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(Luận văn) nonrenewable, renewable energy consumption and economic performance in oecd countries, a stochastic distance function approach

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL STUDIES THE HAGUE THE NETHERLANDS t to ng hi ep VIETNAM - NETHERLANDS PROGRAMME FOR M.A IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS w n lo ad ju y th yi pl NONRENEWABLE, RENEWABLE ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN OECD COUNTRIES: A STOCHASTIC DISTANCE FUNCTION APPROACH n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS z z ht vb NGUYEN THI NGAN THAO k jm By om l.c gm n DR LE VAN CHON a Lu Academic Supervisor n va y te re HO CHI MINH CITY, December 2015 DECLARATION t to “This declaration is to certify that this thesis entitled “Nonrenewable, renewable ng hi energy consumption and economic performance in OECD countries: a stochastic ep distance function approach” which is conducted and submitted by me in partial w fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of the Master of Arts in Development n lo Economics to the Vietnam – The Netherlands Programme ad The thesis constitutes only my original works and due supervision and y th ju acknowledgement have been made in the text to all materials used.” yi pl n ua al Nguyen Thi Ngan Thao n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS t to ng It is my pleasure to convey my heartfelt appreciation to those who greatly hi ep contributed to this thesis through supervision, support and encouragement I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Le Van Chon, for w n his excellent guidance, advocate, caring, tolerance and patience It is my luck and lo ad honor to work under his supervision His wisdom, knowledge, skill and y th wholehearted devotion to this paper have always touched, inspired and motivated ju me Without his encouragement and persistent help, I would not have been able to yi pl complete this thesis al n ua I am very grateful to all the lecturers of the Vietnam – The Netherlands Programme va (VNP), who not only delivered valuable knowledge to help me carry on this paper n but also gave me inspirations to research I would like to send my special fu ll thanks to Prof Nguyen Trong Hoai, Dr Pham Khanh Nam and Dr Truong Dang m oi Thuy who always accompanied us during the two – year master programme I am nh at very thankful to Dr Pham Khanh Nam and Dr Truong Dang Thuy for giving me z encouragements and comments on my Concept Note and Thesis Research Design I z ht vb would also like to thank all VNP staff for their conscientious assistance k jm I am thankful to my friends from VNP who shared bittersweet experiences of gm studying with me and always sent helps and encouragements whenever I needed l.c Besides, my sincere thankfulness also goes to my company’s managers and om colleagues who kindly and understandingly facilitated my master studying a Lu Finally, I am most grateful to Dad, Mom, Aunt, Sister and Brother for their n unconditional love, endless support and limitless tolerance to me throughout my n va journeys y te re ABBREVIATIONS t to ng hi ep w n lo ad BTU : The British thermal unit CO2 : Carbon dioxide EC : Efficiency change G7 : The Group of Seven GDP : Gross domestic product GHG : Greenhouse gas y th : The International Energy Agency K : Capital ju IEA yi pl : Labor ua al L : Nonrenewable energy NOx : Nitrogen oxides OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PC : Productivity change RE : Renewable energy REN21 : The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century SO2 : Sulfur dioxide TC : Technical change TE : Technical efficiency TOE : Tonne of oil equivalent TPES : Total primary energy supply US : United States US EIA : The U.S Energy Information Administration n NE n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm a Lu UNFCCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change n n va y te re ABSTRACT t to ng Kyoto Protocol with the target of lowering greenhouse gas emission levels to hi ep mitigate the harsh aftermaths of global warming and climate change, primarily caused by fossil fuel using, has put a great pressure on developed countries, w n including OECD countries, which accounts for a large share of the world’s total lo ad energy consumption This leads to the trend of shifting from nonrenewable energy y th to renewable energy recently, and also attracts the studies in this area Utilizing the ju panel data of 34 OECD countries from 1990 to 2012, this paper estimates the yi pl stochastic distance function with four inputs (capital, labor, nonrenewable and al ua renewable energy consumption) and one output (GDP) to analyze the effects of n nonrenewable and renewable energy consumption on GDP, the relationship va n between two sources of energy, and the productivity change of OECD countries fu ll over the period Nonrenewable and renewable energy are proved to be substitutes of m oi each other and positively contribute to economic growth On the other hand, the at nh high values of technical efficiency suggest that average OECD country operates z almost as effectively as the best performer in the whole group whereas the z ht the outward shift of the production frontier vb measurement of productivity change shows that all productivity gain is attributed to k jm gm Key words: nonrenewable energy, renewable energy, productivity change, distance om l.c JEL classification: C67, Q43 function n a Lu n va y te re TABLE OF CONTENTS t to CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ng hi 1.1 Problem statement ep 1.2 Objective and research questions w 1.3 Scope of the thesis n lo 1.4 Structure of the thesis ad CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW y th ju 2.1 Definition and classification of energy yi 2.1.1 Energy definition pl ua al 2.1.2 Energy classification Nonrenewable energy n n va Renewable energy ll fu 2.2 Energy consumption and growth oi m 2.2.1 Economic effects of energy consumption arguments nh at Empirical researches 10 z z 2.2.2 Environmental effects of energy consumption 12 vb 2.3 Nonrenewable and renewable energy consumption and economic growth 14 ht k jm 2.4 Productivity change and the Stochastic distance function 17 gm 2.4.1 Definition of productivity change 17 l.c 2.4.2 Productivity change measurement and stochastic distance function 18 om CHAPTER 3: ECONOMETRIC MODEL 21 a Lu 3.1 Stochastic Distance Function form 21 3.2 Parametric specification 22 n 3.5 Model specification 25 y productivity change 24 te re 3.4 Computing technical efficiency, efficiency change, technical change and n va 3.3 Computing partial effects among variables 24 CHAPTER 4: ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND SUPPLY IN OECD COUNTRIES 28 t to 4.1 OECD versus non – OECD 28 ng hi 4.2 Energy consumption in OECD countries 29 ep 4.2.1 Overview of energy consumption in OECD countries 29 4.2.2 Renewable energy consumption versus nonrenewable and total energy w n consumption 32 lo ad 4.3 Energy supply in OECD countries 33 y th 4.3.1 Overview of energy supply in OECD countries 33 ju yi 4.3.2 Renewable energy supply in OECD countries 34 pl CHAPTER 5: EMPIRICAL RESULTS 37 al n ua 5.1 Data 37 va 5.2 Descriptive analysis 39 n 5.3 Regression results 42 fu ll 5.3.1 Partial effects among variables 42 m oi 5.3.2 Technical efficiency, efficiency change, technical change and productivity nh at change 46 z CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION 50 z ht vb 6.1 Main findings 50 jm 6.2 Policy implications 51 k 6.3 Research expansions 51 gm REFERENCES 52 om l.c APPENDICES 57 n a Lu n va y te re LIST OF TABLES t to ng Table 5.1: Variables definition 37 hi ep Table 5.2: Descriptive statistics of variables 39 Table 5.3: Correlation matrix between variables 41 w Table 5.4: Regression results 42 n lo Table 5.5: Partial effects among variables 44 ad y th Table 5.6: Average technical efficiencies of OECD countries (1990 – 2012) 46 ju Table 5.7: Average efficiency change, technical change and productivity change of yi OECD countries (1991 – 2012) 48 pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re LIST OF FIGURES t to ng Figure 4.1: OECD versus non – OECD in term of population, GDP, total primary hi energy supply and production 29 ep Figure 4.2: Total final energy consumption by region in OECD (1971 – 2013) 30 w Figure 4.3: Final energy intensity in OECD (1971 – 2013) 30 n lo Figure 4.4: Sectorial energy intensities in OECD (1971 – 2013) 31 ad y th Figure 4.5: Energy consumption in OECD (1990 – 2012) 32 ju Figure 4.6: Sectorial renewable energy consumption in OECD in 1990 and 2013 33 yi Figure 4.7: Total primary energy supply in OECD (1971 – 2014) 34 pl ua al Figure 4.8: Composition of total primary energy supply in OECD (2014) 35 n Figure 4.9: Composition of total renewable primary energy supply (2014) 35 n va Figure 4.10: Renewable energy shares in TPES of OECD versus other regions ll fu (2013) 36 oi m Figure 5.1: Correlation between GDP and nonrenewable, renewable energy nh consumption 40 at Figure 5.2: Average technical efficiency of OECD countries (1990 – 2012) 47 z z ht vb k jm l.c gm LIST OF APPENDICES om Appendix 1: List of 34 OECD countries 58 a Lu Appendix 2: Regression results 59 n Appendix 3: F – test results 62 n va y te re CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION t to This chapter consists of four parts First part presents the motivation for studying ng the thesis’s topic and a brief review of empirical researches on this subject Main hi ep research questions and the scope of the whole study will be mentioned in the next two parts The last part gives an overview of this paper’s structure w n 1.1 Problem statement lo ad Energy is a vital resource for economic activities Thus, the nexus between energy y th consumption and economic growth has attracted the attention of economic ju yi researchers, especially in recent years when industrial activity has proven its pl increasingly important role in growth (Lee and Chang, 2007; Narayan and Smyth al n ua 2008; Apergis and Payne, 2009) Not only economists but also climate activists take n va attentive look at energy consumption but due to a different reason: the use of fu energy, primarily nonrenewable energy, creates negative effects on the environment ll through greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, directly causing global warming and m oi climate change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007) nh at Since 2005 when Kyoto Protocol took into effect, the pressure is greatly added to z z developed economies which take principle responsibility for exceedingly high vb ht levels of six main GHGs in the atmosphere According to United Nations jm Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), countries are legally bound k gm to cut down their joint GHG emission levels by 5.2% compared to that in 1990 The l.c protocol targeted a 29% collective reduction by 2010 and that would tremendously om ease the harsh impacts of economic activities on environment (UNFCCC, 2015) a Lu However, this protocol’s influence on global warming and climate change does not n meet the expectation due to conflicts among major economies since energy va conservation policies are predicted to have a huge impact on their economic n those who not ratify the agreement Besides, the immediate outcomes of y sign on Kyoto Protocol because of the fear of losing competitive advantages against te re performances Some of biggest emitters like United States, China, India refused to The weighted – average value of TE of 34 OECD countries in 1990 is 0.9965 This value implies that if the average country in 1990 combined the inputs (capital, labor, t to nonrenewable and renewable energy) as effectively as the best – practice country ng hi that year, then its output (GDP) would increase by about 0.355% (1 / 0.9965 = ep 1.00355) The number is quite small, indicating that the average OECD country performed closely with the efficiency level of the best performer in 1990 w n lo Figure 5.2 below delivers a clearer picture of the change in TE over the examined ad period From 1990 to 2004, average TE fluctuated and reached its peak in two last y th ju years, then tended to drop from 2005 afterwards Global economic downturn in yi period 2008 – 2012 might be responsible for this fall with lesser capital investing pl ua al into economies and higher unemployed rates than previous period n Figure 5.2: Average technical efficiency of OECD countries (1990 – 2012) n va 0.9990 fu 0.9985 ll 0.9980 m oi 0.9975 nh 0.9970 at 0.9965 z 0.9960 z 0.9955 vb 0.9950 ht jm 0.9945 0.9940 k gm 0.9935 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 om l.c Source: Author’s calculation a Lu Nonetheless, the weighted – average annual rate of EC for the whole period is very n high, 0.9973, suggesting that if OECD’s average country combined all examined the dispersion of TE is insignificant over the period 47 y the values of standard deviation of TE measurement are very small, suggesting that te re GDP would increase by about 0.266% in period 1990 – 2012 On the other hand, n va inputs as effectively as the best – practice country in this organization, its annual Average EC, TC and PC, which are computed through equation (6), (7) and (8) in Chapter respectively, are reported in Table 5.7 EC, which is the difference t to between the TE of one year with its previous year, exhibits the movement of ng hi countries towards the production frontier Average EC is interpreted in same pattern ep with average TE As discussed above, average TE of OCED countries generally increased in period 1990 – 2004 but decreased after that, resulting in positive and w n negative values of EC in these two periods, respectively The steady fall of EC in lo ad second period leads to the negative annual TC of – 0.0046% for the whole period y th ju Table 5.7: Average efficiency change, technical change, productivity change of yi OECD countries (1991 – 2012) pl n ua al n va ll oi m at nh z ht vb PC -0.1701 -0.0016 -0.0349 0.0339 -0.0033 0.0203 0.0368 0.0156 0.0017 0.0463 0.0043 0.0292 0.0201 0.0190 0.0277 0.0351 0.0375 0.0092 0.0059 -0.0074 0.0656 0.0093 0.012061 k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 48 TC -0.1712 -0.0014 -0.0336 0.0327 -0.0015 0.0188 0.0358 0.0152 0.0015 0.0473 0.0041 0.0289 0.0196 0.0189 0.0281 0.0356 0.0373 0.0099 0.0060 -0.0080 0.0666 0.0097 0.012107 z EC 0.0012 -0.0002 -0.0013 0.0012 -0.0019 0.0015 0.0009 0.0004 0.0002 -0.0010 0.0002 0.0003 0.0005 0.0001 -0.0004 -0.0005 0.0002 -0.0007 -0.0002 0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0004 -0.000046 fu Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Weighted average Source: Author’s calculation TC is the difference of the examined frontier distance functions between two continuous years: t+1 and t with output and inputs being constant It exhibits the t to shift of the production frontier Contrary to EC, TC rates are generally positive with ng hi the exception of 1991 – 1995 period, resulting in a positive average annual rate of ep 1.2107% The results indicate that the average production frontier shifted outwardly over the period w n lo PC is the sum of EC and TC From Table 5.7, except the period 1991 – 1995, the ad average country experienced positive productivity change over time PC’s weighted y th ju average rate of 1.2061% implies that all of productivity gain of OECD countries yi from 1990 to 2012 is contributed by TC In other words, the improvement in pl ua al productivity of OECD countries is completely thanks to the outward shift of the production frontier This is mainly due to negative values of EC, suggesting that n n va OECD countries operated very closely to their best – practice level, thus less ll fu incentive for them to invest in improving technical efficiency The result that TC is oi m the fundamental impulse behind PC is similar with the result derived from nh Atkinson, Cornwell, and Honerkamp (2003) although the context is different (as at discussed in Chapter 2, this paper took investigation on the sample of US electricity z z firms) vb ht In summary, there are three highlights derived from the estimated results Firstly, jm both nonrenewable and renewable energy consumption positively contribute to k gm OECD countries’ GDP, and despite the growing role of renewable energy to l.c economic activities, nonrenewable energy is still the primary force behind GDP om growth Secondly, two energy sources are substitutes, albeit with small ratio of and all the productivity gain comes from outward shift of the production frontier n a Lu substitution Thirdly, average OECD country operated near its production frontier n va y te re 49 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION t to This chapter consists of three parts A summary about the econometric technique ng employed in the paper and remarkable results will be briefly reviewed in the first hi ep part Two next parts give the policies inferred from empirical outcomes and the ideas for future scholars to expand researches in energy economics w n 6.1 Main findings lo ad This thesis conducts the estimation on a multiple – input, one – output stochastic y th distance function for 34 OECD countries, utilizing the panel data from 1990 to ju yi 2012 Besides two basic inputs, i.e., capital and labor, nonrenewable and renewable pl energy consumption are added into the classical production function to create one al n ua output, i.e., GDP Following Atkison, Cornwell, and Honerkamp (2003), Le and n va Atkinson (2010), the research not only finds out the impacts of the use of fu nonrenewable and renewable energy on GDP and the relationship between the ll consumptions of these two sources, but also measures the productivity change of m oi OECD countries through computing their technical efficiency, efficiency change at nh and technical change z z Three main findings can be derived from the regression and calculation results First vb ht of all, the increase in the use of nonrenewable and renewable energy would both k jm boost OECD countries’ GDP Although renewable energy has been proving its gm increasing importance in the economy, nonrenewable energy is still a dominant and l.c principle source fostering GDP growth, proved through the relatively higher partial om impact on GDP of nonrenewable energy consumption than that of renewable energy a Lu consumption The second point is that renewable energy is a substitute of n nonrenewable energy The ratio of substitution is small but it still indicates that va renewable energy helps to mitigate the negative impacts of nonrenewable energy n practice country in the whole OECD, hence less incentive in improving technical 50 y suggest that average OECD country performs closely to the level of the best – te re consumption on the environment Lastly, the calculated technical efficiency results efficiency Therefore, not efficiency change but technical change is the force taking full responsibility for the productivity gain in the examined period t to ng 6.2 Policy implications hi ep Some policies for OECD countries can be derived from the empirical results Firstly, the positive impacts of both nonrenewable and renewable energy w n consumption on GDP advocate the growth hypothesis that raising the level of lo ad energy consumption can lead to higher level of GDP Therefore, OECD countries y th should increase energy use to speed up GDP growth and to meet Kyoto’s emission ju cut-off level, instead of energy consuming reduction, they should substitute yi pl nonrenewable energy with renewable one Secondly, the result of positive effect of ua al renewable energy on GDP gives a relief to the fear of Governments that the shift n from nonrenewable energy to renewable energy would make harm to economic va n growth By contrast, renewable energy is the perfect tool countries can adopt to fu fulfill their growing energy demands and obtain GHG reduction goals as the same ll oi at nh 6.3 Research expansions m time z This paper conducts the estimation on the multiple – input, one – output function z ht vb However, distance function can be applied as a multiple – input, multiple – output k jm function Therefore, this research can be expanded by putting more than one output gm in the production function For example, as the large portion of total energy is l.c consumed in the industry sector, GDP can be divided into GDP from industry sector om and GDP from other sectors This division would help to figure out how each source a Lu of energy affects industrial output and other sectors’ output Furthermore, economic activities not only produce good output like GDP but also create bad outputs like n 51 y renewable energy consumption on the environment through GHGs emission te re outputs into the distance function to find out the effects of nonrenewable and n va the emission of six GHGs, especially CO2 emission Researchers can put these bad REFERENCES t to Agee, M D., Atkinson, S E., & Crocker, T D (2012) Child maturation, time- ng hi invariant, and time-varying inputs: their interaction in the production of child ep human capital Journal of Productivity Analysis, 38(1), 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hi ep -y | Coef Std Err t P>|t| [95% Conf Interval] -+ -lnk | -.0818739 011816 -6.93 0.000 -.105081 -.0586668 lnl | 0297484 0214207 1.39 0.165 -.0123225 0718193 lnre | 0818311 0091907 8.90 0.000 0637804 0998819 lnne | 9702943 022367 43.38 0.000 9263647 1.014224 lngdp | -.8505995 0226893 -37.49 0.000 -.895162 -.806037 lnk2 | -.0299642 0012272 -24.42 0.000 -.0323744 -.027554 lnklnl | 002586 0003621 7.14 0.000 0018748 0032972 lnklnre | -.0028503 0001894 -15.05 0.000 -.0032224 -.0024782 lnklnne | 0002643 000343 0.77 0.441 -.0004093 0009379 lnl2 | -.0168208 0019323 -8.71 0.000 -.0206159 -.0130257 lnllnre | 0002643 000343 0.77 0.441 -.0004093 0009379 lnllnne | -.0028503 0001894 -15.05 0.000 -.0032224 -.0024782 lnre2 | 0005984 0001264 4.73 0.000 0003501 0008467 lnrelnne | 002586 0003621 7.14 0.000 0018748 0032972 lnne2 | 036718 0008255 44.48 0.000 0350967 0383393 lngdp2 | 0005145 0009818 0.52 0.600 -.0014139 0024428 lnklngdp | 0295924 0011995 24.67 0.000 0272366 0319481 lnllngdp | 006884 0014766 4.66 0.000 0039839 0097841 lnrelngdp | -.0005657 0001865 -3.03 0.003 -.000932 -.0001995 lnnelngdp | -.0359106 0008372 -42.89 0.000 -.0375549 -.0342663 lngdpyear2 | 0063481 0019278 3.29 0.001 0025619 0101343 lngdpyear3 | 0076757 001958 3.92 0.000 0038301 0115212 lngdpyear4 | 0110898 0014956 7.42 0.000 0081524 0140271 lngdpyear5 | 0097704 0015142 6.45 0.000 0067964 0127445 lngdpyear6 | 0089193 0014489 6.16 0.000 0060736 011765 lngdpyear7 | 0069031 0014534 4.75 0.000 0040486 0097577 lngdpyear8 | 0048721 0015581 3.13 0.002 001812 0079322 lngdpyear9 | 0044341 0018079 2.45 0.014 0008833 0079849 lngdpyear10 | 0039077 0018378 2.13 0.034 0002983 0075171 lngdpyear11 | 0012696 0018617 0.68 0.496 -.0023869 0049261 lngdpyear12 | 0037909 0016457 2.30 0.022 0005588 007023 lngdpyear13 | 0027148 0016389 1.66 0.098 -.000504 0059337 lngdpyear14 | 001738 0016127 1.08 0.282 -.0014294 0049053 lngdpyear15 | 0008529 0017147 0.50 0.619 -.0025148 0042206 lngdpyear16 | -.0026913 0016751 -1.61 0.109 -.0059812 0005986 lngdpyear17 | -.007025 0016327 -4.30 0.000 -.0102317 -.0038184 lngdpyear18 | -.0073645 001784 -4.13 0.000 -.0108684 -.0038607 lngdpyear19 | -.0084088 0018669 -4.50 0.000 -.0120756 -.0047421 lngdpyear20 | -.0053585 0016184 -3.31 0.001 -.008537 -.0021799 lngdpyear21 | -.0057675 001636 -3.53 0.000 -.0089807 -.0025543 lngdpyear22 | -.0075495 001614 -4.68 0.000 -.0107194 -.0043796 lngdpyear23 | -.0091476 001447 -6.32 0.000 -.0119897 -.0063056 lnkyear2 | -.0003442 0014324 -0.24 0.810 -.0031574 0024691 lnkyear3 | -.001619 0015176 -1.07 0.286 -.0045995 0013615 lnkyear4 | -.0038876 0013322 -2.92 0.004 -.0065041 -.0012712 lnkyear5 | -.0035652 0013475 -2.65 0.008 -.0062119 -.0009186 lnkyear6 | -.0030456 0012937 -2.35 0.019 -.0055865 -.0005046 lnkyear7 | -.0010967 0013486 -0.81 0.416 -.0037454 0015521 lnkyear8 | -.0002322 0015267 -0.15 0.879 -.0032307 0027662 lnkyear9 | -.0003216 0018065 -0.18 0.859 -.0038696 0032265 lnkyear10 | -.0002913 0017557 -0.17 0.868 -.0037395 0031569 lnkyear11 | 0009817 0017958 0.55 0.585 -.0025453 0045087 lnkyear12 | -.0020315 0015742 -1.29 0.197 -.0051233 0010603 lnkyear13 | -.0018041 0015541 -1.16 0.246 -.0048563 0012481 lnkyear14 | -.0012475 0015268 -0.82 0.414 -.0042463 0017512 lnkyear15 | -.0007636 0016536 -0.46 0.644 -.0040114 0024842 lnkyear16 | 001827 0016648 1.10 0.273 -.0014427 0050967 lnkyear17 | 0052337 0016048 3.26 0.001 0020818 0083857 lnkyear18 | 004066 0017839 2.28 0.023 0005624 0075696 w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 58 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad yi pl n ua al n ll fu oi m at nh ht vb 008355 0037516 0047643 003826 0037715 0022157 0020883 0019383 0016162 0022133 0014691 0013145 0013326 0020902 0013307 0016295 0011933 0007443 0002799 0003364 -.0000627 0000323 0004026 0010596 0009564 0009897 0023632 -.0005469 -.0004519 -.0006764 -.0005414 -.0003996 -.0000562 0001939 0004392 0003505 0003292 0004019 0003239 0004091 0005549 0006279 0007287 0008494 0008665 0009482 0009493 0012664 0013401 -.004132 -.004136 -.0049568 -.0038197 -.0039581 -.003627 -.0024516 -.0019131 -.0020056 000158 000489 001761 0025094 0031335 0040702 om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 59 0006344 -.0026225 -.001894 -.0026363 -.0016665 -.0003611 -.0004772 -.0005877 -.0008471 -.0002299 -.0009344 -.0011001 -.0011812 -.0003886 -.0010933 -.0007931 -.0012011 -.0016536 -.0020939 -.0021013 -.0025719 -.0025731 -.0021784 -.0014757 -.0016453 -.0016723 -.0003729 -.001309 -.0011989 -.0014157 -.0012984 -.001001 -.0006586 -.0004057 -.0001821 -.0002625 -.0002798 -.0002113 -.0003094 -.0002417 -.0001055 -.0000575 0000328 0001229 0001297 0001058 0000497 0002761 0003133 -.0075254 -.0075247 -.0079742 -.0068813 -.007003 -.0066625 -.0055545 -.0052348 -.0053205 -.0030829 -.0028017 -.0014853 -.0007356 -.0000458 0009759 k 0.023 0.728 0.398 0.718 0.447 0.158 0.218 0.294 0.540 0.111 0.662 0.862 0.906 0.178 0.848 0.498 0.995 0.457 0.134 0.156 0.040 0.056 0.177 0.747 0.603 0.615 0.154 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.488 0.417 0.778 0.873 0.542 0.964 0.614 0.182 0.103 0.032 0.009 0.008 0.014 0.030 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.077 0.168 0.868 0.283 0.057 0.001 jm 2.29 0.35 0.85 0.36 0.76 1.41 1.23 1.05 0.61 1.59 0.44 0.17 0.12 1.35 0.19 0.68 -0.01 -0.74 -1.50 -1.42 -2.06 -1.92 -1.35 -0.32 -0.52 -0.50 1.43 -4.78 -4.34 -5.56 -4.77 -4.57 -2.33 -0.69 0.81 0.28 0.16 0.61 0.04 0.51 1.34 1.63 2.15 2.63 2.66 2.46 2.18 3.06 3.16 -6.75 -6.76 -8.42 -6.86 -7.07 -6.66 -5.07 -4.23 -4.34 -1.77 -1.38 0.17 1.07 1.91 3.20 z 0019655 0016227 0016951 0016452 0013844 000656 0006531 0006431 0006271 000622 0006119 0006147 00064 0006311 0006171 0006168 0006096 0006104 0006043 0006206 0006388 0006633 0006571 0006454 0006623 0006777 0006965 000194 0001902 0001882 0001927 0001531 0001534 0001526 0001582 0001561 000155 0001561 0001612 0001657 0001681 0001745 0001772 000185 0001876 0002144 000229 0002521 0002614 0008639 0008627 0007682 0007794 0007752 0007728 0007899 0008456 0008439 0008251 0008377 0008264 0008261 0008094 0007877 z 0044947 0005645 0014351 0005948 0010525 0009273 0008055 0006753 0003846 0009917 0002673 0001072 0000757 0008508 0001187 0004182 -3.90e-06 -.0004547 -.000907 -.0008825 -.0013173 -.0012704 -.0008879 -.0002081 -.0003445 -.0003413 0009951 -.000928 -.0008254 -.0010461 -.0009199 -.0007003 -.0003574 -.0001059 0001286 000044 0000247 0000953 7.24e-06 0000837 0002247 0002852 0003808 0004861 0004981 000527 0004995 0007713 0008267 -.0058287 -.0058303 -.0064655 -.0053505 -.0054806 -.0051448 -.004003 -.0035739 -.0036631 -.0014624 -.0011564 0001378 0008869 0015438 0025231 ju y th | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | va lnkyear19 lnkyear20 lnkyear21 lnkyear22 lnkyear23 lnlyear2 lnlyear3 lnlyear4 lnlyear5 lnlyear6 lnlyear7 lnlyear8 lnlyear9 lnlyear10 lnlyear11 lnlyear12 lnlyear13 lnlyear14 lnlyear15 lnlyear16 lnlyear17 lnlyear18 lnlyear19 lnlyear20 lnlyear21 lnlyear22 lnlyear23 lnreyear2 lnreyear3 lnreyear4 lnreyear5 lnreyear6 lnreyear7 lnreyear8 lnreyear9 lnreyear10 lnreyear11 lnreyear12 lnreyear13 lnreyear14 lnreyear15 lnreyear16 lnreyear17 lnreyear18 lnreyear19 lnreyear20 lnreyear21 lnreyear22 lnreyear23 lnneyear2 lnneyear3 lnneyear4 lnneyear5 lnneyear6 lnneyear7 lnneyear8 lnneyear9 lnneyear10 lnneyear11 lnneyear12 lnneyear13 lnneyear14 lnneyear15 lnneyear16 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad yi pl n ua al n ll fu m at z z ht vb 0054085 0068141 0072707 0076015 0073736 0096697 0098124 -.1255083 -.1271632 -.1683552 -.1358317 -.136497 -.1197015 -.0843558 -.0673539 -.0663298 -.0178378 -.0135393 0153907 0354565 053861 0818249 1182987 1561178 1671509 1740854 1669384 2339888 2457509 -.0318225 -.0304785 -.0268102 -.0359949 -.0442882 -.0422677 -.0294689 -.0200244 -.0261506 -.0301926 -.0216718 -.0334153 -.0388349 0297771 -.0247357 -.0323928 -.0276166 -.0147307 -.032185 0446389 -.0268999 -.0289111 -.0279394 -.0276917 -.0430816 -.038098 -.0404953 -.0216628 -.0307938 -.0381156 -.0467918 -.0355308 -.0261344 12.75722 om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 60 0023023 0037012 0041488 0044242 0041467 0065175 006544 -.2200163 -.2210998 -.2442879 -.2137208 -.2117668 -.1943579 -.1600876 -.1473512 -.1462988 -.0981065 -.0941475 -.0658916 -.0475539 -.0285733 0000362 0355796 0719651 0822561 0881617 078428 1463785 1548295 -.0607954 -.0630932 -.0591152 -.0603046 -.0760989 -.0755177 -.0628674 -.0556867 -.0600165 -.0519849 -.0396094 -.0659365 -.0725516 -.011105 -.0594821 -.0669791 -.0499082 -.0289684 -.0584451 0008385 -.0499372 -.0583114 -.0624391 -.0617224 -.0720231 -.0702287 -.0748892 -.0572945 -.0564821 -.0701869 -.0794159 -.062208 -.0467379 11.13685 k 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.009 0.223 0.775 0.547 0.050 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.370 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.042 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 jm 4.88 6.63 7.18 7.43 7.01 10.09 9.83 -7.18 -7.28 -10.67 -8.81 -9.09 -8.26 -6.34 -5.27 -5.22 -2.84 -2.62 -1.22 -0.29 0.60 1.97 3.65 5.32 5.77 5.99 5.44 8.53 8.65 -6.28 -5.63 -5.22 -7.78 -7.43 -6.96 -5.43 -4.17 -5.00 -7.41 -6.71 -6.00 -6.49 0.90 -4.76 -5.64 -6.83 -6.03 -6.78 2.04 -6.55 -5.83 -5.15 -5.16 -7.81 -6.62 -6.59 -4.35 -6.67 -6.63 -7.60 -7.20 -6.95 28.96 nh 0007908 0007925 0007948 0008089 0008215 0008025 0008321 0240596 0239142 0193308 0198289 019162 0190059 0192797 0203656 0203584 0204346 0205211 0206927 0211326 020986 0208216 0210585 0214234 0216123 0218743 0225328 0223036 0231466 0073759 008303 0082241 0061887 0080983 0084647 0085025 0090789 0086215 0055479 0045665 0082792 0085835 0104077 0088457 0088049 0056749 0036246 0066852 0111506 0058648 0074847 0087829 0086635 0073679 0081798 0087559 009071 0065397 0081647 0083054 0067914 0052452 4125103 oi 0038554 0052576 0057097 0060129 0057601 0080936 0081782 -.1727623 -.1741315 -.2063216 -.1747763 -.1741319 -.1570297 -.1222217 -.1073525 -.1063143 -.0579722 -.0538434 -.0252505 -.0060487 0126438 0409305 0769392 1140414 1247035 1311235 1226832 1901836 2002902 -.0463089 -.0467858 -.0429627 -.0481497 -.0601936 -.0588927 -.0461682 -.0378555 -.0430836 -.0410888 -.0306406 -.0496759 -.0556932 0093361 -.0421089 -.0496859 -.0387624 -.0218496 -.0453151 0227387 -.0384185 -.0436113 -.0451892 -.044707 -.0575523 -.0541633 -.0576923 -.0394787 -.0436379 -.0541513 -.0631038 -.0488694 -.0364362 11.94704 ju y th | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | va lnneyear17 lnneyear18 lnneyear19 lnneyear20 lnneyear21 lnneyear22 lnneyear23 year2 year3 year4 year5 year6 year7 year8 year9 year10 year11 year12 year13 year14 year15 year16 year17 year18 year19 year20 year21 year22 year23 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 d32 d33 _cons Appendix 3: F – test results t to ng hi ep w ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( 6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) (10) n lo ad lnk2 = lnl2 = lnre2 = lnne2 = lnklnl = lnklnre = lnklnne = lnllnre = lnllnne = lnrelnne = Constraint Constraint Constraint Constraint dropped dropped dropped dropped y th F( ju 6, 584) =88882.26 Prob > F = 0.0000 lnklngdp = lnllngdp = lnrelngdp = lnnelngdp = Constraint dropped pl n ua al 1) 2) 3) 4) yi ( ( ( ( va F( n 3, 584) = 842.94 Prob > F = 0.0000 ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 61

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