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(Luận văn) solution to improve sales performance of thrid party sales agency channel in hsbc bank vietnam

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t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi TRẦN CAO MAI TRÂM pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m SOLUTION TO IMPROVE SALES PERFORMANCE OF THRID-PARTY SALES AGENCY CHANNEL IN HSBC BANK VIETNAM at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2019 t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al Trần Cao Mai Trâm n va ll fu m oi SOLUTION TO IMPROVE SALES PERFORMANCE OF THRID-PARTY SALES AGENCY CHANNEL IN HSBC BANK VIETNAM at nh z z ht vb k jm gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION om l.c n a Lu SUPERVISOR: Dr Lê Thị Thanh Xuân n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS t to ng LIST OF FIGURES hi ep LIST OF TABLES w EXCUTIVE SUMARY n lo ACKNOWLEGEMENT ad ju y th CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION yi 1.1 HSBC Group overview: pl ua al 1.2 HSBC Vietnam background & organization structures: n 1.3 Overview of third-party company – MOCAP Vietnam Joint Stock Company: 11 va n CHAPTER 2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS 13 fu ll 2.1 Symptoms of company: 13 m oi 2.1.1 Background of symptoms: 13 nh at 2.1.2 Symptoms analysis: 14 z z 2.2 Problem analysis: 19 vb ht 2.2.1 Potential problems 1: Ineffective Project Organization Structures & k jm operational issues 19 gm 2.2.2 Potential problem 2: Wrong customer segments touching 22 l.c 2.2.3 Potential Problem 3: Poor Sales-forces Capacity 23 om 2.3 Central problem validation and consequences: 26 2.3.2 Consequences of central problem: 29 y 3.1.2 Lack of salesforces training for agent: 33 te re 3.1.1 High-staff turnover rate: 32 n 3.1 Potential causes: 32 va CHAPTER 3: CAUSE VALIDATION 32 n a Lu 2.3.1 Central problem validation: 26 3.1.3 The shortage of headcount (sales forces): 33 34 t to 3.2 Main Cause Validation: .34 ng 3.2.1 High staff turnover rate in TPSA Channel: 34 hi ep 3.2.2 Shortage in Sales agents of TPSA channel: 36 3.2.3 Lack of salesforce training for TPSA agent: 37 w n CHAPTER 4: ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION & ACTION PLAN 40 lo ad 4.1 Alternative Solution: 40 y th 4.1.1 Alternative Solution 1: Supporting fees on incremental headcount increase ju yi 40 pl ua al 4.1.2 Alternative Solution 2: Developing training program for TPSA agents: 42 n 4.2 Solution Selected: 43 va n 4.3 Action Plan: 44 fu ll CONCLUSION 49 oi m CHAPTER 5: SUPPORTED INFORMATION .50 nh at 5.1 Summary of methodology conducted: 50 z z 5.2 Transcription: .50 ht vb k jm REFERENCE 60 om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: HSBC Vietnam Organization structure t to Figure 2: Percentage of contribution of RBWM Sales Channel ng Figure 3: Percentage of contribution of RBWM Sales Channel in the last years hi ep Figure 4: Percentage of contribution of TPSA channel in ASIA markets Figure 5: HSBC – TPSA project organization chart w n Figure 6: TPSA channel – Credit Card Application Handling lo ad Figure 7: TPSA sales agents resources in 2018 y th Figure 8: Initial causes and potential problem ju Figure 9: Initial - Causes and effect diagram yi pl Figure 10: Productivity break down by sales agent vintages ua al Figure 11: TPSA sales agents resources in 2018 n Figure 12: Final – Cause and effect diagram va n Figure 13: Alternative solution – Human resources planning ll fu oi m at nh LIST OF TABLES z z Table 1: HSBC Bank – RBWM Sales Performance in 2018 vb ht Table 2: HSBC Bank – RBWM Sales Performance Contribution in the last years om l.c n a Lu Table 7: Training Course – Training Agenda Table 6: Alternative solution 2– Action plan gm Table 5: Human resource recruitment cost k Table 4: Sales Performance plan of HSBC RBWM in 2019 jm Table 3: Approval rate of HSBC Credit Card by Channels n va y te re EXCUTIVE SUMARY t to As one of market leader in Credit Card selling in Vietnam financial market, ng HSBC Banks issues more than 75,000 cards into market as of December 2018 Giving hi ep the fact that, Vietnam financial market is potential and promise market for banking & financial industry with golden young population and middle-income With the w ambitious accumulate the largest market share, HSBC operated TPSA channel as n lo supported sales channels (besides HSBC in-house sales force) to capture new to banks ad y th customer in major city like Hochiminh city Although, recently TPSA channel gain ju sales performance developed year on year, it’s not achieved sales expectation (around yi pl 10% contributed to RWBM total sales volumes), which was set by HSBC’ group when ua al operated TPSA channel in Vietnam market The purpose of this thesis is evaluating the n root causes leading under contribution of sales performance expected in TPSA channel va to total sales volume of HSBC Banks in recent year Then find the best solution to n ll fu implement in the next year to push-up sales performance of TPSA channel achieving oi m the performance expectation of HSBC Group This thesis consists of main chapters: nh - Chapter 1: the introduction about HSBC Bank in Vietnam and overview of TPSA at agency – Mocap Vietnam Joint Stock Company z z - Chapter 2: the description about the general of symptoms and identify the central vb ht problem leading to this symptom Recently, the symptom was after three years jm operated and experienced TPSA channel in Vietnam market, HSBC project can meet k gm the percentages of contribution (10%) to RBWM sales volumes om which was the main causes leading to the central problems l.c - Chapter 3: the validation of all causes leading to the central problem and evaluated n to drawn out action plan for implementation a Lu - Chapter 4: propose two potential alternative solutions for choosing the best solution collected via in-depth interview and literature review drawn out The shortages of sales agents in HSBC – TPSA project is the main causes leading to central problem (poor y project is poor sales capacity in TPSA channel Then, a list of these main causes te re interview and theory support, the key finding of theis shown the problem of HSBC n va After evaluating basing on the combination of primary and secondary data, in-depth sales capacity) In current situation of HSBC project, the solution in supporting fee for each incremental headcount increase seems to good solution and applicable to help t to TPSA agency turn out shortage sales headcount in short-term Furthermore, this ng solution might help TPSA agency take the risk of investing in new sales forces and hi respond to the challenges of Vietnam market for sustainable growth in long-term ep business w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re ACKNOWLEGEMENT I would like to show my gratefulness and special thanks to my supervisor – Dr Le Thi t to Thanh Xuan for all her continuous support, advices and instructions during the process ng hi of writing this thesis Without her advises, this master thesis cannot be completed ep Needless to say, her guidance and instructions helped me in all the time of writing w thesis Then, I also would like to show my gratitude to my manager, my colleagues at n HSBC Bank who gave me chance to conduct research and also thank you to their time lo ad spending on interviews with me to come up the result of thesis ju y th yi Lastly, I also send my sincere thankfulness to my parents and friends for their support pl and encouragement during the time which I took the master course n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 HSBC Group overview: t to HSBC is one of international finance organization and banking biggest over the ng world HSBC serves for than 38 millions of customer via four multi-national business hi services such as: retail banking and wealth management, commercial banking, global ep banking and market, global private banking HSBC network covers over 66 countries w and territories in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North America and Latin n lo America ad y th The name of HSBC is an acronym for The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking ju Corporation Limited, the founding member of HSBC, which was constitutive in 1865, yi with the aim of financing the developing trade among India, China and Europe HSBC pl ua al puts headquarter in London, United Kingdom Nowadays, HSBC has been considered n one of the top organizations with branch network spread out all over the world which n va provides the service in finance and banking with high quality and security guarantee ll fu HSBC positions its brand through the message “The world's local bank” HSBC is oi m headquartered in London, United Kingdom nh There are 12 main dates in history timeline of HSBC Group: at – March – April 1865: HSBC established in Hong Kong and Shanghai It was z z the first bank owned by the local and operated based on the principles of ht vb Scottish banking k jm – By 1875: HSBC appeared in seven countries throughout Europe, North l.c Philippines and Vietnam gm America and Asia It financed the exportation activity from China, India, om – By 1900: HSBC spread out the network into 16 countries to finance trade n trading a Lu around the world The business was surrounding ingot, exchange and y te re infrastructure n to governments in the locals for projects of modernization and va – 1910: HSBC broadened the variety of activities in Asia by providing loans – By the 1920s: Business in Asia began to accomplish again despite of inhibition caused by The First World War and trading in commodity t to especially rubber and tin increased rapidly ng – 1935: New head office was designed by architects Palmer and Turner, hi applied the popular decorative style of Art Deco ep – 1941: During the time of The Second World War, staff in Asia became war w prisoners Only branches that ran in London, India and US remained in fully n lo operated condition ad y th – 1950: HSBC played main role in reconstructing Hong Kong’s Economy ju after war ending by supporting for manufacturing and business yi – By the 1970s: HSBC widen its variety of activities in trading by acquiring pl ua al Mercantile Bank and The Middle East British Bank n – 1992: HSBC’s headquarters were moved to London after acquiring Marine n va Midland Bank in the US and UK ll fu – 1998: HSBC unified its brand and logo of hexagon to utilize in all branches nh HSBC Strategies: oi m – 2016: HSBC continued expanding business to growing areas at HSBC in one of the world’s leading international banks, with exceptional access to z z high- growth market and a strong balance sheet “We are uniquely placed to help vb om l.c • stand for Open – HSBC open to different ideas and cultures gm • D stand for Dependable k HSBC values: D-O-C is the core value of HSBC jm Executive) ht customers around the world achieve their ambitions” (John Flint, HSBC Group Chief a Lu • C stand for Connected – HSBC connect to customers, communities, regulator n and each other HSBC aim to building connections, being aware of external n va issues, collaborating across boundaries 1995, HSBC run into business a branch with full financing and banking service In 2005, HSBC opened another branch and a representative office in Hanoi and Can Tho y In 1870, HSBC established the first office in Saigon, big city of Vietnam Until te re 1.2 HSBC Vietnam background & organization structures: Table 7: Training Course – Training Agenda Group Day Course Name t to ng hi ep Day w n lo ad Day yi Group ju y th HSBC Overview Credit Card product feature Credit Card benefit (Home & Away, Rewards & mileage Installment, Platinum card exclusive privileges Credit Card Application HSBC relating Policy & Procedure (Complaint Handling, Consequence Management, Dormancy Control, PVC, Cross border Selling policy, end-to-end sales process) Do & Don’t Tele sales Assessment test on Credit Card Product feature Call Script & Card T & C (checklist) & Call Quality Group Role Play Review Credit Card Knowledge Make phone calls to existing TPSA agents and HSBC in-house Tele sales Global Standards & EDRAS CMS system Attach with mentor Mentor/ Coach monito trainee’s call Frequency provide feedback for improvement and ensure that trainees bring what they have learnt to life Need establish skills Objection handling skills Close Safe Role play to establish customers’ need and handle objection Assessment test on Credit Card Product feature & promotion Team leaders conduct real time monitoring and listen to trainee’s call Conduct 1:1 coaching Refresh training EDRAS Listen to own calls Best practice sharing and identify good examples (every day activity) Team leader help trainees identify what are their road blockers and trainees must come up with a new development plan in details pl n ua al Day ll fu oi m Day n va Day at nh z Follow up action z k om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re Follow up action jm Group Day Day Follow up action Day Day Day ht Group vb Day 48 CONCLUSION t to This thesis has focused on finding the main problem causing under achievement ng of sales performance of TPSA channel in HSBC Bank Vietnam Thus, among hi ep potential problem lead to sales performance below expectation, the shortage in headcounts of sales agents in TPSA channel is proved as the key element Prioritize, w HSBC take into consideration in supporting fee in each incremental headcount n lo increase might help TPSA agency can achieve full sales force capacity The purpose of ad y th this thesis was pointed out clearly and inform the real issues that is occurring in HSBC ju project of TPSA channel Basing on evaluating pros and cons of proposed solutions, yi pl HSBC Bank will take action immediately according to action of the best solution ua al Lastly, believing with the best and applicable solution and detail action plan n which can help HSBC – TPSA channel turn-around the current situation for va n sustainable growth in the long-terms ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 49 Chapter 5: SUPPORTED INFORMATION 5.1 Summary of methodology conducted: t to In this thesis, two types of data: primary and secondary data were collected The ng purpose of combination two types of data was to identify and solve the central hi ep problem Firstly, secondary date was collected from some reliable sources such as: internal report, sales performances, internal policy and operation process Besides, w n some relevant online literatures, journal and economy books, researches, etc were lo ad used to strengthen the theory and conclusion when compared the resulted of the ju y th interviewees mentioned and the current situations in HSBC- TPSA channel Secondly, yi primary data was obtained in this thesis via conducting a qualitative research The pl main method in collecting qualitative data in this thesis was in-depth interview To al ua give full-background, the researchers conducted two times of in-depth interview for n respondent of internal HSBC and external HSBC (means TPSA company) to explore va n the potential problem and another interview is used to seek causes Each in-depth fu ll interview took around 30 minutes, questionnaire was designed as open-ended question m oi to obtain full and valuable information Furthermore, in-depth interviews were nh conducted with two groups of respondents as below: at z • The first group: include representatives of HSBC Bank such as: Mr Sabbir - z jm TPSA Managers ht vb Head of RBWM, Mr Phat- Vice-president of TPSA channel, Ms.- Ha HSBC- k • The second group: include representatives of TPSA company (MOCAP VN) gm such as: Ms Lan- Project Managers, Ms Thao - Deputy of Project Managers, om n a Lu Transcript 1: l.c 5.2 Transcription: Mr Hung - Human resources mangers, Sales agents n va Interviewer : Tran Cao Mai Tram y te re Interviewee: Mr Sabbir – Head of RBWM HSBC Vietnam Interviewer: Good morning, Sir How are you today? Interviewee: I’m good Nothing much May I help you? 50 Interviewer: I would like to have a short interview with you Could you please give me around 20-25 minutes to talk? t to Interviewee: Yes Sure Pls, go ahead ng Interviewer: Today, I am going to conduct the interview with you about current issues hi with TPSA channel Firstly, I want to ask about HSBC’s strategies when using ep outsourcing services to acquire credit card in Vietnam market? w Interviewee: HSBC Group decided to operate TPSA channel in Vietnam market with n lo purpose to gain bet better access to targeted market and gain additional capacity to ad y th grow business, limitation in expanding internal sales forces Additionally, TPSA ju channel play as supporting channel to push up total sales volume of Retail Banking yi and Wealth Management of HSBC Vietnam, especially in term of Credit Cards pl ua al Furthermore, HSBC Group have run very successful TPSA channel in ASIA market n (such as: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India.) That the reason why, HSBC want to n va outsource HSBC product to the Third-party Sales agency in Vietnam market ll fu Interviewer: But actually, the sales performance of TPSA channel not achieved our oi m expectation (10% contributed to total sales volumes of HSBC, in term of Credit Card) nh This problem occurs more than years when we started to operated TPSA channel in at Vietnam market So, what you think about this problem? z z Interviewee: However, when operating in Vietnam since 2015, there are some vb ht challenges and difficulty with HSBC when utilize TPSA channel Because the impact k jm of both sides TPSA channel and HSBC also As I think, TPSA channel need more time gm to learning and scale up business to achieve performance expectations n y channel te re Interviewee: Mr Phat – Vice President of Sales Management of in-house & TPSA n va Interviewer : Tran Cao Mai Tram a Lu Transcript 2: (Code 1A) om Vietnam? l.c Interviewer: Can you share about long-term strategy of HSBC in TPSA channel in Interviewer: Good afternoon, Sir How are you today? 51 Interviewee: I’m good Nothing much May I help you? Interviewer: I would like to have a short interview with you Could you please give me t to around 20-25 minutes to talk? ng Interviewee: Yes Sure hi Interviewer: Today, I am going to conduct the interview with you about current issues ep with TPSA channel, especially in organization structure of HSBC project Can you tell w me about the end-to-end process in credit card handling, comparison between TPSA n lo channel and HSBC in-house? ad y th Interviewee: For operational process of TPSA channel is similar with other in-house ju channels of HSBC in term of the process to approve and issued HSBC credit card yi TPSA is mainly in-charge in contacting customer to offer HSBC credit card and then pl in granting and issued card limit n ua al fulfill & collect credit card applications and hand-over to HSBC for further processing n va Interviewer: Do you think that organization structure of TPSA channel in HSBC ll fu project is one of reason leading to low sales performances? oi m Interviewee: No I don’t think so Because when we compare the operation process nh between in-house channel and TPSA channel apply the same end-to-end process at Furthermore, The scope of control in TPSA channel was so strictly and sufficiently, z z we combine the control of sites: TPSA agency and HSBC TPSA Management team vb ht This team is critical to ensure effective deployment of TPSA teams, agents training, k jm sales and services quality monitoring, governance and control activities which gm alignment with updated regulatory requirements In fact, more than three years in l.c operation auditing or management TPSA channel control and governances, so HSBC om TPSA management gain strong skill set and excellent problem-solving skill, attention model But with above knowledge and experiences, there is nil stuck or insufficient y cannot achieved 10% contribution in total RBWM sales volume? te re Interviewer: So, you think what is the main problem which caused TPSA channel n va process in TPSA operations on daily work n a Lu to detail and ability to work well under high complex environment such as TPSA Interviewee: As I think the main problem is poor sale capacity, especially is the shortage of TPSA sales agents Actually, after 3-year operating, TPSA channel cannot 52 achieve more than 80 sales agents in HSBC project Hence, if TPSA still maintain poor capacity, it may cause not only huge impact on Sales volumes in HSBC project t to and but also the operating loss for TPSA company As low-cost provider, TPSA was ng offered low-price in each card acquisitions for HSBC, that the reason why TPSA hi company need maintain strong sales-force capabilities for maximizing sales capacities ep far away from operating loss Furthermore, when we can ultilize team size at around w 80 sales agents, we can minimize the impact on business operation when having staff n lo attrition ad y th ju Transcript 3: (Code 1B) yi Interviewer : Tran Cao Mai Tram pl n ua al Interviewee: Ms Ha – HSBC TPSA Manager n va Interviewer: Good afternoon, Sir How are you today? ll fu Interviewee: I’m good Nothing much May I help you? at Interviewee: Yes Sure nh around 20-25 minutes to talk? oi m Interviewer: I would like to have a short interview with you Could you please give me z z Interviewer: Today, I am going to conduct the interview with you about current issues vb k jm me about the scope of control in TPSA- HSBC project? ht with TPSA channel, especially in organization structure of HSBC project Can you tell l.c agents for effective observation and coaching conducted gm Interviewee: The scope of control of each TPSA team leader manage maximum 18 om Interviewer: Do you see any insufficient control in operation process of project? a Lu Interviewee: No There is nil finding in potential operational risk or insufficient n organization or control and governance in TPSA channel in recent four years y channel in HSBC Vietnam te re to approve & issued credit card) is similar between TPSA channel and others sales n va relationship the turn-around time (means the length process when submit application 53 Interviewer: Can you share about the customer segment touching by TPSA channel, in compare with in-house channel? Do you think lack of customer database of TPSA t to agency which is one of causes leading to low sales performance in HSBC project? ng Interviewee: No I don’t think so Because, there is no difficulty with TPSA companies hi in customer segment database alight with HSBC targeted customers Due to the fact ep that, both TPSA companies have cooperated as outsourcing service for a lot of multi- w national companies and they have more experienced in Vietnam market n lo Interviewer: So, you think what is the main problem which caused TPSA channel ad y th cannot achieve 10% contribution in total RBWM sales volume? ju Interviewee: Although we start operated TPSA channel since 2015, sales forces of yi TPSA channel have not achieved 70 sales agents as we expected due to impact of pl ua al high-staff turnover rate, together with the difficulty in headcount optimizing, TPSA n channel always have shortage sales agents in compare with resources plan due to high n va recruitment cost The average staff vintages of TPSA channel is months (including oi m agents will leave the project ll fu one-month probation), means that after sixth- month work for HSBC project, sales nh Interviewer: So, what is key priority in your mind to leading up sales performance in at TPSA channel z z Interviewee: In my opinion, the poor sales capacity and how to develop sales vb TPSA channel is one of key element leading to push up sales k jm performance of TPSA ht capabilities of l.c solving the problem of shortage in sales agents headcount? gm Interviewer: Do we have any action plan to scale up sale capacity, especially in om Interviewee: Yes Recently, HSBC take into consideration about financial support to n the end of 2019 a Lu TPSA agency to scale up the number of sales agents to achieve more than 80 agents in agency per Credit Card approved) still lower than cost per card acquired by HSBC in54 y TPSA agency, the cost per acquisition (services fee which HSBC must pay to TPSA te re Interviewee: Even though, applying support fee for incremental headcount increases to n the comparision between cost per acquisition of in-house channel and TPSA channel? va Interviewer: If we apply financial support to TPSA channel, should we concern about house channel That the reason why, HSBC pay attention into increase full-capacity sales forces in TPSA channel in the next 12 months to achieve sales performance t to expectation ng Interviewer: HSBC want to maintain long-term relationship with TPSA agency for co- hi operate growth, HSBC gain more credit card acquisition in Vietnam market through ep TPSA channel Besides, HSBC expected to support TPSA company not only in w financial capacity but also for resources capital for sustainable relationship n lo Interviewer: Recently, we have any plan in looking for one more outsourcing ad y th agency in Vietnam market? ju Interviewee: Actually, HSBC and MOCAP VN have been strong relationship since yi 2015 until now In Vietnam market, there is still lack of famous and global pl ua al outsourcing services company meet requirement of HSBC Group in Third-party sales n agency, hence supporting & cooperating with MOCAP VN for long-term relationship n va is priority action in short term In recently, HSBC not think looking for new ll fu outsourcing agency due to some difficulties such as: complicated process for new on- at nh Group oi m boarding, few outsourcing companies in Vietnam market meet requirement of HSBC z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 55 ad ju y th yi pl ua al n Data collection after in-depth interview from HSBC site: Finding n Question va No Code 1B m ll fu Code 1A The scope of control and operational Operational process of TPSA channel is Sufficient scope of control Eeffective oi similar with other in-house channels of observation and coaching conducted nh process in HSBC TPSA channel? at HSBC in term of the process to approve z z and issued HSBC credit card vb Can you share about the customer Not mention jm segment touching by TPSA channel, in in customer segment database alight with k HSBC targeted customers gm compare with in-house channel What is the main problem which The main problem is poor sale capacity, TPSA channel always have trouuble with l.c There is no difficulty with TPSA companies ht va What is key priority in your mind to Scale up team size achieve full-capacity HSBC n an volume? recruitment cost Lu 10% contribution in total RBWM sales agents om caused TPSA channel cannot achieved especially is the shortage of TPSA sales the shortage sales agents due to high take into consideration about channel when having staff attrition y te re leading up sales performance in TPSA to not impact on business opeartions financial support to TPSA agency to scale up the number of sales agents to achieve ac th more than 80 agents in the end of 2019 si eg cd 56 jg hg Transcript 4: Focus Group with structured questionnaire t to Interviewer: Tran Cao Mai Tram ng Interviewee: TPSA Sales Agents current work for HSBC project hi ep Interview Guide : w Part 1: Warm-up introduction n lo Interviewer: Tran Cao Mai Tram ad y th Interviewer: Hi guys ju Interviewer: Today, I am going to conduct the interview with you about current issues yi with TPSA channel, to explore the reason why TPSA channel cannot achieve pl ua al performance expectation of HSBC Group? I would like to have a short interview with n you Could you please give me around 20-25 minutes to talk? n va ll fu Part 2: Main part with compulsory question as below: at nh No Question oi m Group 1: TPSA Sales Ageny current work for HSBC project What is your daily work ? What is customer data base comes from? How long have been working for HSBC project? How about your sales performance in recent months? What is your difficulty in achieve sales performance? Do you think you have to occur high/ unachievable sales target? z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 57 ad ju y th yi pl Finding Sales Agent Sales Agent n va What is your daily Call to customer for work ? offering HSBC creidt Sales Agent Sales Agent Call to customer for Selling HSBC Credit Offering HSBC Credit offering HSBC creidt Card via phone card via cold call to card new to banks customers at nh card oi m ll fu Question n No ua al Data collection after focus group interview from TPSA agency site: databsase database or selftgenarted list How long have been More than months Around haft a years k from? gm om company database More than years More than 20 months Around 3-4 cards per The highest achievement More than 12 cards per is cards per month month an month Lu Just one or two sales performance in approved cards per va recent months? month What is your I feel in-confident There is lack of I have to learn difficulty in achieve when advise customer frequency updated everything by themselves course for sales agent sales performance? due to some limitation session or training via observation how of my knowledge program for sales agent other agent communicate or product knowledge n Lack of training y te re company l.c project? How about your Customer’s referal and working for HSBC Database provided by jm ht data base comes Company availabe vb Company customer’s z What is customer z ac th to improve sales skill si eg cd 58 jg hg ad ju y th yi pl with customer, together product with best practice sharing n ua al about banking Do you think you Sure It’s should be have to occur high/ balance target for new unachievable sales joiner and experienced shortages sales agents of my colleagues decided agent to handle high target? staff to left project after 4-6 sales performance months, hence we have expectations Yes Because we have to Actually, HSBC project It’s would be better if covers the target of the we have more sales high turn-over rate Most oi m ll fu n va for experience agents at nh z z vb ht to cover their target Too k jm much sales performance gm expectation while there om l.c are fewer sales agents an Lu va n y te re ac th si eg cd 59 jg hg REFERENCE Jain RK, Natarajan RJSOAIJ Factors influencing the outsourcing decisions: a t to study of the banking sector in India 2011;4(3):294-322 ng DiRomualdo A, Gurbaxani V Strategic Intent for IT Outsourcing Sloan hi ep management review, 29 ZNo; 1998 De Quinn JBJSM Outsourcing innovation: the new engine of growth 2000 w Greenberg G Reasons Performance Management Fails and How to fix them n Zhu P The symptoms of ineffective team or organization lo ad ju y th 2015 Cargill G Six Reasons Why Sales Managers Fail 2012 Mantrala MK, Albers S, Gopalakrishna S, Joseph KJJoPS, Management S yi pl al ua Introduction: Special issue on enhancing sales force productivity 2008;28(2):109-13 al De Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 4th edition 2000 Dash K Vietnam: HCM City Leads the Average Salary Rankings 2018 10 EBVN Reseaech Report, E-commerce Industry in Vietnam, 18th edition 2018 11 Chan C, editor B2B E-Commerce Stages of Growth: the strategic imperatives n n va ll fu oi m nh 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 Proceedings z z Nolan Managing the Crisis in Data Processing”, Harvard Business Review, k Warsi.S.I N Study on relationship betwwen organizational commitment and om l.c S.M A Turnover: the real bottom line, Public and voluntory turnover in the workplace: a comparison of companies across industries 2000 a Lu 15 gm how it’s determined among private section employees 2009 14 jm 13 ht 1979:115 - 26 vb 12 at of the; 2004: IEEE Mabindisa V Impact of staff turnover on organizational effectiveness and n Ahmed Z, Sabir, S., Khosa, M., Ahmad, I & Bilal, A.M Impact of Employee IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM).128-36 60 y Turnover on Organisational Effectiveness in Tele Communication Sector of Pakistan te re 16 va Province 2014 n employee performance at the Department of Home Affairs in the Eastern Cape 17 Stovel MB, N Voluntary turnover: Knowledge management-friend or foe? 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