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(Luận văn) key organizational factors contribuiting to employee satisfaction, an examination of small medium sized enterprisse in ho chi minh city

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t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business ************************** ng hi ep w n lo ad Vo Thi Ngoc Linh ju y th yi pl ua al n KEY ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: n va ll fu An examination of small-medium sized enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business ************************** ng hi ep w n lo ad y th ju VoThi Ngoc Linh yi pl n ua al n va ll fu m oi KEY ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: at nh z An examination of small-medium sized enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City z ht vb k jm om l.c gm ID: 22110084 n a Lu n va MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: Dr NGUYEN DANG LAM y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT t to Firstly, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Nguyen Dang ng Lam who has supported my thesis with enthusiasm in guidance as well as instruction hi ep knowledge in detail w I would like to express appreciations to my ISB’s classmates, colleagues, friends, and n lo relatives They helped me so much for finishing data survey, communicating usefully ad ju y th information for my study yi Last but not least, I would like to thank my small family who gave me the best conditions to pl carry out the thesis n va ll fu April 2014 n Vo Thi Ngoc Linh ua al Sincerely oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re i ABSTRACT One of the factors to bring advance competitiveness for enterprises in Vietnam is productive t to labor There are some forces helping to increase productivity from different activities as ng hi training, physical support or morale The best choice for increasing productivity and ep enthusiasm in job is to create high satisfaction of employee with organization Small Medium w n Enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam need to have more attention this aspect for competition with lo ad rivals in Vietnam’s market as well as expending to international markets y th The purpose of this study, therefore, tries to examine key organizational characteristics ju yi contributing to employee satisfaction in Vietnam’s SMEs In detail, it surveys seven pl ua al organizational factors that influence employee satisfaction in enterprises It includes factors n as purpose, structure, relationships, rewards, helpful mechanism, leadership, and attitude va n toward change The results form data survey of SMEs in Ho Chi Minh City and using data ll fu oi m analysis methods may support finding out key organizational factors impacting on employee improve and develop labor productivity at nh satisfaction This thing can support enterprises to identify and apply the best strategies to z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i t to ng ABSTRACT ii hi ep TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vii w n lo LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii ad ju y th CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research background yi pl 1.2 Research objectives and questions al ua 1.3 Research contribution n 1.4 Research scope va n 1.5 Overview of research fu ll CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW m oi 2.1 Definition of small-medium sized enterprise in Vietnam nh 2.2 Employee Job satisfaction at z 2.3 Key organizational factors contributing to employee satisfaction z ht vb 2.3.1 Purposes k jm 2.3.2 Structure gm 2.3.3 Leadership 10 l.c 2.3.4 Relationships 10 om 2.3.5 Rewards 10 a Lu 2.3.6 Helpful mechanisms 11 n 3.1 Research process: 16 iii y CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 16 te re 2.5 Conclusion 15 n 2.4 Research model 12 va 2.3.7 Attitude toward change 11 3.2 Measurement scale 18 3.3 Sampling design 22 3.4 Data collection method 22 t to ng 3.5 Data analysis technical 22 hi 3.5.1 Reliability analysis of measurement scales with Cronbach’s alpha 23 ep 3.5.2 Exploratory factor analysis 23 w n 3.5.3 Multiple regression analysis to test the impact of independent variables to lo ad dependent variable 24 ju y th CHAPTER DATA ANALYSIS and RESULTS 26 yi 4.1 Introduction 26 pl 4.2 Descriptive Analysis 26 al n ua 4.2.1 Gender 26 n va 4.2.2 Age 26 ll fu 4.2.3 The mean and standard deviation of independent and dependent variables 27 m 4.3 Reliability analysis 27 oi at nh 4.3.1 Reliability of Purpose 28 z 4.3.2 Reliability of Structure 28 z ht vb 4.3.3 Reliability of Leadership 29 k jm 4.3.4 Reliability of Relationship 29 gm 4.3.5 Reliability of Reward 30 l.c 4.3.6 Reliability of Helpful Mechanisms 30 om 4.3.7 Reliability of Attitude toward Change 31 a Lu 4.3.8 Reliability of Overall Satisfaction 31 n 4.6 Multi-Linear Regression Analysis for testing hypotheses 37 iv y 4.5 Correlation Analysis 36 te re 4.4.2 Assessing the scale measurement of dependent variable 35 n 4.4.1 Assessing the scale measurement of independent variables 32 va 4.4 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 32 4.7 Hypotheses testing 38 CHAPTER RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 42 t to 5.1 Introduction 42 ng 5.2 Summary of the study results 42 hi ep 5.3 Managerial Implications 43 5.4 Conclusion and future research recommendation 45 w n References 46 lo ad APPENDICES 49 ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1- Weisbord’s (1976) Organizational Diagnosis Model 12 t to Figure 2- Research Model: Adapted from Weisbord’s (1976) and Preziosi’s ng hi (1980) Organizational Diagnosis Model 13 ep Figure 3- The proposal research method 15 w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1- SMEs Definition according to Decree 56/2009/ND-CP t to Table 2- Measurement scale of factors contributing to employee satisfaction 18 ng hi Table 3- Gender 26 ep Table 4- Age 27 w n Table 5- Descriptive Statistics of Variables 27 lo ad Table 6- Cronbach’s alpha of Purpose 28 y th ju Table 7- Cronbach’s alpha of Structure 28 yi pl Table 8- Cronbach’s alpha of Leadership 29 al n ua Table 9- Cronbach’s alpha of Relationship 29 n va Table 10- Cronbach’s alpha of Reward 30 ll fu Table 11- Cronbach’s alpha of Helpful Mechanisms 30 m oi Table 12- Cronbach’s alpha of Attitude toward Change 31 nh at Table 13- Cronbach’s alpha of Employee Overall Satisfaction 31 z z Table 15- Rotated Component Matrix 34 ht vb k jm Table 16- KMO and Bartlett's Test of dependent variable 35 gm Table 17- Total Variance Explained of dependent variable 35 om l.c Table 18- Component Matrix of dependent variable 36 Table 19- Correlations 36 a Lu Table 20- Model Summary 38 n n va Table 21- Anova Result 38 y te re Table 22- Coefficients Result 39 Table 23- Research results 41 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS t to ng hi SMEs: Small-medium Enterprises EFA: Exploratory Factor Analysis KMO: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin ep Purpose PUR: w Structure n STR: Leadership y th Relationships ju Rewards yi REW: ad REL: lo LEA: pl Helpful Mechanisms CHA: Attitude toward Change n ua al HEL: n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re viii Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC Vietnam development report 2014: preparing the work force for a modern market economy (Vol of 2) : Overview report (Vietnamese) t to ng hi Weisbord, M.R (1976) Organizational diagnosis: Six places to look for trouble with or without a theory Group & Organization Studies (pre-1986), 1(4), 430-447 http:/tapchitaichinh.vn/Trao-doi-Binh-luan/Tim-loi-cho-doanh-nghiep-nho-hoi-sinh ep http://www.chinhphu.vn/portal/page/portal/chinhphu/hethongvanban w http://www.worldbank.org/vi/news/press-release/2013/11/29/vietnams-workforce-needs- n lo new-skills-for-a-continued-economic-modernization-says-vietnam-development- ad report2014 y th http://tuyendung.com.vn/huongnghiep/3824-nang-cao-su-thoa-man-cho-nhan-vien.aspx ju yi http://www.vpc.org.vn/Desktop.aspx/HRM/Thong-tin-chung- pl HRM/Thong_tin_chung_ve_HRM/ n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 48 APPENDICES APPENDIX A- SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE t to ng ENGLISH VERSION hi ep PART PARTICIPANTS’ DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Directions:For each of the followingquestions circle only one (1)choice to indicate your best answer If your choice is “Others,” please circle that choice and fill in the blank with your answer You are: a Vietnamese b Foreigners c Others: If your answer is either b or c, please not complete this questionnaire The type of your organization is: a SOE, including SOEs of 100% state capital and SOEs that the State holds controlling stake b Company Limited c Joint-Stock Company d Private Company e Joint Venture Company f 100% foreign-owned company g Others: _ How long have you been working for this organization continuously until now? a Less than year b More than to less than years c More than to less than years d More than to less than years e Over years How long have you been in the current position? a Less than year b More than to less than years c More than to less than years d More than to less than years e Over years You work: a Full-time b Part-time The type of your job is: a Managerial b Professional c Technical d Administrative staff e Others: _ Your gender is: a Male b Female w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 49 t to ng hi ep Your age is: a From 21 to 25 b From 26 to 30 c From 31 50 35 d From 36 to 40 e From 41 to 45 f From 46 to 50 g Over 50 Your marital status is: a Single b Married c Divorced d Separated 10 Your highest level of education is: a High school Diploma b College Diploma c Bachelor Degree d Master Degree e Doctorate Degree f Others: w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va PART 2: ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGNOSIS Directions:For each of the thirty-five statements circle only one (1) number from to to indicate your thinking and feeling 1- Agree Strongly 2- Agree 3- Neutral 4- Disagree 5- Disagree Strongly ll fu oi m I am personally in agreement with the stated goals of my work unit The priorities of this organization are understood by its employees I desire less input in deciding my work- unit goals The division of labor of this organization is flexible The division of labor of this organization is conducive to reaching its goals The manner in which work tasks are divided is a logical one The structure of my work unit is well designed The division of labor of this organization helps its efforts to reach its goals My immediate supervisor is supportive of my efforts The leadership norms of this organization help its progress This organization's leadership efforts result in the organization's fulfillment of its purposes It is clear to me whenever my boss is attempting to guide my work efforts z z 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 ht vb va The goals of this organization are clearly stated at om nh k gm l.c n a Lu n y 50 te re 13 jm 10 11 12 t to ng hi ep 14 My relationship with my supervisor is a harmonious one 15 I can always talk with someone at work if I have a work-related problem 16 My relationships with members of my work group are friendly as well as professional 17 I have established the relationships that I need to my job properly 18 My job offers me the opportunity to grow as a person 19 The pay scale and benefits of this organization treat each employee equitably 20 The opportunity for promotion exists in this organization 21 All tasks to be accomplished are associated with incentives 22 My immediate supervisor has ideas that are helpful to me and my work group 23 I have the information that I need to a good job 24 This organization has adequate mechanisms for binding itself together 25 Other work units are helpful to my work unit whenever assistance is requested 26 This organization's planning and control efforts are helpful to its growth and development 27 This organization is not introducing enough new policies and procedures 28 This organization favors change 29 Occasionally I like to change things about my job 30 This organization has the ability to change w n lo ad ju y th 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 yi 1 pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z PART 3: OVERALL JOB SATISFACTION Directions: For each of the seven questions circle only one (1) number from to to indicate your thinking and feeling z 3- Neutral 4- Unsatisfied 5- Completely Unsatisfied k jm 2- Satisfied ht vb 1- Completely Satisfied gm All in all, how satisfied are you with the persons in your work group? All in all, how satisfied are you with your supervisor? All in all, how satisfied are you with your job? 5 5 Considering your skills and the effort you put into your work, how satisfied are you with your pay? How satisfied you feel with your chance for getting ahead in this organization in the present and the future? n a Lu om l.c n va y te re 51 APPENDIX B- SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE VIETNAMESE VERSION t to ng hi ep BẢNG CÂU HỎI Xin chào anh/chị, Tôi học viên chương trình đào tạo thạc sĩ Quản trị kinh doanh thuộc trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Hiện tơi nghiên cứu yếu tố đóng góp vào hài lịng nhân viên doanh nghiệp Rất mong anh, chị dành khoảng 10 phút để trả lời bảng khảo sát bên Vui lòng trả lời đầy đủ tất câu hỏi cho biết cách chân thật suy nghỉ công ty, mức độ thỏa mản nhiều khía cạnh khác cơng việc Anh, chị hồn tồn n tâm, phần trả lời giữ bí mật Kết qủa nghiên cứu sử dụng vào mục đích tăng cường hiệu hoạt động doanh nghiệp nói chung khơng nhằm vào công ty riêng lẻ PHẦN 1: THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN Hướng dẫn: Anh (Chị) khoanh trịn câu trả lời xác Nếu chọn “Hình thức khác,” xin Anh (Chị) vui lịng liệt kê Anh(chị) là: a Người Việt Nam b Người nước ngồi c Hình thức khác: Nếu Anh(Chị) chọn b c làm ơn ngừng trả lời Công ty anh(chị) công tác là: a Doanh nghiệp nhà nước doanh nghiệp có cổ phần, vốn góp chi phối nhà nước b Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn c Công ty cổ phần d Doanh nghiệp tư nhân thuộc thành phần kinh tế e Công ty liên doanh với nước ngồi f Cơng ty 100% vốn nước ngồi g Hình thức khác: Thời gian công tác cơng ty liên tục tính đến thời điểm tại: a Dưới năm d Từ năm đến năm b Từ năm đến năm e Trên năm c Từ năm đến năm Thời gian cơng tác vị trí tại: a Dưới năm d Từ năm đến năm b Từ năm đến năm e Trên năm c Từ năm đến năm Anh(chị) làm: a Toàn thời gian b Bán thời gian Công việc anh(chị): a Quản lý d Hành văn phịng b Chun viên e Hình thức khác: _ c Kỹ thuật Giới tính: a Nam b Nữ w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 52 t to ng hi ep Độ tuổi: a Từ 21 đến 25 e Từ 41 đến 45 b Từ 26 đến 30 f Từ 46 đến 50 c Từ 31 đến 35 g Trên 50 d Từ 36 đến 40 Hiện trạng gia đình: a Độc thân c Ly dị b Đã lập gia đình d Ly thân 10 Trình độ học vấn (chỉ tính văn cao cấp): a Phổ thông trung học e Cao học b Trung cấp f Tiến sỹ c Cao đẳng g Hình thức khác: _ d Cử nhân w n lo ad y th ju PHẦN 2: ĐẶC TÍNH CỦA CƠNG TY Hướng dẫn: Đối với câu trả lời, khoanh tròn bảy số từ đến để đánh giá suy nghĩ cảm nhận Anh(Chị) câu hỏi 1- Hồn tồn đồng ý 2- Đồng ý 3- Khơng có 4- Khơng đồng 5- Hồn tồn khơng ý kiến ý đồng ý yi pl Những ưu tiên cơng ty tồn nhân viên thấu hiểu Tơi muốn có người tham gia vào định mục tiêu công việc đơn vị Việc phân công lao động công ty linh động Việc phân công lao động cơng ty hướng đến việc hồn thành mục tiêu mà công ty đề Công việc đươc phân bổ hợp lý Cấu trúc đơn vị công tác thiết kế tốt Phân công lao động giúp cho nỗ lực công ty để đạt mục tiêu Người quản lý trực tiếp ủng hộ nỗ lực Những qui tắc chuẩn mực lãnh đạo công ty giúp cho tiến công ty Những nỗ lực nhà lãnh đạo đem đến hồn thành mục đích đề công ty Tôi hiểu rõ người quản lý cố gắng hướng dẫn giúp tơi tập trung nỗ lực cơng việc Mối quan hệ với người quản lý hịa thuận Tơi ln nói với người khác công ty tơi có khó khăn cơng việc Mối quan hệ với đồng nghiệp đơn vị vừa thân thiện vừa chuyên nghiệp n va ll fu oi m 5 5 5 5 1 2 4 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 k jm l.c 3 a Lu y te re 53 n va 16 ht 14 15 vb 13 z 12 z 10 11 at nh n om Cá nhân đồng ý với mục tiêu mà đơn vị đề n Những mục tiêu công ty liệt kê rõ ràng gm ua al t to ng hi ep 17 Tôi thiết lập mối quan hệ cần thiết để hồn thành cơng việc cách hữu hiệu 18 Cơng việc tơi tạo điều kiện để tơi phát triển hồn thiện 19 Mức lương trợ cấp công ty trả cho nhân viên cơng 20 Cơng ty có hội thăng tiến cho nhân viên 21 Tất cơng việc giao để hồn thành có sách ưu đãi kèm 22 Người quản lý trực tiếp tơi có sáng kiến bổ ích cho tơi cho đơn vị 23 Tơi có đủ thơng tin cần thiết đề hồn thành tốt cơng việc giao 24 Cơng ty có chế phù hợp để liên kết đơn vị hoạt động lại với thành thể thống 25 Những đơn vị khác công ty sẵn sàng giúp đỡ đơn vị tơi có u cầu giúp đỡ 26 Những nỗ lực tổ chức kiểm soát cơng ty có ích cho phát triển lớn mạnh công ty 27 Công ty không phổ biến đầy đủ sách thủ tục 28 Cơng ty khuyến khích thay đổi 29 Thỉnh thoảng muốn thay đổi số thứ công việc 30 Cơng ty có khả thực thay đổi w n lo ad ju y th 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh PHẦN 3: SỰ THỎA MẢN TỔNG QUÁT VỀ CÔNG VIỆC Hướng dẫn: Đối với câu trả lời, khoanh tròn năm số từ đến để đánh giá suy nghĩ cảm nhận Anh(Chị) câu hỏi 1- Hồn tồn thỏa mãn 2- Thỏa 3- Khơng 4- Khơng thỏa 5- Hồn tồn khơng thỏa mãn ý kiến mãn mãn z z ht vb jm Nhìn chung, mức độ thỏa mãn Anh(Chị) đồng nghiệp đơn vị nào? Nhìn chung, mức độ thỏa mãn Anh(Chị) người quản lý nào? Nhìn chung, mức độ thỏa mãn Anh(Chị) công việc nào? So với kỹ nỗ lực Anh(Chị) bỏ vào công việc, mức độ thỏa mãn Anh(Chị) cơng ty trả cho Anh(Chị)? Mức độ thỏa mãn Anh(Chị) hội thăng tiến đạt tương lai công ty nào? k 5 4 gm va om l.c n a Lu n y 54 te re TRÂN TRỌNG CÁM ƠN! APPENDIX C The script of the interview The process of survey t to ng The survey research carried out through interviewdirectly to separate volunteer Most of hi ep interviewees work in SMEs in Ho Chi Minh City The interview activity was praciced via w asking opened questions and receiving directly response from volunteers Some opened n lo questions such as please let me know your ideas about contents of items in each factor; ad ju y th you understand all these statement? or you see any poblem in this scales? There were 10 volunteers who enterviewed for this survey yi Interviewee’s results ua No al Results of interview pl n Question Purpose item I understand the purpose of this organization ll Interviewees suggested that the content of these sentences have means nearly.Itshould becombined into one sentence oi at z Leadership item My immediate supervisor is supportive of my efforts Most of interviewees understand the full meaning in this scale nh The goals of this organization are clearly stated Structure item m Interviewees claimed that two scales should be connected together to help understanding easily They confused I understand my boss's efforts to influence when answer question no.2 me and the other members of the work unit Relationships item There is no evidence of unresolved conflict Interviewees also confused when in this organization answer this sentence They claimed question’s information not clear and different to give score Rewards item The pay scale and benefits of this Interviewees supposed that there organization treat each employee equitably wassimilarmeaning in two sentences Connecting them together helps decreasing time for respondents The salary that I receive is commensurate with the job that I perform Most of interviewees understand the Helpful Mechanisms item full meaning in this scale Attitude Toward Change item This organization is not resistant to change Interviewees suggested that meaning of this sentence had nearlycontentwith z ht vb k jm fu n va om l.c gm n y te re 55 va n a Lu question no.3 They combined together t to ng hi ep w This organization is not introducing enough new policies and procedures This organization favors change Occasionally I like to change things about my job This organization has the ability to change Overall Job Satisfaction item All in all, how satisfied are you with this organization, compared to most? Considering your skills and the effort you put into your work, how satisfied are you with your pay? How satisfied you feel with the progress you have made in this organization up to now? n lo ad be Interviewees claimed that both these sentences had similar meaning in satisfaction’s result They should set up together or refine them y th should ju Interviewees also claimed that these scalesshould beconnectedinto one sentence, because both express results, change that they can received for How satisfied you feel with your chance development in organization (present for getting ahead in this organization in the as well as future) future? yi pl n ua al n va fu ll Beside some above ideas, most of interviewees stated that they understood meaning of m oi remaining measurement scales Based on summary of interviews’ results, author refined the nh at measurement scale and made final questionnaire through adjusted measurement scales z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 56 APPENDIX D- RESEARCH RESULTS t to Descriptive Statistics ng hi ep w n lo ad Std Deviation 93439 93410 97315 95276 88654 99008 1.15127 83528 N 296 296 296 296 296 296 296 296 ju y th yi SAT PUR STR LEA REL REW HEL CHA Mean 2.6203 3.0312 3.1216 3.2050 3.3674 2.5861 2.6216 2.8429 pl ua al Reliability Statistics n Cronbach's Alpha N of Items va n 709 ll fu Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation 9.4392 6.898 LEA2 9.3581 6.617 LEA3 9.4831 7.084 LEA4 9.6149 8.170 Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 561 606 576 594 z LEA1 at nh Scale Mean if Item Deleted oi m Item-Total Statistics z vb 616 ht 547 jm 316 750 k gm Reliability Statistics om 750 l.c Cronbach's Alpha N of Items a Lu Corrected Item-Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 3.946 626 611 LEA2 6.3412 3.880 594 648 LEA3 6.4662 4.426 518 733 57 y 6.4223 te re LEA1 n Scale Variance if Item Deleted va Scale Mean if Item Deleted n Item-Total Statistics Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items t to 841 ng hi ep Item-Total Statistics w Scale Variance if Item Deleted n Scale Mean if Item Deleted lo Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted 10.3885 15.838 704 792 10.4493 15.753 747 781 10.4257 14.706 847 750 HEL4 10.4865 21.207 186 916 HEL5 10.4662 14.684 805 761 ju HEL3 y th HEL2 ad HEL1 Corrected Item-Total Correlation yi pl n ua al n va fu Reliability Statistics ll Cronbach's Alpha N of Items m oi 916 at nh z Corrected Item-Total Correlation ht Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted HEL2 7.8818 12.613 795 HEL3 7.8581 11.749 886 HEL5 7.8986 11.868 822 917 895 863 om 730 l.c 12.825 7.8209 gm HEL1 k jm Scale Variance if Item Deleted vb Scale Mean if Item Deleted z Item-Total Statistics 886 n a Lu n va y te re 58 Total Variance Explained Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings t to Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings ng Component hi Total % of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Variance % Variance % Variance % 22.640 22.640 6.339 22.640 22.640 3.294 11.766 11.766 2.673 9.545 32.184 2.673 9.545 32.184 3.088 11.027 22.793 2.454 8.765 40.949 2.454 8.765 40.949 2.897 10.347 33.140 2.098 7.494 48.444 2.098 7.494 48.444 2.499 8.925 42.064 ad ep 6.339 6.620 55.064 1.854 6.620 55.064 2.470 8.823 50.887 1.670 5.963 61.026 1.670 5.963 61.026 2.235 7.982 58.869 1.548 66.557 1.548 5.530 66.557 2.153 7.688 66.557 976 3.486 70.043 …… …… …… …… 28 134 479 w lo n 1.854 ju y th 5.530 yi pl ua al 100.000 n n va Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis ll fu oi m Total Variance Explained Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings at Component Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings nh Initial Eigenvalues % of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Total Total Variance % Variance % Variance % z Total z 6.146 22.762 22.762 6.146 22.762 22.762 3.288 vb 12.179 12.179 2.584 9.572 32.334 2.584 9.572 32.334 3.081 ht 11.412 23.590 2.422 8.971 41.306 2.422 8.971 41.306 2.561 9.486 33.076 2.075 7.684 48.990 2.075 7.684 48.990 2.466 9.132 42.208 1.692 6.266 55.256 1.692 6.266 55.256 2.462 9.120 51.328 1.639 6.070 61.326 1.639 6.070 61.326 2.152 7.970 1.519 5.624 66.950 1.519 5.624 66.950 2.066 7.653 958 3.547 70.498 … … …… …… 27 134 498 100.000 k jm om l.c gm 59.298 66.950 n a Lu n va y te re Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 59 Rotated Component Matrix(a) t to Component ng hi ep w n HEL3 921 HEL5 884 HEL2 881 HEL1 806 lo ad 859 REW3 839 REW2 768 ju y th REW1 yi REW4 n 655 fu 649 450 ll m 828 oi REL2 713 va STR3 793 n STR5 ua STR1 835 al STR2 738 pl STR4 702 REL4 696 REL1 634 at nh REL3 z z 725 PUR3 629 818 LEA3 752 658 CHA4 521 y CHA1 te re 739 n CHA2 va 761 n CHA3 a Lu LEA1 om 821 l.c LEA2 gm PUR4 k 765 jm PUR1 ht 875 vb PUR2 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 60 t to Charts ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 61 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 62

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2023, 16:06

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