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English for business life elementary

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M Contents Introduction UNIT 25 Gifts and saying thank you 67 UNIT 26 Checking facilities and information 70 UNIT 27 Shopping 73 UNIT 28 Your colleagues 75 UNIT 29 Your office building 77 UNIT 30 How things work 79 UNIT 31 Requesting information 81 UNIT 32 Staying in a hotel 84 24 UNIT 33 Booking conference facilities 86 26 UNIT 34 Organising a trip 88 UNIT 35 Hiring a car 91 UNIT 36 Returning home 93 General note on contractions General note on capital letters in business titles Reference section Glossary of business-related terms Answers Audioscripts 96 UNIT About you UNIT About your job UNIT About where you work UNIT Your business activities 12 UNIT The location of your company 15 UNIT The layout of your company 18 UNIT Meeting and welcoming UNIT The first tw o minutes UNIT Partings and thanks UNIT 10 Setting up a meeting 21 28 UNIT 11 Confirming arrangements 31 UNIT 12 Changing plans 34 UNIT 13 Dealing with the unexpected 37 UNIT 14 Explaining and apologising 40 UNIT 15 Making contact by phone 42 UNIT 16 Dealing with incoming calls 44 UNIT 17 Leaving and taking messages 46 UNIT 18 Email and telephone problems 49 UNIT 19 Drinks and snacks 52 UNIT 20 Eating out 55 UNIT 21 Outings and sightseeing 57 UNIT 22 Starting a journey 59 UNIT 23 Travelling 62 UNIT 24 Arriving and meeting contacts 64 96 97 118 121 135 Contents Introduction This Self-study guide is part of the English for Business Life business English course It follows the English for Business Life syllabus and language program me Each level of the English for Business Life course has a Self-study guide - this is the elem entary level This Self-study guide can be used: • as a stand alone self-study course • in class to supplem ent English for Business Life course work • for hom ew ork • as a key com ponent of the 'com prehensive' study track (the English for Business Life course has three study tracks: fast, standard and comprehensive) • as practice m aterial for learners w ho are following general English courses and need practice in everyday business English Each unit begins with a recorded sum m ary of useful phrases and includes: • clear study notes • realistic practice exercises At the back of the Guide are: • an easy-to-follow language Reference Section • a Glossary of key business-related terms • clear answers and audio text to support the practice exercises The recorded m aterial is available on a CD which is included with the book The recordings include standard accents and examples of people from different parts of the world speaking English The comm on contracted forms used in real business com m unication (I'm, isn't, won't, etc.) are dem onstrated in the exercises For details of the m ain contractions in this Guide, see the note on page 96 Recommended study procedure • Listen to the Useful Phrases as often as possible and repeat w here appropriate Introduction • Work through the Study Notes and refer to the Reference Section as indicated • Note down words and phrases that are particularly useful to you • Use a good dictionary to check the m eanings of unfam iliar words • Work through the exercises and then check the answers at the back of the book Some study tips • Approach language learning with the same level of com m itm ent that you would any other project in your work It can be useful to prepare a 'contract' with yourself in which you agree to a certain am ount of work on your English per day/w eek/ m onth • In our view, 'little and often' is m ore effective than occasional long study sessions W hen you travel, take your Self-study guide with you You can work with it at times that suit you - for example, w hen you are in your car, at hom e or on a plane Journeys can provide a great opportunity for uninterrupted practice • Use new language and phrases w henever possible Live practice is the best way to learn new terms • Keep a paper/electronic study file in which you note down the language most relevant to your everyday needs • Relate the language presented and practised to your particular area of business If there are term s you need which are not included in the material, some research on the Internet, and consult Englishspeaking colleagues, friends and teachers • Make use of the English-speaking media - in particular, facilities on the Internet Listen to the radio and TV Read professional journals and newspapers Subscribe to an English magazine which interests you from a work or leisure point of view' UNIT About you Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Hello, are you Tom Young? Yes, I am No, I am (I'm) not Good morning, my name is Mary Segal Good morning Good afternoon Good evening, Mrs Segal I work for MAT I work in the finance department Finance Sales What you do? I'm an accountant an accountant a sales rep IT an engineer a designer Study notes H ello We often use hi instead of hello in informal situations are you Tom Young? See Reference Section 11.1 for subject pronouns (I, you etc.) Listen to these pronouns and repeat Singular I You He She It Plural We You They Are you ? Yes, I am See Reference Section 1.1 for details of the verb to be My n am e is Notice these alternatives: first name given name family name last name Christian name surname G ood m orn ing, Mrs Segal Listen to these titles and repeat: Mr Mrs Miss Ms what is (What's) your first name? What's your number? It is (It's) 020259366 first name family name home number work number mobile number I'm an accou n tan t a becomes an before a vowel (a e i o u) Where are you from? I'm from MAT in Hamburg Here is my card an a ccou n tan t an en gin eer a sales rep a design er We use a!an before occupations See also Reference Section 9.1 It's nice to meet you Pleased to meet you rep rep = representative IT IT = inform ation technology What's your num ber? Listen to these num bers and repeat: (oh/zero) {one) (two) (five) (six) (seven) {three) (eight) {four) (nine) About you Practice Telephone numbers e.g Is she an & ■ & ? a I work for a .company b It's a job c Is it a n nam e? d It isn't a n company e Are you a f We're a company g I think it's a num ber Listen and complete these phone num bers 4^ 73 ? Q 46 ?, 100 39 62 6 52 628 00 C aJL b c d e f Dialogues Simple exchanges Listen to the dialogues and fill in the gaps D ialogu e - a fcX&IAS£ !*£ are you Eddie Yung from BIT? - b - c d My name's Kurt Jarvis I'm from Key Trading in Hong Kong e ? - D ialogue Hi, I'm Tina Awola - f Tina I work for the International Credit Bank, in Lagos - - h i Here's my card W hat you at the International Credit Bank? j I'm a lawyer Vocabulary, a/an Fill in the gaps using each of the words in the box once accountant / Italian international UNIT Germ an good manufacturing Japanese sales manager Read the text, then complete the exchanges Terry M aynard: 'M y nam e's Terry M aynard I w ork for Fox Construction, Glasgow I'm in the IT departm ent I'm an IT manager My work num ber is 765 67 100.' Lucy G om m e: 'I'm Lucy Gomme from Spar Engineering, Chicago I'm an electrical engineer I w ork in the m aintenance departm ent My num ber is 34 67 22.' e.g You: Is Terry M aynard an accountant? LG: ke- j.SW.’t r B ^ r a You: TM: No, she isn't She's from Spar Engineering, Chicago b You: Is your num ber 34 67 22? LG: c You: TM: No, it isn't It's in Glasgow d You: Is Ms Gomme's first nam e Mary? TM: e You: TM: No, I'm not I'm in the IT departm ent f You: Is Ms Gomme an electrical engineer? TM: g You: Are you from Fox Construction, Glasgow? LG: UNIT About your job Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat What you do? I work for an insurance company called Sarf an insurance company a glass manufacturer a bank a law firm How you spell Sarf? How you spell that? S-A-R-F division section I work in Sales I work in the European Sales Team I'm (the) assistant manager assistant deputy I'm (the) deputy sales director Do you like your work? Yes, I No, I not (don't) Yes, I like it very much W hat you do? / w ork for These are examples of the Simple Present tense See also Reference Section 2.1 H ow you sp ell Sarf? Listen to the alphabet and repeat: a b c d e f g h j k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Note the US and UI< pronunciation of z UI< = zed; US = zee I am (I'm) on the sales side I work in the sales department department Study notes I w ork in Sales You can say: I work in Sales or I work in the sales department See Reference Section 9.2 for uses of the See also the notes on capital letters in business titles on page 96 I'm th e assistan t m anager You can say, e.g.: I am the assistant manager or I am assistant manager I am the IT manager or I am IT Manager See Reference Section 9.2 for uses of the See also the notes on capital letters in business titles on page 96 Yes, I lik e it very m uch Notice these object pronouns: Singular Plural me us you you him they her they it they See also Reference Section 11.1 About your job Practice Listening for key information Use o f the a n d - Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps using the words in the box Fill in the gaps w ith the or - assistant law firm Benedict manager Claude M onaco d epartm e nt Saffer Security a I am o n sales side b They work i n .Purchasing c She i s .deputy sales director d Do you work i n service departm ent? e W ho i s finance director? N am e C om pany a Cld'ttde- c Rhodes Associates ( b ) Dumas Mila e f (insurance company) City Ottawa P ositio n Accounts d g head of the legal h Object pronouns: me, him, etc Fill in the gaps using object pronouns, e.g I lik e !.T .(my job) very m uch a Do you k n o w (Mrs Levison, the Assistant M anager)? b You know your Chairman, but does he know ? c She lik es (her colleagues) very m uch d I don't k n o w (the Finance Director, Mr Boyce) very well e We don't know the new manager, and he doesn't k n o w f Does she lik e (your ideas)? g I know her, but she doesn't k n o w UNIT f Ivo and Maria work i n .European sales team g My boss is head o f .IT division h They work f o r .insurance company o n .second floor Spelling Practise spelling the following, a Your first name b Your family nam e, c The nam e of your town/city, d The nam e of your company Identifying yourself Read this statem ent, then w rite a statem ent about yourself ‘My name is Paulo Chitolina I w o rk fo r an insurance com pany called Etaak It’s a Brazilian company I w o rk in Sao Paulo I'm an electrical engineer I w o rk on the maintenance side I'm Assistant Manager UNIT About where you work Study notes Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Where you work? I work in an office in the centre of town, office factory warehouse building What is (What's) the address? 97 Geneva Road Road Street Avenue Drive it is (It's) near the station It's not far from the airport There are some good restaurants nearby restaurants cafes bars shops There are not (aren't) any shops Do you have a cafeteria? Do you have a car park? We have an excellent cafeteria There is (There's) a car park in the basement My office is on the first floor, first second We must meet for lunch Good idea third W hat is th e address? 97 G eneva Road Road has a capital letter R w hen it is used in a nam e Notice these abbreviations: Road - Rd Street - St Avenue = Av Drive = Dr Square = Sq Place = PL 97 G eneva Road See Reference Section 20.1 for cardinal num bers: one, two, three etc There are som e good restaurants nearby There aren't any shops See Reference Sections 1.2 for there is! are, and 13.1 for some Iany Note that some nouns are 'countable' - we can count them: a shop, two shops, some shops Some nouns are 'uncountable' - we m easure them : some milk (not a milk), a litre of milk, two litres of milk (not some milks) D o you h ave a cafeteria? We h ave an e x c e lle n t cafeteria See Reference Section 1.3 for examples of the Present Tense of the verb to have in th e basem en t Notice the prepositions on the first Isecond floor and on the ground floor But in the basement UK English, ground floor = US English, first floor on th e first floor See Reference Section 20.2 for ordinal num bers: first, second, third, etc About where you work Practice Saying what you and where you work Listen to the speaker and answ er the questions, a W here does she work? b W hat's the address? c W hich floor is her office on? d Do they have any warehouses? Ordinal numbers Listen to these (ordinal) num bers and write the form of the abbreviations in full First 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 10th The verb to have Write the correct form of to have in the gaps e Are there any cafes in M orton Street? a The building .ten floors No, it doesn't, i t nine Cardinal numbers Listen to these num bers and fill the blanks 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 one two three four i ' m six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 10 UNIT a canteen? e.g (y o u ) P? Yes, we - it's on the seventh floor 20 tw enty 21 tw'enty-one 22 23 tw enty-three 24 tw enty-four 25 26 twenty-six 27 tw enty-seven 28 tw enty-eight 29 tw enty-nine 30 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred b W here you make your products? W e a factory near Naples c (your h o te l) a car park? No, it doesn't d (th e y ) .a w arehouse near the airport? Yes, they e The factory any cafes or restaurants nearby Yes, I know, but i t a good canteen Dialogue there is/are; some/any Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using words from the box Complete the examples using there isIare and/or some!any address in any near basement on fo r some have w here in A: We m ust m eet a lunch B: Good idea A: b you work? B: I work c an office d the station A: Are there e restaurants nearby? B: No, there aren't, but there are f good restaurants g Start Street And we h an excellent canteen A: W hat's the i ? e.g - Is there - No, b u t m ineral water a - Are th e r e shops near your office? - Yes, b - Do you have a car park? - No, b u t a car park near the station c - Do you h a v e shops in the building? - Yes, on the ground floor d - Is th e r e milk? - Yes, it's in the fridge e - .cafes or restaurants nearby - Yes, that's true, b u t in Henry Square f - a translation unit in the building? - Yes, one in the basem ent g - .good bars near here? - N o , B: 69 Axel Road My office is j the sixth floor A: Do you have a car park? fruit juice? B: Yes, its in the k - in Oslo Street? - No, b u t in Oslo Place About where you work 11 U N IT 32 Staying in a hotel Booking a hotel room (possible answers) subject: Mitropoulis Booking Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to confirm the telephone booking we made earlier today The booking is for two double rooms for next weekend, arriving Saturday 12 June and departing Monday 14 June The booking is in the name of Mr Mitropoulis Kind regards Tina Patel Asia Travel Reflexive pronouns (possible answers) a No, thanks I'll post them myself, b No He parked it himself, c No, thanks She'll clean them herself, d No, thanks We can carry ourselves, e No, thank you I'll wash it myself Note I'll = I will how/what (a); soIsuch a How b What c so d What e such f How g so h How, What Filling in a form for someone (possible answers) What is your name, please? How long is your stay? How many are there in your party? What is your address? What is your nationality? Could you tell me your car registration number? Could you give me your passport number? Do you know where you are going next? Where was it issued? How you want to pay? U N IT 33 Booking conference facilities Conference arrangements a Conference Room C for May b equipment hire c equipment hire d tea and coffee Arranging conference facilities a We're looking for b is it for c Between fifteen d too big e eleven metres long and seven metres wide f From ten to six g £850 per day h include coffee i extra Notes we're = we are that's = that is too small, not big enough (possible answers) a The room isn't big enough / The room is too small, b The room is too big c The room is about the right size, d The room is too big e The room is about the right size, f The room is too small / The room isn't big enough Note isn't = is not U N IT 34 Organising a trip Organising a trip a Paris b Business class return c Any time to arrive before twelve on Thursday d At 05.50 e At 10.50 f No, Ocean Air g Return h €850 c Roma e Greece d Eire f Rossiya 24-hour clock (possible answers) b Global Tours flight GA 708 for Johannesburg departs at 07.30 (seven thirty) and arrives at 13.15 (thirteen fifteen), c Skyways International flight ST 309 for Moscow departs at 19.20 (nineteen twenty) and arrives at 12.45 (twelve forty-five), d Euro Continental flight EK 114 for Cairo leaves at 11.00 (eleven hundred) hours and arrives at 18.40 (eighteen forty), e Trans Globe flight TG 588 to Melbourne departs at 08.20 (eight twenty) and arrives at 22.00 (twenty two hundred) hours f Continental Airways flight number CA 512 for Bombay leaves at 13.00 (thirteen hundred) hours and arrives at 23.50 (twenty-three fifty) when!as soon as + the Simple Present a I'll contact you when I have the details b I'll phone you as soon as the tickets are ready, c As soon as I have the money, I'll buy a new car d When I know the price, I'll tell you e I'll visit the museum as soon as I have time, f When I can speak English, I'll visit New York Notes I'll = I will would (possible answers) a Yes, it would It would be cheaper Spelling and pronunciation a Athinai b Prague Answers 133 b No, it wouldn't It wouldn't be possible to go by underground, c No, it wouldn't It wouldn't be practical to walk, d No, I wouldn't I wouldn't like to have a chauffeur, e Yes, I would I would prefer to work at home sometimes, f Yes, I would I would prefer to get a lift from a friend Notes i underground (UK) = subway (US); wouldn't = would not ii Compare: Walking would take about an hour / It would take about an hour to walk Comparing plane, train, bus (possible answers) A: How much is it by train B: It's €160 one way, €310 return A: Is there a cheaper way? B: You could go by bus, but it would be slower A: How much is it by bus? B: €105 return A: How long does it take? B: Thirty-six hours A: I'll go by train B: OK I'll call you when I have the tickets U N IT 35 Hiring a car Hiring a car a [NG] c m e g i m k [N G l b m d f h j s E Filling in a form (possible answers) What's your name? What's your address? What's your telephone number? What's your licence number? Who was it issued by? When does it expire? What's your date of birth? What's your occupation? 134 ANSWERS Have you had any accidents in the last three years? Have you had any convictions in the last five years? What is your company purchase order reference? What is your passport number? Do you want to pay by credit card, bu travellers cheque, in cash? Notes Tel no = telephone number; co = company; Ref = Reference; Convictions = mistakes punished by the court; Hire Company = company hiring out the cart; Hirer = the person hiring the car seem/sound/look (possible answers) b vii a ii/iii/vi d i c iv e V f iii/vi g ii/iii Comparisons w ith like (possible answers) a not likeb not like c like d not like U N IT 36 Returning home Back from a trip (possible answers) a It was hard work but very interesting, b Yesterday evening, c He wanted the sales manager to come back for the conference, d He is the boss e He had to upgrade to first class to get a flight, f She thinks it's too complicated, g Deliveries take too long, h Tomorrow morning I'm afraid so/I'm afraid not (possible answers) a I'm afraid not b I'm afraid so d I'm afraid not c I'm afraid so e I'm afraid not f I'm afraid so g I'm afraid so Changes, instead (possible answers) a He's travelling on Tuesday instead of Monday, b He's travelling on 28th May instead of 27th c His flight is leaving at 15.35 instead of 11.15 d He's sitting in a window seat instead of an aisle seat, e His ticket costs £610 instead of £330 more, less a more b less c more d more e less f less g less Notes tax = income tax pw = per week Vocabulary change - cancel - postpone morning - afternoon - evening boarding card - passport - ticket salary - tax - expenses day - week - month check-in - departure - arrival single - one way - return Note ref no = reference number want + object pronoun + infinitive a She wants/asked him to photocopy the report, b He wants/asked them to come to the meeting, c He wants/asked us to cancel the arrangements, d She wants/asked you to postpone the trip e They want/asked me to make some coffee, f You want/asked me to type this letter g They want/asked her to check if there are any seats Audioscripts U N IT About you Telephone numbers 733 046 2100 257 08439 01062 8844 236177 06555291 628 35092 Dialogues Dialogue - Excuse me, are you Eddie Yuna from BIT? - No, I'm not - I'm sorry - That's OK My name's Kurt Jarvis I'm from Key Trading in Hong Kong What's your name? Dialogue - Hi, I'm Tina Awola - It's nice to meet you, Tina Where are you from? - I work for the International Credit Bank, in Lagos - What you do? - I'm a sales rep Here's my card What you at the International Credit Bank? - I'm in the legal department I'm a lawyer Notes that's = that is, my name's - my name is here's = here is U N IT About your job Listening for key information Dialogue - Claude Dumas is an accountant, but he works for a law firm, called Rhodes Associates It's an American firm, with European offices in Zurich, Berlin and Monaco - Where does Monsieur Dumas work? - He's an accounts manager at the Monaco office Dialogue - Mrs Mila Benedict works for an insurance company called Saffer Security It's a multinational company She works in Ottawa, where the company has its head office She's Canadian - What's her position in the company? - She's assistant head of the legal department She's a lawyer Notes Monsieur (French) = Mr It's = it is What's - What is U N IT About where you work Saying what you and where you work I work in an office in the centre of town I'm the Sales Manager Our address is 97 Morton Street - we're on the fourth floor We also have a warehouse near the airport We don't have a cafeteria and there aren't any restaurants or cafes in Morton Street, but there are about 15 in River Street Note don't = not Cardinal numbers 20 twenty one 21 twenty-one two 22 twenty-two three 23 twenty-three four 24 twenty-four five 25 twenty-five six 26 twenty-six seven 27 twenty-seven eight 28 twenty-eight nine 29 twenty-nine 10 ten 30 thirty 11 eleven forty 40 12 twelve fifty 50 13 thirteen sixty 60 14 fourteen seventy 70 15 fifteen eighty 80 16 sixteen ninety 90 17 seventeen 100 a hundred 18 eighteen 19 nineteen Ordinal numbers first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth Audioscripts 135 U N IT Your business activities UN IT Meeting and welcomin Dialogue - What does your company do? - We're in the computer business We import programmes from the States and Japan - Where you most of your business? - About eighty per cent of our business is in Western Europe - Do you much business in the Middle East? - No, not much - How are things going at the moment? - Very well We're selling a new programmes for managers in medium-sized companies, and it's going very well Greetings and introductions e.g Speaker 1: Hello, Maria How are you? Maria: Oh, hi I'm very well How are you? a Walt Simpson: Mekka, this is Walt Simpson Mekka: It's nice to meet you Walt Simpson: It's nice to meet you, too b Angie Blep: Hello, my name is Angie Blep Glen Turno: Welcome to KPG I'm Glen Turno c Speaker 1: Good morning Speaker 2: Hello, good morning Speaker 1: It's a beautiful day d John Ginene: Mr Kuomi, this is John Ginene, the manager Mr Kuomi: How you do? John Ginene: How you do, Mr Kuomi? e Rob: Hi, I'm Rob Jan: Hi, I'm Jan Rob: Pleased to meet you, Jan f Speaker 1: Hello, I'm back Speaker 2: It's nice to see you How was your flight? g Speaker 1: Mustafa, come and meet Gerry Gerry, this is Mustafa Gerry: Hi Mustafa It's nice to meet you h Speaker 1: Good afternoon Pierre Pierre: Good afternoon Speaker 1: How was your trip to Moscow? U N IT The location of your company Reading a m ap: compass points Manchester is about a hundred and sixty miles north-west of London - that's about two hundred and sixty kilometres Dover is about sixty-five miles south-east of London that's a hundred and five kilometres Ipswich is also sixty-five miles away from London, to the north-east Brighton is about sixty miles to the south of London ninety-seven kilometres N ote kilometre = 1.609 miles UN IT The first tw o minutes U N IT The layout of your company Identifying a building - What's that place opposite the main gate? - It's our service centre Maintenance are on the first floor - Do you have a showroom? - Yes, that place on the right of the main gate is a showroom The one on the left of the gate is the admin block And that building past the admin block on the left is a conference centre - Where's your production? - It's behind that service centre in front of us - Oh And you have a car park? - Yes, it's next to the production building, between the showroom and Goods Inwards Goods Inwards and Stores are in a building just behind the car park - Do you test your products on the site? - Yes, the testing area is down there Go down there and it's next to the conference centre N ote What's = What is Speaker has a US accent 136 AUDIOSCRIPTS A chance m eeting in Japan - How you like Tokyo? - I really like it It's very interesting - Is this your first visit to Japan? - Yes, it is - How long are you here for? - Three days - When are you leaving? - On Tuesday evening - Well, nice talking to you Enjoy your stay - Thanks Nice talking to you too Bye U N IT Partings and thanks Goodbyes and thanks - Hi John I have the documents here, but I need your signature - OK - Sign here and here, please - Right - Thanks, I'll post them today, so I'll have an answer on Monday - I'll be in New York on Monday, but I'll call you from there - When are you leaving? - Tomorrow afternoon - Well, have a good flight and thanks for your help - You're welcome - Don't forget to call me - I won't - And remember me to your wife - I will Bye U N IT 10 Setting up a meeting Two m eetings Call - Carla, how are you? - OK How are you? - Not bad Are you OK for the budget meeting on the 12th? - When is it? - At 11.30 - I'm afraid I can't make it I'm in Geneva on the 11th and I won't be back in the office on the 12th till 2.30 or 3.00 - Is Luke free? I don't know I'll ask him Call - Is that Mr Galis? Yes, speaking - This is Marilyn Vine I have a message from Ben Bradley - Right - Can you make Friday at three o'clock? - Is that the sales meeting? - Yes, Mr Bradley wants to know if you can make it - Sure Where are we meeting? - In the conference room on the third floor - OK, thanks I'll be there Notes i it's = it is; there's = there is; let's = let us; don't = not; I'll = I will ii Note the use of this!that in phone calls: - Is that Mr Galis (= Are you ?) - This is Marilyn Vine (= I am ) UNIT 11 Confirming arrangements Confirm ing tim e and place C a lll - Can I help you? - Yes, I'm calling to check the time of Tuesday's meeting - It's at 11.30 - Do you know where it is yet? - No, I'm afraid we don't - Can you let me know? - Yes, of course Call - Hello - I'm phoning about Wednesday's meeting - Yes, how can I help you? - Do you know if it's at ten or eleven yet? - Yes, it's at ten - Thanks, and is it still in Room 317? - Let me check Yes, it is - Thank you - You're welcome UNIT 12 Changing plans why an d because Dialogue - We have a problem - What's that? - The sales director can't make the meeting on the 16th - Why not? - He'll be in the States - Will he be back on the 17th? - No He won't be back until the 18th - Why don't we meet on the 18th? - OK, but we can't meet before lunch - Why not? - The conference room won't be free until three o'clock - OK, let's meet after three on the 18th Dialogue - Can we change the time of next month's finance meeting? - When is it? - It's on the 12th - And what's the problem? - All the meeting rooms are reserved until lunchtime - Can we have the meeting in the boardroom? - No, it isn't free - Why don't we meet in my office? - But there are six people coming to the meeting - Oh - well, we'll have to start later - I'm afraid I can't make it later I have a meeting with Gark International in the afternoon - Can you change it? - I'll have to find out Audioscripts 137 Notes Dialogue 1: what's = what is; can't = cannot; let's = let us Dialogue 2: it's = it is; isn't = is not U N IT 13 Dealing with the unexpected Cancelling/postponing a - I'm calling about Tuesday's meeting - Is there a problem? - Yes, I'm afraid there is The work isn't going to be ready - What's the problem? - We're having IT problems Our email isn't working and we have no connection to the Internet b - I'm afraid I'm not going to make Wednesday's appointment - Where are you? - I'm still in Sao Paulo There's a security alert - all flights are cancelled c - Could we put off Thursday's meeting? - I think that would be OK What's the problem? - Well, I promised the sales director that I would finish an analysis of recent sales But it's taking me a bit longer than I expected - That's fine Call me when the job is finished, and we'll re-arrange the meeting d - I'm calling to see if we can postpone Friday's conference call with Delhi - What's the problem? - I'm afraid I've got flu The doctor has told me to take a complete break for the rest of the week So I won't be back until next Monday U N IT 14 Explaining and apologising Explanations and apologies a - I'm sorry I missed the meeting - Don't worry Is everything OK? - No - one of our key customers called There's a problem with a delivery I had to sort it out I'm really sorry - That's OK - I tried to call but I didn't have your number in my address book b - I apologise for forgetting our conference call yesterday - Was there a problem? - Yes - my son has a bad cough so I had to take him to the doctor - Oh dear - The doctor sent us to the hospital I'm afraid I just forgot I am sorry 138 AUDIOSCRIPTS c - That's OK - don't worry How is your son now? Did you contact Mr Zarh? No, I'm afraid I didn't Oh dear - what happened? Well, I was very busy, and then I had to take a client to the airport I sent him an email but he didn't reply Note sort it out = sort the problem out, solve the problem UN IT 15 Making contact by phone Getting through a - Can I speak to someone in the accounts department, please? - One moment, please You're through now b - Could I speak to Bernard Lutz's secretary, please? - I'm afraid she's on the phone at the moment Hold on, please I'm putting you through now c - Is that the sales department? - No, this is the HR department I'll connect you to Sales d - Could you put me through to the legal department, please? - I'm sorry, there's no one there at the moment - That's OK, I'll call back later - Just a moment, please I can connect you now Notes hold on = wait; put through = connect; call back = try again later or return a call; HR = human resources U N IT 16 Dealing with incoming calls Dealing w ith calls Call Caller 1: Good morning, can I speak to Brenda, please? Sarah: I'm afraid she's in a meeting at the moment Caller 1: Do you know when she'll be free? Sarah: I'm sorry, I don't know when the meeting's going to finish Can I ask her to call you? Call Caller 2: Hello, is Dave there? Sarah: No, I'm afraid he's out with some customers Caller 2: When you expect him back? Sarah: At about 3.30 Call Caller 3: Do you know how I can contact Jane? Sarah: She's out of the office today Do you have her mobile number? Caller 3: Yes I tried it My calls went through to her mail box Do you have her email address? Sarah: It's jane.c@lrc.com Call Caller 4: Can I speak to Ms Opres, please? Sarah: I think you are through to the wrong extension Caller 4: Could you transfer me? Sarah: I'm sorry but I'm in a meeting at the moment Could you possibly call back in about half an hour? Note she'll = she will; she's = she is U N IT 17 Leaving and taking messages Telephone messages Call - Can I speak to Andrew? - I'm afraid he isn't here at the moment Can I take a message? - Thank you Could you tell him that Jan called - Does he have your number? - I'm on my mobile - the number is 793172 I'm returning his call - Sorry, I didn't catch your name - It's Jan, Jan Peto-that's P-E-T-O - I'll give him the message - Thanks - I'll be in town till about six Call - Hello - Is that Tania Lantos - No, this is Emma Ford speaking Can I help you? - Yes, you know when Tania will be in? - Well, she should be in later this afternoon Can I give her a message? - Thank you Could you ask her to call ASK's Controller on 3245 - as soon as she gets in - Yes, of course Could you give me the number again? - Yes, it's 3245 OK? - Yes, I'll ask her to call when she gets in - Thanks, bye - Bye Notes it's = it is U N IT 18 Email and telephone problems Problem s a - Hello, is that Claudia Hello - Yes, can you hear me? - You're breaking up Could you speak up, please? - My battery is low I'll call you on a land line I'll find a payphone b - Is there a problem with your email? I sent you a message and it bounced back c d e f g - I don't think so - Can I check your address I sent it to schwenck.j@euronic.de - No, it's 'schwenckj' - one word There's no dot before the j - Hello I'm trying to ring a Madrid number, but it's always engaged - Just a moment I'll try the number for you It's ringing for you now - Thank you - I'm trying to get through to a Belfast number but there's no reply - What number are you ringing? - It's Belfast 126 - I'm afraid the phone is out of order, - Did you get my email? - We have a problem with our system at the moment I can't access my mailbox - When did you send it? - About an hour ago - Imco - Oh, hello Can I speak to Pierre Belon? - I'm sorry, but we have no Pierre Belon here - I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number, - Did you send that report - Yes - sent it about an hour ago It went OK - It's not in my inbox Could you resend it, please? - I'll it now U N IT 19 Drinks and snacks Offering drinks and snacks a - Did you have anything to eat on the plane? - No, I just had a cup of coffee - Well, let me get you something What about some sandwiches? - Thanks That would be great b - So, how you like your coffee? - White, no sugar, please - Cream? Milk? - Milk, please - And then sandwiches I think these must be cheese These ones are egg, and these are ham - Thanks I'll have one of these, c - Another cup? - Yes, please - And you must try some of this - What is it - It's a kind of pastry Try it - Mmm It's delicious Audioscripts 139 d Speaker 1: The two black coffees are for Jope and Pieter Jope: Thanks Speaker 1: Who is having the white coffee? Speaker 2: That's for Alan Alan: With sugar Speaker 1: Sugar is on the table Alan: Thanks Speaker 1: And who is the tea for? Speaker 2:1think that's mine - with milk Speaker 1: That's right So, whose is this one? Speaker 2: It must be yours UNIT Eating out Booking a table and ordering a meal Dialogue A: Bistrol 20 Can I help you? B: Yes Can I book a table for Thursday night - that's June 30th - in the name of Gachot That's G-A-C-H-O-T A: Yes, of course For how many people? B: Just two A: And when would you like to come? B: At 8.30? A: Can I have your telephone number? B: Yes, it's 345666 Dialogue C: Right, what shall we have? The steaks are very good here and I can recommend the pasta Would you like a starter? B: Yes, I think I'll have the spaghetti C: I'll have the mushroom soup And then what would you like? B: I'd like some fish I'll have the salmon C: OK, and I'll have the steak W: Good evening Are you ready to order? C: Yes, we are Can we start with the spaghetti and the mushroom soup Then the salmon in white wine for my friend and a steak for me W: Thank you, sir And how would you like your steak? C: Medium, please W: And would you like vegetables or salad? C: Let's have the vegetables W: Thank you, and would you like any wine? C: Yes, please Half a bottle of dry white wine and half a bottle of the house red Notes let's = let us 140 AUDIOSCRIPTS UNIT 21 Outings and sightseeing A visit to Riga A: Have you been to Riga before? B: Yes, but not since 2001 That was many years ago A: I suppose things have changed a lot since then B: They certainly have Our business in Latvia has grown and grown It's now our biggest market in the Baltic States Three years ago, we didn't any business in Latvia at all A: And have you spent any time in the other states? B: Yes, I was in Lithuania last year, but we haven't done much business there yet A: Do you have any free time this afternoon? B: Yes, my last meeting ends at 2.15 A: Would you like to go for a drive around the city? B: Thanks - I'd enjoy that very much A: Where's your meeting? B: In my hotel A: I'll pick you up at 2.30 B: I'll see you then U N IT 22 Starting a journey Right and wrong (possible answers) a - Am I in the right queue for the Dallas flight? - No, this is the check-in for Toronto I think the Dallas check-in is over there b - Is this the right bus stop for the city terminal? - No, this is for the main station Buses for the city terminal go from outside the Terminal building c - Excuse me, am I on the right platform for the London train? - No, this is for Manchester You need Platform It's just over there d - Excuse me, am I in the right place? I'm meeting someone from Istanbul - No, this is the departures hall You need the arrivals hall It's at the other end of the building Notes Dallas is a city in Texas; Toronto is a city in Canada; Manchester is a city in England Several speakers in the exercise have non-standard accents UNIT Travelling In transit A: I think that's my seat belt B: I'm sorry This one must be mine A: Are you going to Oslo on business? B: Yes, I am I'm going to a conference A: Have you been before? B: Yes, many times A: How you like it? B: Very much What about you? A: Yes, I love Norway B: Do you know when they serve lunch? A: Quite soon, I think B: Good I'm very hungry A: So am I B: And you know when we are due in? A: I think we're due in at 7.30, in five hours Notes i that's = that is ii Speaker A has a slight US accent Speaker B has a non-standard accent Dialogue A: Come in Thank you for coming B: Well, thank you for inviting me These are for you I hope you like Belgian chocolates A: I love them Thank you very much Let me take your coat B: Thank you Dialogue A: Thank you very much for inviting me this evening I've really enjoyed it B: It was our pleasure A: And next time you are in Birmingham, you must come and have dinner with us B: Thank you, we'll look forward to that Note Speaker A in Dialogue has a non-standard accent U N IT 24 Arriving and meeting contacts UN IT 26 Checking facilities and information Meeting som eone at the airport E: Hello, Janet Good to see you again J: And you, Ed How are you? E: I'm fine J: Did you have a good flight? E: It was OK, but we were delayed for three-quarters of an hour There was a lot of snow on the runway J: We were getting worried about you E: Well, I'm here now! Where are we going? J: Shall I take you to your hotel first? After that, we could have dinner E: That's a good idea I didn't eat very much on the plane J: So you must be hungry My car is in the short-stay car park - this way Asking about facilities a - Is there a conference phone we can use? - There's one in meeting room four, but I'm not sure it's available at the moment I think someone is using it b - Excuse me, this scanner isn't working There's something wrong with the reading mechanism It's only registering black and white Who should I speak to? - Try calling IT support They're on 411 - Thanks c - Is there a meeting room on this floor that we can use? - There is, but it isn't available till after lunch Some people are using it - That's fine Do I have to book it? - I can that for you Who is it for? - The RNT project team d - Could you something for me? I'm working with Jareck He said I should speak to you - Sure How can I help? - Could you print four copies of this report? It's on this disc - No problem When you need it? - In about half an hour - I'll it now e - Excuse me, could I uses your stapler? We're working in Joanna's office - Sure - no problem Please, bring it back f - Excuse me, can I borrow your security pass I need to get to the toilets I've got a day pass, but it won't let me back in U N IT 25 Gifts and saying thank you Gifts and thanks Dialogue A: This is for you B: Thank you very much It's beautiful, but can I ask what it is? A: Yes, of course It's a corkscrew B: It's very unusual Thank you very much And now there's something I would like to give you Dialogue A: That was a great match I really enjoyed it B: So did I You must tell me when you're coming next time and I'll get some more tickets A: Thanks, I'll look forward to that B: Can I give you a lift back to your hotel? A: Thanks Audioscripts 141 - Why don't you call security? - I did, but they said I can't have a staff pass U N IT 27 Shopping Buying presents - Can you help me? I'd like to buy some presents for my children - How old are they? - Five and eight - Boys or girls - One boy and one girl - What about T-shirts? - Yes, my daughter would like one of those She is the elder one What does it say on the front? - It says T love Moscow' - How much are they? - They are three hundred and twenty roubles - Do you have a medium size? - Yes, we What colour would you like? - I think she would like a yellow one - And what would your son like? - Have you got any toy cars? He loves cars - Yes, they are on the shelf behind you - Right How much is the Porsche? - A hundred and fifty roubles - Yes, I think he'll like th a t - Shall I gift wrap them for you? - Yes, please - And how would you like to pay? - By credit card Do you accept Diners Club? - Yes, we Could you sign here, please? Thank you Your card and your receipt UN IT 28 Your colleagues Giving personal details - Which one is your boss? - He's the middle-aged one, with grey hair - What's his position in the company? - He's the managing director - How long has he been with the company? - About six years, I think I'm not sure - Is he married? - No, I don't think so I think he's divorced - Has he got any children? - I don't think so - Where does he live? - I think he lives in a house near the centre Note what's = what is 142 AUDIOSCRIPTS UN IT 29 Your office building Directions in a building - Excuse me, is this the right way for the training department? - I'm afraid you're on the wrong floor - Which floor I need? - I'm not sure where it is I think it's above the boardroom Take the lift down to the third floor When you come out of the lift, turn left It's at the end of the corridor, on the right Do you have a swipe card? - No, I'm a visitor - Then, you'll have to press the green button Are they expecting you? - Yes, Reception called them Thanks for your help - That's OK The lift is that way Notes you're = you are U N IT 30 How things work Trouble shooting - Excuse me, you know how to use this shredder? - Where are the instructions? - Here they are - What does it say? - It says that if the machine doesn't work, check that it's plugged in and switched on - Is it plugged in? - Yes, it is - Is it switched on? - I think so - Ah, no, it isn't Look Shall I show you? - Yes, please - You switch it on like this There, it's working - Thanks for your help U N IT 31 Requesting information A sales enquiry (on the telephone) - I have your brochure here, and I'd like to order a table - Is there a reference number? - Yes, it's FC 4000X - Right, how can I help you? - Well, could you tell me how big they are? - That model is available in three sizes: large, medium and small The medium one is out of stock at the moment - How big is the large one? - It's two point eight metres by ninety-five centimetres - What colour is it? - It's available in blue and red Have you got it in brown? Not at the moment The brown one is out of stock I see Are they made of wood? At the moment, it's only available in metal or plastic The wooden one is out of stock - When will you have them in wood? - Next week - OK, I'll order a large wooden one - What colour? - Blue - Right, madam Note The customer has a US accent; the sales assistant has a non-standard accent - Yes, it's free from the 5th to the 15th Right, I'd like to book it for the 7th All day? Yes, please Do you supply AV equipment? Yes, we Is that included in the price? No, it's extra OK - could you confirm this in writing and attach a list of your charges? - Yes, of course Do you need any refreshments? - Yes - in your quote could you include coffee and tea and a simple buffet lunch? - Right U N IT 34 Organising a trip UNIT 32 Staying in a hotel Booking a hotel room - This is Asia Travel Have you got four single rooms? - I'm afraid we only have two single rooms available tonight - It's not for tonight It's for the weekend - This weekend? - Yes, Saturday the 12th to Monday the 14th of June - The single rooms are all booked this weekend - What about double rooms? - Yes, you can have two double rooms - on Saturday and Sunday night - Have they got bathrooms? - All our rooms have en suite bathrooms - Good, can I book them now? - Yes, what name is i t ,please? - Asia Travel The client is Mr Mitropoulis That's M-I-T-R-O-P-O-U-L-I-S We'll send you confirmation UNIT 33 Booking conference facilities Conference arrangements - I need a room for a meeting It's not a big meeting, we're expecting seven or eight people - Conference Room C would be fine for your meeting - How big is it? - It's 8.5 metres long When is the meeting? - On the 4th of next month - Oh, I'm afraid Room C isn't available on the 4th Conference Room A is available - it's free from the 4th to the 19th of next month, but it's too big - How big is it? - Oh, it's very big It's 21 metres long - Is Room C free on the 7th? Organising a trip - I'd like a return ticket to Paris - Business class or economy? - Business class - When you want to travel? - On Thursday I need to be there before lunch - There's an Ocean Air flight It leaves at 05.50 from Istanbul Ataturk airport and arrives at Charles De Gaulle airport at 10.50 - How much is the ticket going to cost? - It's €575 one way and €850 return - I'd like a return please, with the return details left open Will you let me know when you have the ticket? - This is a e-ticket You just shown your passport at the check-in We'll email you the itinerary as soon as the booking is confirmed U N IT 35 Hiring a car Hiring a car - I'd like to hire a car - What size car you want? - I'd like something like a Honda Civic - When you want it? - This Thursday - And how long you want it for? - Five days - We have a Toyota that might suit you - Which model is it? - It's a Carina XL Estate - That sounds OK How much is it? - It's $120 per day - Does that include insurance? - It includes insurance, VAT and unlimited mileage Audioscripts 143 - That seems reasonable - Can you fill in this form then, please? - Right Notes I'd = I would then = in that case VAT = Value-added Tax (UK sales tax) U N IT 36 Returning home Back from a trip - Welcome back! How was your irip? - It was hard work but very interesting - When did you get back? - Yesterday evening I was booked to fly back on Friday, but Ivan wanted me to be here for the conference So, I flew back yesterday instead I managed to reschedule - Did you have to pay extra? - Yes, I had to upgrade to first class to get a flight - Well Ivan's the boss How was Amelia? - She's well - she sends you her regards - Thanks What does she think of the new ordering system? Does she think it will work? - I'm afraid not She says it's too complicated Deliveries take too long - So the problem is delivery times - I'm afraid so - We need to debrief When will your report be ready? - Tomorrow morning Note to debrief = to meet and discuss the information 144 AUDIOSCRIPTS Track timings U nit Track Track U nit Track Track U nit Track Track U nit Track Track U n it Track Track U n it Track Track U n it Track Track u n it Track Track U n it Track Track U n it 10 Track Track U n it 11 Track Track u n it 12 Track Track 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 U nit 13 Track Track U n it 14 Track Track U n it 15 Track Track U n it 16 Track Track U n it 17 Track Track U n it 18 Track Track U nit 19 Track Track U nit 20 Track Track U n it 21 Track Track U n it 22 Track Track U n it 23 Track Track U n it 24 Track Track E n g lis h f o r BUSINESS LIFE 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Elementary C o u rse b o o k 0-462-00755-3 Self S tudy G uide (w ith CD) 0-462-00756-1 Trainer's M anual 0-462-00757-X A u d io CD 0-462-00758-8 Pre-Intermediate C o u rse b o o k 0-462-00759-6 S elf S tu d y G uide (w ith CD) 0-46200760-X Trainer's M anual 0-462-00761-8 A u d io CD 0-462-00762-6 intermediate C o u rse b o o k 0-462-00763-4 S elf S tu d y G uide (w ith CD) 0-462-00764-2 Trainer's M anual 0-462-00765-0 A u d io CD 0-462-00766-9 Upper Intermediate C o u rse b o o k 0-462-00767-7 S elf S tu d y G uide (w ith CD) 0-462-00768-5 Trainer's M anual 0-462-00769-3 A u d io CD 0-462-00770-7 U nit 25 Track 49 Track 50 U nit 26 Track 51 Track 52 U nit 27 Track 53 Track 54 U nit 28 Track 55 Track 56 U nit 29 Track 57 Track 58 U nit 30 Track 59 Track 60 U nit 31 Track 61 Track 62 U nit 32 Track 63 Track 64 U n it 33 Track 65 Track 66 U nit 34 Track 67 Track 68 U nit 35 Track 69 Track 70 u n it 36 Irack 71 Track 72 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following for their great help and advice in the preparation of English for Business Life: Simon Ross, Lucy Brodie, Jo Barker, Graham Hart and Teresa Miller We would also like to thank our business 'students' from organisations including UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Metso Paper, BEMIS, Peterson Packaging, Vattenfall, the International M aritime Organisation, GE Finance, ABN Amro (Investm ent Bank), Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (UI practice material The full course satisfies the requirements o f the Common European Framework (CEFA2), BEC and equivalent global testing authorities ‘i J Y Y + Marshall Cavendish • Education

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