidness in QuickSetup, which ensures the user's least operation, The user can define multistage stamping starting with a simple model, Hydroforming Simulation, Welded blank simulation, Superplastic Forming, thermal forming, rotary bending and roller hemming meet the user’s needs of different fields The following table outlines the major differences of the traditional setup, the Quick Setup, and the AutoSetup procedure USER SETUP QUICK SETUP AUTO SETUP Manual interface can duplicate any tooling configuration: pads, multiple tools, etc Automated interface limits flexibility There are some inner templates that enables user to setup all kinds of operation Requires more setup time Reduces time Reduces setup time and reduces the possibility of make mistake Manual definition of travel curves Automated travel curves Automated travel curves and manual definition curve Geometrical Offset and Contact Offset Contact Offset Both Contact Offset Geometrical Offset modeling setup and The exercises provided in the application manual are listed as the following: Single Action Draw: single action / contact offset / draw bead/gravity load Solid Element Double Action Draw: double action / solid element Springback and Springback Compensation Analysis: springback / springback compensation Tube bending and Hydroforming: hydroforming / working direction Multistage Rotary Bending Simulation: Multistage bending tube / automatically generated tube and tools Note: This manual is intended for the application of all eta/DYNAFORM platforms Platform interfaces may vary slightly due to different operating system requirements This may cause some minor visual discrepancies in the interface screen shots and your version of eta/DYNAFORM that should be ignored eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual III Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here TABLE OF CONTENTS Commonly Used Material Type .IX Example Single Action - Fender Create an eta/DYNAFORM Database I Start eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 II Open the Database III Database Unit AUTO SETUP .4 I New Sheet Forming Setup II General III Blank Definition IV Blank Material and Property Definition V Tools Definition 10 VI Tools Positioning 19 VII Process Definition 20 VIII.Control Parameters 22 IX Define Draw Bead 24 X 27 Animation XI Add Gravity Stage 29 XII Tools Definition 30 XIII.Process Definition 31 XIV Submit Job 32 POST PROCESSING (with eta/POST) 36 I Reading the Results File into the Post Processor 36 II Multiple Stage Control 37 III Deformation 37 IV FLD 39 V 40 Thinning VI Plot Single Frame 41 VII View Draw Bead Force Factor 42 VIII.Record an AVI and E3D File 43 eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual V Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here Example Double Action (Solid Element) 45 Create an eta/DYNAFORM Database 46 I Start eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 46 II Import File 46 III Save the Database 47 IV Database Unit 47 AUTO SETUP 48 I New Sheet Forming Setup 48 II General 49 III Blank Definition 50 IV Blank Material and Property Definition 54 V 55 Tools Definition VI Tools Positioning 58 VII Process Definition 59 VIII.Control Parameters 62 IX Animation 63 X 64 Submit Job POST PROCESSING (with eta/POST) 66 I Reading the Results File d3plot into the Post Processor 66 II Animating Deformation 67 III Thickness 68 IV FLD 68 Example Roof Springback Simulation and Springback Compensation 70 Create an eta/DYNAFORM Database 71 I Start eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 71 II Import File 71 III Save the Database 72 AUTO SETUP 74 VI I New Sheet Forming Setup 74 II General 74 III Blank Definition 75 IV Blank Material and Property Definition 76 V 77 Boundary Condition VI Control Parameters 79 VII Submit Job 80 eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here POST PROCESSING (with eta/POST) 82 I Reading the Result File d3plot into eta/Post 82 II Springback Analysis 83 Springback Compensation Analysis Setup .87 I Open File 88 II Blank Definition 89 III Tools Definition 92 IV General Parameters 92 V 93 Submit for Calculation VI Result Check 94 VII The Second Forming Simulation 97 VIII.Deviation Check 98 IX Surface Mapping 99 Example Tube Bending and Hydro-forming 101 Create an eta/DYNAFORM Database 102 I Start eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 102 II Import File 102 III Save the Database 102 IV Database Unit 102 AUTO SETUP 103 I New Tube Forming Setup 103 II General 103 III Tube Definition 104 IV Tool Definition (OP10) 107 V 110 Tools Positioning (OP10) VI Process Definition (OP10) 111 VII Add the Second Stage 113 VIII.Tool Definition (OP20) 114 IX Process Definition (OP20) 118 X 119 Control Parameters (OP20) XI Add the Third Stage 119 XII Tube Definition (OP30) 120 XIII.Tool Definition (OP30) 120 XIV Process Definition (OP30) 121 XV Control Parameters (OP30) 122 XVI Animation 122 eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual VII Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here XVII Submit Job 123 POST PROCESSING (with eta/POST) 125 I Reading the Results File d3plot into the Post Processor 125 II Multiple Stage Control 126 III Deformation 126 IV FLD 127 V 127 Thickness/Thinning Example Multistage Rotary Bending Simulation 130 Create an eta/DYNAFORM Database 131 I Start eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 131 II Save the Database 131 III Database Unit 131 AUTO SETUP 132 I New Rotary Bending Simulation Setup 132 II General 135 III Tube Definition 136 IV Tube Material and Property Definition 137 V Tool Definition 138 VI Process Definition 139 VII Control Parameters 140 VIII Animation 141 IV Submit Job 142 POST PROCESSING (with eta/POST) 143 I Reading the Results File d3plot into the Post Processor 143 II Multiple Stage Control 143 III Deformation 144 IV FLD 146 V 147 Thickness VI Plot Single Frame 148 MORE ABOUT eta/DYNAFORM 5.8.1 149 CONCLUSION 150 VIII eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual Error! Use the Home tab to apply 标题 to the text that you want to appear here Commonly Used Material Type At present, LS-DYNA has more than 200 metal/non-metal models for various applications In sheet metal forming analysis, rigid body material is used for tooling while rigid-plastic material and elasticplastic material are used for sheet For elastic-plastic material models, models such as power law plasticity material, piece-wise linear material, transversely anisotropic elastic-plastic material and 3parameter Barlat material are utilized for the sheet metal stamping forming analysis eta/DYNAFORM supports many material models and the commonly used ones are material types 18, 24, 36, 37 and 125, in which types 18 and 24 are isotropic materials while types 36, 37, 39 and 125 are anisotropic materials With the development of theory research, more accurate material models will be provided for the engineering practical application An introduction of the material models supported by eta/DYNAFORM is given below *MAT_001(*MAT_ELASTIC) This is Material Type This is an isotropic elastic material and is available for beam, shell, and solid elements The user only needs to input density, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio *MAT_012(*MAT_ISOTROPIC_ELASTIC_PLASTIC) This is a very low cost isotropic plasticity model for three dimensional solids In the plane stress implementation for shell elements, a one-step radial return approach is used to scale the Cauchy stress tensor to if the state of stress exceeds the yield surface This approach to plasticity leads to inaccurate shell thickness updates and stresses after yielding This is the only model in LS-DYNA for plane stress that does not default to an iterative approach *MAT_018(*MAT_POWER_LAW_PLASTICITY) This is Material Type 18 This is an isotropic plasticity model with rate effects which uses a power law hardening rule It uses the Cowper-Symonds strain rate model as multiplier to consider the strain rate effects and Mises yield criterion as the yield criterion for material Since the transverse anisotropy of material is not considered, this material is only applied in some simple isotropic material analysis Generally, the user needs to input the following parameters: elastic modulus of material, mass density, Poisson’s ratio, strength coefficient, hardening exponent and Cowper-Symonds strain rate, etc *MAT_020(*MAT_RIGID) This is Material 20 Parts made from this material are considered to belong to a rigid body In eta/DYNAFORM, this material is used to define the material of toolings and the deformation of toolings is not considered The user needs to input the practical tooling density, elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio *MAT_024(*MAT_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY) This is Material Type 24 It is based on the one way tensile test result of material, uses the piecewise linear function to approach the test result of material plasticity deformation and uses CowperSymonds strain rate model as multiplier to consider the strain rate effect It also adopts the Mises yield eta/DYNAFORM Application Manual IX

Ngày đăng: 21/08/2023, 16:56


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