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(Luận văn) the moderating role of time urgency and future time perspective on the relationship between team temporal leadership and team performance

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t to MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANNING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY ng hi ep w n lo NGUYEN QUOC PHONG ad ju y th yi pl ua al n THE MODERATING ROLE OF TIME URGENCY AND FUTURE TIME PERSPECTIVE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEAM TEMPORAL LEADERSHIP AND TEAM PERFORMANCE n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb Subject: Master of Business Administration Code: gm om l.c SUPERVISOR: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYỄN ĐÌNH THỌ an Lu n va ey t re th HO CHI MINH CITY - 2012 I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT t to ng hi ep First of all, I would like to appreciate to teachers at Economy University of w Ho Chi Minh city for their valuable knowledge that guiding me so far n lo ad I would like to appreciate PhD Pham Quoc Hung for his kindness in y th instructing me through difficult time in finding ways to result my research ju yi problems Also through his guiding I found the important and application of this pl thesis in literature and implication ua al n Last but not least, I deeply appreciate the helping of my dear wife, my family n va for their counting on me Thanks to them I got the motivation to get through long ll fu time studying to fulfill my master thesis I also would like to appreciate my dear oi m friends at eMBAK19 class for their sharing knowledge and friendship at nh z z ht vb k jm Nguyen Quoc Phong om l.c gm Ho Chi Minh, 26 October 2012 an Lu n va ey t re II t to ng COMMITMENT hi ep I would like to commit that this thesis, “the moderating role of time urgency, w future perspective on the relationship between team temporal leadership and team n lo performance”, was accomplished basing on my independent, serious study and ad y th scientific researches The data was primary collected by my own with clear origins ju In addition, the data would be trust-worthily handled and it has never been released yi pl in any paper so far al n ua Nguyen Quoc Phong n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re III CONTENTS t to ng ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hi ep COMMITMENT II CONTENTS III w FIGURES VII n lo 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT ad 1.2 RESEARCH’S OBJECTIVES y th 1.3 RESEARCH’S SCOPE AND APPROACH .2 ju 1.3.1 Research’s Scope .2 yi 1.3.2 Research’s Approach pl 1.4 CONTRIBUTION al ua 1.4.1 Academic Contributions n 1.4.2 Managerial Contributions .4 va 1.5 RESEARCH STRUCTURE n ll fu CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW oi m 2.1 TIME URGENCY .5 nh 2.1.1 Time Urgency and Type A Behavior Pattern at 2.1.2 Characteristic of Time Urgency z 2.1.3 Time Urgency and Team Performance z 2.2 TIME PERSPECTIVE vb ht 2.2.1 Time Perspective jm 2.2.2 Time Perspective and team performance 10 k 2.3 TEAM TEMPORAL LEADERSHIP 12 gm 2.4 TEAM TEMPORAL LEADERSHIP AND TEAM PERFORMANCE 14 l.c 2.5 HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT 15 om 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN 17 3.2 QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT 18 an Lu 3.3 SCALE 19 3.3.1 Time Urgency Scale 19 va 3.3.2 Future Time Perspective 20 n Team Performance Scale 22 3.3.5 Translation of Questionnaires 23 3.4 GROUP DISCUSSION 24 3.5 TARGET POPULATION 24 ey 3.3.4 t re 3.3.3 Temporal Leadership Scale 21 IV t to 3.6 SAMPLE SIZE 25 3.7 SELECTING THE SAMPLE AND COLLECTING DATA .25 3.8 METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS 26 ng hi 3.8.1 Data Screening 26 ep 3.8.2 Reliability 27 3.8.3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 27 w 3.8.4 Analysis of Variance .29 n 3.8.5 Correlation Analysis 30 lo ad 3.8.6 Regression Analysis 31 ju y th CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS 33 4.1 DATA SCREAMING 33 yi 4.2 CHARACTERISTIC OF QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS 34 pl al 4.3 NORMALITY ANALYSIS 35 ua 4.4 RELIABILITY OF THE MEASUREMENTS 37 n 4.4.1 Reliability of Time Urgency Measurement 37 va 4.4.2 Reliability of Future Consequence Measurement 38 n fu 4.4.3 Reliability of Team Temporal Leadership Measurement 39 ll 4.4.4 Reliability of Team Performance Measurement 39 m oi 4.6 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS .40 nh 4.7 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE .45 at 4.7.1 The Effect of Gender on Team Performance .46 z z 4.7.2 The Effect of Age on Team Performance 47 vb 4.7.3 Test The Effect of Education on Team Performance 47 jm ht 4.8 CORRELATION ANALYSIS 48 4.9 HYPOTHESES TESTING 50 k gm 4.9.1 The Effect of Team Temporal Leadership on Team Performance 50 4.9.2 The Moderating Role of Time Urgency and Future Time Perspective on the Relationship between l.c Team Temporal Leadership and Team Performance 52 om 5.1 DISCUSSIONS OF FINDINGS .61 an Lu 5.2 PRACTICAL IMPLICATION 62 5.3 CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY 63 va 5.4 LIMITATION AND FURTHER RESEARCH 64 n REFERENCE IX ey t re APPENDIX XV V TABLES t to ng hi ep Table 3.1 Time Urgency Scale w n lo Table 3.2 Future consequence scale ad ju y th Table 3.3 Team temporal leadership yi Table 3.4 Team performance pl n va Table 4.1: Variables n ua al Table 3.5 Assessing Fit Indices ll fu Table 4.2: Socio-demographic Characteristics of Qualified respondents oi m Table 4.3: Assessment of normality nh at Table 4.4: Summarize Cronbach’s Alpha score of Time Urgency measurements z z k jm ht measurements vb Table 4.5: Summarize Cronbach’s Alpha score of Future Consequence l.c measurements gm Table 4.6: Summarize Cronbach’s Alpha score of Team Temporal Leadership om Table 4.7: Summarize Cronbach Alpha score of Team Performance measurments an Lu Table 4.8: Standardized Regression weight ey t re Gender) n Table 4.10 Independent Samples Test (Dependent variable: TP; Grouping variable: va Table 4.9: Goodness-of Fit Indexes Result VI Table 4.11 Analysis of Variance (Dependent variable: TP; Factor: Age) t to ng Table 4.12 Analysis of Variance(Dependent variable: TP; Factor: Education) hi ep Table 4.13 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Table 4.14 The effect of team temporal leadership on team performance w n lo Table 4.15: Statistics of two model (with and without TL) ad ju y th Table 4.16 The moderating role of time urgency and future time perspective on the relationship between team temporal leadership and team performance yi pl ua al Table 4.17: Statistics two model (with and without moderator TU and FC) n Table 4.18: Relationship between TL and TP (moderator TU) n va ll fu Table 4.19: Statistics of Relationship between TL and TP (moderator TU) oi m Table 4.20: Relationship between TL and TP (moderator FC) nh at Table 4.21: Statistics of Relationship between TL and TP(moderator FC) z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re VII t to FIGURES ng hi ep w Figure 2.1 Original model (Source: Mohammed and Nadkarni, 2011) n lo Figure 2.1 Suggested model ad ju y th Figure 3.1 Research process yi Figure 4.1 CFA model pl ua al Figure 4.2a: Time urgency strengthen the positive relationship between team n temporal leadership and team performance n va ll fu Figure 4.2b: Future consequence strengthen the positive relationship between team oi m temporal leadership and team performance at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION t to ng hi ep w 1.1 Problem Statement n lo ad Rapidly changing competition, customer needs, technologies and completion y th of task in today’s business environment have created temporal challenges for teams ju in the form of extremely short deadlines, complex and dynamic cooperation of task yi pl goals (e.g Hamm, 2006) These challenges require careful management of temporal ua al (time) resources in teams (Lientz & Rea, 2001), making time become arelevance n research issues Despite its importance, research on time, especially time in the va n deadline condition of team has been spare and inconsistent (Mohammed & ll fu Nadkarni, 2011) To answer the calle of the need to give understanding on this oi m issue, an increasing number of researchers have been conducted on temporal at nh perspective (e.g Ancona et al., 2001; Waller, 1998; Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) In term of team temporal leadership, Mohammed and Nadkarni (2011)find out team z z temporal leadership has a positive impact on team performance However, their vb jm ht research just focuses on groups in one a technology company, which is not diverse enough to represent work forces in general In addition, they also yet to find out if k gm the role of team temporal leadership on team performance can be effected by any l.c moderator Derived from the notion that leaders can affect circumstances and om circumstances can affect leaders in reverse, the author set out hypotheses that an Lu temporal leadership can be affected by their follower’s individual differences, which are time urgency(feeling chronically hurried [Landy et al, 1991]) and future n ey t re Boyd, 1999]) va time perspective(cognitive temporal bias toward being future oriented [Zimbardo & Vietnam is a fast developing country; with an average of GPD growth from 2000 to 2010 was more than % per year (tradingeconomy.com) The economic developing creates the need of change in leadership not only at individual level but t to also at group level tocoordinate member adapting with the sophisticate of tasks ng Despite the important of leadership in group and it moderators, which has been an hi ep interesting subject to researchers in developed countries, a comprehensive investigation on group level with Vietnamese work force has been spare.Answering w this call, I investigate the moderating role of time urgency, future perspective on the n lo relationship between team temporal leadership and team performance ad y th 1.2 Research’s Objectives ju yi pl This study examines the relationship between team temporal leadership and ua al team performance It also analyses the moderating role of individual time urgency n and time perspective on this relationship The questions below will be answer n va accordingly: fu ll Question 1:How team temporal leadership affects team performance? oi m temporal leadership and team performance? at nh Question 2: How individual time urgency affects the relationship between team z z k jm ht team temporal leadership and team performance? vb Question 3: How individual future time perspective affects the relationship between gm Last but not least, this paper also wants to test if there is a difference on team l.c performance between some main demographic (gender, age, and education) groups om The literature review will define these concepts and reveal relevance researches on an Lu these issues The quantitative research will be conducted to answer these questions n va 1.3 Research’s Scope and Approach ey t re 1.3.1 Research’s Scope

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2023, 09:37


