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Đạo đức học thuật là một phần quan trọng trong hệ thống giáo dục tại Đài Loan. Các câu hỏi trong bộ tham khảo này nhằm đánh giá kiến thức và nhận thức của học sinh về nguyên tắc và chuẩn mực đạo đức trong nghiên cứu và học tập. Nội dung tập trung vào việc nhận biết sao chép, đạo văn, gian lận trong nghiên cứu, cũng như tầm quan trọng của việc trích dẫn nguồn gốc một cách chính xác. Đồng thời, câu hỏi cũng giúp học sinh nhận thức được trách nhiệm của mình trong việc bảo vệ quyền sở hữu trí tuệ và tôn trọng công sức nghiên cứu của người khác. Qua đó, mục tiêu chính của bộ tham khảo này là tạo ra một lực lượng lao động trí thức có đạo đức và tự trọng trong lĩnh vực học thuật và nghiên cứu.

1 What is the most critical core value during the research process? (1) Thrift: To reduce research costs as much as possible (2) Timeliness: To complete the experimental procedures on schedule (3) Honesty: To practice the value of scientific integrity (4) Warm-heartedness: To be fully committed to one’s social relationships with one’s teachers and peers 2 Who should be the main practitioners of research ethics and its relevant norms? (1) College and graduate students (2) Researchers with public and private research institutions (3) College professors and postdoctoral researchers (4) All of the above Which of the following conduct conforms to general research ethics? (1) Embellish research diagrams or over-interpret research findings to increase the persuasiveness of the paper’s contents (2) Present and report research information honestly and accurately when writing papers (3) Consume many research resources and incur social costs due to poorly planned research designs (4) Include even those who have not made substantial contribution to the research as the paper’s co-authors 4 Before embarking on postgraduate studies in a research institution, where can one obtain information to understand the relevant ethical norms to which one should pay special attention? (1) Search the “Academic Ethics” section of the MOST’s website (2) Understand the relevant norms and courses related to the institution’s academic ethics (3) Browse the websites of professional societies to obtain the latest contents on ethical norms (4) All of the above Which of the following is not a consequence if a researcher deliberately ignores research ethics? (1) Use his/her personal academic prestige to convince the public to ignore the violation of research ethics (2) Cause physical and psychological damages to the research participants (3) Accept the relevant punishments associated with violations of professional norms or policies (4) Have one’s reputation in scientific research affected due to damaging the public’s trust in scientific research Answers: (1)What type of research ethics might have been violated by the protagonist in the situation described above? (Single answer) Inappropriate procedures for data collection Fabrication and falsification (alteration) of research data Plagiarism and pilfering of another person’s works Inappropriate definitions and claims of authorship Repeat release and publication of works (2)What punishments did the protagonist get for his misconduct? (Multiple answers) Revocation of his Master’s degree Loss of eligibility to pursue his doctoral program Given the opportunity to rewrite his Master’s thesis Permanently banned from submitting applications to graduate schools Personal credibility and reputation were affected (3)After reading about this case, how should you prevent similar conduct from occurring? (Multiple answers) Avoid attending graduate school Never be openly involved with plagiarized theses Be dedicated to improving one’s academic writing skills Use the correct format and cite other people’s work appropriately Never plagiarize other people’s works (or works that one has previously published) Which of the following is/are the main type(s) of common professional norms pertaining to research ethics? (1) Universal declarations and reports (2) Codes on research ethics established by professional associations (3) Norms for submission of research works specified by academic journals or publishers (4) All of the above In the process of writing a research paper and until its successful submission, which of the following is not the conduct of a responsible researcher? (1) Understanding the academic writing format adopted by one’s professional field (2) Following the proper format for citations and preparation of figures, and organizing the references properly (3) Over-interpreting the contents of research diagrams in the hopes of securing a higher chance at being published (4) Reading the norms for submission specified by academic and research journals carefully, avoiding submission of one manuscript to various publishers, and ensuring the absence of plagiarism or copyright infringement of other people’s works 3.What are the common norms for research ethics with which a researcher should be familiar before the official launch of an experiment, to simultaneously protect the rights and obligations of research participants and subjects? (1) Legal norms for research involving human subjects (2) Requirements for the protection of human subjects stipulated by the professional association to which one belongs (3) Academic journals’ policies on research involving human subjects (4) All of the above During the research process, which of the following conduct best protects the rights of research participants/subjects while ensuring their safety? (1) Provide them with compensation and entice them with incentives to prevent them from dropping out halfway (2) Obtain their informed consent and carefully assess the risks that may arise from the research (3) Avoid using those who are underage or from vulnerable groups (e.g the sickly or pregnant women) as research subjects (4) Simplify descriptions of research risks for adult participants/subjects to reduce their psychological stress From an ethical perspective, what are the personal responsibilities that a researcher should bear? (1) Review one’s research conduct with high ethical standards even under highpressure research situations (2) Learn personal skills on ethical criticism, decision making, and problem solving (3) Consider all potential benefits and impacts carefully before making a decision and bear the consequences accordingly (4) All of the above 1.Medical Institution A wanted to conduct human trials on B (an adult with conscious abilities), but did not explicitly inform B about the details of the experiment However, B had already given written consent for A to conduct human trials What type of research ethics has A violated? (1) Violated the principles that the researcher has the obligation to inform the subject and obtain his or her informed consent (2) Violated the principle that the researcher has the obligation to inform, but not that of obtaining the subject’s informed consent (3) Violated the principle that the researcher must obtain the subject’s informed consent, but did not violate the obligation to inform (4) Did not violate either the principle that the researcher has the obligation to inform or that of obtaining the subject’s informed consent Medical Institution A wanted to conduct human trials on B (an adult with conscious abilities), but did not explicitly inform B about the details of the experiment However, B had already given written consent for A to conduct human trials What laws has A violated? (1) Social Order Maintenance Act (2) Private International Law (3) Law of Negotiable Instruments (4) Medical Care Act 3 Hwang Chao-Mei, an HIV/AIDS researcher, conducted an in-depth interview with Lee Lan-Hua Lee requested that Hwang not reveal her medical condition However, when Hwang published her research findings, Lee’s HIV status was leaked What type of research ethics has Hwang’s conduct violated? (1) Violated the researcher’s obligation to inform (2) Violated the principle of obtaining informed consent from the research subject (3) Violated the principle of protecting the privacy of the research subject (4) Violated the principle of fair treatment Hwang Chao-Mei, an HIV/AIDS researcher, conducted an in-depth interview with Lee Lan-Hua Lee requested that Hwang not reveal her medical condition However, when Hwang published her research findings, Lee’s HIV status was leaked What law(s) has Hwang’s conduct violated? (1) Administrative Procedure Act (2) Personal Information Protection Act (3) Fair Trade Act (4) Insurance Act Medical Institution A conducts research on unique diseases and wishes to conduct a human trial on B, who is 16 years old Who is the most appropriate party to give written consent for B’s participation in the trial? (1) B himself/herself (2) B’s legal representative (3) Either B himself/herself or his/her legal representative (4) Both B himself/herself and his/her legal representative What type of research ethics is revealed when fair treatment and the selection of research subjects are expected? (1) Researchers’ obligation to inform (2) Principle of informed consent by the research subjects (3) Principle of fair treatment (4) Principle of protecting the privacy of the research subjects Explication: The principle of fair treatment means that researchers should exercise fairness when: treating and selecting research subjects, respecting their autonomy, and working with the data collected Which of the following are norms of academic ethics stipulated by the MOST for the conduct of researchers who apply for its grant for special research projects? (1) Policy Guidelines on Ethics for Human Research (2) Academic Code of Ethics for Researchers (3) Guidelines for the Collection and Use of Human Specimens for Research (4) Regulations on Human Trials Based on the explanations in the module “Definition of Inappropriate Research Conduct,” which of the following is not an inappropriate research behavior? (1) Over-embellishment of research data (2) Improper operation of research equipment (3) Deliberate non-publication of research findings (4) Excessive separation of research findings into several portions for publication Explanation: Both the over-embellishment of research data and improper operation of research equipment may lead to doubts over the data having been falsified or the collection procedures being appropriate Excessive separation of the findings into several units for publication may result in multiple submissions On the other hand, there are many reasons for researchers to deliberately avoid publishing their findings, including awaiting the approval of patent applications or preparing of the finished product for mass production and sale In addition, some researchers may decide against publishing findings for the time being because they were not what they had expected In short, deliberately not publishing research findings is not an inappropriate research conduct mentioned in this module 2.Both Hsiao Yan and her guidance professor are listed as co-authors of an academic paper that they have jointly completed, and they intend to submit the paper to a foreign academic journal On the eve of the submission, Hsiao Yan’s senior female schoolmate, who had assisted her with revising the sentence construction and Researchers must then adjust the content so that it matches the subjects Volition means subjects must agree to participate in a pressure-free situation Which of the following groups are often considered "vulnerable persons" in research that researchers must pledge to respect and protect? (1)infants, children, youth, elders (2)students, people in the lower class, soldiers, inmates (3)Patients with dementia, handicapped persons, patients with critical illnesses (4)All of the above Explanation: Each research domain and professional organization has different definitions of vulnerable populations, but they at least include: Individuals lacking decision-making capabilities who are, therefore, unable to undertake informed consent (e.g., infants) Individuals with limited autonomy due to environment or class (e.g., students, military, inmates) Disadvantaged persons in terms of politics, economy, and culture (e.g., indigenous people, vagrants, citizens in developing countries) Individuals with limited volition due to illness (e.g., patients with a critical illness) When vulnerable populations are used as research subjects, researchers not only should meticulously perform the process of signing informed consent but also should fulfill any duties outlined by relevant regulations that ensure the rights of vulnerable populations According to the principle of beneficence of the Belmont Report, under which condition of risk and benefits should a researcher conduct research? (1)Minimized risk, maximized benefit (2)Maximized risk, minimized benefit (3)Minimized risk and benefit (4)Maximized risk and benefit Explanation: The second fundamental principle in the Belmont Report is "Beneficence"; the principle emphasizes that researchers must strive to no harm, including maximizing expected profit and minimizing harm After the researcher has enumerated the nature and scope of potential risks and benefits during research, he/she must carefully investigate and evaluate what is at stake Additionally, if the research involves human subjects, the research proposal must be submitted to an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for peer evaluation, and supervision of research risks and benefits to be objectively assessed by a third party, as stated in Taiwan's Human Subjects Research Act Moreover, whether an exhaustive protective measure for subjects is present can also be evaluated Which of the following research action is executed in accordance with the principle of justice in the Belmont Report? (1)Refuse to enroll an eligible patient for research in a human subject experiment due to personal reasons (2)Select a certain indigenous race as research subject due to stereotype (3)Lure the disadvantaged into participation with an expectation of profit (4)Carefully evaluate the risks and burdens in the research and strive to benefit subjects with the research results Explanation: The third fundamental principle in the Belmont Report is "justice," which primarily illustrates the topic of distribution, including the distribution of benefit and burden The research process emphasizes justice if a researcher denies one's deserved research profit without a justifiable reason or forces subjects to have too much of a research burden, it is unjust From the perspective of research ethics, however, the principle of justice pertains mostly to the fair selection of subjects through a fair process, to produce fair and just research results When implementing the principle of justice, there are two factors worth further examination: the personal level and the societal level In the following scenarios, which is an appropriate authorship designation? (1)Joe has made no substantial contribution to Shin's research, but to thank Joe for his encouragement and support during graduate school, Shin designated Joe as a co-author (2)Flora is a doctoral student who intends to please a renowned professor by designating him as a co-author, even though the professor has made no substantial contribution to her thesis Flora has informed the professor and obtained his consent in advance (3)Hua is a doctoral student When publishing his thesis, he thought his advisor made substantial contributions to the research such as developing the research topic, assisting in conducting the research, and editing the research paper Therefore, Hua obtained his advisor's consent and designated him as a co-author (4)Shelly and Flora are both doctoral students in the same lab, and they collaborated on a certain research topic and thesis Before publication, Shelly, who is responsible for the submission, deemed that Flora wrote poorly, which caused the content to require constant modifications Therefore, she thinks that Flora is not qualified to be a co-author and she removed Flora's name from the manuscript, thus making herself the only author of the work Explanation: Only Hua's advisor is qualified for an author designation Because all of the other individuals mentioned in the scenarios did not make substantial contributions, they are unsuitable to be designated as authors Refer to Chart 1, Author Definition Checklist, in the unit on Definition of Authorship and Principles of Designation for specific work descriptions 2 Shelly is a graduate student Before graduation, she submitted an English manuscript of her Chinese thesis to a decent journal Now she is facing the problem of "who is qualified to be designated as an author?" If you were Shelly, who you think is most qualified to be designated as a co-author? (1)The lab founder, because he is the founder of the lab, and any research work that uses the lab's resources should include the founder as a co-author (2)The graduate studies advisor, because he has provided many suggestions for the research, assisted in modifying the English-language journal manuscript, and enhanced the structure and logic of the manuscript to meet the journal's requirements (3)The lab's administrative supervisor, because he is in charge of acquiring and maintaining the lab's equipment and the environment so that Shelly could conduct her research in a safe environment with ample resources (4)Shelly's undergraduate studies professor, because he wrote a letter of recommendation for Shelly that helped her gain admission to her current graduate school As a result, Shelly was given the opportunity to work on research and submit her work to a journal for publication Explanation: Only Shelly's graduate studies advisor is qualified for an author designation All of the other individuals mentioned in the scenarios did not make substantial contributions and therefore are unsuitable to be designated as authors Refer to Chart Author Definition Checklist, in the unit on Definition of Authorship and Principles of Designation for specific work descriptions According to the ICMJE definition, which of the following descriptions of research and thesis contributions not warrant an authorship designation? (1)Developing the research topic, designing the research methods, or collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data (2)Writing the first draft of the manuscript or providing critical editing of the thesis (3)Modifying and finalizing the published thesis (4)Modifying the grammar and sentence structure of the thesis to make it more readable Explanation: Under the ICMJE's recommendations, authorship requires four criteria: substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work or interpreting the data for the work; drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work, including ensuring that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved Therefore, the answer is Individuals who have made no substantial contributions cannot be listed as a co-author Which of the following is not something that a responsible thesis author should do? (1)Avoid responding to critiques from readers after the thesis is published (2)Avoid copyright controversies when conducting collaborative research (3)Ensure the quality and accuracy of the thesis (4)Ensure that the research and publishing processes all conform to research ethics guidelines Explanation: Although being listed as an author is a great honor, it also means being accountable for ensuring thesis quality and accuracy; that the research and publishing processes conform to research ethics norms; that copyright controversies are avoided when conducting collaborative research; and that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved What is the major consideration when defining authorship and author order? (1)Whether the person made substantial contributions to the research and thesis (2)Description and level of substantial contribution (3)Ownership of the copyright (4)All of the above Explanation: When defining authorship and author order, the main consideration should be if the individual has made a substantial contribution to the research and thesis In addition, it is recommended that before the researcher begins to write the manuscript, all of the details and ownership of the research results (technique, product, thesis, etc.) are discussed and clarified If necessary, legally binding documents should be signed to avoid controversy during the research and publishing process According to the unit "Academic Integrity," which of the following options is NOT considered a violation of academic integrity? (1)Modifying research results to support the research hypothesis (2)Directly duplicating information acquired from the Internet in one's own report (3)Discussing an assignment with fellow students and including their ideas as one's own in the assignment (4)Focusing on one's own paper during an examination and trying to answer the questions by oneself Explanation: Option (4) is not a violation of academic integrity 2 Which of the following statements regarding "citations" is WRONG? (1)In order to complete the assignment, I read many papers, compiled information, summarized the ideas, and expressed them in my own words, with clear indication of the sources in my paper (2)In order to complete the assignment, I collected a lot of information from the Internet Since the obtained information was free, I can use it directly in my paper without mentioning the source (3)In order to make my report more complete, I presented the viewpoints proposed by the corresponding scholars directly in the paper, along with quotation marks and sources (4)In order to complete the assignment, I should confirm with my teacher the means, content, and format to be used, so as to avoid receiving a low mark on my assignment due to not meeting the requirements Explanation: Option (2) is WRONG Even if the information allows free access, one should still indicate the source Which of the following is NOT considered unauthorized collaboration? (1)In order to complete an individual assignment, I discussed the assignment with fellow students and we shared our answers with one another (2)In order to complete an exam paper that I am allowed to complete at home, I discussed the answers with my fellow students (3)In order to save time when working on an assignment, my fellow students and I divided the assignment into several parts, and each of us was responsible for finding corresponding information and completing a corresponding part of the report Then, we combined all of the parts and rearranged them into our own reports for the assignment (4)In order to complete an assignment, I asked the instructor whether we were allowed to complete it as a group After gaining permission, we completed the assignment together and specified the contribution of each member in our report Explanation: Only option (4) is not an unauthorized collaboration 4 Which of the following statements regarding falsification/fabrication is WRONG? (1)Falsification includes forging non-existent information in research (2)Falsification includes forging non-existent results in research to support the hypothesis (3)Falsification includes forging a medical certificate for leave, because one does not want to go to school (4)It is close to the deadline for the assignment, and the student does not have time to complete the statistical analysis Therefore, he/she changes the date of a previously submitted report or the name of a report shared by a senior student, and submits it as his/her own This is falsification Explanation: Option (4) is plagiarism Which of the following situation in academic writing requires quotation marks? (1)Quoting others' arguments (2)Presenting the respondents' original feedback (3)Quoting second-hand information (4)All of the above Explanation: The correct answer is option (4); quoting others' arguments, presenting the respondents' original feedback, and quoting second-hand information are all situations that require the correct use of quotation marks 1.Which of the following are the main purposes of recording and retaining laboratory notes? (A) Support and validate the authenticity of the experimental results (B) Facilitate "knowledge management" in sharing and transmitting research ideas and data (C) Allow third parties to reproduce and validate the experiment (D) Ensure the legitimacy of the experimental process, avoiding research misconduct (E) Ensure the experiment progresses to completion, and help to clarify the contribution of each of the personnel in the study (1)BC (2)ABC (3)BCDE (4)ABCDE Explication:The correct answer is (4) The choices from A to E are all different purposes of making and retaining laboratory notes In addition, other purposes include: to support and validate the fairness and relevance of the experiment, to protect the authors' intellectual property rights, and to pass on knowledge to students or other researchers 2.What work should researchers before collecting data of a private and confidential nature (such as mental condition or medical history)? (1)Prepare a secure, safe place to store the research data (2)Sign documents such as a "confidentiality agreement" or a "statement of authorization of the use of personal information" with the research subjects (3)Allow only authorized personnel to use the data for specific purposes (4)All of the above Explication:The correct answer is (4) All of the choices are tasks researchers should perform before collecting data of a private and confidential nature 3.Regarding the ownership of research data and results, which of the following is INCORRECT? (1)Governments usually give research institutions the right to use data collected with public funds as an incentive to put research to use for the public good; when this is the case, the government usually owns the data (2)According to the regulations of the MOST, the research data and results of projects funded by the MOST belong to the project investigators (3)Before collecting research data, researchers must be sure of the attribution of data ownership, because it may affect who can publish the research results (4)When private companies fund research, they may seek to retain the right to use the data for commercial purposes in the future Explication:The correct answer is (2) Since the fiscal year of 2000, the research results of MOST-funded projects have been owned by the research institutions that implement the projects This means that once a researcher decides to depart for another research institution, he/she cannot take the data with him/her; the research institution that received the funds retains control over the related data and results 4.May is a graduate student in the field of cytology What kinds of details must she record each time she conducts experiments? (A) The purpose and procedure of the experiment (B) The venue for and contents of the experiment (C) The layout of the laboratory space (D) Successful results (E) Failed results (F) Recommendations for subsequent experiments (G) Location of sample storage (H) The clothing of the experimental data (1)ABCD (2)ABDFG (3)ABDEFG (4)ABDEFGH Explication:The correct answer is (3) The contents of lab notes should include: the purpose of the experiment (why), the experimental procedure (how), the contents of the experiment (what), the site of the experiment (where); where the experimental equipment and the samples are stored; experimental results (including expected results and unexpected results); the interpretation of the results, and instructions for subsequent research 5.Which of the following statements about data collection is correct? (1)Before collecting research data, a researcher should design and write a "data management plan" to improve the quality of data collection and processing, and to save costs (2)When a database is put on the internet, it is usually authorized for free public use, so there is no need to file for authorization (3)Research institutions and academic publishers in general will accept errors due to researchers' negligence or carelessness, so researchers not need to pay attention to this issue (4)The methods of data collection are diverse Researchers can deliberately choose certain methods or manipulate experimental conditions in order to obtain their desired results; this is acceptable behavior Explication:The correct answer is (1) First, even if the database is put online, researchers still need to apply for and obtain authorization before using it, so researchers must understand the related rules and application procedures in order to avoid copyright infringement Moreover, if a researcher is too careless to notice small details in the research process, this may result in errors that need to be corrected afterward The process of error correction is always quite timeconsuming: it will expend more academic resources and costs, and not every error can be corrected Therefore, a researcher should strive to pay attention to research details, and to avoid errors resulting from negligence or carelessness As for research data collection, some researchers may intentionally manipulate the experimental design in order to obtain their desired results Although at first glance this seems to have few problems, and it may not be easily detected, it is still not a conscientious attitude, and may mislead other people's interpretations of the results, and further waste academic as well as social resources; therefore, this should be avoided 1.When a researcher or research institution's professional judgment of their primary interest has been affected by a secondary interest, which of the following is NOT a common secondary interest in research? (1)Researcher's financial income (2)Knowledge (3)Academic reputation (4)Academic achievement Explanation: The primary interest is the interest that the person or institution should give priority professionally, instead of pursuing self-interest For example in scientific research, the primary interest should be the pursuit of scientific knowledge; in education, it should be to advance students' learning Secondary interests refer to personal benefits the researcher or research institution can attain, including financial or non-financial interests, such as academic accomplishments, fame, status, and income, among others 2.Conflict of interest at the institutional level is similar to those at the individual level: when institutional COI occurs, research institutions must consider their primary interest Which of the following is NOT the primary interest of a research institution? (1)Economic benefit (2)Research (3)Education (4)Public Service Explanation: Institutional conflict of interest are similar to those at the individual level When an institution's primary interest, such as research, education, or public service, has been affected by economic or political considerations, causing the institution to break with its professional, ethical, legal, or social duties, it may result in a conflict of interest for the institution (such as a hospital or a university) Therefore, when conflict of interest arise, research institutions should consider their primary interest: research, education, and public service 3.Which of the following is NOT a reason it is important to manage conflict of interest? (1)Ensuring the integrity of research (2)Ensuring the welfare of study participants (3)Ensuring the safety of study participants (4)Ensuring the research has economic benefits Explanation: Conflict of interest occurs at all levels of the everyday life; thus, researchers and research institutions should fully understand the importance of primary interests, and the potentially negative effects of secondary interests, such as economic benefit Important reasons to manage COI include: ensuring the integrity of scientific research, as well as the welfare and safety of study participants Effectively managing COI can help maintain the integrity and fairness of research, and attain the public's trust 4.Which of the following is NOT a principle of managing conflict of interest? (1)Disclosure (2)Exchange of benefits (3)Prohibition (4)Review and authorization Explanation: In order to effectively manage conflict of interest, the first step is to disclose researchers' potential secondary interests in advance, and then use reliable processes such as a COI board or REC/IRB to review and approve the research projects Accordingly, possible manipulation and intervention to researchers by various secondary interests could be reduced, preventing the research(primary interests)from affecting by secondary interests, and finally fulfill the goal to protect human subjects' safety and welfare 5.Given that members of the REC/IRB must avoid falling into the problem of a conflict of interest themselves, which of the following candidates is the most inappropriate to be appointed to review the research project? (1)The advisor of the research project applicant (2)An expert in research ethics (3)The manager of the research institution (4)An expert in the same field Explanation: Every Research Ethics Committee (REC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB) should have its standard review protocol for identifying and avoiding conflict of interest Under the following conditions, an REC/IRB member cannot participate in the review of a research project, otherwise COI would arise: (1) If the REC/IRB member or his/her family is one of the researcher team; (2) if there is a significant financial COI; (3) if there are other factors present that may hinder the REC/IRB member from making a fair judgment An REC/IRB's main responsibility is to ensure the rights of study participants, helping them to avoid unnecessary risks; if an REC/IRB member is influenced by a conflict of interest, it may cause research participants to face unnecessary risks

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2023, 14:39

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